scriptencoding utf-8 " TODO " * update function -> done " * disable function -> done " * have a list of plugins -> needed? if has('win32') const s:plugins_path = expand("~/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start/") else const s:plugins_path = expand("~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/") endif if !isdirectory(s:plugins_path) | call mkdir(s:plugins_path, "p") | endif function s:Install(path, condition = v:true, branch = '') abort if !a:condition | return | endif const l:dir = expand(s:plugins_path .. substitute(a:path, '/', '_', 'g')) if !isdirectory(l:dir) echo 'installing ' .. a:path if empty(a:branch) call system('git clone --depth 1' .. a:path .. ' ' .. l:dir) else call system('git clone --depth 1 -b ' .. a:branch .. ' --single-branch' .. a:path .. ' ' .. l:dir) endif endif if isdirectory(l:dir .. '/doc') | execute 'helptag' l:dir .. '/doc' | endif endfunction call s:Install('vim-jp/vimdoc-ja') call s:Install('lyuts/vim-rtags', (has('python') || has('python3'))) call s:Install('mattn/vim-lexiv') " call s:Install('airblade/vim-gitgutter') call s:Install('mnishz/notes.vim') call s:Install('mnishz/devotion.vim') call s:Install('mnishz/colorscheme-preview.vim') call s:Install('mnishz/rainfall.vim', executable('curl'), 'tenki_jp') let g:rainfall#url = '' call s:Install('vim-airline/vim-airline') call s:Install('mnishz/current-func-info.vim') augroup current-func-info.vim autocmd! autocmd VimEnter * let g:airline_section_c = airline#section#create(['[%n] %<', 'file', " / %{cfi#format('%s','')} ", 'readonly']) augroup END call s:Install('nightsense/office') set termguicolors let &t_8f = "\[38;2;%lu;%lu;%lum" let &t_8b = "\[48;2;%lu;%lu;%lum" augroup colorscheme autocmd! " Colorscheme イベントの発生が抑制されないよう nested を付ける autocmd VimEnter * nested colorscheme office-dark if g:help_translation " アクティブウィンドウのステータスラインの色を目立たせる autocmd ColorScheme * highlight StatusLine ctermfg=100 guifg=SeaGreen " Boldをつける autocmd ColorScheme * highlight Error gui=Bold guifg=Red endif " 日本語表示でカーソルを赤くする autocmd ColorScheme * highlight CursorIM guibg=Red " 微調整 autocmd ColorScheme * highlight Comment guifg=#676760 autocmd ColorScheme * highlight SpecialKey guifg=#684f76 augroup END call s:Install('Yggdroot/indentLine') let g:indentLine_char = '┊' let g:indentLine_fileType = ['c', 'cpp', 'ipp', 'hpp', 'hh'] call s:Install('ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim') let g:ctrlp_clear_cache_on_exit = 0 let g:ctrlp_lazy_update = 1 let g:ctrlp_root_markers = ['gtags'] let g:ctrlp_match_window = 'max:30' " は使えません!!!enterの挙動も変わってしまう nnoremap mru :CtrlPMRUFiles call s:Install('scrooloose/nerdtree') nnoremap :NERDTreeToggle let g:NERDTreeHijackNetrw = 0 call s:Install('t9md/vim-quickhl') nmap m (quickhl-manual-this) xmap m (quickhl-manual-this) nmap w (quickhl-manual-this-whole-word) nmap M (quickhl-manual-reset) xmap M (quickhl-manual-reset) nmap L :QuickhlManualList call s:Install('rhysd/clever-f.vim') let g:clever_f_mark_cursor = 0 call s:Install('previm/previm') if has('win32') let g:previm_open_cmd = 'C:\\Program\ Files\\Mozilla\ Firefox\\firefox.exe' endif let g:previm_enable_realtime = 1 let g:previm_custom_css_path = '~/dotfiles/previm_my.css' call s:Install('prabirshrestha/asyncomplete.vim') call s:Install('prabirshrestha/async.vim') call s:Install('prabirshrestha/asyncomplete-lsp.vim') call s:Install('prabirshrestha/vim-lsp') if executable('clangd') au User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({ \ 'name': 'clangd', \ 'cmd': {server_info->['clangd']}, \ 'whitelist': ['c', 'cpp', 'cc'], \ }) endif " if executable('cquery') " au User lsp_setup call lsp#register_server({ " \ 'name': 'cquery', " \ 'cmd': {server_info->['cquery']}, " \ 'root_uri': {server_info->lsp#utils#path_to_uri(lsp#utils#find_nearest_parent_file_directory(lsp#utils#get_buffer_path(), 'compile_commands.json'))}, " \ 'initialization_options': { 'cacheDirectory': '/tmp/cquery/cache' }, " \ 'whitelist': ['c', 'cpp', 'cc'], " \ }) " endif let g:lsp_diagnostics_echo_cursor = 1 command PlugUpdate :call s:PlugUpdate() function s:PlugUpdate() abort for dir in readdir(s:plugins_path, {n -> isdirectory(s:plugins_path .. n)}) echo 'updating ' .. dir call system('cd ' .. s:plugins_path .. dir .. ' && git pull') endfor endfunction command PlugDeleteAll :call s:PlugDeleteAll() function s:PlugDeleteAll() abort for dir in readdir(s:plugins_path, {n -> isdirectory(s:plugins_path .. n)}) echon 'deleting ' .. dir .. ', ' if !empty(system('cd ' .. s:plugins_path .. dir .. ' && git status --porcelain')) echohl Error | echon 'not clean, aborted' | echohl None else echon 'done' call delete(s:plugins_path .. dir, "rf") endif echo '' endfor endfunction " modeline " vim: expandtab tabstop=2 textwidth=0