Changelog ========= 2.0.0 - Support Django 3.2 and 4.0 ---------------------------------- **BREAKING CHANGE:** This release is the first 2.x release, and drops support for EOL python and Django versions, all feature development will be done against 2.X branch.** Changes since 1.4.0: Features ~~~~~~~~ - Add support for python 3.10 and Django 4.0 (Merge 7bfb5b6) - Add compiled IT translation (Merge e39395f) Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Don't add empty form to AdvancedFilterFormSet.forms (Merge 7bfb5b6) Other ~~~~~ - Drop support for EOL Python 2.7 and 3.5 (Merge dfeb005) - Drop support for EOL Django 3.0 (Merge dfeb005) - Drop support for EOL Django up to 2.2 (Merge dfeb005) - Upgrade Python syntax with pyupgrade --py36-plus (Merge dfeb005) - Remove six (Merge dfeb005) - Remove unused import (Merge dfeb005) - Drop support for python 3.6 (Merge 7bfb5b6) - Correct support matrix (Merge 7bfb5b6) - Simplify url path import (Merge 7bfb5b6) - Remove standalone clean env from tox envlist (Merge 7bfb5b6) - Remove unused cached_property import (Merge 7bfb5b6) - Add Django 3.2 to classifiers (#163) - f-string for model_name string interpolation (Merge dfeb005) - remove unsupported django 3.1 from tox matrix (Merge 7bfb5b6) - update README and remove Django 3.1 classifier Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fabrizio Corallini - Dmytro Litvinov - Hugo van Kemenade - Pavel Savchenko 1.4.0 - Latvian translation and minor fixes ------------------------------------------- **NOTE: This release will be the last one to include features in 1.X branch, other than urgent hotfixes; version 2.X will drop support for EOL python and Django versions, and all future development will be done against 2.X branch** Changes since 1.3.0: Features ~~~~~~~~ - Add Latvian translation (#135) - Commit compiled translation files (Merge db448fa) Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - switch from ugettext to gettext (#134) - don't use default dict (Merge db448fa) - correctly update extra_context (Merge db448fa) - support parallel coverage reporting (Merge db448fa) Other ~~~~~ - Fix CI for 2021 (#147) - Don't run tests in GitHub actions twice, one per PR is enough (da6fe7f24982a0fa69fcebff79d658b087de5e5b) - Ignore vscode settings (Merge db448fa) Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Pavel Savchenko - Māris Nartišs 1.3.0 - Django 3.1 and more --------------------------- Apologies for the late release, and thanks to everyone that contributed. Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Add support for python 3.9 and django 3.1 - import FieldDoesNotExist from django.core.exceptions Misc ~~~~ - Update django-braces - Update Admin to show model - Add Turkish translation - Correct travis.yml deprecated/dupe keywords Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Pavel Savchenko - predatell - Özcan YARIMDÜNYA - Thu Trang Pham - João Batista 1.2.0 - Django 3 and more ------------------------- It's finally time to drop the dirty old rags and don some fresh colors. Thanks to effort from multiple contributors, this version includes support for newest Django version. Breaking Changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Add support for Django 2.2 and 3.0 * Drop support for Django < 1.9 * Drop support for Python 3.3-3.4 *django-advanced-filters now support only* **python 2.7, and 3.5 - 3.8.** Features ~~~~~~~~ - Switch deprecated force_text to force_str (Merge 0427d11) Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Avoid installing newer braces (Merge 0427d11) - Allow choices sort on None fields (Merge 142ecd0) Docs / Tests ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Update dependencies stated in the README - Refactor some unittest test cases into pytest (Merge 41271b7) - Test the CleanWhiteSpacesMixin helper Misc ~~~~ - Update requirements for new test deps matrix (Merge 0427d11) - Replace deprecated assertEquals (Merge 41271b7) - Replace deprecated logger.warn with warning (Merge 41271b7) - Bump test dependencies (Merge 41271b7) - Update python and add Django classifiers Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Petr Dlouhý - Alon Raizman - Hugo Maingonnat - Arpit - Pavel Savchenko 1.1.1 - CHANGELOG rendering is hard ----------------------------------- This release is for fixing the bug when installing with specific environment ( locale that defaults to CP-1252). Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Add encoding='utf-8' to open() in (Merge 2fe81aa) Docs / Other ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - add CONTRIBUTING.rst with common processes (Merge ee7907e) - Update issue templates (Merge ee7907e) Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Rebecca Turner - Pavel Savchenko 1.1.0 - The future is bright ---------------------------- This release highlights support for Django 2.0 and 2.1 as well as deprecating support for versions Django < 1.7 and Python 2.6 and 3.3 Bug fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - bump django-braces==1.13 for Django 2 support (Merge 80e055e) - use request context processor in test_project (Merge 80e055e) Misc. ~~~~~ - ignore .DS_Store - fixes for Django 2.0 and 1.11, update tests (Merge 80e055e) - test in Django 2.1 (Merge d8d236d) - add updated migrations of model attributes (Merge 80e055e) - fix ValueError while creating empty form (Merge d8d236d) - python 2.6 and django < 1.7 are deprecated - lower and upper bounds in install_requires - avoid all-catch except clause (Merge 80e055e) Tests ~~~~~ - correct tox env django spec for ver 1.11 (Merge 80e055e) - correct make_query assertion for Django>=2 (Merge 80e055e) - update pytest-django in diff. envs + tox (Merge d8d236d) Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Goncalo Gomes - predatell - Petr Dlouhý - benny daon - Pavel Savchenko - Fix PyPi fail ----------------------- - Equivalent to the prev version, bumped since we can't reupload the files to PyPi. 1.0.7 - The holiday edition --------------------------- This is mostly a minor release with the biggest being the `AdvancedFilterForm.Media` fix, 2 additional translations and bunch of docs cleanup (thanks everyone)! Changes since 1.0.6: Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - Fix AdvancedFilterForm Media declaration - Fix pep8: E128 on (Merge d7acb36) Features ~~~~~~~~ - Add Japanese locale (Merge d7acb36) - Add Spanish locale (Merge 1a482cf) Documentation: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - a bit of polishing (Merge 4c88ea3) - removing confusing migrations paragraph (Merge 4c88ea3) Contributors: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - KINOSHITA Shinji - Pavel Savchenko - Benny Daon - Mathieu Richardoz - José Sánchez Moreno 1.0.6 - Bout Time ----------------- This release is long overdue, and includes some important fixes as well as general improvements to code and documentation. Bug Fixes ~~~~~~~~~ - fixing TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "list") to tuple - ensure select2 is included last (Merge 9831ba5) - add script to load jQuery globally - remove invalid template variables - fix input focusing error in chrome - fix error when one missing range parameter caused error + test (Merge 365b646) Features ~~~~~~~~ - don't override original change_list_templates in AdminAdvancedFiltersMixin - make date range placeholder more pleasant (Merge 365b646) - add created_at field - Russian locale provided Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - make it clear easy-select2 is not required anymore (Merge 9831ba5) - Clarify how to import AdminAdvancedFiltersMixin in README Tests ~~~~~ - add more fields/filter to test ModelAdmin Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Grigoriy Beziuk - Никита Конин - Pavel Savchenko - Yuval Adam - Petr Dlouhý 1.0.5 - Compatibility bump -------------------------- Bugs ~~~~ - updated AdvancedFilterQueryForm to include numeric comparison operators (Merge d3ee9f4) - Fixed a bug where editing an existing Advanced Filter defaulted all operators to 'Equals' (Merge d3ee9f4) - set AFQFormSet extra=0 instead of extra=1. I did this because having to check Delete is not clear to end users. (Merge d3ee9f4) - changed the Advanced Filter admin so you a User by default can only view/edit filters that they create (unless they are a superuser) (Merge d3ee9f4) - Fixed failing tests. Fixed bug where users weren't properly getting permissions to change or delete their filters (Merge d3ee9f4) - changed solution