Django Advanced Filters ======================= +-----------+------------------+---------------------+----------+------------+ | Branch | Build | Coverage | PyPI | Gitter | +===========+==================+=====================+==========+============+ | Master | |Build-Master| | |Coverage-Master| | |PyPI| | |Gitter| | +-----------+------------------+---------------------+----------+------------+ | Develop | |Build-Develop| | |Coverage-Develop| | | | +-----------+------------------+---------------------+----------+------------+ A django ModelAdmin mixin which adds advanced filtering abilities to the admin. Mimics the advanced search feature in `VTiger `__, `see here for more info `__ .. figure:: :alt: Creating via a modal :width: 768 px For release notes, see `Changelog `__ Requirements ============ - Django 2.2, >= 3.2 on Python 3.7+/PyPy3 - simplejson >= 3.6.5, < 4 Installation & Set up ===================== 1. Install from pypi: ``pip install django-advanced-filters`` 2. Add ``'advanced_filters'`` to ``INSTALLED_APPS``. 3. Add ``url(r'^advanced_filters/', include('advanced_filters.urls'))`` to your project's urlconf. 4. Run ``python syncdb`` or ``python migrate`` (for django >= 1.7) Integration Example =================== Extending a ModelAdmin is pretty straightforward: .. code-block:: python from advanced_filters.admin import AdminAdvancedFiltersMixin class ProfileAdmin(AdminAdvancedFiltersMixin, models.ModelAdmin): list_filter = ('name', 'language', 'ts') # simple list filters # specify which fields can be selected in the advanced filter # creation form advanced_filter_fields = ( 'name', 'language', 'ts', # even use related fields as lookup fields 'country__name', 'posts__title', 'comments__content', ) Adding a new advanced filter (see below) will display a new list filter named "Advanced filters" which will list all the filter the currently logged in user is allowed to use (by default only those he/she created). Custom naming of fields ----------------------- Initially, each field in ``advanced_filter_fields`` is resolved into an actual model field. That field's verbose\_name attribute is then used as the text of the displayed option. While uncommon, it occasionally makes sense to use a custom name, especially when following a relationship, as the context then changes. For example, when a profile admin allows filtering by a user name as well as a sales representative name, it'll get confusing: .. code-block:: python class ProfileAdmin(AdminAdvancedFiltersMixin, models.ModelAdmin): advanced_filter_fields = ('name', 'sales_rep__name') In this case the field options will both be named "name" (by default). To fix this, use custom naming: .. code-block:: python class ProfileAdmin(AdminAdvancedFiltersMixin, models.ModelAdmin): advanced_filter_fields = ('name', ('sales_rep__name', 'assigned rep')) Now, you will get two options, "name" and "assigned rep". Adding new advanced filters =========================== By default the mixin uses a template which extends django's built-in ``change_list`` template. This template is based off of grapelli's fork of this template (hence the 'grp' classes and funny looking javascript). The default template also uses the superb `magnificPopup `__ which is currently bundled with the application. Regardless of the above, you can easily write your own template which uses context variables ``{{ advanced_filters }}`` and ``{{ advanced_filters.formset }}``, to render the advanced filter creation form. Structure ========= Each advanced filter has only a couple of required fields when constructed with the form; namely the title and a formset (consisting of a form for each sub-query or rule of the filter query). Each form in the formset requires the following fields: ``field``, ``operator``, ``value`` And allows the optional ``negate`` and ``remove`` fields. Let us go over each of the fields in a rule fieldset. Field ----- The list of all available fields for this specific instance of the ModelAdmin as specific by the ```advanced_filter_fields`` property. <#integration-example>`__ The OR field ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``OR`` is an additional field that is added to every rule's available fields. It allows constructing queries with `OR statements `__. You can use it by creating an "empty" rule with this field "between" a set of 1 or more rules. Operator -------- Query field suffixes which specify how the ``WHERE`` query will be constructed. The currently supported are as follows: ``iexact``, ``icontains``, ``iregex``, ``range``, ``isnull``, ``istrue`` and ``isfalse`` For more detail on what they mean and how they function, see django's `documentation on field lookups `__. Value ----- The value which the specific sub-query will be looking for, i.e the value of the field specified above, or in django query syntax: ``.filter(field=value)`` Negate ------ A boolean (check-box) field to specify whether this rule is to be negated, effectively making it a "exclude" sub-query. Remove ------ Similarly to other `django formsets `__, used to remove the selected line on submit. Editing previously created advanced filters =========================================== The ``AdvancedFilterAdmin`` class (a subclass of ``ModelAdmin``) is provided and registered with ``AdvancedFilter`` in module. The model's change\_form template is overridden from grapelli's/django's standard template, to mirror the add form modal as closely as possible. *Note:* currently, adding new filters from the ModelAdmin change page is not supported. Query Serialization =================== **TODO:** write a few words on how serialization of queries is done. Model correlation ================= Since version 1.0, ``AdvancedFilter`` are tightly coupled with a specific model using the ``model`` field and the app\_label.Name template. On creation, ``model`` is populated based on the admin changelist it's created in. This change has a few benefits: 1. The mixin can be used with multiple ``ModelAdmin`` classes while performing specific query serialization and field validation that are at the base of the filter functionality. 2. Users can edit previously created filters outside of the context of a changelist, as we do in the ```AdvancedFilterAdmin`` <#editing-previously-created-advanced-filters>`__. 3. Limit the ``AdvancedListFilters`` to limit queryset (and thus, the underlying options) to a specified model. Views ===== The GetFieldChoices view is required to dynamically (using javascript) fetch a list of valid field choices when creating/changing an ``AdvancedFilter``. TODO ==== - Add permission user/group selection functionality to the filter form - Allow toggling of predefined templates (grappelli / vanilla django admin), and front-end features. - Support more (newer) python/django versions .. |Build-Master| image:: :target: .. |Coverage-Master| image:: :target: .. |PyPI| image:: :target: .. |Gitter| image:: :target: .. |Build-Develop| image:: :target: .. |Coverage-Develop| image:: :target: