# THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED BY tools/hooks/update_environment_file.py AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN name: mne channels: - conda-forge dependencies: - python >=3.10 - antio >=0.4.0 - darkdetect - decorator - defusedxml - dipy - edfio >=0.2.1 - eeglabio - h5io >=0.2.4 - h5py - imageio >=2.6.1 - imageio-ffmpeg >=0.4.1 - ipyevents - ipympl - ipython !=8.7.0 - ipywidgets - jinja2 - joblib - jupyter - lazy_loader >=0.3 - matplotlib >=3.6 - mffpy >=0.5.7 - mne-qt-browser - nibabel - nilearn - numba - numpy >=1.23,<3 - openmeeg =2.5.12=*_1 - packaging - pandas - pillow - pip - pooch >=1.5 - pyarrow - pybv - pymatreader - PySide6 !=6.8.0,!= - python-neo - python-picard - pyvista >=0.32,!=0.35.2,!=0.38.0,!=0.38.1,!=0.38.2,!=0.38.3,!=0.38.4,!=0.38.5,!=0.38.6,!=0.42.0 - pyvistaqt >=0.4 - qdarkstyle !=3.2.2 - qtpy - scikit-learn - scipy >=1.9 - sip - snirf - statsmodels - threadpoolctl - tqdm - traitlets - trame - trame-vtk - trame-vuetify - vtk >=9.2 - xlrd