script "revSaveAsAndroidStandalone"
local sJavaRoot
command revSaveAsMobileStandalone pStack, pApkFile, pTarget
local tTargetType
if pTarget contains "build" then
put "android release" into tTargetType
put "android test" into tTargetType
end if
put the cMobileSupport["android.jdk"] of stack "revPreferences" into sJavaRoot
dispatch "savingMobileStandalone" to stack pStack with tTargetType, pApkFile
end try
revSaveAsMobileStandaloneMain pStack, pApkFile, pTarget
catch tError
end try
if tError is not empty then
put empty into pApkFile
end if
dispatch "mobileStandaloneSaved" to stack pStack with tTargetType, pApkFile
end try
if tError is not empty then
throw tError
end if
end revSaveAsMobileStandalone
private function pathIsRelative pPath
if pPath is empty then throw "empty path"
if pPath begins with "/" then return false
if char 2 of pPath is ":" then return false
return true
end pathIsRelative
// IM-2013-05-21: [[ BZ 10904 ]] This function replicates the functionality of the apkbuilder script which has now been removed from the Android SDK platform tools
private command buildAPK pUnalignedApkFile, pUnsignedParam, pAssetArchive, pClassesFile, pLibsBuildFolder
local tResult
executeShellCommand pathToJava(), "-Xmx128M", "-classpath", pathToSDKClasses(), "", pUnalignedApkFile, pUnsignedParam, "-v", "-z", pAssetArchive, "-f", pClassesFile, "-nf", pLibsBuildFolder
put the result into tResult
return tResult
end buildAPK
private command revSaveAsMobileStandaloneMain pStack, pApkFile, pTarget
start using stack "revSBLibrary"
dispatch "revIDEDeployAndroidInitialize" to stack "revDeployLibrary"
local tSettings
put the customProperties["cRevStandaloneSettings"] of stack pStack into tSettings
-- Compute the base folder
local tBaseFolder
set the itemDelimiter to slash
put item 1 to -2 of the effective filename of stack pStack into tBaseFolder
set the itemDelimiter to comma
-- Fetch the various options we need to initially build the app-bundle
local tName, tFiles, tVersionName, tVersionCode, tExternals, tIcon, tSplash, tKey, tUnsigned, tStatusBarIcon
put tSettings["name"] into tName
put tSettings["files"] into tFiles
put tSettings["android,icon"] into tIcon
put tSettings["android,key"] into tKey
if tSettings["android,label"] is empty then
put tName into tSettings["android,label"]
end if
if tSettings["android,identifier"] is empty then
put "com.yourcompany.yourapp" into tSettings["android,identifier"]
end if
if tSettings["android,version name"] is empty then
put "1.0.0" into tSettings["android,version name"]
end if
if tSettings["android,version code"] is empty then
put "1" into tSettings["android,version code"]
end if
if tSettings["android,initial orientation"] is empty then
put "portrait" into tSettings["android,initial orientation"]
end if
if tSettings["android,status bar hidden"] is empty then
put "false" into tSettings["android,status bar hidden"]
end if
if tSettings["android,minimum version"] is empty then
put 8 into tSettings["android,minimum version"]
end if
put tSettings["android,statusBarIcon"] into tStatusBarIcon
if tStatusBarIcon is empty then
// put default sb icon path into tStatusBarIcon
// SN-2015-01-22: [[ Bug 13213 ]] If mapFilePath returns empty, an error will be triggered
// line 629.
put mapFilePath(revMobileRuntimeFolder(pTarget) & slash & "notify_icon.png") into tStatusBarIcon
end if
switch tSettings["android,signing"]
case "sign with my key"
put true into tUnsigned
case "sign for development only"
put false into tUnsigned
put empty into tKey
case "do not sign"
put true into tUnsigned
put empty into tKey
put true into tUnsigned
end switch
-- Compute the icon path
if tIcon is not empty and pathIsRelative(tIcon) then
put tBaseFolder & slash before tIcon
end if
-- Compute the key path
if tKey is not empty and pathIsRelative(tKey) then
put tBaseFolder & slash before tKey
end if
-- Compute the status bar icon path
if tStatusBarIcon is not empty and pathIsRelative(tStatusBarIcon) then
put tBaseFolder & slash before tStatusBarIcon
end if
-- Compute the externals list (includes drivers on Android)
repeat for each word tExternal in "revzip revxml dbsqlite dbmysql dbodbc dbpostgresql revpdfprinter"
if tSettings["android,include" && tExternal] then
if tExternal begins with "db" then
if "revdb" is not among the lines of tExternals then
put "revdb" & return after tExternals
end if
put tExternal & return after tExternals
put tExternal & return after tExternals
end if
end if
end repeat
delete the last char of tExternals
-- Compute the stackfiles list
local tStackFiles
lock messages
// SN-2014-10-16: [[ ScriptifiedStack ]] revRelativeStackFilesList is no longer in the messagePath
put "revRelativeStackFilesList(" & quote & pStack & quote & ")" into tFunction
put value(tFunction, stack "revStandaloneSettings") into tStackFiles
unlock messages
-- Make sure the app-bundle isn't already there
if there is a file pApkFile then
delete file pApkFile
if there is a file pApkFile then
throw "unable to remove existing apk"
end if
end if
------- Create the build folder
local tBuildFolder, tResBuildFolder, tDrawableResBuildFolder, tLayoutResBuildFolder, tClassesBuildFolder, tLibsBuildFolder, tArmLibsBuildFolder
put tempName() into tBuildFolder
create folder tBuildFolder
if the platform is "win32" then
put shortFilePath(tBuildFolder) into tBuildFolder
end if
put tBuildFolder & slash & "classes_app" into tClassesBuildFolder
put tBuildFolder & slash & "libs" into tLibsBuildFolder
put tLibsBuildFolder & slash & "armeabi" into tArmLibsBuildFolder
put tBuildFolder & slash & "res" into tResBuildFolder
put tResBuildFolder & slash & "drawable" into tDrawableResBuildFolder
put tResBuildFolder & slash & "layout" into tLayoutResBuildFolder
create folder tClassesBuildFolder
create folder tLibsBuildFolder
create folder tArmLibsBuildFolder
create folder tResBuildFolder
create folder tDrawableResBuildFolder
create folder tLayoutResBuildFolder
if there is no folder tBuildFolder or there is no folder tClassesBuildFolder or \
there is no folder tLibsBuildFolder or there is no folder tArmLibsBuildFolder or \
there is no folder tResBuildFolder or there is no folder tDrawableResBuildFolder or \
there is no folder tLayoutResBuildFolder then
throw "could not create build folders"
end if
if the platform is "win32" then
put shortFilePath(tBuildFolder) into tBuildFolder
end if
-------- Unpack all the files used by the externals
// MERG-2014-11-18: [[ TemplateManifest ]] Look for a template manifest provided by the developer in copy files
local tManifestFile
revStandaloneProgress "Integrating externals..."
