sub = new SubParser(); class SubParser { function SubParser() { } function sendmail($params=array(), $msg='') { global $modx; if(isset($params) && is_string($params)) { if(strpos($params,'=')===false) { if(strpos($params,'@')!==false) $p['to'] = $params; else $p['subject'] = $params; } else { $params_array = explode(',',$params); foreach($params_array as $k=>$v) { $k = trim($k); $v = trim($v); $p[$k] = $v; } } } else { $p = $params; unset($params); } if(isset($p['sendto'])) $p['to'] = $p['sendto']; if(isset($p['to']) && preg_match('@^[0-9]+$@',$p['to'])) { $userinfo = $modx->getUserInfo($p['to']); $p['to'] = $userinfo['email']; } if(isset($p['from']) && preg_match('@^[0-9]+$@',$p['from'])) { $userinfo = $modx->getUserInfo($p['from']); $p['from'] = $userinfo['email']; $p['fromname'] = $userinfo['username']; } if($msg==='' && !isset($p['body'])) { $p['body'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\n" . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\n" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } elseif(is_string($msg) && 0loadExtension('MODxMailer'); $sendto = (!isset($p['to'])) ? $modx->config['emailsender'] : $p['to']; $sendto = explode(',',$sendto); foreach($sendto as $address) { list($name, $address) = $modx->mail->address_split($address); $modx->mail->AddAddress($address,$name); } if(isset($p['cc'])) { $p['cc'] = explode(',',$p['cc']); foreach($p['cc'] as $address) { list($name, $address) = $modx->mail->address_split($address); $modx->mail->AddCC($address,$name); } } if(isset($p['bcc'])) { $p['bcc'] = explode(',',$p['bcc']); foreach($p['bcc'] as $address) { list($name, $address) = $modx->mail->address_split($address); $modx->mail->AddBCC($address,$name); } } if(isset($p['from']) && strpos($p['from'],'<')!==false && substr($p['from'],-1)==='>') list($p['fromname'],$p['from']) = $modx->mail->address_split($p['from']); $modx->mail->From = (!isset($p['from'])) ? $modx->config['emailsender'] : $p['from']; $modx->mail->FromName = (!isset($p['fromname'])) ? $modx->config['site_name'] : $p['fromname']; $modx->mail->Subject = (!isset($p['subject'])) ? $modx->config['emailsubject'] : $p['subject']; $modx->mail->Body = $p['body']; if (isset($p['type']) && $p['type'] == 'text') $this->mail->IsHTML(false); $rs = $modx->mail->send(); return $rs; } function rotate_log($target='event_log',$limit=2000, $trim=100) { global $modx, $dbase; if($limit < $trim) $trim = $limit; $count = $modx->db->getValue($modx->db->select('COUNT(id)',"[+prefix+]{$target}")); $over = $count - $limit; if(0 < $over) { $trim = ($over + $trim); $modx->db->delete("[+prefix+]{$target}",'','',$trim); } if( isset($modx->config['automatic_optimize']) && $modx->config['automatic_optimize'] == 1 ){ $result = $modx->db->query(sprintf('SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `%s`',trim($dbase,'`'))); while ($row = $modx->db->getRow($result)) { $modx->db->query('OPTIMIZE TABLE ' . $row['Name']); } } } function addLog($title='no title',$msg='',$type=1) { if($title==='') $title = 'no title'; if(is_array($msg)) $msg = '
'; if($msg==='') $msg = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $this->logEvent(0, $type, $msg, $title); } function logEvent($evtid, $type, $msg, $title= 'Parser') { global $modx; if(!$modx->config) $modx->getSettings(); $evtid= intval($evtid); $type = intval($type); if ($type < 1) $type= 1; // Types: 1 = information, 2 = warning, 3 = error if (3 < $type) $type= 3; $msg= $modx->db->escape($msg); $title = htmlspecialchars($title, ENT_QUOTES, $modx->config['modx_charset']); $title= $modx->db->escape($title); if (function_exists('mb_substr')) { $title = mb_substr($title, 0, 50 , $modx->config['modx_charset']); } else { $title = substr($title, 0, 50); } $LoginUserID = $modx->getLoginUserID(); if (empty($LoginUserID)) $LoginUserID = '0'; $fields['eventid'] = $evtid; $fields['type'] = $type; $fields['createdon'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; $fields['source'] = $title; $fields['description'] = $msg; $fields['user'] = $LoginUserID; $insert_id = $modx->db->insert($fields,'[+prefix+]event_log'); if(!$modx->db->conn) $title = 'DB connect error'; if(isset($modx->config['send_errormail']) && $modx->config['send_errormail'] !== '0') { if($modx->config['send_errormail'] <= $type) { $body['URL'] = $modx->config['site_url'] . ltrim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/'); $body['Source'] = $fields['source']; $body['IP'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if(!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) $hostname = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if(!empty($hostname)) $body['Host name'] = $hostname; if(!empty($modx->event->activePlugin)) $body['Plugin'] = $modx->event->activePlugin; if(!empty($modx->currentSnippet)) $body['Snippet'] = $modx->currentSnippet; $subject = 'Error mail from ' . $modx->config['site_name']; foreach($body as $k=>$v) { $mailbody[] = "[{$k}] {$v}"; } $mailbody = join("\n",$mailbody); $modx->sendmail($subject,$mailbody); } } if (!$insert_id) { echo 'Error while inserting event log into database.'; exit(); } else { $trim = (isset($modx->config['event_log_trim'])) ? intval($modx->config['event_log_trim']) : 100; if(($insert_id % $trim) == 0) { $limit = (isset($modx->config['event_log_limit'])) ? intval($modx->config['event_log_limit']) : 2000; $modx->rotate_log('event_log',$limit,$trim); } } } function clearCache($params=array()) { global $modx; if(!is_array($params) && preg_match('@^[1-9][0-9]*$@',$params)) { $docid = $params; if($modx->config['cache_type']==='2') { $url = $modx->config['base_url'] . $modx->makeUrl($docid,'','','root_rel'); $filename = md5($url); } else $filename = "docid_{$docid}"; $_ = array('pages','pc','smartphone','tablet','mobile'); foreach($_ as $uaType) { $page_cache_path = MODX_BASE_PATH . "assets/cache/{$uaType}/{$filename}.pageCache.php"; if(is_file($page_cache_path)) unlink($page_cache_path); } // $modx->config['cache_type'] = '0'; return; } elseif(is_string($params) && $params==='full') { $params = array(); $params['showReport'] = false; $params['target'] = 'pagecache,sitecache'; } if(opendir(MODX_BASE_PATH . 'assets/cache')!==false) { $showReport = ($params['showReport']) ? $params['showReport'] : false; $target = ($params['target']) ? $params['target'] : 'pagecache,sitecache'; include_once MODX_CORE_PATH . 'cache_sync.class.php'; $sync = new synccache(); $sync->setCachepath(MODX_BASE_PATH . 'assets/cache/'); $sync->setReport($showReport); $sync->setTarget($target); $sync->emptyCache(); // first empty the cache return true; } else return false; } function messageQuit($msg= 'unspecified error', $query= '', $is_error= true, $nr= '', $file= '', $source= '', $text= '', $line= '', $output='') { global $modx; $version= isset ($GLOBALS['version']) ? $GLOBALS['version'] : ''; $release_date= isset ($GLOBALS['release_date']) ? $GLOBALS['release_date'] : ''; $request_uri = $modx->decoded_request_uri; $request_uri = htmlspecialchars($request_uri, ENT_QUOTES, $modx->config['modx_charset']); $ua = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], ENT_QUOTES, $modx->config['modx_charset']); $referer = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], ENT_QUOTES, $modx->config['modx_charset']); if ($is_error) { $str = '

