(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.Morearty = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o 0 ? backingValue.getIn(path) : backingValue; }; var asArrayPath, asStringPath; asArrayPath = function (path) { return typeof path === 'string' ? getPathElements(path) : (Util.undefinedOrNull(path) ? [] : path); }; asStringPath = function (path) { switch (typeof path) { case 'string': return path; case 'number': return path.toString(); default: return Util.undefinedOrNull(path) ? '' : path.join(PATH_SEPARATOR); } }; var setOrUpdate, updateValue, removeValue, merge, clear; setOrUpdate = function (rootValue, effectivePath, f) { return rootValue.updateIn(effectivePath, UNSET_VALUE, function (value) { return value === UNSET_VALUE ? f() : f(value); }); }; updateValue = function (self, subpath, f) { var backingValue = getBackingValue(self); var effectivePath = Util.joinPaths(self._path, subpath); var newBackingValue = setOrUpdate(backingValue, effectivePath, f); setBackingValue(self, newBackingValue); if (backingValue.hasIn(effectivePath)) { return effectivePath; } else { return effectivePath.slice(0, effectivePath.length - 1); } }; removeValue = function (self, subpath) { var effectivePath = Util.joinPaths(self._path, subpath); var backingValue = getBackingValue(self); var len = effectivePath.length; switch (len) { case 0: throw new Error('Cannot delete root value'); default: var pathTo = effectivePath.slice(0, len - 1); if (backingValue.has(pathTo[0]) || len === 1) { var newBackingValue = backingValue.updateIn(pathTo, function (coll) { var key = effectivePath[len - 1]; if (coll instanceof Imm.List) { return coll.splice(key, 1); } else { return coll && coll.remove(key); } }); setBackingValue(self, newBackingValue); } return pathTo; } }; merge = function (preserve, newValue, value) { if (Util.undefinedOrNull(value)) { return newValue; } else { if (value instanceof Imm.Iterable && newValue instanceof Imm.Iterable) { return preserve ? newValue.mergeDeep(value) : value.mergeDeep(newValue); } else { return preserve ? value : newValue; } } }; clear = function (value) { return value instanceof Imm.Iterable ? value.clear() : null; }; var mkStateTransition = function (currentBackingValue, previousBackingValue, currentBackingMeta, previousBackingMeta, metaMetaChanged) { return { currentBackingValue: currentBackingValue, currentBackingMeta: currentBackingMeta, previousBackingValue: previousBackingValue, previousBackingMeta: previousBackingMeta, metaMetaChanged: metaMetaChanged || false }; }; var generateListenerId = function () { return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9); }; var notifyListeners, notifyGlobalListeners, startsWith, isPathAffected, notifyNonGlobalListeners, notifyAllListeners; notifyListeners = function (self, samePathListeners, listenerPath, path, stateTransition) { var currentBackingValue = stateTransition.currentBackingValue; var previousBackingValue = stateTransition.previousBackingValue; var currentBackingMeta = stateTransition.currentBackingMeta; var previousBackingMeta = stateTransition.previousBackingMeta; Util.getPropertyValues(samePathListeners).forEach(function (listenerDescriptor) { if (!listenerDescriptor.disabled) { var listenerPathAsArray = asArrayPath(listenerPath); var valueChanged = currentBackingValue !== previousBackingValue && currentBackingValue.getIn(listenerPathAsArray) !== previousBackingValue.getIn(listenerPathAsArray); var metaChanged = stateTransition.metaMetaChanged || ( previousBackingMeta && currentBackingMeta !== previousBackingMeta && currentBackingMeta.getIn(listenerPathAsArray) !== previousBackingMeta.getIn(listenerPathAsArray)); if (valueChanged || metaChanged) { listenerDescriptor.cb( new ChangesDescriptor( path, listenerPathAsArray, valueChanged, metaChanged, stateTransition ) ); } } }); }; notifyGlobalListeners = function (self, path, stateTransition) { var listeners = self._sharedInternals.listeners; var globalListeners = listeners['']; if (globalListeners) { notifyListeners(self, globalListeners, EMPTY_PATH, path, stateTransition); } }; startsWith = function (s1, s2) { return s1.indexOf(s2) === 0; }; isPathAffected = function (listenerPath, changedPath) { return changedPath === '' || listenerPath === changedPath || startsWith(changedPath, listenerPath + PATH_SEPARATOR) || startsWith(listenerPath, changedPath + PATH_SEPARATOR); }; notifyNonGlobalListeners = function (self, path, stateTransition) { var listeners = self._sharedInternals.listeners; Object.keys(listeners).filter(Util.identity).forEach(function (listenerPath) { if (isPathAffected(listenerPath, asStringPath(path))) { notifyListeners(self, listeners[listenerPath], listenerPath, path, stateTransition); } }); }; notifyAllListeners = function (self, path, stateTransition) { notifyGlobalListeners(self, path, stateTransition); notifyNonGlobalListeners(self, path, stateTransition); }; var linkMeta, unlinkMeta; linkMeta = function (self, metaBinding) { self._sharedInternals.metaBindingListenerId = metaBinding.addListener(function (changes) { var metaNodePath = changes.getPath(); var changedPath = metaNodePath.slice(0, metaNodePath.length - 1); var backingValue = getBackingValue(self); var metaMetaChanged = !changes.isValueChanged(); var previousBackingMeta = metaMetaChanged ? getBackingValue(metaBinding) : changes.getPreviousValue(); notifyAllListeners( self, changedPath, mkStateTransition(backingValue, backingValue, getBackingValue(metaBinding), previousBackingMeta, metaMetaChanged) ); }); }; unlinkMeta = function (self, metaBinding) { var removed = metaBinding.removeListener(self._sharedInternals.metaBindingListenerId); self._sharedInternals.metaBinding = null; self._sharedInternals.metaBindingListenerId = null; return removed; }; var findSamePathListeners, setListenerDisabled; findSamePathListeners = function (self, listenerId) { return Util.find( Util.getPropertyValues(self._sharedInternals.listeners), function (samePathListeners) { return !!samePathListeners[listenerId]; } ); }; setListenerDisabled = function (self, listenerId, disabled) { var samePathListeners = findSamePathListeners(self, listenerId); if (samePathListeners) { samePathListeners[listenerId].disabled = disabled; } }; var update, delete_; update = function (self, subpath, f) { var previousBackingValue = getBackingValue(self); var affectedPath = updateValue(self, asArrayPath(subpath), f); var backingMeta = getBackingValue(self.meta()); notifyAllListeners( self, affectedPath, mkStateTransition(getBackingValue(self), previousBackingValue, backingMeta, backingMeta) ); }; delete_ = function (self, subpath) { var previousBackingValue = getBackingValue(self); var affectedPath = removeValue(self, asArrayPath(subpath)); var backingMeta = getBackingValue(self.meta()); notifyAllListeners( self, affectedPath, mkStateTransition(getBackingValue(self), previousBackingValue, backingMeta, backingMeta) ); }; /** Binding constructor. * @param {String[]} [path] binding path, empty array if omitted * @param {Object} [sharedInternals] shared relative bindings internals: * * @public * @class Binding * @classdesc Wraps immutable collection. Provides convenient read-write access to nested values. * Allows to create sub-bindings (or views) narrowed to a subpath and sharing the same backing value. * Changes to these bindings are mutually visible. *

Terminology: *


Features: *

