# Ember Component / Template Split View Super simple Sublime Text plugin that will let you open corresponding template or route files with EmberJS components. Built because I have probably spent 30% of my workday typing CMD+P "fileNameblah/template" and the like. ![Demo](/_demo/demo.gif?raw=true "Demo") ## How To Install The package is pending submission into [Sublime Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/). Once available, installing via Package Control is recommended. You can also clone this repository into your packages folder (by default: /Users/{user}/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages). ## How To Use Open any component's component.js file or template.hbs file, then press *CTRL+SHIFT+K* to open it's corresponding template or javascript file in another window. ## Bugs / Feature Requests Please use [Github](https://github.com/mmitchellgarcia/ember-component-template-split-view/issues) for any bug reports or feature requests.