Please check the snippet code in MODX manager."; } else { include_once AS_PATH . "classes/"; define('MODX_API_MODE', true); include_once (MODX_MANAGER_PATH . 'includes/'); if(!is_object($modx)) $modx = new DocumentParser; $modx->db->connect(); $modx->getSettings(); startCMSSession(); $tstart = $modx->getMicroTime(); $default = AS_PATH . 'configs/default.config.php'; if (file_exists($default)) include $default; else return "

AjaxSearch error: $default not found !
Check the existing of this file!

"; if (!isset($dcfg)) return "

AjaxSearch error: default configuration array not defined in $default!
Check the content of this file!

"; $config = getUserConfigName((strip_tags($_POST['ucfg']))); // Load the custom functions of the custom configuration file if needed if ($config) { if (substr($config, 0, 6) != "@FILE:") { // remove all not alphanumeric chars exept underscore and minus in the filename $config = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_-]/i','', $config); $lconfig = AS_PATH . "configs/{$config}.config.php"; if (file_exists($lconfig)) { include $lconfig; } else { return "

AjaxSearch error: " . $lconfig . " not found !
Check your config parameter or your config file name!

"; } } else { return "

AjaxSearch error: @FILE: prefix not allowed !
Check your config parameter or your config file name!

"; } } if ($dcfg['version'] != AS_VERSION) return "

AjaxSearch error: Version number mismatch. Check the content of the default configuration file!

"; $as = new AjaxSearch(); $output = $as->run($tstart, $dcfg); header("Content-type: text/html; charset=".$modx->getConfig('modx_charset')); } echo $output; }