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This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Associates an approved origin to an Amazon Connect instance.

", "method": "put", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/approved-origin", "responses": [ { "uuid": "d5fa1d41-a232-416a-95ba-92c6c705c387", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "801e93a8-0389-4215-bb7a-c37c6eb2208f", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "1fb26827-f365-4a9c-9c37-24ad5b25ef23", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "ResourceConflictException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c69d4ae3-ac77-448c-94f3-0ec1a4538827", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "aad17c62-56c3-480e-abfc-50765366fe06", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "14a347fc-f579-4d20-97f5-e97a11eaa6b9", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "634840f8-eb3b-4c7a-8459-0d3e1ca60f79", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "ServiceQuotaExceededException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "76c1c540-8475-42a8-ba1e-33c5ce5ffcad", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 486, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "24fe5aa0-f9df-4a09-a67c-324ed3f61a8c", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Allows the specified Amazon Connect instance to access the specified Amazon Lex or Amazon Lex V2 bot.

", "method": "put", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/bot", "responses": [ { "uuid": "d53fe0e5-0222-415f-96ee-9a56a23e5ae5", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "73cb8341-01c4-49cf-b6d4-3fdff2dbf09c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "cfabac31-3547-4f3d-863e-863d97043ea1", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "ResourceConflictException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "7a9ab53e-7056-4b63-bcf7-2a0a5ed1ae3d", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "34ebebf0-79f6-48cb-9ae0-c5a2feaed1ce", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "957cd1f1-61cb-471e-bf83-29e0d30f5f0d", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "LimitExceededException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "b02de4a6-1ced-41d0-b05b-a502a2150f80", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "ServiceQuotaExceededException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "906c83f1-9740-4fad-b028-00980dae00be", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 486, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "433d8656-738e-4223-95da-86aa456a2e44", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Revokes authorization from the specified instance to access the specified Amazon Lex or Amazon Lex V2 bot.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/bot", "responses": [ { "uuid": "27a9fd28-3335-4447-aa7f-bafb46087572", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "d7164f8f-6357-4e33-a457-f71034019f54", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c15a74a3-8765-44af-a117-8692c026adb6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c85a275d-6c10-493a-920a-43f3d58a5af6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3290107e-e77d-4ebf-9431-5022c54dafa0", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "30d6f2d1-850b-44ba-baf0-da825bc075fa", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Associates a storage resource type for the first time. You can only associate one type of storage configuration in a single call. This means, for example, that you can't define an instance with multiple S3 buckets for storing chat transcripts.

This API does not create a resource that doesn't exist. It only associates it to the instance. Ensure that the resource being specified in the storage configuration, like an S3 bucket, exists when being used for association.

", "method": "put", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/storage-config", "responses": [ { "uuid": "9c9f3765-7a47-4e32-b2b4-d4d0b2ea8c3d", "body": "{\n \"AssociationId\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "63ffda1b-5bc2-4c3b-81c8-deac20fb234f", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2c31362a-431b-4ff4-bdc7-e0cbf503b47b", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "ResourceConflictException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ac613909-1bbd-4db4-b4b3-ca5eaf3a3c73", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "6d2ff68b-2190-4d39-842f-6e3cc8814aeb", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "29d5777e-59ab-46dc-8c42-7a37102b38a6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f8f77782-ca1d-4363-9f37-0c661474926f", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "1d9d300b-7c71-4c1a-a323-c9abe496389c", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Allows the specified Amazon Connect instance to access the specified Lambda function.

", "method": "put", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/lambda-function", "responses": [ { "uuid": "c5aef3dd-27ab-4569-933f-6041ce8ac1ae", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e00b1aa7-4a6a-4c47-af22-59ef9a6eafa1", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "af213ad8-b713-42c1-83c5-338458176495", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "ResourceConflictException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "1a9b0a46-08a8-4d2a-aa67-0365735410fa", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2a0f266d-a9ec-4ecc-9f53-486b7e581563", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2ef08d44-c06b-421f-876b-5bbb1c266cab", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "54c00624-0508-4ccd-8118-f0253e1e25ad", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "ServiceQuotaExceededException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "9839acb1-7271-4889-ae00-6126ceaf473a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 486, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "e6ec1d8e-e6ca-4243-9cb3-1dc4e8a2b257", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Allows the specified Amazon Connect instance to access the specified Amazon Lex bot.

", "method": "put", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/lex-bot", "responses": [ { "uuid": "b520ca9a-d27b-4523-b29d-6981717263b3", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "1fa2d5bc-7fbe-4123-874a-e12aedf7e83c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c6eef14f-7660-4036-a996-d0fcfbfba340", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "ResourceConflictException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "8f4e0e44-1bcf-4f18-884e-218de51e6761", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "8c765088-0b02-466e-9570-54b205f37b2c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "6fae23b7-7d69-46ef-9af6-838f9daceee6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f3a20d48-5eaf-4d5c-ade2-3bf18b93cfe6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "ServiceQuotaExceededException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "23d4819b-fa29-4846-a400-d2c577029f08", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 486, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "e508ea19-b8aa-4987-92ac-2940254da979", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Associates a set of quick connects with a queue.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "queues/:InstanceId/:QueueId/associate-quick-connects", "responses": [ { "uuid": "efbf53b7-9ef2-4859-bfbd-ea590e95445d", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "61dd4fbb-9333-4fa1-b2ed-719d7062ff4d", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "d03c1f4c-6bf4-45ba-ba6b-92035f5dbc06", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 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This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Associates a security key to the instance.

", "method": "put", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/security-key", "responses": [ { "uuid": "a7ea655c-6c04-44ed-9745-d966bd84680e", "body": "{\n \"AssociationId\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "6e2e710b-5e69-4d97-90e1-297a00e05213", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "27a785df-f518-4665-bd9a-64b9cbe72d55", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "ResourceConflictException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "bc06b927-1507-44aa-b61b-970d705a9268", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "4f6aacac-1e9e-4d37-8b38-47b1d83bd6ef", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0f27bbcb-973b-47f5-b7ed-5375c105369a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ce3eea56-4ce8-445a-a0ba-9e9ecacd5515", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "ServiceQuotaExceededException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "7786b430-6f3f-47f0-ba8b-649f18eb4fb3", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 486, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "6bc9d33e-b683-41e9-86f0-ea4217b9bfc9", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Creates an agent status for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

", "method": "put", "endpoint": "agent-status/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "db404f1e-66bd-4d83-bbdf-12ee2916f89d", "body": "{\n \"AgentStatusARN\": \"\",\n \"AgentStatusId\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e3bf93ca-2b34-4364-bfff-cf5815ffbf8a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2b4d8802-4b42-4cd9-97ac-8bf8392bace8", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "97825acd-d333-419e-850b-cf68217c1d1b", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "DuplicateResourceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c9b3d69c-842e-4d62-9d87-5f4ec5bf2e8a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "628844c0-49a7-472e-b04c-29309a571271", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "LimitExceededException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "dd77efc3-3809-4100-a243-3744964fe753", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "1246857e-29fc-41bc-8466-4bb56a85286f", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 486, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "ead79e8c-07c8-461f-b1bb-4052b8ac14ee", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Lists agent statuses.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "agent-status/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "6ea7401c-2fc2-44fd-824f-44993b000ef0", "body": "{\n \"NextToken\": \"\",\n \"AgentStatusSummaryList\": [\n {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"Type\": \"\"\n }\n ]\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "d62686b4-f571-4aba-b643-101ce30dbcf8", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "696e2dca-07c5-401b-9ff8-14e841ee9395", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c501ea23-b65b-4c23-bb5c-996353cdd0d6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "9d41960b-49ff-462a-aff6-30baacd2ad8d", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "18c801ce-d45d-4dd6-bdcc-971af6172ba4", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "8fb0edfc-eb54-4041-921d-b43134cc014f", "documentation": "

Creates a contact flow for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

You can also create and update contact flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.

", "method": "put", "endpoint": "contact-flows/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "a914ab5b-e562-4d15-bef8-cf4a0b34ba2f", "body": "{\n \"ContactFlowId\": \"\",\n \"ContactFlowArn\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "5d459ebf-9fa7-43aa-ac90-ce3ef1cdc0af", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "a37a5f2b-229b-4633-8832-5e30eaaab33e", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidContactFlowException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e92084de-7234-4277-a3e3-fcd4dd3e8aa3", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f955bbb2-5fb2-4420-999c-f476032d67e3", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "DuplicateResourceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "fa83eb61-3b52-4877-bf2d-669aebacf293", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "LimitExceededException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3a016a04-ec94-4566-b11b-5e7269095a02", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "8ac81c9e-678a-4b9a-9378-df13d9d6cfe8", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 486, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "a6d11be6-7fd1-442b-8b98-b0a294223fa1", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 487, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "6388ea4d-66bf-4b21-89fa-7cdb837b2022", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Creates hours of operation.

", "method": "put", "endpoint": "hours-of-operations/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "6aecd0c3-536d-4067-bdfb-a7016c1d90f7", "body": "{\n \"HoursOfOperationId\": \"\",\n \"HoursOfOperationArn\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "9fcca45a-8e55-4438-830b-03db6dfba0aa", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "DuplicateResourceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3d7f1d67-31e7-490c-a4b8-efe6199edfa6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ab9a24f9-e755-4e0c-aa09-eb4f4e63496d", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "6c09635f-2346-4bc1-80e6-1000021c3121", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "31bde56b-9137-4597-9f78-881e34b316fc", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "LimitExceededException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c63bdf6f-c475-441b-9234-6426767ae276", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "87493489-3e63-424b-8075-cbd9f7b79c3a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 486, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "4251812e-cdf6-4f0f-8600-f45bb5795b18", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Initiates an Amazon Connect instance with all the supported channels enabled. It does not attach any storage, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or Amazon Kinesis. It also does not allow for any configurations on features, such as Contact Lens for Amazon Connect.

Amazon Connect enforces a limit on the total number of instances that you can create or delete in 30 days. If you exceed this limit, you will get an error message indicating there has been an excessive number of attempts at creating or deleting instances. You must wait 30 days before you can restart creating and deleting instances in your account.

", "method": "put", "endpoint": "instance", "responses": [ { "uuid": "9bc7b2e6-bc16-460f-904a-2935398fb641", "body": "{\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "bf8d5ee8-1f67-4aef-aa64-e68fc52f89a9", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "54a57aa0-381d-42ab-a274-6818edddbd28", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "ServiceQuotaExceededException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "b16cd616-8ddc-4978-b55f-ace3faed7d2d", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "fc2a737b-0da9-4114-9bd5-237fed39d19d", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "08506d8a-296d-4177-b448-f2853928183c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "e08606e8-f675-4f4e-bc64-9e1356e76f82", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Return a list of instances which are in active state, creation-in-progress state, and failed state. Instances that aren't successfully created (they are in a failed state) are returned only for 24 hours after the CreateInstance API was invoked.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "instance", "responses": [ { "uuid": "306a3148-7070-4707-b867-44a8fc6a1ee7", "body": "{\n \"InstanceSummaryList\": [\n {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"IdentityManagementType\": \"\",\n \"InstanceAlias\": \"\",\n \"CreatedTime\": \"{{faker 'date.recent' 365}}\",\n \"ServiceRole\": \"\",\n \"InstanceStatus\": \"\",\n \"InboundCallsEnabled\": {{faker 'datatype.boolean'}},\n \"OutboundCallsEnabled\": {{faker 'datatype.boolean'}}\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2c4cdf68-0600-4b43-a987-c3318b59bbf6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "caaedf60-311a-4936-a5d2-ffbdb7bae6e0", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "763ad1eb-1dd0-41f6-99b5-82ab08d8e223", "documentation": "Create an AppIntegration association with an Amazon Connect instance.", "method": "put", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/integration-associations", "responses": [ { "uuid": "4ba33408-5546-475e-8616-da44e2c5fc9f", "body": "{\n \"IntegrationAssociationId\": \"\",\n \"IntegrationAssociationArn\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "06cbf931-bcba-4d67-96ab-d8c355ea2bec", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "DuplicateResourceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "85f46b8a-a303-4c4f-8563-b83c69915fca", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": 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This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Creates a new queue for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

", "method": "put", "endpoint": "queues/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "4bc22ca2-db4f-4886-b915-d3f7df8a091e", "body": "{\n \"QueueArn\": \"\",\n \"QueueId\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "bc686ca7-410d-4910-b7d4-3f5aebbe56cd", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "d9063d76-4845-4393-9d7b-c80895fa9a15", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, 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Creates a user account for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For information about how to create user accounts using the Amazon Connect console, see Add Users in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

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This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Deletes an hours of operation.

", "method": "delete", "endpoint": "hours-of-operations/:InstanceId/:HoursOfOperationId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "f4ab279e-8e9d-4915-a88d-51eae81cbe75", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3a60bbb5-42ee-458c-94f2-a6e96cb5daea", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "b0f486db-18f9-47f2-aa71-58ff65b31f7b", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "af4cee67-0cf6-46e7-a8f3-c2435d9cac77", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "8cc1c9b4-d1dd-4c20-a2cc-3dc90dad0ed3", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "50f8eb92-fa68-4001-9062-6608026865fe", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "24c6dde0-401b-4a89-8ede-ceda3e542764", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Describes the hours of operation.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "hours-of-operations/:InstanceId/:HoursOfOperationId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "cda3fc33-3e4c-449c-b59c-3416fdaf987e", "body": "{\n \"HoursOfOperation\": {\n \"HoursOfOperationId\": \"\",\n \"HoursOfOperationArn\": \"\",\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"Description\": \"\",\n \"TimeZone\": \"\",\n \"Config\": [\n {\n \"Day\": \"\",\n \"StartTime\": {\n \"Hours\": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}},\n \"Minutes\": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}}\n },\n \"EndTime\": {\n \"Hours\": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}},\n \"Minutes\": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}}\n }\n }\n ],\n \"Tags\": {}\n }\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "78f7b860-53be-4941-82cc-ea5e745c4710", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "798d2c58-bcf9-45a1-a3fd-7d311faaed89", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "5f828771-1d32-4b0d-a7a9-099ecc9ed3ad", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3cf3f60e-2f9d-43d7-878f-970d5a2e9735", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "94ee3e08-aef7-4ee1-80df-36e82accd749", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "690b1fb7-45f5-422b-919f-7f78c6f1754c", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the hours of operation.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "hours-of-operations/:InstanceId/:HoursOfOperationId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "e22fba01-512c-46f2-a745-bbe870a042af", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "6445dc28-fe28-491a-b908-c4a68daa96a8", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "DuplicateResourceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e5da8071-1186-4d4b-826c-0c3c1d125eed", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "92bbf34a-5e9f-4ce1-b1b3-c37839361fc1", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "8117fb9c-bb85-4dd8-8945-df4a162d3449", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "9b417b41-f9af-4aca-9309-02bd28d8f35d", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "7f681748-e2e5-41fc-9906-5bf6993f488a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "03707c2b-5f54-4bd3-aa9f-e64ab0c6a49b", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Deletes the Amazon Connect instance.