if tExternals is not empty then
put return after tExternals
end if
set the itemDelimiter to "."
repeat for each line tFile in tFiles
local tFilePath, tFileName
computeAssetLocation tBaseFolder, tFile, tFilePath, tFileName
-- Look for manifest template
if tFilePath ends with "AndroidManifest.xml" then
put url ("binfile:" & tFilePath) into tManifest
end if
-- Only look for lcext files.
if the last item of tFilePath is not "lcext" then
next repeat
end if
-- Only process if the target exists
if there is no file tFilePath then
throw "could not find referenced external -" && tFile
end if
-- MERG-2013-09-05: [[ Bug 11152 ]] Only list the external if it was successfully
-- extracted.
-- Now attempt to process the external
if addExternalFromFile(tFilePath, tClassesBuildFolder, tArmLibsBuildFolder) then
-- Add the external to the list to load
put char 1 to -7 of tFileName & return after tExternals
end if
end repeat
delete the last char of tExternals
set the itemDelimiter to comma
-------- Create the Manifest
revStandaloneProgress "Writing manifest..."
if tManifestFile is empty then
put tBuildFolder & slash & "AndroidManifest.xml" into tManifestFile
end if
if tManifest is empty then
put url ("binfile:" & mapFilePath(revMobileRuntimeFolder(pTarget) & slash & "Manifest.xml")) into tManifest
end if
// SN-2015-01-22: [[ Bug 13213 ]] Throw an error in case an error occured
if the result is not empty then
throw "Cannot find the template Manifest"
end if
replace "${LABEL}" with tSettings["android,label"] in tManifest
replace "${NAME}" with ".mblandroid" in tManifest
replace "${IDENTIFIER}" with tSettings["android,identifier"] in tManifest
replace "${VERSION_NAME}" with tSettings["android,version name"] in tManifest
replace "${VERSION_CODE}" with tSettings["android,version code"] in tManifest
if there is a file tIcon then
replace "${ICON}" with "android:icon=" & quote & "@drawable/icon" & quote in tManifest
replace "${ICON}" with empty in tManifest
end if
if tSettings["android,status bar hidden"] then
replace "${THEME}" with "@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar.Fullscreen" in tManifest
replace "${THEME}" with "@android:style/Theme.NoTitleBar" in tManifest
end if
replace "${ORIENTATION}" with tSettings["android,initial orientation"] in tManifest
replace "${MIN_SDK_VERSION}" with tSettings["android,minimum version"] in tManifest
local tUsesFeature, tUsesPermission, tFeatures, tPermissions, tAd
repeat for each line tFeature in the keys of tSettings["android,device capabilities"]
put " " into tUsesFeature
replace "${REQUIRED}" with tSettings["android,device capabilities"][tFeature] in tUsesFeature
put tUsesFeature & return after tFeatures
end repeat
repeat for each line tPermission in the keys of tSettings["android,capability permissions"]
put " " into tUsesPermission
put tUsesPermission & return after tPermissions
end repeat
repeat for each line tPermission in the keys of tSettings["android,application permissions"]
if tPermission is "AD" then
put true into tAd
put " " & return into tUsesPermission
put " " after tUsesPermission
put " " into tUsesPermission
end if
put tUsesPermission & return after tPermissions
end repeat
replace "${USES_FEATURE}" with tFeatures in tManifest
--replace "${USES_PERMISSION}" with tPermissions in tManifest
local tService, tReceiver
-- IM-2012-02-28: need barebones receiver for local notifications
put "" into tReceiver
-- if tBilling then
-- -- create service & receiver sections for billing support
-- put "" into tService
-- put "" & return after tReceiver
-- put "" & return after tReceiver
-- end repeat
-- put "" after tReceiver
-- else
-- put empty into tService
-- end if
put "" after tReceiver
-- PM-2014-03-17: [[ In App Purchasing Updates ]] Include new store setting in manifest.
if tSettings["android,inAppPurchasing"] then
get tSettings["android,billingProvider"]
if it is "Google" then
put " " & return after tPermissions
end if
if it is "Samsung" then
put " " & return after tPermissions
end if
if it is "Amazon" and revLicenseType() is "commercial" then
local tAmazonReceiver
put "" into tAmazonReceiver
put "" & return after tAmazonReceiver
put "" & return after tAmazonReceiver
put "" after tAmazonReceiver
put "" after tAmazonReceiver
put tAmazonReceiver after tReceiver
end if
end if
replace "${SERVICE}" with tService in tManifest
replace "${RECEIVER}" with tReceiver in tManifest
replace "${USES_PERMISSION}" with tPermissions in tManifest
if tAd is true then
replace "${AD_ACTIVITY}" with "" in tManifest
replace "${AD_ACTIVITY}" with empty in tManifest
end if
local tInstallLocation
switch tSettings["android,installLocation"]
case "Internal Storage Only"
case empty
put empty into tInstallLocation
case "Allow External Storage"
put "android:installLocation=""e&"auto""e into tInstallLocation
case "Prefer External Storage"
put "android:installLocation=""e&"preferExternal""e into tInstallLocation
end switch
replace "${INSTALL_LOCATION}" with tInstallLocation in tManifest
local tCustomUrlFilter
if tSettings["android,customUrlScheme"] is not empty then
put "" & \
"" & \
"" & \
"" & \
"" & \
"" into tCustomUrlFilter
put empty into tCustomUrlFilter
end if
replace "${CUSTOM_URL_FILTER}" with tCustomUrlFilter in tManifest
local tPushPermissions
local tPushReceiver
if tSettings["android,pushSenderID"] is not empty then
put "" & \
"" & \
"" into tPushPermissions
put "" & \
"" & \
"" & \
"" & \
"" & \
"" & \
"" & \
"" & \
"" & \
"" into tPushReceiver
put empty into tPushPermissions
put empty into tPushReceiver
end if
replace "${PUSH_PERMISSIONS}" with tPushPermissions in tManifest
replace "${PUSH_RECEIVER}" with tPushReceiver in tManifest
-- SN-2014-02-07: Add the email attachments provider in the manifest
local tProvider
put "" & return after tProvider
put " " & return after tProvider
replace "${PROVIDER}" with tProvider in tManifest
#put tManifest into url ("binfile:c:/scratch/manifestdump.xml")
put tManifest into url ("binfile:" & tManifestFile)
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not create manifest"
end if
-------- Build the Classes
revStandaloneProgress "Building classes..."
-- MW-2012-07-05: Make sure we record all classes we build so we can clean up.
local tCompiledClassFilePath, tBuiltClassFiles
put empty into tBuiltClassFiles
put tSettings["android,identifier"] into tCompiledClassFilePath
replace "." with "/" in tCompiledClassFilePath
local tClass, tClassFile
put tBuildFolder & slash & "classes_app/" into tClassFile
put "package" && tSettings["android,identifier"] & ";" & return into tClass
put "import;" & return after tClass
put "public class mblandroid extends LiveCodeActivity {}" & return after tClass
put tClass into url ("binfile:" & tClassFile)
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not create activity class"
end if
put tClassFile & return after tBuiltClassFiles
local tLiveCodeClassesFile
put tBuildFolder & slash & "LiveCode.jar" into tLiveCodeClassesFile
put url ("binfile:" & mapFilePath(revMobileRuntimeFolder(pTarget) & slash & "Classes")) into url ("binfile:" & tLiveCodeClassesFile)
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not prepare LiveCode classes"
end if
local tClassPath
if the platform is "win32" then
put pathToRootClasses() & ";" & tLiveCodeClassesFile into tClassPath
put pathToRootClasses() & ":" & tLiveCodeClassesFile into tClassPath
end if
-- MM-2011-08-16: Set to target JDK version 1.5. This is expected target bytecode that will be encoded by dex.
