/*! * ThreeSixty: A jQuery plugin for generating a draggable 360 preview from an image sequence. * Version: 0.1.2 * Original author: @nick-jonas * Website: http://www.nickjonas.nyc * Licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 */ ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) { var scope, pluginName = 'threeSixty', defaults = { dragDirection: 'horizontal', useKeys: false, draggable: true }, dragDirections = ['horizontal', 'vertical'], options = {}, $el = {}, data = [], total = 0, loaded = 0; /** * Constructor * @param {jQuery Object} element main jQuery object * @param {Object} customOptions options to override defaults */ function ThreeSixty( element, customOptions ) { scope = this; this.element = element; options = options = $.extend( {}, defaults, customOptions) ; this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; // make sure string input for drag direction is valid if($.inArray(options.dragDirection, dragDirections) < 0){ options.dragDirection = defaults.dragDirection; } this.init(); } // PUBLIC API ----------------------------------------------------- $.fn.destroy = ThreeSixty.prototype.destroy = function(){ if(options.useKeys === true) $(document).unbind('keydown', this.onKeyDown); $(this).removeData(); $el.html(''); }; $.fn.nextFrame = ThreeSixty.prototype.nextFrame = function(){ $(this).each(function(i){ var $this = $(this), val = $this.data('lastVal') || 0, thisTotal = $this.data('count'); val = val + 1; $this.data('lastVal', val); if(val >= thisTotal) val = val % (thisTotal - 1); else if(val <= -thisTotal) val = val % (thisTotal - 1); if(val > 0) val = thisTotal - val; val = Math.abs(val); $this.find('.threesixty-frame').css({display: 'none'}); $this.find('.threesixty-frame:eq(' + val + ')').css({display: 'block'}); }); }; $.fn.prevFrame = ThreeSixty.prototype.prevFrame = function(){ $(this).each(function(i){ var $this = $(this), val = $this.data('lastVal') || 0, thisTotal = $this.data('count'); val = val - 1; $this.data('lastVal', val); if(val >= thisTotal) val = val % (thisTotal - 1); else if(val <= -thisTotal) val = val % (thisTotal - 1); if(val > 0) val = thisTotal - val; val = Math.abs(val); $this.find('.threesixty-frame').css({display: 'none'}); $this.find('.threesixty-frame:eq(' + val + ')').css({display: 'block'}); }); }; // PRIVATE METHODS ------------------------------------------------- /** * Initializiation, called once from constructor * @return null */ ThreeSixty.prototype.init = function () { var $this = $(this.element); // setup main container $el = $this; // store data attributes for each 360 $this.each(function(){ var $this = $(this), path = $this.data('path'), count = $this.data('count'); data.push({'path': path, 'count': count, 'loaded': 0, '$el': $this}); total += count; }); _disableTextSelectAndDragIE8(); this.initLoad(); }; /** * Start loading all images * @return null */ ThreeSixty.prototype.initLoad = function() { var i = 0, len = data.length, url, j; $el.addClass('preloading'); for(i; i < len; i++){ j = 0; for(j; j < data[i].count; j++){ url = data[i].path.replace('{index}', j); $('').data('index', i).attr('src', url).load(this.onLoadComplete); } } }; ThreeSixty.prototype.onLoadComplete = function(e) { var index = $(e.currentTarget).data('index'), thisObj = data[index]; thisObj.loaded++; if(thisObj.loaded === thisObj.count){ scope.onLoadAllComplete(index); } }; ThreeSixty.prototype.onLoadAllComplete = function(objIndex) { var $this = data[objIndex].$el, html = '', l = data[objIndex].count, pathTemplate = data[objIndex].path, i = 0; // remove preloader $this.html(''); $this.removeClass('preloading'); // add 360 images for(i; i < l; i++){ var display = (i === 0) ? 'block' : 'none'; html += ''; } $this.html(html); this.attachHandlers(objIndex); }; var startY = 0, thisTotal = 0, $downElem = null, lastY = 0, lastX = 0, lastVal = 0, isMouseDown = false; ThreeSixty.prototype.attachHandlers = function(objIndex) { var that = this; var $this = data[objIndex].$el; // add draggable events if(options.draggable){ // if touch events supported, use if(typeof document.ontouchstart !== 'undefined' && typeof document.ontouchmove !== 'undefined' && typeof document.ontouchend !== 'undefined' && typeof document.ontouchcancel !== 'undefined'){ var elem = $this.get()[0]; elem.addEventListener('touchstart', that.onTouchStart); elem.addEventListener('touchmove', that.onTouchMove); elem.addEventListener('touchend', that.onTouchEnd); elem.addEventListener('touchcancel', that.onTouchEnd); } } // mouse down $this.mousedown(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); thisTotal = $(this).data('count'); $downElem = $(this); startY = e.screenY; lastVal = $downElem.data('lastVal') || 0; lastX = $downElem.data('lastX') || 0; lastY = $downElem.data('lastY') || 0; isMouseDown = true; $downElem.trigger('down'); }); // arrow keys if(options.useKeys === true){ $(document).bind('keydown', that.onKeyDown); } // mouse up $(document, 'html', 'body').mouseup(that.onMouseUp); $(document).blur(that.onMouseUp); $('body').mousemove(function(e){ that.onMove(e.screenX, e.screenY); }); }; ThreeSixty.prototype.onTouchStart = function(e) { var touch = e.touches[0]; e.preventDefault(); $downElem = $(e.target).parent(); thisTotal = $downElem.data('count'); startX = touch.pageX; startY = touch.pageY; lastVal = $downElem.data('lastVal') || 0; lastX = $downElem.data('lastX') || 0; lastY = $downElem.data('lastY') || 0; isMouseDown = true; $downElem.trigger('down'); }; ThreeSixty.prototype.onTouchMove = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var touch = e.touches[0]; scope.onMove(touch.pageX, touch.pageY); }; ThreeSixty.prototype.onTouchEnd = function(e) { }; ThreeSixty.prototype.onMove = function(screenX, screenY){ if(isMouseDown){ var x = screenX, y = screenY, val = 0; $downElem.trigger('move'); if(options.dragDirection === 'vertical'){ if(y > lastY){ val = lastVal + 1; }else{ val = lastVal - 1; } }else{ if(x > lastX){ val = lastVal + 1; }else if(x === lastX){ return; }else{ val = lastVal - 1; } } lastVal = val; lastY = y; lastX = x; $downElem.data('lastY', lastY); $downElem.data('lastX', lastX); $downElem.data('lastVal', lastVal); if(val >= thisTotal) val = val % (thisTotal - 1); else if(val <= -thisTotal) val = val % (thisTotal - 1); if(val > 0) val = thisTotal - val; val = Math.abs(val); $downElem.find('.threesixty-frame').css({display: 'none'}); $downElem.find('.threesixty-frame:eq(' + val + ')').css({display: 'block'}); } }; ThreeSixty.prototype.onKeyDown = function(e) { switch(e.keyCode){ case 37: // left $el.prevFrame(); break; case 39: // right $el.nextFrame(); break; } }; ThreeSixty.prototype.onMouseUp = function(e) { isMouseDown = false; $downElem.trigger('up'); }; /** * Disables text selection and dragging on IE8 and below. */ var _disableTextSelectAndDragIE8 = function() { // Disable text selection. document.body.onselectstart = function() { return false; }; // Disable dragging. document.body.ondragstart = function() { return false; }; }; /** * A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor, preventing against multiple instantiations * @param {Object} options * @return {jQuery Object} */ $.fn[pluginName] = function ( options ) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) { $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new ThreeSixty( this, options )); } }); }; })( jQuery, window, document );