* @see Binding.init */ var Binding = function (path, sharedInternals) { /** @private */ this._path = path || EMPTY_PATH; /** @protected * @ignore */ this._sharedInternals = sharedInternals || {}; if (!this._sharedInternals.listeners) { this._sharedInternals.listeners = {}; } if (!this._sharedInternals.cache) { this._sharedInternals.cache = {}; } }; /* --------------- */ /* Static helpers. */ /* --------------- */ /** Create new binding with empty listeners set. * @param {Immutable.Map} [backingValue] backing value, empty map if omitted * @param {Binding} [metaBinding] meta binding * @return {Binding} fresh binding instance */ Binding.init = function (backingValue, metaBinding) { var binding = new Binding(EMPTY_PATH, { backingValue: backingValue || Imm.Map(), metaBinding: metaBinding }); if (metaBinding) { linkMeta(binding, metaBinding); } return binding; }; /** Convert string path to array path. * @param {String} pathAsString path as string * @return {Array} path as an array */ Binding.asArrayPath = function (pathAsString) { return asArrayPath(pathAsString); }; /** Convert array path to string path. * @param {String[]} pathAsAnArray path as an array * @return {String} path as a string */ Binding.asStringPath = function (pathAsAnArray) { return asStringPath(pathAsAnArray); }; /** Meta node name. * @deprecated Use Util.META_NODE instead. * @type {String} */ Binding.META_NODE = Util.META_NODE; /** @lends Binding.prototype */ var bindingPrototype = { /** Get binding path. * @returns {Array} binding path */ getPath: function () { return this._path; }, /** Update backing value. * @param {Immutable.Map} newBackingValue new backing value * @return {Binding} new binding instance, original is unaffected */ withBackingValue: function (newBackingValue) { var newSharedInternals = {}; Util.assign(newSharedInternals, this._sharedInternals); newSharedInternals.backingValue = newBackingValue; return new Binding(this._path, newSharedInternals); }, /** Check if binding value is changed in alternative backing value. * @param {Immutable.Map} alternativeBackingValue alternative backing value * @param {Function} [compare] alternative compare function, does reference equality check if omitted */ isChanged: function (alternativeBackingValue, compare) { var value = this.get(); var alternativeValue = alternativeBackingValue ? alternativeBackingValue.getIn(this._path) : undefined; return compare ? !compare(value, alternativeValue) : !(value === alternativeValue || (Util.undefinedOrNull(value) && Util.undefinedOrNull(alternativeValue))); }, /** Check if this and supplied binding are relatives (i.e. share same backing value). * @param {Binding} otherBinding potential relative * @return {Boolean} */ isRelative: function (otherBinding) { return this._sharedInternals === otherBinding._sharedInternals && this._sharedInternals.backingValue === otherBinding._sharedInternals.backingValue; }, /** Get binding's meta binding. * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers; * b.meta('path') is equivalent to b.meta().sub('path') * @returns {Binding} meta binding or undefined */ meta: function (subpath) { if (!this._sharedInternals.metaBinding) { var metaBinding = Binding.init(Imm.Map()); linkMeta(this, metaBinding); this._sharedInternals.metaBinding = metaBinding; } var effectiveSubpath = subpath ? Util.joinPaths([Util.META_NODE], asArrayPath(subpath)) : [Util.META_NODE]; var thisPath = this.getPath(); var absolutePath = thisPath.length > 0 ? Util.joinPaths(thisPath, effectiveSubpath) : effectiveSubpath; return this._sharedInternals.metaBinding.sub(absolutePath); }, /** Unlink this binding's meta binding, removing change listener and making them totally independent. * May be used to prevent memory leaks when appropriate. * @return {Boolean} true if binding's meta binding was unlinked */ unlinkMeta: function () { var metaBinding = this._sharedInternals.metaBinding; return metaBinding ? unlinkMeta(this, metaBinding) : false; }, /** Get binding value. * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @return {*} value at path or null */ get: function (subpath) { return getValueAtPath(getBackingValue(this), Util.joinPaths(this._path, asArrayPath(subpath))); }, /** Convert to JS representation. * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @return {*} JS representation of data at subpath */ toJS: function (subpath) { var value = this.sub(subpath).get(); return value instanceof Imm.Iterable ? value.toJS() : value; }, /** Bind to subpath. Both bindings share the same backing value. Changes are mutually visible. * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @return {Binding} new binding instance, original is unaffected */ sub: function (subpath) { var pathAsArray = asArrayPath(subpath); var absolutePath = Util.joinPaths(this._path, pathAsArray); if (absolutePath.length > 0) { var absolutePathAsString = asStringPath(absolutePath); var cached = this._sharedInternals.cache[absolutePathAsString]; if (cached) { return cached; } else { var subBinding = new Binding(absolutePath, this._sharedInternals); this._sharedInternals.cache[absolutePathAsString] = subBinding; return subBinding; } } else { return this; } }, /** Update binding value. * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @param {Function} f update function * @return {Binding} this binding */ update: function (subpath, f) { var args = Util.resolveArgs(arguments, '?subpath', 'f'); update(this, args.subpath, args.f); return this; }, /** Set binding value. * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @param {*} newValue new value * @return {Binding} this binding */ set: function (subpath, newValue) { var args = Util.resolveArgs(arguments, '?subpath', 'newValue'); update(this, args.subpath, Util.constantly(args.newValue)); return this; }, /** Delete value. * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @return {Binding} this binding */ remove: function (subpath) { delete_(this, subpath); return this; }, /** Deep merge values. * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @param {Boolean} [preserve=false] preserve existing values when merging * @param {*} newValue new value * @return {Binding} this binding */ merge: function (subpath, preserve, newValue) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, function (x) { return Util.canRepresentSubpath(x) ? 'subpath' : null; }, '?preserve', 'newValue' ); update(this, args.subpath, merge.bind(null, args.preserve, args.newValue)); return this; }, /** Clear nested collection. Does '.clear()' on Immutable values, nullifies otherwise. * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @return {Binding} this binding */ clear: function (subpath) { var subpathAsArray = asArrayPath(subpath); if (!Util.undefinedOrNull(this.get(subpathAsArray))) { update(this, subpathAsArray, clear); } return this; }, /** Add change listener. * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @param {Function} cb function receiving changes descriptor * @return {String} unique id which should be used to un-register the listener * @see ChangesDescriptor */ addListener: function (subpath, cb) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, function (x) { return Util.canRepresentSubpath(x) ? 'subpath' : null; }, 'cb' ); var listenerId = generateListenerId(); var pathAsString = asStringPath(Util.joinPaths(this._path, asArrayPath(args.subpath || ''))); var samePathListeners = this._sharedInternals.listeners[pathAsString]; var listenerDescriptor = { cb: args.cb, disabled: false }; if (samePathListeners) { samePathListeners[listenerId] = listenerDescriptor; } else { var listeners = {}; listeners[listenerId] = listenerDescriptor; this._sharedInternals.listeners[pathAsString] = listeners; } return listenerId; }, /** Add change listener triggered only once. * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @param {Function} cb function receiving changes descriptor * @return {String} unique id which should be used to un-register the listener * @see ChangesDescriptor */ addOnceListener: function (subpath, cb) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, function (x) { return Util.canRepresentSubpath(x) ? 