if (typeof moment === 'undefined') { if(typeof require === 'function') { var moment = require('moment'); // Using nw.js or browserify? } else { throw new Error('Moment cannot be found by smdatetimerangepicker.'); } } (function() { /* global moment */ (function(){ 'use strict'; function Calender(picker){ return { restrict : 'E', replace:false, require: ['^ngModel', 'smCalender'], scope :{ minDate: '=', maxDate: '=', initialDate : '=', format: '@', mode: '@', startView:'@', weekStartDay:'@', disableYearSelection:'@', dateSelectCall : '&' }, controller:['$scope', '$timeout', 'picker', '$mdMedia', CalenderCtrl], controllerAs : 'vm', templateUrl:'picker/calender-date.html', link : function(scope, element, attr, ctrls){ var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[0]; var calCtrl = ctrls[1]; calCtrl.configureNgModel(ngModelCtrl); } }; } var CalenderCtrl = function($scope, $timeout, picker, $mdMedia){ var self = this; self.$scope = $scope; self.$timeout = $timeout; self.picker = picker; self.dayHeader = self.picker.dayHeader; self.colorIntention = picker.colorIntention; self.initialDate = $scope.initialDate; self.viewModeSmall = $mdMedia('xs'); self.startDay = angular.isUndefined($scope.weekStartDay) || $scope.weekStartDay==='' ? 'Sunday' : $scope.weekStartDay ; self.minDate = $scope.minDate || undefined; //Minimum date self.maxDate = $scope.maxDate || undefined; //Maximum date self.mode = angular.isUndefined($scope.mode) ? 'DATE' : $scope.mode; self.format = angular.isUndefined($scope.format)? picker.format : $scope.format; self.restrictToMinDate = angular.isUndefined(self.minDate) ? false : true; self.restrictToMaxDate = angular.isUndefined(self.maxDate) ? false : true; self.stopScrollPrevious =false; self.stopScrollNext = false; self.disableYearSelection = $scope.disableYearSelection; self.monthCells=[]; self.dateCellHeader= []; self.dateCells = []; self.monthList = moment.monthsShort(); self.moveCalenderAnimation=''; self.format = angular.isUndefined(self.format) ? 'MM-DD-YYYY': self.format; self.initialDate = angular.isUndefined(self.initialDate) ? moment() : moment(self.initialDate, self.format); self.currentDate = self.initialDate.clone(); self.minYear = 1900; self.maxYear = 3000; if(self.restrictToMinDate){ if(!moment.isMoment(self.minDate)){ self.minDate = moment(self.minDate, self.format); } /* the below code is giving some errors. It was added by Pablo Reyes, but I still need to check what he intended to fix. if(moment.isMoment(self.minDate)){ self.minDate = self.minDate.subtract(1, 'd').startOf('day'); }else{ self.minDate = moment(self.minDate, self.format).subtract(1, 'd').startOf('day'); } self.minYear = self.minDate.year(); */ } if(self.restrictToMaxDate) { if(!moment.isMoment(self.maxDate)){ self.maxDate = moment(self.maxDate, self.format).startOf('day'); self.maxYear = self.maxDate.year(); } } self.yearItems = { currentIndex_: 1, PAGE_SIZE: 7, START: self.minYear, getItemAtIndex: function(index) { if(!this.START+ index<=(self.maxYear)) { return (this.START+ index); }else{ return this.START ; } if(this.currentIndex_ < index){ this.currentIndex_ = index; return this.START + index; } if(this.currentIndex_ < index){ this.currentIndex_ = index; } return this.START + index; }, getLength: function() { return this.currentIndex_ + Math.floor(this.PAGE_SIZE / 2); } }; self.init(); }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.setInitDate = function(dt) { var self = this; self.initialDate =angular.isUndefined( dt) ? moment() : moment( dt, self.format); }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.configureNgModel = function(ngModelCtrl) { var self = this; self.ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl; self.ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(function(dateValue) { if(self.format){ if(dateValue){ if(moment.isMoment(dateValue)){ self.initialDate = dateValue; }else{ self.initialDate = moment(dateValue, self.format); } } self.currentDate = self.initialDate.clone(); self.buildDateCells(); } }); }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.setNgModelValue = function(date) { var self = this; self.ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(date); self.ngModelCtrl.$render(); }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.init = function(){ var self = this; self.buildDateCells(); self.buildDateCellHeader(); self.buildMonthCells(); self.setView(); self.showYear(); }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.setView = function(){ var self = this; self.headerDispalyFormat = 'ddd, MMM DD'; switch(self.mode) { case 'date-time': self.view = 'DATE'; self.headerDispalyFormat = 'ddd, MMM DD HH:mm'; break; case 'time': self.view = 'HOUR'; self.headerDispalyFormat = 'HH:mm'; break; default: self.view = 'DATE'; } }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.showYear = function() { var self = this; self.yearTopIndex = (self.initialDate.year() - self.yearItems.START) + Math.floor(self.yearItems.PAGE_SIZE / 2); self.yearItems.currentIndex_ = (self.initialDate.year() - self.yearItems.START)-1; }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.buildMonthCells = function(){ var self = this; self.monthCells = moment.months(); }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.buildDateCells = function(){ var self = this; var currentMonth = self.initialDate.month(); var calStartDate = self.initialDate.clone().date(0).day(self.startDay).startOf('day'); var lastDayOfMonth = self.initialDate.clone().endOf('month'); var weekend = false; var isDisabledDate =false; /* Check if min date is greater than first date of month if true than set stopScrollPrevious=true */ if(!angular.isUndefined(self.minDate)){ self.stopScrollPrevious = self.minDate.unix() >= calStartDate.unix(); } self.dateCells =[]; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { var week = []; for (var j = 0; j < 7; j++) { var isCurrentMonth = (calStartDate.month()=== currentMonth); isDisabledDate = isCurrentMonth? false:true; //if(isCurrentMonth){isDisabledDate=false}else{isDisabledDate=true}; if(self.restrictToMinDate && !angular.isUndefined(self.minDate) && !isDisabledDate) isDisabledDate = self.minDate.isAfter(calStartDate); if(self.restrictToMaxDate && !angular.isUndefined(self.maxDate) && !isDisabledDate) isDisabledDate = self.maxDate.isBefore(calStartDate); var day = { date : calStartDate.clone(), dayNum: isCurrentMonth ? calStartDate.date() :'', month : calStartDate.month(), today: calStartDate.isSame(moment(), 'day') && calStartDate.isSame(moment(), 'month'), year : calStartDate.year(), dayName : calStartDate.format('dddd'), isWeekEnd : weekend, isDisabledDate : isDisabledDate, isCurrentMonth : isCurrentMonth }; week.push(day); calStartDate.add(1, 'd'); } self.dateCells.push(week); } /* Check if max date is greater than first date of month if true than set stopScrollPrevious=true */ if(self.restrictToMaxDate && !angular.isUndefined(self.maxDate)){ self.stopScrollNext = self.maxDate.isBefore(lastDayOfMonth); } if(self.dateCells[0][6].isDisabledDate && !self.dateCells[0][6].isCurrentMonth){ self.dateCells[0].splice(0); } }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.changePeriod = function(c){ var self = this; if(c === 'p'){ if(self.stopScrollPrevious) return; self.moveCalenderAnimation='slideLeft'; self.initialDate.subtract(1, 'M'); }else{ if(self.stopScrollNext) return; self.moveCalenderAnimation='slideRight'; self.initialDate.add(1, 'M'); } self.buildDateCells(); self.$timeout(function(){ self.moveCalenderAnimation=''; }, 500); }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.selectDate = function(d, isDisabled){ var self = this; if (isDisabled) { return; } /* Related to issue #173. After chrome v73, the calendar started to fail. I did not find any explanation yet but this delay fix the issue. */ self.$timeout(function(){ self.currentDate = d; self.$scope.dateSelectCall({date:d}); /* * No need to save the model yet. It must be stored until "save" is clicked. * @see bug #147. * self.setNgModelValue(d); */ self.$scope.$emit('calender:date-selected'); }, 0); }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.buildDateCellHeader = function(startFrom) { var self = this; var daysByName = self.picker.daysNames; var keys = []; var key; for (key in daysByName) { keys.push(key); } var startIndex = moment().day(self.startDay).day(), count = 0; for (key in daysByName) { self.dateCellHeader.push(daysByName[ keys[ (count + startIndex) % (keys.length)] ]); count++; // Don't forget to increase count. } }; /* Month Picker */ CalenderCtrl.prototype.changeView = function(view){ var self = this; if(self.disableYearSelection){ return; }else{ if(view==='YEAR_MONTH'){ self.showYear(); } self.view =view; } }; /* Year Picker */ CalenderCtrl.prototype.changeYear = function(yr, mn){ var self = this; self.initialDate.year(yr).month(mn); self.buildDateCells(); self.view='DATE'; }; /* Hour and Time */ CalenderCtrl.prototype.setHour = function(h){ var self = this; self.currentDate.hour(h); }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.setMinute = function(m){ var self = this; self.currentDate.minute(m); }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.selectedDateTime = function(){ var self = this; self.setNgModelValue(self.currentDate); if(self.mode === 'time') self.view='HOUR'; else self.view='DATE'; self.$scope.$emit('calender:close'); }; CalenderCtrl.prototype.closeDateTime = function(){ var self = this; if(self.mode === 'time') self.view='HOUR'; else self.view='DATE'; self.$scope.$emit('calender:close'); }; Calender.$inject = ['picker']; CalenderCtrl.prototype.isPreviousDate = function(yearToCheck, monthToCheck) { var self = this; if(angular.isUndefined(self.minDate) || angular.isUndefined(yearToCheck) || angular.isUndefined(monthToCheck)) { return false; } var _current_year = self.minDate.year(); if(yearToCheck < _current_year) { return true; }else if(yearToCheck === _current_year) { if(monthToCheck < self.minDate.month()) { return true; } } return false; }; var app = angular.module('smDateTimeRangePicker', []); app.directive('smCalender', Calender); })(); /* global moment */ (function(){ 'use strict'; function TimePicker(){ return { restrict : 'E', replace:true, require: ['^ngModel', 'smTime'], scope :{ initialTime : '@', format:'@', timeSelectCall : '&' }, controller:['$scope', 'picker', TimePickerCtrl], controllerAs : 'vm', templateUrl:'picker/calender-hour.html', link : function(scope, element, att, ctrls){ var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[0]; var calCtrl = ctrls[1]; calCtrl.configureNgModel(ngModelCtrl); } } } var TimePickerCtrl = function($scope, picker){ var self = this; self.uid = Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 5); self.$scope = $scope; self.picker = picker; self.initialDate = $scope.initialTime; //if calender to be initiated with specific date self.colorIntention = picker.colorIntention; self.format = $scope.format; self.hourItems =[]; self.minuteCells =[]; self.format = angular.isUndefined(self.format) ? 'HH:mm': self.format; self.initialDate = angular.isUndefined(self.initialDate)? moment() : moment(self.initialDate, self.format); self.currentDate = self.initialDate.clone(); self.hourSet =false; self.minuteSet = false; self.show=true; self.init(); } TimePickerCtrl.prototype.init = function(){ var self = this; self.buidHourCells(); self.buidMinuteCells(); self.headerDispalyFormat = 'HH:mm'; self.showHour(); }; TimePickerCtrl.prototype.showHour = function() { var self = this; self.hourTopIndex = 22; self.minuteTopIndex = (self.initialDate.minute() -0) + Math.floor(7 / 2); //self.yearTopIndex = (self.initialDate.year() - self.yearItems.START) + Math.floor(self.yearItems.PAGE_SIZE / 2); // self.hourItems.currentIndex_ = (self.initialDate.hour() - self.hourItems.START) + 1; }; TimePickerCtrl.prototype.configureNgModel = function(ngModelCtrl) { this.ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl; var self = this; ngModelCtrl.