executeShellCommand pathToJavaC(), "-target 1.5 -source 1.5 -Xlint:none -d", tClassesBuildFolder, "-cp", tClassPath, tClassFile
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not compile application class"
end if
put tBuildFolder & slash & "classes_app/" & tCompiledClassFilePath & "/mblandroid.class" & return after tBuiltClassFiles
-- IM-2012-02-28: need barebones receiver for local notifications
// build receiver class
put tBuildFolder & slash & "classes_app/" into tClassFile
put "package" && tSettings["android,identifier"] & ";" & return into tClass
put "import;" & return after tClass
put "public class AppReceiver extends EngineReceiver {}" & return after tClass
put tClass into url ("binfile:" & tClassFile)
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not create billing support class"
end if
put tClassFile & return after tBuiltClassFiles
executeShellCommand pathToJavaC(), "-target 1.5 -source 1.5 -Xlint:none -d", tClassesBuildFolder, "-cp", tClassPath, tClassFile
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not compile billing support class"
end if
put tBuildFolder & slash & "classes_app/" & tCompiledClassFilePath & "/AppReceiver.class" & return after tBuiltClassFiles
-- IM-2011-10-26: Generate and compile billing service & receiver classes
-- if tBilling then
-- local tBillingClass, tBillingClassFile
-- // build service class
-- put tBuildFolder & slash & "classes_app/" into tBillingClassFile
-- put "package" && tSettings["android,identifier"] & ";" & return into tBillingClass
-- put "import;" & return after tBillingClass
-- put "public class AppService extends BillingService {}" & return after tBillingClass
-- put tBillingClass into url ("binfile:" & tBillingClassFile)
-- if the result is not empty then
-- throw "could not create billing support class"
-- end if
-- put tBillingClassFile & return after tBuiltClassFiles
-- executeShellCommand pathToJavaC(), "-target 1.5 -source 1.5 -Xlint:none -d", tClassesBuildFolder, "-cp", tClassPath, tBillingClassFile
-- if the result is not empty then
-- throw "could not compile billing support class"
-- end if
-- put tBuildFolder & slash & "classes_app/" & tCompiledClassFilePath & "/AppService.class" & return after tBuiltClassFiles
-- end if
// IM-2012-02-24: Generate push notification listener class
if tSettings["android,pushSenderID"] is not empty then
local tPushReceiverClass, tPushReceiverClassFile
put tBuildFolder & slash & "classes_app/" into tPushReceiverClassFile
put "package" && tSettings["android,identifier"] & ";" & return into tPushReceiverClass
put "import*;" & return after tPushReceiverClass
put "public class PushReceiver extends {}" & return after tPushReceiverClass
put tPushReceiverClass into url ("binfile:" & tPushReceiverClassFile)
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not create push notification support class"
end if
put tPushReceiverClassFile & return after tBuiltClassFiles
executeShellCommand pathToJavac(), "-target 1.5 -source 1.5 -Xlint:none -d", tClassesBuildFolder, "-cp", tClassPath, tPushReceiverClassFile
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not compile push notification support class"
end if
put tBuildFolder & slash & "classes_app/" & tCompiledClassFilePath & "/PushReceiver.class" & return after tBuiltClassFiles
end if
-- SN-2014-02-07: Generate email attachment provider
local tAttachmentClass, tAttachmentClassFile
put tBuildFolder & slash & "classes_app/" into tAttachmentClassFile
put "package" && tSettings["android,identifier"] & ";" & return into tAttachmentClass
put "import android.content.*;" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "import;" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "import*;" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "import android.database.*;" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "import*;" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "import android.util.Log;" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "import;" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "public class AppProvider extends ContentProvider {" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "public static final String URI = " & quote & "content://" & tSettings["android,identifier"] & ".attachmentprovider" & quote & ";" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "public static final String AUTHORITY = " & quote & tSettings["android,identifier"] & ".attachmentprovider" & quote & ";" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "private m_attachments;" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "@Override" & return & "public boolean onCreate() { m_attachments = new AttachmentProvider(getContext()); return true; }" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "@Override" & return & "public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri uri, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException { Log.i(" & quote & "revandroid" & quote & ", uri.toString()); return m_attachments.doOpenFile(uri); }" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "@Override" & return & "public Cursor query (Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { Log.i(" & quote & "revandroid" & quote & ", " & quote & "query: " & quote & " + uri.toString()); return m_attachments.doQuery(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); }" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "@Override" & return & "public Uri insert (Uri uri, ContentValues p_values) { return m_attachments.doInsert(uri, p_values); }" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "@Override" & return & "public int update (Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { return 0; }" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "@Override" & return & "public int delete (Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { return m_attachments.doDelete(uri, selection, selectionArgs); }" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "@Override" & return & "public String getType (Uri uri){ return m_attachments.doGetType(uri); }" & return after tAttachmentClass
put "}" & return after tAttachmentClass
put tAttachmentClass into url ("binfile:" & tAttachmentClassFile)
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not create email attachment provider"
end if
put tAttachmentClassFile & return after tBuiltClassFiles
executeShellCommand pathToJavac(), "-target 1.5 -source 1.5 -Xlint:none -d", tClassesBuildFolder, "-cp", tClassPath, tAttachmentClassFile
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not compile email attachment provider" & return & the result
end if
put tBuildFolder & slash & "classes_app/" & tCompiledClassFilePath & "/AppProvider.class" & return after tBuiltClassFiles
local tClassesFile
put tBuildFolder & slash & "classes.dex" into tClassesFile
executeShellCommand pathToDex(), "--dex", "--output=" & quote & tClassesFile & quote, tClassesBuildFolder, tLiveCodeClassesFile
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not encode class bundle"
end if
------- Compile the Standalone
revStandaloneProgress "Building executable..."
local tDeploy
-- Engine to use
put mapFilePath(revMobileRuntimeFolder(pTarget) & slash & "Standalone") into tDeploy["engine"]
// SN-2015-01-22: [[ Bug 13213 ]] Throw an error in case an error occured
if there is no file tDeploy["engine"] then
throw "Could not find standalone engine"
end if
-- Stackfile to use
put the effective filename of stack pStack into tDeploy["stackfile"]
-- If the datagrid is used, then include the library as an aux stack
if "data grid templates" is in the subStacks of stack pStack and there is a stack "revDataGridLibrary" then
put the effective filename of stack "revDataGridLibrary" into tDeploy["auxiliary_stackfiles"]
end if
-- Externals to reference (on Android we include drivers in this list)
repeat for each line tEntry in tExternals
put tEntry & return after tDeploy["externals"]
end repeat
delete the last char of tDeploy["externals"]
-- Output file to create
put tArmLibsBuildFolder & slash & "" into tDeploy["output"]
-- Splash to use (if non-commercial)
if line 3 of the revLicenseInfo is among the words of "Educational Personal" then
-- MW-2011-03-17: Make sure absolute paths work correctly
if tSettings["android,splash"] is not empty and pathIsRelative(tSettings["android,splash"]) then
put tBaseFolder & slash & tSettings["android,splash"] into tDeploy["splash"]
put tSettings["android,splash"] into tDeploy["splash"]
end if
end if
_internal deploy android tDeploy
if the result is not empty then
throw the result
end if
-------- Assembling Assets
revStandaloneProgress "Assembling assets..."