« MODX Parse Error »

'; } else { $str = '

« MODX Debug/ stop message »

MODX encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
« ' . $msg . ' »
'; } $codetpl = ''; if (!empty ($query)) $str .= $modx->parseText($codetpl,array('code'=>$query)); $errortype= array ( E_ERROR => "ERROR", E_WARNING => "WARNING", E_PARSE => "PARSING ERROR", E_NOTICE => "NOTICE", E_CORE_ERROR => "CORE ERROR", E_CORE_WARNING => "CORE WARNING", E_COMPILE_ERROR => "COMPILE ERROR", E_COMPILE_WARNING => "COMPILE WARNING", E_USER_ERROR => "USER ERROR", E_USER_WARNING => "USER WARNING", E_USER_NOTICE => "USER NOTICE", E_STRICT => "STRICT NOTICE", E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR => "RECOVERABLE ERROR", E_DEPRECATED => "DEPRECATED", E_USER_DEPRECATED => "USER DEPRECATED" ); $tpl = ''; if(!empty($nr) || !empty($file)) { $str .= ''; if ($text != '') $str .= $modx->parseText($codetpl,array('code'=>"Error : {$text}")); if($output!='') $str .= $modx->parseText($codetpl,array('code'=>$output)); if(!isset($errortype[$nr])) $errortype[$nr] = ''; $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'ErrorType[num] : ','right'=>$errortype[$nr]."[{$nr}]")); $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'File : ','right'=>$file)); $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'Line : ','right'=>$line)); } if ($source != '') $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'Source : ','right'=>$source)); $str .= ''; $str .= ''; $str .= ""; $str .= ''; if(isset($_GET['a'])) $action = $_GET['a']; elseif(isset($_POST['a'])) $action = $_POST['a']; if(isset($action) && !empty($action)) { include_once($modx->config['core_path'] . ''); global $action_list; if(isset($action_list[$action])) $actionName = " - {$action_list[$action]}"; else $actionName = ''; $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'Manager action : ','right'=>"{$action}{$actionName}")); } if(preg_match('@^[0-9]+@',$modx->documentIdentifier)) { $resource = $modx->getDocumentObject('id',$modx->documentIdentifier); $url = $modx->makeUrl($modx->documentIdentifier,'','','full'); $link = '' . $resource['pagetitle'] . ''; $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'Resource : ','right'=>"[{$modx->documentIdentifier}]{$link}")); } if(!empty($modx->currentSnippet)) $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'Current Snippet : ','right'=>$modx->currentSnippet)); if(!empty($modx->event->activePlugin)) $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'Current Plugin : ', 'right'=>"{$modx->event->activePlugin}({$modx->event->name})")); $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'Referer : ' , 'right'=>$referer)); $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'User Agent : ' , 'right'=>$ua)); $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'IP : ' , 'right'=>$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); $str .= ''; $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'MySQL : ' , 'right'=>'[^qt^] ([^q^] Requests)')); $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'PHP : ' , 'right'=>'[^p^]')); $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'Total : ' , 'right'=>'[^t^]')); $str .= $modx->parseText($tpl,array('left'=>'Memory : ' , 'right'=>'[^m^]')); $str .= "
The MODX parser recieved the following debug/ stop message:
« ' . $msg . ' »
PHP error debug
Basic info
REQUEST_URI : {$request_uri}
\n"; $str = $modx->mergeBenchmarkContent($str); if(isset($php_errormsg) && !empty($php_errormsg)) $str = "{$php_errormsg}
\n{$str}"; $str .= '
' . $modx->get_backtrace() . "\n"; // Log error if(!empty($modx->currentSnippet)) $source = 'Snippet - ' . $modx->currentSnippet; elseif(!empty($modx->event->activePlugin)) $source = 'Plugin - ' . $modx->event->activePlugin; elseif($source!=='') $source = 'Parser - ' . $source; elseif($query!=='') $source = 'SQL Query'; else $source = 'Parser'; if(isset($actionName) && !empty($actionName)) $source .= $actionName; switch($nr) { case E_DEPRECATED : case E_USER_DEPRECATED : case E_STRICT : case E_NOTICE : case E_USER_NOTICE : $error_level = 2; break; default: $error_level = 3; } $modx->logEvent(0, $error_level, $str,$source); if($modx->error_reporting==='99' && !isset($_SESSION['mgrValidated'])) return true; // Set 500 response header if(2 < $error_level && $modx->event->name!=='OnWebPageComplete') header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); // Display error if ($modx->isLoggedin()) { if($modx->event->name!=='OnWebPageComplete') { echo ''; echo sprintf('MODX Content Manager %s » %s', $version, $release_date); echo ''; echo sprintf('', $modx->config['site_url'], $modx->config['manager_theme']); echo ''; echo ''; } echo '
'; if($modx->event->name!=='OnWebPageComplete') echo ''; } else echo 'Error'; ob_end_flush(); exit; } function recDebugInfo() { global $modx; $incs = get_included_files(); $backtrace = array_reverse(debug_backtrace()); $i=0; foreach($incs as $v) { $incs[$i] = str_replace('\\','/',$v); $i++; } $i=0; foreach($backtrace as $v) { if(isset($v['object'])) unset($backtrace[$i]['object']); if(isset($v['file'])) $backtrace[$i]['file'] = str_replace('\\','/',$v['file']); if(isset($v['args'])&&empty($v['args'])) unset($backtrace[$i]['args']); if($v['class']==='DocumentParser'&&$v['type']==='->') { unset($backtrace[$i]['file']); unset($backtrace[$i]['class']); unset($backtrace[$i]['type']); $backtrace[$i]['function'] = '$modx->'.$v['function'] . '()'; } elseif(isset($v['class'])) { if(strpos($v['file'],'')!==false) unset($backtrace[$i]['file']); unset($backtrace[$i]['class']); unset($backtrace[$i]['type']); $backtrace[$i]['function'] = $v['class'] . $v['type'] .$v['function'] . '()'; } $i++; } $tend = $modx->getMicroTime(); $totaltime = $tend - $modx->tstart; $totaltimemsg = sprintf('Total time %2.4f s',$totaltime); $info['request_uri'] = $modx->decoded_request_uri; if(isset($modx->documentIdentifier)) $info['docid'] = $modx->documentIdentifier; $info['Total time'] = $totaltimemsg; $info['included_files'] = print_r($incs,true); $info['backtrace'] = print_r($backtrace,true); $info['functions'] = print_r($modx->functionLog,true); $msg = '
' . print_r($info,true) .'
'; $this->addLog('Debug log',$msg,1); } function get_backtrace() { global $modx; $str = "


\n"; $str .= ''; $backtrace = array_reverse(debug_backtrace()); foreach ($backtrace as $key => $val) { $key++; if(substr($val['function'],0,11)==='messageQuit') break; elseif(substr($val['function'],0,8)==='phpError') break; $path = str_replace('\\','/',$val['file']); if(strpos($path,MODX_BASE_PATH)===0) $path = substr($path,strlen(MODX_BASE_PATH)); switch($val['type']) { case '->': case '::': if($val['class']==='DocumentParser'&&$val['type']==='->') $val['class'] = '$modx'; $functionName = $val['function'] = $val['class'] . $val['type'] . $val['function']; break; default: $functionName = $val['function']; } if($functionName==='evalSnippet'&&!empty($modx->currentSnippet)) $functionName .= sprintf('(%s)',$modx->currentSnippet); $str .= ""; $str .= ""; } $str .= '
{$path} on line {$val['line']}
'; return $str; } function sendRedirect($url, $count_attempts= 0, $type= 'REDIRECT_HEADER',$responseCode='') { global $modx; if($this->debug) { register_shutdown_function(array (& $modx,'recDebugInfo')); } if (empty($url)) return false; elseif(preg_match('@^[1-9][0-9]*$@',$url)) { $url = $modx->makeUrl($url,'','','full'); } if ($count_attempts == 1) { // append the redirect count string to the url $currentNumberOfRedirects= isset ($_REQUEST['err']) ? $_REQUEST['err'] : 0; if ($currentNumberOfRedirects > 3) { $modx->messageQuit("Redirection attempt failed - please ensure the document you're trying to redirect to exists.

Redirection URL: {$url}

"); } else { $currentNumberOfRedirects += 1; if (strpos($url, '?') > 0) $url .= '&'; else $url .= '?'; $url .= "err={$currentNumberOfRedirects}"; } } if ($type === 'REDIRECT_REFRESH') $header= "Refresh: 0;URL={$url}"; elseif($type === 'REDIRECT_META') { $header= ''; echo $header; exit; } else { // check if url has /$base_url global $base_url, $site_url; if (substr($url, 0, strlen($base_url)) == $base_url) { // append $site_url to make it work with Location: $url= $site_url . substr($url, strlen($base_url)); } if (strpos($url, "\n") === false) $header= 'Location: ' . $url; else $modx->messageQuit('No newline allowed in redirect url.'); } if($modx->directParse==1) { if($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ini_set('user_agent', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); return file_get_contents($url); } if (!empty($responseCode)) { if (strpos($responseCode, '301') !== false) $responseCode = 301; elseif(strpos($responseCode, '302') !== false) $responseCode = 302; elseif(strpos($responseCode, '303') !== false) $responseCode = 303; elseif(strpos($responseCode, '307') !== false) $responseCode = 307; else $responseCode = ''; if(!empty($responseCode)) { header($header, true, $responseCode); exit; } } header($header); exit(); } function sendForward($id, $responseCode= '') { global $modx; if ($modx->forwards > 0) { $modx->forwards--; $modx->documentIdentifier= $id; $modx->documentMethod= 'id'; if($responseCode) header($responseCode); echo $modx->prepareResponse(); } else { $modx->messageQuit("Internal Server Error id={$id}"); header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error'); echo '

ERROR: Too many forward attempts!

The request could not be completed due to too many unsuccessful forward attempts.

'; } exit; } function sendUnavailablePage() { global $modx; if($modx->config['site_unavailable_page']) $dist = $modx->config['site_unavailable_page']; else $dist = $modx->config['site_start']; $modx->http_status_code = '503'; $modx->sendForward($dist, 'HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable'); } function sendErrorPage() { global $modx; // invoke OnPageNotFound event $modx->invokeEvent('OnPageNotFound'); if($modx->config['error_page']) $dist = $modx->config['error_page']; else $dist = $modx->config['site_start']; $modx->http_status_code = '404'; $modx->sendForward($dist, 'HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); } function sendUnauthorizedPage() { global $modx; // invoke OnPageUnauthorized event $_REQUEST['refurl'] = $modx->documentIdentifier; $modx->invokeEvent('OnPageUnauthorized'); if($modx->config['unauthorized_page']) $dist = $modx->config['unauthorized_page']; elseif($modx->config['error_page']) $dist = $modx->config['error_page']; else $dist = $modx->config['site_start']; $modx->http_status_code = '403'; $modx->sendForward($dist , 'HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); } function getSnippetId() { global $modx; if ($modx->currentSnippet) { $snip = $modx->db->escape($modx->currentSnippet); $rs= $modx->db->select('id', '[+prefix+]site_snippets', "name='{$snip}'",'',1); $row= @ $modx->db->getRow($rs); if ($row['id']) return $row['id']; } return 0; } function getSnippetName() { global $modx; return $modx->currentSnippet; } function runSnippet($snippetName, $params= array ()) { global $modx; if (isset ($modx->snippetCache[$snippetName])) { $snippet= $modx->snippetCache[$snippetName]; $properties= $modx->snippetCache["{$snippetName}Props"]; } else { // not in cache so let's check the db $esc_name = $modx->db->escape($snippetName); $result= $modx->db->select('name,snippet,properties','[+prefix+]site_snippets',"name='{$esc_name}'"); if ($modx->db->getRecordCount($result) == 1) { $row = $modx->db->getRow($result); $snippet= $modx->snippetCache[$snippetName]= $row['snippet']; $properties= $modx->snippetCache["{$snippetName}Props"]= $row['properties']; } else { $snippet= $modx->snippetCache[$snippetName]= "return false;"; $properties= ''; } } // load default params/properties $parameters= $modx->parseProperties($properties); $parameters= array_merge($parameters, $params); // run snippet return $modx->evalSnippet($snippet, $parameters); } # Change current web user's password - returns true if successful, oterhwise return error message function changeWebUserPassword($oldPwd, $newPwd) { global $modx; if ($_SESSION['webValidated'] != 1) return false; $uid = $modx->getLoginUserID(); $ds = $modx->db->select('id,username,password', '[+prefix+]web_users', "`id`='{$uid}'"); $total = $modx->db->getRecordCount($ds); if ($total != 1) return false; $row= $modx->db->getRow($ds); if ($row['password'] == md5($oldPwd)) { if (strlen($newPwd) < 6) return 'Password is too short!'; elseif ($newPwd == '') return "You didn't specify a password for this user!"; else { $f = array(); $f['password'] = md5($newPwd); $f['cachepwd'] = ''; $f = $modx->db->escape($f); $modx->db->update($f, '[+prefix+]web_users', "id='{$uid}'"); $modx->db->update("blockeduntil='0'", '[+prefix+]web_user_attributes', "internalKey='{$uid}'"); // invoke OnWebChangePassword event $tmp = array ( 'userid' => $row['id'], 'username' => $row['username'], 'userpassword' => $newPwd ); $modx->invokeEvent('OnWebChangePassword',$tmp); return true; } } else return 'Incorrect password.'; } # add an event listner to a plugin - only for use within the current execution cycle function addEventListener($evtName, $pluginName) { global $modx; if(!$evtName || !