vim.cmd [==[ cnoreabbrev w (getcmdtype() .. getcmdline() ==# ":'<,'>w") ? "\w" : "w" cnoreabbrev w2 (getcmdtype() .. getcmdline() ==# ":w2") ? "w" : "w2" cnoreabbrev w] (getcmdtype() .. getcmdline() ==# ":w]") ? "w" : "w]" ]==] ---@alias abbrrule {from: string, to: string, prepose?: string, prepose_nospace?: string} ---@param rules abbrrule[] local function make_abbrev(rules) -- 文字列のキーに対して常に0のvalue を格納することで、文字列の hashset を実現。 ---@type table local abbr_dict_rule = {} for _, rule in ipairs(rules) do local key = rule.from if abbr_dict_rule[key] == nil then abbr_dict_rule[key] = {} end table.insert(abbr_dict_rule[key], rule) end for key, rules_with_key in pairs(abbr_dict_rule) do ---コマンドラインが特定の内容だったら、それに対応する値を返す。 ---@type table local d = {} for _, rule in ipairs(rules_with_key) do local required_pattern = rule.from if rule.prepose_nospace ~= nil then required_pattern = rule.prepose_nospace .. required_pattern elseif rule.prepose ~= nil then required_pattern = rule.prepose .. " " .. required_pattern end d[required_pattern] = end vim.cmd(([[ cnoreabbrev %s (getcmdtype()==# ":") ? get(%s, getcmdline(), %s) : %s ]]):format(key, vim.fn.string(d), vim.fn.string(key), vim.fn.string(key))) end end make_abbrev { { from = "c", to = "CocCommand" }, { from = "cc", to = "CocConfig" }, { from = "cl", to = "CocList" }, { from = "clc", to = "CocLocalConfig" }, { from = "cq", to = "CocQuickfix" }, { from = "cr", to = "CocRestart" }, { from = "dia", to = "ObsidianOpenDiary" }, { from = "em", to = "Emmet" }, { from = "fmt", to = 'call CocActionAsync("format")' }, { from = "gbl", to = "Gina blame" }, { from = "gbr", to = "GinaBrowseYank" }, { from = "gby", to = "GinaBrowseYank" }, { from = "gc", to = "Gina commit" }, { from = "gl", to = "Gina log --all --graph" }, { from = "gp", to = "Gina push" }, { from = "gs", to = "Gina status -s --opener=split" }, { from = "git", to = "Gina" }, { from = "gina", to = "Gina" }, { from = "mn", to = "MemoNew" }, { from = "mf", to = "MemoFind" }, { from = "mg", to = "MemoLiveGrep" }, { from = "open", to = "!open" }, { from = "obs", to = "ObsidianList" }, { from = "rg", to = "silent grep" }, { from = "rs", to = "RemoveUnwantedSpaces" }, { from = "t", to = "Telescope" }, { from = "tc", to = "Telescope coc" }, { from = "tcc", to = "Telescope coc commands" }, { from = "tcd", to = "Telescope coc diagnostics" }, { from = "tcw", to = "Telescope coc workspace_diagnostics" }, { from = "tf", to = "Telescope find_files" }, { from = "tg", to = "Telescope live_grep" }, { from = "tmp", to = "Template" }, { from = "ssf", to = "syntax sync fromstart" }, { from = "sfs", to = "setfiletype satysfi" }, { prepose = "CocCommand", from = "s", to = "snippets.editSnippets" }, { prepose = "CocCommand", from = "r", to = "rust-analyzer.reload" }, { prepose = "CocList", from = "e", to = "extensions" }, { prepose = "Gina", from = "lag", to = "log --all --graph" }, { prepose = "Gina commit", from = "a", to = "--amend" }, { prepose = "Gina commit", from = "e", to = "--allow-empty" }, { prepose = "Gina log", from = "a", to = "--all" }, { prepose = "Telescope find_files", from = "m", to = "cwd=~/memo" }, { prepose = "Telescope live_grep", from = "m", to = "cwd=~/memo" }, { prepose = "Telescope find_files", from = "l", to = "cwd=.local_ignore*" }, { prepose = "Telescope live_grep", from = "l", to = "cwd=.local_ignore*" }, { prepose_nospace = "'<,'>", from = "m", to = "MakeTable" }, { prepose_nospace = "'<,'>", from = "gbr", to = "GinaBrowseYank" }, { prepose_nospace = "'<,'>", from = "gby", to = "GinaBrowseYank" }, { prepose_nospace = "'<,'>", from = "p", to = "Partedit" }, { prepose_nospace = "'<,'>", from = "pc", to = "ParteditCodeblock" }, { from = "isort", to = "!isort --profile black %" }, }