-- MW-2012-07-05: Record all asset files that are copied into /tmp
local tAssetFiles
put empty into tAssetFiles
local tAssetArchive
put tBuildFolder & slash & "lcandroid.ap_" into tAssetArchive
if there is a file tAssetArchive then
delete file tAssetArchive
end if
local tLayoutXML
put mapFilePath(revMobileRuntimeFolder(pTarget) & slash & "livecode_inputcontrol.xml") into tLayoutXML
put url ("binfile:" & tLayoutXML) into url ("binfile:" & tLayoutResBuildFolder & slash & "livecode_inputcontrol.xml")
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not copy layout file '" & tLayoutXML & "'"
end if
put tLayoutResBuildFolder & slash & "livecode_inputcontrol.xml" & return after tAssetFiles
if there is a file tIcon then
put url ("binfile:" & tIcon) into url ("binfile:" & tDrawableResBuildFolder & slash & "icon.png")
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not copy icon '" & tIcon & "'"
end if
put tDrawableResBuildFolder & slash & "icon.png" & return after tAssetFiles
end if
if there is a file tStatusBarIcon then
put url ("binfile:" & tStatusBarIcon) into url ("binfile:" & tDrawableResBuildFolder & slash & "notify_icon.png")
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not copy icon '" & tStatusBarIcon & "'"
end if
put tDrawableResBuildFolder & slash & "notify_icon.png" & return after tAssetFiles
end if
-- MW-2012-07-04: On Linux, 'aapt' can complain about libz version info
-- so we delete that line from the result before checking for an error.
if there is a folder (tBuildFolder & slash & "res") then
executeShellCommand pathToAapt(), "package", "-f", "-M", tManifestFile, "-I", pathToRootClasses(),"-F", tAssetArchive, "-S", (tBuildFolder & slash & "res")
executeShellCommand pathToAapt(), "package", "-f", "-M", tManifestFile, "-I", pathToRootClasses(),"-F", tAssetArchive
end if
get the result
if line 1 of it contains "no version information available" then
delete line 1 of it
end if
// SN-2014-10-27: [[ Bug 13800 ]] libpng 1.6+ raises a warning for the PNG files having embedded sRGB profile
if line 1 of it contains "iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited" then
delete line 1 of it
end if
if it is not empty then
throw "could not generate package manifest"
end if
revZipOpenArchive tAssetArchive, "update"
if the result is not empty then
throw "could not open asset archive"
end if
addAssetsToArchive tFiles, tBaseFolder, tAssetArchive
revZipCloseArchive tAssetArchive
if the result is not empty then
throw "asset archive creation failed"
end if
------- Prepare the Package
revStandaloneProgress "Preparing package..."
local tUnalignedApkFile
put tBuildFolder & slash & "lcandroid-unaligned.apk" into tUnalignedApkFile
if there is a file tUnalignedApkFile then
delete file tUnalignedApkFile
end if
-- MM-2014-01-29: [[ OpenSSL ]] Include the revsecurity library.
if tSettings["android,include revsecurity"] then
put url ("binfile:" & mapFilePath(revMobileRuntimeFolder(pTarget) & slash & "revsecurity")) into url ("binfile:" & tArmLibsBuildFolder & slash & "")
// SN-2015-01-22: [[ Bug 13213 ]] Throw an error in case an error occured
if the result is not empty then
throw "Could not find revsecurity library"
end if
end if
-- Copy across the externals into the libs folder
repeat for each line tEntry in tExternals
-- Only copy across an external from the Runtime folder if we haven't
-- already copied from a lcext.
if there is a file (tArmLibsBuildFolder & slash & "lib" & tEntry & ".so") then
next repeat
end if
put url ("binfile:" & mapFilePath(revMobileRuntimeFolder(pTarget) & slash & tEntry)) into url ("binfile:" & tArmLibsBuildFolder & slash & "lib" & tEntry & ".so")
// SN-2015-01-22: [[ Bug 13213 ]] Throw an error in case an error occured
if the result is not empty then
throw "Could not find " & tEntry && "library"
end if
end repeat
-- Work out whether to produce an unsigned apk
local tUnsignedParam
if (pTarget contains "build") and tUnsigned then
put "-u" into tUnsignedParam
put empty into tUnsignedParam
end if
-- Build the APK
// IM-2013-05-21: [[ BZ 10904 ]] call our own internal function instead of (removed) apkbuilder script
buildAPK tUnalignedApkFile, tUnsignedParam, tAssetArchive, tClassesFile, tLibsBuildFolder
if the result contains "Debug Certificate Expired" then
throw "debug certificate has expired, please refresh"
end if
if not (the result contains "=> lib/armeabi/") then
throw "apk preparation failed"
end if
------- Signing the Package
if pTarget contains "build" and tKey is not empty then
revStandaloneProgress "Signing package..."
