# # Welcome, friend ❤. Thanks for trying out Monica. We hope you'll have fun. # # This file contains all the configuration options for Monica. If you need to # change a core component of the app, do this here. However, you might need to # restart the web server if you change some of these values. # The name of your application. This is used as the default title of the pages. APP_NAME=Monica # Two choices: local|production. Use local if you want to install Monica as a # development version. Use production otherwise. APP_ENV=local # The encryption key. This is the most important part of the application. Keep # this secure otherwise, everyone will be able to access your application. # Must be 32 characters long exactly. # Use `php artisan key:generate` or #`echo -n 'base64:'; openssl rand -base64 32` to generate a random key. APP_KEY= # true if you want to show debug information on errors, or if you need to debug # locally. For production, put this to false. APP_DEBUG=true # The URL of your application. APP_URL=http://localhost:8000 # Database to store information # The documentation is here: https://laravel.com/docs/10.x/database # You can also see the different values you can use in config/database.php DB_CONNECTION=sqlite # DB_HOST= # DB_PORT=3306 # DB_DATABASE=monica # DB_USERNAME=monica # DB_PASSWORD=secret # Database for tests - used for local development DB_TEST_DRIVER=sqlite # DB_TEST_DATABASE=monica # DB_TEST_HOST= # DB_TEST_USERNAME=root # DB_TEST_PASSWORD=root # Frequency of creation of new log files. Logs are written when an error occurs. # Refer to config/logging.php for the possible values. LOG_CHANNEL=stack # Setup trusted proxy — See https://laravel.com/docs/9.x/requests#configuring-trusted-proxies # This allows to generate https URL when using a reverse proxy # If you run this locally, you might need to set uncomment the line below # APP_TRUSTED_PROXIES=* # Cache, session, and queue parameters # ⚠ Change this only if you know what you are doing #. Cache: database, file, memcached, redis, dynamodb #. Session: file, cookie, database, apc, memcached, redis, array #. Queue: sync, database, beanstalkd, sqs, redis # If Queue is not set to 'sync', you'll have to set a queue worker # See https://laravel.com/docs/5.7/queues#running-the-queue-worker CACHE_STORE=database QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync SESSION_DRIVER=database # Redis, if you need it for the queues REDIS_HOST= REDIS_PASSWORD=null REDIS_PORT=6379 # Mailing # Set the MAIL_MAILER to 'smtp' if you want to send emails. MAIL_MAILER=log MAIL_HOST=smtp.mailtrap.io MAIL_PORT=2525 MAIL_USERNAME=null MAIL_PASSWORD=null MAIL_ENCRYPTION=null MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS=hello@example.com MAIL_FROM_NAME="${APP_NAME}" MAIL_REPLY_TO_ADDRESS=hello@example.com MAIL_REPLY_TO_NAME="${APP_NAME}" # Search # We use Laravel Scout to do full-text search. # Read config/scout.php for more information. # Note that you have to use Meilisearch, Algolia or the database driver to enable # search in Monica. Searching requires a queue to be configured. SCOUT_DRIVER=database SCOUT_QUEUE=true MEILISEARCH_HOST= MEILISEARCH_KEY= # Notification channels TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN= TELEGRAM_BOT_URL= TELEGRAM_BOT_WEBHOOK_URL= # Default storage limit for accounts on this instance, in Mb # 0 = unlimited DEFAULT_STORAGE_LIMIT=50 # API key for uploading files # We use Uploadcare (https://uploadcare.com) to upload and store all user # generated files. # Uploadcare is GDPR and all privacy laws compliant. # It also provides a generous free plan. UPLOADCARE_PUBLIC_KEY= UPLOADCARE_PRIVATE_KEY= # API key for geolocation services # We use LocationIQ (https://locationiq.com/) to translate addresses to # latitude/longitude coordinates. We could use Google instead but we don't # want to give anything to Google, ever. # LocationIQ offers 10,000 free requests per day. LOCATION_IQ_API_KEY= # API key for maps displays # We use Mapbox (https://mapbox.com/) to display static maps. # Mapbox has a generous 50 000 free requests per month. # A username is also required, this is the one used upon account creation. MAPBOX_API_KEY= MAPBOX_USERNAME= MAPBOX_CUSTOM_STYLE_NAME=