'subpath' : null; }, 'cb' ); var self = this; var listenerId = self.addListener(args.subpath, function () { self.removeListener(listenerId); args.cb(); }); return listenerId; }, /** Enable listener. * @param {String} listenerId listener id * @return {Binding} this binding */ enableListener: function (listenerId) { setListenerDisabled(this, listenerId, false); return this; }, /** Disable listener. * @param {String} listenerId listener id * @return {Binding} this binding */ disableListener: function (listenerId) { setListenerDisabled(this, listenerId, true); return this; }, /** Execute function with listener temporarily disabled. Correctly handles functions returning promises. * @param {String} listenerId listener id * @param {Function} f function to execute * @return {Binding} this binding */ withDisabledListener: function (listenerId, f) { var samePathListeners = findSamePathListeners(this, listenerId); if (samePathListeners) { var descriptor = samePathListeners[listenerId]; descriptor.disabled = true; Util.afterComplete(f, function () { descriptor.disabled = false; }); } else { f(); } return this; }, /** Un-register the listener. * @param {String} listenerId listener id * @return {Boolean} true if listener removed successfully, false otherwise */ removeListener: function (listenerId) { var samePathListeners = findSamePathListeners(this, listenerId); return samePathListeners ? delete samePathListeners[listenerId] : false; }, /** Create transaction context. * If promise is supplied, transaction will be automatically * cancelled and reverted (if already committed) on promise failure. * @param {Promise} [promise] ES6 promise * @return {TransactionContext} transaction context */ atomically: function (promise) { return new TransactionContext(this, promise); } }; bindingPrototype['delete'] = bindingPrototype.remove; Binding.prototype = bindingPrototype; /** Transaction context constructor. * @param {Binding} binding binding * @param {Promise} [promise] ES6 promise * @public * @class TransactionContext * @classdesc Transaction context. */ var TransactionContext = function (binding, promise) { /** @private */ this._binding = binding; /** @private */ this._queuedUpdates = []; /** @private */ this._finishedUpdates = []; /** @private */ this._committed = false; /** @private */ this._cancelled = false; /** @private */ this._hasChanges = false; /** @private */ this._hasMetaChanges = false; if (promise) { var self = this; promise.then(Util.identity, function () { if (!self.isCancelled()) { self.cancel(); } }); } }; TransactionContext.prototype = (function () { var UPDATE_TYPE = Object.freeze({ UPDATE: 'update', DELETE: 'delete' }); var registerUpdate, hasChanges; registerUpdate = function (self, binding) { if (!self._hasChanges) { self._hasChanges = binding.isRelative(self._binding); } if (!self._hasMetaChanges) { self._hasMetaChanges = !binding.isRelative(self._binding); } }; hasChanges = function (self) { return self._hasChanges || self._hasMetaChanges; }; var addUpdate, addDeletion, areSiblings, filterRedundantPaths, commitSilently; addUpdate = function (self, binding, update, subpath) { registerUpdate(self, binding); self._queuedUpdates.push({ binding: binding, update: update, subpath: subpath, type: UPDATE_TYPE.UPDATE }); }; addDeletion = function (self, binding, subpath) { registerUpdate(self, binding); self._queuedUpdates.push({ binding: binding, subpath: subpath, type: UPDATE_TYPE.DELETE }); }; areSiblings = function (path1, path2) { var path1Length = path1.length, path2Length = path2.length; return path1Length === path2Length && (path1Length === 1 || path1[path1Length - 2] === path2[path1Length - 2]); }; filterRedundantPaths = function (affectedPaths) { if (affectedPaths.length < 2) { return affectedPaths; } else { var sortedPaths = affectedPaths.sort(); var previousPath = sortedPaths[0], previousPathAsString = asStringPath(previousPath); var result = [previousPath]; for (var i = 1; i < sortedPaths.length; i++) { var currentPath = sortedPaths[i], currentPathAsString = asStringPath(currentPath); if (!startsWith(currentPathAsString, previousPathAsString)) { if (areSiblings(currentPath, previousPath)) { var commonParentPath = currentPath.slice(0, currentPath.length - 1); result.pop(); result.push(commonParentPath); previousPath = commonParentPath; previousPathAsString = asStringPath(commonParentPath); } else { result.push(currentPath); previousPath = currentPath; previousPathAsString = currentPathAsString; } } } return result; } }; commitSilently = function (self) { var finishedUpdates = self._queuedUpdates.map(function (update) { var previousBackingValue = getBackingValue(update.binding); var affectedPath = update.type === UPDATE_TYPE.UPDATE ? updateValue(update.binding, update.subpath, update.update) : removeValue(update.binding, update.subpath); return { affectedPath: affectedPath, binding: update.binding, previousBackingValue: previousBackingValue }; }); self._committed = true; self._queuedUpdates = null; return finishedUpdates; }; var revert = function (self) { var finishedUpdates = self._finishedUpdates; if (finishedUpdates.length > 0) { var tx = self._binding.atomically(); for (var i = finishedUpdates.length; i-- > 0;) { var update = finishedUpdates[i]; var binding = update.binding, affectedPath = update.affectedPath; var relativeAffectedPath = binding.getPath().length === affectedPath.length ? affectedPath : affectedPath.slice(binding.getPath().length); tx.set(binding, relativeAffectedPath, update.previousBackingValue.getIn(affectedPath)); } tx.commit(); } self._finishedUpdates = null; }; var cancel = function (self) { if (self.isCommitted()) { revert(self); } self._cancelled = true; }; /** @lends TransactionContext.prototype */ var transactionContextPrototype = { /** Update binding value. * @param {Binding} [binding] binding to apply update to * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @param {Function} f update function * @return {TransactionContext} updated transaction */ update: function (binding, subpath, f) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, function (x) { return x instanceof Binding ? 'binding' : null; }, '?subpath', 'f' ); addUpdate(this, args.binding || this._binding, args.f, asArrayPath(args.subpath)); return this; }, /** Set binding value. * @param {Binding} [binding] binding to apply update to * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @param {*} newValue new value * @return {TransactionContext} updated transaction context */ set: function (binding, subpath, newValue) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, function (x) { return x instanceof Binding ? 'binding' : null; }, '?subpath', 'newValue' ); return this.update(args.binding, args.subpath, Util.constantly(args.newValue)); }, /** Remove value. * @param {Binding} [binding] binding to apply update to * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @return {TransactionContext} updated transaction context */ remove: function (binding, subpath) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, function (x) { return x instanceof Binding ? 