if not tKey begins with "/" then
put tBaseFolder & slash before tKey
end if
if there is no file tKey then
throw "could not file keystore '" & tKey & "'"
end if
local tKeystoreAlias
ask "Please provide the keystore alias to use"
if it is empty then
throw "no keystore alias provided for keystore"
end if
put it into tKeystoreAlias
local tKeystorePassword
ask password clear "Please provide the keystore password"
if it is empty then
throw "no password provided for keystore"
end if
put it into tKeystorePassword
local tPrivateKeyPassword
ask password clear "Please provide the private key password"
if it is empty then
throw "no password provided for private key"
end if
put it into tPrivateKeyPassword
// IM-2014-09-04: [[ Bug 13343 ]] Specify SHA1 when signing APK as specified in android signing docs.
executeShellCommand pathToJarSigner(), "-sigalg", "SHA1withRSA", "-digestalg", "SHA1", "-keystore", tKey, "-storepass", tKeystorePassword, "-keypass", tPrivateKeyPassword, tUnalignedApkFile, tKeystoreAlias
if the result begins with "jarsigner error" then
throw "signing failed -" && word 4 to -1 of the result
else if the result begins with "jarsigner: Certificate chain not found" then
throw "signing failed -" && word 2 to -1 of the result
else if (the result begins with "jarsigner: key associated with") and (line 1 of the result ends with "not a private key") then
throw "signing failed - key password was incorrect or" && word 2 to -1 of the result
end if
end if
------- Finalize the Package
revStandaloneProgress "Finalizing package..."
executeShellCommand pathToZipAlign(), "-f", "-v", "4", tUnalignedApkFile, pApkFile
if not (line -1 of the result begins with "Verification succes") or there is no file pApkFile then
throw "apk finalization failed"
end if
catch tError
end try
if there is a file tUnalignedApkFile then delete file tUnalignedApkFile
if there is a file tAssetArchive then delete file tAssetArchive
if there is a file tLiveCodeClassesFile then delete file tLiveCodeClassesFile
if there is a file (tArmLibsBuildFolder & slash & "") then delete file (tArmLibsBuildFolder & slash & "")
if there is a file (tArmLibsBuildFolder & slash & "") then delete file (tArmLibsBuildFolder & slash & "")
repeat for each line tEntry in tExternals
if there is a file (tArmLibsBuildFolder & slash & "lib" & tEntry & ".so") then delete file (tArmLibsBuildFolder & slash & "lib" & tEntry & ".so")
end repeat
if there is a folder tArmLibsBuildFolder then delete folder tArmLibsBuildFolder
if there is a folder tLibsBuildFolder then delete folder tLibsBuildFolder
if there is a file tClassesFile then delete file tClassesFile
repeat for each line tClassFile in tBuiltClassFiles
if there is a file tClassFile then delete file tClassFile
end repeat
set the itemDelimiter to slash
repeat while there is a folder (tBuildFolder & slash & "classes_app" & slash & tCompiledClassFilePath)
delete folder (tBuildFolder & slash & "classes_app" & slash & tCompiledClassFilePath)
if the result is not empty then
exit repeat
end if
delete the last item of tCompiledClassFilePath
end repeat
set the itemDelimiter to comma
repeat for each line tFIle in tAssetFiles
if there is a file tFile then delete file tFile
end repeat
if there is a folder tLayoutResBuildFolder then delete folder tLayoutResBuildFolder
if there is a folder tDrawableResBuildFolder then delete folder tDrawableResBuildFolder
if there is a folder tResBuildFolder then delete folder tResBuildFolder
if there is a file tManifestFile then delete file tManifestFile
if there is a folder tClassesBuildFolder then delete folder tClassesBuildFolder
if there is a folder tBuildFolder then delete folder tBuildFolder
if tError is not empty then
throw tError
end if
end revSaveAsMobileStandaloneMain
private command computeAssetLocation pBaseFolder, pFile, @rPath, @rName
local tIsAbsolute
put pFile begins with "/" or char 2 to 3 of pFile is ":/" into tIsAbsolute
set the itemDelimiter to slash
if the last item of pFile is "*" then
delete the last item of pFile
end if
if tIsAbsolute then
put item -1 of pFile into rName
put pFile into rPath
-- MM-2011-09-07 [[ Bug 10345 ]] Use the full path to the file (rather than just name), ensureing we create sub-folders.
put pFile into rName
put pBaseFolder & slash & pFile into rPath
end if
end computeAssetLocation
private command addAssetsToArchive pFiles, pBaseFolder, pArchive
local tDeviceConfig, tConfigFile, tCustomConfigFile, tFonts
put mapFIlePath(revMobileRuntimeFolder() & slash & "lc_device_config.txt") into tConfigFile
if there is not a file tConfigFile then
put empty into tConfigFile
end if
repeat for each line tFile in pFiles
local tName
computeAssetLocation pBaseFolder, tFile, tFile, tName
if there is a file tFile then
if tConfigFile is not empty and tName is "lc_device_config.txt" then
// need to merge config files
put tFile into tCustomConfigFile
else if tFile ends with ".ttf" or tFile ends with ".ttc" then
-- MM-2012-03-07: [[ Custom fonts ]] If any fonts are found, add to the list so that they are handled correctly
put tFile & return after tFonts
else if tFile ends with ".lcext" or tFile ends with ".dylib" then
-- MW-2012-07-05: [[ Externals ]] If an 'lcext' file or dylib file is found then we ignore it.
else if tFile ends with "AndroidManifest.xml" then
-- MW-2015-04-24: [[ TemplateAppMetadata ]] If an template manifest is found then we ignore it.
