// Functions common to all controllers go in this file /* global print:off printObject:off stringifyObject:off arrayContains:off secondstominutes:off msecondstominutes:off colorCodeToObject:off colorCodeFromObject:off script:off bpm:off ButtonState:off LedState:off Controller:off Button:off Control:off Deck:off */ // ----------------- Prototype enhancements --------------------- // Returns an ASCII byte array for the string String.prototype.toInt = function() { const a = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { a[i] = this.charCodeAt(i); } return a; }; // ----------------- Function overloads --------------------- /** * Prints a message to the terminal and the log file. * * @param {string} message - The log message. * @deprecated Use console.log()/console.warn()/console.debug() instead. */ var print = function(message) { console.log(message); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars var printObject = function(obj, maxdepth) { print(stringifyObject(obj, maxdepth)); }; var stringifyObject = function(obj, maxdepth, checked, prefix) { if (!maxdepth) { maxdepth = 2; } try { return JSON.stringify(obj, null, maxdepth); } catch (e) { if (!checked) { checked = []; } if (!prefix) { prefix = ""; } if (maxdepth > 0 && typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null && Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) !== "" && !arrayContains(checked, obj)) { checked.push(obj); let output = "{\n"; for (const property in obj) { const value = obj[property]; if (typeof value === "function") { continue; } output += prefix + property + ": " + stringifyObject(value, maxdepth - 1, checked, prefix + " ") + "\n"; } return output + prefix.substr(2) + "}"; } } return obj; }; var arrayContains = function(array, elem) { for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] === elem) { return true; } } return false; }; // ----------------- Generic functions --------------------- // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars var secondstominutes = function(secs) { const m = (secs / 60) | 0; return (m < 10 ? "0" + m : m) + ":" + ((secs %= 60) < 10 ? "0" + secs : secs); }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars var msecondstominutes = function(msecs) { const m = (msecs / 60000) | 0; msecs %= 60000; const secs = (msecs / 1000) | 0; msecs %= 1000; msecs = Math.round(msecs * 100 / 1000); if (msecs === 100) { msecs = 99; } return (m < 10 ? "0" + m : m) + ":" + (secs < 10 ? "0" + secs : secs) + "." + (msecs < 10 ? "0" + msecs : msecs); }; // Converts an object with "red", "green" and "blue" properties (value range // 0-255) into an RGB color code (e.g. 0xFF0000). // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars var colorCodeFromObject = function(color) { return ((color.red & 0xFF) << 16 | (color.green & 0xFF) << 8 | (color.blue & 0xFF)); }; // Converts an RGB color code (e.g. 0xFF0000) into an object with "red", // "green" and "blue" properties (value range 0-255). // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars var colorCodeToObject = function(colorCode) { return { "red": (colorCode >> 16) & 0xFF, "green": (colorCode >> 8) & 0xFF, "blue": colorCode & 0xFF, }; }; /* eslint @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function: "off" */ var script = function() { }; // ----------------- Mapping constants --------------------- // Library column value, which can be used to interact with the CO for "[Library] sort_column" script.LIBRARY_COLUMNS = Object.freeze({ ARTIST: 1, TITLE: 2, ALBUM: 3, ALBUM_ARTIST: 4, YEAR: 5, GENRE: 6, COMPOSER: 7, GROUPING: 8, TRACK_NUMBER: 9, FILETYPE: 10, NATIVE_LOCATION: 11, COMMENT: 12, DURATION: 13, BITRATE: 14, BPM: 15, REPLAY_GAIN: 16, DATETIME_ADDED: 17, TIMES_PLAYED: 18, RATING: 19, KEY: 20, PREVIEW: 21, COVERART: 22, TRACK_COLOR: 30, LAST_PLAYED: 31, }); // DEPRECATED -- use script.midiDebug() instead script.debug = function(channel, control, value, status, group) { print("Warning: script.debug() is deprecated. Use script.midiDebug() instead."); script.midiDebug(channel, control, value, status, group); }; // DEPRECATED -- use script.midiPitch() instead script.pitch = function(LSB, MSB, status) { print("Warning: script.pitch() is deprecated. Use script.midiPitch() instead."); return script.midiPitch(LSB, MSB, status); }; // DEPRECATED -- use script.absoluteLin() instead script.absoluteSlider = function(group, key, value, low, high, min, max) { print("Warning: script.absoluteSlider() is deprecated. Use engine.setValue(group, key, script.absoluteLin(...)) instead."); engine.setValue(group, key, script.absoluteLin(value, low, high, min, max)); }; script.midiDebug = function(channel, control, value, status, group) { print("Script.midiDebug - channel: 0x" + channel.toString(16) + " control: 0x" + control.toString(16) + " value: 0x" + value.toString(16) + " status: 0x" + status.toString(16) + " group: " + group); }; // Returns the deck number of a "ChannelN" or "SamplerN" group script.deckFromGroup = function(group) { let deck = 0; if (group.substring(2, 8) === "hannel") { // Extract deck number from the group text deck = group.substring(8, group.length - 1); } /* else if (group.substring(2,8)=="ampler") { // Extract sampler number from the group text deck = group.substring(8,group.length-1); } */ return parseInt(deck); }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.bindConnections Purpose: Binds multiple controls at once. See an example in Pioneer-DDJ-SB-scripts.js Input: The group whose controls are to be bound and an object (controlstToFunctions) where the properties' names are controls names and the values are the functions those controls will be bound to. Output: none -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ script.bindConnections = function(group, controlsToFunctions, remove) { let control; remove = (remove === undefined) ? false : remove; for (control in controlsToFunctions) { engine.connectControl(group, control, controlsToFunctions[control], remove); if (!remove) { engine.trigger(group, control); } } }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.toggleControl Purpose: Toggles an engine value Input: Group and control names Output: none -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ script.toggleControl = function(group, control) { engine.setValue(group, control, !