### Hello Internet, I'm Mohamed! šŸ‘‹ [![Ceasefire Now](https://badge.techforpalestine.org/default)](https://techforpalestine.org/learn-more) ** I am just a guy who loves to talk to computers in different languages that computers understand. ** ** best known for super-fast learner and technology explorer ** I love to code, and I am looking to open source projects and learn from them & open source my code to the Word. - šŸ”­ **Also, Iā€™m a Lifetime learner** - šŸ’¬ **Ask me about**: OOP, Backend, Python, PHP, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Golang, Rust, Database, Design Patterns, Testing. - šŸ“« **How to reach me**: catch, and follow me from the above links šŸ‘†, in addition to follow me here.
**NOTE**: *Top languages do not indicate my skill level or something like that, it's a GitHub metric of which languages I have the most code on GitHub.*