revZipAddUncompressedItemWithFile pArchive, "assets/" & tName, tFile
end if
else if there is a folder tFile then
addAssetsFromFolderToArchive tFile, "assets" & slash & tName, pArchive, tFonts
throw "could not find referenced asset to include -" && tFile
end if
end repeat
if tCustomConfigFile is empty then
if tConfigFile is not empty then
revZipAddUncompressedItemWithFile pArchive, "assets/lc_device_config.txt", tConfigFile
end if
put url ("binfile:" & tConfigFile) & return into tDeviceConfig
put url ("binfile:" & tCustomConfigFile) after tDeviceConfig
revZipAddUncompressedItemWithData pArchive, "assets/lc_device_config.txt", "tDeviceConfig"
end if
-- MM-2012-03-07: [[ Custom fonts ]] Add any fonts found to the assets/fonts folder
set the itemDel to slash
repeat for each line tFont in tFonts
if tFont is not empty then
revZipAddUncompressedItemWithFile pArchive, "assets/fonts/" & item -1 of tFont, tFont
end if
end repeat
set the itemDel to comma
end addAssetsToArchive
private command addAssetsFromFolderToArchive pFolder, pBaseName, pArchive, @pFonts
set the itemDelimiter to slash
-- Ignore any .svn folders
if the last item of pFolder is ".svn" then
exit addAssetsFromFolderToArchive
end if
local tOldFolder
put the folder into tOldFolder
set the folder to pFolder
if the folder is not pFolder then
throw "could not descend into referenced asset folder -" && pFolder
end if
repeat for each line tFile in the files
if tFile ends with ".ttf" or tFile ends with ".ttc" then
-- MM-2012-03-07: [[ Custom fonts ]] If any fonts are found, add to the list so that they are handled correctly
put the folder & slash & tFile & return after pFonts
else if tFile ends with ".lcext" or tFile ends with ".dylib" then
-- MW-2012-07-05: [[ Externals ]] If an 'lcext' file or dylib file is found then we ignore it.
revZipAddUncompressedItemWithFile pArchive, pBaseName & slash & tFile, the folder & slash & tFile
end if
end repeat
repeat for each line tFolder in the folders
if tFolder is ".." then
next repeat
end if
addAssetsFromFolderToArchive pFolder & slash & tFolder, pBaseName & slash & tFolder, pArchive, pFonts
end repeat
set the folder to tOldFolder
end addAssetsFromFolderToArchive
private function fileIsZipArchive pFile
open file pFile for binary read
if the result is empty then
read from file pFile for 4 bytes
close file pFile
end if
if it is empty then
throw "could not open external -" && pFile
end if
return byte 1 of it is "P" and byte 2 of it is "K" and byte 3 of it is numToChar(3) and byte 4 of it is numToChar(4)
end fileIsZipArchive
-- MERG-2013-09-05: [[ Bug 11152 ]] Change to function - returns true if external was successfully
-- extracted.
private function addExternalFromFile pExternal, pClassesFolder, pLibsFolder
-- If the file is not a zip archive then there is nothing to do.
if not fileIsZipArchive(pExternal) then
exit addExternalFromFile
end if
-- Get the name of the external.
set the itemDelimiter to slash
get the last item of pExternal
set the itemDelimiter to "."
get the first item of it
set the itemDelimiter to comma
-- Compute the class / lib names.
local tClassesFile, tLibFile
put pClassesFolder & slash & "lib" & it & ".jar" into tClassesFile
put pLibsFolder & slash & "lib" & it & ".so" into tLibFile
-- Otherwise open the archive and check for appropriate android components
revZipOpenArchive pExternal, "read"
if the result is empty then
revZipExtractItemToFile pExternal, "Android/Classes", tClassesFile
revZipExtractItemToFile pExternal, "Android/External-armeabi", tLibFile
revZipCloseArchive pExternal
end if
if there is a file tClassesFile and there is no file tLibFile then
throw "android external contains classes but no library"
end if
return there is a file tLibFile
end addExternalFromFile
function revMobileRuntimeFolder pTarget
local tOverridePath, tUserPath
// IM-2013-12-16: [[ Bug 11594 ]] Check override is not empty to avoid accidentally detecting "/Android" path
if revOverrideRuntimePath() is not empty then
put revOverrideRuntimePath() & slash & "Android" into tOverridePath
if there is a folder tOverridePath then
return tOverridePath
end if
end if
// IM-2013-12-16: [[ Bug 11594 ]] Check override is not empty to avoid accidentally detecting "/Android" path
if revEnvironmentUserRuntimePath() is not empty then
put revEnvironmentUserRuntimePath() & slash & "Android" into tUserPath
if there is a folder tUserPath then
return tUserPath
end if
end if
return revEnvironmentRuntimePath() & slash & "Android"
end revMobileRuntimeFolder
private command executeAdbCommand pCommand
local tAdb
put pathToAdb() into tAdb
if tAdb is empty or there is not a file tAdb then
exit executeAdbCommand
end if
get doShellCommand(tAdb, pCommand)
return it
end executeAdbCommand
private command executeShellCommand
local tShell
repeat with i = 2 to the paramCount
if param(i) contains space and not (param(i) begins with "-") then
put quote & param(i) & quote & space after tShell
put param(i) & space after tShell
end if
end repeat
get doShellCommand(param(1), tShell)