'binding' : null; }, '?subpath' ); addDeletion(this, args.binding || this._binding, asArrayPath(args.subpath)); return this; }, /** Deep merge values. * @param {Binding} [binding] binding to apply update to * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @param {Boolean} [preserve=false] preserve existing values when merging * @param {*} newValue new value * @return {TransactionContext} updated transaction context */ merge: function (binding, subpath, preserve, newValue) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, function (x) { return x instanceof Binding ? 'binding' : null; }, function (x) { return Util.canRepresentSubpath(x) ? 'subpath' : null; }, function (x) { return typeof x === 'boolean' ? 'preserve' : null; }, 'newValue' ); return this.update(args.binding, args.subpath, merge.bind(null, args.preserve, args.newValue)); }, /** Clear collection or nullify nested value. * @param {Binding} [binding] binding to apply update to * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @return {TransactionContext} updated transaction context */ clear: function (binding, subpath) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, function (x) { return x instanceof Binding ? 'binding' : null; }, '?subpath' ); addUpdate(this, args.binding || this._binding, clear, asArrayPath(args.subpath)); return this; }, /** Commit transaction (write changes and notify listeners). * @param {Object} [options] options object * @param {Boolean} [options.notify=true] should listeners be notified * @return {TransactionContext} updated transaction context */ commit: function (options) { if (!this.isCommitted()) { if (!this.isCancelled() && hasChanges(this)) { var effectiveOptions = options || {}; var binding = this._binding; var metaBinding = binding.meta(); var previousBackingValue = null, previousBackingMeta = null; if (effectiveOptions.notify !== false) { previousBackingValue = getBackingValue(binding); previousBackingMeta = getBackingValue(metaBinding); } this._finishedUpdates = commitSilently(this); var affectedPaths = this._finishedUpdates.map(function (update) { return update.affectedPath; }); if (effectiveOptions.notify !== false) { var filteredPaths = filterRedundantPaths(affectedPaths); var stateTransition = mkStateTransition( getBackingValue(binding), previousBackingValue, getBackingValue(metaBinding), previousBackingMeta ); notifyGlobalListeners(binding, filteredPaths[0], stateTransition); filteredPaths.forEach(function (path) { notifyNonGlobalListeners(binding, path, stateTransition); }); } } return this; } else { throw new Error('Morearty: transaction already committed'); } }, /** Cancel this transaction. * Committing cancelled transaction won't have any effect. * For committed transactions affected paths will be reverted to original values, * overwriting any changes made after transaction has been committed. */ cancel: function () { if (!this.isCancelled()) { cancel(this); } else { throw new Error('Morearty: transaction already cancelled'); } }, /** Check if transaction was committed. * @return {Boolean} committed flag */ isCommitted: function () { return this._committed; }, /** Check if transaction was cancelled, either manually or due to promise failure. * @return {Boolean} cancelled flag */ isCancelled: function () { return this._cancelled; } }; transactionContextPrototype['delete'] = transactionContextPrototype.remove; return transactionContextPrototype; })(); module.exports = Binding; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"./ChangesDescriptor":3,"./Util":7}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ var Util = require('./Util'); /** Changes descriptor constructor. * @param {Array} path absolute changed path * @param {Array} listenerPath absolute listener path * @param {Boolean} valueChanged value changed flag * @param {Boolean} metaChanged meta changed flag * @param {Object} stateTransition state info object * @param {Immutable.Map} stateTransition.currentBackingValue current backing value * @param {Immutable.Map} stateTransition.previousBackingValue previous backing value * @param {Immutable.Map} stateTransition.currentBackingMeta current meta binding backing value * @param {Immutable.Map} stateTransition.previousBackingMeta previous meta binding backing value * @public * @class ChangesDescriptor * @classdesc Encapsulates binding changes for binding listeners. */ var ChangesDescriptor = function (path, listenerPath, valueChanged, metaChanged, stateTransition) { /** @private */ this._path = path; /** @private */ this._listenerPath = listenerPath; /** @private */ this._metaPath = Util.joinPaths(listenerPath, [Util.META_NODE]); /** @private */ this._valueChanged = valueChanged; /** @private */ this._metaChanged = metaChanged; /** @private */ this._currentBackingValue = stateTransition.currentBackingValue; /** @private */ this._previousBackingValue = stateTransition.previousBackingValue; /** @private */ this._currentBackingMeta = stateTransition.currentBackingMeta; /** @private */ this._previousBackingMeta = stateTransition.previousBackingMeta; }; /** @lends ChangesDescriptor.prototype */ ChangesDescriptor.prototype = { /** Get changed path relative to binding's path listener was installed on. * @return {Array} changed path */ getPath: function () { var listenerPathLen = this._listenerPath.length; return listenerPathLen === this._path.length ? [] : this._path.slice(listenerPathLen); }, /** Check if binding's value was changed. * @returns {Boolean} */ isValueChanged: function () { return this._valueChanged; }, /** Check if meta binding's value was changed. * @returns {Boolean} */ isMetaChanged: function () { return this._metaChanged; }, /** Get current value at listening path. * @returns {*} current value at listening path */ getCurrentValue: function () { return this._currentBackingValue.getIn(this._listenerPath); }, /** Get previous value at listening path. * @returns {*} previous value at listening path */ getPreviousValue: function () { return this._previousBackingValue.getIn(this._listenerPath); }, /** Get current meta at listening path. * @returns {*} current meta value at listening path */ getCurrentMeta: function () { return this._currentBackingMeta ? this._currentBackingMeta.getIn(this._metaPath) : null; }, /** Get previous meta at listening path. * @returns {*} current meta value at listening path */ getPreviousMeta: function () { return this._previousBackingMeta ? this._previousBackingMeta.getIn(this._metaPath) : null; }, /** Get previous backing value. * @protected * @returns {*} */ getPreviousBackingValue: function () { return this._previousBackingValue; }, /** Get previous backing meta value. * @protected * @returns {*} */ getPreviousBackingMeta: function () { return this._previousBackingMeta || null; } }; module.exports = ChangesDescriptor; },{"./Util":7}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ var Util = require('./Util'); var React = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window['React'] : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global['React'] : null); var _ = (function() { if (React) return React.DOM; else { throw new Error('Morearty: global variable React not found'); } })(); var wrapComponent = function (comp, displayName) { return React.createClass({ displayName: displayName, getInitialState: function () { return { value: this.props.value }; }, onChange: function (event) { var handler = this.props.onChange; if (handler) { handler(event); this.setState({ value: event.target.value }); } }, componentWillReceiveProps: function (newProps) { this.setState({ value: newProps.value }); }, render: function () { var props = Util.assign({}, this.props, { value: this.state.value, onChange: this.onChange, children: this.props.children }); return comp(props); } }); }; /** * @name DOM * @namespace * @classdesc DOM module. Exposes requestAnimationFrame-friendly wrappers around input, textarea, and option. */ var DOM = { input: wrapComponent(_.input, 'input'), textarea: wrapComponent(_.textarea, 'textarea'), option: wrapComponent(_.option, 'option') }; module.exports = DOM; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"./Util":7}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ var Imm = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window['Immutable'] : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global['Immutable'] : null); var Binding = require('./Binding'); var getHistoryBinding, initHistory, clearHistory, destroyHistory, listenForChanges, revertToStep, revert; getHistoryBinding = function (binding) { return binding.meta('history'); }; initHistory = function (historyBinding) { historyBinding.set(Imm.fromJS({ listenerId: null, undo: [], redo: [] })); }; clearHistory = function (historyBinding) { var listenerId = historyBinding.get('listenerId'); historyBinding.withDisabledListener(listenerId, function () { historyBinding.atomically() .set('undo', Imm.List.of()) .set('redo', Imm.List.of()) .commit(); }); }; destroyHistory = function (binding, notify) { var historyBinding = getHistoryBinding(binding); var listenerId = historyBinding.get('listenerId'); binding.removeListener(listenerId); historyBinding.atomically().set(null).commit({ notify: notify }); }; listenForChanges = function (binding, historyBinding) { var listenerId = binding.addListener([], function (changes) { if (changes.isValueChanged()) { historyBinding.atomically().update(function (history) { var path = changes.getPath(); var previousValue = changes.getPreviousValue(), newValue = binding.get(); return history .update('undo', function (undo) { var pathAsArray = Binding.asArrayPath(path); return undo && undo.unshift(Imm.Map({ newValue: pathAsArray.length ? newValue.getIn(pathAsArray) : newValue, oldValue: pathAsArray.length ? previousValue && previousValue.getIn(pathAsArray) : previousValue, path: path })); }) .set('redo', Imm.List.of()); }).commit({ notify: false }); } }); historyBinding.atomically().set('listenerId', listenerId).commit({ notify: false }); }; revertToStep = function (path, value, listenerId, binding) { binding.withDisabledListener(listenerId, function () { binding.set(path, value); }); }; revert = function (binding, fromBinding, toBinding, listenerId, valueProperty) { var from = fromBinding.get(); if (!from.isEmpty()) { var step = from.get(0); fromBinding.atomically() .remove(0) .update(toBinding, function (to) { return to.unshift(step); }) .commit({ notify: false }); revertToStep(step.get('path'), step.get(valueProperty), listenerId, binding); return true; } else { return false; } }; /** * @name History * @namespace * @classdesc Undo/redo history handling. */ var History = { /** Init history. * @param {Binding} binding binding * @memberOf History */ init: function (binding) { var historyBinding = getHistoryBinding(binding); initHistory(historyBinding); listenForChanges(binding, historyBinding); }, /** Clear history. * @param {Binding} binding binding * @memberOf History */ clear: function (binding) { var historyBinding = getHistoryBinding(binding); clearHistory(historyBinding); }, /** Clear history and shutdown listener. * @param {Binding} binding history binding * @param {Object} [options] options object * @param {Boolean} [options.notify=true] should listeners be notified * @memberOf History */ destroy: function (binding, options) { var effectiveOptions = options || {}; destroyHistory(binding, effectiveOptions.notify); }, /** Check if history has undo information. * @param {Binding} binding binding * @returns {Boolean} * @memberOf History */ hasUndo: function (binding) { var historyBinding = getHistoryBinding(binding); var undo = historyBinding.get('undo'); return !!undo && !undo.isEmpty(); }, /** Check if history has redo information. * @param {Binding} binding binding * @returns {Boolean} * @memberOf History */ hasRedo: function (binding) { var historyBinding = getHistoryBinding(binding); var redo = historyBinding.get('redo'); return !!redo && !redo.isEmpty(); }, /** Revert to previous state. * @param {Binding} binding binding * @returns {Boolean} true, if binding has undo information * @memberOf History */ undo: function (binding) { var historyBinding = getHistoryBinding(binding); var listenerId = historyBinding.get('listenerId'); var undoBinding = historyBinding.sub('undo'); var redoBinding = historyBinding.sub('redo'); return revert(binding, undoBinding, redoBinding, listenerId, 'oldValue'); }, /** Revert to next state. * @param {Binding} binding binding * @returns {Boolean} true, if binding has redo information * @memberOf History */ redo: function (binding) { var historyBinding = getHistoryBinding(binding); var listenerId = historyBinding.get('listenerId'); var undoBinding = historyBinding.sub('undo'); var redoBinding = historyBinding.sub('redo'); return revert(binding, redoBinding, undoBinding, listenerId, 'newValue'); } }; module.exports = History; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"./Binding":2}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ (function (global){ /** * @name Morearty * @namespace * @classdesc Morearty main module. Exposes [createContext]{@link Morearty.createContext} function. */ var Imm = (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window['Immutable'] : typeof global !== "undefined" ? global['Immutable'] : null); var Util = require('./Util'); var Binding = require('./Binding'); var History = require('./History'); var Callback = require('./util/Callback'); var MERGE_STRATEGY = Object.freeze({ OVERWRITE: 'overwrite', OVERWRITE_EMPTY: 'overwrite-empty', MERGE_PRESERVE: 'merge-preserve', MERGE_REPLACE: 'merge-replace' }); var getBinding, bindingStateChanged, stateChanged; getBinding = function (props, key) { var binding = props.binding; return key ? binding[key] : binding; }; bindingStateChanged = function (context, currentBinding, previousState, previousMetaState) { return (context._stateChanged && previousState !== currentBinding.get()) || (context._metaChanged && context._metaBinding.sub(currentBinding.getPath()).isChanged(previousMetaState)); }; stateChanged = function (self, currentBinding, previousBinding, previousState, previousMetaState) { if (!currentBinding) return false; else { var context = self.getMoreartyContext(); if (currentBinding instanceof Binding) { return currentBinding !== previousBinding || bindingStateChanged(context, currentBinding, previousState, previousMetaState); } else { if (context._stateChanged || context._metaChanged) { var keys = Object.keys(currentBinding); return !!Util.find(keys, function (key) { var binding = currentBinding[key]; return binding && (binding !== previousBinding[key] || bindingStateChanged(context, binding, previousState[key], previousMetaState)); }); } else { return false; } } } }; var propChanged, countProps, propsChanged; propChanged = function (prop, currentProps, previousProps) { return currentProps[prop] !== previousProps[prop]; }; countProps = function (props) { var count = 0; for (var ignore in props) ++count; return count; }; propsChanged = function (self, currentProps) { var effectiveCurrentProps = currentProps || {}, effectivePreviousProps = self.props || {}; if (countProps(effectiveCurrentProps) !