-- Fullwidth to halfwidth - 全角转半角 -- 把全角的字母、数字转为半角字符,符号也转为常见的符号 -- Copyright (c) 2019, mixj93 local tr = aegisub.gettext script_name = tr("Fullwidth to halfwidth - 全角转半角") script_description = tr("把全角的字母、数字转为半角字符,符号也转为常见的符号") script_author = "mixj93" script_version = "1" include("unicode.lua") lookup = { ['1'] = '1', ['2'] = '2', ['3'] = '3', ['4'] = '4', ['5'] = '5', ['6'] = '6', ['7'] = '7', ['8'] = '8', ['9'] = '9', ['0'] = '0', ['A'] = 'A', ['B'] = 'B', ['C'] = 'C', ['D'] = 'D', ['E'] = 'E', ['F'] = 'F', ['G'] = 'G', ['H'] = 'H', ['I'] = 'I', ['J'] = 'J', ['K'] = 'K', ['L'] = 'L', ['M'] = 'M', ['N'] = 'N', ['O'] = 'O', ['P'] = 'P', ['Q'] = 'Q', ['R'] = 'R', ['S'] = 'S', ['T'] = 'T', ['U'] = 'U', ['V'] = 'V', ['W'] = 'W', ['X'] = 'X', ['Y'] = 'Y', ['Z'] = 'Z', ['a'] = 'a', ['b'] = 'b', ['c'] = 'c', ['d'] = 'd', ['e'] = 'e', ['f'] = 'f', ['g'] = 'g', ['h'] = 'h', ['i'] = 'i', ['j'] = 'j', ['k'] = 'k', ['l'] = 'l', ['m'] = 'm', ['n'] = 'n', ['o'] = 'o', ['p'] = 'p', ['q'] = 'q', ['r'] = 'r', ['s'] = 's', ['t'] = 't', ['u'] = 'u', ['v'] = 'v', ['w'] = 'w', ['x'] = 'x', ['y'] = 'y', ['z'] = 'z', ['-'] = '-', ['‥'] = '…', ['"'] = '"' } function transform(subtitles, selected_lines, active_line) for z, i in ipairs(selected_lines) do local l = subtitles[i] aegisub.debug.out(string.format('Processing line %d: "%s"\n', i, l.text)) aegisub.debug.out("Chars: \n") local in_tags = false local newtext = "" for c in unicode.chars(l.text) do aegisub.debug.out(5, c .. ' -> ') if c == "{" then in_tags = true end if in_tags then aegisub.debug.out(5, c .. " (ignored, in tags)\n") newtext = newtext .. c else if lookup[c] then aegisub.debug.out(5, lookup[c] .. " (converted)\n") newtext = newtext .. lookup[c] else aegisub.debug.out(5, c .. " (not found in lookup)\n") newtext = newtext .. c end end if c == "}" then in_tags = false end end l.text = newtext subtitles[i] = l end aegisub.set_undo_point(tr"Fullwidth to halfwidth - 全角转半角") end aegisub.register_macro(tr"Fullwidth to halfwidth - 全角转半角", tr"把全角的字母、数字转为半角字符,符号也转为常见的符号", transform)