$render = function() { self.ngModelCtrl.$viewValue= self.currentDate; }; }; TimePickerCtrl.prototype.setNgModelValue = function(date) { var self = this; self.ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(date); self.ngModelCtrl.$render(); }; TimePickerCtrl.prototype.buidHourCells = function(){ var self = this; for (var i = 0 ; i <= 23; i++) { var hour={ hour : i, isCurrent :(self.initialDate.hour())=== i } self.hourItems.push(hour); }; }; TimePickerCtrl.prototype.buidMinuteCells = function(){ var self = this; self.minuteTopIndex = self.initialDate.minute(); for (var i = 0 ; i <= 59; i++) { var minute = { minute : i, isCurrent : (self.initialDate.minute())=== i, } self.minuteCells.push(minute); }; }; TimePickerCtrl.prototype.selectDate = function(d, isDisabled){ var self = this; if (isDisabled) return; self.currentDate = d; self.$scope.$emit('calender:date-selected'); } TimePickerCtrl.prototype.setHour = function(h){ var self = this; self.currentDate.hour(h); self.setNgModelValue(self.currentDate); self.hourSet =true; if(self.hourSet && self.minuteSet){ self.$scope.timeSelectCall({time: self.currentDate}); self.hourSet=false; self.minuteSet=false; } } TimePickerCtrl.prototype.setMinute = function(m){ var self = this; self.currentDate.minute(m); self.setNgModelValue(self.currentDate); self.minuteSet =true; if(self.hourSet && self.minuteSet){ self.$scope.timeSelectCall({time: self.currentDate}); self.hourSet=false; self.minuteSet=false; } } TimePickerCtrl.prototype.selectedDateTime = function(){ var self = this; self.setNgModelValue(self.currentDate); if(self.mode === 'time') self.view='HOUR' else self.view='DATE'; self.$scope.$emit('calender:close'); } var app = angular.module('smDateTimeRangePicker'); app.directive('smTime', ['$timeout', TimePicker]); })(); /* global moment */ (function(){ 'use strict'; function DatePickerDir($timeout, picker, $mdMedia, $window) { return { restrict : 'E', require: ['^ngModel', 'smDatePicker'], replace: false, scope :{ initialDate : '=', minDate :'=', maxDate:'=', format:'@', mode:'@', startDay:'@', closeOnSelect:'@', weekStartDay:'@', disableYearSelection: '@', onSelectCall : '&' }, controller: ['$scope', 'picker', '$mdMedia', PickerCtrl], controllerAs: 'vm', bindToController:true, templateUrl:'picker/date-picker.html', link : function(scope, element, att, ctrls){ var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[0]; var calCtrl = ctrls[1]; calCtrl.configureNgModel(ngModelCtrl); } }; } var PickerCtrl = function($scope, picker, $mdMedia){ var self = this; self.scope = $scope; self.okLabel = picker.okLabel; self.cancelLabel = picker.cancelLabel; self.picker = picker; self.colorIntention = picker.colorIntention; self.$mdMedia =$mdMedia; self.init(); }; PickerCtrl.prototype.init = function() { var self = this; if(angular.isUndefined(self.mode) || self.mode ===''){ self.mode = 'date'; } self.currentDate = isNaN(self.ngModelCtrl) ? moment(): self.ngModelCtrl.$viewValue ; self.setViewMode(self.mode); }; PickerCtrl.prototype.configureNgModel = function(ngModelCtrl) { var self = this; self.ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl; self.ngModelCtrl.$render = function() { self.ngModelCtrl.$viewValue= ngModelCtrl.$viewValue; self.ngModelCtrl.$modelvalue= ngModelCtrl.$modelvalue; self.initialDate = self.ngModelCtrl.$viewValue; }; }; PickerCtrl.prototype.setViewMode = function(mode){ var self = this; switch(mode) { case 'date': self.view = 'DATE'; self.headerDispalyFormat = self.picker.customHeader.date; break; case 'date-time': self.view = 'DATE'; self.headerDispalyFormat = self.picker.customHeader.dateTime; break; case 'time': self.view = 'TIME'; self.headerDispalyFormat = 'HH:mm'; break; default: self.headerDispalyFormat = 'ddd, MMM DD '; self.view = 'DATE'; } }; PickerCtrl.prototype.setNextView = function(){ var self = this; switch (self.mode){ case 'date': self.view = 'DATE'; break; case 'date-time': self.view = self.view==='DATE' ? 'TIME':'DATE'; break; default: self.view = 'DATE'; } }; PickerCtrl.prototype.selectedDateTime = function(){ var self = this; var date = moment(self.selectedDate, self.format); if(!date.isValid()){ date = moment(); self.selectedDate =date; } if(!angular.isUndefined(self.selectedTime)){ date.hour(self.selectedTime.hour()).minute(self.selectedTime.minute()); } self.setNgModelValue(date); }; PickerCtrl.prototype.dateSelected = function(date){ var self = this; self.currentDate.date(date.date()).month(date.month()).year(date.year()); self.selectedDate = self.currentDate; if(self.closeOnSelect && self.mode==='date'){ self.selectedDateTime(); }else{ self.setNextView(); } }; PickerCtrl.prototype.timeSelected = function(time){ var self = this; self.currentDate.hours(time.hour()).minutes(time.minute()); self.selectedTime= self.currentDate; if(self.closeOnSelect && self.mode==='date-time') self.selectedDateTime(); else self.setNextView(); }; PickerCtrl.prototype.setNgModelValue = function(date) { var self = this; self.onSelectCall({date: date}); self.ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(date.format(self.format)); self.ngModelCtrl.$render(); self.closeDateTime(); }; PickerCtrl.prototype.closeDateTime = function(){ var self = this; self.view = 'DATE'; self.scope.$emit('calender:close'); }; function TimePickerDir($timeout, picker, $mdMedia, $window) { return { restrict : 'E', require: '^ngModel', replace:true, scope :{ initialDate : '@', format:'@', mode:'@', closeOnSelect:'@' }, templateUrl:'picker/time-picker.html', link : function(scope, element, att, ngModelCtrl){ setViewMode(scope.mode); scope.okLabel = picker.okLabel; scope.cancelLabel = picker.cancelLabel; scope.currentDate = isNaN(ngModelCtrl.$viewValue) ? moment(): ngModelCtrl.$viewValue ; scope.$mdMedia =$mdMedia; function setViewMode(mode){ switch(mode) { case 'date-time': scope.view = 'DATE'; scope.headerDispalyFormat = 'ddd, MMM DD HH:mm'; break; case 'time': scope.view = 'HOUR'; scope.headerDispalyFormat = 'HH:mm'; break; default: scope.view = 'DATE'; } } scope.