{ "uuid": "41ad5fed-f403-4303-9ff9-22e5ae7bde91", "lastMigration": 29, "name": "SqlManagementClient", "endpointPrefix": "", "latency": 0, "port": 3000, "hostname": "", "routes": [ { "uuid": "855add43-34e9-4846-9f76-0c7f08e49a4d", "documentation": "Gets a list of firewall rules.", "method": "get", "endpoint": "subscriptions/:subscriptionId/resourceGroups/:resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/:serverName/firewallRules", "responses": [ { "uuid": "e07cb47c-ead2-48d5-84ae-53693b64a913", "body": "{\n \"nextLink\": \"\",\n \"value\": [\n {}\n ]\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Successfully retrieved the list of firewall rules.", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "878cc4e6-6750-40e5-a1a1-4ed08c55a717", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "438fc4be-13ad-412d-b223-389a8b686567", "documentation": "Replaces all firewall rules on the server.", "method": "put", "endpoint": "subscriptions/:subscriptionId/resourceGroups/:resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/:serverName/firewallRules", "responses": [ { "uuid": "b3eabd78-ee31-417b-aacc-68e6b492145f", "body": "{}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Successfully updated the firewall rules.", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "116a9a29-49c9-496a-8d3a-b3ec431c198f", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 202, "label": "Creating or updating the Server Firewall Rules is in progress.", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "0a8f37ba-34b6-4754-a992-7d09924e80c5", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerFirewallRuleResourceRequest - The server firewall rule resource request is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerFirewallRuleResourceParameters - The server firewall rule resource parameter is invalid.\n\n * 400 FirewallRuleNotIPv4Address - The provided firewall rule address is not IPv4\n\n * 400 FirewallRuleInvalidRange - The specified firewall rule range is invalid.\n\n * 400 FirewallRuleNameTooLong - The provided firewall rule name is too long\n\n * 400 FirewallRuleNameEmpty - The provided firewall rule name is empty\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "6f7de5cd-4c6e-44be-b52e-79f07259020e", "documentation": "Deletes a firewall rule.", "method": "delete", "endpoint": "subscriptions/:subscriptionId/resourceGroups/:resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/:serverName/firewallRules/:firewallRuleName", "responses": [ { "uuid": "1982e4f7-9454-4cfa-9d7e-2d21c575dc00", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Successfully deleted the firewall rule.", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "672ef474-09c9-4ff9-aa30-aea8f097a0ea", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 204, "label": "The specified firewall rule does not exist.", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "bf0a0ab8-602e-4c09-9c09-d73e1a5dfc3e", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerFirewallRuleResourceRequest - The server firewall rule resource request is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 OperationIdNotFound - The operation with Id does not exist.\n\n * 409 OperationCancelled - The operation has been cancelled by user.\n\n * 409 OperationInterrupted - The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.\n\n * 500 OperationTimedOut - The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "457f6625-fc7d-4973-88c8-a1abba297d44", "documentation": "Gets a firewall rule.", "method": "get", "endpoint": "subscriptions/:subscriptionId/resourceGroups/:resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/:serverName/firewallRules/:firewallRuleName", "responses": [ { "uuid": "8a2b7f23-24bf-484b-b0ee-b7c9f7cf836a", "body": "{}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Successfully retrieved the specified firewall rule.", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "d3d988d4-778e-40ef-a647-2dc8349613af", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found\n\n * 404 ResourceNotFound - The requested resource was not found.", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "7f426b16-afe9-4706-9e10-26d4a5cc39c2", "documentation": "Creates or updates a firewall rule.", "method": "put", "endpoint": "subscriptions/:subscriptionId/resourceGroups/:resourceGroupName/providers/Microsoft.Sql/servers/:serverName/firewallRules/:firewallRuleName", "responses": [ { "uuid": "8ea5577a-cb05-441d-b3fc-5248c81aaf7e", "body": "{}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Successfully updated the firewall rule.", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "d2cc9438-0f7b-42d6-b663-9b6b7840dc7d", "body": "{}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 201, "label": "Successfully created the firewall rule.", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" }, { "uuid": "5736188a-6c5e-4132-a8b0-b7850007014a", "body": "", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "*** Error Responses: ***\n\n * 400 InvalidResourceId - Invalid resource identifier.\n\n * 400 MismatchingSubscriptionWithUrl - The provided subscription did not match the subscription in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingResourceGroupNameWithUrl - The provided resource group name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 MismatchingServerNameWithUrl - The provided server name did not match the name in the Url.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerFirewallRuleResourceRequest - The server firewall rule resource request is invalid.\n\n * 400 InvalidServerFirewallRuleResourceParameters - The server firewall rule resource parameter is invalid.\n\n * 404 SubscriptionDoesNotHaveServer - The requested server was not found", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": false, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" } ], "proxyMode": false, "proxyHost": "", "proxyRemovePrefix": false, "tlsOptions": { "enabled": false, "type": "CERT", "pfxPath": "", "certPath": "", "keyPath": "", "caPath": "", "passphrase": "" }, "cors": true, "headers": [], "proxyReqHeaders": [{ "key": "", "value": "" }], "proxyResHeaders": [{ "key": "", "value": "" }], "data": [], "folders": [], "rootChildren": [ { "type": "route", "uuid": "855add43-34e9-4846-9f76-0c7f08e49a4d" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "438fc4be-13ad-412d-b223-389a8b686567" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "6f7de5cd-4c6e-44be-b52e-79f07259020e" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "457f6625-fc7d-4973-88c8-a1abba297d44" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "7f426b16-afe9-4706-9e10-26d4a5cc39c2" } ] }