This file shows the changes in recent releases of MODX. The most current release is usually the development release, and is only shown to give an idea of what's currently in the pipeline. MODX Evolution 1.2.1(Jan 11, 2017) * [GitHub:#6f404c6] - [I] Debug information (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fa584d9] - [F] setLastClickedElement in tree.php (dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#a0f2a52] - [R] Resource breadcrumbs bottom-border (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#422bbcb] - [F] Wrong link (Thomas Jakobi) * [GitHub:#41f23f5] - [R] Update duplicate_content.processor.php (M-xm) * [GitHub:#f8dc135] - [I] #854 Allow uploads for multiple files (Deesen) * [GitHub:#8e6cc22] - [F] Show Richtext-editors of TVs also when resource is of type weblink (Deesen) * [GitHub:#c0b3897] - [F] Fix custom RTE-params per TV (like {"theme":"inline","editor":"CKEditor4"}) (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ecb9745] - [I] #1134 style_formats: Transform simple-format "Title1,class1|Title2,class2" into separate inline/block-subcategories (Deesen) * [GitHub:#3233000] - [F] #1174 Keep correct path when renaming paths/files (Deesen) * [GitHub:#37100dd] - [F] small change (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#126a06c] - [F] lang attribute (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#7759cc9] - [R] Updated Polish language to 1.2.1 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#452fcec] - [R] Update Dutch Manager language (Marc) * [GitHub:#3d491be] - [F] #1166 Check if iconv() is available, provide $_lang for pre-check error-messages (Deesen) * [GitHub:#8e75ecf] - [F] #1166 Check if iconv() is available as required, added missing "OK!" after PHP-version (Deesen) * [GitHub:#40f496a] - [F] #1169 Fix MODX_CORE_PATH for renamed manager-path (Deesen) * [GitHub:#371dd5d] - [F] #1164 Do not trigger "save" when Alt-Key is pressed (Deesen) * [GitHub:#72d911d] - [R] Italian language for manager (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#d90cd2d] - [R] Italian language for installer (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#3ba4a1a] - [I] #1154 Added new plugin-event "OnBeforeParseParams" to allow replacing custom-placeholders like evobabel´s [%lang%] before parsing snippet-params string to PHP-array. Example: [[Wayfinder? &startId=`[%lang%]` ]] (Deesen) * [GitHub:#5d89d30] - [R] toAlias add .txt. (good use for robots.txt )) (dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#cad2e21] - [F] (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#c585dd6] - [E] #1160 Run Module from Module Config (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#6813e05] - [I] #1024 icons and styles for Online Users widget (dashboard) (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#e2f6188] - [F] Only delete no good, and not work on upgrade mode (dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#219be2b] - [S] #1143 update phpMailer to 5.2.21 (dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#de18340] - [F] #1144 Nested tags issue (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#46ae45f] - [F] #1144 Replaced $modx->parseText() by modxRTEbridge->parsePlaceholders() (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b08a2cd] - [F] #1149 @SELECT for checkboxes (Deesen) * [GitHub:#a0be46a] - [F] 100% width for all inputs Example YAMS: (Deesen) * [GitHub:#71c1f25] - [R] Report issues link updated (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#8463e10] - [S] #1143 Update PHPMailer (dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#eb7ea0d] - [F] replaced text placeholder with language string (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#885b522] - [R] ElementsInTree - replaced hardcoded text placeholder with language strings (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#9e54164] - [R] ElementsInTree update (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#db9633c] - [F] fix for SimpleTab on 1.2.1 (dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#fe188a2] - [F] #1024 Added auto-increment ID again for active_user_locks to fix multiple locks per user (Deesen) * [GitHub:#650cb07] - [F] Lock Elements: Fixed keys (Deesen) * [GitHub:#96b0486] - [F] Corrected "session_timeout_msg", added "multiple_sessions_msg" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#3a07b4b] - [F] #1119 Assure "session_timeout" is always "mail_check_timeperiod" +1min (Deesen) * [GitHub:#c268b0c] - [F] replace query 3.1.1 from (dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#8cbb924] - [I] #1024 Added unique icon for users logged-in with multiple browsers using same manager-login (Deesen) * [GitHub:#30a2d4e] - [F] #1024 Replaced check against "internalKey" by "sid", added function cleanupMultipleActiveUsers() (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ba0b893] - [F] #1024 Replaced check against "internalKey" by "sid" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#0ffee7c] - [F] #1024 Added `sid` to table active_user_locks (Deesen) * [GitHub:#5682b87] - [F] #1024 Added $modx->cleanupMultipleActiveUsers() (Deesen) * [GitHub:#15a28df] - [F] #1024 Removed unnecessary md5() for $modx->sid (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b9489ed] - [F] #1024 Added "sid" to DB-table (using $modx->sid = md5(session_id()); as unique session-id) (Deesen) * [GitHub:#4a126d0] - [F] #1024 Display "Multiple Sessions found for this user" / avoid "Forgot Logout"-msg for multiple browser-sessions (Deesen) * [GitHub:#a77f6f9] - [F]update Russian Lang (dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#2a825d8] - [R] #1115 fix ditto paginate show(Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#9c73a69] - [F] Modifire parse issue (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#b691cfb] - [F] Empty placeholder parse issue (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#660163d] - [F] Issue of nesting tags (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#b264cb5] - [R] #1124 Refactor/Restyle Files Manager (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#8368ea1] - [I] #1124 Files Manager icons with Font Awesome (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#fb722d8] - [I] #1124 added styles for restyled Files Manager (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#b835fea] - [I] #1124 added missing string files_directory_is_empty (Files Manager) (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#ecbe34e] - [R] Update weblink help (Mr B) * [GitHub:#c378b24] - [R] only load js once if weblink (Mr B) * [GitHub:#ecb4d1b] - [R] Update style.css (Mr B) * [GitHub:#345c5b3] - [I] #1131 Add file insert button for weblink field (Mr B) * [GitHub:#4924745] - [F] Nesting level from 10 to 200 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#23ba9a2] - [F] fix virtualDir warning (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#86a50ae] - [F] fix $_GET[‘q’] in sendStrictURI (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#1ed16a8] - [F] error if empty $options in tinymce (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#c08383c] - [F] #1130 Tabs FileManager and FileBrowser missing (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#280a653] - [I] #1027 Added "OK"-button to datePicker for mobile devices (Deesen) * [GitHub:#caa8c74] - [I] $modx->parseText() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#173b403] - [F] [*var@docid*] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#030e64e] - [O] Small improvements - added if (!('sendBeacon' in navigator)) before polyFill - added MODX_MANAGER_URL - added if(top.mainMenu) (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ee27843] - [F] Clean-up expired locks at login (Deesen) * [GitHub:#484c969] - [F] Remove all locks when no valid user sessions exist to avoid confusion (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e226e5f] - [F] #1120 QM: Added periodical server-ping to assure keeping session and related locks alive (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e6f3145] - [I] #1124 Filemanager: Added duplicateFile, renameFolder, renameFile (Deesen) * [GitHub:#d5a7f19] - [F] Images not visible Apache 2.0 (Marc) * [GitHub:#5671bc6] - [F] TinyMCE4 icon font style fix (Marc) * [GitHub:#4ac8c1b] - [C] $modx->evalSnippets() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#cec120b] - [F] Set lock-expire minimum fallback to 120 seconds / 2min (Deesen) * [GitHub:#7a2d630] - [F] #1089 Issue of snippet call (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7dbcc9c] - [F] fix #1107 error with plugin ajaxSubmit (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#e48100e] - [R] TinyMCE4 restyle (Marc) * [GitHub:#a0fd6ec] - [F] typo in wayfinder/examples/cssplay/dropline.css (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#6028fb8] - [F] ditto & ajaxsearch etomite_charset > modx_charset (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#0579d1d] - [I] new language string element_filter_msg (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#633dd49] - [F] various fixes to manager elements (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#2e7bfac] - [R] Update plugin.filesource.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#ee25dde] - [R] Update mutate_plugin.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#3355344] - [R] Update mutate_snippet.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#582cbb2] - [R] Update mutate_snippet.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#a9fc31a] - [R] Update mutate_htmlsnippet.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#78b201a] - [R] Update mutate_tmplvars.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#53f7651] - [R] Update mutate_templates.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#0076143] - [R] Update mutate_module.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#f1bb21b] - [R] Update mutate_plugin.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#e334269] - [R] Update mutate_tmplvars.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#6f4486f] - [R] Update mutate_templates.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#6bc3a77] - [R] Update mutate_module.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#0bd2f33] - [F] #1026 Standard input label format, remove colon (Mr B) * [GitHub:#da91183] - [I] Other languages fonts update (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#3a4087d] - [F] #1110 not detected (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fbb2ac7] - [I] MODxRE2 Top nav lvl 2 darker hover (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#f9143a7] - [I] MODxRE2 theme improvements (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#b6afe95] - [I] Installer styles (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#9feea66] - [D] logo.png not used (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#3b0fe5f] - [F] #1089 Not work nested values in snippet call (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#73f98a8] - [I] need more tests, for fix aliasListing + alias_visible (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#6c313d8] - [R] $modx->atBindFileContent() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1c0e026] - [F] #1097 The login state is synchronized at multiple sites (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#d8bdd8b] - [R] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#9f18969] - [F] #109 Document Manager Layout (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#2de6a5c] - [R] $modx->atBindInclude() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#926c1a0] - [R] $modx->parseDocumentSource() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#2eaea99] - [F] Nested snippet call issue (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#596902f] - [I] $modx->getExtFromFilename() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#8c07d55] - [R] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#37fe7bb] - [F] #1092 TV @FILE binding not working (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#80003c8] - [R] Replace ProcessFile() to $modx->atBindFileContent() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f23f24a] - [I] new - $modx->atBindFileContent() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#ab3b1d2] - [S] Security: Set false $GLOBALS at $modx->safeEval() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0fe2f02] - [F] Fix - $modx->cleanUpMODXTags() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#bc44f6d] - [D] Remove comment out (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#4420c57] - [I] Showing $modx->dumpSnippets (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7f1c22a] - [F] - Malfunction when PHx plugin is installed (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#39b10fc] - [F] Does not work if PHx plugin is installed (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#bbc580d] - [F] #1091 F: Show also uncategorized elements in category-view (Deesen) * [GitHub:#252d2f7] - [F] #1086 F: Convert tree-translations to UTF-8 before json_encode() (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1b200fa] - [F] #1054 F: Enter-key updates datefield now, but only when entered time is valid, instead of empty it. Prepared "dp.lastValidDate" to add validation-check of dates directly entered into datefield. (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b2d922e] - [F]#1086 F: Convert tree-translations to UTF-8 before json_encode() (Deesen) * [GitHub:#9830311] - [F] #1081 F: Added missing buttons and organized toolbars more clean (Deesen) * [GitHub:#21fabe6] - [F] Ditto - sql error of &documents parameter (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#e39b9d6] - [F] #1089 Ditto - Be sure to expand [!uncached!] in tpl-chunk (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7eaea30] - [F] #1089 F: Cached and nested snippets not working (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3d1f883] - [F] Translation missing on dashboard (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#09fca84] - [R] OnManagerMainFrameHeaderHTMLBlock for Extras module (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#f005214] - [R] OnManagerMainFrameHeaderHTMLBlock for DocManager module (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#e6891de] - [F] Adapted "active_users" to new mechanismn, related to #945 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e29249c] - [F] Fixed input height (Sasha Beep) * [GitHub:#bbf78bb] - [I] #1081 I: Added "browser-spellcheck" to plugin-config - (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ae04d3f] - [F] #1083 F: Wayfinder not display correct restricted documents (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#10b0549] - [D] Remove 'recently edited' and 'online users' from System Info Report (Mr B) * [GitHub:#532e4c0] - [R] Refactor: Installer (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#2e319be] - [F] tinymce block to - class (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#153a43b] - [F] Demo content ur alias spelling mistake (Mr B) * [GitHub:#e018213] - [R] Update - language fles (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#50798ed] - [R] Update (Mr B) * [GitHub:#bb5905b] - [R] Update login.processor.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#32e27ad] - [F] Added message "Please disable register_globals!" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#80ced52] - [F] fix #1067 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#ab44760] - [F] Strange behaviour in Chrome with content sometimes being empty on init (Deesen) * [GitHub:#18ba4f0] - [O] #1035 #1051 O: Use removeSanitizeSeed() instead of manual procedure (Deesen) * [GitHub:#9887de9] - [F] #1067 F: Prepare placeholders [*#longtitle*] and [*#content*] for TinyMCE4 inline-edit (Deesen) * [GitHub:#2ff1ef7] - [F] #1067 F: TinyMCE4 inline-edit not working, clean "data-mce"-attr (Deesen) * [GitHub:#cdfbb6b] - [R] start fix error with AliasListingFolder and Alias_visible (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#851ace5] - [R] Code cleanup: Unnecessary function (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1af30f6] - [F] #1066 Fix: password string as is (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#2608765] - [I] #1066 I: Adjust incorrect sanitize processing (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#9206d5c] - [F] Fix: Don't work "math" option in If snippet (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#c6e8e20] - [F] Fix: Error Undefined variable (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3c17ce3] - [O] #200 O: Make "Duplicate of" translatable when duplicating elements/resources (Deesen) * [GitHub:#f54e9ca] - [F] #1054 F: Reinstate enter-key to close datepicker without submitting form (Deesen) * [GitHub:#d3c0b9a] - [R] Refactor: Modifier class debug info (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#5a8f654] - [F] Fix: Parse modifier (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#57d5ab5] - [F] Fix: php parse error (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#9909b64] - [F] #979 404 judgment of URL with path_info information (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#2712ba4] - [F] Fix: Modifier at custom_widget (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#cc3585d] - [F] #1017 Fix: related to incorrect value of $rb_base_dir (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#ae2d2e4] - [F] Code cleanup: prepare fix url issue (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#78d9255] - [R] Renamed $onLoginForwardToAction to $initMainframeAction (Deesen) * [GitHub:#696a0c3] - [F] Site name with apostrophy breaks manager home (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#cbb0a6b] - [F] #1052 F: Show menutitle also if empty, instead of pagetitle (Deesen) * [GitHub:#0464915] - [F] #1057 F+O: Fixed "forgotManagerLogin" use "user_attributes.lastlogin" instead of "active_users" to check if user logged in once - added automatic forwarding to "change password"-action after successful login with hash - hash only valid on actual day (Deesen) * [GitHub:#58647d2] - [R] some translates (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#e724c85] - [I] #1034 O: Set duplicated plugins and modules disabled by default (Deesen) * [GitHub:#c8d9f90] - [F] Added missing duplicate-button (Deesen) * [GitHub:#4863f7a] - [I] Pre-define $recent_update before try to include "sitePublishing.idx.php" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#842a844] - [F] #1035 #1051 F: Avoid error "strpos(): Empty needle" for empty content/templates (Deesen) * [GitHub:#54a3859] - [I] Adding missing translations from (kulmjens) * [GitHub:#feb6168] - [I] #1034 F+I: Fix "double duplicates" by changing new name "Duplicate of XXX" to "XXX Duplicate {$count}", this also improves sorting of elements/duplicates in overviews (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b79b949] - [F] #1040 F: Unlock resource on action-buttons duplicate, delete and cancel (Deesen) * [GitHub:#8c8dd8a] - [I] Moved // console.log() in front of if() (Deesen) * [GitHub:#231c2f6] - [F]: resource data-page should not unlock resource (Deesen) * [GitHub:#683d887] - [I]: Added confirmation "Are you sure you want to revert?" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#555a090] - [F] #1045 Fix: Clicking on tree-root does not open "edit resource" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#986e0ab] - [F] #1046 Fix show manager-form for "advanced upgrade" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e0f2e04] - [I] More switches in install - for each type of elements (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#9474948] - [F] ditto search extender empty string (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#62f78bd] - [F] TV tables width fix (Piotr Matysiak) MODX Evolution 1.2 (Dec 01, 2016) =================================== * [GitHub:#6e8455e] - fix eform version (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#ea68293] - Full width TV tables in tabs (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#6793843] - fix data-col for User Info and Security news panel (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#6d7c1cd] - Rely on Navigator.sendBeacon instead of async AJAX for sending unlock-requests on window.unload - - (Deesen) * [GitHub:#05420d3] - Update (Mr B) * [GitHub:#34b0a68] - fix modResource not save tv if editing (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#6023234] - 1.2RC2 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#86bfab2] - fix #973 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#26f32bf] - fix (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#eaaba9e] - fix #1008 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#5f4efca] - Fix "Failed to retrieve http://forums.modx..." (Deesen) * [GitHub:#69c6bc9] - Added Wayfinder-Debug #719 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#91dc7a6] - Small fixes (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ee565cb] - ElementsInTree (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#152af3e] - Small fixes (Deesen) * [GitHub:#47dc93e] - Avoid TinyMCE4 being disabled after upgrade on existing MODX-installation (Deesen) * [GitHub:#95b7ae4] - Small fix $params['dependencies'] (Deesen) * [GitHub:#77d6a59] - fix version (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#ca6d723] - 1.2-RC1 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#d836cf6] - fix #995 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#14565ed] - Added missing echo() (Deesen) * [GitHub:#07737e8] - Revert "#995 Fix show warnings" (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#c62b62a] - #995 Fix show warnings (Deesen) * [GitHub:#5f0d6ee] - #989 Provide empty default-value for template_docs + template_chunks (Deesen) * [GitHub:#96e5396] - #989 Provide empty default-value for custom_buttons3 + 4 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#cb6ca35] - Fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#b2ab86b] - #989 Fix replace [+phs+] by values (Deesen) * [GitHub:#775cf52] - Fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#eb2aa53] - Fix - default_config issue when new install (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#ba7580d] - #991 Fix action, revert #981 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#c3c1004] - update lang #992 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#03743e4] - Fix for dashboard plugin (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#457a584] - #981 Fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#25bdff9] - #981 Fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#cd5a9b3] - Use filter_input() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#dc6000c] - add sag to images format (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#8a9a954] - #985 fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#78e79b7] - #972 Refactored building SQL-Query (Deesen) * [GitHub:#dfa6c62] - Fixing a suddenly occuring thousands separator (Thomas Jakobi) * [GitHub:#13d5531] - Remove register_globals from support (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#dee70ea] - Remove comment (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#6b06349] - Minor improved (speed up) (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#324a7ba] - New - [*var@prev*] [*var:next*] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#505d48e] - #939 New - $modx->safeEval() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#d58b8aa] - Update - version_notice.1.2 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#bd8fead] - New info - $modx->apiVersion (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#56bc1e2] - Fix [[@OnEventName]] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#165fb9b] - elementIsLocked(): Changed return false to NULL (Deesen) * [GitHub:#20dce44] - Adapted checkLocked() / setLocked() to new "lock elements"-mechanismn (Deesen) * [GitHub:#fdc4ed4] - Adapted check for active locks (Deesen) * [GitHub:#324a2a9] - Several changes for "lock elements": - adapted existing lock-functions - added new function $modx->updateValidatedUserSession(); - added $this->time = time() for having global timestamp (Deesen) * [GitHub:#79db21e] - Added "userIdle"-styles for Dashboard (Deesen) * [GitHub:#d3951b2] - Added "logout_reminder_msg" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#a3468c1] - Several changes: - adapted "Online User" SQL-query to new "active_user_sessions"-table - added "user idle" (= no activity last 20min) to dashboard "online users" - added check for $_SESSION['show_logout_reminder'] (Deesen) * [GitHub:#25aac7c] - Set $_SESSION['show_logout_reminder'] when last action != 8 (logout) (Deesen) * [GitHub:#3b8f63e] - Clean up tables "active_user_locks" & "active_user_sessions" at logout (Deesen) * [GitHub:#3c70ecd] - Adapted for "lock elements" mechanismn to allow unlocking elements via on window.beforeunload (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e3b36fb] - Added setLastClickedElement(type, id), trigger reloadtree() when opening pop-up (Deesen) * [GitHub:#49b85ed] - Replaced "firsthit_df" with "lasthit_df" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#87522b0] - Added onclick="top.tree.setLastClickedElement(0,0);" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#543dac1] - Minor changes (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e98f06e] - Replaced "lock_interval" with "session_timeout" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#6437263] - Several changes reg. "lock elements" : - removed: "lock_interval", "lock_interval_msg", "lock_release_delay", "lock_release_delay_msg", "lock_element_unknown_error" - added: "session_timeout", "session_timeout_msg", "logout_reminder_msg" - modified: "lock_element_editing", "lock_element_locked_by" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#a813536] - Several changes for "lock elements" - added table "active_user_sessions" - cleaned-up table "active_user_locks" - moved field "ip" from "active_users" to "active_user_sessions" - added DROP TABLE before "active_users" and "active_user_locks" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b87eefb] - Added $modx->updateValidatedUserSession(); (Deesen) * [GitHub:#5d37ca0] - Added "Lock Elements" on window.beforeunload-script (Deesen) * [GitHub:#95b4e71] - Added "form_save=true;" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#605764c] - Added "form_save=true;", removed unnecessary "$tbl_active_users" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#6925998] - ElementsInTree 1.5.6 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#f8b7c75] - Improved - [[@OnEventName]] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#93425c1] - Add symbol - $modx->addSnippet() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#5ec4262] - Adjust for HTML editor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#baa6c08] - Roles mgm new look (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#5a5db5f] - Grid table padding (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#6246319] - Restyled top search input (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#18713bb] - Username margin (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#5610996] - Fixed user_management (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#b637b4e] - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#59d075d] - Refactor - MODxRE2/welcome.tpl (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#494fca7] - Improved - Using MODX tags in welcome.tpl (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#322d1b2] - Fix - $modx->messageQuit() loop error (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7a0cb3a] - Fix - $modx->sweepGarbageStrings() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#9372434] - Fix - error $modx->logEvent() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1ac32e5] - Update content - version_notices/1.2.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1e6f21a] - Refactor - welcome.static.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#be9a881] - Limit deleting localStorage to grid-items only (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e1dd07a] - $modx->db-Юйгукн refactor add $watchError (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#4a6c843] - update extras to 0.1.3 (now can update from any version) (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#fd1a8c6] - fix russian lang (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#fb66c35] - IF / ELSE / ENDIF can be nested (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#426f2d4] - Improved - IF syntax (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#c5ab4db] - Fix - templatename modifier (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#6872ed3] - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#71bd595] - minor improvements (McParana) * [GitHub:#da2085e] - #957 (McParana) * [GitHub:#a7ff5d6] - fix for pull (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#3b77148] - update russian lang (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#52a8526] - New API - $modx->addChunk() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#dd34f24] - Use phpass (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#5993eef] - Use phpass for password management at login (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#e870465] - New - Add phpass library (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#b8881e1] - Fix - (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#b7cdd69] - Rename - extender class file name (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#ca5b304] - Login - Protect from bot attack (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#65d4984] - Minor fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7fd8036] - update russian-utf8 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#6f7a80f] - Fix syntax-error on PHP5.4: unexpected ')', expecting :: (T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM) (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ddffe02] - Fix "undefined method"-error when creating new manager user (Deesen) * [GitHub:#7ad8b21] - Fix for special modifier (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#60a34a5] - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#015889a] - fix permission for topbar link to help (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#f962d6f] - ElementsInTree 1.5.5 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#9fb9e36] - New API - $modx->addSnippet() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#8d13990] - Update (Mr B) * [GitHub:#cef985b] - $modx->parseText() Perform modifier processing (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3165b87] - update DocLister to 2.3.0 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#14195f0] - update libs (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#a170754] - Fix issue - MODX_SITE_HOSTNAMES (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#b42a089] - New readme screenshots (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#001561c] - ElementsInTree 1.5.4 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#4b44228] - Readme Screenshots (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#9ccd62d] - Remove exit() left from dev (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ddaea4c] - New - $modx->db->_getFromStringFromArray() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#ac8f6a9] - $db->select() - Replace [+prefix+] in the field clause (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0b42552] - New - $modx->db->_getFieldsStringFromArray() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#dec44c1] - Fix parseText (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#111e8bc] - Revert - $modx->parseText() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#4a61be5] - Make the title of event log list easier to understand (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#bae9b18] - Minor fix - $modx->messageQuit() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#2dca337] - Allow the $modx->mergeXXX function to set arbitrary values (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#64eed01] - confirm dialog for delete/undelete resources (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#0b4db90] - Revert "confirm dialog for delete/undelete resources" (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#9474e10] - confirm dialog for delete/undelete resources (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#de14258] - ElementsInTree 1.5.3 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#5fccc68] - Update (Mr B) * [GitHub:#d090b8a] - ElementsInTree 1.5.2 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#3422a7f] - Update web_access_permissions.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#b76d7cc] - Update access_permissions.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#8d7580a] - (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#da248cb] - Refactor - weblogin snippet (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#964c839] - Remove php closing tag (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#d6e29c8] - Refactor - reflect snippet (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#4cd15ee] - Do not add php closing tag (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3136798] - Do not add php closing tag (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#21d13f9] - Fix - weblogin PHP parsing error (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7e0232c] - Refactor - mutate_settings.dynamic.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#ea8995e] - Fix - Missing merge (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1e4423b] - Add - language entry (minifyphp_incache) (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#634712f] - New API - $modx->strip_tags() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#99d250d] - File name of attached type resource (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#2ec1df8] - New API - $modx->stripslashes() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#8a6bc36] - New API - $modx->isLoggedIn() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fe890b6] - Refactor - defaut_config.pp (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0b3e992] - Refactor - qm.tpl (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#07601a3] - Refactor - ElementsInTree plugin (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#d426fae] - Remove whitespace in PHP codes in the site cache (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a9bf8b9] - Fix - Problem when saving config value into cache (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3f7d1b1] - Refactor - login.processor.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#8500d57] - Change function name (Related to password hash) (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fe2d9f9] - Refactor - login.processor.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#630a7f4] - Refactor - login.processor.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0a0ad75] - Refactor- login.processor.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#bf850e5] - Refactor - login.processor.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#d8126c0] - Refactor - login.processor.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#baab631] - Refactor - login.processor.