# Rails Completions - Sublime Text Plugin This extension is for Sublime Text 2 & 3. It adds helpful snippets and autocompletions for Ruby on Rails ## Use the Snippets Start typing the name of the helper you want and then hit `Tab` to insert the full completion. This plugin allows fuzzy searching, which allows you to be more efficient when searching for autocompletions. ## Model Callbacks ### before * before_create * before_destroy * before_save * before_update * before_validation * before_validation_on_create * before_validation_on_update ### around * around_create * around_save * around_update * around_destroy ### after * after_commit * after_create * after_create_commit * after_destroy * after_destroy_commit * after_rollback * after_save * after_update * after_update_commit * after_validation * after_validation_on_create * after_validation_on_Update ## model associations * belongs_to * has_one * has_many * has_many_through # has_many :through * has_one_through # has_one :through * has_and_belongs_to_many * inverse_of * dependent_destroy # dependent: :destroy * accepts_nested_attributes_for ## model validations * validate * validates * validates_acceptance_of * validates_associated * validates_confirmation_of * validates_each * validates_exclusion_of * validates_format_of * validates_inclusion_of * validates_length_of * validates_numericality_of * validates_presence_of * validates_size_of * validates_uniqueness_of ## controllers callbacks * before_action * skip_before_action * around_action * http_basic_authenticate_with * redirect_to ## render (.rb) * render * render_template * render_partial * render_action * render_action_edit * render_action_show * render_action_index * render_action_update * render_file * render_inline * render_html * render_json * render_js * render_xml * render_body * render_layout * render_status * render_layout ## render (.erb) * render * render_template * render_partial * render_file * render_inline ## migration * add_column * add_foreign_key * add_index * add_reference * add_timestamps * change_column_default * change_column_null * create_join_table * create_table * disable_extension * drop_join_table * drop_table * enable_extension * remove_column * remove_foreign_key * remove_index * remove_reference * remove_timestamps * rename_column * rename_index * rename_table ## file tags (ERB only) * javascript_include_tag * stylesheet_link_tag * image_tag * javascript_pack_tag * stylesheet_pack_tag ## Notes ======== All of RailsCompletions is licensed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2018 Marc Jeffrey https://github.com/mjeffrey18/rails-completions