--- layout: releasenotes title: Mono 1.0.5 Release Notes version: 1.0.5 releasedate: '2004-12-08' --- For detailed information about Mono, please see the [Mono 1.0](http://www.go-mono.com/archive/1.0/) release notes. Mono 1.0.5 is a maintenance release release for the 1.0 series of the Mono runtime. The Mono 1.0.xx series is the edition of stable releases of the Mono runtime. New In Mono 1.0.5 ----------------- There are many bug fixes, optimizations and scalability fixes that have been backported from the Mono 1.1.xx releases, but in addition: ### MonoDoc MonoDoc now includes the new MonkeyGuide from Shane, cleaned up and simplified. Joshua updated the `monodocer` tool, and by extension the documentation has been updated and improved for various classes. Plenty of updated API documentation for Gtk# developers. The only bad news is that currently the Gtk# tutorial is not shipped as it needs to be reviewed for correctness against Gtk# 1.0 (it was wrong in a few places). ### XSP server The XSP server performance has been increased by supporting keep-alive connections. Despite being only a testing server, it was being used by a few sites. ### Monodoc Atsushi ported monodoc's ASP.NET interface so it works on Windows now. Monodoc now can convert the output of the C# compiler -doc switch into ECMA XML documentation, so you can browse it with monodoc (command line option --cs-to-ecma). ### Security Endian fixes for Authenticode and NTLM (OSX, SPARC). Fixed RC4 to work under MS FX 2.0 runtime (empty IV); Fixed padding for keys that aren't a multiple of 8 bits (e.g. a 1023 bits public key); Added support for SSLv2 ClientHello message to allow FireFox, IE and wget to work with SslServerStream (Carlos, Sebastien); Added key blinding (on by default) to RSAManaged to avoid possible timing attacks (Sebastien). ### ADO.NET Dan improved Sqlsharp tool to load data providers from the Mono GAC, this is using the Mono.Data demultiplexor (ProviderFactory). Installing Mono 1.0.5 --------------------- **Binary Packages:** Pre-compiled packages for SUSE 9, SUSE 9.1, Red Hat 9, SLES 8, Fedora Core 1, Fedora Core 2 and MacOS X are available from our web site from the [download](http://www.mono-project.com/download/) section. A Red Carpet Mono channel is also available on these platforms. **Source code:** - [Mono runtime.](http://www.go-mono.com/archive/1.0.5/mono-1.0.5.tar.gz) - [MCS (Mono C# compiler and classes).](http://www.go-mono.com/archive/1.0.5/mcs-1.0.5.tar.gz) - [libgdiplus.](http://www.go-mono.com/archive/1.0.5/libgdiplus-1.0.5.tar.gz) - [XSP web server.](http://www.go-mono.com/archive/1.0.5/xsp-1.0.5.tar.gz) - [Apache module.](http://www.go-mono.com/archive/1.0.5/mod_mono-1.0.5.tar.gz) - [Mono Documentation.](http://www.go-mono.com/archive/1.0.5/monodoc-1.0.5.tar.gz) **Dependencies** If you are installing from source code, there are a few optional dependencies that you will want to consider installing. - **icu 2.6.1 or later** Optional: for supporting string collation. - **Cairo 0.1.23** Required to install libgdiplus. **Quick source code installation:** If we have no packages for your platform, installing from source code is very simple. mono: ``` shell tar xzf mono-1.0.5.tar.gz cd mono-1.0.5 ./configure make install ``` **Optional Packages** Libgdiplus is an optional packages, you only need those if you intent to use System.Drawing or Windows.Forms. libgdiplus: ``` shell tar xzf libgdiplus-1.0.5.tar.gz cd libgdiplus-1.0.5 ./configure make install ```