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#288affb] - Refactor - login.processor.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#15ac71b] - Refactor - login.processor.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#b4472c1] - Minor fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a117b7a] - Refactor - mutate_settings.dynamic.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#e6b857c] - Remove unnecessary rc4crypt class (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7b0fac2] - Fixed height for text-input "Custom content types" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#2057440] - Revert "Equal fonts sizes" (Marc) * [GitHub:#98bc1d5] - Equal fonts sizes (Marc) * [GitHub:#256eb53] - Wrap radio buttons with element (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#5681b47] - New - Add security tab in System configuration (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fb19791] - Fix - default value [(rb_base_url)] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#c54b340] - tab-pane margin-bottom (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#afac500] - Remove unnecessary functions (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#942e351] - Refactor - mutate_settings.dynamic.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fb55f07] - Refactor - mutate_settings.dynamic.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0c76cdd] - Refactor - mutate_settings.dynamic.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#39ee5ff] - fix elements icons in category view (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#23853a7] - #934 Fix width of time-fields (Deesen) * [GitHub:#f71c556] - ElementsInTree bugfix 1.5.1 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#8aa3a65] - Update mainmenu.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#896344d] - Update mutate_module.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#c12f858] - Update login.tpl (Mr B) * [GitHub:#7f9b308] - ElementsInTree 1.5.0 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#be34d78] - Added key "create_new" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#fe48daf] - ElementsInTree 1.4.0 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#4a66f38] - ElementsInTree buttons update (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#6a3b171] - Shadow (small) inside form inputs (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#7014876] - ElementsInTree "new" button and styles (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#4a9b4de] - Renamed unlockResource() to unlockElement() (Deesen) * [GitHub:#f2bf173] - Update dashboard.css (Mr B) * [GitHub:#06b63fc] - Update (Mr B) * [GitHub:#6196eba] - ElementsInTree 1.3.3 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#fa3d734] - Changed sprintf() to $modx->parseText() for better JS-compatibility of language-strings (enables use of string.replace("[+ph+]", phs) ) (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1ce79f0] - Update Tree-Frame (lock-display) on cancel (Deesen) * [GitHub:#3334957] - Added getLockedElements() for building Array/JSON-string (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1d42af7] - Added improved Snippet-calls - (Deesen) * [GitHub:#a2ae0c8] - Changed sprintf() to $modx->parseText() for better JS-compatibility (Deesen) * [GitHub:#fbded96] - Remove lock on save+leaving element/resource (Deesen) * [GitHub:#35f6cc1] - Changed CSS-class to avoid conflict with Boostrap (Deesen) * [GitHub:#3bfe7f0] - Remove interval first to avoid server-requests when user does not confirm immediately, changed CSS-class to avoid conflict with Boostrap (Deesen) * [GitHub:#589dd65] - Block bots from accessing login screen (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#75d8d65] - New - $odx->sweepGarbageStrings() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fb70898] - Fix - modxMailer (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f103575] - Refactor - $modx->_split_snip_call() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#e93d2af] - Refactor - Rename function (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#68bbd29] - Wayfinder - Include default-config only when file exists (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#114c032] - Change - function name (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f50cf8b] - Improved - "false" value in snipet call (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#03fcb45] - Refactor - (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#42b7029] - New - autoload.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#c2b7e5b] - eForm - Update version number v1.4.8 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#bffb840] - Security fix for eForm (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a1ee8b9] - security fix for ajaxSearch (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#ef8184a] - Refactor $tstart to $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#33417f9] - Refactor "install now?" (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a9e05df] - New - $modx->sweepRemainPlaceholders() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#dc9ca0d] - Refactor (Make speedup a little) (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#bc93feb] - Add new modifiers (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#b0253c5] - Refactor - (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#2291b1f] - Improved - system settings (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3f8afed] - #915 Add [(lang_code)] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a6035e6] - Fix - modifier (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f23667e] - #915 Fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#e9f2127] - indent (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#0fda407] - Fix MM tv tab table width (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#2c1a695] - Fix MM tv tab table width (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#b122d42] - Fix bug tracking flags (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#79f0f68] - Revert tabs rounded borders style (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#3a41264] - Add modifier - :eachTpl (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#341333d] - Add modifiers - :isEmpty, :isNotEmpty (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fdcbee0] - Refactor - (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0594d65] - Refactor - MODX_startup_Bootstrap.tpl (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#040f5eb] - Support utf8mb4 for AjaxSearch (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fa07230] - Minor fix MODxRE2/style.css (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#06bf25d] - Refactor $modx->htmlspecialchars() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#e9a9fb4] - Fix wordwrap modifier for php7 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a485f56] - Add automatic primary key (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#4133f15] - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#31c6c97] - Refactor - $modx->mergeConditionalTagsContent() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#2d41ebc] - #912 Move "customParams" to end of object to allow overwriting previous params (Deesen) * [GitHub:#bba0bd1] - #910 Fix missing translations in settings (Deesen) * [GitHub:#13273d1] - #908 Remove "keepMeLockedInterval" when creating new resource/element .. (Deesen) * [GitHub:#d307b0b] - #906 Fix search when MODX is installed in sub-directory (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e76e536] - Workaround for deprecated preg_replace() with /e modifier (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0733c97] - Refactor - (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#159a961] - New - $modx->splitKeyAndFilter() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a1eb88c] - New - $modx->applyFilter() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3efc104] - New - $modx->applyFilter() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3d45b3b] - Refactor - (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#140feb0] - New - $modx->removeSanitizeSeed() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#cfc4dea] - New - $modx->removeSanitizeSeed() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#408fc4c] - Minor fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#11b9617] - Minor fix - Comments and white spaces (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#374cbf5] - Removed unnessecary styleFormats #886 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#75c3d82] - Added translations for "lock_elements" #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#9ff00f0] - Added displaying user-locks, added event-object to treeAction() #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#953327b] - Added displaying user-locks, added unlockResource() for unlock-button #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#23ac6be] - Added unlockResource() for unlock-button, enable Shift-Mouseclick to open resource in pop-up #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1226220] - Added "firsthit" for exact display of editing times #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e6bb4b7] - Added "lost lock"-alert and additional warning-div #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#870677b] - Prepared styles for new "lost lock"-alert #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#34fbe95] - Added field "firsthit" to table "active_user_locks" #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#51de60e] - Removed spaces (Deesen) * [GitHub:#9a2721d] - Enable unlocking single elements/resources #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#534f395] - Only refresh lock-state when already locked, otherwise return false to trigger "not locked"-alert in edit-window #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ae4f628] - Prepared lockElements-functions to work with resources.static & single unlock-feature #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#272d752] - Replaced old lock-mechanism with "active_user_locks" #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#23e0498] - Immediately unlock resource after hitting "save+leave"- or "cancel"-button #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#cf2f727] - Added functions for new locked elements/resources feature #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#468ac7d] - New handler for receiving periodically lock-requests #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b2139c0] - Javascript to include into actions for sending periodically lock-requests #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#dd28e38] - Added new setting "lock_interval", "lock_release_delay" #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#2e2da80] - Added new role "display_locks" #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#42e3bfe] - Added table "active_user_locks", added role "display_locks" #862 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#7dbe207] - Link the Collations list and choosen language (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#9cac209] - #897 Fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#5733cca] - Parameter styleFormat: Simple-format now uses inline:'span' instead of selectors #886 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#3f1804d] - Fix JS-Error "tp is not defined" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#7c187d5] - Added button "formatselect" as per Tiny3-themes #886 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#cf2dd92] - Default theme for inline-editing / [*#tv*] (Deesen) * [GitHub:#a65edaf] - #897 FIx - choose collations issue at new install (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f977cdc] - Always autofocus first input-field (Deesen) * [GitHub:#2f5b7e0] - Revert "actions in Manager Elements" (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#36c35e8] - ElementsInTree defaults (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#106b23f] - Some minor CSS change (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#31fb525] - Fix #890 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1c786b8] - actions in Manager Elements (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#3b34010] - updated styles for modules and plugins config table (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#43965f9] - restyled plugins config table and setdefault buttons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#d0b5f0c] - restyled modules config table and setdefault buttons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#f175bd1] - Allow setting TinyMCE4 "Custom Style Formats" fully manually #886 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#c3f8f96] - Fix input/textarea-width so "Set default" will not overlap #867 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1bcb503] - Update (Mr B) * [GitHub:#14856f8] - Removed unnessecary row #867 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b51fb62] - ElementsInTree plugin update (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#becc662] - Cleaned-up & adapted tabs / forms to each other (module, plugin, snippet) #867 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b5f60f2] - ElementsinTree Plugin - Prevent Users from submitting filter elements form (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#7d0103e] - (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#3dcf4aa] - Elements icons in Combined View (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#eade463] - Cleaned-up & adapted tabs / forms to each other (module, plugin, snippet) #867 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#7f8ed3b] - Styles for properties #867 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#83376db] - Remove limited height for properties-inputs #867 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#036834a] - "About MODX" now completely translatable #870 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1d9a75b] - removed ">" typo (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#a092b95] - moved user access to access permission tab (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#2bfcf79] - set default button (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#1e8c435] - rearranged modules tabs (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#b24ad6d] - rearranged plugins tabs (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#89953ee] - ElementsInTree 1.3.0 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#c26d051] - Added infos for 1.2 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#7cc3eb0] - Strings for "About MODX" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#70bcea1] - Added createList($sectionHeader, $linkArr), added "Help translating" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#da5fe7d] - Font Awesome 4.7 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#3e09003] - Font Awesome 4.7 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#378d852] - Font Awesome 4.7 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#0e600aa] - Fixed missing login checkbox (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#a293fba] - Update htaccess directive for apache 2.2 & 2.4 (esszett) * [GitHub:#76ee29b] - revert #698 fix this but broken else (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#38559bb] - Added download-links and modified credits (Deesen) * [GitHub:#220c972] - Corrected link (Deesen) * [GitHub:#2089153] - Added reference-links #866 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#a0a9199] - return back icons for backward compatibility (EvoBabel, SimpleGallery and etc use icons from themes) (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#4bbc556] - fix shared properties for module and plugins (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#20bacd6] - fix button in iOS (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#ca81002] - generate thumbs all time (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#774723f] - update date version (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#dd47958] - fix html (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#3c1e4c9] - Completely remove empty params from properties-list for backward-compatibility #865 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#569ff06] - ElementsInTree small fix (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#63eb74f] - (webkit) login form bug (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#934c9e9] - Prepared optional "http to https"-redirect (Deesen) * [GitHub:#879f6f9] - ElementsInTree - smooth cutting (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#7d52a55] - and lost icon (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#7c669d9] - ElementsInTree update (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#106b487] - Elements lists css bugfix (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#f0e4514] - Small margin change (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#d9cfbff] - Updated version-notices (Deesen) * [GitHub:#bf805d3] - ElementsInTree 1.2.0 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#03df609] - Restyled modules context menu (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#f444005] - Removed gap from top nav (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#24d967b] - Improved responsiveness of top frame (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#6432a59] - Bigger popup window (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#4f175b0] - Better tinymce font (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#25c9f66] - fix action buttons id (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#9cd3d05] - fix