$on('calender:date-selected', function(){ if(scope.closeOnSelect && (scope.mode!=='date-time' || scope.mode!=='time')){ var date = moment(scope.selectedDate, scope.format); if(!date.isValid()){ date = moment(); scope.selectedDate =date; } if(!angular.isUndefined(scope.selectedTime)){ date.hour(scope.selectedTime.hour()).minute(scope.selectedTime.minute()); } scope.currentDate =scope.selectedDate; ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(date.format(scope.format)); ngModelCtrl.$render(); setViewMode(scope.mode); scope.$emit('calender:close'); } }); scope.selectedDateTime = function(){ var date = moment(scope.selectedDate, scope.format); if(!date.isValid()){ date = moment(); scope.selectedDate =date; } if(!angular.isUndefined(scope.selectedTime)){ date.hour(scope.selectedTime.hour()).minute(scope.selectedTime.minute()); } scope.currentDate =scope.selectedDate; ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(date.format(scope.format)); ngModelCtrl.$render(); setViewMode(scope.mode); scope.$emit('calender:close'); }; scope.closeDateTime = function(){ scope.$emit('calender:close'); }; } }; } var app = angular.module('smDateTimeRangePicker'); app.directive('smDatePicker', ['$timeout', 'picker', '$mdMedia', '$window', DatePickerDir]); app.directive('smTimePicker', ['$timeout', 'picker', '$mdMedia', '$window', TimePickerDir]); })(); /* global moment */ (function(){ 'use strict'; var app = angular.module('smDateTimeRangePicker'); function DatePickerServiceCtrl($scope, $mdDialog, $mdMedia, $timeout, $mdUtil, picker){ var self = this; if(!angular.isUndefined(self.options) && (angular.isObject(self.options))){ self.mode = isExist(self.options.mode, self.mode); self.format = isExist(self.options.format, 'MM-DD-YYYY'); self.minDate = isExist(self.options.minDate, undefined); self.maxDate = isExist(self.options.maxDate, undefined); self.weekStartDay = isExist(self.options.weekStartDay, 'Sunday'); self.closeOnSelect =isExist(self.options.closeOnSelect, false); } if(!angular.isObject(self.initialDate)){ self.initialDate = moment(self.initialDate, self.format); self.selectedDate = self.initialDate; } self.currentDate = self.initialDate; self.viewDate = self.currentDate; self.view = 'DATE'; self.$mdMedia = $mdMedia; self.$mdUtil = $mdUtil; self.okLabel = picker.okLabel; self.cancelLabel = picker.cancelLabel; setViewMode(self.mode); function isExist(val, def){ return angular.isUndefined(val)? def:val; } function setViewMode(mode){ switch(mode) { case 'date': self.headerDispalyFormat = 'ddd, MMM DD '; break; case 'date-time': self.headerDispalyFormat = 'ddd, MMM DD HH:mm'; break; case 'time': self.headerDispalyFormat = 'HH:mm'; break; default: self.headerDispalyFormat = 'ddd, MMM DD '; } } self.autoClosePicker = function(){ if(self.closeOnSelect){ if(angular.isUndefined(self.selectedDate)){ self.selectedDate = self.initialDate; } //removeMask(); $mdDialog.hide(self.selectedDate.format(self.format)); } } self.dateSelected = function(date){ self.selectedDate = date; self.viewDate = date; if(self.mode==='date-time') self.view = 'HOUR'; else self.autoClosePicker(); } self.timeSelected = function(time){ self.selectedDate.hour(time.hour()).minute(time.minute()); self.viewDate = self.selectedDate; self.autoClosePicker(); } self.closeDateTime = function(){ $mdDialog.cancel(); removeMask(); } self.selectedDateTime = function(){ if(angular.isUndefined(self.selectedDate)){ self.selectedDate= self.currentDate; } $mdDialog.hide(self.selectedDate.format(self.format)); removeMask(); } function removeMask(){ var ele = document.getElementsByClassName('md-scroll-mask'); if(ele.length!==0){ angular.element(ele).remove(); } } } app.provider('smDateTimePicker', function() { this.$get = ['$mdDialog', function($mdDialog) { var datePicker = function(initialDate, options) { if (angular.isUndefined(initialDate)) initialDate = moment(); if (!angular.isObject(options)) options = {}; return $mdDialog.show({ controller: ['$scope', '$mdDialog', '$mdMedia', '$timeout', '$mdUtil', 'picker', DatePickerServiceCtrl], controllerAs: 'vm', bindToController: true, clickOutsideToClose: true, targetEvent: options.targetEvent, templateUrl: 'picker/date-picker-service.html', locals: { initialDate: initialDate, options: options }, skipHide: true }); }; return datePicker; }]; }); })(); /* global moment */ function DateTimePicker($mdUtil, $mdMedia, $document, picker) { return { restrict: 'E', require: ['^ngModel', 'smDateTimePicker'], scope: { weekStartDay: '@', startView: '@', mode: '@', format: '@', minDate: '@', maxDate: '@', fname: '@', label: '@', isRequired: '@', disable: '=', noFloatingLabel: '=', disableYearSelection: '@', closeOnSelect: '@', onDateSelectedCall: '&' }, controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$mdUtil', '$mdMedia', '$document','$parse', SMDateTimePickerCtrl], controllerAs: 'vm', bindToController:true, template: function (element, attributes){ var inputType = ''; if(attributes.hasOwnProperty('onFocus')) { inputType = '' ; } else { inputType = '' + ' ' ; } return '' + inputType + '
' + ' ' + ' ' + '
' + '
' '
