# Migration Guide - V5 to V6 The main differences between V5 and V6 are: - The format of the frameworks: the frameworks are in `.xcframework` rather than `.framework`. - The way how the frameworks are distributed: besides manual integration, the frameworks can now be integrated via Swift Package Manager. - Remove the existing imported `Moneytree*.framework`s. - Add the new `.xcframework`s - see the [Getting the SDK](../../README.md#getting-the-sdk) section of the Integration Guide. ## Required: [Configure Universal Links to support Login and Navigation features](../../README.md#configuring-universal-links-for-navigation) Users can now login and navigate to account settings after receiving a Login Link in their email. This must be configured in your application delegate. Please review and implement [this section of the integration guide](../../README.md#configuring-universal-links-for-navigation). ## Optional: Upgrading to LINK Kit from Issho Tsucho If you use Moneytree LINK's PFM product, Issho Tsucho (一生通帳), please upgrade to our latest PFM product, LINK Kit, in V6. If you don't use Issho Tsucho, you can skip this step. Remove `MoneytreeIsshoTsucho.framework`. Instead, use `MoneytreeLINKKit.xcframework`. Again, see the [Getting the SDK](../../README.md#getting-the-sdk) section of the Integration Guide.