== countProps(effectivePreviousProps)) { return true; } else { for (var prop in effectiveCurrentProps) { //noinspection JSUnfilteredForInLoop if (prop !== 'binding' && propChanged(prop, effectiveCurrentProps, effectivePreviousProps)) return true; } return false; } }; var merge = function (mergeStrategy, defaultState, stateBinding) { var tx = stateBinding.atomically(); if (typeof mergeStrategy === 'function') { tx = tx.update(function (currentState) { return mergeStrategy(currentState, defaultState); }); } else { switch (mergeStrategy) { case MERGE_STRATEGY.OVERWRITE: tx = tx.set(defaultState); break; case MERGE_STRATEGY.OVERWRITE_EMPTY: tx = tx.update(function (currentState) { var empty = Util.undefinedOrNull(currentState) || (currentState instanceof Imm.Iterable && currentState.isEmpty()); return empty ? defaultState : currentState; }); break; case MERGE_STRATEGY.MERGE_PRESERVE: tx = tx.merge(true, defaultState); break; case MERGE_STRATEGY.MERGE_REPLACE: tx = tx.merge(false, defaultState); break; default: throw new Error('Invalid merge strategy: ' + mergeStrategy); } } tx.commit({ notify: false }); }; var getRenderRoutine = function (self) { var requestAnimationFrame = (typeof window !== 'undefined') && window.requestAnimationFrame; var fallback = function (f) { setTimeout(f, 1000 / 60); }; if (self._options.requestAnimationFrameEnabled) { if (requestAnimationFrame) return requestAnimationFrame; else { console.warn('Morearty: requestAnimationFrame is not available, will render using setTimeout'); return fallback; } } else { return fallback; } }; var initState, initDefaultState, initDefaultMetaState, savePreviousState; initState = function (self, getStateMethodName, f) { if (typeof self[getStateMethodName] === 'function') { var defaultStateValue = self[getStateMethodName](); if (defaultStateValue) { var binding = getBinding(self.props); var mergeStrategy = typeof self.getMergeStrategy === 'function' ? self.getMergeStrategy() : MERGE_STRATEGY.MERGE_PRESERVE; var immutableInstance = defaultStateValue instanceof Imm.Iterable; if (binding instanceof Binding) { var effectiveDefaultStateValue = immutableInstance ? defaultStateValue : defaultStateValue['default']; merge(mergeStrategy, effectiveDefaultStateValue, f(binding)); } else { var keys = Object.keys(binding); var defaultKey = keys.length === 1 ? keys[0] : 'default'; var effectiveMergeStrategy = typeof mergeStrategy === 'string' ? mergeStrategy : mergeStrategy[defaultKey]; if (immutableInstance) { merge(effectiveMergeStrategy, defaultStateValue, f(binding[defaultKey])); } else { keys.forEach(function (key) { if (defaultStateValue[key]) { merge(effectiveMergeStrategy, defaultStateValue[key], f(binding[key])); } }); } } } } }; initDefaultState = function (self) { initState(self, 'getDefaultState', Util.identity); }; initDefaultMetaState = function (self) { initState(self, 'getDefaultMetaState', function (b) { return b.meta(); }); }; savePreviousState = function (self) { var binding = self.props.binding; if (binding) { var ctx = self.getMoreartyContext(); self._previousMetaState = ctx && ctx.getCurrentMeta(); if (binding instanceof Binding) { self._previousState = binding.get(); } else { self._previousState = {}; Object.keys(self.props.binding) .forEach(function (key) { self._previousState[key] = self.props.binding[key] && self.props.binding[key].get(); }); } } else { self._previousState = null; self._previousMetaState = null; } }; var addComponentToRenderQueue, removeComponentFromRenderQueue, getUniqueComponentQueueId, setupObservedBindingListener; addComponentToRenderQueue = function (self, component) { self._componentQueue[component.componentQueueId] = component; }; removeComponentFromRenderQueue = function (self, component) { delete self._componentQueue[component.componentQueueId]; }; getUniqueComponentQueueId = function (self) { return self ? ++self._lastComponentQueueId : 0; }; setupObservedBindingListener = function (self, binding) { if (!self._observedListenerRemovers) { self._observedListenerRemovers = []; } var listenerId = binding.addListener(function () { addComponentToRenderQueue(self.getMoreartyContext(), self); }); self._observedListenerRemovers.push(function () { binding.removeListener(listenerId); }); }; module.exports = function (React, DOM) { /** Morearty context constructor. * @param {Binding} binding state binding * @param {Binding} metaBinding meta state binding * @param {Object} options options * @public * @class Context * @classdesc Represents Morearty context. *

Exposed modules: *

*/ var Context = function (binding, metaBinding, options) { /** @private */ this._initialMetaState = metaBinding.get(); /** @private */ this._previousMetaState = null; /** @private */ this._metaBinding = metaBinding; /** @protected * @ignore */ this._metaChanged = false; /** @private */ this._initialState = binding.get(); /** @protected * @ignore */ this._previousState = null; /** @private */ this._stateBinding = binding; /** @protected * @ignore */ this._stateChanged = false; /** @private */ this._options = options; /** @private */ this._renderQueued = false; /** @private */ this._fullUpdateQueued = false; /** @protected * @ignore */ this._fullUpdateInProgress = false; /** @private */ this._componentQueue = []; /** @private */ this._lastComponentQueueId = 0; }; /** @lends Context.prototype */ var contextPrototype = { /** Get state binding. * @return {Binding} state binding * @see Binding */ getBinding: function () { return this._stateBinding; }, /** Get meta binding. * @return {Binding} meta binding * @see Binding */ getMetaBinding: function () { return this._metaBinding; }, /** Get current state. * @return {Immutable.Map} current state */ getCurrentState: function () { return this.getBinding().get(); }, /** Get previous state (before last render). * @return {Immutable.Map} previous state */ getPreviousState: function () { return this._previousState; }, /** Get current meta state. * @returns {Immutable.Map} current meta state */ getCurrentMeta: function () { var metaBinding = this.getMetaBinding(); return metaBinding ? metaBinding.get() : undefined; }, /** Get previous meta state (before last render). * @return {Immutable.Map} previous meta state */ getPreviousMeta: function () { return this._previousMetaState; }, /** Create a copy of this context sharing same bindings and options. * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @returns {Context} */ copy: function (subpath) { return new Context(this._stateBinding.sub(subpath), this._metaBinding.sub(subpath), this._options); }, /** Revert to initial state. * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @param {Object} [options] options object * @param {Boolean} [options.notify=true] should listeners be notified * @param {Boolean} [options.resetMeta=true] should meta state be reverted */ resetState: function (subpath, options) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, function (x) { return Util.canRepresentSubpath(x) ? 'subpath' : null; }, '?options' ); var pathAsArray = args.subpath ? Binding.asArrayPath(args.subpath) : []; var tx = this.getBinding().atomically(); tx.set(pathAsArray, this._initialState.getIn(pathAsArray)); var effectiveOptions = args.options || {}; if (effectiveOptions.resetMeta !