pattern_name: basis_in_disruption_of_process pattern_iri: description: ' A pattern for generic groupings of diseases based around the molecular basis for the disease in terms of a GO molecular function or cellular process. For example: DNA repair or RAS signaling' contributors: - classes: disease: MONDO:0000001 process: BFO:0000015 relations: disease has basis in disruption of: RO:0004021 annotationProperties: exact_synonym: oio:hasExactSynonym related_synonym: oio:hasRelatedSynonym vars: process: '''process''' name: text: '%s disease' vars: - process annotations: - annotationProperty: related_synonym text: disorder of %s vars: - process def: text: A disease that has its basis in the disruption of %s. vars: - process equivalentTo: text: '''disease'' and ''disease has basis in disruption of'' some %s' vars: - process