Streamlit Authenticator logo **A secure authentication module to manage user access in a Streamlit application** [![Downloads](]( [![Downloads](]( [![Downloads](]( ## Table of Contents - [Quickstart](#1-quickstart) - [Installation](#2-installation) - [Creating a config file](#3-creating-a-config-file) - [Setup](#4-setup) - [Creating a login widget](#5-creating-a-login-widget) - [Creating a guest login button](#6-creating-a-guest-login-button) 🚀 **NEW** - [Authenticating users](#7-authenticating-users) - [Creating a reset password widget](#8-creating-a-reset-password-widget) - [Creating a new user registration widget](#9-creating-a-new-user-registration-widget) - [Creating a forgot password widget](#10-creating-a-forgot-password-widget) - [Creating a forgot username widget](#11-creating-a-forgot-username-widget) - [Creating an update user details widget](#12-creating-an-update-user-details-widget) - [Updating the config file](#13-updating-the-config-file) - [License](#license) ### 1. Quickstart * Check out the [demo app]( * Feel free to visit the [API reference]( * And finally follow the tutorial below. ### 2. Installation Streamlit-Authenticator is distributed via [PyPI]( ```python pip install streamlit-authenticator ``` Using Streamlit-Authenticator is as simple as importing the module and calling it to verify your user's credentials. ```python import streamlit as st import streamlit_authenticator as stauth ``` ### 3. Creating a config file * Create a YAML config file and add to it your user's credentials: including username, email, first name, last name, and password (plain text passwords will be hashed automatically). * Enter a name, random key, and number of days to expiry, for a re-authentication cookie that will be stored on the client's browser to enable password-less re-authentication. If you do not require re-authentication, you may set the number of days to expiry to 0. * Define an optional list of pre-authorized emails of users who are allowed to register and add their credentials to the config file using the **register_user** widget. * Add the optional configuration parameters for OAuth2 if you wish to use the **experimental_guest_login** button. * **_Please remember to update the config file (as shown in step 13) whenever the contents are modified or after using any of the widgets or buttons._** ```python cookie: expiry_days: 30 key: some_signature_key # Must be a string name: some_cookie_name credentials: usernames: jsmith: email: failed_login_attempts: 0 # Will be managed automatically first_name: John last_name: Smith logged_in: False # Will be managed automatically password: abc # Will be hashed automatically roles: # Optional - admin - editor - viewer rbriggs: email: failed_login_attempts: 0 # Will be managed automatically first_name: Rebecca last_name: Briggs logged_in: False # Will be managed automatically password: def # Will be hashed automatically roles: # Optional - viewer oauth2: # Optional google: # Follow instructions: client_id: # To be filled client_secret: # To be filled redirect_uri: # URL to redirect to after OAuth2 authentication microsoft: # Follow instructions: client_id: # To be filled client_secret: # To be filled redirect_uri: # URL to redirect to after OAuth2 authentication tenant_id: # To be filled pre-authorized: # Optional emails: - ``` * _Please note that the 'failed_login_attempts' and 'logged_in' fields corresponding to each user's number of failed login attempts and log-in status in the credentials will be added and managed automatically._ ### 4. Setup * Subsequently import the config file into your script and create an authentication object. ```python import yaml from yaml.loader import SafeLoader with open('../config.yaml') as file: config = yaml.load(file, Loader=SafeLoader) # Pre-hashing all plain text passwords once # stauth.Hasher.hash_passwords(config['credentials']) authenticator = stauth.Authenticate( config['credentials'], config['cookie']['name'], config['cookie']['key'], config['cookie']['expiry_days'] ) ``` * Plain text passwords will be hashed automatically by default, however, for a large number of users it is recommended to pre-hash the passwords in the credentials using the **Hasher.hash_passwords** function. * If you choose to pre-hash the passwords, please set the **auto_hash** parameter in the **Authenticate** class to False. > ### Hasher.hash_passwords > #### Parameters: > - **credentials:** _dict_ > - The credentials dict with plain text passwords. > #### Returns: > - _dict_ > - The credentials dict with hashed passwords. > ### Authenticate > #### Parameters: > - **credentials:** _dict, str_ > - Dictionary with the usernames, names, passwords, and emails, and other user data, or path pointing to the location of the config file. > - **cookie_name:** _str_ > - Specifies the name of the re-authentication cookie stored on the client's browser for password-less re-authentication. > - **cookie_key:** _str_ > - Specifies the key that will be used to hash the signature of the re-authentication cookie. > - **cookie_expiry_days:** _float, default 30.0_ > - Specifies the number of days before the re-authentication cookie automatically expires on the client's browser. > - **validator:** _Validator, optional, default None_ > - Provides a validator object that will check the validity of the username, name, and email fields. > - **auto_hash:** _bool, default True_ > - Automatic hashing requirement for passwords, True: plain text passwords will be hashed