# Name of the Namespace to use namespace: mongodb # OpenShift manages security context on its own managedSecurityContext: true operator: # Execution environment for the operator, dev or prod. Use dev for more verbose logging env: prod # Name that will be assigned to most of the internal Kubernetes objects like ServiceAccount, Role etc. name: mongodb-enterprise-operator # Name of the operator image operator_image_name: mongodb-enterprise-operator-ubi # Version of mongodb-enterprise-operator version: 1.24.0 # The Custom Resources that will be watched by the Operator. Needs to be changed if only some of the CRDs are installed watchedResources: - mongodb - opsmanagers - mongodbusers nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] affinity: {} # operator cpu requests and limits resources: requests: cpu: 500m memory: 200Mi limits: cpu: 1100m memory: 1Gi ## Database database: name: mongodb-enterprise-database-ubi version: 1.24.0 initDatabase: name: mongodb-enterprise-init-database-ubi version: 1.24.0 ## Ops Manager opsManager: name: mongodb-enterprise-ops-manager-ubi initOpsManager: name: mongodb-enterprise-init-ops-manager-ubi version: 1.24.0 initAppDb: name: mongodb-enterprise-init-appdb-ubi version: 1.24.0 agent: name: mongodb-agent-ubi version: mongodb: name: mongodb-enterprise-server repo: quay.io/mongodb appdbAssumeOldFormat: false ## Registry registry: # The pull secret must be specified imagePullSecrets: pullPolicy: Always database: quay.io/mongodb operator: quay.io/mongodb initDatabase: quay.io/mongodb initOpsManager: quay.io/mongodb opsManager: quay.io/mongodb initAppDb: quay.io/mongodb appDb: quay.io/mongodb agent: quay.io/mongodb # Versions listed here are used to populate RELATED_IMAGE_ env variables in the operator deployment. # Environment variables prefixed with RELATED_IMAGE_ are used by operator-sdk to generate relatedImages section # with sha256 digests pinning for the certified operator bundle with disconnected environment feature enabled. # https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.11/operators/operator_sdk/osdk-generating-csvs.html#olm-enabling-operator-for-restricted-network_osdk-generating-csvs relatedImages: opsManager: - 6.0.0 - 6.0.1 - 6.0.2 - 6.0.3 - 6.0.4 - 6.0.5 - 6.0.6 - 6.0.7 - 6.0.8 - 6.0.9 - 6.0.10 - 6.0.11 - 6.0.12 - 6.0.13 - 6.0.14 - 6.0.15 - 6.0.16 - 6.0.17 - 6.0.18 - 6.0.19 - 6.0.20 - 6.0.21 mongodb: - 4.4.0-ubi8 - 4.4.1-ubi8 - 4.4.2-ubi8 - 4.4.3-ubi8 - 4.4.4-ubi8 - 4.4.5-ubi8 - 4.4.6-ubi8 - 4.4.7-ubi8 - 4.4.8-ubi8 - 4.4.9-ubi8 - 4.4.10-ubi8 - 4.4.11-ubi8 - 4.4.12-ubi8 - 4.4.13-ubi8 - 4.4.14-ubi8 - 4.4.15-ubi8 - 4.4.16-ubi8 - 4.4.17-ubi8 - 4.4.18-ubi8 - 4.4.19-ubi8 - 4.4.20-ubi8 - 4.4.21-ubi8 - 5.0.0-ubi8 - 5.0.1-ubi8 - 5.0.2-ubi8 - 5.0.3-ubi8 - 5.0.4-ubi8 - 5.0.5-ubi8 - 5.0.6-ubi8 - 5.0.7-ubi8 - 5.0.8-ubi8 - 5.0.9-ubi8 - 5.0.10-ubi8 - 5.0.11-ubi8 - 5.0.12-ubi8 - 5.0.13-ubi8 - 5.0.14-ubi8 - 5.0.15-ubi8 - 5.0.16-ubi8 - 5.0.17-ubi8 - 5.0.18-ubi8 - 6.0.0-ubi8 - 6.0.1-ubi8 - 6.0.2-ubi8 - 6.0.3-ubi8 - 6.0.4-ubi8 - 6.0.5-ubi8 agent: - - - - - - - - - mongodbLegacyAppDb: - 4.2.11-ent - 4.2.2-ent - 4.2.24-ent - 4.2.6-ent - 4.2.8-ent - 4.4.0-ent - 4.4.11-ent - 4.4.4-ent - 4.4.21-ent - 5.0.1-ent - 5.0.5-ent - 5.0.6-ent - 5.0.7-ent - 5.0.14-ent - 5.0.18-ent subresourceEnabled: true