'; }, link: function(scope, $element, attr, ctrl) { var ngModelCtrl = ctrl[0]; var pickerCtrl = ctrl[1]; pickerCtrl.configureNgModel(ngModelCtrl); } } } var SMDateTimePickerCtrl = function($scope, $element, $mdUtil, $mdMedia, $document,$parse) { var self = this; self.$scope = $scope; self.$element = $element; self.$mdUtil = $mdUtil; self.$mdMedia = $mdMedia; self.$document = $document; self.isCalenderOpen = false; self.disablePicker = $scope.disable; self.calenderHeight = 320; self.calenderWidth = 450; //find input button and assign to variable self.inputPane = $element[0].querySelector('.sm-input-container'); //find Calender Picker and assign to variable self.calenderPane = $element[0].querySelector('.sm-calender-pane'); //button to start calender self.button = $element[0].querySelector('.sm-picker-icon'); self.calenderPan = angular.element(self.calenderPane); // check if Pre defined format is supplied self.format = angular.isUndefined($scope.format) ? 'MM-DD-YYYY' : $scope.format; self.calenderPan.addClass('hide hide-animate'); self.bodyClickHandler = angular.bind(self, self.clickOutSideHandler); self.$scope.$on('calender:close', function() { self.$document.off('keydown'); self.hideElement(); }); self.$scope.$on('$destroy', function() { self.calenderPane.parentNode.removeChild(self.calenderPane); }); // if tab out hide key board angular.element(self.inputPane).on('keydown', function(e) { switch(e.which){ case 27: case 9: self.hideElement(); break; } }); }; SMDateTimePickerCtrl.prototype.configureNgModel = function(ngModelCtrl) { var self = this; self.ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl; self.ngModelCtrl.$formatters.push(function(dateValue) { if(!dateValue && angular.isUndefined(dateValue)) { self.value=''; self.onDateSelectedCall({date: null}); return; } self.setNgModelValue(dateValue); }); }; SMDateTimePickerCtrl.prototype.setNgModelValue = function(date) { var self = this; self.onDateSelectedCall({date: date}); var d = {}; if (moment.isMoment(date)){ d = date.format(self.format); } else { d = moment(date, self.format).format(self.format); } self.ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(d); self.ngModelCtrl.$render(); self.value = d; }; SMDateTimePickerCtrl.prototype.onDateSelected = function(date){ var self = this; self.setNgModelValue(date); }; /*get visiable port @param : elementnRect @param : bodyRect */ SMDateTimePickerCtrl.prototype.getVisibleViewPort = function(elementRect, bodyRect) { var self = this; var top = elementRect.top; if (elementRect.top + self.calenderHeight > bodyRect.bottom) { top = elementRect.top - ((elementRect.top + self.calenderHeight) - (bodyRect.bottom - 20)); } var left = elementRect.left; if (elementRect.left + self.calenderWidth > bodyRect.right) { left = elementRect.left - ((elementRect.left + self.calenderWidth) - (bodyRect.right - 10)); } return { top: top, left: left }; } SMDateTimePickerCtrl.prototype.show = function($event) { var self = this; var elementRect = self.inputPane.getBoundingClientRect(); var bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); self.calenderPan.removeClass('hide hide-animate'); if (self.$mdMedia('sm') || self.$mdMedia('xs')) { self.calenderPane.style.left = (bodyRect.width - 320) / 2 + 'px'; self.calenderPane.style.top = (bodyRect.height - 450) / 2 + 'px'; } else { var rect = self.getVisibleViewPort(elementRect, bodyRect); self.calenderPane.style.left = (rect.left) + 'px'; self.calenderPane.style.top = (rect.top) + 'px'; } document.body.appendChild(self.calenderPane); angular.element(self.calenderPane).focus(); self.calenderPan.addClass('show'); self.$mdUtil.disableScrollAround(self.calenderPane); self.isCalenderOpen =true; self.$document.on('click',self.bodyClickHandler); } SMDateTimePickerCtrl.prototype.tabOutEvent= function(element){ var self = this; if (element.which === 9) { self.hideElement(); } } SMDateTimePickerCtrl.prototype.hideElement= function() { var self = this; self.calenderPan.addClass('hide-animate'); self.calenderPan.removeClass('show'); self.$mdUtil.enableScrolling(); if(self.button){ angular.element(self.button).focus(); } self.$document.off('click'); self.isCalenderOpen =false; } SMDateTimePickerCtrl.prototype.clickOutSideHandler = function(e){ var self = this; if(!self.button){ if ((self.calenderPane !== e.target && self.inputPane !== e.target ) && (!self.calenderPane.contains(e.target) && !self.inputPane.contains(e.target))) { self.hideElement(); } } else { if ((self.calenderPane !== e.target && self.button !== e.target ) && (!self.calenderPane.contains(e.target) && !self.button.contains(e.target))) { self.hideElement(); } } } var app = angular.module('smDateTimeRangePicker'); app.directive('smDateTimePicker', ['$mdUtil', '$mdMedia', '$document', 'picker', DateTimePicker]); /* global moment */ function picker(){ var massagePath = 'X'; var cancelLabel = 'Cancel'; var okLabel = 'Ok'; var clearLabel = 'Clear'; var customRangeLabel = 'Custom Range'; var format = 'MM-DD-YYYY'; var customHeader ={ date:'ddd, MMM DD', dateTime:'ddd, MMM DD HH:mm', time:'HH:mm', } //date picker configuration var daysNames = [ {'single':'S', 'shortName':'Su', 'fullName':'Su startDate:nday'}, {'single':'M', 'shortName':'Mo', 'fullName':'MonDay'}, {'single':'T', 'shortName':'Tu', 'fullName':'TuesDay'}, {'single':'W', 'shortName':'We', 'fullName':'Wednesday'}, {'single':'T', 'shortName':'Th', 'fullName':'Thursday'}, {'single':'F', 'shortName':'Fr', 'fullName':'Friday'}, {'single':'S', 'shortName':'Sa', 'fullName':'Saturday'} ]; var colorIntention = 'md-primary'; var dayHeader = 'single'; var monthNames = moment.months(); //range picker configuration var rangeDivider = 'To'; var rangeDefaultList = [ { label:'Today', startDate:moment().utc().startOf('day'), endDate:moment().utc().endOf('day') }, { label:'Last 7 Days', startDate: moment().utc().subtract(7, 'd').startOf('day'), endDate:moment().utc().endOf('day') }, { label:'This Month', startDate:moment().utc().startOf('month'), endDate: moment().utc().endOf('month') }, { label:'Last Month', startDate:moment().utc().subtract(1, 'month').startOf('month'), endDate: moment().utc().subtract(1, 'month').endOf('month') }, { label: 'This Quarter', startDate: moment().utc().startOf('quarter'), endDate: moment().utc().endOf('quarter') }, { label: 'Year To Date', startDate: moment().utc().startOf('year'), endDate: moment().utc().endOf('day') }, { label: 'This Year', startDate: moment().utc().startOf('year'), endDate: moment().utc().endOf('year') } ]; var rangeCustomStartEnd =['Start Date', 'End Date']; return { setMassagePath : function(param){ massagePath = param; }, setDivider : function(value) { divider = value }, setDaysNames : function(array){ daysNames =array; }, setMonthNames : function(array){ monthNames = array; }, setDayHeader : function(param){ dayHeader = param; }, setOkLabel : function(param){ okLabel = param; }, setCancelLabel : function(param){ cancelLabel = param; }, setClearLabel : function(param){ clearLabel = param; }, setCustomRangeLabel : function(param){ customRangeLabel = param; }, setRangeDefaultList : function(array){ rangeDefaultList = array; }, setRangeCustomStartEnd : function(array){ rangeCustomStartEnd = array; }, setColorIntention : function(theme){ colorIntention = theme; }, setCustomHeader : function(obj){ if(!angular.isUndefined(obj.date)){ customHeader.date= obj.date; } if(!angular.isUndefined(obj.dateTime)){ customHeader.dateTime= obj.dateTime; } if(!angular.isUndefined(obj.time)){ customHeader.time= obj.time; } }, $get: function(){ return { massagePath : massagePath, cancelLabel: cancelLabel, okLabel : okLabel, clearLabel : clearLabel, customRangeLabel: customRangeLabel, daysNames : daysNames, monthNames:monthNames, dayHeader :dayHeader, customHeader:customHeader, rangeDivider : rangeDivider, rangeCustomStartEnd : rangeCustomStartEnd, rangeDefaultList :rangeDefaultList, format : format, colorIntention :colorIntention } } } } var app = angular.module('smDateTimeRangePicker'); app.provider('picker', [picker]); (function(){ 'use strict'; function RangePickerInput($document,$mdMedia,$mdUtil,picker){ return { restrict : 'EA', replace: true, require: ['^ngModel'], scope: { label: '@', fname: '@', isRequired: '@', closeOnSelect: '@', disable: '=', format: '@', mode: '@', divider: '@', showCustom: '@', value: '=ngModel', weekStartDay: '@', customToHome: '@', customList: '=', noFloatingLabel: '=', minDate: '@', maxDate: '@', allowClear: '@', allowEmpty: '@', onRangeSelect: '&' }, controller: ['$scope', '$element', '$mdUtil', '$mdMedia', '$document', SMRangePickerCtrl], controllerAs: 'vm', bindToController:true, templateUrl: 'picker/range-picker-input.html', link: function(scope, $element, attr, ctrl){ scope._watch_model = scope.$watch('vm.value', function(newVal, oldVal) { if(newVal && (newVal !== oldVal || !scope.vm.valueAsText)) { if(typeof newVal === 'object') { if(newVal.__$toString) { scope.vm.valueAsText = newVal.__$toString; delete newVal.__$toString; }else { var _temp = []; if(newVal.startDate) { _temp.push(moment.utc(newVal.startDate).format(scope.vm.format || 'YYYY-MM-DD')); }else { _temp.push('Any'); } _temp.push(scope.vm.divider); if(newVal.endDate) { _temp.push(moment.utc(newVal.endDate).format(scope.vm.format || 'YYYY-MM-DD')); }else { _temp.push('Any'); } scope.vm.valueAsText = _temp.join(' '); } }else //it must be removed in future releases once the input cannot be a string anymore. { scope.vm.valueAsText = scope.vm.value || ''; } } }); // } }; } var SMRangePickerCtrl = function($scope, $element, $mdUtil, $mdMedia, $document) { var self = this; self.$scope = $scope; self.$element = $element; self.$mdUtil = $mdUtil; self.$mdMedia = $mdMedia; self.$document = $document; self.isCalenderOpen = false; self.calenderHeight = 460; self.calenderWidth = 296; //find input button and assign to variable self.inputPane = $element[0].querySelector('.sm-input-container'); //find Calender Picker and assign to variable self.calenderPane = $element[0].querySelector('.sm-calender-pane'); //button to start calender self.button = $element[0].querySelector('.sm-picker-icon'); self.calenderPan = angular.element(self.calenderPane); //check if mode is undefied set to date mode self.mode = angular.isUndefined($scope.mode) ? 'date' : $scope.mode; // check if Pre defined format is supplied self.format = angular.isUndefined($scope.format) ? 'MM-DD-YYYY' : $scope.format; self.calenderPan.addClass('hide hide-animate'); self.bodyClickHandler = angular.bind(self, self.clickOutSideHandler); self.$scope.$on('range-picker:close', function() { self.$document.off('keydown'); self.hideElement(); }); self.$scope.$on('$destroy', function() { self.calenderPane.parentNode.removeChild(self.calenderPane); self.$scope._watch_model(); }); // if tab out hide key board angular.element(self.inputPane).on('keydown', function(e) { switch(e.which){ case 27: case 9: self.hideElement(); break; } }); }; /*get visiable port @param : elementnRect @param : bodyRect */ SMRangePickerCtrl.prototype.getVisibleViewPort = function(elementRect, bodyRect) { var self = this; var top = elementRect.top; if (elementRect.top + self.calenderHeight > bodyRect.bottom) { top = elementRect.top - ((elementRect.top + self.calenderHeight) - (bodyRect.bottom - 20)); } var left = elementRect.left; if (elementRect.left + self.calenderWidth > bodyRect.right) { left = elementRect.left - ((elementRect.left + self.calenderWidth) - (bodyRect.right - 10)); } return { top: top, left: left }; }; SMRangePickerCtrl.prototype.rangeSelected = function(range){ var self = this; self.onRangeSelect({range: range}); self.value = {startDate: range.startDateAsMoment, endDate: range.endDateAsMoment, __$toString: range.text}; }; SMRangePickerCtrl.prototype.show = function($event) { var self = this; var elementRect = self.inputPane.getBoundingClientRect(); var bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); self.calenderPan.removeClass('hide hide-animate'); if (self.$mdMedia('sm') || self.$mdMedia('xs')) { self.calenderPane.style.left = (bodyRect.width - 320) / 2 + 'px'; self.calenderPane.style.top = (bodyRect.height - 450) / 2 + 'px'; } else { var rect = self.getVisibleViewPort(elementRect, bodyRect); self.calenderPane.style.left = (rect.left) + 'px'; self.calenderPane.style.top = (rect.top) + 'px'; } document.body.appendChild(self.calenderPane); angular.element(self.calenderPane).focus(); self.calenderPan.addClass('show'); self.$mdUtil.disableScrollAround(self.calenderPane); self.$document.on('click', self.bodyClickHandler); }; SMRangePickerCtrl.prototype.tabOutEvent= function(element){ var self = this; if (element.which === 9) { self.hideElement(); } }; SMRangePickerCtrl.prototype.hideElement= function() { var self = this; self.calenderPan.addClass('hide-animate'); self.calenderPan.removeClass('show'); self.