# Set this to true if your cluster is managing SecurityContext for you. # If running OpenShift (Cloud, Minishift, etc.), set this to true. managedSecurityContext: false operator: # Execution environment for the operator, dev or prod. Use dev for more verbose logging env: prod # Default architecture for the operator. # Values are "static" and "non-static: mdbDefaultArchitecture: non-static # Name that will be assigned to most internal Kubernetes objects like Deployment, ServiceAccount, Role etc. name: mongodb-enterprise-operator # Name of the operator image operator_image_name: mongodb-enterprise-operator-ubi # Name of the deployment of the operator pod deployment_name: mongodb-enterprise-operator # Version of mongodb-enterprise-operator version: 1.25.0 # The Custom Resources that will be watched by the Operator. Needs to be changed if only some of the CRDs are installed watchedResources: - mongodb - opsmanagers - mongodbusers nodeSelector: {} tolerations: [] affinity: {} # operator cpu requests and limits resources: requests: cpu: 500m memory: 200Mi limits: cpu: 1100m memory: 1Gi # Create operator service account and roles # if false, then templates/operator-roles.yaml is excluded createOperatorServiceAccount: true # Set to false to NOT create service accounts and roles for the resources managed by the operator # It might be necessary to disable it to avoid conflicts when # kubectl mongodb plugin is used to configure multi-cluster resources createResourcesServiceAccountsAndRoles: true vaultSecretBackend: # set to true if you want the operator to store secrets in Vault enabled: false tlsSecretRef: '' # 0 or 1 is supported only replicas: 1 # additional arguments to pass on the operator's binary arguments, e.g. operator.additionalArguments={--v=9} to dump debug k8s networking to logs additionalArguments: [] webhook: # registerConfiguration setting (default: true) controls if the operator should automatically register ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and if required for it cluster-wide roles should be installed. # # Setting false: # - Adds env var MDB_WEBHOOK_REGISTER_CONFIGURATION=false to the operator deployment. # - ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding required to manage ValidatingWebhookConfigurations will not be installed # - The operator will not create ValidatingWebhookConfigurations upon startup. # - The operator will not create the service for the webhook. If the `operator-webhook` service was created before, it will be deleted. # - The operator will still expose the webhook's endpoint on port on MDB_WEBHOOK_PORT (if not specified, the operator uses a default 1993) in case the ValidatingWebhookConfigurations is configured externally (e.g. in OLM/OpenShift) or by the administrator manually. # # Setting true: # - It's the default setting, behaviour of the operator w.r.t. webhook configuration is the same as before. # - operator-webhook service will be created by the operator # - ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding required to manage ValidatingWebhookConfigurations will be installed. # - ValidatingWebhookConfigurations will be managed by the operator (requires cluster permissions) registerConfiguration: true ## Database database: name: mongodb-enterprise-database-ubi version: 1.25.0 initDatabase: name: mongodb-enterprise-init-database-ubi version: 1.25.0 ## Ops Manager opsManager: name: mongodb-enterprise-ops-manager-ubi initOpsManager: name: mongodb-enterprise-init-ops-manager-ubi version: 1.25.0 ## Application Database initAppDb: name: mongodb-enterprise-init-appdb-ubi version: 1.25.0 agent: name: mongodb-agent-ubi version: mongodbLegacyAppDb: name: mongodb-enterprise-appdb-database-ubi repo: quay.io/mongodb mongodb: name: mongodb-enterprise-server repo: quay.io/mongodb appdbAssumeOldFormat: false imageType: ubi8 ## Registry registry: imagePullSecrets: pullPolicy: Always # Specify if images are pulled from private registry operator: quay.io/mongodb database: quay.io/mongodb initDatabase: quay.io/mongodb initOpsManager: quay.io/mongodb opsManager: quay.io/mongodb initAppDb: quay.io/mongodb appDb: quay.io/mongodb agent: quay.io/mongodb multiCluster: # Specify if we want to deploy the operator in multi-cluster mode clusters: [] kubeConfigSecretName: mongodb-enterprise-operator-multi-cluster-kubeconfig performFailOver: true clusterClientTimeout: 10 # Set this to false to disable subresource utilization # It might be required on some versions of Openshift subresourceEnabled: true