""" .. _ex-parcellation: ============================ Plot a cortical parcellation ============================ In this example, we download the HCP-MMP1.0 parcellation :footcite:`GlasserEtAl2016` and show it on ``fsaverage``. We will also download the customized 448-label aparc parcellation from :footcite:`KhanEtAl2018`. .. note:: The HCP-MMP dataset has license terms restricting its use. Of particular relevance: "I will acknowledge the use of WU-Minn HCP data and data derived from WU-Minn HCP data when publicly presenting any results or algorithms that benefitted from their use." """ # Author: Eric Larson # Denis Engemann # # License: BSD-3-Clause # Copyright the MNE-Python contributors. # %% import mne Brain = mne.viz.get_brain_class() subjects_dir = mne.datasets.sample.data_path() / "subjects" mne.datasets.fetch_hcp_mmp_parcellation(subjects_dir=subjects_dir, verbose=True) mne.datasets.fetch_aparc_sub_parcellation(subjects_dir=subjects_dir, verbose=True) labels = mne.read_labels_from_annot( "fsaverage", "HCPMMP1", "lh", subjects_dir=subjects_dir ) brain = Brain( "fsaverage", "lh", "inflated", subjects_dir=subjects_dir, cortex="low_contrast", background="white", size=(800, 600), ) brain.add_annotation("HCPMMP1") aud_label = [label for label in labels if label.name == "L_A1_ROI-lh"][0] brain.add_label(aud_label, borders=False) # %% # We can also plot a combined set of labels (23 per hemisphere). brain = Brain( "fsaverage", "lh", "inflated", subjects_dir=subjects_dir, cortex="low_contrast", background="white", size=(800, 600), ) brain.add_annotation("HCPMMP1_combined") # %% # We can add another custom parcellation brain = Brain( "fsaverage", "lh", "inflated", subjects_dir=subjects_dir, cortex="low_contrast", background="white", size=(800, 600), ) brain.add_annotation("aparc_sub") # %% # References # ---------- # .. footbibliography::