#ShenMa for Sublime Text 3 A plugin for shenma ### Intro It's a plugin to create projects skeleton based on defined scaffolds. Through this plugin, for example when you input `test`, it will generates folders(black) and files(italic) like below: * **test** - **css** - *sc_advanced_test.scss* - **data** - **img** - **js** - *sc_test.js* - **res** - **tmpl** - *index.html* - *README.md* the folders mentioned just now will be appeared in your input path (e.g. `/Users/jack/test/sc/shortcuts/`), and the `test` is called **sc name**, the destination of the folder is called **sc path** ### Usage There are two ways leading you to create a new sc from st3: * Command Palette 1. press `shift+cmd+p` 2. type `create sc`, and choose the command to create sc * Use Shortcut 1. press `ctrl+cmd+n` to create sc then, you will be required to input `sc name` from the the input panel at the bottom of sublime, for the first time when you use, you will be required to input `sc path` too. `please input shortcut path:` */Users/jack/test/sc/shortcuts/* `please input sc name:` *test* --- This plugin also add a command to create `eslint.sublimt-build` to fix your javascript, just press`cmd+b` of couse, first of all, you should make sure eslint has been installed, and eslint path is in `ShenMa.sublime-settings` which finally looks like below: (`Preferences->Package Settings->ShenMa->Settings-User`) ```json { "shortcuts": "/Users/jack/test/sc/shortcuts" } ``` `Tips:` for now, this plugin only works on *st3* and *OS X* ###License [MIT][2] [1]: https://github.com/SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter3 [2]: http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT