# SublimeGameOfLife A Sublime Text package which simulates Conway's Game of Life through your Sublime Text file's contents! ## Examples ![Game of Life in action!](http://i.imgur.com/j7gX3Po.gif) ![Another example](http://i.imgur.com/OGa8FQx.gif) ## Usage Use the keystroke `ctrl-alt-g` to start the game of life. Hitting the keystroke once again will revert your file to its original state. ## Installation You can install Game of Life through package control by searching `Game of Life`. Alternately, you can follow [these](https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/3/packages.html) instructions to install the package! ## Disclaimer **You should always keep a backup of your files, especially the ones undergoing the game of life!** I, although potentially sad, am not responsible if your files are messed up by this. Also, very large files, understandably, take a while to process, so avoid running the game of life on things such as the Linux kernel. ### Have fun!