$pluginName) return false; if (!isset($modx->pluginEvent[$evtName])) { $modx->pluginEvent[$evtName] = array(); } $result = array_push($modx->pluginEvent[$evtName], $pluginName); return $result; // return array count } # remove event listner - only for use within the current execution cycle function removeEventListener($evtName, $pluginName='') { global $modx; if (!$evtName) return false; if ( $pluginName == '' ){ unset ($modx->pluginEvent[$evtName]); return true; }else{ foreach($modx->pluginEvent[$evtName] as $key => $val){ if ($modx->pluginEvent[$evtName][$key] == $pluginName){ unset ($modx->pluginEvent[$evtName][$key]); return true; } } } return false; } function regClientCSS($src, $media) { global $modx; if (empty($src) || isset ($modx->loadedjscripts[$src])) return ''; $nextpos = max(array_merge(array(0),array_keys($modx->sjscripts)))+1; $modx->loadedjscripts[$src]['startup'] = true; $modx->loadedjscripts[$src]['version'] = '0'; $modx->loadedjscripts[$src]['pos'] = $nextpos; if (strpos(strtolower($src), 'sjscripts[$nextpos]= $src; } else { $media = $media ? 'media="' . $media . '" ' : ''; $modx->sjscripts[$nextpos] = "\t" . ''; } } # Registers Client-side JavaScript - these scripts are loaded at the end of the page unless $startup is true function regClientScript($src, $options= array('name'=>'', 'version'=>'0', 'plaintext'=>false), $startup= false) { global $modx; if (empty($src)) return ''; // nothing to register if (!is_array($options)) { if(is_bool($options)) $options = array('plaintext'=>$options); elseif(is_string($options)) $options = array('name'=>$options); else $options = array(); } $name = isset($options['name']) ? strtolower($options['name']) : ''; $version = isset($options['version']) ? $options['version'] : '0'; $plaintext = isset($options['plaintext']) ? $options['plaintext'] : false; $key = !empty($name) ? $name : $src; $useThisVer= true; if (isset($modx->loadedjscripts[$key])) { // a matching script was found // if existing script is a startup script, make sure the candidate is also a startup script if ($modx->loadedjscripts[$key]['startup']) $startup= true; if (empty($name)) { $useThisVer= false; // if the match was based on identical source code, no need to replace the old one } else { $useThisVer = version_compare($modx->loadedjscripts[$key]['version'], $version, '<'); } if ($useThisVer) { if ($startup==true && $modx->loadedjscripts[$key]['startup']==false) { // remove old script from the bottom of the page (new one will be at the top) unset($modx->jscripts[$modx->loadedjscripts[$key]['pos']]); } else { // overwrite the old script (the position may be important for dependent scripts) $overwritepos= $modx->loadedjscripts[$key]['pos']; } } else { // Use the original version if ($startup==true && $modx->loadedjscripts[$key]['startup']==false) { // need to move the exisiting script to the head $version= $modx->loadedjscripts[$key][$version]; $src= $modx->jscripts[$modx->loadedjscripts[$key]['pos']]; unset($modx->jscripts[$modx->loadedjscripts[$key]['pos']]); } else return ''; // the script is already in the right place } } if ($useThisVer && $plaintext!=true && (strpos(strtolower($src), "'; } if ($startup) { $pos = isset($overwritepos) ? $overwritepos : max(array_merge(array(0),array_keys($modx->sjscripts)))+1; $modx->sjscripts[$pos]= $src; } else { $pos = isset($overwritepos) ? $overwritepos : max(array_merge(array(0),array_keys($modx->jscripts)))+1; $modx->jscripts[$pos]= $src; } $modx->loadedjscripts[$key]['version']= $version; $modx->loadedjscripts[$key]['startup']= $startup; $modx->loadedjscripts[$key]['pos']= $pos; } function regClientStartupHTMLBlock($html) // Registers Client-side Startup HTML block { $this->regClientScript($html, true, true); } function regClientHTMLBlock($html) // Registers Client-side HTML block { $this->regClientScript($html, true); } # Registers Startup Client-side JavaScript - these scripts are loaded at inside the tag function regClientStartupScript($src, $options=array('name'=>'', 'version'=>'0', 'plaintext'=>false)) { $this->regClientScript($src, $options, true); } function checkPermissions($docid=false,$duplicateDoc = false) { global $modx; if(strpos($docid, ',') !== false) $docid = substr($docid, 0, strpos($docid, ',')); $allowroot = $modx->config['udperms_allowroot']; if($modx->hasPermission('save_role')) return true; // administrator - grant all document permissions elseif($docid == 0 && $allowroot == 1) return true; elseif(empty($modx->config['use_udperms'])) return true; // permissions aren't in use elseif($docid===false) return false; $rs = $modx->db->select('parent', '[+prefix+]site_content', "id='{$docid}'"); $parent = $modx->db->getValue($rs); if ($this->duplicateDoc == true && $parent == 0 && $allowroot == 0) { return false; // deny duplicate document at root if Allow Root is No } // get document groups for current user if (isset($_SESSION['mgrDocgroups']) && !empty($_SESSION['mgrDocgroups'])) { foreach($_SESSION['mgrDocgroups'] as $v) { $docgrp[] = "dg.document_group='{$v}'"; } $docgrps = join(' || ', $docgrp); $where_docgrp = "({$docgrps} || sc.privatemgr = 0)"; } else $where_docgrp = 'sc.privatemgr = 0'; $field = 'COUNT(DISTINCT'; $from = '[+prefix+]site_content sc'; $from .= ' LEFT JOIN [+prefix+]document_groups dg on dg.document ='; $from .= ' LEFT JOIN [+prefix+]documentgroup_names dgn ON = dg.document_group'; $where = "'{$docid}' AND {$where_docgrp}"; $rs = $modx->db->select($field, $from, $where); $total = $modx->db->getRecordCount($rs); if ($total == 1) return true; else return false; } /* * Template Variable Data Source @Bindings * Created by Raymond Irving Feb, 2005 */ function ProcessTVCommand($input, $name = '', $docid = '', $src='docform') { global $modx; $docid = intval($docid) ? intval($docid) : $modx->documentIdentifier; $input = trim($input); if(substr($input,0,1)==='@' && $modx->config['enable_bindings']!=1 && $src==='docform') return '@Bindings is disabled.'; list ($cmd, $param) = $this->ParseCommand($input); $cmd = '@'.trim($cmd); $param = trim($param); switch ($cmd) { case '@PARSE' : case '@MODX' : if(strpos($param,'[!')!==false) $param = str_replace(array('[!','!]'),array('[[',']]'),$param); if(strpos($param,'[*')!==false) $param = $modx->mergeDocumentContent($param); if(strpos($param,'[(')!==false) $param = $modx->mergeSettingsContent($param); if(strpos($param,'{{')!==false) $param = $modx->mergeChunkContent($param); if(strpos($param,'[[')!