$mdUtil.enableScrolling(); if(self.button){ angular.element(self.button).focus(); } self.$document.off('click'); self.isCalenderOpen =false; }; SMRangePickerCtrl.prototype.clickOutSideHandler = function(e){ var self = this; if(e.target && e.target.nodeName === 'BODY') { return; } if(!self.button){ if (( self.calenderPane !== e.target && self.inputPane !== e.target ) && (!self.calenderPane.contains(e.target) && !self.inputPane.contains(e.target) ) ) { //(!self.calenderPane.contains(e.target) && !self.inputPane.contains(e.target))) { self.$scope.$broadcast('range-picker-input:blur'); self.hideElement(); } }else{ if ((self.calenderPane !== e.target && self.button !== e.target ) && (!self.calenderPane.contains(e.target) && !self.button.contains(e.target))) { self.hideElement(); } } }; var app = angular.module('smDateTimeRangePicker'); app.directive('smRangePickerInput', ['$document', '$mdMedia', '$mdUtil', 'picker', RangePickerInput]); })(); /* global moment */ function smRangePicker (picker){ return{ restrict : 'E', require : ['^?ngModel', 'smRangePicker'], scope:{ format:'@', divider: '@', weekStartDay :'@', customToHome: '@', closeOnSelect: '@', mode: '@', showCustom:'@', customList: '=', minDate : '@', maxDate : '@', allowClear: '@', allowEmpty: '@', rangeSelectCall : '&' }, terminal:true, controller: ['$scope', 'picker', RangePickerCtrl], controllerAs : 'vm', bindToController:true, templateUrl : 'picker/range-picker.html', link : function(scope, element, att, ctrls){ var ngModelCtrl = ctrls[0]; var calCtrl = ctrls[1]; calCtrl.configureNgModel(ngModelCtrl); } }; } var RangePickerCtrl = function($scope, picker){ var self = this; self.scope = $scope; self.clickedButton = 0; self.startShowCustomSettting =self.showCustom; self.startDate = moment(); self.endDate = moment(); self.divider = angular.isUndefined(self.scope.divider) || self.scope.divider ===''? picker.rangeDivider : $scope.divider; //display the clear button? self.showClearButton = self.allowClear === 'true' || false; //allow set start/end date as empty value self.allowEmptyDates = self.allowEmpty === 'true' || false; self.okLabel = picker.okLabel; self.cancelLabel = picker.cancelLabel; self.clearLabel = picker.clearLabel; self.customRangeLabel = picker.customRangeLabel; self.view = 'DATE'; self.rangeCustomStartEnd = picker.rangeCustomStartEnd; var defaultList = []; angular.copy(picker.rangeDefaultList, defaultList); self.rangeDefaultList = defaultList; if(self.showCustom){ self.selectedTabIndex=0; }else{ self.selectedTabIndex = $scope.selectedTabIndex; } $scope.$on('range-picker-input:blur', function() { self.cancel(); }); }; RangePickerCtrl.prototype.configureRangeList = function() { var self = this; if(self.customList){ self.rangeDefaultList = []; /* for (var i = 0; i < self.customList.length; i++) { self.rangeDefaultList[self.customList[i].position] = self.customList[i]; } */ //overrides the whole customList instead each item individually. Also, position is not required anymore. self.rangeDefaultList = self.customList; } }; RangePickerCtrl.prototype.configureNgModel = function(ngModelCtrl) { this.ngModelCtrl = ngModelCtrl; var self = this; ngModelCtrl.$render = function() { //self.ngModelCtrl.$viewValue= self.startDate+' '+ self.divider +' '+self.endDate; }; self.configureRangeList(); }; RangePickerCtrl.prototype.setNextView = function(){ switch (this.mode){ case 'date': this.view = 'DATE'; if(this.selectedTabIndex ===0 ){ this.selectedTabIndex =1; } break; case 'date-time': if(this.view === 'DATE'){ this.view = 'TIME'; }else{ this.view = 'DATE'; if(this.selectedTabIndex ===0 ){ this.selectedTabIndex =1; } } break; default: this.view = 'DATE'; if(this.selectedTabIndex ===0 ){ this.selectedTabIndex =1; } } }; RangePickerCtrl.prototype.showCustomView = function(){ this.showCustom=true; this.selectedTabIndex=0; }; RangePickerCtrl.prototype.dateRangeSelected = function(){ var self = this; self.selectedTabIndex =0; self.view= 'DATE'; if(self.startShowCustomSettting){ self.showCustom=true; }else{ self.showCustom=false; } self.setNgModelValue(self.startDate, self.divider, self.endDate); }; /* sets an empty value on dates. */ RangePickerCtrl.prototype.clearDateRange = function(){ var self = this; self.selectedTabIndex =0; self.view= 'DATE'; if(self.startShowCustomSettting){ self.showCustom=true; }else{ self.showCustom=false; } self.setNgModelValue('', self.divider, ''); }; RangePickerCtrl.prototype.startDateSelected = function(date){ var _date_copy = angular.copy(date); this.startDate = _date_copy; this.minStartToDate = _date_copy; this.scope.$emit('range-picker:startDateSelected'); this.setNextView(); if (this.endDate && this.endDate.diff(this.startDate, 'ms') < 0) { this.endDate = date; } }; RangePickerCtrl.prototype.startTimeSelected = function(time){ this.startDate.hour(time.hour()).minute(time.minute()); this.minStartToDate = angular.copy(this.startDate); this.scope.$emit('range-picker:startTimeSelected'); this.setNextView(); }; RangePickerCtrl.prototype.endDateSelected = function(date){ this.endDate = date; this.scope.$emit('range-picker:endDateSelected'); if(this.closeOnSelect && this.mode==='date'){ this.setNgModelValue(this.startDate, this.divider, this.endDate); }else{ this.setNextView(); } }; RangePickerCtrl.prototype.endTimeSelected = function(time){ this.endDate.hour(time.hour()).minute(time.minute()); this.scope.$emit('range-picker:endTimeSelected'); if(this.closeOnSelect && this.mode==='date-time'){ this.setNgModelValue(this.startDate, this.divider, this.endDate); } }; RangePickerCtrl.prototype.setNgModelValue = function(startDate, divider, endDate) { var self = this; var momentStartDate = self.startDate = startDate || null; var momentEndDate = self.endDate = endDate || null; if(startDate) { startDate = startDate.format(self.format) || ''; } if(endDate) { endDate = endDate.format(self.format) || ''; } var range = {startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate, startDateAsMoment: momentStartDate, endDateAsMoment: momentEndDate}; //var range = {startDate: startDate, endDate: endDate}; var _ng_model_value; //if no startDate && endDate, then empty the model. if(!startDate && !endDate) { _ng_model_value = ''; }else { startDate = startDate || 'Any'; endDate = endDate || 'Any'; _ng_model_value = startDate + ' ' + divider + ' ' + endDate; } range.text = _ng_model_value; self.rangeSelectCall({range: range}); /* setTimeout(function() { self.ngModelCtrl.