import pdb import pcbnew board = pcbnew.GetBoard() # the internal coorinate space of pcbnew is 10E-6 mm. (a millionth of a mm) # the coordinate 121550000 corresponds to 121.550000 SCALE = 1000000 if hasattr(pcbnew, "LAYER_ID_COUNT"): pcbnew.PCB_LAYER_ID_COUNT = pcbnew.LAYER_ID_COUNT def coordsFromPolySet(ps): str = ps.Format() lines = str.split('\n') numpts = int(lines[2]) pts = [[int(n) for n in x.split(" ")] for x in lines[3:-2]] # -1 because of the extra two \n return pts def padsForNet(net): retval = [] for pad in board.GetPads(): # first get the netinfo, then get the netcode (int) if pad.GetNet().GetNet() == net: retval.append(pad) #for pad in retval: # print("pad {} connected to {}".format(pad.GetName(), board.GetNetsByNetcode()[net].GetNetname())); return retval from collections import defaultdict class SheetInstance: # "static" helper functions @staticmethod def GetSheetChildId(child): global depth_of_array path = child.GetPath().split('/') path.pop(0) # pop the empty head # the path will be missing if you have modules added # directly in pcbnew, not imported from eeschema netlist. if (len(path) == 0): return (None, None) # if there are multiple sheet heirarchies, where's the replication? # does the top cell contain an arrayed child? or is the child of top # arrayed. # if you have a sheet heirarchy like this: /58DED9F1/58F8C609/58F8CB4E # 58F8CB4E is the lowest child thing/package (ie not a sheet) # 58DED9F1 is the top child # 58F8C609 is the instance in the middle. sheetid = "/".join(path[0:-1]) childid = "/".join(path[-1:]) return (sheetid, childid) @staticmethod def GetNetCanonical(net): pads = [] for pad in padsForNet(net.GetNet()): sheetid, childid = SheetInstance.GetSheetChildId(pad.GetParent()) pads.append((childid, pad.GetPadName())) pads.sort() cname = "_".join([i[0]+":"+i[1] for i in pads]) #print("for net {} pads {}".format(net.GetNetname(), cname)) return cname @staticmethod def NetIsSheetInternal(net): commonsheet = None #print("for net " + net.GetNetname()) for pad in padsForNet(net.GetNet()): mod = pad.GetParent() sheetid, childid = SheetInstance.GetSheetChildId(mod) #print(" sheet {} child {} {}:{}".format(sheetid, str(childid), mod.GetReference(), pad.GetPadName())) if (childid == None): return None if commonsheet == None: commonsheet = sheetid if commonsheet != sheetid: return None return commonsheet @staticmethod def RegisterModulesAndNets(board): SheetInstance.__sheetinstances = {} SheetInstance.__child2sheetinstance = defaultdict(lambda: list()) for child in board.GetModules(): sheetid, childid = SheetInstance.GetSheetChildId(child) if (sheetid not in SheetInstance.__sheetinstances): SheetInstance.__sheetinstances[sheetid] = SheetInstance(sheetid) si = SheetInstance.__sheetinstances[sheetid] si.addChild(child) SheetInstance.__child2sheetinstance[childid].append(si) for net in board.GetNetsByNetcode().values(): common = SheetInstance.NetIsSheetInternal(net) if common == None: continue si = SheetInstance.__sheetinstances[common] si.addInternalNet(net) @staticmethod def GetSheetInstanceForModule(child): return SheetInstance.__sheetinstances[SheetInstance.GetSheetChildId(child)[0]] @staticmethod def GetSheetInstances(child): sheetid, childid = SheetInstance.GetSheetChildId(child) return SheetInstance.__child2sheetinstance[childid] # methods def __init__(self, id): = id self.children = {} self.internalnets = {} def __str__(self): retval = "sheet id is :" + + " {" retval += ", ".join([m.GetReference() for m in self.children.values()]) retval += "} internalnets: {" retval += ", ".join([n.GetNetname() for n in self.internalnets.values()]) return retval def addChild(self, child): sheetid,childid = SheetInstance.GetSheetChildId(child) if (childid == None): return self.children[childid] = child def addInternalNet(self, net): cannon = SheetInstance.GetNetCanonical(net) self.internalnets[cannon] = net def getChildById(self, id): return self.children[id] def getChildCorrespondingToModule(self, child): sheetid, childid = SheetInstance.GetSheetChildId(child) if (childid not in self.children): print("missing child {} others {}".format(mod.GetReference(), ", ".join([m.GetReference()+" "+id+" "+m.GetPath() for id,m in self.children.items()]))) return self.children[childid] def getChildren(self): return self.children.values() SheetInstance.RegisterModulesAndNets(board) # this trick came from here: import re tokenize = re.compile(r'(\d+)|(\D+)').findall def natural_sortkey(string): return tuple(int(num) if num else alpha for num, alpha in tokenize(string)) def replicate_sheet_trackst(fromnet, tonet, offset): board = tonet.GetParent() # remove tonet's old routing for track in board.TracksInNet(tonet.GetNet()): board.Remove(track) for track in board.TracksInNet(fromnet.GetNet()): if track.GetClass() == "VIA": # cloning is an easier way, but I want to ensure I # can create a Via from scratch #newvia = track.Clone() oldvia = board.GetViaByPosition(track.GetPosition()) newvia = pcbnew.VIA(board) # need to add before SetNet will work, so just doing it first board.Add(newvia) toplayer=-1 bottomlayer=pcbnew.PCB_LAYER_ID_COUNT for l in range(pcbnew.PCB_LAYER_ID_COUNT): if not track.IsOnLayer(l): continue toplayer = max(toplayer, l) bottomlayer = min(bottomlayer, l) newvia.SetLayerPair(toplayer, bottomlayer) newvia.SetPosition(pcbnew.wxPoint(track.GetPosition().x+offset[0], track.GetPosition().y+offset[1])) newvia.SetViaType(oldvia.GetViaType()) newvia.SetWidth(oldvia.GetWidth()) newvia.SetNet(tonet) else: newtrack = pcbnew.TRACK(board) # need to add before SetNet will work, so just doing it first board.Add(newtrack) newtrack.SetStart(pcbnew.wxPoint(track.GetStart().x+offset[0], track.GetStart().y+offset[1])) newtrack.SetEnd(pcbnew.wxPoint(track.GetEnd().x+offset[0], track.GetEnd().y+offset[1])) newtrack.SetWidth(track.GetWidth()) newtrack.SetLayer(track.GetLayer()) newtrack.SetNet(tonet) fromzones = [] tozones = [] for zoneid in range(board.GetAreaCount()): zone = board.GetArea(zoneid) if (zone.GetNet().GetNetname() == fromnet.GetNetname()): fromzones.append(zone) continue; if (zone.GetNet().GetNetname() == tonet.GetNetname()): tozones.append(zone) continue; for zone in tozones: board.Remove(zone) for zone in fromzones: coords = coordsFromPolySet(zone.Outline()) #pdb.set_trace() newzone = board.InsertArea(tonet.GetNet(), 0, zone.GetLayer(), coords[0][0]+int(offset[0]), coords[0][1]+int(offset[1]), pcbnew.CPolyLine.DIAGONAL_EDGE) newoutline = newzone.Outline() for pt in coords[1:]: newoutline.Append(int(pt[0]+offset[0]), int(pt[1]+offset[1])) newzone.Hatch() def place_instances(mainref, pitch): pitch = (pitch[0] * SCALE, pitch[1] * SCALE) pivotmod = board.FindModuleByReference(mainref) sheetinstance = SheetInstance.GetSheetInstanceForModule(pivotmod) #peers = instances[pivotsheet] #print("getting for {}".format(pivotmod.GetReference())) arrayedsheets = sorted(SheetInstance.GetSheetInstances(pivotmod), key = lambda elt: natural_sortkey(elt.getChildCorrespondingToModule(pivotmod).GetReference())) #replicasheets = sorted(children[pivotinstance], key=lambda elt: natural_sortkey(elt[2])) print("children of the same instance as {}: {}".format(mainref, ",".join([m.GetReference() for m in sheetinstance.getChildren()]))) basepositions = {} for mod in sheetinstance.getChildren(): sheetid, childid = SheetInstance.GetSheetChildId(mod) basepositions[childid] = (mod.GetPosition().x, mod.GetPosition().y, mod.GetOrientation(), mod.IsFlipped()) print("basepositions {}".format(str(basepositions))) instnum = -1 for i, si in enumerate(arrayedsheets): if (si.getChildCorrespondingToModule(pivotmod).GetReference() == mainref): instnum = i break print("{} is in index {}".format(mainref, instnum)) # we start with index=-instnum because we want the pivot module to stay where it is. for idx, si in enumerate(arrayedsheets, start=-instnum): #print("placing instance {} {}".format(idx, if idx == 0: continue #first move the modules for peer in si.getChildren(): sheetid, childid = SheetInstance.GetSheetChildId(peer) newposition = basepositions[childid] newposition = (int(newposition[0] + idx*pitch[0]), int(newposition[1] + idx*pitch[1])) #print("moving peer {} to {},{}".format(peer.GetReference(), newposition[0], newposition[1])) if (peer.IsFlipped() != basepositions[childid][3]): peer.Flip(peer.GetPosition()) peer.SetPosition(pcbnew.wxPoint(*newposition)) peer.SetOrientation(basepositions[childid][2]) #copy the nets for fromnetid, fromnet in sheetinstance.internalnets.items(): if fromnetid not in si.internalnets: #print("{} is missing from {}\n".format(fromnetid, ", ".join(si.internalnets.keys()))) print("{} is missing\n".format(fromnetid)) continue tonet = si.internalnets[fromnetid] #print("copying net {} to {}".format(fromnet.GetNetname(), tonet.GetNetname())) replicate_sheet_trackst(fromnet, tonet, (idx*pitch[0],idx*pitch[1])) #place_instances("U7", (0, -45)) #place_instances("U71", (0, -45)) place_instances("J8", (30, 0)) place_instances("U7", (30, 0)) # In the future, this build connectivity call will not be neccessary. # I have submitted a patch to include this in the code for Refresh. # You'll know you needed it if pcbnew crashes without it. board.BuildConnectivity() pcbnew.Refresh();