Amazon Connect enforces a limit on the total number of instances that you can create or delete in 30 days. If you exceed this limit, you will get an error message indicating there has been an excessive number of attempts at creating or deleting instances. You must wait 30 days before you can restart creating and deleting instances in your account.

", "method": "delete", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "c558d43d-03e6-43d8-8930-f82df3751211", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2b964d6c-a501-4d93-9a21-47a6ac738236", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "b2f1f03a-c7b3-47b0-95aa-1bc5675e55e9", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "4e7d9c54-3711-48c5-ae1c-3828399442ee", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "24a6fb8a-ae2a-44ef-b0b9-650502ce2e35", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns the current state of the specified instance identifier. It tracks the instance while it is being created and returns an error status, if applicable.

If an instance is not created successfully, the instance status reason field returns details relevant to the reason. The instance in a failed state is returned only for 24 hours after the CreateInstance API was invoked.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "3e166b25-df93-4bf1-9a85-75e545169f2d", "body": "{\n \"Instance\": {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"IdentityManagementType\": \"\",\n \"InstanceAlias\": \"\",\n \"CreatedTime\": \"{{faker 'date.recent' 365}}\",\n \"ServiceRole\": \"\",\n \"InstanceStatus\": \"\",\n \"StatusReason\": {\n \"Message\": \"\"\n },\n \"InboundCallsEnabled\": {{faker 'datatype.boolean'}},\n \"OutboundCallsEnabled\": {{faker 'datatype.boolean'}}\n }\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f69bfdee-1401-4b0d-a8bb-81a150bc16a5", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "9aa0b09e-2852-4287-85f9-251a1be58a69", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "8095f678-b11a-498e-9850-618f8cc9e38b", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "01368209-0fd4-4dd6-9b45-7cf84370feca", "documentation": "Deletes an AppIntegration association from an Amazon Connect instance. The association must not have any use cases associated with it.", "method": "delete", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/integration-associations/:IntegrationAssociationId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "9826d646-b36e-4785-8e07-6dd0b532780f", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2b114603-1d88-400e-a618-b76e74977595", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { 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Deletes a user account from the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For information about what happens to a user's data when their account is deleted, see Delete Users from Your Amazon Connect Instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "delete", "endpoint": "users/:InstanceId/:UserId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "f4ccc255-4b1f-4fd4-9e2f-ebf7f608e826", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0a52547d-4392-4760-8377-60e6bd25875d", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0605fbe8-7592-4805-8d7e-a24e7d4eaa70", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "1d4beb7b-34ea-410b-8471-f88a02a9bfcb", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "49806036-7b27-4115-a7b4-e117bf0a5828", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "491eab81-e503-47fe-aa78-09ec662bb613", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "3cb2fbfc-d345-4c61-b1f3-a19c540b5171", "documentation": "Describes the specified user account. You can find the instance ID in the console (it’s the final part of the ARN). The console does not display the user IDs. Instead, list the users and note the IDs provided in the output.", "method": "get", "endpoint": "users/:InstanceId/:UserId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "3741e0ec-157b-458a-9a16-ee55ab297e3a", "body": "{\n \"User\": {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"Username\": \"\",\n \"IdentityInfo\": {\n \"FirstName\": \"\",\n \"LastName\": \"\",\n \"Email\": \"\"\n },\n \"PhoneConfig\": {\n \"PhoneType\": \"\",\n \"AutoAccept\": {{faker 'datatype.boolean'}},\n \"AfterContactWorkTimeLimit\": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}},\n \"DeskPhoneNumber\": \"\"\n },\n \"DirectoryUserId\": \"\",\n \"SecurityProfileIds\": [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"RoutingProfileId\": \"\",\n \"HierarchyGroupId\": \"\",\n \"Tags\": {}\n }\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f26beef1-a5ed-4bcf-a679-df326030c67f", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "b27b2046-6b33-403b-9878-884dcf9af369", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "d7bbb028-2537-404a-abf1-a6ded02a1c58", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "6de4e0cb-d1fe-40dc-93af-66babea0f5ca", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "45b1d367-ee2a-4dbd-ad77-2ad01e7a1364", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "8519bb0a-ef20-4b96-9fc0-bd012bfece82", "documentation": "Deletes an existing user hierarchy group. It must not be associated with any agents or have any active child groups.", "method": "delete", "endpoint": "user-hierarchy-groups/:InstanceId/:HierarchyGroupId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "6457c845-143f-48e0-a7ce-28f9cf720a61", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "9a1c2dce-635b-469f-94b6-67f5015f697f", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "80c71801-2d95-471c-bdfe-71f78466e505", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "99068d65-435c-41f4-92b1-3ef8eb7d3082", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "959c6136-5a1e-4858-851b-46fc9e4c3eb9", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ResourceInUseException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": 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This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Describes an agent status.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "agent-status/:InstanceId/:AgentStatusId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "7affca80-5c80-4cf7-bd96-b1b27e41b297", "body": "{\n \"AgentStatus\": {\n \"AgentStatusARN\": \"\",\n \"AgentStatusId\": \"\",\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"Description\": \"\",\n \"Type\": \"\",\n \"DisplayOrder\": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}},\n \"State\": \"\",\n \"Tags\": {}\n }\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "52509faa-a840-41c9-a103-f8c8431f6e25", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "d2acb0d9-6a2e-467e-8201-ec580036e884", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3f9a3640-466d-4753-8f6a-8d23c9d91804", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "566a417a-05a5-45d5-a2fe-a38abdfc8164", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "7122facf-ebd2-43f9-872b-0647e3f98eb9", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "e430d924-f725-426a-a1e1-6067e966d978", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates agent status.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "agent-status/:InstanceId/:AgentStatusId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "4026bdd7-c31f-4306-b81f-3d212b005d5f", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "47cb8a5e-035c-4676-ad5b-630bc947ce0d", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ec1d4f56-094f-475a-8fff-3df8d59e84b2", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "888cb41e-d425-456f-8b0e-065089f0bfc8", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "DuplicateResourceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e9005da3-020a-420c-94fd-dc6f177f97ba", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "969328a5-bb96-4a3c-b9ef-75b84d622c77", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "LimitExceededException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "279a5f75-3439-46ac-bb10-f77e569ea0e8", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2bb8fefa-cb12-4598-8d60-c43b54dca2b0", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 486, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "63344503-f9b3-4c93-aa05-7d98511cd278", "documentation": "

Describes the specified contact flow.

