# :warning: **PanePane is inactive and no longer maintained.** :warning: > Feel free to fork and make it your own. Better yet, come join me on [Neovim](https://neovim.io/) :smile:. # PanePane Sublime Text 3 plugin to resize panes via keyboard shortcuts. ![demo](screenshots/demo.gif) ## Installation ### [Package Control][package_control] 1. Open the command palette, press `ctrl` + `shift` + `p` (Windows/Linux) or `command` + `shift` + `p` (Mac) 2. Enter the command `Package Control: Install Package` 3. Type `PanePane` ### [Git][github] 1. Navigate to the Packages directory * Open the command palette, press `ctrl` + `shift` + `p` (Windows/Linux) or `command` + `shift` + `p` (Mac) * Enter the command `Preferences: Browse Packages` 2. `git clone https://github.com/mjsmith1028/PanePane.git` ## Features The following commands are available via keyboard shortcuts or the command palette: | Command | Windows/Linux Shortcut | Mac Shortcut | |:----------------------|:-----------------------|:--------------------------| | Decrease Pane Width | `ctrl` + `<` | `command` + `ctrl` + `<` | | Increase Pane Width | `ctrl` + `>` | `command` + `ctrl` + `>` | | Equal Pane Width | `ctrl` + `alt` + `=` | `command` + `ctrl` + `=` | | Decrease Pane Height | `ctrl` + `shift` + `<` | `command` + `shift` + `<` | | Increase Pane Height | `ctrl` + `shift` + `>` | `command` + `shift` + `>` | | Equal Pane Height | `ctrl` + `shift` + `=` | `command` + `shift` + `=` | | Toggle Greedy Pane | `n/a` | `n/a` | | Settings - Default | `n/a` | `n/a` | | Settings - User | `n/a` | `n/a` | ## Settings | Setting | Description | Type | Default | |:----------------------|:---------------------------------------------------|:--------|:--------| | greedy_pane | If true, then adjust adjacent panes during resize | Boolean | false | | resize_amount | The amount to resize pane in the range of 1 to 100 | Integer | 3 | ## Greedy Pane Demo ![greedy_demo](screenshots/greedy_demo.gif) ## Recommended Packages The following packages are recommended in conjunction with PanePane to improve Sublime Text's layouts and pane management. | Package | URL | |:--------------|:-------------------------------------------------| | Origami | https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Origami | | InactivePanes | https://packagecontrol.io/packages/InactivePanes | [package_control]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/PanePane [github]: https://github.com/mjsmith1028/PanePane