### Related Issues/PRs #xxx ### What changes are proposed in this pull request? ### How is this PR tested? - [ ] Existing unit/integration tests - [ ] New unit/integration tests - [ ] Manual tests ### Does this PR require documentation update? - [ ] No. You can skip the rest of this section. - [ ] Yes. I've updated: - [ ] Examples - [ ] API references - [ ] Instructions ### Release Notes #### Is this a user-facing change? - [ ] No. You can skip the rest of this section. - [ ] Yes. Give a description of this change to be included in the release notes for MLflow users. #### What component(s), interfaces, languages, and integrations does this PR affect? Components - [ ] `area/artifacts`: Artifact stores and artifact logging - [ ] `area/build`: Build and test infrastructure for MLflow - [ ] `area/deployments`: MLflow Deployments client APIs, server, and third-party Deployments integrations - [ ] `area/docs`: MLflow documentation pages - [ ] `area/examples`: Example code - [ ] `area/model-registry`: Model Registry service, APIs, and the fluent client calls for Model Registry - [ ] `area/models`: MLmodel format, model serialization/deserialization, flavors - [ ] `area/recipes`: Recipes, Recipe APIs, Recipe configs, Recipe Templates - [ ] `area/projects`: MLproject format, project running backends - [ ] `area/scoring`: MLflow Model server, model deployment tools, Spark UDFs - [ ] `area/server-infra`: MLflow Tracking server backend - [ ] `area/tracking`: Tracking Service, tracking client APIs, autologging Interface - [ ] `area/uiux`: Front-end, user experience, plotting, JavaScript, JavaScript dev server - [ ] `area/docker`: Docker use across MLflow's components, such as MLflow Projects and MLflow Models - [ ] `area/sqlalchemy`: Use of SQLAlchemy in the Tracking Service or Model Registry - [ ] `area/windows`: Windows support Language - [ ] `language/r`: R APIs and clients - [ ] `language/java`: Java APIs and clients - [ ] `language/new`: Proposals for new client languages Integrations - [ ] `integrations/azure`: Azure and Azure ML integrations - [ ] `integrations/sagemaker`: SageMaker integrations - [ ] `integrations/databricks`: Databricks integrations #### How should the PR be classified in the release notes? Choose one: - [ ] `rn/none` - No description will be included. The PR will be mentioned only by the PR number in the "Small Bugfixes and Documentation Updates" section - [ ] `rn/breaking-change` - The PR will be mentioned in the "Breaking Changes" section - [ ] `rn/feature` - A new user-facing feature worth mentioning in the release notes - [ ] `rn/bug-fix` - A user-facing bug fix worth mentioning in the release notes - [ ] `rn/documentation` - A user-facing documentation change worth mentioning in the release notes #### Should this PR be included in the next patch release? `Yes` should be selected for bug fixes, documentation updates, and other small changes. `No` should be selected for new features and larger changes. If you're unsure about the release classification of this PR, leave this unchecked to let the maintainers decide.
What is a minor/patch release? - Minor release: a release that increments the second part of the version number (e.g., 1.2.0 -> 1.3.0). Bug fixes, doc updates and new features usually go into minor releases. - Patch release: a release that increments the third part of the version number (e.g., 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1). Bug fixes and doc updates usually go into patch releases.
- [ ] Yes (this PR will be cherry-picked and included in the next patch release) - [ ] No (this PR will be included in the next minor release)