SublimeConfluence ================= Sublime Text 3 plugin for integrate with Atlassian Confluence Installation ------------ **Use sublime package manager** - you should use [sublime package manager][1] - use `cmd+shift+p` then `Package Control: Install Package` - look for `Confluence` and install it. **Manually** At the moment Git is required to install the plugin. You will need to clone the repository in your Sublime Text "Packages" directory: `git clone "Confluence"` The "Packages" directory is located at: * OS X: `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text */Packages/` * Linux: `~/.Sublime Text */Packages/` * Windows: `%APPDATA%/Sublime Text */Packages/` **Settings** Add the following to your User Settings file: ```json { "base_uri": "", "default_space_key": "ENG", "username": "username", "password": "password" } ``` If the password unset, then you need to input the password every time, and don't edit the password inline this plugin can not handle it properly. Usage ----- **Demo:** ![demo](demo.gif) **Post page to Confluence** Supported markup languages: * Markdown, depends on [python-markdown2][0] * reStructuredText, depends on docutils META data must be given, and put it on the head of document, use newline to separate META data and content. Example files:, example.rst. META data: * Space * Ancestor Title * Title Use Command Palette to run it, use `cmd+shift+p` then `Post page to Confluence` to post local page to remote. BTW --- Confluence supports buildin markup(Textile like) and markdown syntax insert. On the Confluence edit mode, press command + shift + D, to insert markup text. License ------- SublimeConfluence is [BSD Licensed]( [0]: [1]: