# Laravel OpenFile Open command palette and type Install Package then type Laravel OpenFile and hit Enter or Return. Package Control will automatically download, install. There are return view codes in Laravel Controller files, just highlight blade name and path, then hit commands to open Blade File easily # Configuration Open ```Preferences > Key Bindings-User``` and add ```{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+y"], "command": "laravel_open_file" }``` or any other key instead of ctrl+alt+y depends on your OS # Usage highlight blade name and path ```return view('bladepath.bladename')``` then press command the you define in configuration **remember** only highlight and select ```bladepath.bladename``` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/553379/53692941-97fbaa00-3dad-11e9-844b-8a4cf49cc2cd.png) # contact https://moham.pro