You can also create and update contact flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "contact-flows/:InstanceId/:ContactFlowId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "1c54a0b7-cf22-471f-ba5d-c9d2749cb1de", "body": "{\n \"ContactFlow\": {\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"Type\": \"\",\n \"Description\": \"\",\n \"Content\": \"\",\n \"Tags\": {}\n }\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "14b7df45-5f3c-4497-ab46-a3655db89af9", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "5f0b7af3-0721-41b4-adce-f2358113bdf6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3ae3bdff-305c-4c9d-85d2-a83c968a8339", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "4cafccd0-fa06-4c39-8719-f019597af8e6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ContactFlowNotPublishedException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "33602a0e-7588-4742-a6dc-3f61ac7b26b5", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "75760251-fc00-44c0-b682-bc40b45a1e88", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "28425a24-c422-458b-946d-19fca6d16820", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Describes the specified instance attribute.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/attribute/:AttributeType", "responses": [ { "uuid": "e947d179-9e8a-4bbd-a43a-f6c097b01765", "body": "{\n \"Attribute\": {\n \"AttributeType\": \"\",\n \"Value\": \"\"\n }\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0cb21813-6fc7-4cdb-9b89-003452dca6f3", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ad340825-8342-4f6e-a3ff-655057486e8b", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "95726427-1ce1-484d-8978-d77b2c5d96c6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f3383981-5ff3-487a-9c03-f8986131cd9e", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "80e53d36-5795-4975-9524-6dc984f529bc", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "fb4cb652-f3bc-4d69-90b4-c2f3b0e2bf36", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the value for the specified attribute type.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/attribute/:AttributeType", "responses": [ { "uuid": "99f9cdeb-bb9d-4850-8187-47b457f69abf", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3d852193-431d-497b-933c-7e92fbb610a7", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "8bdccc8d-51d5-4c5f-b6f8-86eecad6bba0", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3ede4611-2c21-4d8e-875a-eac39babee77", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "abf7ec2e-1e22-406c-8eff-9c7760144246", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c576342b-251c-449d-8f1b-9fd0b7988eba", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "96afa70a-10da-4fea-bb33-468d915dbea3", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Retrieves the current storage configurations for the specified resource type, association ID, and instance ID.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/storage-config/:AssociationId#resourceType", "responses": [ { "uuid": "3ee24f8e-9ceb-4d8a-a6a0-fead7cf14e0a", "body": "{\n \"StorageConfig\": {\n \"AssociationId\": \"\",\n \"StorageType\": \"\",\n \"S3Config\": {\n \"BucketName\": \"\",\n \"BucketPrefix\": \"\",\n \"EncryptionConfig\": {\n \"EncryptionType\": \"\",\n \"KeyId\": \"\"\n }\n },\n \"KinesisVideoStreamConfig\": {\n \"Prefix\": \"\",\n \"RetentionPeriodHours\": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}},\n \"EncryptionConfig\": {\n \"EncryptionType\": \"\",\n \"KeyId\": \"\"\n }\n },\n \"KinesisStreamConfig\": {\n \"StreamArn\": \"\"\n },\n \"KinesisFirehoseConfig\": {\n \"FirehoseArn\": \"\"\n }\n }\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "46ba6868-8061-4a5a-bb8e-892cc4bf6c3d", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2e96d5a8-536c-492b-9bff-c2bea48bd6f6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "a2c78ecd-bcc1-470a-a3db-6b0f2e3ce640", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ebc62740-7945-42df-b615-21d8a553e4ab", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "52946d90-eda1-41c7-be8c-62a3ddfaf405", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "577cbec8-2bb5-4dd5-a84d-53c415599bca", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Removes the storage type configurations for the specified resource type and association ID.

", "method": "delete", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/storage-config/:AssociationId#resourceType", "responses": [ { "uuid": "12661fd1-ec74-4829-b8ec-6c5fb18d4bbc", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "7c963e25-761b-41b7-baa6-5681bc2bd0ee", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "1a658e76-f83b-45ed-bcde-e19a187e4df2", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "1ab61d5a-a32a-4333-9228-05cd590794d2", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "b083f0e9-d647-40f1-8018-e55fd24f15cc", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "56c7ae2f-9817-4498-9544-f25df1655c3c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "c50ea32d-1ad1-4fa4-a4f3-3a2b2acc60d8", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates an existing configuration for a resource type. This API is idempotent.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/storage-config/:AssociationId#resourceType", "responses": [ { "uuid": "92358785-613e-4fb7-9408-259c0d3e4da2", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e77b12c5-7bfa-488a-a376-9b181bd84076", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3e21b32c-5666-4994-95fe-2bfe4f64d8cb", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3ffa1073-09bd-4e50-b3ea-2806d941be4f", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "5534e8b5-9e53-4c48-aa47-869d06c920bb", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ec13e273-4b27-400b-87fc-4e56a644866b", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "1f03538c-0272-40c5-a1c6-4e1a39a49dd3", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Describes the specified queue.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "queues/:InstanceId/:QueueId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "1cccb492-7a0e-426e-bfec-1f80c55ef20d", "body": "{\n \"Queue\": {\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"QueueArn\": \"\",\n \"QueueId\": \"\",\n \"Description\": \"\",\n \"OutboundCallerConfig\": {\n \"OutboundCallerIdName\": \"\",\n \"OutboundCallerIdNumberId\": \"\",\n \"OutboundFlowId\": \"\"\n },\n \"HoursOfOperationId\": \"\",\n \"MaxContacts\": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}},\n \"Status\": \"\",\n \"Tags\": {}\n }\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "1e70c1df-12c0-4660-a7f4-233a15543454", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": 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This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Revokes access to integrated applications from Amazon Connect.

", "method": "delete", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/approved-origin#origin", "responses": [ { "uuid": "9cd36ba0-fe95-46c9-ad6a-9411c8897f21", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e1fcbbb5-652b-4369-aa9b-1a4759dff0f9", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2fba2341-d0e5-4934-9b69-6ac88ed10f90", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "1bbd6467-3057-4414-9013-bd2150dfa4f5", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "02cbfc4e-14ce-48b9-a688-33b963e0b835", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "7f96d891-1d03-472b-9e0a-c22f671519d6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "f440682e-778d-47e9-8866-8656c5e3e68c", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Remove the Lambda function from the dropdown options available in the relevant contact flow blocks.

", "method": "delete", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/lambda-function#functionArn", "responses": [ { "uuid": "3b00991a-2930-43e8-92ea-ea86675389fc", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c2c1f16b-4e00-4a45-84e4-21bce32519c8", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "082611cd-a6ba-4ca6-981f-766ab2e72867", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "1484515d-18bc-4017-8bc0-03b9718a8caf", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "120dad07-9b42-4384-a5b7-395023c3d063", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "60a4f356-1cbe-4117-bbdf-6e9158c9a516", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "306d5f4a-9816-4b90-9a28-f3637a9a15af", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Revokes authorization from the specified instance to access the specified Amazon Lex bot.

", "method": "delete", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/lex-bot#botName&lexRegion", "responses": [ { "uuid": "e06d84b8-9fad-4ad1-be97-9af37d8f15cc", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "a2a7aaf9-b32e-4e62-8109-e5970a4a0899", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "8e272970-2146-4598-951b-98e1113e4b15", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f1c9c407-784e-407a-9855-862a64a6016f", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f55a5df5-dcc4-4919-a9b5-73a6a711fa90", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "68276b6b-8198-4cfc-b68e-d1e0350f57a6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "810eac41-dd8b-4fed-a9fe-a6781f313040", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Disassociates a set of quick connects from a queue.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "queues/:InstanceId/:QueueId/disassociate-quick-connects", "responses": [ { "uuid": "1513c17b-bae1-4113-853c-5865c938205b", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c5e36826-011d-450c-9294-c49f50872cff", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "4d691ccc-fc27-4532-a908-662bd094f16c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, 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This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Deletes the specified security key.

