Data persistence and market data retrieval service. In addition to persisting basic BeanCounter data, it will pull asset prices via: * [World Trading Data]( * [Alpha Advantage]( You will need to register for an API key for each provider. See the `application.yml` for how to set the key values. Data providers can convert market codes as necessary This service returns market data for assets. You can request a prices for a single asset or a collection of them ```bash curl -X GET http://localhost:9510/AX/AMP ``` ```bash curl -X POST \ http://localhost:9510/ \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '[ { "code": "MSFT", "market": "NASDAQ" }, { "code": "INTC", "market": "NASDAQ" }, { "code": "XLV", "market": "NASDAQ" }, { "code": "AAPL", "market": "NASDAQ" } ]' ``` In the use case of this service you ask svc-position to value the assets, in your position collection, which in turn will obtain the prices from this service - which basically makes the call above ```bash curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d @positions.json http://localhost:9500/value \ > valuedPositions.json ``` Normally the service will compute the dataproviders date for which to retrieve "current" prices, usually close of business previous day. For testing purposes you can force the date to use by starting the service with the following ```$properties # Setting request date for the WTD provider ```