automatically, False: plain text passwords will not be hashed automatically. > - ****kwargs:** _dict, optional_ > - Arguments to pass to the Authenticate class. * **_Please remember to pass the authenticator object to each and every page in a multi-page application as a session state variable._** ### 5. Creating a login widget * You can render the **login** widget as follows. ```python try: authenticator.login() except Exception as e: st.error(e) ``` > ### Authenticate.login > #### Parameters: > - **location:** _str, {'main', 'sidebar', 'unrendered'}, default 'main'_ > - Specifies the location of the login widget. > - **max_concurrent_users:** _int, optional, default None_ > - Limits the number of concurrent users. If not specified there will be no limit to the number of concurrently logged in users. > - **max_login_attempts:** _int, optional, default None_ > - Limits the number of failed login attempts. If not specified there will be no limit to the number of failed login attempts. > - **fields:** _dict, optional, default {'Form name':'Login', 'Username':'Username', 'Password':'Password', 'Login':'Login', 'Captcha':'Captcha'}_ > - Customizes the text of headers, buttons and other fields. > - **captcha:** _bool, default False_ > - Specifies the captcha requirement for the login widget, True: captcha required, False: captcha removed. > - **single_session:** _bool, default False_ > - Disables the ability for the same user to log in multiple sessions, True: single session allowed, False: multiple sessions allowed. > - **clear_on_submit:** _bool, default False_ > - Specifies the clear on submit setting, True: clears inputs on submit, False: keeps inputs on submit. > - **key:** _str, default 'Login'_ > - Unique key provided to widget to avoid duplicate WidgetID errors. > - **callback:** _callable, optional, default None_ > - Callback function that will be invoked on form submission with a dict as a parameter. ![]( * **_Please remember to re-invoke an 'unrendered' login widget on each and every page in a multi-page application._** * **_Please remember to update the config file (as shown in step 13) after you use this widget._** ### 6. Creating a guest login button * You may use the **experimental_guest_login** button to log in non-registered users with their Google or Microsoft accounts using OAuth2. * To create the client ID and client secret parameters for Google OAuth2 please refer to [Google's documentation]( * To create the client ID, client secret, and tenant ID parameters for Microsoft OAuth2 please refer to [Microsoft's documentation]( * Once you have created the OAuth2 configuration parameters, add them to the config file as shown in step 3. ```python try: authenticator.experimental_guest_login('Login with Google', provider='google', oauth2=config['oauth2']) authenticator.experimental_guest_login('Login with Microsoft', provider='microsoft', oauth2=config['oauth2']) except Exception as e: st.error(e) ``` > ### Authenticate.experimental_guest_login > #### Parameters: > - **button_name:** _str, default 'Guest login'_ > - Rendered name of the guest login button. > - **location:** _str, {'main', 'sidebar'}, default 'main'_ > - Specifies the location of the guest login button. > - **provider:** _str, {'google', 'microsoft'}, default 'google'_ > - Selection for OAuth2 provider, Google or Microsoft. > - **oauth2:** _dict, optional, default None_ > - Configuration parameters to implement an OAuth2 authentication. > - **max_concurrent_users:** _int, optional, default None_ > - Limits the number of concurrent users. If not specified there will be no limit to the number of concurrently logged in users. > - **single_session:** _bool, default False_ > - Disables the ability for the same user to log in multiple sessions, True: single session allowed, False: multiple sessions allowed. > - **roles:** _list, optional, default None_ > - User roles for guest users. > - **callback:** _callable, optional, default None_ > - Callback function that will be invoked on button press with a dict as a parameter. ![]( ![]( ![]( * Please note that upon successful login, the guest user's name, email, and other information will be registered in the credentials dictionary and their re-authentication cookie will be saved automatically. * **_Please remember to update the config file (as shown in step 13) after you use this button._** ### 7. Authenticating users * You can then retrieve the name, authentication status, and username from Streamlit's session state using **st.session_state['name']**, **st.session_state['authentication_status']**, **st.session_state['username']**, and **st.session_state['roles']** to allow a verified user to access restricted content. * You may also render a logout button, or may choose not to render the button if you only need to implement the logout logic programmatically. * The optional **key** parameter for the logout button should be used with multi-page applications to prevent Streamlit from throwing duplicate key errors. ```python if st.session_state['authentication_status']: authenticator.logout() st.write(f'Welcome *{st.session_state["name"]}*') st.title('Some content') elif st.session_state['authentication_status'] is False: st.error('Username/password is incorrect') elif st.session_state['authentication_status'] is None: st.warning('Please enter your username and password') ``` > ### Authenticate.logout > #### Parameters: > - **button_name:** _str, default 'Logout'_ > - Customizes the button name. > - **location:** _str, {'main', 'sidebar', 'unrendered'}, default 'main'_ > - Specifies the location of the logout button. If 'unrendered' is passed, the logout logic will be executed without rendering the button. > - **key:** _str, default None_ > - Unique key that should be used in multi-page applications. > - **callback:** _callable, optional, default None_ > - Callback function that will be invoked on form submission with a dict as a parameter. ![]( * Or prompt an unverified user to enter a correct username and password. ![]( * You may also retrieve the number of failed login attempts a user has made by accessing **st.session_state['failed_login_attempts']** which returns a dictionary with the username as key and the number of failed attempts as the value. ### 8. Creating a reset password widget * You may use the **reset_password** widget to allow a logged in user to modify their password as shown below. ```python if st.session_state['authentication_status']: try: if authenticator.reset_password(st.session_state['username']): st.success('Password modified successfully') except Exception as e: st.error(e) ``` > ### Authenticate.reset_password > #### Parameters: > - **username:** _str_ > - Specifies the username of the user to reset the password for. > - **location:** _str, {'main', 'sidebar'}, default 'main'_ > - Specifies the location of the reset password widget. > - **fields:** _dict, optional, default {'Form name':'Reset password', 'Current password':'Current password', 'New password':'New password', 'Repeat password': 'Repeat password', 'Reset':'Reset'}_ > - Customizes the text of headers, buttons and other fields. > - **clear_on_submit:** _bool, default False_ > - Specifies the clear on submit setting, True: clears inputs on submit, False: keeps inputs on submit. > - **key:** _str, default 'Reset password'_ > - Unique key provided to widget to avoid duplicate WidgetID errors. > - **callback:** _callable, optional, default None_ > - Callback function that will be invoked on form submission with a dict as a parameter. > #### Returns:: > - _bool_ > - Status of resetting the password. ![]( * **_Please remember to update the config file (as shown in step 13) after you use this widget._** ### 9. Creating a new user registration widget * You may use the **register_user** widget to allow a user to sign up to your application as shown below. * If you require the user to be pre-authorized, define a **pre_authorized** list of emails that are allowed to register, and add it to the config file or provide it as a parameter to the **register_user** widget. * Once they have registered, their email will be automatically removed from the **pre_authorized** list. * Alternatively, to allow anyone to sign up, do not provide a **pre_authorized** list. ```python try: email_of_registered_user, \ username_of_registered_user, \ name_of_registered_user = authenticator.register_user(pre_authorized=config['pre-authorized']['emails']) if email_of_registered_user: st.success('User registered successfully') except Exception as e: st.error(e) ``` > ### Authenticate.register_user > #### Parameters: > - **location:** _str, {'main', 'sidebar'}, default 'main'_ > - Specifies the location of the register user widget. > - **pre_authorized:** _list, optional, default None_ > - List of emails of unregistered users who are authorized to register. If no list is provided, all users will be allowed to register. > - **domains:** _list, optional, default None_ > - Specifies the required list of domains a new email must belong to i.e. ['', ''], list: the required list of domains, None: any domain is allowed. > - **fields:** _dict, optional, default {'Form name':'Register user', 'Email':'Email', 'Username':'Username', 'Password':'Password', 'Repeat password':'Repeat password', 'Password hint':'Password hint', 'Captcha':'Captcha', 'Register':'Register'}_ > - Customizes the text of headers, buttons and other fields. > - **captcha:** _bool, default True_ > - Specifies the captcha requirement for the register user widget, True: captcha required, False: captcha removed. > - **roles:** _list, optional, default None_ > - User roles for registered users. > - **merge_username_email:** _bool, default False_ > - Merges username into email field, True: username will be the same as the email, False: username and email will be independent. > - **clear_on_submit:** _bool, default False_ > - Specifies the clear on submit setting, True: clears inputs on submit, False: keeps inputs on submit. > - **key:** _str, default 'Register user'_ > - Unique key provided to widget to avoid duplicate WidgetID errors. > - **callback:** _callable, optional, default None_ > - Callback function that will be invoked on form submission with a dict as a parameter. > #### Returns: > - _str_ > - Email associated with the new user. > - _str_ > - Username associated with the new user. > - _str_ > - Name associated with the new user. ![]( * **_Please remember to update the config file (as shown in step 13) after you use this widget._** ### 10. Creating a forgot password widget * You may use the **forgot_password** widget to allow a user to generate a new random password. * The new password will be automatically hashed and saved in the credentials dictionary. * The widget will return the username, email, and new random password which the developer should then transfer to the user securely. ```python try: username_of_forgotten_password, \ email_of_forgotten_password, \ new_random_password = authenticator.forgot_password() if username_of_forgotten_password: st.success('New password to be sent securely') # The developer should securely transfer the new password to the user. elif username_of_forgotten_password == False: st.error('Username not found') except Exception as e: st.error(e) ``` > ### Authenticate.forgot_password > #### Parameters > - **location:** _str, {'main', 'sidebar'}, default 'main'_ > - Specifies the location of the forgot password widget. > - **fields:** _dict, optional, default {'Form name':'Forgot password', 'Username':'Username', 'Captcha':'Captcha', 'Submit':'Submit'}_ > - Customizes the text of headers, buttons and other fields. > - **captcha:** _bool, default False_ > - Specifies the captcha requirement for the forgot password widget, True: captcha required, False: captcha removed. > - **clear_on_submit:** _bool, default False_ > - Specifies the clear on submit setting, True: clears inputs on submit, False: keeps inputs on submit. > - **key:** _str, default 'Forgot password'_ > - Unique key provided to widget to avoid duplicate WidgetID errors. > - **callback:** _callable, optional, default None_ > - Callback function that will be invoked on form submission with a dict as a parameter. > #### Returns: > - _str_ > - Username associated with the forgotten password. > - _str_ > - Email associated with the forgotten password. > - _str_ > - New plain text password that should be transferred to the user securely. ![]( * **_Please remember to update the config file (as shown in step 13) after you use this widget._** ### 11. Creating a forgot username widget * You may use the **forgot_username** widget to allow a user to retrieve their forgotten username. * The widget will return the username and email which the developer should then transfer to the user securely. ```python try: username_of_forgotten_username, \ email_of_forgotten_username = authenticator.forgot_username() if username_of_forgotten_username: st.success('Username to be sent securely') # The developer should securely transfer the username to the user. elif username_of_forgotten_username == False: st.error('Email not found') except Exception as e: st.error(e) ``` > ### Authenticate.forgot_username > #### Parameters > - **location:** _str, {'main', 'sidebar'}, default 'main'_ > - Specifies the location of the forgot username widget. > - **fields:** _dict, optional, default {'Form name':'Forgot username', 'Email':'Email', 'Captcha':'Captcha', 'Submit':'Submit'}_ > - Customizes the text of headers, buttons and other fields. > - **captcha:** _bool, default False_ > - Specifies the captcha requirement for the forgot username widget, True: captcha required, False: captcha removed. > - **clear_on_submit:** _bool, default False_ > - Specifies the clear on submit setting, True: clears inputs on submit, False: keeps inputs on submit. > - **key:** _str, default 'Forgot username'_ > - Unique key provided to widget to avoid duplicate WidgetID errors. > - **callback:** _callable, optional, default None_ > - Callback function that will be invoked on form submission with a dict as a parameter. > #### Returns: > - _str_ > - Forgotten username that should be transferred to the user securely. > - _str_ > - Email associated with the forgotten username. ![]( ### 12. Creating an update user details widget * You may use the **update_user_details** widget to allow a logged in user to update their name and/or email. * The widget will automatically save the updated details in both the credentials dictionary and re-authentication cookie. ```python if st.session_state['authentication_status']: try: if authenticator.update_user_details(st.session_state['username']): st.success('Entries updated successfully') except Exception as e: st.error(e) ``` > ### Authenticate.update_user_details > #### Parameters > - **username:** _str_ > - Specifies the username of the user to update user details for. > - **location:** _str, {'main', 'sidebar'}, default 'main'_ > - Specifies the location of the update user details widget. > - **fields:** _dict, optional, default {'Form name':'Update user details', 'Field':'Field', 'First name':'First name', 'Last name':'Last name', 'Email':'Email', 'New value':'New value', 'Update':'Update'}_ > - Customizes the text of headers, buttons and other fields. > - **clear_on_submit:** _bool, default False_ > - Specifies the clear on submit setting, True: clears inputs on submit, False: keeps inputs on submit. > - **key:** _str, default 'Update user details'_ > - Unique key provided to widget to avoid duplicate WidgetID errors. > - **callback:** _callable, optional, default None_ > - Callback function that will be invoked on form submission with a dict as a parameter. > #### Returns: > - _bool_ > - Status of updating the user details. ![]( * **_Please remember to update the config file (as shown in step 13) after you use this widget._** ### 13. Updating the config file * Please ensure that the config file is re-saved whenever the contents are modified or after using any of the widgets or buttons. ```python with open('../config.yaml', 'w') as file: yaml.dump(config, file, default_flow_style=False) ``` * Please note that this step is not required if you are providing the config file as a path to the **Authenticate** class. ## License This project is proprietary software. The use of this software is governed by the terms specified in the [LICENSE]( file. Unauthorized copying, modification, or distribution of this software is prohibited.