", "method": "delete", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/security-key/:AssociationId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "337a16ec-4728-467a-ae14-db2b7e400b08", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "debf4fc5-1be2-44e2-bed3-d2b702db08e0", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "5ff375c5-d814-4e93-9c5a-64f4a40aafa3", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c90fb283-6f16-4fc9-8c3c-9600feaa231f", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0fccb463-e56d-4b3f-a62c-381f7d666095", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "536d80a3-7974-4062-92c8-c4ecc92bc776", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "f3bf530e-e4dc-4e23-a41a-c4012ba16f7d", "documentation": "Retrieves the contact attributes for the specified contact.", "method": "get", "endpoint": "contact/attributes/:InstanceId/:InitialContactId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "3d45f5f2-7c15-49aa-a2d0-a882bdffc0f7", "body": "{\n \"Attributes\": {}\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "26c31ae9-c229-4c33-86e3-1a7b0fde342c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "d0b06597-3017-4383-9d79-e9ea4d1132ee", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "4f9e1d12-cd01-462d-a72e-a1f1a684992c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "2cbae296-a710-434f-8c6a-eec067efcb1d", "documentation": "

Gets the real-time metric data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For a description of each metric, see Real-time Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "metrics/current/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "40efd06e-3aa7-4485-af9b-06afe56748fa", "body": "{\n \"NextToken\": \"\",\n \"MetricResults\": [\n {\n \"Dimensions\": {\n \"Queue\": {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\"\n },\n \"Channel\": \"\"\n },\n \"Collections\": [\n {\n \"Metric\": {\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"Unit\": \"\"\n },\n \"Value\": {{faker 'number.float'}}\n }\n ]\n }\n ],\n \"DataSnapshotTime\": \"{{faker 'date.recent' 365}}\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "b9d77015-dec1-4bb6-8196-54c372198d43", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "46515802-c160-4247-98b6-bd06474fefaf", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "4efdc053-ce9c-4570-9c14-6f9b46845a18", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c954d7dc-d651-4a81-b90a-ddae32ed9c7c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "993ffd0b-5506-4c80-9b81-13c51725d21f", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "14002cf7-a1aa-4837-97c1-1ebdcf352c6e", "documentation": "

Retrieves a token for federation.

This API doesn't support root users. If you try to invoke GetFederationToken with root credentials, an error message similar to the following one appears:

Provided identity: Principal: .... User: .... cannot be used for federation with Amazon Connect

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "user/federate/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "1b0d60f8-9950-4158-b814-97e62ee486b4", "body": "{\n \"Credentials\": {\n \"AccessToken\": \"\",\n \"AccessTokenExpiration\": \"{{faker 'date.recent' 365}}\",\n \"RefreshToken\": \"\",\n \"RefreshTokenExpiration\": \"{{faker 'date.recent' 365}}\"\n }\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "50a00577-4311-426f-be33-4e62e657f064", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e27b71f8-5a5d-4d7c-9ccc-1c3d4d4370e5", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c2d67ce2-3697-4822-b236-be400b24cdfb", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "4272cf8d-2249-4398-9957-e4a14a2d639a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "UserNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "03af4d66-6aa1-446a-a6d8-b81aaacf4270", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e76d501b-364d-4947-b6c9-52ec72a278e1", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "DuplicateResourceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "ff2e6df9-3067-40f7-b6b4-2e26993c0808", "documentation": "

Gets historical metric data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For a description of each historical metric, see Historical Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "metrics/historical/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "fc802857-cef5-4387-bc82-cb096fc06236", "body": "{\n \"NextToken\": \"\",\n \"MetricResults\": [\n {\n \"Dimensions\": {\n \"Queue\": {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\"\n },\n \"Channel\": \"\"\n },\n \"Collections\": [\n {\n \"Metric\": {\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"Threshold\": {\n \"Comparison\": \"\",\n \"ThresholdValue\": {{faker 'number.float'}}\n },\n \"Statistic\": \"\",\n \"Unit\": \"\"\n },\n \"Value\": {{faker 'number.float'}}\n }\n ]\n }\n ]\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "a9b771ac-bf54-4114-aa17-7a4585503ffb", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "7f923103-58cf-4f87-9190-e10f959bf6f9", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "019e888b-a024-4bcd-8e40-71854207ce0e", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "249a3127-f9c5-4424-af43-ee727739b874", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "279fb7c6-5741-4786-ba2c-db07bed86c9a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "33e9ed2f-9cde-4552-b51a-6f8082c8af87", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns a paginated list of all approved origins associated with the instance.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/approved-origins", "responses": [ { "uuid": "5b1d04a0-0639-4e27-bc41-f3921f921a5b", "body": "{\n \"Origins\": [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "b96175a0-c982-4bc0-a48e-cd091375ff18", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "87dc7751-53b6-43ea-b375-7b3fe9a118ba", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0780fb23-ed9f-458f-ba15-d79b32aab619", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2575717d-6805-4ff1-b197-d167877ea4d6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "7d1f9196-d00a-42ab-8252-784065ae260a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "6a9d9f79-85c6-4db3-b5f2-0160e84fcca8", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

For the specified version of Amazon Lex, returns a paginated list of all the Amazon Lex bots currently associated with the instance.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/bots#lexVersion", "responses": [ { "uuid": "694cb97f-d66f-452d-8579-e51c2ce8d3bb", "body": "{\n \"LexBots\": [\n {\n \"LexBot\": {\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"LexRegion\": \"\"\n },\n \"LexV2Bot\": {\n \"AliasArn\": \"\"\n }\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "91858146-4254-4a14-adb0-c6ae02a3b8a6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "7970162c-14f3-49c5-ab1d-5877cad727de", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "a3c18a6f-6b38-4da4-8f79-1a06fefc25b0", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e4ab488e-8cdf-4e80-b37f-60d393a37173", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "6c8992c9-43d8-4d44-9f5c-7c24ef153a62", "documentation": "

Provides information about the contact flows for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

You can also create and update contact flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.

For more information about contact flows, see Contact Flows in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "contact-flows-summary/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "59410369-265d-4d33-91fe-50e1b493e2e3", "body": "{\n \"ContactFlowSummaryList\": [\n {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"ContactFlowType\": \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c9fe8e2a-14fc-4a73-8924-138993ba2957", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "5702a91e-9a59-470a-b0b3-ee5d55195590", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "8711755b-e0b5-4008-979b-51ea9bd9493e", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "8e61edcd-241e-4277-ad61-bb6daa6db402", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e53d182e-1518-4cae-9193-3d3b95369221", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "94feb8d3-8224-4813-935d-c8d51607a1a5", "documentation": "