==false) $param = $modx->evalSnippets($param); $output = trim($param); break; case '@FILE' : if($modx->getExtention($param)==='.php') $output = 'Could not retrieve PHP file.'; else $output = @file_get_contents($param); if($output===false) $output = " Could not retrieve document '{$file}'."; break; case '@CHUNK' : // retrieve a chunk and process it's content $output = $modx->getChunk(trim($param)); break; case '@DOCUMENT' : // retrieve a document and process it's content case '@DOC' : $rs = $modx->getDocument($param); if (is_array($rs)) $output = $rs['content']; else $output = "Unable to locate document {$param}"; break; case '@SELECT' : // selects a record from the cms database $rt = array (); $ph = array ( 'dbase' => $modx->db->config['dbase'], 'DBASE' => $modx->db->config['dbase'], 'prefix' => $modx->db->config['table_prefix'], 'PREFIX' => $modx->db->config['table_prefix'] ); $param = $modx->parseText($param,$ph); $rs = $modx->db->query("SELECT {$param}"); if($modx->db->getRecordCount($rs)==0) return; $output = $rs; break; case '@EVAL' : // evaluates text as php codes return the results $output = eval ($param); break; case '@INHERIT' : $output = $param; // Default to param value if no content from parents if(empty($docid) && isset($_REQUEST['pid'])) $doc['parent'] = $_REQUEST['pid']; else $doc = $modx->getPageInfo($docid, 0, 'id,parent'); while ($doc['parent'] != 0) { $doc = $modx->getPageInfo($doc['parent'], 0, 'id,parent'); // Grab document regardless of publish status $tv = $modx->getTemplateVar($name, '*', $doc['id'], null); $value = (string) $tv['value']; if ($value !== '' && substr($value,0,8)!=='@INHERIT') { $output = $value; break 2; } } break; case '@DIRECTORY' : case '@DIR' : $files = array (); $param = trim($param,'/'); $path = $modx->config['base_path'] . $param; if (!is_dir($path)) exit($path); $dir = dir($path); while (($file = $dir->read()) !== false) { if (substr($file, 0, 1) != '.') { $files[] = "{$file}=={$param}{$file}"; } } asort($files); $output = implode('||', $files); break; case '@NULL' : case '@NONE' : $output = ''; break; default : $output = $input; break; } // support for nested bindings if(is_string($output) && substr($output,0,1)==='@' && $output != $input) $output = $this->ProcessTVCommand($output, $name, $docid, $src); return $output; } // separate @ cmd from params function ParseCommand($binding_string) { // Array of supported bindings. must be upper case $BINDINGS = array ( 'PARSE', 'MODX', 'FILE', 'CHUNK', 'DOCUMENT', 'DOC', 'SELECT', 'EVAL', 'INHERIT', 'DIRECTORY', 'DIR', 'NULL', 'NONE' ); $binding_array = array(); if(strpos($binding_string,'@@EVAL')===0) $binding_string = substr($binding_string,1); foreach($BINDINGS as $cmd) { if(strpos($binding_string,'@'.$cmd)===0) { $code = substr($binding_string,strlen($cmd)+2); $binding_array = array($cmd,trim($code)); break; } } return $binding_array; } function getExtention($str) { $str = trim($str); $str = strtolower($str); $pos = strrpos($str,'.'); if($pos===false) return false; return substr($str,$pos); } function decodeParamValue($s) { $s = str_replace('%3B',';',$s); // ; $s = str_replace('%3D','=',$s); // = $s = str_replace('%26','&',$s); // & $s = str_replace('%2C',',',$s); // , $s = str_replace('%5C','\\',$s); // \ return $s; } // returns an array if a delimiter is present. returns array is a recordset is present function parseInput($src, $delim='||', $type='string', $columns=true) { // type can be: string, array global $modx; if ($modx->db->isResult($src)) { // must be a recordset $rows = array(); $nc = $modx->db->numFields($src); while ($cols = $modx->db->getRow($src,'num')) { $rows[] = ($columns)? $cols : implode(' ',$cols); } return ($type=='array')? $rows : implode($delim,$rows); } else { // must be a text if($type=='array') return explode($delim,$src); else return $src; } } function getUnixtimeFromDateString($value) { $timestamp = false; // Check for MySQL or legacy style date $date_match_1 = '/^([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{4})\ ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})$/'; $date_match_2 = '/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2})\ ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})$/'; $matches= array(); if(strpos($value,'-')!==false) { if(preg_match($date_match_1, $value, $matches)) { $timestamp = mktime($matches[4], $matches[5], $matches[6], $matches[2], $matches[1], $matches[3]); } elseif(preg_match($date_match_2, $value, $matches)) { $timestamp = mktime($matches[4], $matches[5], $matches[6], $matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[1]); } } // If those didn't work, use strtotime to figure out the date if($timestamp === false || $timestamp === -1) { $timestamp = strtotime($value); } return $timestamp; } // DISPLAY FORM ELEMENTS function renderFormElement($field_type, $field_id, $default_text='', $field_elements, $field_value, $field_style='', $row = array()) { global $modx,$_style,$_lang,$content; if(substr($field_elements, 0, 5) === 'parseText($tpl,$ph); break; case "textarea": // handler for textarea boxes case "rawtextarea": // non-htmlentity convertex textarea boxes case "htmlarea": // handler for textarea boxes (deprecated) case "richtext": // handler for textarea boxes case "textareamini": // handler for textarea mini boxes $tpl = file_get_contents(MODX_CORE_PATH . 'docvars/inputform/'); $ph['id'] = "tv{$field_id}"; $ph['name'] = "tv{$field_id}"; $ph['value'] = htmlspecialchars($field_value); $ph['style'] = $field_style; $ph['tvtype'] = $field_type; $ph['rows'] = $field_type==='textareamini' ? '5' : '15'; $field_html = $modx->parseText($tpl,$ph); break; case "date": case "dateonly": $tpl = file_get_contents(MODX_CORE_PATH . 'docvars/inputform/'); $ph['class'] = 'DatePicker'; $ph['id'] = 'tv' . str_replace(array('-', '.'),'_', urldecode($field_id)); ; $ph['name'] = "tv{$field_id}"; $ph['value'] = $field_value==0 || !isset($field_value) ? '' : htmlspecialchars($field_value); $ph['style'] = $field_style; $ph['tvtype'] = $field_type; $ph['cal_nodate'] = $_style['icons_cal_nodate']; $ph['yearOffset'] = $modx->config['datepicker_offset']; $ph['datetime_format'] = $modx->config['datetime_format'] . ($field_type==='date' ? ' hh:mm:00' : ''); $field_html = $modx->parseText($tpl,$ph); break; case "dropdown": // handler for select boxes case "listbox": // handler for select boxes case "listbox-multiple": // handler for select boxes where you can choose multiple items $tpl = file_get_contents(MODX_CORE_PATH . 'docvars/inputform/'); if($field_type==='listbox-multiple') $tpl = str_replace('[+name+]','[+name+][]',$tpl); $rs = $this->ProcessTVCommand($field_elements, $field_id,'','tvform'); $index_list = $this->ParseInputOptions($rs); $tpl2 = ''; $field_values = explode('||',$field_value); foreach ($index_list as $label=>$item) { list($label,$value) = $this->splitOption($item); $ph2['label'] = $label; $ph2['value'] = htmlspecialchars($value); $ph2['selected'] = in_array($value,$field_values) ? 'selected="selected"':''; $options[] = $modx->parseText($tpl2, $ph2); } $ph['options'] = join("\n",$options); $ph['id'] = "tv{$field_id}"; $ph['name'] = "tv{$field_id}"; $ph['size'] = (count($index_list)<8) ? count($index_list) : 8; $ph['extra'] = ''; if($field_type==='listbox-multiple') $ph['extra'] = 'multiple'; elseif($field_type==='dropdown') $ph['size'] = '1'; $field_html = $modx->parseText($tpl,$ph); break; case "url": // handles url input fields $field_html ='
'; $field_html .= '
