branch <- "main" torch_version <- "2.0.1" #' Install Torch #' #' Installs Torch and its dependencies. #' #' @param reinstall Re-install Torch even if its already installed? #' @param ... Currently unused. #' @param .inform_restart if `TRUE` and running in an `interactive()` session, after #' installation it will print a message to inform the user that the session must #' be restarted for torch to work correctly. #' #' @details #' This function is mainly controlled by environment variables that can be used #' to override the defaults: #' #' - `TORCH_HOME`: the installation path. By default dependencies are installed #' within the package directory. Eg what's given by `system.file(package="torch")`. #' - `TORCH_URL`: A URL, path to a ZIP file or a directory containing a LibTorch version. #' Files will be installed/copied to the `TORCH_HOME` directory. #' - `LANTERN_URL`: Same as `TORCH_URL` but for the Lantern library. #' - `TORCH_INSTALL_DEBUG`: Setting it to 1, shows debug log messages during installation. #' - `PRECXX11ABI`: Setting it to `1` will will trigger the installation of #' a Pre-cxx11 ABI installation of LibTorch. This can be useful in environments with #' older versions of GLIBC like CentOS7 and older Debian/Ubuntu versions. #' - `LANTERN_BASE_URL`: The base URL for lantern files. This allows passing a directory #' where lantern binaries are located. The filename is then constructed as usual. #' - `TORCH_COMMIT_SHA`: torch repository commit sha to be used when querying lantern #' uploads. Set it to `'none'` to avoid looking for build for that commit and #' use the latest build for the branch. #' - `CUDA`: We try to automatically detect the CUDA version installed in your system, #' but you might want to manually set it here. You can also disable CUDA installation #' by setting it to 'cpu'. #' - `TORCH_R_VERSION`: The R torch version. It's unlikely that you need to change it, #' but it can be useful if you don't have the R package installed, but want to #' install the dependencies. #' #' The \code{TORCH_INSTALL} environment #' variable can be set to \code{0} to prevent auto-installing torch and \code{TORCH_LOAD} set to \code{0} #' to avoid loading dependencies automatically. These environment variables are meant for advanced use #' cases and troubleshooting only. #' When timeout error occurs during library archive download, or length of downloaded files differ from #' reported length, an increase of the \code{timeout} value should help. #' #' @export install_torch <- function(reinstall = FALSE, ..., .inform_restart = TRUE) { have_installed <- !torch_is_installed() || reinstall liblantern <- lantern_url() libtorch <- libtorch_url() install_lib("torch", libtorch, reinstall) install_lib("lantern", liblantern, reinstall) if (.inform_restart && have_installed && interactive()) { cli::cli_inform(c( v = "torch dependencies have been installed.", i = "You must restart your session to use {.pkg torch} correctly." )) } return(invisible(TRUE)) } #' A simple exported version of install_path #' Returns the torch installation path. #' @export torch_install_path <- function() { normalizePath(inst_path(), mustWork = FALSE) } #' Verifies if torch is installed #' #' @export torch_is_installed <- function() { lib_is_installed("lantern", torch_install_path()) && lib_is_installed("torch", torch_install_path()) } install_lib <- function(libname, url, reinstall = FALSE) { inst_path <- torch_install_path() installer_message(c( "We are now proceeding to download and installing lantern and torch.", "The installation path is: {.path {inst_path}}" )) if (lib_is_installed(libname, inst_path) && !reinstall) { installer_message(c( "An installation of {.strong {libname}} already exists.", "Found file at {.path {inst_path}}." )) return(invisible(TRUE)) } # The library URL can be 3 different things: # - real URL # - path to a zip file containing the library # - path to a directory containing the files to be installed. if (is_url(url)) { tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip") file.create(tmp) on.exit({file.remove(tmp)}, add = TRUE) download_file(url = url, destfile = tmp) url <- tmp } if (grepl("\\.zip$", url) && file.exists(url)) { tmp_ex <- tempfile() dir.create(tmp_ex) on.exit({unlink(tmp_ex)}, add = TRUE) utils::unzip(url, exdir = tmp_ex) url <- tmp_ex } if (dir.exists(url)) { # sometimes the extracted dir includes another directory that contains the # library within it. if (!lib_is_installed(libname, url)) { dirs <- list.files(url, full.names = TRUE) if (length(dirs) == 1) { url <- dirs } } # this where the installation actually happens if (lib_is_installed(libname, url)) { if (!dir.exists(inst_path)) { dir.create(inst_path, recursive = TRUE) } file.copy( from = dir(url, full.names = TRUE), to = file.path(inst_path, ""), recursive = TRUE ) } } if (lib_is_installed(libname, inst_path)) { return(invisible(TRUE)) } rlang::abort(c( "Installation failed.", "Could not install {.strong {libname}} from {.val {url}}." )) } lib_is_installed <- function(libname, install_path) { if (file.exists(file.path(install_path, "lib", lib_name(libname)))) return(TRUE) if (file.exists(file.path(install_path, "lib64", lib_name(libname)))) return(TRUE) if (file.exists(file.path(install_path, "bin", lib_name(libname)))) return(TRUE) FALSE } inst_path <- function() { install_path <- Sys.getenv("TORCH_HOME") if (nzchar(install_path)) return(install_path) system.file("", package = "torch") } libtorch_url <- function() { url <- Sys.getenv("TORCH_URL", "") if (url != "") return(url) if (is_macos()) { arch <- architecture() if (arch == "x86_64") { url <- glue::glue("{torch_version}.zip") } else if (arch == "arm64") { url <- glue::glue("{torch_version}.zip") } } kind <- installation_kind() if (is_windows()) { url <- glue::glue("{kind}/libtorch-win-shared-with-deps-{torch_version}%2B{kind}.zip") } if (is_linux()) { precxx11 <- if(precxx11abi()) "" else "cxx11-abi-" url <- glue::glue("{kind}/libtorch-{precxx11}shared-with-deps-{torch_version}%2B{kind}.zip") } installer_message(c( "LibTorch will be downloaded from:", "{.url {url}}" )) url } lantern_url <- function() { url <- Sys.getenv("LANTERN_URL", "") # If a `LANTERN_URL` is set we use it for the download. if (url != "") return(url) # Otherwise we construct it from available information # file name we want to download has the following format: # pkg_version <- torch_r_version() kind <- installation_kind() arch <- architecture() precxx11 <- precxx11abi() os <- os_name() fname <- paste0("lantern-", pkg_version, "+", kind) if (is_linux() || is_macos()) { fname <- paste0(fname, "+", arch) } if (is_linux() && !is.null(precxx11) && precxx11) { fname <- paste0(fname, "+pre-cxx11") } fname <- paste0(fname, "-", os, ".zip") # we now query the base URL for that file name. There are 2 cases: # the package has been installed with remotes::install_github() # in this case the RemoteSha is stored in the package description and # we can install directly from it. # In the other cases, we download the latest version of the 'branch' variable. base_url <- Sys.getenv("LANTERN_BASE_URL", "") if (!nzchar(base_url)) { base_url <- "" remote_sha <- Sys.getenv("TORCH_COMMIT_SHA", "") if (remote_sha == "none") { remote_sha <- NA # if the user explicitly set it to none, we won't search for the SHA } else if (!nzchar(remote_sha)) { remote_sha <- desc::desc(package = "torch")$get("RemoteSha") # pak adds the package version as the remote_sha when installing from # CRAN which breaks our assumption that it's always a commit sha. # We identify this case and manually remove it. if (is_package_version(remote_sha)) { remote_sha <- NA } } if ( { installer_message(c( "Could not find the SHA of the commit that installed the package.", "Using the latest build for the specified branch: {.val {branch}}." )) base_url <- paste0(base_url, "refs/heads/", branch, "/latest/") } else { installer_message(c( "Could find the SHA of the commit that installed the package.", "SHA: {.val {remote_sha}}." )) base_url <- paste0(base_url, remote_sha, "/") } } final_url <- paste0(base_url, fname) if (is_url(final_url)) { final_url <- utils::URLencode(final_url) } installer_message(c( "Lantern will be downloaded from the following URL:", "{.url {final_url}}" )) final_url } torch_r_version <- function() { version <- Sys.getenv("TORCH_R_VERSION", unset = "") if (version != "") return(version) as.character(utils::packageVersion("torch")) } os_name <- function() { os <-["sysname"] if (!grepl('windows', os, = TRUE)) { os } else { "win64" } } precxx11abi <- function() { abi <- Sys.getenv("PRECXX11ABI", "") if (abi != "" && !is_linux()) { installer_message("{.envvar PRECXX11ABI} value will be ignored. Only supported on Linux.") } if (!is_linux()) { return(NULL) } if (!is_truthy(abi)) { installer_message("Installing the CXX11 ABI enabled build.") return(FALSE) } else { installer_message("Installing the pre-CXX11 ABI enabled build.") return(TRUE) } } architecture <- function() { arch <-["machine"] if (!is_x86_64(arch) && (!is_macos())) { cli::cli_abort("Architecture {.val {arch}} is not supported in this OS.") } if ((!is_arm64(arch)) && (!is_x86_64(arch))) { cli::cli_abort("Unsupported architecture {.val {arch}}.") } installer_message("Architecture is {.val {arch}}") arch } is_x86_64 <- function(x) { x %in% c("x86_64", "x86-64") } is_arm64 <- function(x) { x %in% c("arm64") } installation_kind <- function() { cu <- cuda_version() if (is.null(cu)) { installer_message("No cuda instalation has been found. Using {.val cpu}.") return("cpu") } else if (cu == "cpu") { installer_message("{.envvar CUDA} is set to {.val cpu}, so using the {.val cpu}.") return("cpu") } else { cu <- paste0("cu", gsub(".", "", cu, fixed = TRUE)) installer_message("Installation kind will be {.val {cu}}.") return(cu) } } cuda_version <- function() { version <- Sys.getenv("CUDA", "") if (version == "") { version <- NULL } if (!is.null(version)) { installer_message("{.envvar CUDA} has been specified. The CUDA version is {.strong {version}}") return(version) } if (is_windows()) { return(cuda_version_windows()) } if (is_linux()) { return(cuda_version_linux()) } installer_message("Not on Windows or Linux. No CUDA installation supported.") return(NULL) } cuda_version_linux <- function() { cuda_version <- NULL cuda_home <- Sys.getenv("CUDA_HOME") if (nzchar(cuda_home)) { installer_message("{.envvar CUDA_HOME}={.path {cuda_home}} is specified.") } else { installer_message("{.envvar CUDA_HOME} is not specified. Looking in conventional locations.") } # This file no longer exists with cuda >= 11 if (nzchar(cuda_home)) { versions_file <- file.path(cuda_home, "version.txt") cuda_version <- cuda_version_from_version_txt_file(versions_file) } # Query nvcc from cuda in cuda_home path. if (nzchar(cuda_home) && is.null(cuda_version)) { nvcc_path <- file.path(cuda_home, "bin", "nvcc") cuda_version <- nvcc_version_from_path(nvcc_path) } # Try to find in conventional location. if (is.null(cuda_version)) { versions_file <- "/usr/local/cuda/version.txt" cuda_version <- cuda_version_from_version_txt_file(versions_file) } # Query nvcc from conventional location if (is.null(cuda_version)) { cuda_version <- nvcc_version_from_path("/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc") } if (is.null(cuda_version)) { cuda_version <- nvcc_version_from_path("nvcc") } check_supported_cuda_version_linux(cuda_version) cuda_version } cuda_version_windows <- function() { cuda_version <- NULL cuda_path <- Sys.getenv("CUDA_PATH") if (nzchar(cuda_path)) { installer_message(c( "{.envvar CUDA_PATH}={.path {cuda_path}}.", "Trying to find CUDA in this path." )) } else { installer_message(c( "{.envvar CUDA_PATH} is not specified.", "Searching for installation in conventional locations." )) } if (nzchar(cuda_path)) { versions_file <- file.path(cuda_path, "version.txt") cuda_version <- cuda_version_from_version_txt_file(versions_file) } # Query nvcc from cuda in cuda_path. if (nzchar(cuda_path) && is.null(cuda_version)) { nvcc_path <- file.path(cuda_path, "bin", "nvcc.exe") cuda_version <- nvcc_version_from_path(nvcc_path) } if (is.null(cuda_version)) { installer_message("Trying to use the nvcc version that might be on your path.") cuda_version <- nvcc_version_from_path("nvcc") } check_supported_cuda_version_windows(cuda_version) cuda_version } check_supported_cuda_version_windows <- function(version) { supported_versions <- c("11.7", "11.8") check_supported_version(version, supported_versions) } check_supported_cuda_version_linux <- function(version) { supported_versions <- c("11.7", "11.8") check_supported_version(version, supported_versions) } check_supported_version <- function(version, supported_versions) { if (!is.null(version)) { if (!version %in% supported_versions) { cli::cli_abort(c( x = "Unsupported CUDA version {.val {version}}", i = "Currently supported versions are: {.val {supported_versions}}." )) } } } is_macos <- function() { grepl("darwin",["sysname"], = TRUE) } is_windows <- function() { grepl("windows",["sysname"], = TRUE) } is_linux <- function() { grepl("linux",["sysname"], = TRUE) } cuda_version_from_version_txt_file <- function(versions_file) { cuda_version <- NULL if (file.exists(versions_file)) { cuda_version <- gsub("CUDA Version |\\.[0-9]+$", "", readLines(versions_file)) installer_message(c( "Found CUDA version {.strong {cuda_version}}.", "This version was specified in {.path {versions_file}}" )) } else { installer_message(c( "Could not find a CUDA version in {.path {versions_file}}." )) } cuda_version } nvcc_version_from_path <- function(nvcc_path) { suppressWarnings( nvcc <- tryCatch(system2(nvcc_path, "--version", stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE), error = function(e) NULL) ) if (is.null(nvcc) || !any(grepl("release", nvcc))) { installer_message(c( "Tried to query nvcc from {.path {nvcc_path}}, but was unable to find a CUDA version." )) return(NULL) } version <- gsub(".*release |, V.*", "", nvcc[grepl("release", nvcc)]) installer_message(c( "Found CUDA version {.strong {version}}.", "It was found by querying nvcc at {.path {nvcc_path}}." )) version } installer_message <- function(msg) { if (!is_truthy(Sys.getenv("TORCH_INSTALL_DEBUG", FALSE))) return(invisible(msg)) names(msg) <- rep("i", length(msg)) cli::cli_inform(msg, class = "torch_install", .envir = parent.frame()) } is_truthy <- function(x) { if (length(x) == 0) { return(FALSE) } if (length(x) > 1) { stop("Unexpected value") } if (x == "") { return(FALSE) } if (x == "1") { return(TRUE) } (toupper(x) == TRUE) } lib_name <- function(name = "torch") { if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") { paste0("lib", name, lib_ext()) } else { paste0(name, lib_ext()) } } lib_ext <- function() { if (grepl("darwin", version$os)) ".dylib" else if (grepl("linux", version$os)) ".so" else ".dll" } is_url <- function(x) { grepl("^https", x) || grepl("^http", x) } #' Install Torch from files #' #' List the Torch and Lantern libraries URLs to download as local files in order to proceed with \code{install_torch_from_file()}. #' #' @inheritParams install_torch #' @param version Not used #' @param type Not used. This function is deprecated. #' #' @rdname install_torch_from_file #' @export get_install_libs_url <- function(version = NA, type = NA) { if (! { cli::cli_abort("Please use the env vars describe in {.fn install_torch} to configure the installation type.") } if (! { cli::cli_abort("It's not possible to configure the libtorch version.") } out <- list( libtorch = libtorch_url(), liblantern = lantern_url() ) if (interactive()) { cli::cli_inform(c( "Follow the links to download the dependencies, then set the {.envvar TORCH_URL} and {.envvar LANTERN_URL} env vars to the file paths.", "LibTorch: {.url {out$libtorch}}", "LibLantern: {.url {out$liblantern}}" )) } invisible(out) } #' Install Torch from files #' #' Installs Torch and its dependencies from files. #' #' @inheritParams install_torch #' @param libtorch The installation archive file to use for Torch. Shall be a \code{"file://"} URL scheme. #' @param liblantern The installation archive file to use for Lantern. Shall be a \code{"file://"} URL scheme. #' @param ... other parameters to be passed to \code{"install_torch()"} #' #' @details #' #' When \code{"install_torch()"} initiated download is not possible, but installation archive files are #' present on local filesystem, \code{"install_torch_from_file()"} can be used as a workaround to installation issue. #' \code{"libtorch"} is the archive containing all torch modules, and \code{"liblantern"} is the C interface to libtorch #' that is used for the R package. Both are highly dependent, and should be checked through \code{"get_install_libs_url()"} #' #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' # on a linux CPU platform #' get_install_libs_url() #' # then after making both files available into /tmp/ #' Sys.setenv(TORCH_URL="/tmp/") #' Sys.setenv(LANTERN_URL="/tmp/") #' torch::install_torch() #' } #' @export install_torch_from_file <- function(version = NA, type = NA, libtorch, liblantern, ...) { cli::cli_abort(c( "This function is now deprecated. The same results can be achieved with {.fn install_torch}.", i = "Use the envvars {.envvar TORCH_URL} and {.envvar LANTERN_URL} to set the file locations." )) } download_file <- function(url, destfile) { withr::local_options(timeout = max(600, getOption("timeout", default = 60))) tryCatch({ utils::download.file(url = url, destfile = destfile) }, error = function(e) { additional_messages <- c() if (grepl("torch-lantern-builds", url)) { if (!grepl("refs", url)) { additional_messages <- c( i = "If you installed from GitHub, there might be no lantern build for that commit. Try setting {.envvar TORCH_COMMIT_SHA} to {.val none} to install from the latest commit." ) } } cli::cli_abort(c( x = "Unable to download from {.url {url}}", i = "Please verify that the URL is not blocked by your firewall. See also {.url}", additional_messages ), parent = e) }) } is_package_version <- function(x) { # .standard_regexps()$valid_numeric_version regex <- "([[:digit:]]+[.-])*[[:digit:]]+" grepl(regex, x) }