(engine.getValue(group, control))); }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.toggleControl Purpose: Triggers an engine value and resets it back to 0 after a delay This is helpful for mapping encoder turns to controls that are represented by buttons in skins so the skin button lights up briefly but does not stay lit. Input: Group and control names, delay in milliseconds (optional) Output: none -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ script.triggerControl = function(group, control, delay) { if (typeof delay !== "number") { delay = 200; } engine.setValue(group, control, 1); engine.beginTimer(delay, () => engine.setValue(group, control, 0) , true); }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.absoluteLin Purpose: Maps an absolute linear control value to a linear Mixxx control value (like Volume: 0..1) Input: Control value (e.g. a knob,) MixxxControl values for the lowest and highest points, lowest knob value, highest knob value (Default knob values are standard MIDI 0..127) Output: MixxxControl value corresponding to the knob position -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ script.absoluteLin = function(value, low, high, min, max) { if (!min) { min = 0; } if (!max) { max = 127; } if (value <= min) { return low; } else if (value >= max) { return high; } else { return ((((high - low) / (max - min)) * (value - min)) + low); } }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.absoluteLinInverse Purpose: Maps a linear Mixxx control value (like balance: -1..1) to an absolute linear value (inverse of the above function) Input: Control value (e.g. a knob,) MixxxControl values for the lowest and highest points, lowest knob value, highest knob value (Default knob values are standard MIDI 0..127) Output: Linear value corresponding to the knob position -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ script.absoluteLinInverse = function(value, low, high, min, max) { if (!min) { min = 0; } if (!max) { max = 127; } const result = (((value - low) * (max - min)) / (high - low)) + min; if (result < min) { return min; } else if (result > max) { return max; } else { return result; } }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.absoluteNonLin Purpose: Maps an absolute linear control value to a non-linear Mixxx control value (like EQs: 0..1..4) Input: Control value (e.g. a knob,) MixxxControl values for the lowest, middle, and highest points, lowest knob value, highest knob value (Default knob values are standard MIDI 0..127) Output: MixxxControl value corresponding to the knob position -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ script.absoluteNonLin = function(value, low, mid, high, min, max) { if (!min) { min = 0; } if (!max) { max = 127; } const center = (max - min) / 2; if (value === center || value === Math.round(center)) { return mid; } else if (value < center) { return low + (value / (center / (mid - low))); } else { return mid + ((value - center) / (center / (high - mid))); } }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.absoluteNonLinInverse Purpose: Maps a non-linear Mixxx control to an absolute linear value (inverse of the above function). Helpful for sending MIDI messages to controllers and comparing non-linear Mixxx controls to incoming MIDI values. Input: MixxxControl value; lowest, middle, and highest MixxxControl value; bottom of output range, top of output range. (Default output range is standard MIDI 0..127) Output: MixxxControl value scaled to output range -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ script.absoluteNonLinInverse = function(value, low, mid, high, min, max) { if (!min) { min = 0; } if (!max) { max = 127; } const center = (max - min) / 2; let result; if (value === mid) { return center; } else if (value < mid) { result = (center / (mid - low)) * (value - low); } else { result = center + (center / (high - mid)) * (value - mid); } if (result < min) { return min; } else if (result > max) { return max; } else { return result; } }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.crossfaderCurve Purpose: Adjusts the cross-fader's curve using a hardware control Input: Current value of the hardware control, min and max values for that control Output: none -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ script.crossfaderCurve = function(value, min, max) { if (engine.getValue("[Mixer Profile]", "xFaderMode") === 1) { // Constant Power engine.setValue("[Mixer Profile]", "xFaderCalibration", script.absoluteLin(value, 0.5, 0.962, min, max)); } else { // Additive engine.setValue("[Mixer Profile]", "xFaderCurve", script.absoluteLin(value, 1, 2, min, max)); } }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.posMod Purpose: Computes the euclidean modulo of m % n. The result is always in the range [0, m[ Input: dividend `a` and divisor `m` for modulo (a % m) Output: positive remainder -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ script.posMod = function(a, m) { return ((a % m) + m) % m; }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.loopMove Purpose: Moves the current loop by the specified number of beats (default 1/2) in the specified direction (positive is forwards and is the default) If the current loop length is shorter than the requested move distance, it's only moved