'; break; case "checkbox": // handles check boxes $tpl = file_get_contents(MODX_CORE_PATH . 'docvars/inputform/'); if(!is_array($field_value)) $field_value = explode('||',$field_value); $rs = $this->ProcessTVCommand($field_elements, $field_id,'','tvform'); $index_list = $this->ParseInputOptions($rs); static $i=0; foreach ($index_list as $item) { list($label,$value) = $this->splitOption($item); $checked = ($this->isSelected($label,$value,$item,$field_value)) ? ' checked="checked"':''; $ph['id'] = "tv{$field_id}_{$i}"; $ph['name'] = "tv{$field_id}[]"; $ph['value'] = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, $modx->config['modx_charset']); $ph['tvtype'] = $field_type; $ph['label'] = $label; $ph['checked'] = $checked; $field_html .= $modx->parseText($tpl,$ph); $i++; } break; case "option": // handles radio buttons $rs = $this->ProcessTVCommand($field_elements, $field_id,'','tvform'); $index_list = $this->ParseInputOptions($rs); static $i=0; foreach ($index_list as $item) { list($label,$value) = $this->splitOption($item); $checked = ($this->isSelected($label,$value,$item,$field_value)) ?'checked="checked"':''; $value = htmlspecialchars($value, ENT_QUOTES, $modx->config['modx_charset']); $field_html .= ''; $i++; } break; case "image": // handles image fields using htmlarea image manager $field_html .=' '; break; case "file": // handles the input of file uploads /* Modified by Timon for use with resource browser */ $field_html .=' '; break; case "hidden": $field_type = 'hidden'; $field_html .= ''; break; case 'custom_tv': $custom_output = ''; /* If we are loading a file */ if(substr($field_elements, 0, 5) == '@FILE') { $file_name = MODX_BASE_PATH . trim(substr($field_elements, 6)); if( !is_file($file_name) ) { $custom_output = $file_name . ' does not exist'; } else { $custom_output = file_get_contents($file_name); } } elseif(substr($field_elements, 0, 8) == '@INCLUDE') { $file_name = MODX_BASE_PATH . trim(substr($field_elements, 9)); if( !is_file($file_name) ) { $custom_output = $file_name . ' does not exist'; } else { ob_start(); include($file_name); $custom_output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } } elseif(substr($field_elements, 0, 6) == "@CHUNK") { $chunk_name = trim(substr($field_elements, 7)); $chunk_body = $modx->getChunk($chunk_name); if($chunk_body == false) { $custom_output = $_lang['chunk_no_exist'] . '(' . $_lang['htmlsnippet_name'] . ':' . $chunk_name . ')'; } else { $custom_output = $chunk_body; } } elseif(substr($field_elements, 0, 5) == "@EVAL") { $eval_str = trim(substr($field_elements, 6)); $custom_output = eval($eval_str); } else { $custom_output = $field_elements; } $replacements = array( '[+field_type+]' => $field_type, '[+field_id+]' => $field_id, '[+field_name+]' => "tv{$field_id}", '[+name+]' => "tv{$field_id}", '[+default_text+]' => $default_text, '[+field_value+]' => htmlspecialchars($field_value), '[+value+]' => htmlspecialchars($field_value), '[+field_style+]' => $field_style, ); if(isset($content['id'])) { global $docObject; if($docObject) $modx->documentObject = $docObject; elseif(!isset($modx->getDocumentObject)) $modx->documentObject = $modx->getDocumentObject('id',$content['id']); if(!isset($modx->documentIdentifier)) $modx->documentIdentifier = $content['id']; } $custom_output = $modx->parseDocumentSource($custom_output); $custom_output = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), $replacements, $custom_output); $field_html .= $custom_output; break; default: // the default handler -- for errors, mostly $sname = strtolower($field_type); if(substr($field_elements, 0, 5) == "@EVAL") { $eval_str = trim(substr($field_elements, 6)); } else { $result = $modx->db->select('snippet','[+prefix+]site_snippets',"name='input:{$field_type}'"); if($modx->db->getRecordCount($result)==1) { $eval_str = eval($modx->db->getValue($result)); } } if(isset($eval_str)) $field_html .= eval($eval_str); else $field_html .= ''; } // end switch statement return trim($field_html); } function ParseInputOptions($v) { global $modx; $a = array(); if(is_array($v)) $a = $v; elseif($modx->db->isResult($v)) { while ($cols = $modx->db->getRow($v,'num')) { $a[] = $cols; } } else { $v = trim($v); if(strpos($v,'||')===false && strpos(trim($v),"\n")!==false) $v = str_replace("\n",'||',$v); $a = explode('||', $v); } return $a; } function splitOption($value) { if(is_array($value)) { $label=$value[0]; $value= isset($value[1]) ? $value[1] : $value[0]; } else { if(strpos($value,'==')===false) $label = $value; else list($label,$value) = explode('==',$value,2); } $label = trim($label); $value = trim($value); return array($label,$value); } function isSelected($label,$value,$item,$field_value) { if(is_array($item)) $item = $item['0']; if(strpos($item,'==')!==false && strlen($value)==0) { if(is_array($field_value)) { $rs = in_array($label,$field_value); } else $rs = ($label===$field_value); } else { if(is_array($field_value)) { $rs = in_array($value,$field_value); } else $rs = ($value===$field_value); } return $rs; } /** * Displays a javascript alert message in the web browser and quit * * @param string $msg Message to show * @param string $url URL to redirect to */ function webAlertAndQuit($msg, $url= "") { global $modx,$modx_manager_charset; if (substr(strtolower($url), 0, 11) == "javascript:") { $fnc = substr($url, 11); } elseif ($url) { $fnc = "window.location.href='" . addslashes($url) . "';"; } elseif(isset($_SESSION['previous_request_uri'])) { $fnc = "window.location.href='" . $_SESSION['previous_request_uri'] . "';"; } else { $fnc = "history.back(-1);"; } $msg = addslashes($msg); $msg = str_replace("\n",'\n',$msg); echo " MODX :: Alert config['manager_theme']}/style.css\" /> "; exit; } function getMimeType($filepath='') { $fp = fopen($filepath, 'rb'); $head= fread($fp, 2); fclose($fp); $head = mb_convert_encoding($head, '8BIT'); if($head==='BM') $mime_type = 'image/bmp'; elseif($head==='GI') $mime_type = 'image/gif'; elseif($head===chr(0xFF).chr(0xd8)) $mime_type = 'image/jpeg'; elseif($head===chr(0x89).'P') $mime_type = 'image/png'; else $mime_type = false; return $mime_type; } # returns true if the current web user is a member the specified groups function isMemberOfWebGroup($groupNames= array ()) { global $modx; if (!is_array($groupNames)) return false; // check cache $grpNames= isset ($_SESSION['webUserGroupNames']) ? $_SESSION['webUserGroupNames'] : false; if (!is_array($grpNames)) { $uid = $modx->getLoginUserID(); $from = '[+prefix+]webgroup_names wgn' . " INNER JOIN [+prefix+]web_groups wg ON AND wg.webuser='{$uid}'"; $rs = $modx->db->select('', $from); $grpNames= $modx->db->getColumn('name', $rs); // save to cache $_SESSION['webUserGroupNames']= $grpNames; } foreach ($groupNames as $k => $v) { if (in_array(trim($v), $grpNames)) return true; } return false; } # Returns a record for the web user function getWebUserInfo($uid) { global $modx; $field = 'wu.username, wu.password, wua.*'; $from = '[+prefix+]web_users wu INNER JOIN [+prefix+]web_user_attributes wua ON'; $rs= $modx->db->select($field,$from,"'$uid'"); $limit= $modx->db->getRecordCount($rs); if ($limit == 1) { $row= $modx->db->getRow($rs); if (!$row['usertype']) $row['usertype']= 'web'; return $row; } else return false; } # Returns a record for the manager user function getUserInfo($uid) { global $modx; $field = 'mu.username, mu.password, mua.