use ethers::providers::{Provider, Http}; use ethers::{prelude::*}; use ethers_solc::Solc; use std::{path::Path, sync::Arc}; type Client = SignerMiddleware, Wallet>; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let provider: Provider = Provider::::try_from("")?; // Change to correct network // Do not include the private key in plain text in any production code. This is just for demonstration purposes // Do not include '0x' at the start of the private key let wallet: LocalWallet = "INSERT_PRIVATE_KEY" .parse::()? .with_chain_id(Chain::Moonbase); let client = SignerMiddleware::new(provider.clone(), wallet.clone()); // Deploy contract and read initial incrementer value let addr = compile_deploy_contract(&client).await?; read_number(&client, &addr).await?; // Increment and read the incremented number increment_number(&client, &addr).await?; read_number(&client, &addr).await?; // Reset the incremented number and read it reset(&client, &addr).await?; read_number(&client, &addr).await?; Ok(()) } // Need to install solc for this tutorial: async fn compile_deploy_contract(client: &Client) -> Result> { // Incrementer.sol is located in the root directory let source = Path::new(&env!("INSERT_CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")); // Compile it let compiled = Solc::default() .compile_source(source) .expect("Could not compile contracts"); // Get ABI & Bytecode for Incrementer.sol let (abi, bytecode, _runtime_bytecode) = compiled .find("Incrementer") .expect("could not find contract") .into_parts_or_default(); // Create a contract factory which will be used to deploy instances of the contract let factory = ContractFactory::new(abi, bytecode, Arc::new(client.clone())); // Deploy let contract = factory.deploy(U256::from(5))?.send().await?; let addr = contract.address(); println!("Incrementer.sol has been deployed to {:?}", addr); Ok(addr) } // Generates a type-safe interface for the Incrementer smart contract abigen!( Incrementer, "./Incrementer_ABI.json", event_derives(serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize) ); async fn read_number(client: &Client, contract_addr: &H160) -> Result> { // Create contract instance let contract = Incrementer::new(contract_addr.clone(), Arc::new(client.clone())); // Call contract's number function let value = contract.number().call().await?; // Print out value println!("Incrementer's number is {}", value); Ok(value) } async fn increment_number(client: &Client, contract_addr: &H160) -> Result<(), Box> { println!("Incrementing number..."); // Create contract instance let contract = Incrementer::new(contract_addr.clone(), Arc::new(client.clone())); // Send contract transaction let tx = contract.increment(U256::from(5)).send().await?.await?; println!("Transaction Receipt: {}", serde_json::to_string(&tx)?); Ok(()) } async fn reset(client: &Client, contract_addr: &H160) -> Result<(), Box> { println!("Resetting number..."); // Create contract instance let contract = Incrementer::new(contract_addr.clone(), Arc::new(client.clone())); // Send contract transaction let tx = contract.reset().send().await?.await?; println!("Transaction Receipt: {}", serde_json::to_string(&tx)?); Ok(()) }