action buttons id (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#95c4bf8] - fix action buttons id (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#f1cbb60] - Extras - pagetitle icon + minor restyle for MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#8b5289c] - Revert "Extras - minor restyle for MODxRE2" (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#a50919f] - Extras - minor restyle for MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#50b730b] - docmanager pagetitle icon and icons in tabs (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#061d49d] - dashboard: fix collapse button padding (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#edf68a8] - fix font for code mirror better for eyes (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#042041f] - ElementsInTree 1.1.5 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#054864e] - Restyled install (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#bc0dea1] - Fix wrong margin after resize (Deesen) * [GitHub:#259b2bd] - better html format (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#878dd58] - font awesome list icons in manage elements list (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#df1e6e0] - new list image (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#3f32f3b] - Improved quicksearch: hide/display categories (Deesen) * [GitHub:#a23200a] - Small change 2 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#680b4d0] - Small change (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#e68cb69] - ElementsInTree 1.1.4 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#42bfafa] - fix (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#81a2daa] - Re-compiled without Glyphicons (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b3c8c2a] - Added documentIdentifier for parseDocumentSource() #840 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#d5cd5d1] - Fix issue with spaces #841 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#a6ce450] - fix resource overview alias and introtext (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#0ced6a5] - hide help info for plugins (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#142889c] - hide help info for snippets (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#75828f0] - hide help info for chunks (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#3bee5c5] - hide tv help info (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#24f4f4b] - hide template help (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#11d2aa3] - ElementsInTree 1.1.3 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#5de0060] - Cleaned-up "Sort the site tree"-floater, button to bottom (Deesen) * [GitHub:#7bebd10] - ElementsInTree bugfix (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#ce3c389] - Removed scrollbar in recent widget in webkit (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#7f72639] - ElementsInTree plugin updated to 1.1.2 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#c5bae7d] - jot comments admin bootstrap icons (Nicola) * [GitHub:#056f2fb] - Revert "bootstrap jot admin icons" (Nicola) * [GitHub:#d0ec817] - bootstrap jot admin icons (Nicola) * [GitHub:#12e1c7a] - ElementsInTree plugin small fix (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#fc89c0b] - ElementsInTree plugin v1.1.1 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#24f1a8c] - Remove - ListIndexer in preset (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#56c4459] - Optimized images (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#b1720c8] - Optimized images (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f57be46] - Optimize images (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0a33f6b] - Fix - Japanese font (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#6f803bb] - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3161341] - Remove IE6 style (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1214f0a] - Improved - Font style (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#818b622] - Minor fix - tree pane (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7ad6e4b] - Add minimum HTML mark-up - (Deesen) * [GitHub:#f1e3707] - Fix 'Table jot_content doesn't exist' for new installations - (Deesen) * [GitHub:#2a4bece] - Improved - Manager tree context menu (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f1bc97f] - Refactor - manager tree node (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#6de9d16] - Remove undefined function (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#d569f0b] - Minor fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#c329be7] - Refactor - manager tree node (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f6686a2] - Deleted not needed Bootstrap JS files (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#c1202ef] - Deleted themes (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#e0f1da6] - Deleted uncompressed FA (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#0c54b01] - Deleted Bootstrap icons (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#e35758e] - More condensed accordion (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#4ddb768] - Removed scrollbar of recent resources widget (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#4c100b1] - Up version to 1.2-RC1 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#843ea80] - fix now extras work on https (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#e53411a] - up version (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#43b6125] - Fix - Shared paramater issue (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#6a30e0c] - Refactor - $cache_sync->escapeSingleQuotes() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#01562bb] - Refactor - $cache_sync->escapeSingleQuotes() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#61884d5] - Refactor - $modx->parseProperties() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f22e28c] - Minor fix - $modx->parseProperties() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#9a9c32b] - Refactor - $modx->parseProperties() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1613d1f] - Revert "fast fix shared params. but think need fix normal." (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a18dd34] - Added "reset database" before inserting demo-content #824 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#6a06bec] - Remove version info in description #824 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#34ab007] - Always add english-language as fallback for missing keys #824 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#735d6ce] - Fixed @template_assignments #824 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#c0f0eff] - Fixed installation of none-existing chunks #824 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#9c3f072] - Added installset sample #824 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#54aed99] - Fix - Replace new template when update (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#affc08d] - Sort tree form fix (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#6ee7b7a] - Removed big icons from rss feeds (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#d0be9df] - Fixed width in recent documents widget table date (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#970f7c8] - Search width (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#496b929] - Top nav search form style improvements (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#2721953] - Module Dependency icon fix (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#1c553d9] - Module Dependency layout and style fix (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#09d95a2] - updated style for new icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#de10b25] - new MODXRE2 icon style (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#de25145] - new MODXRE2 icon style (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#931bee6] - new MODXRE2 icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#c784013] - new MODXRE2 icon style (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#8db1ed4] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#5d9a64e] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#900c682] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#40867d1] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#ef9c45e] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#2e5688b] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#581a448] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#9f27092] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#4ed71b6] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#c2141eb] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#a5d2e20] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#22b15ad] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#e88af6a] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#d18b8b7] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#3aae04b] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#0d9ca44] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#609049a] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#92e55b9] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#954ae002e] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#8d57406] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#ba8918f] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#268e4d7] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#d8f17e3] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#2762529] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#5f18c1c] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#77d8e6c] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#e355fdf] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#d6214e8] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#fae3df1] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#07a3492] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#47a1c59] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#eb4bcf0] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#06d3bdf] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#533f412] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#c0c1702] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#bb4b675] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#bea290c] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#88343eb] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#b01e41b] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#f3302e9] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#262d021] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#a13701d] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#bd5ff9c] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#931ac36] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#d9d929f] - removed old icons MODxRE2 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#0ee7744] - Fixed merging sharedParams in JSON-format #823 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e2f2e69] - Removed tab (Deesen) * [GitHub:#c57359e] - Added param @save_sql_id_as for fixing demo-template´s IDs #824 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#6461651] - Changed is_readable() to file_exists() .. (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1bbb5f7] - fix for mobile login.tpl in MODxRE2 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#fce980e] - fast fix shared params. but think need fix normal. (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#2284ef8] - Update (Aleksander Maksymiuk) * [GitHub:#80fa279] - ElementsInTree plugin (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#578cb7d] - mainMenu frame shadow (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#37ba5e5] - Improved - Change template setting when upgrade (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#ac53129] - Fix - Upgrade script (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7fd555a] - fix style (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#0d8194f] - fix lang (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#e28803d] - Refactor dashboard (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#e46c64a] - move search form to top menu MODxRE2 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#e547b51] - Allow custom language-overrides not altered after Evo-Updates (Deesen) * [GitHub:#06552c0] - on mobile not see shadow and better when different bg color MODxRE2 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#4bc049f] - fix MODxRE2 for mobile normal manager width) (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#9fd9de0] - fix MODxRE2 for view on mobile (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#e357839] - fix http https (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#b1137ff] - fix loginpage on mobile (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#bc123af] - fix hideMenuFrame ico position (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#eb32818] - fix main menu item colors (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#c237eb5] - add some shadow to top menu, like shadow for DocTree ) (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#05cfee4] - fix now first widget without scrolling on 1280px width ) (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#0d74715] - fix top resize move to right (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#83fc13b] - fix button margin in MODxRE2 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#cfac06f] - fix margin in home button in MODxRE2 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#3e35947] - home buttons on MODxRE2 2x better when in one row ) (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#c4b4b6a] - fix 404 error (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#5439592] - by default MODxRE2 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#2f54362] - Refactor - moo-datepicker (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#dc24d76] - restored link to message system (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#a1ebd44] - web users access pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#beda74f] - search pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#2f9bd43] - roles pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#d8c00dc] - create/edit webuser pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#a9354a6] - create/edit user pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#d29fe95] - settings pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#6793d7b] - edit/create module pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#c778f5e] - sort documents pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#8d0289a] - edit/create document pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#7d7c48e] - move document pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#712d23f] - removed duplicated fa class in pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#26c021d] - message pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#11d3274] - help pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#6b698a3] - document overview pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#614af77] - manager access pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#30de164] - Unified action headers (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#234e30d] - User management action buttons (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#c81058b] - Elements search with action buttons style update (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#4026d89] - little fix to pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#352c968] - wev users pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#24c6b76] - users pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#9954efa] - sys info pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#3a162c2] - schedule pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#50b042d] - modules pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#84af850] - events log pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#337cebf] - import html pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#8dddaed] - files pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#843a6fc] - export html pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#f51b52b] - manager log pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#60d67ff] - backup pagetitle icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#9e57cc7] - Moved search input to actionButtons (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#845408a] - Manage Elements styles (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#dae1e35] - Icons and elements description (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#f6e319b] - fixed color icons in D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#64b4d24] - fixed missed icons in D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#6ce10bb] - add summary Based on Doclister (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#919c85d] - add DLUsers (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#a71113f] - update DocLister (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#66e36be] - update class summary (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#7d1d77e] - update ApiHelpers.class (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#7bd8a74] - update lis/simpleTab (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#e29fd2d] - update MODxAPI (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#93d378c] - update lib/modules (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#c54324d] - update helpers (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#9dbe2cc] - Update /lib/formater (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#c7bcc9b] - fix width in D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#a798073] - Icons is Manage Elements Tabs (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#d68d9d1] - Live search in Elements lists (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#2f38e91] - Add - (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#c14e378] - Update jQuery v3.1.1 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#5aeaa9d] - Installer - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#e349aa8] - Installer - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#4583ee9] - Installer - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3bd5595] - Update jQuery v1.8.3 to v3.1.1 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#74fc53e] - Installer - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#47c0cd3] - Installer - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#beb5f9f] - Installer - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#331a8d9] - Minor fix - $modx->db->dataSeek() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7051810] - Installer - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#ccb1c54] - Installer - Refactor style (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1064b23] - Installer - Rfactor style for Japanese font (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#906cf5b] - notInMenuNode normal font weight (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#cb3197e] - Remove bold from tree published node (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#46e0090] - Improved sort_tree-button appearance (Deesen) * [GitHub:#c5a12fd] - sub-actionButtons: Removed float:right (Deesen) * [GitHub:#86be2dc] - actionButton instead of text-link (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b717016] - Tree colors and disabled elements styles (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#11da047] - removed ul.sortableList padding-left (Deesen) * [GitHub:#d6381a6] - actionButton instead of text-link, removed ul.sortableList padding-left (Deesen) * [GitHub:#fcaf6d2] - Installer - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#30ba7dd] - Installer - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1856fb1] - actionButton instead of text-link (Deesen) * [GitHub:#9efb1f2] - actionButton instead of text-link for resetSysfilesChecksum (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b11acf7] - Installer - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#d9bd4b0] - Installer - Remove connection.js (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#c330274] - Installer - refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a6c3937] - jQuery into installer (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#5e60048] - Tree published node new color (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#18772ca] - Missing resource secure icon (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#4da63a5] - Small fix cancel-button (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e71e87c] - Datepicker Fix (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#e2496ea] - Set MODxRE2 as default theme (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#993afba] - file deleted icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#62c488c] - file deleted icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#ad9c113] - solid folders (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#b6a329d] - Tooltips icons margin (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#9ce84bf] - Removed all hardcoded icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#f09b5ab] - New icons for Manage Files (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#4acc8dd] - New icons for Manage Files (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#ac431f1] - New icons for Manage Files (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#56a79f0] - New icons for Manage Files (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#93caca6] - updated tree secured icons lock (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#ed89b8a] - updated tree secured icons lock (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#a4ede3c] - updated tree secured icons lock (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#7b4d7a9] - updated tree secured icons lock (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#da51692] - added run module icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#28abee7] - deleted old publish and info icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#991c677] - updated styles for move, info, publish, calendar icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#933fbe5] - new info icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#44bbe37] - new move icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#bce2443] - deleted old calendars icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#bcda1fb] - new calendars icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#f98711b] - New publish icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#8e38413] - Updated to (Deesen) * [GitHub:#7048a78] - modules static context menu icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#22e8fbf] - replaced $_style['icons_save'] with new $_style['icons_run'] (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#72fd10a] - Fixed file-browser on none-root installations #787 - added "which_browser" - fixed JS-error with MultiTV - inline-editing like QM with [*#tv*] (Deesen) * [GitHub:#429fea7] - updated question sign icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#782163a] - updated module icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#11108f6] - updated manage files icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#441a540] - new collapse icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#7cc206f] - Improved search-form #789 - activated "search by template-id" - remembers form-values after sending - merged URL/ID into single field (Deesen) * [GitHub:#74a7361] - (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#661617c] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#5fc1428] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#2cd3253] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#42801a8] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#d3c8771] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#2e6b81c] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#3d30f67] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#5142e9d] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#7812f18] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#d57778f] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#cb5cd38] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#1665405] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#3efd467] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#eb60d0b] - new MODxFlat icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#442756e] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#5b24b42] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#c19cdff] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#6b22937] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#9b78ad7] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#2331b57] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#dc11094] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#192d3ef] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#aeb3c64] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#0540381] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#a437b31] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#5a55638] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#07850e7] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#bd00ecd] - deleted old icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#4d0871a] - Tree icons from MODxFlat Theme (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#6e98752] - Tree icons from MODxFlat Theme (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#7802e6e] - deleted old tree icons (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#c3c7ce9] - select width (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#8e25c6a] - if we haven't q and id in get need go to onPageNotFound. (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#4aad3c6] - Table .grid styles mostly (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#6f474d4] - Resource children list style (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#143839a] - Add some space between content and "Editor to use" (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#e0aa7c9] - Image TV input width (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#dc8757f] - Fix for fields width (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#9d1428d] - Inputs width (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#93f4fab] - Tree Button small improvements (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#fb95556] - MODxRE2 small fix (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#fa49a33] - MODxRE2 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#472b5ac] - Fix Tree Button icon size (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#e57c6ce] - fix ht.access (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#13ccfe2] - fix RichEditor (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#be4c3e0] - add tinyMCE theme "custom" by Default (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#760224c] - delete tinyMCE 3 settings (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#d3b0258] - add tinyMCE4 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#ee5d720] - delete tinyMCE3 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#b348c21] - OnManagerTopPrerender (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#8e773e6] - Styling using language attributes (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#47e780e] - Refactor - Upgrade script (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f3ffe6e] - Corresponding to UTF8MB4 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#4029e0e] - Fix documentDirty (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#75f2827] - fix scroll on 1440 width (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#b28d6d2] - fix icons (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#bf6724a] - fix path moo-datapicker in D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#1fede26] - fix path moo-datapicker in MODxRE (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#be932f2] - fix path moo-datapicker in MODxCarbon (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#2416a7b] - fix moo-datapicker.tpl (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#c9d9c09] - move moo-datapicker to common folder (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#2deed1a] - fix (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#f02b9c8] - fix D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#da3104c] - no message (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#a3b1802] - no message (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#0f0892e] - fix d#x (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#9337663] - fix D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#7955f41] - fix lang (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#b58d0cd] - fix lang (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#0449967] - fix langs (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#5a5f226] - update lang (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#f483f6f] - fix style D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#6343037] - fix style in D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#f864bde] - fix style in D3x (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#bce2e56] - fix icons in D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#50c7cbf] - update D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#d8c0300] - add dashboard files in D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#8c24c6a] - add moo-datapiker files (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#4c1ce71] - fix tree width in D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#7ad7645] - fix lots omg in tree for D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#e4c65dd] - add file manager Zico in tree for D3X (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#7212ddb] - fix events icon (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#969a2ff] - fix logo in D3X theme (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#d1f6a1b] - add D3X theme (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#a201088] - Dashboard search for MODxCarbon (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#04e0278] - Update for normal work with angular, ets plugin like this : (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#54a573f] - New MODX startup - Bootstrap Template (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#266a269] - removed modxhost files (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#65f32db] - Dashboard search styles (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#97bbd0b] - Unique class for user info table (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#f3c8e97] - Missing div in welcome.tpl (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#82ed0c3] - various css fix (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#b477d63] - added search to dashboard + varuios fix (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#6364e7c] - replaced tree icon icon in style php (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#42abf9a] - updated modxre styles for fontawesome (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#5aad9c9] - updated modxcarbon dashboard (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#2cdddf0] - moved grister to manager scripts folder (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#992b558] - removed jquery from dashboard (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#51beeff] - moved grister js to manager scripts folder (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#e39a454] - moved grister css to manager scripts folder (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#0b7312c] - wrong dashboard location (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#2dfae2f] - wrong dashboard location (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#6f56c16] - wrong dashboard location (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#f1ee469] - wrong dashboard location (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#1563dab] - wrong dashboard location (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#55a4902] - replaced icons with font awesome (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#fb19f07] - updated welcome static (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#4fb0119] - Tree Node margins (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#0bcb68b] - Revert "Fix td vertical align" (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#2ee7828] - Replaced escapeshellarg() by customEscapeshellarg() #754 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#0d9885d] - Update to v0.5.6 - Fix for "ontouchstart" (Firefox) #729 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#eed7ebe] - Update save_web_user.processor.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#fb82a6b] - Update save_user.processor.