*'; $from = '[+prefix+]manager_users mu INNER JOIN [+prefix+]user_attributes mua ON'; $rs= $modx->db->select($field,$from," = '$uid'"); $limit= $modx->db->getRecordCount($rs); if ($limit == 1) { $row= $modx->db->getRow($rs); if (!$row['usertype']) $row['usertype']= 'manager'; return $row; } else return false; } # Returns current user name function getLoginUserName($context= '') { global $modx; if (!empty($context) && isset ($_SESSION[$context . 'Validated'])) { return $_SESSION[$context . 'Shortname']; } elseif ($modx->isFrontend() && isset ($_SESSION['webValidated'])) { return $_SESSION['webShortname']; } elseif ($modx->isBackend() && isset ($_SESSION['mgrValidated'])) { return $_SESSION['mgrShortname']; } else return false; } # Returns current login user type - web or manager function getLoginUserType() { global $modx; if ($modx->isFrontend() && isset ($_SESSION['webValidated'])) { return 'web'; } elseif ($modx->isBackend() && isset ($_SESSION['mgrValidated'])) { return 'manager'; } else { return ''; } } function getDocumentChildrenTVars($parentid= 0, $tvidnames= '*', $published= 1, $docsort= 'menuindex', $docsortdir= 'ASC', $tvfields= '*', $tvsort= 'rank', $tvsortdir= 'ASC') { global $modx; $docs= $modx->getDocumentChildren($parentid, $published, 0, '*', '', $docsort, $docsortdir); if (!$docs) return false; else { foreach($docs as $doc) { $result[] = $modx->getTemplateVars($tvidnames, $tvfields, $doc['id'],$published); } return $result; } } function getDocumentChildrenTVarOutput($parentid= 0, $tvidnames= '*', $published= 1, $docsort= 'menuindex', $docsortdir= 'ASC') { global $modx; $docs= $modx->getDocumentChildren($parentid, $published, 0, '*', '', $docsort, $docsortdir); if (!$docs) return false; else { $result= array (); foreach($docs as $doc) { $tvs= $modx->getTemplateVarOutput($tvidnames, $doc['id'], $published, '', ''); if ($tvs) $result[$doc['id']]= $tvs; // Use docid as key - netnoise 2006/08/14 } return $result; } } function getAllChildren($id= 0, $sort= 'menuindex', $dir= 'ASC', $fields= 'id, pagetitle, description, parent, alias, menutitle',$where=false) { global $modx; // modify field names to use sc. table reference $fields= $modx->join(',', explode(',',$fields),'sc.'); $sort = $modx->join(',', explode(',',$sort),'sc.'); // build query $from = '[+prefix+]site_content sc LEFT JOIN [+prefix+]document_groups dg on dg.document ='; if($where===false) { // get document groups for current user if ($docgrp= $modx->getUserDocGroups()) { $docgrp= implode(',', $docgrp); $cond = "OR dg.document_group IN ({$docgrp}) OR 1='{$_SESSION['mgrRole']}'"; } else $cond = ''; $context = ($modx->isFrontend() ? 'web' : 'mgr'); $where = "sc.parent = '{$id}' AND (sc.private{$context}=0 {$cond}) GROUP BY"; } $orderby = "{$sort} {$dir}"; $result= $modx->db->select("DISTINCT {$fields}",$from,$where,$orderby); $resourceArray= array (); while ($row = $modx->db->getRow($result)) { $resourceArray[] = $row; } return $resourceArray; } function getActiveChildren($id= 0, $sort= 'menuindex', $dir= 'ASC', $fields= 'id, pagetitle, description, parent, alias, menutitle') { global $modx; // get document groups for current user if ($docgrp= $modx->getUserDocGroups()) { $docgrp= implode(',', $docgrp); $cond = " OR dg.document_group IN ({$docgrp})"; } else $cond = ''; if($modx->isFrontend()) $context = 'sc.privateweb=0'; else $context = "1='{$_SESSION['mgrRole']}' OR sc.privatemgr=0"; $where = "sc.parent = '{$id}' AND sc.published=1 AND sc.deleted=0 AND ({$context} {$cond}) GROUP BY"; $resourceArray = $modx->getAllChildren($id, $sort, $dir, $fields,$where); return $resourceArray; } function getDocumentChildren($parentid=0, $published=1, $deleted=0, $fields='*', $customWhere='', $sort='menuindex', $dir='ASC', $limit='') { global $modx; // modify field names to use sc. table reference $fields = $modx->join(',', explode(',',$fields),'sc.'); $from = '[+prefix+]site_content sc LEFT JOIN [+prefix+]document_groups dg on dg.document ='; if($modx->isFrontend()) $access = 'sc.privateweb=0'; elseif($_SESSION['mgrRole']!=1) $access = 'sc.privatemgr=0'; if($docgrp = $modx->getUserDocGroups()) $access .= sprintf(' OR dg.document_group IN (%s)', join(',', $docgrp)); $_ = array(); $_[] = "sc.parent='{$parentid}'"; $_[] = "sc.published={$published}"; $_[] = "sc.deleted={$deleted}"; if($customWhere != '') $_[] = $customWhere; if($access!='') $_[] = "({$access})"; $where = join(' AND ', $_) . ' GROUP BY'; if(strpos($sort,',')!==false) $orderby = $modx->join(',', explode(',',$sort),'sc.'); else $orderby = "{$sort} {$dir}"; $result= $modx->db->select("DISTINCT {$fields}",$from,$where,$orderby,$limit); $resourceArray= array (); while ($row = $modx->db->getRow($result)) { $resourceArray[] = $row; } return $resourceArray; } function getPreviewObject($input=array()) { global $modx; if( !empty($modx->previewObject) ){ return $modx->previewObject; } if(!isset($input['id'])||empty($input['id'])) $input['id'] = $modx->config['site_start']; $modx->documentIdentifier = $input['id']; $rs = $modx->db->select('id,name,type,display,display_params','[+prefix+]site_tmplvars'); while($row = $modx->db->getRow($rs)) { $tvid = 'tv' . $row['id']; $tvname[$tvid] = $row['name']; } foreach($input as $k=>$v) { if(isset($tvname[$k])) { if(is_array($v)) { $v = implode('||', $v); } unset($input[$k]); $name = $tvname[$k]; if( isset($input["{$k}_prefix"]) ) { if( $input["{$k}_prefix"] != 'DocID' ) $v = $input["{$k}_prefix"] . $v; elseif( preg_match('/\A[0-9]+\z/',$v) ) $v = '[~' . $v . '~]'; } $input[$name] = $v; } elseif($k==='ta') { $input['content'] = $v; unset($input['ta']); } } if($input['pub_date']==='') $input['pub_date'] = '0'; if($input['unpub_date']==='') $input['unpub_date'] = '0'; if($input['publishedon']==='') $input['publishedon'] = '0'; $modx->previewObject = $input; return $modx->previewObject; } function loadLexicon($target='manager') { global $modx, $_lang; if (!isset($modx->config['manager_language'])) { $lang = 'japanese-utf8'; } else $langname = $modx->config['manager_language']; if($target==='manager') { global $modx_manager_charset, $modx_lang_attribute, $modx_textdir; $target = MODX_CORE_PATH . 'lang/'; $modx_manager_charset = 'utf-8'; $modx_lang_attribute = 'ja'; $modx_textdir = 'ltr'; } $target = rtrim($target, '/') . '/'; $_lang = array(); include_once("{$target}{$langname}.inc.php"); } function snapshot($filename='', $target='') { global $modx, $modx_version; if(is_array($filename)) { if(!isset($filename['filename'])) $filename = ''; else $filename = $filename['filename']; if(!isset($filename['target'])) $target = ''; else $target = $filename['target']; } if(strpos($filename,'/')!==false) return; if(strpos($filename,'\\')!==false) return; if($target!=='') $target = substr(strtolower($target),0,1); if(!isset($modx->config['snapshot_path'])||empty($modx->config['snapshot_path'])) { if(is_dir(MODX_BASE_PATH . 'temp/backup')) $snapshot_path = MODX_BASE_PATH . 'temp/backup/'; elseif(is_dir(MODX_BASE_PATH . 'assets/backup')) $snapshot_path = MODX_BASE_PATH . 