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Returns an empty policy if the resource exists and does not have a policy set.", "method": "get", "endpoint": "v1beta1/:resource:getIamPolicy", "responses": [ { "uuid": "d53b5c2c-0bee-4047-99c8-d8f23fc29d1c", "body": "{\n \"bindings\": [\n {\n \"condition\": {\n \"description\": \"\",\n \"expression\": \"\",\n \"location\": \"\",\n \"title\": \"\"\n },\n \"members\": [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"role\": \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"etag\": \"\",\n \"version\": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}}\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Successful response", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "2226561a-86a9-4aaf-935f-b86d241f09c1", "documentation": "Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy. Can return `NOT_FOUND`, `INVALID_ARGUMENT`, and `PERMISSION_DENIED` errors.", "method": "post", "endpoint": "v1beta1/:resource:setIamPolicy", "responses": [ { "uuid": "e2e4d579-48fa-4152-939e-0f2e9377b399", "body": "{\n \"bindings\": [\n {\n \"condition\": {\n \"description\": \"\",\n \"expression\": \"\",\n \"location\": \"\",\n \"title\": \"\"\n },\n \"members\": [\n \"\"\n ],\n \"role\": \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"etag\": \"\",\n \"version\": {{faker 'number.int' max=99999}}\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Successful response", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" }, { "uuid": "22340f64-975e-47ea-9c92-4d72151ef9eb", "documentation": "Returns permissions that a caller has on the specified resource. If the resource does not exist, this will return an empty set of permissions, not a `NOT_FOUND` error. Note: This operation is designed to be used for building permission-aware UIs and command-line tools, not for authorization checking. This operation may \"fail open\" without warning.", "method": "post", "endpoint": "v1beta1/:resource:testIamPermissions", "responses": [ { "uuid": "4ad831aa-b956-47b4-b93d-e6ae4c0a6c76", "body": "{\n \"permissions\": [\n \"\"\n ]\n}", "latency": 0, "statusCode": 200, "label": "Successful response", "headers": [{ "key": "Content-Type", "value": "application/json" }], "bodyType": "INLINE", "filePath": "", "databucketID": "", "sendFileAsBody": false, "rules": [], "rulesOperator": "OR", "disableTemplating": false, "fallbackTo404": false, "default": true, "crudKey": "id" } ], "enabled": true, "responseMode": null, "type": "http" } ], "proxyMode": false, "proxyHost": "", "proxyRemovePrefix": false, "tlsOptions": { "enabled": false, "type": "CERT", "pfxPath": "", "certPath": "", "keyPath": "", "caPath": "", "passphrase": "" }, "cors": true, "headers": [], "proxyReqHeaders": [{ "key": "", "value": "" }], "proxyResHeaders": [{ "key": "", "value": "" }], "data": [], "folders": [], "rootChildren": [ { "type": "route", "uuid": "9015d36e-79ed-4e95-9b83-b86f14e5beaf" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "4d488cb0-1823-47ef-a53b-86d696b5feac" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "b9ce7d69-0fbe-4b26-a0f1-d66af29d3717" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "3187ec18-6978-4338-90dc-3bb204f16092" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "111040dc-e7b7-4780-8fc0-9a9f3b63a7fb" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "ef134bcf-eebd-4179-800d-bb618a473396" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "f5574b70-583c-4631-bd3d-93beeb9af440" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "8e0c04d3-f044-40a4-a3f9-4fa50d81ffa7" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "448c7819-096d-4698-9cbe-a1c1c531c500" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "10305a64-8782-4619-911a-91ff5f10b566" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "07b7948f-fe39-4cb4-9500-28eb6e1b5c72" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "7811d8d4-ba7b-4c7a-8856-e7fe3d52ea73" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "f6169178-2a2d-4fb7-9527-81276ab405f6" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "e4b323e3-22a9-4e68-b482-f9b5df8f203d" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "4d681fd2-d6d3-41e3-844e-52b89eed092c" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "aba1e03c-0400-44f0-9e9b-924db98456f9" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "4f4172b2-b8bd-491c-b624-519e90cf0be7" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "57e7b739-9202-4bc7-a72d-62e5e49d88dc" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "26a64d0a-5410-4ebb-b5d0-e786a14c8813" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "74347b5b-6b1e-4113-b4e0-68095083590a" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "b8a2041b-e19a-4bd4-acff-f4f20b7738b8" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "be2fa351-79b0-4c5a-a50e-9af1d6f06530" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "25796247-94ea-4eec-9d93-31f9022db233" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "e21fe51e-cbcc-4e97-8f29-1a24253ed9df" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "0ffe4064-127b-4474-8bd5-66490dfa896d" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "2226561a-86a9-4aaf-935f-b86d241f09c1" }, { "type": "route", "uuid": "22340f64-975e-47ea-9c92-4d72151ef9eb" } ] }