== false) { tx.set(this.getMetaBinding(), pathAsArray, this._initialMetaState.getIn(pathAsArray)); } tx.commit({ notify: effectiveOptions.notify }); }, /** Replace whole state with new value. * @param {Immutable.Map} newState new state * @param {Immutable.Map} [newMetaState] new meta state * @param {Object} [options] options object * @param {Boolean} [options.notify=true] should listeners be notified */ replaceState: function (newState, newMetaState, options) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, 'newState', function (x) { return x instanceof Imm.Map ? 'newMetaState' : null; }, '?options' ); var effectiveOptions = args.options || {}; var tx = this.getBinding().atomically(); tx.set(newState); if (args.newMetaState) tx.set(this.getMetaBinding(), args.newMetaState); tx.commit({ notify: effectiveOptions.notify }); }, /** Check if binding value was changed on last re-render. * @param {Binding} binding binding * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @param {Function} [compare] compare function, '===' for primitives / Immutable.is for collections by default */ isChanged: function (binding, subpath, compare) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, 'binding', function (x) { return Util.canRepresentSubpath(x) ? 'subpath' : null; }, '?compare' ); return args.binding.sub(args.subpath).isChanged(this._previousState, args.compare || Imm.is); }, /** Initialize rendering. * @param {*} rootComp root application component */ init: function (rootComp) { var self = this; var stop = false; var renderQueue = []; var transitionState = function () { var stateChanged, metaChanged; if (renderQueue.length === 1) { var singleFrame = renderQueue[0]; stateChanged = singleFrame.stateChanged; metaChanged = singleFrame.metaChanged; if (stateChanged) self._previousState = singleFrame.previousState; if (metaChanged) self._previousMetaState = singleFrame.previousMetaState; } else { var elderStateChangedFrame = Util.find(renderQueue, function (q) { return q.stateChanged; }); var elderMetaChangedFrame = Util.find(renderQueue, function (q) { return q.metaChanged; }); stateChanged = !!elderStateChangedFrame; metaChanged = !!elderMetaChangedFrame; if (stateChanged) self._previousState = elderStateChangedFrame.previousState; if (metaChanged) self._previousMetaState = elderMetaChangedFrame.previousMetaState; } self._stateChanged = stateChanged; self._metaChanged = metaChanged; renderQueue = []; }; var forceUpdate = function (comp, f) { if (comp.isMounted()) { comp.forceUpdate(f); } }; var catchingRenderErrors = function (f) { try { f(); } catch (e) { if (self._options.stopOnRenderError) { stop = true; } console.error('Morearty: render error. ' + (stop ? 'Will exit on next render attempt.' : 'Continuing.')); console.error('Error details: %s', e.message, e.stack); } }; var render = function () { transitionState(); self._renderQueued = false; catchingRenderErrors(function () { if (self._fullUpdateQueued) { self._fullUpdateInProgress = true; forceUpdate(rootComp, function () { self._fullUpdateQueued = false; self._fullUpdateInProgress = false; }); } else { forceUpdate(rootComp); self._componentQueue.forEach(function (c) { forceUpdate(c); savePreviousState(c); }); self._componentQueue = []; } }); }; if (!self._options.renderOnce) { var renderRoutine = getRenderRoutine(self); var listenerId = self._stateBinding.addListener(function (changes) { if (stop) { self._stateBinding.removeListener(listenerId); } else { var stateChanged = changes.isValueChanged(), metaChanged = changes.isMetaChanged(); if (stateChanged || metaChanged) { renderQueue.push({ stateChanged: stateChanged, metaChanged: metaChanged, previousState: (stateChanged || null) && changes.getPreviousBackingValue(), previousMetaState: (metaChanged || null) && changes.getPreviousBackingMeta() }); if (!self._renderQueued) { self._renderQueued = true; renderRoutine(render); } } } }); } catchingRenderErrors(rootComp.forceUpdate.bind(rootComp)); }, /** Queue full update on next render. */ queueFullUpdate: function () { this._fullUpdateQueued = true; }, /** Create Morearty bootstrap component ready for rendering. * @param {*} rootComp root application component * @param {Object} [reactContext] custom React context (will be enriched with Morearty-specific data) * @return {*} Morearty bootstrap component */ bootstrap: function (rootComp, reactContext) { var ctx = this; var effectiveReactContext = reactContext || {}; effectiveReactContext.morearty = ctx; return React.createClass({ displayName: 'Bootstrap', childContextTypes: { morearty: React.PropTypes.instanceOf(Context).isRequired }, getChildContext: function () { return effectiveReactContext; }, componentWillMount: function () { ctx.init(this); }, render: function () { var effectiveProps = Util.assign({}, {binding: ctx.getBinding()}, this.props); return React.createFactory(rootComp)(effectiveProps); } }); } }; Context.prototype = contextPrototype; return { /** Binding module. * @memberOf Morearty * @see Binding */ Binding: Binding, /** History module. * @memberOf Morearty * @see History */ History: History, /** Util module. * @memberOf Morearty * @see Util */ Util: Util, /** Callback module. * @memberOf Morearty * @see Callback */ Callback: Callback, /** DOM module. * @memberOf Morearty * @see DOM */ DOM: DOM, /** Merge strategy. *

Describes how existing state should be merged with component's default state on mount. Predefined strategies: *

* @memberOf Morearty */ MergeStrategy: MERGE_STRATEGY, /** Morearty mixin. * @memberOf Morearty * @namespace * @classdesc Mixin */ Mixin: { contextTypes: { morearty: React.PropTypes.instanceOf(Context).isRequired }, /** Get Morearty context. * @returns {Context} */ getMoreartyContext: function () { return this.context.morearty; }, /** Get component state binding. Returns binding specified in component's binding attribute. * @param {String} [name] binding name (can only be used with multi-binding state) * @return {Binding|Object} component state binding */ getBinding: function (name) { return getBinding(this.props, name); }, /** Get default component state binding. Use this to get component's binding. *

Default binding is single binding for single-binding components or * binding with key 'default' for multi-binding components or else first observed binding, if any. * This method allows smooth migration from single to multi-binding components, e.g. you start with: *

{ binding: foo }
* or *
{ binding: { default: foo } }
* or even *
{ binding: { any: foo } }
* and add more bindings later: *
{ binding: { default: foo, aux: auxiliary } }