'assets/backup/'; } else $snapshot_path = $modx->config['snapshot_path']; if($filename==='') { $today = $modx->toDateFormat(time()); $today = str_replace(array('/',' '), '-', $today); $today = str_replace(':', '', $today); $today = strtolower($today); $filename = "{$today}-{$modx_version}.sql"; } include_once(MODX_CORE_PATH . ''); $dumper = new Mysqldumper(); $dumper->mode = 'snapshot'; if($target==='c') $dumper->contentsOnly = true; $output = $dumper->createDump(); return $dumper->snapshot($snapshot_path.$filename,$output); } /** * Returns the MODX version information as version, branch, release date and full application name. * * @return array */ function getVersionData($data=null) { global $modx; $out=array(); if(empty($modx->version) || !is_array($modx->version)){ //include for compatibility modx version < 1.0.10 include MODX_CORE_PATH . ''; $modx->version=array(); $modx->version['version']= isset($modx_version) ? $modx_version : ''; $modx->version['branch']= isset($modx_branch) ? $modx_branch : ''; $modx->version['release_date']= isset($modx_release_date) ? $modx_release_date : ''; $modx->version['full_appname']= isset($modx_full_appname) ? $modx_full_appname : ''; $modx->version['new_version'] = isset($modx->config['newversiontext']) ? $modx->config['newversiontext'] : ''; } return (!is_null($data) && is_array($modx->version) && isset($modx->version[$data])) ? $modx->version[$data] : $modx->version; } function _IIS_furl_fix() { global $modx; if($modx->config['friendly_urls'] != 1) return; $url= $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $err= substr($url, 0, 3); if ($err !== '404' && $err !== '405') return; $k= array_keys($_GET); unset ($_GET[$k['0']]); unset ($_REQUEST[$k['0']]); // remove 404,405 entry $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']= $qp['query']; $qp= parse_url(str_replace($modx->config['site_url'], '', substr($url, 4))); if (!empty ($qp['query'])) { parse_str($qp['query'], $qv); foreach ($qv as $n => $v) { $_REQUEST[$n]= $_GET[$n]= $v; } } $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']= $modx->config['base_url'] . $qp['path']; return $qp['path']; } function genToken() { global $modx; $key = md5(mt_rand()); $key = base_convert($key,16,36); $key = substr($key,0,12); return $key; } function setCacheRefreshTime($unixtime=0) { global $modx; if($unixtime==0) return; include_once MODX_CORE_PATH . 'cache_sync.class.php'; $cache = new synccache(); $cache->setCachepath(MODX_BASE_PATH . 'assets/cache/'); $cache->publishBasicConfig($unixtime); } function atBindFile($str='') { if(strpos($str,'@FILE')!==0) return $str; if(strpos($str,"\n")!==false) $str = substr($str,0,strpos("\n",$str)); $str = substr($str,6); $str = trim($str); $str = str_replace('\\','/',$str); if(substr($str,0,1)==='/') { if(is_file($str) && MODX_MANAGER_PATH===substr($str,0,strlen(MODX_MANAGER_PATH))) $file_path = false; elseif(is_file($str) && MODX_BASE_PATH===substr($str,0,strlen(MODX_BASE_PATH))) $file_path = $str; elseif(MODX_BASE_PATH . trim($file_path,'/')) $file_path = MODX_BASE_PATH . trim($file_path,'/'); else $file_path = false; } elseif(is_file(MODX_BASE_PATH . $str)) $file_path = MODX_BASE_PATH . $str; elseif(is_file(MODX_BASE_PATH . "assets/templates/{$str}")) $file_path = MODX_BASE_PATH . "assets/templates/{$str}"; else $file_path = false; if($file_path) { global $modx,$recent_update; if($modx->getExtention($file_path)==='.php') return 'Could not retrieve PHP file.'; $content = file_get_contents($file_path); if($content) { if($recent_update < filemtime($file_path)) $modx->clearCache(); return $content; } } } function atBindUrl($str='') { if(strpos($str,'@URL')!==0) return $str; if(strpos($str,"\n")!==false) $str = substr($str,0,strpos("\n",$str)); $str = substr($str,5); $str = trim($str); if(strpos($str,'http')!==0) return 'Error @URL'; $content = file_get_contents($str); return $content; } function setOption($key, $value='') { $this->config[$key] = $value; } function getOption($key, $default = null, $options = null, $skipEmpty = false) { global $modx; $option= $default; if(strpos($key,',')!==false) $key = explode(',',$key); if (is_array($key)) { if (!is_array($option)) { $default= $option; $option= array(); } foreach ($key as $k) { $k = trim($k); $option[$k]= $this->getOption($k, $default, $options); } } elseif (is_string($key) && !empty($key)) { if (is_array($options) && !empty($options) && array_key_exists($key, $options) && (!$skipEmpty || ($skipEmpty && $options[$key] !== ''))) { $option= $options[$key]; } elseif(is_array($modx->config) && !empty($modx->config) && array_key_exists($key, $modx->config) && (!$skipEmpty || ($skipEmpty && $modx->config[$key] !== ''))) { $option= $modx->config[$key]; } } return $option; } function regOption($key, $value='') { global $modx; $modx->config[$key] = $value; $f['setting_name'] = $key; $f['setting_value'] = $modx->db->escape($value); $key = $modx->db->escape($key); $rs = $modx->db->select('*','[+prefix+]system_settings', "setting_name='{$key}'"); if($modx->db->getRecordCount($rs)==0) { $modx->db->insert($f,'[+prefix+]system_settings'); $diff = $modx->db->getAffectedRows(); if(!$diff) { $modx->messageQuit('Error while inserting new option into database.', $modx->db->lastQuery); exit(); } } else { $modx->db->update($f,'[+prefix+]system_settings', "setting_name='{$key}'"); } } function mergeInlineFilter($content) { global $modx; if(strpos($content,'[+@')===false) return $content; if ($modx->debug) $fstart = $modx->getMicroTime(); $matches = $modx->getTagsFromContent($content,'[+@','+]'); if(!$matches) return $content; $replace= array (); foreach($matches['1'] as $i=>$key) { $delim = substr($key,0,1); switch($delim) { case '"': case '`': case "'": if(substr_count($key,$delim)==1) break; $key = substr($key,1); list($body,$remain) = explode($delim,$key,2); $key = str_replace(':', md5(':'),$body) . $remain; } if(strpos($key,':')!==false) list($key,$modifiers) = explode(':', $key, 2); else $modifiers = false; if(strpos($key,md5(':'))!==false) $key = str_replace(md5(':'),':',$key); $value = $key; if($modifiers!==false) { $modx->loadExtension('MODIFIERS'); $value = $modx->filter->phxFilter($key,$value,$modifiers); } $replace[$i] = $value; } $content= str_replace($matches['0'], $replace, $content); if ($modx->debug) { $_ = join(', ', $matches['0']); $modx->addLogEntry('$modx->'.__FUNCTION__ . "[{$_}]",$fstart); } return $content; } function updateDraft() { global $modx; $now = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] + $modx->config['server_offset_time']; $rs = $modx->db->select('*','[+prefix+]site_revision', "pub_date!=0 AND pub_date<{$now}"); if(!$modx->db->getRecordCount($rs)) return; $modx->loadExtension('REVISION'); $modx->loadExtension('DocAPI'); while($row = $modx->db->getRow($rs)) { $draft = $modx->revision->getDraft($row['elmid']); $draft['editedon'] = $row['editedon']; $draft['editedby'] = $row['editedby']; $modx->doc->update($draft,$row['elmid']); } $modx->db->delete('[+prefix+]site_revision', "pub_date!=0 AND pub_date<{$now}"); } }