$setViewValue(_ng_model_value); self.ngModelCtrl.$render(); }, 50); */ self.selectedTabIndex = 0; self.view ='DATE'; self.scope.$emit('range-picker:close'); }; RangePickerCtrl.prototype.cancel = function() { var self = this; if(self.customToHome && self.showCustom) { self.showCustom=false; }else{ self.selectedTabIndex =0; self.showCustom=false; self.scope.$emit('range-picker:close'); } }; var app = angular.module('smDateTimeRangePicker'); app.directive('smRangePicker', ['picker', smRangePicker]); /* global moment */ function smTimePickerNew($mdUtil, $mdMedia, $document, $timeout, picker){ return { restrict : 'E', replace:true, scope :{ value: '=', startDate : '@', weekStartDay : '@', startView:'@', mode : '@', format : '@', minDate : '@', maxDate : '@', fname : '@', lable : '@', isRequired : '@', disable : '=', form : '=', closeOnSelect:'@' }, templateUrl: 'picker/sm-time-picker.html', link : function(scope, $element, attr){ var inputPane = $element[0].querySelector('.sm-input-container'); var calenderPane = $element[0].querySelector('.sm-calender-pane'); var cElement = angular.element(calenderPane); scope.ngMassagedTempaltePath =picker.massagePath; // check if Pre defined format is supplied scope.format = angular.isUndefined(scope.format) ? 'MM-DD-YYYY': scope.format; // Hide calender pane on initialization cElement.addClass('hide hide-animate'); // set start date scope.startDate = angular.isUndefined(scope.value)? scope.startDate : scope.value; // Hide Calender on click out side $document.on('click', function (e) { if ((calenderPane !== e.target && inputPane !==e.target) && (!calenderPane.contains(e.target) && !inputPane.contains(e.target))) { hideElement(); } }); // if tab out hide key board angular.element(inputPane).on('keydown', function (e) { if(e.which===9){ hideElement(); } }); // show calender scope.show= function(){ var elementRect = inputPane.getBoundingClientRect(); var bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect(); cElement.removeClass('hide'); if($mdMedia('sm') || $mdMedia('xs')){ calenderPane.style.left = (bodyRect.width-300)/2+'px'; calenderPane.style.top = (bodyRect.height-450)/2+ 'px'; }else{ var rect = getVisibleViewPort(elementRect, bodyRect); calenderPane.style.left = (rect.left) + 'px'; calenderPane.style.top = (rect.top) + 'px'; } document.body.appendChild(calenderPane); $mdUtil.disableScrollAround(calenderPane); cElement.addClass('show'); } // calculate visible port to display calender function getVisibleViewPort(elementRect, bodyRect){ var calenderHeight = 460; var calenderWidth = 296; var top =elementRect.top; if(elementRect.top +calenderHeight > bodyRect.bottom){ top = elementRect.top - ((elementRect.top +calenderHeight) - (bodyRect.bottom -20)); } var left = elementRect.left; if(elementRect.left +calenderWidth > bodyRect.right){ left = elementRect.left - ((elementRect.left +calenderWidth) - (bodyRect.right -10)); } return {top : top, left : left }; } function hideElement(){ cElement.addClass('hide-animate'); cElement.removeClass('show'); //this is only for animation //calenderPane.parentNode.removeChild(calenderPane); $mdUtil.enableScrolling(); } scope.$on('$destroy', function(){ calenderPane.parentNode.removeChild(calenderPane); }); //listen to emit for closing calender scope.$on('calender:close', function(){ hideElement(); }); } } } var app = angular.module('smDateTimeRangePicker'); app.directive('smTimePickerNew', ['$mdUtil', '$mdMedia', '$document', '$timeout', 'picker', smTimePickerNew]); }()); angular.module("smDateTimeRangePicker").run(["$templateCache", function($templateCache) {$templateCache.put("picker/calender-date.html","
\n Back to calendar\n \n
\n {{yr}} \n
\n {{vm.monthList[0]}}\n {{vm.monthList[1]}}\n {{vm.monthList[2]}}\n {{vm.monthList[3]}}\n {{vm.monthList[4]}}\n {{vm.monthList[5]}}\n
\n {{vm.monthList[6]}}\n {{vm.monthList[7]}}\n {{vm.monthList[8]}}\n {{vm.monthList[9]}}\n {{vm.monthList[10]}}\n {{vm.monthList[11]}}\n
\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n {{vm.monthList[vm.initialDate.month()]}}{{\' \'}}{{vm.initialDate.year()}}\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n
\n \n {{dHead[vm.dayHeader]}}\n \n
\n \n \n {{d.dayNum}}\n \n \n
\n"); $templateCache.put("picker/calender-hour.html","
\n Hour\n Minute\n
\n \n
\n \n {{h.hour}}\n \n
\n \n
\n \n {{m.minute}}\n \n
"); $templateCache.put("picker/date-picker-service.html","\n \n \n {{vm.viewDate.format(\'YYYY\')}}\n {{vm.viewDate.format(vm.headerDispalyFormat)}}\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n {{vm.cancelLabel}}\n {{vm.okLabel}}\n
"); $templateCache.put("picker/date-picker.html","
\n \n \n {{vm.currentDate.format(\'YYYY\')}}\n {{vm.currentDate.format(vm.headerDispalyFormat)}}\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n {{vm.cancelLabel}}\n {{vm.okLabel}}\n
"); $templateCache.put("picker/range-picker-input.html","\n\n \n
\n \n
\n"); $templateCache.put("picker/range-picker.html","\n \n
\n {{list.label}}\n \n {{vm.customRangeLabel}}\n
\n \n \n {{vm.rangeCustomStartEnd[0]}}\n \n {{vm.rangeCustomStartEnd[1]}}\n
\n No start date\n
\n \n \n \n \n
\n No end date\n
\n \n \n \n \n
\n {{vm.clearLabel}}\n \n {{vm.cancelLabel}}\n {{vm.okLabel}}\n
\n"); $templateCache.put("picker/sm-time-picker.html","\n \n \n
\n \n
\n"); $templateCache.put("picker/time-picker.html","
\n \n \n {{currentDate.format(\'YYYY\')}}\n {{currentDate.format(headerDispalyFormat)}}\n \n
\n \n \n
\n \n access_time\n \n \n date_range\n \n
\n \n {{cancelLabel}}\n {{okLabel}}\n