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#c1c6d2e] - Update (Mr B) * [GitHub:#12be4c6] - RSS Feeds lists (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#d7a3556] - Remove duplicated icons (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#22c7704] - Input transition (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#071dded] - Icon placement (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#db52c1e] - Dashboard styles (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#6158cfa] - Update plus/minus tree icons (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#8ba9453] - delete empty rows (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#f2bb174] - store.js some fix (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#e9a1d8e] - some fix in store.js (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#b5bad67] - update rus lang (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#ca086d0] - upd russian lang (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#1958794] - * Increased the maximum length of the template name, TV name and chunk name up to 100. (Andrey Demchenko) * [GitHub:#a605fc8] - fixed wrong language string in user column title (th) (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#5bfcf67] - added missin topmenu collapse icon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#ea8c136] - Added new Dashboard to MODxCarbon (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#82d09af] - logo dashboard (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#e37f1f4] - New Resource Panel with overview (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#431b36f] - moved fontawesome styles (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#446ebd9] - moved fontawesome fonts (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#21e1782] - removed bootstrap (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#e7e781b] - Updated fro resource panel (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#97e1087] - updated dashboard for new resource panel (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#b201cf0] - added font awesome 4.6 (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#447c68e] - added bootstrap styles and font (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#3c27722] - added bootstrap scripts v3.3.7 to the system (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#5278ee3] - better 0 by default many erros when update site with PHx (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#c61ee9d] - russian lang fix (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#40359ca] - removed description from info and recent resource panels (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#04c0a4b] - removed typo dashes from info panel (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#c4b306a] - Added info "jQuery 3.1" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e5164b5] - Linked "systemversion" to version-notices (Deesen) * [GitHub:#27436dc] - resetgrid (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#af5d1cb] - Revert "Revert "#729"" (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#ef65167] - Revert "#729" (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#388a88a] - #729 (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#57576af] - fix path (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#6f5abab] - #738 (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#9638887] - new size 16x16 (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#8ce502b] - #741 Remove .gitignore (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#93fe1fe] - logo-dashboard.png (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#5a08d20] - German (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#cc4d3ab] - Nederlands (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#0d03990] - fix line-height (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#8dcb3a7] - More correct tip, some google translate. (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#5e8e31e] - added "reset grid" text placeholder (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#eb3074b] - fix tree icons - plus\minus (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#55b5ea0] - removed inbox panel (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#21a85aa] - update css (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#1588aab] - extended user infos with inbox (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#52159ac] - Revert "extended userinfo placeholder with inbox infos" (Nicola Lambathakis) * [GitHub:#2d7d3d9] - extended userinfo placeholder with inbox infos (Nicola) * [GitHub:#2b2363a] - fix jquery path (Nicola) * [GitHub:#2931be2] - modxre with dashboard (Nicola) * [GitHub:#9fea41b] - Fix for mm_requireFields (ManagerManager) (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0f81255] - DocManager - Remove loading moodx.js (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a5f1359] - Help icon in welcome page (Nicola) * [GitHub:#cb21ea9] - Remove "leaving without saving"-alert when pressing save-button (Deesen) * [GitHub:#354d82e] - Added templates via @INCLUDE #627 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#7d4df78] - Filemanager: Switch Codemirror-mode by file-extension #730 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#8171ae4] - tab online (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#7dbff68] - Remove support old IE (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1cc624c] - Fix - Elements list in manager (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f17de04] - Fix for MySQL5.7 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3bb7fe5] - Refactor nodes.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7f4e0ff] - revert (Fix for MySQL5.7 this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by) (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#0318c84] - Fix - Backup Manager sql error (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7bf767b] - fix url (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#2c0f03b] - open store.js (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#8e756a6] - up version to 1.1.1-beta3 (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#8d1bb2e] - fix Doclister json format (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#27dbbb4] - fix in Doclister Abstract - sotring (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#170f074] - fix in lib Helpers (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#cd41799] - add Sortable.min.js (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#1e1b778] - add Jquery 1.9.1 need for DocLister, simpleGallery e.t.c (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#05846e7] - add jEditable need for DocLister, simpleGallery e.t.c (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#5684745] - add handlebars need for DocLister, simpleGallery e.t.c (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#8d3f8be] - add FileAPI need for DocLister, simpleGallery e.t.c (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#323c36c] - add jeasyui need for DocLister, simpleGallery e.t.c (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#3fd0533] - Refactor -nodes.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7f6d126] - Wayfinder - Fix for debug info (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#148f0a8] - Fix Wayfinder - &startId=parent (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3a84bdf] - Fix for MySQL5.7 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7bf955c] - Fix for MySQL5.7 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#bc6b1ed] - Fix for PHP7 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#58f73c7] - add noimage (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#b0c23b9] - #722 Minor fix (file path issue) (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#597c629] - fix wrong link (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#ffebc6b] - Tree icons fix and new (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#4bf5df5] - Fix PHP Deprecated - Class constructor name with PHP7 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#e67b5b0] - DatePicker - Minor fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#875e76e] - DatePicker - Remove unnecessary files (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#432731f] - Remove unnecessary spaces (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a81eb25] - size icons (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#128b13c] - Wayfinder - [+url+] New placeholder (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1aa47ac] - change icons in tree #694 + add datapicker from MODxCarbon theme (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#697c876] - Revert "change icons in tree + add datapicker from MODxCarbon theme #722" (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#5b27bd7] - change icons in tree + add datapicker from MODxCarbon theme #722 (Fr3ddy) * [GitHub:#abd43f8] - #722 To bind the DatePicker in manager theme (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#d5ea09f] - #720 Fix for multitv (mootools datepicker) (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#79dbbd5] - Minor fix - $modx->checkSession() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fc8f27e] - Fixed ajaxSecHash for multiple fields, added optional contenteditable to parseEditableIds() (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e4a8ccf] - Added z-index #720 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#44e7c19] - #719 [Wayfinder] Refactor debug information (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#e604b55] - [New] Wayfinder - &showPrivate (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#152b18c] - Wayfinder - Version update 2.1 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#60a2cbf] - Wayfinder - @FILE:any-config (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#c629e43] - [New] Wayfinder - config by chunk (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#4cf8cb9] - Wayfinder - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#d525264] - Wayfinder - Add bootstrap-navbar.config.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#e21014d] - Wayfinder - Refactor sample files (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#edd46b7] - Wayfinder - Remove IE6 samples (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fe90c27] - Wayfinder - Remove old samples (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#bec27f4] - Wayfinder - Refactor mollio.config.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3bbb988] - Wayfinder - Refactor chunks.txt (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#8ede0da] - Wayfinder - Minor fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#aea7abe] - Wayfinder - Refactor breadcrumb.config.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#8177569] - Wayfinder - Refactor debug info (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#862b8fa] - Wayfinder - Remove code for IE6 in sample.config (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0eea85d] - Wayfinder - Refactor breadcrumb.config.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#4a0a56a] - Wayfinder - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#9bb7774] - Wayfinder - Improved debug info (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0757e04] - Refactor - Wayfinder (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#e8b8e6d] - Fix - wordwrap modifire (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#4e50715] - Detect PHx even when plugin has been renamed #623 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#d5c907c] - Fix SQL-Error (pubdate = '' / empty) when Filters are disabled as then ":strtolower" fails for [(datetime_format:strtolower)] (Deesen) * [GitHub:#3e9d2ba] - Revert last changes (Deesen) * [GitHub:#3a4bb29] - Filters-warning when PHx is enabled #623 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#16f7d36] - Avoid SQL-Error when saving resource (Error: pub_date='' / empty) (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ced5d28] - Wayfinder - To get the TV using the API (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#dc298ce] - [New] Wayfinder - &startId=parent (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#b4c9c6c] - Wayfinder - Be able to use the modifier in tpl (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#bfa68fe] - Wayfinder - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#d1a74bc] - Wayfinder - Replace tabs to spaces (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fe6aa9f] - Minor fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#8f8b015] - Fix - DatePicker for mm_ddMultipleFields (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0f39241] - #710 Minor fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f6a19e3] - Refactor - (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#09e1d49] - Update (Lukacs Vertes) * [GitHub:#b50e149] - update ditto distinct extender. a long time ago lost updates (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#928439e] - an update mm_hideEmpty (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#a374a3f] - MySQL 5.7.x small fix (Andriy) * [GitHub:#0243e8d] - Enable modxRTEbridge creating config-obj for external tools like MultiTV (Deesen) * [GitHub:#d57901e] - Allow using different File Browsers like KCFinder, elFinder #629, #705 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1fdcaf3] - Show File-Browser buttons only when "Enable File Browser" in MODX-config is set to "Yes" #681 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b099cb8] - Grant full permissions for administrators on upgrade (assets_images, assets_files, change_resourcetype) (Deesen) * [GitHub:#884cc1e] - Parse Resource-Fields & TVs, changed [+tv+] to [*tv*] #699 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ffdec5a] - Improved layout of "Version Notices" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1430a42] - Improved layout of "Version Notices" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#69493da] - Updated version-notices 1.1.1 #625 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#80c1af2] - Updated version-notices 1.1.1 #699 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#49cc77f] - Added fallback to default-value #699 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ab30bc5] - Allow using TV-values in @bindings (@SELECT name,value FROM xxx WHERE yyy = [+tv_name+]) #699 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ac802af] - Added optional index to makeArray() #699 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#2892fb4] - Fix #701 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#131c383] - #698 Fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#efa787b] - Improved parser - IF / ELSEIF / ELSE / ENDIF (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7564d01] - #698 Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#6772768] - #698 Fix $_REQUEST['q'] issue (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#b6c2be2] - Updated version-notices 1.1.1 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#853b2d8] - Refatctor - Personalize snippet (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#e3d8a73] - Update - Personalize v 2.2 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#03e3701] - Refactor - Personalize snippets (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7a92974] - Refactor - Personalize snippet (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#acbbd3a] - Allow display/hide of "Manage Image/Files"-button with role "assets_images/files" only (Deesen) * [GitHub:#f76204c] - New Tree Buttons Permissions fix (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#ab87fcc] - Refactor - mutate_settings.dynamic.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fa36608] - Refactor - Set default values in mutate_settings.dynamic.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0f1eaec] - Minor fix - $modx->config['use_breadcrumbs'] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1259010] - Refactor - mutate_content.dynamic.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#03f5228] - Set the $modx->documentObject in resource edit (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#4195feb] - Refactor - $modx->manager->loadFormValues() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7ed2344] - Does not clear the value of the settings_version at the time of update (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#ed6c63c] - there are no $modx->mb_strftime function yet. (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#cedde34] - some sintax fix (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#072143e] - #623 fix disable filters if phx enabled (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#dd50a40] - Added permissions "assets_images, assets_files" to roles "editor, publisher" for new installations #681 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#55d7f5b] - Version notices: New manager roles (Deesen) * [GitHub:#c7a84bf] - Corrected displaying icons in a row when having limited permissions (Deesen) * [GitHub:#d48a2ee] - fix Deprecated after jQuery update 7afa3a2effe327e26bb00fa7d412b7dc7b8765b8 (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#8c247bc] - Added hasPermission("assets_images") to show/hide KCFinder-button #681 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#723addd] - Added hasPermission("assets_images, assets_files") #681 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#96bcfe5] - Applied roles assets_images/assets_files to Manage Images/Files buttons #681 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#0d578c6] - Added new roles "assets_images, assets_files" #681 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#6ce8001] - Assure QM-toolbar lies above all elements (Deesen) * [GitHub:#d81b6c7] - Update - v1.1.1-beta2 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#35a03bc] - Updates before and after the version display in manager (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a09e7a2] - Remove - Code for IE6 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3ae737b] - Refactor - DatePicker implementation (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0fb6a4a] - New DatePicker for DocManager and MM (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#6772b8e] - Remove - Tigra Calendar (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#8b5d0ba] - Fix - DatePicker not work at TV (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#23eee22] - Fix DatePicker (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#03335fb] - restore accidentally deleted ht.access in c2d4b4a83 (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#1f26994] - #623 "Enable filters" link and russian translate (draft) (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#2fc7c0a] - Improved - "Do you want to install now?" (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#828cf4b] - New - DatePicker (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fdf3230] - New - Replace DatePicker (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#d0f3ab5] - Items moved from top nav (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#db7a18b] - Refactor - DatePiker loading script (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#2611e1d] - ajax_loader for exportButton (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7afa3a2] - Update - jQuery v3.1.0 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a948e7e] - To hide the action button before the transition by clicking (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#9a7c367] - To hide the action button before the transition by clicking (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3352c39] - Revert - $modx->config['devmode_showhash'] @f25d102 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3dc19b8] - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fddc40a] - Minorfix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#5ddcb31] - #680 Added comment-tag (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1a59f0a] - Version notices updated, still incomplete (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b023925] - Improved layout (Deesen) * [GitHub:#2855f51] - #623 Fix - Custom modifier name issue (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#5888547] - Improved - [[snipName?p1&p2&p3]] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#18d426f] - #623 Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#192538f] - #677 renamed "remove notice"-button to "rebuild checksums" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#a06bc19] - #677 Improved system files checksum mechanismn: - show&log list of modified files - added "remove notice"-button to rebuild checksum quickly - requires permission "settings" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#6445991] - Break lines nicely for captions/names longer than 500px & show name if caption is empty (Deesen) * [GitHub:#deebbde] - Remove text-underline from .actionButtons a:hover (Deesen) * [GitHub:#087a3e9] - Show also TV-caption, not only TV-name (Deesen) * [GitHub:#dd05a62] - Show TV-name below TV-caption when having permission "edit_template" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#eb21f38] - Minor fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#90cacd2] - Fix - $modx->_snipParamsToArray() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#ae07452] - Minor fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3f9dee3] - Fix for PHP 7 - wordwrap modifier (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#9e529d1] - #623 fix - MODIFIERS class into core (PHx) (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a0d033c] - #623 Fix - MODIFIERS class into core (PHx) (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#5129cca] - Refactor top bar supplementalNav (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#e29cefb] - Elements ul list spacing (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#f4efdff] - Fix select width (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#2b5e8dd] - Fix vertical align in role edit page 2 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#1a43386] - Fix vertical align in role edit page (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#183a39f] - Fix td vertical align (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#80d5bac] - Elements links underline on hover 2 (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#89c4ed5] - Elements links underline on hover (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#13605bf] - check class (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#712e84b] - Properties value as is. Fix 0 value. (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#6667f28] - Web access permissions style (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#f23e1f4] - Reorder Tree Buttons (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#ddff05c] - Improved Tree floater styles (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#2ac195b] - Style update for Tree Buttons (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#bd69c62] - Refactor Web user table/html (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#55e8d84] - General styles update (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#2e75e27] - Wider Tree iframe (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#fc2a306] - Additional Tree Buttons (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#6cec8a2] - User icon (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#6febae8] - "Manage Elements" Tree Button style (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#8683663] - #669 Added "Manage Elements"-Button (Deesen) * [GitHub:#2683e96] - #623 New modifiers (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#5e1c9ef] - #623 New modifiers (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1bd1f58] - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#c57c136] - #668 Minor fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#4d20991] - modifiers.class - multi-line call (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#91afbc1] - Added is_readable() (Deesen) * [GitHub:#0c6ae53] - #645 Improved Help-Button - added tab "Documentation" - added tab "Version Notices" (content taken from assets/templates/help/version_notices) - added tab "Changelog" (moved changelog.txt from /install/ to assets/docs/) (Deesen) * [GitHub:#7693c30] - #618, #636: Remember last user-settings for tree-sorting via DB-table "user_settings" (Deesen) * [GitHub:#9c40e2b] - #659 Remember content after Duplicate Element-Error (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ce99e39] - #658 Fix params for Webuser (Deesen) * [GitHub:#f3f7957] - #662 Fix: Enable admins to preview unpublished pages (Deesen) * [GitHub:#2e25bee] - Minor fix (installer css) (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3eab6da] - Add $modx->config['enable_filter'] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#4a5b6ac] - fix breadcrumbs on the page of manager. [-] TV var inheritance for new sub resource (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#74902b0] - update some in doc parcer (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#225bb2a] - update modxRTEbridge (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#1e3898c] - fix codemirror (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#47d035b] - eform parameters array_merge fix (Ricardo Lewis) * [GitHub:#784e32f] - Changed "tmplvar_contentvalues" text to mediumtext #648 (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#8fb3729] - Corrected readOnly-param for edit-mode (Deesen) * [GitHub:#edf77b7] - readOnly-param (Deesen) * [GitHub:#cb8865e] - Init Codemirror via OnRichTextEditorInit (readOnly) - (Deesen) * [GitHub:#f0dbdcc] - Added readOnly-option (for file-manager) (Deesen) * [GitHub:#235d26c] - Fixed CSS-highlighting - (Deesen) * [GitHub:#5a799a9] - Fixed JS-error notice #646 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#a3775c3] - Changed "tmplvar_contentvalues" text to mediumtext #648 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e17ec61] - Fix backup version-no, clearer "remove locks"-message (Deesen) * [GitHub:#74723d4] - mm_ddMultipleFields: fix using tables in richtext (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#c2d4b4a] - wayfinder, useReferenced: fix determine fields fix version. (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#213f83a] - Fix: Display nothing instead of "Array" for none-existing chunks (Deesen) * [GitHub:#fcc2d77] - Update mutate_menuindex_sort.dynamic.php (Mr B) * [GitHub:#4956aee] - Fix #639 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#581a58e] - Revert "Small fix" This is partial reverts commit 8637a79f62791e9232dec1332c2a864950b7dbfb. (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#0a01e23] - Fix: Show all none-assigned TVs (Deesen) * [GitHub:#df0a78b] - translates for 'Change Resource-Type' role (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#f820b2e] - Set version (1.1.1-beta) update database while modx upgrade #531 (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#0a49695] - Conditional tags (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#9c2ed2b] - Fix - $modx->getField() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#fe8c8f4] - New - $modx->atBindInclude() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#ab82bc2] - New - $modx->atBindInclude() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#b12f60e] - Refactor - $modx->checkCache() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#14c3601] - Refactor - $modx->prepareResponse() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#43e8da2] - Refactor - $modx->getChunk() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#a01fad9] - MODIFIERS class into core (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f5092a3] - New - Set parameters to Chunk (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#3b91c8b] - Small fix - [[Snip1?param=[[Snip2]]]] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#af39d78] - Improved - $modx->parseText() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#e5f1fbf] - Refactor - Fetch snippet call (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#6703a07] - Improved - $modx->_split_snip_call() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#ca86fac] - Rename $modx->_get_snip_properties() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#529209f] - Convert tabs to spaces (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#0a4dccb] - Refactor - $modx->mergePlaceholderContent() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#8131602] - Output PHP Super Global Values (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#94b7a31] - Avoid php-error when pasting tplVars back-button (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ccc2c92] - TinyMCE4-support (Deesen) * [GitHub:#cf88f04] - Add pagetitle to tooltips when nodes show date-format (Deesen) * [GitHub:#84a5d07] - Added checkbox&radio type to old scheme (Deesen) * [GitHub:#3605a4a] - Bugfix "purge obsolete plugins"-button - keep latest version of disabled plugins (Deesen) * [GitHub:#bd14dbc] - update DocLister (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#3150df9] - update MODxAPI (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#8ffabae] - Fix documentDirty for config-fields (Deesen) * [GitHub:#f121f76] - same width as param-fields (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e8a8482] - Small fix - don´t limit height for main code-input (Deesen) * [GitHub:#5be6a8e] - Small improvements - use codemirror for editing JSON-capable configuration-fields - added JSON-format to module- & snippet-configuration (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1e801ea] - KCfinder denyUpdateCheck => true (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#8d1cf0e] - fix KCfinder png black background (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#a0085cc] - Improved placeholder-/attribute-highlighting - update to CM v5.12.0 - small fixes (Deesen) * [GitHub:#033c3fb] - Codemirror v5.12.0 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#3408142] - Add modxRTEbridge to assets/lib (Deesen) * [GitHub:#26c714c] - Avoid PHP-notice (Deesen) * [GitHub:#3ca670a] - Support multiple richtext-TVs with {"editor":"Codemirror"}, reformat code (Deesen) * [GitHub:#3e5285e] - OnRichTextEditorInit options-handling, call invokeEvent once per editor (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1c55609] - Separated code into function getPluginCode() - extended JSON-pluginConfig (Deesen) * [GitHub:#fca82a1] - Refactor - Replace tabs to spaces (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f76f054] - Refactor - $modx->mergeDocumentContent() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#c959d35] - Prepared parseProperties() to fetch params from Input-Options (Deesen) * [GitHub:#b953eb8] - Added $modx->isJson() (Deesen) * [GitHub:#1787d2d] - changed switch-labels (Deesen) * [GitHub:#96631a5] - optional switch of nodename-source (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e71d5d3] - Improved manager-tree - sort by "published on" - empty dates come first/last - tooltips with line-breaks - tooltips reveal more details now (Deesen) * [GitHub:#9967c3a] - Pass TV input-options to RTE-plugins #388 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#396edf9] - JSON-string now human-readable (Deesen) * [GitHub:#f3755a2] - Improved plugin-configuration - converting old scheme to new scheme adds default-value - new types checkbox, radio - options support "label==value||label==value" - new "Set Default"-button - "Set Automatic"-button removes all events first (Deesen) * [GitHub:#52f00e1] - Category (id) in all lists (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e49eeeb] - add (id) for category in elements list (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#0e26be2] - Plugin-configuration in JSON-Format (Deesen) * [GitHub:#4ce8da3] - Revert "Update .gitattributes - Disable LF normalization" (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#9ec4347] - Update .gitattributes - Disable LF normalization (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#7d4d7de] - Added default-template info (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e25070b] - Small fix CodeMirror (Yura) * [GitHub:#f6c02cc] - fix for customTv type select (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#8645e0e] - we can move hidemenu (Dmi3yy) * [GitHub:#cfbe8cb] - Update editor_plugin.js (Mr B) * [GitHub:#40ccf61] - Update editor_plugin_src.js (Mr B) * [GitHub:#6a73b47] - Added documentDirty to tpl/tv-checkboxes (Deesen) * [GitHub:#ca0cca6] - Avoid empty TV-names (Deesen) * [GitHub:#753b749] - Consider $newid (Deesen) * [GitHub:#48f98ab] - Sort templates by category, name (Deesen) * [GitHub:#d26e745] - List templates like in native Tpl-list & catch $_POST (Deesen) * [GitHub:#9aa3a59] - Display unassigned TVs like in native TV-management & catch $_POST (Deesen) * [GitHub:#e0ffb3e] - Refactor $modx->parseProperties() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#c4dc6ef] - Force default template´s selectable = 1 (Deesen) * [GitHub:#a14a5e7] - Refactor - $modx->parseProperties() (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#85929f9] - Avoid trim spaces from Chunks (allows clean indented HTML) (Deesen) * [GitHub:#d8bd7e8] - Allow styling of labels (Deesen) * [GitHub:#5989528] - Set chmod after mkdir() (Deesen) * [GitHub:#f25d102] - New - $modx->config['devmode_showhash'] (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#8c142bb] - Minor fix (code indent) (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#91aa032] - Refactor - mutate_settings.dynamic.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#6dbce8c] - Refactor - mutate.settings.dynamic.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#1a48769] - jQuery into core (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#24f4c3d] - Move event output below mootools.js (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#6477345] - Fix sort by category (Deesen) * [GitHub:#48ecaa2] - Exact same order as in assignedTvs-Tab (Deesen) * [GitHub:#71d1a5f] - Preserve rankings of already assigned TVs (Deesen) * [GitHub:#407877c] - Add space (Deesen) * [GitHub:#edb1d05] - Bigger click-area.. (Deesen) * [GitHub:#df7239d] - Added Yama´s sort-mechanismn to TemplateVars-Edit (Deesen) * [GitHub:#fbef3fe] - Added edit-button for better UI (Deesen) * [GitHub:#cc58041] - Refactor (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#23af420] - Added ORDER BY for none-ranked TVs (Deesen) * [GitHub:#d5d6fd4] - Remove unnessecary $_lang (Deesen) * [GitHub:#a5225ab] - Minor fix (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#bd0db33] - Show and hide furl settings using by jQuery (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#f7b8cda] - Add showhide() - mutate_settings.dynamic.php (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#75055d0] - jQuery into core (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#de27178] - Improved (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#5403dcd] - Add - jQuery into core (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#69e27f2] - Remove - Deprecated TV widgets (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#24bd8ed] - tabpane.js - Remove IE5.5 support (yamamoto) * [GitHub:#2e7a04a] - #328 Add tab "not assigned TVs" to template-edit (Deesen) * [GitHub:#15fe4f6] - Fix double $value['type']!="" (Yura) * [GitHub:#c089635] - Fix install demo content (Yura) * [GitHub:#cb7e15e] - Fix tabs (Piotr Matysiak) * [GitHub:#8b6dc88] - #345 fix activeParentRowTpl for empty childs (MrSwed) * [GitHub:#1697e50] - uniform formatting style (MrSwed) MODX Evolution 1.1 (Feb 29, 2016) =================================== -------------------------------------------- Bugfixes: -------------------------------------------- * [GitHub:#41a5bcd] Fixing #356 Loosing content in chunk after saving and already exists * [GitHub:#6d799af] [#364] Fixed issue for renderFormElements to provide default text (Fixed to only set value if field_value is empty) * [GitHub:#90b1a91] Weblogin: - Retain remember me option … * [GitHub:#dcd9656] Fix script error in View manager logs * [GitHub:#3e6895d] Increase FileSource filebinding input field maxlength to prevent data loss * [GitHub:#da4cf8a] Prevent PHP warning 'Key cannot be empty' … * [GitHub:#32f0d65] Fix #396 getUserDocGroups(true) always returns only one group name * [GitHub:#3cea34d] Weblogin: doesn't always clear $_SESSION['webDocgrpNames'] on logout * [GitHub:#1b0148e] Fix #394 error in description of CodeMirror … * [GitHub:#6cc4467] Fix/update confirmed working MODX version in CodeMirror plugin comment. * [GitHub:#1c2e755] Value of properties in GUID on module creation. This bug is active since 1.0.13. Seems to be that creating modules is not an everyday task * [GitHub:#8530858] Maybe missing permission check in refresh_site.dynamic.php * [GitHub:#21e1aad] ManagerManager: non-breaking space. It interferes with the use of the ddmultifield * [GitHub:#aca2a22] Minor fix - MODxHost template * [GitHub:#30fd127] small calendar styles fix * [GitHub:#7dec05a] Choose language translate * [GitHub:#0dc2c0f] AjaxSarch Date format * [GitHub:#395898a] fix DBAPI update( for NULL) * [GitHub:#5a554f7] fix session_keepalive * [GitHub:#dd25766] Ditto: Fix - Deprecated PHP Code "makeList" * [GitHub:#75c9c0f] Fix - Slimming Paint rendering issue at Chrome … * [GitHub:#14a94c6] Fix error render the default setting in the TV type date * [GitHub:#cbce5e7] fix sendmail * [GitHub:#175a18e] checkCache fix * [GitHub:#9e09c4e] wayfinder config need include for multi use with other configs * [GitHub:#a5d63f5] DB dumps do not disable foreign key checks * [GitHub:#ef206b2] fix install with empty categoryes name * [GitHub:#f65f4ed] Avoid double matches … * [GitHub:#797bd91] fix emmet header footer for HTML5 * [GitHub:#b631d61] fix bad SEO when using phpthumb #434 … * [GitHub:#ac0cec4] Fixing, TransAlias removes a dot in file's format … * [GitHub:#4bc76c5] #391 user/pw htmlspecialchars * [GitHub:#2dd47e0] #391 username/data htmlspecialchars * [GitHub:#93959ac] Avoid PHP-Error "File not found" * [GitHub:#640309d] fix render settings * [GitHub:#c7abc69] avoid php notice: undefined index… * [GitHub:#e7ea0f7] Avoid PHP-Error/Data-Loss if path not exists * [GitHub:#2bb4391] Issue #385 htmlspecialchars + windows-1251 * [GitHub:#62a22ba] icon message unread * [GitHub:#2772903] Problem with a plus-sign in email address with forgot manager password #428 * [GitHub:#ef7a06d] if: fix for check [*content*] Issue #480 * [GitHub:#8845642] #417 * [GitHub:#9e0a1b9] makeUrl fails with site start and query string * [GitHub:#92f6cda] Error counting published and unpublished comments in JOT #389 * [GitHub:#f8ea894] Template Variable Type 'date' doesn't allow manual time -------------------------------------------- Refactor: -------------------------------------------- * [GitHub:#aa2baae] Refactor manager api class: added missing return values, updated checkHashAlgorithm, removed superfluos variables, added missing variables * [GitHub:#dfb0ac4] Display TV name during install * [GitHub:#6f26656] Refactor - $modx->evalSnippets() * [GitHub:#1cebc29] Refactor - $modx->getTagsFromContent() * [GitHub:#6c098f5] Refactor - $modx->evalSnippets() * [GitHub:#4e8b8da] Refactor - $modx->mergeDocumentContent() * [GitHub:#2b56d5d] Update setup.sql Increase default max upload file size to 10MB * [GitHub:#fb2f868] Wayfinder: for local references - use original document fields separated by comma (useful for set active if it is current, titles, link attr) * [GitHub:#e77c169] Wayfinder: &useWeblinkUrl=`0` now work, no longer need to write &useWeblinkUrl=`FALSE` * [GitHub:#27ebbe6] Ditto: no "start=0" in links of ditto pagination depending on modx setting seostrict * [GitHub:#fa0348f] now we can use custom frame files from theme see ( * [GitHub:#ca8bnow] you can change all action in theme without change in core * [GitHub:#a842303] refactor search.static * [GitHub:#c09c083] frameset to iframe * [GitHub:#ed5396e] use Mysqli by default * [GitHub:#1968b47] refactor MainMenu ( * [GitHub:#6211a79] refactor cache_sync class, add some code for AliasListingFolder * [GitHub:#7c6adaa] fix in postProcess * [GitHub:#295ad92] Workaround for deprecated preg_replace() with /e modifier … * [GitHub:#bdb542d] refactor BackTrace * [GitHub:#e612f72] refactor getLoginUserName * [GitHub:#03c5e28] refactor getLoginUserID * [GitHub:#816af9c] refactor getChunk * [GitHub:#93fa0fc] refactor runSnippet * [GitHub:#26f86d0] refactor makeUrl for AliasListingFolder * [GitHub:#7d3e99e] refactor logEvent * [GitHub:#a7fd270] refactor getChildIds for AliasListingFolder * [GitHub:#6f19c69] refactor getParentIds for AliasListngFolder * [GitHub:#fa86662] refactor executeParser for AliasListingFolder * [GitHub:#3c94596] refactor checkPublishStatus() * [GitHub:#758817d] "Show in menu" moved to new row … * [GitHub:#b229ca1] #444 (Installer & PHP 5.5+ ) * [GitHub:#113ac4c] add php version in sysinfo * [GitHub:#de360bd] autoload_register to spl_autoload_register * [GitHub:#7fadc10] Create cache folder before creating .htaccess in it -------------------------------------------- Additional Improvements & Updates: -------------------------------------------- * [GitHub:#a76c830] Add Ukrainian lang * [GitHub:#0ca31ad] phpthumb: determination of the original image file extension * [GitHub:#46e8457] phpthumb: encode decode cyr filenames * [GitHub:#70d0c84] phpthumb: &q=96 makes no sense with png and gif * [GitHub:#9b0a873] phpthumb: encode only returned filenames * [GitHub:#bc501e0] phpthumb: larger nophoto image * [GitHub:#563934c] Update fix adding slash by vericode for HTML5 inputs * [GitHub:#d2adb9d] eForm: Adding HTML5 input types * [GitHub:#7be7aca] Wayfinder. Set id of reference to original document ID if it is innerdoc * [GitHub:#63e6414] Starting the installation with the language of the user's browser * [GitHub:#bc5a9eb] BreadCrumbs 1.0.5: add ignoreAliasVisible to BreadCrumbs * [GitHub:#2e56507] Eform: add phone validate in Eform * [GitHub:#89dc1ea] New - $modx->getField($field,$docid) * [GitHub:#0c3fd0b] New - $modx->getUltimateParentId($docid,$top) * [GitHub:#956c9ae] Cross-references from ClipperCMS: [*pagetitle@17*], [*pagetitle@parent*], [*pagetitle@ultimateparent*] ([*pagetitle@uparent*]), [*pagetitle@ultimateparent(17)*], [*pagetitle@alias(alias/path)*],[*pagetitle@site_start*] * [GitHub:#5ddb8df] allow using asterisk for assign TVs to all templates * [GitHub:#2ed509b] Update file browser KCfinder to 2.5.4 * [GitHub:#eae7e74] Update CodeMirror to 1.2b * [GitHub:#b7dc20f] the ability to pass arbitrary parameters in the snippet(so you can use them in the processing of events) * [GitHub:#fcb6343] Wayfinder: add [+wf.iterator+] * [GitHub:#907a1f2] view customTV in Select when choice tv type * [GitHub:#1072d79] Add some events: OnMakePageCacheKey, OnDocFormUnDelete, onBeforeMoveDocument, onAfterMoveDocument, OnBeforeLoadDocumentObject, OnAfterLoadDocumentObject, OnBeforeLoadExtension, OnManagerMenuPrerender, OnDocFormTemplateRender, OnFileBrowserUpload, OnDocFormTemplateRender * [GitHub:#2770263] ManagerManger(add mm_movecategorytotab) * [GitHub:#] add AliasLiastingFolder in Setting -> Friendly URLs (tested with 1000000 documents, no more limits for documents) * [GitHub:#07bac53] add function getCacheFolder * [GitHub:#9372391] add function setConditional * [GitHub:#09e0ba7] add function getTpl * [GitHub:#769617e] ctrl + S, cmd + S now save in Manager * [GitHub:#fe5a3e7] Add MODxAPI extend MODX Api * [GitHub:#bcbe26e] add DocLister ( * [GitHub:#1bb1710] add in DBAPI $modx->db->dataSeek * [GitHub:#3a1c634] update _get_snip_result * [GitHub:#97326f2] Added missing CSS-ID to "actionButtons" * [GitHub:#95a9283] Add Extras module to core * [GitHub:#0d95ec6] if: Added Expression "contains" * [GitHub:#3b2547b] #328 Checkbox "selectable templates" #513 * [GitHub:#3001fc6] #323 Chunks remember last selected+saved RTE MODX Evolution 1.0.15 (Oct 31, 2014) =================================== -------------------------------------------- Bugfixes: -------------------------------------------- * [GitHub:#8721e56] Typo * [GitHub:#6dc47ed] Wrong indents * [GitHub:#c9267a8] Bugfix for "Context menu don't show if node has quotes." * [GitHub:#7b8ad03] Wrong indents * [GitHub:#6805efa] Not only "listbox-multiple" send array to POST * [GitHub:#21bf185] Fix MYSQLI->fieldName() * [GitHub:#8926b25] Fixing Bug: Only variables should be passed by reference * [GitHub:#ee6e7a0] Don't show set_time_limit warning on host that have changing the time limit disabled * [GitHub:#c02f75c] Richtext widget "undefined" output #341 * [GitHub:#3151a01] changeWebUserPassword doesn't use md5 for a new password #304 * [GitHub:#b7e665f] Update web_user_management.static.php * [GitHub:#5c4bda6] Patch * [GitHub:#56357ce] fix makeURL * [GitHub:#1d2bfdb] Fix - Can't work manager except utf8 * [GitHub:#2da96f6] Wayfinder, move levelClass from li to ul * [GitHub:#31f6759] $modx to $this * [GitHub:#c2775fd] Fixed CodeMirror syntax HTML entity highlighting * [GitHub:#13d0d6d] fix makeFriendlyURL for site_start * [GitHub:#0f4aba1] eForm - Fix Invalid address error * [GitHub:#71492ad] Delete unnecessary evaluate PHP code * [GitHub:#d8872e7] Update media.js * [GitHub:#022b755] Fix PHP Notices from document.parser * [GitHub:#04cdccc] Bugfix - $id could be an integer and not a string. * [GitHub:#0448cf7] fix uploader * [GitHub:#b49e81e] show only allowed images in their folder * [GitHub:#f5629f3] Skip all fields without name attribute in eFormParseTemplate * [GitHub:#27d7adf] Bugfix - wrong quotes * [GitHub:#7781b65] Small fix - smtp password field in system settings * [GitHub:#d2b7cb0] fix * [GitHub:#9a121bc] Fixing $modx->makeUrl($modx->config['site_start']) should return '/' or $modx->config['site_url'] #2 * [GitHub:#5266730] Fixes for phpthumb snippet - added temp folder creation – for open_basedir issues - updated phpthumb * [GitHub:#dfbd44e] Bugfix for hideMenu parameter * [GitHub:#6a23f91] New Security Feed! -> * [GitHub:#cb5b0e0] Removed unused variables * [GitHub:#be143a1] Removed wrong array keys * [GitHub:#987f8b8] Output Content-Type header at messageCount * [GitHub:#f7aecc4] Tools/Backup/Restore #275 * [GitHub:#dfe0020] Webusers Not Showing Private Resources #273 * [GitHub:#766e662] Fix for CJK multi byte environment * [GitHub:#39ee732] Fixing issue with accounts not getting unblocked automatically (#267) and added some language string * [GitHub:#a245648] Rename function name * [GitHub:#102fe60] Fixing Wayfinder problems after upgrading MODX from 1.0.10 to 1.0.13 #226 * [GitHub:#744fdcc] Hide META tags content in Resource Overview when META Keywords tab is set to no #283 * [GitHub:#ea9ccdf] Quickfix for Refused to set unsafe header "Connection" #227 - removed setHeader("Connection", "close * [GitHub:#43bcf75] Fixed some style issues -------------------------------------------- Refactor: -------------------------------------------- * [GitHub:#0b82d66] Use of $modx->htmlspecialchars instead of htmlspecialchars * [GitHub:#ace7999] htmlspecialchars be called with ENT_QUOTES * [GitHub:#9c4d6f5] Avoid tampering cache file by escaping all keys and values - changing all $modx->db->escape to $this * [GitHub:#3cdcffd] add , to errorRequiredSeparator in eForm * [GitHub:#d8ec4ce] Typo - When you need to get one field, need use the db->getValue() * [GitHub:#b20c22b] Update style.css * [GitHub:#db56a5f] insideManager is deprecated * [GitHub:#8deface] Uniform style code for int of $_REQUEST['id'] * [GitHub:#3eceb21] Uniform style code for int of $_REQUEST['id'] in mutate_* Remove unnecessary checks * [GitHub:#92b0d75] Updated AjaxSearch - Documentation in markdown format - Changed module/snippet/plugin code from txt * [GitHub:#1ea15af] Set default: Send mail on MODX errors = not notify #289 * [GitHub:#645503e] Update * [GitHub:#c7f6d34] Wayfinder, revert levelClass, add outerLevelClass * [GitHub:#5c97732] Update uploader.php * [GitHub:#51c473f] Update config.php * [GitHub:#d9c3cda] Update mutate_user.dynamic.php * [GitHub:#acbaf8b] Refactor - Calling method of deprecated-function * [GitHub:#aef110e] Refactor - $modx->makeUrl() * [GitHub:#3715940] typo fix * [GitHub:#39a62fb] Replace insideManager() to isBackend() * [GitHub:#855fc76] Refactor - $modx->isFrontend() * [GitHub:#2d86096] Refactor - $modx->isBackend() * [GitHub:#1849346] Refactor - File browser settings * [GitHub:#6a87f51] Set $modx->config['server_offset_time'] * [GitHub:#be2f392] + The “OnDocFormPrerender” and “OnDocFormRender” events now have the document template ID parameter. * [GitHub:#caf0f98] Add placeholder for PHP version in language files * [GitHub:#8752559] Add "level" to the "wrapperLevel" placeholders * [GitHub:#1f76491] Refactoring #265 - new parameters: errorTpl, errorRequiredTpl, errorRequiredSeparator * [GitHub:#eb3a458] Remove changes added during #90 - Hexadecimal entities not needed anymore for MODX tags * [GitHub:#66255dc] Change DOCTYPE declaration(HTML5) * [GitHub:#696a8d6] Remove semicoron * [GitHub:#9ab2678] Added support for lastRowTpl that will apply to last row of a list * [GitHub:#a98fe41] Update KCFinder Dutch language file * [GitHub:#576e210] Remove "?>" from end of php file * [GitHub:#0fc2ccb] Update -------------------------------------------- Additional Improvements & Updates: -------------------------------------------- * [GitHub:#b74b11b] update mm to 0.6.2 * [GitHub:#1e22788] Update Wayfinder to 2.0.4 * [GitHub:#e0c80f3] Update eForm to 1.4.6 * [GitHub:#55b4471] Updated Languages from Transifex * [GitHub:#2aad3e3] Updated languages from Transifex * [GitHub:#f1f53d3] Updated languages from Transifex * [GitHub:#6166167] Updated Dutch language * [GitHub:#3dd0c82] Added Ukrainian Language to Transfix * [GitHub:#6a97faa] Updated Languages from Transifex * [GitHub:#9a0eb01] add ukranian lang for eFrom and AjaxSearch * [GitHub:#d19102d] Update * [GitHub:#ac38129] MYSQLI Extender * [GitHub:#f53d739] New feature: Allow searching of resources by template ID used. Include language strings for English * [GitHub:#0c98bec] update logo * [GitHub:#ceee98f] add ssl to smtp mail setting add alias_listing in breadcrumbs plugin add one more type in Ditto filt * [GitHub:#c264569] Support for encoding windows-1251 in the emails * [GitHub:#98e68cb] Change publishedon, set value from current time to pub_date * [GitHub:#a2a3a57] Fix save mutate_content form on press Enter in input field * [GitHub:#41048c3] add .tpl, .less, .sass for View/Edit in FileManager * [GitHub:#7f05792] Allow load any extension without changing the core code * [GitHub:#45f08ec] datepicker localization * [GitHub:#0c29ed0] select/deselect all templates for tv * [GitHub:#6b468fb] French translation for 1.0.14 * [GitHub:#f4a559b] Updated polish and brazilian portuguese languages from Transifex Thanks to Raphael Mendonça & Piotr * [GitHub:#ad335ad] Re-Added Breadcrumbs snippet commented documentation #236 * [GitHub:#6e0fd11] Updated swedish language * [GitHub:#03a1e04] Première version complète de la traduction pour la 1.0.14 * [GitHub:#45cb1ff] Début de traduction pour la 1.0.14 * [GitHub:#a761a63] mise à jour des messages de gestionnaire de fichiers -------------------------------------------- Security: -------------------------------------------- * [GitHub:#a293ec6] Set secure flag to prevent cookies to be leaked via non encrypted requests. * [GitHub:#d798a2a] to have setcookie specify httponly * [GitHub:#38cbdaa] Sameorigin header * [GitHub:#e62d961] Prevent XSS * [GitHub:#3e7f9bd] Avoid XSS - $modx->htmlspecialchars or explicit integer casting on $_GET/$_POST values * [GitHub:#3373321] Close SQL Injection MODX Evolution 1.0.14 (Jun 05, 2014) =================================== -------------------------------------------- Bugfixes: -------------------------------------------- * [GitHub:#f233bf0] Error in resource lib * [GitHub:#8958b7c] Empty template error * [GitHub:#99d6824] Web user view ico * [GitHub:#c5cfa3e] missing fields * [GitHub:#9f404dd] If (not_empty) * [GitHub:#40a7d49] Export not cacheable resources * [GitHub:#6fcde64] Cool explode() bug * [GitHub:#a02dcce] WebLogin * [GitHub:#8d7f933] * [GitHub:#5738f4c] htmlspecialchars_decode should be executed for the reports if sent as html * [GitHub:#fa0b0ad] * [GitHub:#8829799] Warning issue: (superfluous) default object created from value * [GitHub:#9adc29a] Unset parameters in $modx->messageQuit call * [GitHub:#40229ea] phpthumb, bkmanager * [GitHub:#f755592] logEvent * [GitHub:#b7b9ed1] Typo in PHx class for ditto * [GitHub:#8f5f0bc] Typo in * [GitHub:#448ddb7] Typo in delete_role.processor.php * [GitHub:#fd4ce0e] Path for example in * [GitHub:#e88c78d] Typo in * [GitHub:#852093b] Possible fix for valid cache file file_exist check but not found file * [GitHub:#e6ca725] Missing error message in evalSnippet/evalPlugin error * [GitHub:#488c893] Wrong language string used when renaming existing snippet with duplicate name * [GitHub:#9a7b2bb] Plugin save logic is updated so that it allows duplicate names for disabled plugins. Duplicate names among activated plugins are still prevented. * [GitHub:#7ca2938] Access Permissions error * [GitHub:#fc29642] Send mail at $modx->logEvent() * [GitHub:#751d22e] Lost installer image file * [GitHub:#5b87dd6] Wayfinder - Small fix * [GitHub:#cc65308] Wayfinder - Small fixes * [GitHub:#41ad3c4] Wayfinder - Fix * [GitHub:#e3da37d] Wayfinder - Fix undefined variable * [GitHub:#80486bb] Wayfinder - Fix htmlentities * [GitHub:#52bae77] Wayfinder - Fix fetch template * [GitHub:#3cb3d0b] Wayfinder - Fix Read config * [GitHub:#b239aa8] Wayfinder - Fix * [GitHub:#f9d09ff] Fix * [GitHub:#7e668ac] Fix - $modx_textdir * [GitHub:#0bb19bf] Wayfinder - Fix empty value of alias * [GitHub:#243ec89] Charset and Collation Charset not showing * [GitHub:#c4f18f6] 'Array is currently editing these settings' * [GitHub:#3608861] tinyMCE style for use in custom manager theme * [GitHub:#78bc5f3] $modx->getSettings * [GitHub:#dd5d8f3] Fix - Don't parse EVAL binding at the TV form * [GitHub:#b3ab833] Update value+1 in login.processor * [GitHub:#c15a609] fix resourse.php * [GitHub:#3d9186f] Ditto - &noResults parameter doesn't work * [GitHub:#eea2a6b] Wayfinder sets "last" class to all items * [GitHub:#39a2e5c] $modx->sendmail() cc and bcc * [GitHub:#1bcc38e] $modx->sendmail() $param['from'] * [GitHub:#cb69e7d] TinyMCE - toolbar style * [GitHub:#8d55236] Requirements not checked php version * [GitHub:#b30c2e2] Tools>Export - language entry -------------------------------------------- Refactor: -------------------------------------------- * [GitHub:#006b40c] Refactor resource lib * [GitHub:#0448020] eForm: Remove not needed function parameter * [GitHub:#93ba7f9] Removing superfluous variables * [GitHub:#c9fd858] Removing unused keys * [GitHub:#9d8f797] Code issues: Removed unused code, fixed missing semicolons, corrected DocBlock declaration * [GitHub:#7c79471] Code issues: Removed semicolon * [GitHub:#49c0ed6] Delete unused code * [GitHub:#c6d5136] Change escape logic in logEvent - substr non-escaped source - send mail with non-escaped source * [GitHub:#5ce9296] Use db->escape() instead addslashes() * [GitHub:#781a578]