/** * Mode Device Manager v2.2 * * Credits: * Originally posted on the Hubitat Community as 'Mode Switches' https://community.hubitat.com/t/released-control-switches-by-mode/121043 * Special thanks to Bruce Ravenel and Hubitat for posting the community version of this app for customers to learn from and augment to their needs * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * */ definition( name: "Mode Device Manager", namespace: "mlritchie", author: "Michael Ritchie", description: "Control Devices by Mode", category: "Convenience", iconUrl: "", iconX2Url: "" ) preferences { page(name: "mainPage") } def mainPage() { if(!state.modeSwitch) state.modeSwitch = [:] if(!state.modeLock) state.modeLock = [:] dynamicPage(name: "mainPage", title: "Mode Device Manager", uninstall: true, install: true) { section { input "lights", "capability.switch", title: "Select Switches to Control", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 4 input "locks", "capability.lock", title: "Select Locks to Control", multiple: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 4 if(lights) { lights.each{dev -> if(!state.modeSwitch[dev.id]) state.modeSwitch[dev.id] = [:] location.modes.each{if(!state.modeSwitch[dev.id]["$it.id"]) state.modeSwitch[dev.id]["$it.id"] = " "} } paragraph displaySwitchTable() if (state.newLevel) { input name: "newLevel", type: "number", title: "Dim Level: (range 1-100)", range: "1..100", required: true, submitOnChange: true, width: 4, newLineAfter: true if (newLevel) { state.modeSwitch[state.newLevel[0]][state.newLevel[1]] = newLevel state.remove("newLevel") app.removeSetting("newLevel") paragraph "" } } } if(locks) { locks.each{dev -> if(!state.modeLock[dev.id]) state.modeLock[dev.id] = [:] location.modes.each{if(!state.modeLock[dev.id]["$it.id"]) state.modeLock[dev.id]["$it.id"] = " "} } paragraph displayLockTable() } input "validateSeconds", "number", title: "Number of seconds to check device state", defaultValue: 60 input "logging", "bool", title: "Enable Logging?", defaultValue: true, submitOnChange: true } } } String displaySwitchTable() { String str = getTableHeader(2, "Switches") location.modes.each{str += "OnOff"} str += "" String X = "" String O = "" lights.sort{it.displayName.toLowerCase()}.each {dev -> String devLink = "$dev($dev.currentSwitch)" str += "$devLink" location.modes.sort{it.name}.each{ if (dev.hasCapability("SwitchLevel")) { String thisValue = state.modeSwitch["$dev.id"]["$it.id"] String var = thisValue.isNumber() ? buttonLink("$dev.id:$it.id:clear", thisValue, "purple") : buttonLink("$dev.id:$it.id:set", "Set", "green") str += "$var" } else { str += "${buttonLink("$dev.id:$it.id:on", state.modeSwitch[dev.id]["$it.id"] == "on" ? X : O, "#1A77C9")}" } str += "${buttonLink("$dev.id:$it.id:off", state.modeSwitch[dev.id]["$it.id"] == "off" ? X : O, "#1A77C9")}" } } str += "" str } String displayLockTable() { String str = getTableHeader(1, "Locks") location.modes.each{str += "Lock"} str += "" String X = "" String O = "" locks.sort{it.displayName.toLowerCase()}.each {dev -> String devLink = "$dev($dev.currentLock)" str += "$devLink" location.modes.sort{it.name}.each{ str += "${buttonLink("$dev.id:$it.id:lock", state.modeLock[dev.id]["$it.id"] == "lock" ? X : O, "#1A77C9")}" } } str += "" str } def getTableHeader(columnNum, columnLabel) { String str = "" str += "
" + "" location.modes.sort{it.name}.each{str += "" return str } String buttonLink(String btnName, String linkText, color = "#1A77C9", font = "15px") { "
" } void appButtonHandler(btn) { List b = btn.tokenize(":") String s if (state.modeSwitch.containsKey(b[0])) { //s = state.modeSwitch[b[0]][b[1]] s = b[2] if (s == "set") { state.newLevel = b } else if (s == "clear") { state.modeSwitch[b[0]][b[1]] = " " } else { state.modeSwitch[b[0]][b[1]] = (["on","off"].indexOf(s) > -1 && state.modeSwitch[b[0]][b[1]] != s) ? s : " " } } else if (state.modeLock.containsKey(b[0])) { s = state.modeLock[b[0]][b[1]] state.modeLock[b[0]][b[1]] = s == " " ? b[2] : " " } } def updated() { unsubscribe() initialize() } def installed() { initialize() } void initialize() { subscribe(location, "mode", modeHandler) def settingsList = [ lights: "modeSwitch", locks: "modeLock" ] def settingsListKeys = settingsList.keySet() for (int s = 0; s < settingsListKeys.size(); s++) { def settingItem = settingsListKeys[s] def stateItem = settingsList[settingItem] def deviceList = [] for (int d = 0; d < settings[settingItem].size(); d++) { deviceList.push(settings[settingItem][d].id) } def stateItemKeys = state[stateItem].keySet() for (int v = 0; v < stateItemKeys.size(); v++) { def key = stateItemKeys[v] if (deviceList.indexOf(key) == -1) { state[stateItem].remove(key) } } } } void modeHandler(evt) { if (logging) log.info "Mode is now $evt.value" locks.each{dev -> String s = state.modeLock[dev.id]["$location.currentMode.id"] if(s != " " && dev.currentLock != "locked") { dev."$s"() if(logging) log.info "$dev $s" } } lights.each{dev -> String s = state.modeSwitch[dev.id]["$location.currentMode.id"] if (s.isNumber()) { dev.setLevel(s.toInteger()) if(logging) log.info "$dev was set to $s%" } else if (s != " " && dev.currentSwitch != s) { dev."$s"() if(logging) log.info "$dev turned $s" } } runIn(settings.validateSeconds, validateState) } def validateState() { def locksMissed = [] locks.each{dev -> String s = state.modeLock[dev.id]["$location.currentMode.id"] if(s != " " && dev.currentLock != "locked") { dev."$s"() locksMissed.push(dev) } } def lightsMissed = [] lights.each{dev -> String s = state.modeSwitch[dev.id]["$location.currentMode.id"] if (s.isNumber() && (dev.currentSwitch == "off" || dev.currentLevel.toInteger() != s.toInteger())) { dev.setLevel(s.toInteger()) lightsMissed.push(dev) } else if (!s.isNumber() && s != " " && dev.currentSwitch != s) { dev."$s"() lightsMissed.push(dev) } } if (locksMissed.size() > 0 || lightsMissed.size() > 0) { log.debug "locksMissed: ${locksMissed}, lightsMissed: ${lightsMissed}" } }
Modes${location.currentMode.id == it.id ? "$it.name"} str += "