for extra form appearing on editing. Now initialize form checks for falsy value for extra rather than extra just being None (Merge d3ee9f4) - removed 'not instance from requirements for no extras (Merge d3ee9f4) - pep8 fix (Merge d3ee9f4) - Fixed labeling error with 'Greater Than or Equal To' (Merge d3ee9f4) - Changes URL declaration to avoid deprecated pattern - select2 only initializes if there are choices available. otherwise, the standard text input will be used (Merge 35d7063) - Revert "select2 only initializes if there are choices available. otherwise, the standard text input will be used" (Merge 35d7063) - updated query for choices for select2 field so that it will take only distinct choices. This allows max_choices to be the maximum unique choices. (Merge 35d7063) - Changes URL declaration to avoid deprecated pattern (Merge 35d7063) - refactored retrieval of choices so that the db is getting distinct values; added test (Merge 35d7063) - pep8 (Merge 35d7063) - Use order_by to avoid ambiguity - drop django-easy-select2 and include select2 directly Tests ~~~~~ - test with both Python 3.5 and Django 1.10 - removed print statement from test (Merge 35d7063) - fixed failing test to account for new distinct for max choices (Merge 35d7063) - added test to make sure all operators are properly restored from Queries (Merge d3ee9f4) Contributors ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Pavel Savchenko - PJ Passalacqua - Hermano Cabral 1.0.4 - Unbreak Python 3 ------------------------ This release contains a fix to allow distribution installation on Python 3 which was broken since 1.0.2 1.0.3 - The Package Fix ----------------------- This is a quick fix for packaging ( errors and documentation. Bugs ~~~~ - add missing Django 1.7 migrations - README updated to mention `` migrate`` command - Use ReST for README and CHANGELOG: avoid conversion from markdown 1.0.2 - A Better Future ----------------------- This release features better test coverage and support for Django 1.9. Bugs ~~~~ - stretch formset table to the modal container width - toggle advanced ``vendor/jquery`` dir according to Django version - retain support older Django versions - clean up legacy tags in templates Tests ~~~~~ - add admin views tests - add Django 1.9 to test matrix - other minor improvements Docs ~~~~ - Improve README with a newer screenshot and pretty tables for badges Contributors: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Pavel Savchenko - Leonardo J. Caballero G - Schuyler Duveen 1.0.1 - A Public Release ------------------------ Bugs ~~~~ - proper support for py26 and py3X and different Django releases - avoid querying all instances for choices - resolve settings inside view and refine error handling Tests ~~~~~ - add doctests to the ``form_helpers`` - add tests for ``forms`` - add test case ``views.TestGetFieldChoicesView`` - add ``test-reqs.txt`` as extras\_require - refactor testing to use ``py.test`` and run ``tox`` from ```` - travis: use latest version of each Django release Docs: ~~~~~ - ``README``: explain what we test against 1.0 - First contact ------------------- Major changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Add a new (required) field ```AdvancedFilter.model`` `__ - Add parsing query dict into initialized formsets (allows for `editing existing instance `__). - Add ```AdvancedFilterAdmin`` <#editing-previously-created-advanced-filters>`__ for actually accessing and `editing existing ``AdvancedFilter`` instances `__. - Use `Select2 `__ and an AJAX view to dynamically populate ```field`` options `__. - Add proper support for nested serialization of queries. Minor changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Implement more ```operators`` `__ (``isnull``, ``istrue`` and ``isfalse``) - Allow `custom verbose naming of fields in advanced\_filter\_fields `__ - Add helper methods to the model to hide (and decouple) core serialization functionality from users. - Strip whitespace in field values validation - Setup and packaging (````/````) - Hide ``QSerializer`` calling logic in the model - Allow modifying ``advanced_filter_form`` property (defaults to ``AdvancedFilterForm``) - Correct documentation regarding position of mixin in subclass (issue #1)