a distance equal to its length. Input: MixxxControl group, direction to move, number of beats to move Output: none -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ script.loopMove = function(group, direction, numberOfBeats) { if (!numberOfBeats || numberOfBeats === 0) { numberOfBeats = 0.5; } if (direction < 0) { engine.setValue(group, "loop_move", -numberOfBeats); } else { engine.setValue(group, "loop_move", numberOfBeats); } }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.midiPitch Purpose: Takes the value from a little-endian 14-bit MIDI pitch wheel message and returns the value for a "rate" (pitch slider) Mixxx control Input: Least significant byte, most sig. byte, MIDI status byte Output: Value for a "rate" control, or false if the input MIDI message was not a Pitch message (0xE#) -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ // TODO: Is this still useful now that MidiController.cpp properly handles these? script.midiPitch = function(LSB, MSB, status) { if ((status & 0xF0) !== 0xE0) { // Mask the upper nybble so we can check the opcode regardless of the channel print("Script.midiPitch: Error, not a MIDI pitch (0xEn) message: " + status); return false; } const value = (MSB << 7) | LSB; // Construct the 14-bit number // Range is 0x0000..0x3FFF center @ 0x2000, i.e. 0..16383 center @ 8192 const rate = (value - 8192) / 8191; // print("Script.Pitch: MSB="+MSB+", LSB="+LSB+", value="+value+", rate="+rate); return rate; }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.spinback Purpose: wrapper around engine.spinback() that can be directly mapped from xml for a spinback effect e.g: script.spinback Input: channel, control, value, status, group, factor (optional), start rate (optional) Output: none -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ script.spinback = function(channel, control, value, status, group, factor, rate) { // if brake is called without defined factor and rate, reset to defaults if (factor === undefined) { factor = 1; } // if brake is called without defined rate, reset to default if (rate === undefined) { rate = -10; } // disable on note-off or zero value note/cc engine.spinback( parseInt(group.substring(8, 9)), ((status & 0xF0) !== 0x80 && value > 0), factor, rate); }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.brake Purpose: wrapper around engine.brake() that can be directly mapped from xml for a brake effect e.g: script.brake Input: channel, control, value, status, group, factor (optional) Output: none -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ script.brake = function(channel, control, value, status, group, factor) { // if brake is called without factor defined, reset to default if (factor === undefined) { factor = 1; } // disable on note-off or zero value note/cc, use default decay rate '1' engine.brake( parseInt(group.substring(8, 9)), ((status & 0xF0) !== 0x80 && value > 0), factor); }; /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ script.softStart Purpose: wrapper around engine.softStart() that can be directly mapped from xml to start and accelerate a deck from zero to full rate defined by pitch slider, can also interrupt engine.brake() e.g: script.softStart Input: channel, control, value, status, group, acceleration factor (optional) Output: none -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ script.softStart = function(channel, control, value, status, group, factor) { // if softStart is called without factor defined, reset to default if (factor === undefined) { factor = 1; } // disable on note-off or zero value note/cc, use default increase rate '1' engine.softStart( parseInt(group.substring(8, 9)), ((status & 0xF0) !== 0x80 && value > 0), factor); }; // bpm - Used for tapping the desired BPM for a deck var bpm = function() { }; bpm.tapTime = 0.0; bpm.previousTapDelta = 0.0; bpm.tap = []; // Tap sample values /* -------- ------------------------------------------------------ bpm.tapButton Purpose: Sets the tempo of the track on a deck by tapping the desired beats, useful for manually synchronizing a track to an external beat. (This only works if the track's detected BPM value is correct.) Call this each time the tap button is pressed. Input: Mixxx deck to adjust Output: - -------- ------------------------------------------------------ */ bpm.tapButton = function(deck) { const now = new Date() / 1000; // Current time in seconds const tapDelta = now - bpm.tapTime; bpm.tapTime = now; // assign tapDelta in cases where the button has not been pressed previously if (bpm.tap.length < 1) { bpm.previousTapDelta = tapDelta; } // reset if longer than two seconds between taps if (tapDelta > 2.0) { bpm.tap = []; return; } // reject occurrences of accidental double or missed taps // a tap is considered missed when the delta of this press is 80% longer than the previous one // and a tap is considered double when the delta is shorter than 40% of the previous one. // these numbers are just guesses that produced good results in practice if ((tapDelta > bpm.previousTapDelta * 1.8)||(tapDelta < bpm.previousTapDelta * 0.6)) { return; } bpm.previousTapDelta = tapDelta; bpm.tap.push(60 / tapDelta); // Keep the last 8 samples for averaging if (bpm.tap.length > 8) { bpm.tap.shift(); } let sum = 0; for (let i=0; i currentRelative - this.maxJump && inputValue < currentRelative + this.maxJump) { engine.setValue(group, this.mappedFunction, outputValue); } } else { engine.setValue(group, this.mappedFunction, outputValue); } }; // Deck var Deck = function(deckNumber, group) { this.deckNumber = deckNumber; this.group = group; this.Buttons = []; }; Deck.prototype.setControlValue = Controller.prototype.setControlValue; Deck.prototype.addButton = Controller.prototype.addButton; // ----------------- END Object definitions ----------------------