Provides information about the hours of operation for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For more information about hours of operation, see Set the Hours of Operation for a Queue in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "hours-of-operations-summary/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "c25e99ec-ca69-4ab6-8481-09c61fb16388", "body": "{\n \"HoursOfOperationSummaryList\": [\n {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"Name\": \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "157a24e6-1341-4113-b342-3bf0e7d30092", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3252b053-4a30-494a-a362-debdb14bacd4", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "20dd8431-24ec-40cf-9377-927760995e14", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "171ad789-32b1-4aac-bb3f-f267027449b6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "7b776e2e-4dec-4618-b3d2-0455bcdea9d5", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "ff984d49-8b2b-4f1b-8350-eb4ac95ba2c4", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns a paginated list of all attribute types for the given instance.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/attributes", "responses": [ { "uuid": "4a8c8047-70fe-44b9-82f0-3d4531a03cc7", "body": "{\n \"Attributes\": [\n {\n \"AttributeType\": \"\",\n \"Value\": \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "17b2f1a1-ad72-4f90-9fa1-f04e850c1d15", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e91d3d7e-b38e-4997-b4c4-e145cd083744", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "9eae5ffb-49a4-4a38-a393-1bb12653df0c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c6b62a8b-a2f8-41bf-a2fa-78662bf55cbc", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "acad8075-d07d-4598-8d26-f48461d319e6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "2a03f4e0-eb8f-4844-aab2-9cda9816c844", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns a paginated list of storage configs for the identified instance and resource type.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/storage-configs#resourceType", "responses": [ { "uuid": "53bb05a4-f78f-45a8-8d9f-a15a74ff8cf7", "body": "{\n \"StorageConfigs\": [\n {\n \"AssociationId\": \"\",\n \"StorageType\": \"\",\n \"S3Config\": {\n \"BucketName\": \"\",\n \"BucketPrefix\": \"\",\n \"EncryptionConfig\": {\n \"EncryptionType\": \"\",\n \"KeyId\": \"\"\n }\n },\n \"KinesisVideoStreamConfig\": {\n \"Prefix\": \"\",\n \"RetentionPeriodHours\": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}},\n \"EncryptionConfig\": {\n \"EncryptionType\": \"\",\n \"KeyId\": \"\"\n }\n },\n \"KinesisStreamConfig\": {\n \"StreamArn\": \"\"\n },\n \"KinesisFirehoseConfig\": {\n \"FirehoseArn\": \"\"\n }\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "24ce5abd-562d-4492-a7f0-1cd708a4f090", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "bc90b3ce-f5a1-4934-9feb-1f0a6319be2c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "94d9df4e-1e0f-4bd5-b0e2-95f3163eaa11", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "1d5cdff7-4974-4007-8b49-39035ad580d1", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "6f13af39-71d1-4bb3-98f4-0614ce02d5db", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "e98bd481-9a8d-49c3-92e2-1ada4a0bb5f7", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns a paginated list of all Lambda functions that display in the dropdown options in the relevant contact flow blocks.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/lambda-functions", "responses": [ { "uuid": "ed71c73f-4e9a-46b3-a447-dc4a00e6fee6", "body": "{\n \"LambdaFunctions\": [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "54fded3f-780e-4b5f-968d-16646cdc8a5f", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f1daf5a9-b9fd-4315-bb5a-9bf5c466db19", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "aa5b9847-8079-4116-bc03-0875dcc6d0ef", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "a38e9363-a360-4145-8163-27f3d7e651d0", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "9eda3e31-47d6-4803-bfff-e470f8d23edd", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "6a5a4e46-ce82-4c25-8ced-f81f0d24346c", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns a paginated list of all the Amazon Lex bots currently associated with the instance.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/lex-bots", "responses": [ { "uuid": "1e9c1913-a3f4-4c03-a85e-55b8a317f1fb", "body": "{\n \"LexBots\": [\n {\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"LexRegion\": \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "5057c7d3-e7e0-419b-bebd-d10deac5122b", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "a02e81d5-f14b-46c0-a69b-7dcfbbc53011", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "b3700ae6-25d7-4788-b48a-5e0a3803bf0f", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c477fd26-6ef9-4771-bee0-4b8272dea98a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "477c077f-ea57-4355-ba45-352ef91c9416", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "4c9046d7-a3e4-40b6-a704-58314a5b78ff", "documentation": "

Provides information about the phone numbers for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For more information about phone numbers, see Set Up Phone Numbers for Your Contact Center in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "phone-numbers-summary/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "26510411-a1f6-4a6a-9bd1-60fd00ebda48", "body": "{\n \"PhoneNumberSummaryList\": [\n {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"PhoneNumber\": \"\",\n \"PhoneNumberType\": \"\",\n \"PhoneNumberCountryCode\": \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "debef422-a2f2-4136-b9f6-4759cf2b62fd", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", 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This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Lists the quick connects associated with a queue.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "queues/:InstanceId/:QueueId/quick-connects", "responses": [ { "uuid": "8b7ec1ec-f18f-48a4-850f-2b3d4d48ea05", "body": "{\n \"NextToken\": \"\",\n \"QuickConnectSummaryList\": [\n {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"QuickConnectType\": \"\"\n }\n ]\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "39f1552d-3f87-4cc0-882d-f2e7b2ccbed2", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f5ace55e-b973-4268-8f93-bff378c64ba9", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "1c1e6027-d5d5-4e57-8bec-f13c9cf53e7a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "37d006fc-08d4-46c3-9651-15475f09c155", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "60dcece9-0c5e-4f0b-87b8-d42e5aeb0cdc", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "e5810a7e-1e59-4a57-9ad7-9a39cd4b93a2", "documentation": "

Provides information about the queues for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

If you do not specify a QueueTypes parameter, both standard and agent queues are returned. This might cause an unexpected truncation of results if you have more than 1000 agents and you limit the number of results of the API call in code.

For more information about queues, see Queues: Standard and Agent in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "queues-summary/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "61c06fce-8e5f-4908-8f12-f0a74766ce48", "body": "{\n \"QueueSummaryList\": [\n {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"Name\": \"\",\n \"QueueType\": \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "70b20335-264d-4452-a838-981a80f8b042", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, 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"body": "{\n \"NextToken\": \"\",\n \"RoutingProfileQueueConfigSummaryList\": [\n {\n \"QueueId\": \"\",\n \"QueueArn\": \"\",\n \"QueueName\": \"\",\n \"Priority\": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}},\n \"Delay\": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}},\n \"Channel\": \"\"\n }\n ]\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "efa1f093-9cd7-474a-94e6-5d652d1053aa", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": 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Provides summary information about the routing profiles for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For more information about routing profiles, see Routing Profiles and Create a Routing Profile in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "routing-profiles-summary/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "7a1f2a13-90a6-433e-aeae-dded9b0e2ea6", "body": "{\n \"RoutingProfileSummaryList\": [\n {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"Name\": \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "78721262-e663-4029-8519-acb44d4c80d2", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "03eab861-0c13-4d09-b4f9-ca9b3eeb07ae", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "dfe818a3-feb8-483c-8622-89cb3c247c03", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "60e017eb-e297-4846-a380-a2076581da49", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "9c5fcb9f-4623-42a6-a1b8-6657060ecfed", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "47ea3956-67de-4d4c-b67a-c7b74a56e001", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Returns a paginated list of all security keys associated with the instance.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "instance/:InstanceId/security-keys", "responses": [ { "uuid": "89e1e3c7-6691-433a-9e12-aaf8e332d302", "body": "{\n \"SecurityKeys\": [\n {\n \"AssociationId\": \"\",\n \"Key\": \"\",\n \"CreationTime\": \"{{faker 'date.recent' 365}}\"\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "b84b2dc1-aa8b-4aba-b813-4e3c0c8182b7", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2adb332a-1078-4fc5-bc62-0f9681f0e77c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "eecdd3cf-e2a9-4b07-bdaf-0dbeb9a7f68f", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2e1aef99-4e25-4b94-b57c-decc8712484e", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f6acdc5a-c298-4ee9-9423-14af2ea79519", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "bf29f6bf-2d0e-43d7-bd80-ee2920837461", "documentation": "

Provides summary information about the security profiles for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For more information about security profiles, see Security Profiles in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "security-profiles-summary/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "0289cfb5-f8ec-47bc-b663-50f91808fd80", "body": "{\n \"SecurityProfileSummaryList\": [\n {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"Name\": \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "41e945db-7100-4af6-a65f-fd674256d160", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3a31e822-cb95-4fe8-8b1a-876dd92d7892", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c3fc1eb2-97dd-437a-8735-147744596aca", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c42d29d8-d8aa-4f3e-a995-d4ed11d7b147", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "a3d11c8c-9afb-4b1f-8159-5ec4a25ff867", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "ffb89fde-35c6-445a-8d6d-3faddf65a2fb", "documentation": "

Lists the tags for the specified resource.

For sample policies that use tags, see Amazon Connect Identity-Based Policy Examples in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "tags/:resourceArn", "responses": [ { "uuid": "c856040f-9bc0-489b-a270-803e2db23a02", "body": "{\n \"tags\": {}\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "d0aad5a0-2973-456f-9adb-7a601e47890a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "a586d8b0-760d-4ca7-a369-d6ab8154e219", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f317ea9e-6f48-4964-89b3-62b83b9507f9", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "648f7e27-29b5-47eb-83cd-2ac5dc007c9c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e5f7b815-71a7-45ce-83d6-733ca6fb61ae", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "ce3304f5-999d-4673-b355-d7ceb20b8459", "documentation": "

Adds the specified tags to the specified resource.

The supported resource types are users, routing profiles, queues, quick connects, contact flows, agent status, and hours of operation.

For sample policies that use tags, see Amazon Connect Identity-Based Policy Examples in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "tags/:resourceArn", "responses": [ { "uuid": "7ad5557f-e268-4ca1-b3d8-15acc495d30f", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "d0f6c119-e196-4a03-9f09-d345248ac762", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "302ac567-06c1-4195-8a04-db70655ae516", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "564198a8-a3a9-4018-8a1b-daf0d2fa12c6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c02701bb-9a23-4dcc-abfd-b224fa433f24", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "a3a377c1-0246-443a-80cd-96f3240f0ab5", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "d0476610-3363-4fe5-bf74-1536256716be", "documentation": "

Provides summary information about the hierarchy groups for the specified Amazon Connect instance.

For more information about agent hierarchies, see Set Up Agent Hierarchies in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "get", "endpoint": "user-hierarchy-groups-summary/:InstanceId", "responses": [ { "uuid": "a902486d-e9d8-47a3-a988-4ad696afa0fd", "body": "{\n \"UserHierarchyGroupSummaryList\": [\n {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"Name\": \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "b294033e-8614-4390-95bd-f5d3b976e572", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": 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"7bee7eaa-4547-4fc1-872f-969d8a7649d3", "body": "{\n \"UserSummaryList\": [\n {\n \"Id\": \"\",\n \"Arn\": \"\",\n \"Username\": \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"NextToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "78761efc-0528-46b9-8fc9-6f5bb3b3a761", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "25e498a3-7bd0-48e4-8072-bf18e4d91412", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, 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When a contact is being recorded, and the recording has been suspended using SuspendContactRecording, this API resumes recording the call.

Only voice recordings are supported at this time.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "contact/resume-recording", "responses": [ { "uuid": "cc986b9c-1670-4877-ae51-16066de3cfb1", "body": "{}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "4e39fd15-d243-4929-a3d0-b457cddb7625", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "743d800d-ac40-4aec-af32-c140fb64abc9", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "20569325-af8c-4cc7-bba5-b2ada41d1c6e", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "f0d87a6c-4381-4198-9ba4-d14c5c421e70", "documentation": "

Initiates a contact flow to start a new chat for the customer. Response of this API provides a token required to obtain credentials from the CreateParticipantConnection API in the Amazon Connect Participant Service.

When a new chat contact is successfully created, clients must subscribe to the participant’s connection for the created chat within 5 minutes. This is achieved by invoking CreateParticipantConnection with WEBSOCKET and CONNECTION_CREDENTIALS.

A 429 error occurs in two situations:

For more information about chat, see Chat in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "put", "endpoint": "contact/chat", "responses": [ { "uuid": "386f9da6-27a3-4335-8cbf-8f1381cc8d4b", "body": "{\n \"ContactId\": \"\",\n \"ParticipantId\": \"\",\n \"ParticipantToken\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ff405699-d2d3-40cd-a66b-20be6531bb36", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0c5d2a49-2a27-4d53-a70e-f34ac4369562", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "bfa9640a-5881-4528-8b13-454b374edb07", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e27fb3ce-19da-4a2f-a75b-87c3ba5fb7af", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ff3f52f7-c953-4f19-90a1-9e536b323aac", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "LimitExceededException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "78b426c8-2003-4735-b6f3-c5c44597844b", "documentation": "

Starts recording the contact when the agent joins the call. StartContactRecording is a one-time action. For example, if you use StopContactRecording to stop recording an ongoing call, you can't use StartContactRecording to restart it. For scenarios where the recording has started and you want to suspend and resume it, such as when collecting sensitive information (for example, a credit card number), use SuspendContactRecording and ResumeContactRecording.

You can use this API to override the recording behavior configured in the Set recording behavior block.

Only voice recordings are supported at this time.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "contact/start-recording", "responses": [ { "uuid": "3ccd1e86-ec9e-4deb-8105-ce690044c673", "body": "{}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "24c4c313-ecd8-4985-a087-0c02c66d92d8", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3e63cfec-c903-4f43-81d0-57d0978ed1ff", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "45a612b3-f8d7-4ded-983a-726daa8b7b7c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "db62da10-abe5-4ad6-b6fa-0e42e617fb0a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "44843d2d-fc24-42ee-80a4-1105a261d9d6", "documentation": "

Places an outbound call to a contact, and then initiates the contact flow. It performs the actions in the contact flow that's specified (in ContactFlowId).

Agents do not initiate the outbound API, which means that they do not dial the contact. If the contact flow places an outbound call to a contact, and then puts the contact in queue, the call is then routed to the agent, like any other inbound case.

There is a 60-second dialing timeout for this operation. If the call is not connected after 60 seconds, it fails.

UK numbers with a 447 prefix are not allowed by default. Before you can dial these UK mobile numbers, you must submit a service quota increase request. For more information, see Amazon Connect Service Quotas in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

", "method": "put", "endpoint": "contact/outbound-voice", "responses": [ { "uuid": "a89d873b-3a2c-42a5-91ed-a286ad0fc6d0", "body": "{\n \"ContactId\": \"\"\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "1db2cb67-f61e-41f0-8312-9fdc29809cca", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "739a77cd-5ad4-4872-beb6-b3438b06754d", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, 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Stops recording a call when a contact is being recorded. StopContactRecording is a one-time action. If you use StopContactRecording to stop recording an ongoing call, you can't use StartContactRecording to restart it. For scenarios where the recording has started and you want to suspend it for sensitive information (for example, to collect a credit card number), and then restart it, use SuspendContactRecording and ResumeContactRecording.

Only voice recordings are supported at this time.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "contact/stop-recording", "responses": [ { "uuid": "50aa1b0d-8f0c-4295-be7c-3d0e58a9ec9e", "body": "{}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2ca94ae1-6061-496b-851c-f61bff261ddf", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2a0add33-813d-41c8-b1b9-42bc04c141f9", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c0dc606d-ed56-4749-8d62-934825041c92", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "446b113c-c238-4081-b58b-0548963050ef", "documentation": "

When a contact is being recorded, this API suspends recording the call. For example, you might suspend the call recording while collecting sensitive information, such as a credit card number. Then use ResumeContactRecording to restart recording.

The period of time that the recording is suspended is filled with silence in the final recording.

Only voice recordings are supported at this time.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "contact/suspend-recording", "responses": [ { "uuid": "6bc78639-8037-4c30-a459-33d69cddce44", "body": "{}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "14c006e0-df05-410e-87a3-bc67e04c4b29", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e94dc742-1146-44ae-9792-2acca9f814e6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "72c8e179-322b-4998-aaa4-9c4cd2eceff1", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "5b08c61d-78a7-4370-9029-78cacf0cd3b5", "documentation": "Removes the specified tags from the specified resource.", "method": "delete", "endpoint": "tags/:resourceArn#tagKeys", "responses": [ { "uuid": "d77d7db0-0806-4269-9fe5-d6990f608071", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0ce28fea-5298-4f19-a68a-d2d154d63ca6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c1283606-6210-40a9-8d4d-9bc751ed7427", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "d77ffbf7-0977-4780-8e30-c0d7553f07d2", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "063d60c7-1af2-4a1d-bce6-401ff284d7b6", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "3b550351-3907-409c-8810-3ae317bf1468", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "2c1b5502-b3b8-427d-926f-af73348d13c0", "documentation": "

Creates or updates user-defined contact attributes associated with the specified contact.

You can create or update user-defined attributes for both ongoing and completed contacts. For example, while the call is active, you can update the customer's name or the reason the customer called. You can add notes about steps that the agent took during the call that display to the next agent that takes the call. You can also update attributes for a contact using data from your CRM application and save the data with the contact in Amazon Connect. You could also flag calls for additional analysis, such as legal review or to identify abusive callers.

Contact attributes are available in Amazon Connect for 24 months, and are then deleted. For information about CTR retention and the maximum size of the CTR attributes section, see Feature specifications in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

Important: You cannot use the operation to update attributes for contacts that occurred prior to the release of the API, which was September 12, 2018. You can update attributes only for contacts that started after the release of the API. If you attempt to update attributes for a contact that occurred prior to the release of the API, a 400 error is returned. This applies also to queued callbacks that were initiated prior to the release of the API but are still active in your instance.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "contact/attributes", "responses": [ { "uuid": "daef1fae-3228-454f-87a4-53857ca711b6", "body": "{}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ff46dac7-4142-409f-8166-988963d57b0a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2bd3dfc2-b9e5-400b-ad37-d4fc14942862", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "43ce8898-252f-4480-98db-31f1c078170c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0afaa0f1-afd3-47e4-9885-9cab1b53b321", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "7830c0bd-885f-4fd8-b2e4-309965646efa", "documentation": "

Updates the specified contact flow.

You can also create and update contact flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "contact-flows/:InstanceId/:ContactFlowId/content", "responses": [ { "uuid": "a3436971-12ef-4c45-864d-47fe68b729e8", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c0262b2e-d0f0-454e-bab3-1e77170f7648", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f5205aa7-ece3-4e7b-843e-e655276dbaee", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidContactFlowException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "a611d28b-5895-4099-a33d-d0c09c57c7ac", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "f02dedb5-49fe-43ec-885c-0641bb442e91", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "e9801e26-eca2-494b-bed4-cad1c338157d", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "64117aec-eddd-4df9-a08c-2307e1c6ea2c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "aaf119aa-6d3b-44cf-a3f0-7e6a6dc33c0d", "documentation": "

The name of the contact flow.

You can also create and update contact flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "contact-flows/:InstanceId/:ContactFlowId/name", "responses": [ { "uuid": "6132b0f6-4a03-46e1-a769-766da51e2e58", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "b8048ae6-c54b-46b3-bf45-59924401ca47", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0ffd3ead-d770-4c71-abfa-8aa2eee77fd4", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "6da40187-8ea8-46fc-9816-2db872401210", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "DuplicateResourceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2b8ad706-0548-4ce0-9d18-59ff18759279", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0f4688b4-9c9e-4b68-b0e4-63e902358d87", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "218918fa-ed63-4306-bc31-d03beac15d11", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "df47150c-2b49-45e8-b0ed-b2ac1fe73cbb", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the hours of operation for the specified queue.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "queues/:InstanceId/:QueueId/hours-of-operation", "responses": [ { "uuid": "1cd8845c-ae90-447b-995c-7ee6a8828177", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0a0d2c8b-bf2e-4b8a-93f0-7cff8ee15bfc", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "2b5159c9-13ce-4ad1-aac6-61c48df83a04", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0d153261-d479-4f36-8244-5138079c4bb7", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "728e30e1-bff3-42a5-80e7-5b02c3209ecf", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "84fb82a5-abc7-4d4a-b90e-84e2cb989ac1", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "71cf26da-82f7-4455-ad13-d966f9f68bc3", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the maximum number of contacts allowed in a queue before it is considered full.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "queues/:InstanceId/:QueueId/max-contacts", "responses": [ { "uuid": "1bdddcb0-8c84-4a37-b121-0e88d9143cb0", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "5258eb50-2276-4a93-8ea5-7f17cda484c1", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "5624247a-1337-4ad3-a067-6acb55dd7e43", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "6090dd25-c7e1-45f8-9aa2-b7d889dd64d3", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "7aa94106-3e8c-4f64-837e-2f7c934bfb11", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "c06c3618-5e10-4003-8845-70f0b0aa1cf7", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "5c5e7a0f-fdf6-471c-a6e0-9fe176f5fb71", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the name and description of a queue. At least Name or Description must be provided.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "queues/:InstanceId/:QueueId/name", "responses": [ { "uuid": "a934ac94-7401-461e-8032-6abc5b40c71d", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ba678044-f09d-4335-96c3-7dc4ce7a763c", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "DuplicateResourceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "05d9bbef-b150-468b-877c-bf6dea54d068", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ff54a9f6-fa2d-4941-831d-5cf500f37cbf", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "695330c0-68d4-45d0-9bd7-c8967d837e71", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "cac2a0df-2be6-4c6b-87a4-f82c9463b154", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "eccfd5a0-6609-4d79-97f1-5e3987bdd174", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 485, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "86bdefe7-11c9-4cf3-b303-9323a3345672", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the outbound caller ID name, number, and outbound whisper flow for a specified queue.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "queues/:InstanceId/:QueueId/outbound-caller-config", "responses": [ { "uuid": "0beb4eb3-0a5e-4444-8560-d316ff706662", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ea4f6234-af0b-46c4-a3ab-9ef99fbdf408", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ffeeeecf-d718-4906-a80b-31f454736861", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": "InvalidParameterException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "43199675-e321-46a6-b6c4-67b303b54a96", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 482, "label": "ResourceNotFoundException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "684c990b-1c28-45a3-9303-961b091e980a", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 483, "label": "ThrottlingException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "ccb71f1a-a52b-4707-8efa-c4068f9171c0", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 484, "label": "InternalServiceException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "5b20ae82-0c02-4c80-ae87-89aff48c3098", "documentation": "

This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.

Updates the status of the queue.

", "method": "post", "endpoint": "queues/:InstanceId/:QueueId/status", "responses": [ { "uuid": "836835a4-2f5f-40e2-98fc-d14b696928eb", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Success", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0f12ef72-59b7-4fd9-842b-f18848245aea", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 480, "label": "InvalidRequestException", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "6a10df9c-8495-4673-bc66-5bfa621f4708", "body": "\"\"", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 481, "label": 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Updates the identity information for the specified user.

We strongly recommend limiting who has the ability to invoke UpdateUserIdentityInfo. Someone with that ability can change the login credentials of other users by changing their email address. This poses a security risk to your organization. They can change the email address of a user to the attacker's email address, and then reset the password through email. For more information, see Best Practices for Security Profiles in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.

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