return it
end executeShellCommand
private function doShellCommand pCommand, pArguments
--makeBuildLogEntry "Executing command:" && pCommand && pArguments
local tCommandPath
set the itemDelimiter to slash
put item 1 to -2 of pCommand into tCommandPath
if the platform is "win32" then
put shortFilePath(tCommandPath) into tCommandPath
end if
local tOldPath
put $PATH into tOldPath
if the platform is "win32" then
replace slash with backslash in tCommandPath
put tCommandPath & ";" & sJavaRoot & "\bin" & ";" before $PATH
else if the platform is "macos" then
put tCommandPath & ":" before $PATH
else if the platform is "linux" then
put tCommandPath & ":" & sJavaRoot & "/bin" & ":" before $PATH
end if
set the hideConsoleWindows to true
write item -1 of pCommand && pArguments & return to stderr
get shell(item -1 of pCommand && pArguments)
put tOldPath into $PATH
return it
end doShellCommand
private function pathToRootClasses pRoot
// SN-2014-10-16: [[ ScriptifiedStack ]] Stack name updated
dispatch function "pathToRootClasses" to stack "revDeployLibraryAndroid" with pRoot
return the result
end pathToRootClasses
private function pathToSDKClasses pRoot
// SN-2014-10-16: [[ ScriptifiedStack ]] Stack name updated
dispatch function "pathToSDKClasses" to stack "revDeployLibraryAndroid" with pRoot
return the result
end pathToSDKClasses
private function pathToAapt pRoot
// SN-2014-10-16: [[ ScriptifiedStack ]] Stack name updated
dispatch function "pathToAapt" to stack "revDeployLibraryAndroid" with pRoot
return the result
end pathToAapt
private function pathToAdb pRoot
// SN-2014-10-16: [[ ScriptifiedStack ]] Stack name updated
dispatch function "pathToAdb" to stack "revDeployLibraryAndroid" with pRoot
return the result
end pathToAdb
private function pathToZipAlign pRoot
// SN-2014-10-16: [[ ScriptifiedStack ]] Stack name updated
dispatch function "pathToZipAlign" to stack "revDeployLibraryAndroid" with pRoot
return the result
end pathToZipAlign
private function pathToDex pRoot
// SN-2014-10-16: [[ ScriptifiedStack ]] Stack name updated
dispatch function "pathToDex" to stack "revDeployLibraryAndroid" with pRoot
return the result
end pathToDex
private function pathToJavaC pRoot
// SN-2014-10-16: [[ ScriptifiedStack ]] Stack name updated
dispatch function "pathToJavaC" to stack "revDeployLibraryAndroid" with pRoot
return the result
end pathToJavaC
private function pathToJava pRoot
// SN-2014-10-16: [[ ScriptifiedStack ]] Stack name updated
dispatch function "pathToJava" to stack "revDeployLibraryAndroid" with pRoot
return the result
end pathToJava
private function pathToJarSigner pRoot
// SN-2014-10-16: [[ ScriptifiedStack ]] Stack name updated
dispatch function "pathToJarSigner" to stack "revDeployLibraryAndroid" with pRoot
return the result
end pathToJarSigner
-- MW-2013-06-13: [[ CloneAndRun ]] Map a file path from where the sb expects them to be to local
-- files in the build folder.
function mapFilePath pPath
if revEnvironmentIsInstalled() then
// SN-2015-01-19: [[ Bug 13213 ]] Linux filepaths are case-sensitive.
// so we try to caselessly match the targetted file, with the actual files.
set the itemDelimiter to slash
// Get the list of files in the targetted directory
put the defaultFolder into tOldFolder
set the defaultFolder to item 1 to -2 of pPath
put the files into tFiles
set the defaultFolder to tOldFolder
put lineOffset(last item of pPath, tFiles) into tLineOffset
// We return empty if we can't find the specified file
// That will allow us to throw an error in such a case.
if tLineOffset is 0 then
return empty
put line tLineOffset of tFiles into item -1 of pPath
end if
return pPath
end if
local tPath
local tRepo, tComponent, tBuild, tSuffix
set the itemDelimiter to slash
put revEnvironmentRepositoryPath() into tRepo
put the last item of pPath into tComponent
if revEnvironmentBinariesPath() contains "/Debug" then
put "debug" into tBuild
put "release" into tBuild
end if
put revLicenseType() into tSuffix
put toUpper(char 1 of tSuffix) into char 1 of tSuffix
switch tComponent
case "notify_icon.png"
put merge("[[tRepo]]/_build/android/[[tBuild]]/notify_icon.png") into tPath
case "Manifest.xml"
put merge("[[tRepo]]/_build/android/[[tBuild]]/Manifest.xml") into tPath
case "livecode_inputcontrol.xml"
put merge("[[tRepo]]/_build/android/[[tBuild]]/livecode_inputcontrol.xml") into tPath
case "Classes"
put merge("[[tRepo]]/_build/android/[[tBuild]]/Classes-[[tSuffix]]") into tPath
case "Standalone"
put merge("[[tRepo]]/_build/android/[[tBuild]]/Standalone-[[tSuffix]]") into tPath
case "revzip"
put merge("[[tRepo]]/_build/android/[[tBuild]]/RevZip") into tPath
case "revdb"
put merge("[[tRepo]]/_build/android/[[tBuild]]/RevDb") into tPath
case "revxml"
put merge("[[tRepo]]/_build/android/[[tBuild]]/RevXml") into tPath
case "dbsqlite"
put merge("[[tRepo]]/_build/android/[[tBuild]]/DbSqlite") into tPath
case "dbmysql"
put merge("[[tRepo]]/_build/android/[[tBuild]]/DbMysql") into tPath
put pPath into tPath
end switch
return tPath
end mapFilePath