* This way code changes stay minimal. * @return {Binding} default component state binding */ getDefaultBinding: function () { var binding = getBinding(this.props); if (binding) { if (binding instanceof Binding) { return binding; } else if (typeof binding === 'object') { var keys = Object.keys(binding); return keys.length === 1 ? binding[keys[0]] : binding['default']; } } else { return this.observedBindings && this.observedBindings[0]; } }, /** Get component previous state value. * @param {String} [name] binding name (can only be used with multi-binding state) * @return {*} previous component state value */ getPreviousState: function (name) { var ctx = this.getMoreartyContext(); return getBinding(this.props, name).withBackingValue(ctx._previousState).get(); }, /** Consider specified binding for changes when rendering. Registering same binding twice has no effect. * @param {Binding} binding * @param {Function} [cb] optional callback receiving binding value * @return {*} undefined if cb argument is ommitted, cb invocation result otherwise */ observeBinding: function (binding, cb) { if (!this.observedBindings) { this.observedBindings = []; } var bindingPath = binding.getPath(); if (!Util.find(this.observedBindings, function (b) { return b.getPath() === bindingPath; })) { this.observedBindings.push(binding); setupObservedBindingListener(this, binding); } return cb ? cb(binding.get()) : undefined; }, componentWillMount: function () { this.componentQueueId = getUniqueComponentQueueId(this.getMoreartyContext()); savePreviousState(this); initDefaultState(this); initDefaultMetaState(this); if (this.observedBindings) { this.observedBindings.forEach(setupObservedBindingListener.bind(null, this)); } }, shouldComponentUpdate: function (nextProps, nextState, nextContext) { var self = this; var ctx = self.getMoreartyContext(); var previousState = self._previousState; var previousMetaState = self._previousMetaState; savePreviousState(self); var shouldComponentUpdate = function () { return ctx._fullUpdateInProgress || stateChanged(self, getBinding(nextProps), getBinding(self.props), previousState, previousMetaState) || propsChanged(self, nextProps); }; var shouldComponentUpdateOverride = self.shouldComponentUpdateOverride; return shouldComponentUpdateOverride ? shouldComponentUpdateOverride(shouldComponentUpdate, nextProps, nextState, nextContext) : shouldComponentUpdate(); }, /** Add binding listener. Listener will be automatically removed on unmount. * @param {Binding} [binding] binding to attach listener to, default binding if omitted * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @param {Function} cb function receiving changes descriptor * @return {String} listener id */ addBindingListener: function (binding, subpath, cb) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, function (x) { return x instanceof Binding ? 'binding' : null; }, function (x) { return Util.canRepresentSubpath(x) ? 'subpath' : null; }, 'cb' ); if (!this._bindingListenerRemovers) { this._bindingListenerRemovers = []; } var effectiveBinding = args.binding || this.getDefaultBinding(); if (!effectiveBinding) { return console.warn('Morearty: cannot attach binding listener to a component without default binding'); } var listenerId = effectiveBinding.addListener(args.subpath, args.cb); this._bindingListenerRemovers.push(function () { effectiveBinding.removeListener(listenerId); }); return listenerId; }, componentDidUpdate: function () { removeComponentFromRenderQueue(this.getMoreartyContext(), this); }, componentWillUnmount: function () { if (this._observedListenerRemovers) { this._observedListenerRemovers.forEach(function (remover) { remover(); }); this._observedListenerRemovers = []; } if (this._bindingListenerRemovers) { this._bindingListenerRemovers.forEach(function (remover) { remover(); }); this._bindingListenerRemovers = []; } } }, /** Create Morearty context. * @param {Object} [spec] spec object * @param {Immutable.Map|Object} [spec.initialState={}] initial state * @param {Immutable.Map|Object} [spec.initialMetaState={}] initial meta-state * @param {Object} [spec.options={}] options object * @param {Boolean} [spec.options.requestAnimationFrameEnabled=true] enable rendering in requestAnimationFrame * @param {Boolean} [spec.options.renderOnce=false] * ensure render is executed only once (useful for server-side rendering to save resources), * any further state updates are ignored * @param {Boolean} [spec.options.stopOnRenderError=false] stop on errors during render * @return {Context} * @memberOf Morearty */ createContext: function (spec) { var initialState, initialMetaState, options; if (arguments.length <= 1) { var effectiveSpec = spec || {}; initialState = effectiveSpec.initialState; initialMetaState = effectiveSpec.initialMetaState; options = effectiveSpec.options; } else { console.warn( 'Passing multiple arguments to createContext is deprecated. Use single object form instead.' ); initialState = arguments[0]; initialMetaState = arguments[1]; options = arguments[2]; } var ensureImmutable = function (state) { return state instanceof Imm.Iterable ? state : Imm.fromJS(state); }; var state = ensureImmutable(initialState || {}); var metaState = ensureImmutable(initialMetaState || {}); var metaBinding = Binding.init(metaState); var binding = Binding.init(state, metaBinding); var effectiveOptions = options || {}; return new Context(binding, metaBinding, { requestAnimationFrameEnabled: effectiveOptions.requestAnimationFrameEnabled !== false, renderOnce: effectiveOptions.renderOnce || false, stopOnRenderError: effectiveOptions.stopOnRenderError || false }); } }; }; }).call(this,typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : {}) },{"./Binding":2,"./History":5,"./Util":7,"./util/Callback":8}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @name Util * @namespace * @classdesc Miscellaneous util functions. */ /* ---------------- */ /* Private helpers. */ /* ---------------- */ // resolveArgs var isRequired, findTurningPoint, prepare; isRequired = function (spec) { return typeof spec === 'string' && spec.charAt(0) !== '?'; }; findTurningPoint = function (arr, pred) { var first = pred(arr[0]); for (var i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { if (pred(arr[i]) !== first) return i; } return null; }; prepare = function (arr, splitAt) { return arr.slice(splitAt).reverse().concat(arr.slice(0, splitAt)); }; module.exports = { /** Identity function. Returns its first argument. * @param {*} x argument to return * @return {*} its first argument * @memberOf Util */ identity: function (x) { return x; }, /** 'Not' function returning logical not of its argument. * @param {*} x argument * @returns {*} !x * @memberOf Util */ not: function (x) { return !x; }, /** Create constant function (always returning x). * @param {*} x constant function return value * @return {Function} function always returning x * @memberOf Util */ constantly: function (x) { return function () { return x; }; }, /** Execute function asynchronously. * @param {Function} f function */ async: function (f) { setTimeout(f, 0); }, /** Execute function f, then function cont. If f returns a promise, cont is executed when the promise resolves. * @param {Function} f function to execute first * @param {Function} cont function to execute after f * @memberOf Util */ afterComplete: function (f, cont) { var result = f(); if (result && typeof result.always === 'function') { result.always(cont); } else { cont(); } }, /** Check if argument is undefined or null. * @param {*} x argument to check * @returns {Boolean} * @memberOf Util */ undefinedOrNull: function (x) { return x === undefined || x === null; }, /** Get values of object properties. * @param {Object} obj object * @return {Array} object's properties values * @memberOf Util */ getPropertyValues: function (obj) { return Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) { return obj[key]; }); }, /** Find array element satisfying the predicate. * @param {Array} arr array * @param {Function} pred predicate accepting current value, index, original array * @return {*} found value or null * @memberOf Util */ find: function (arr, pred) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var value = arr[i]; if (pred(value, i, arr)) { return value; } } return null; }, /** Resolve arguments. Acceptable spec formats: * * Specs can only switch optional flag once in the list. This invariant isn't checked by the method, * its violation will produce indeterminate results. *

Optional arguments are matched in order, left to right. Provide check function if you need to allow to skip * one optional argument and use sebsequent optional arguments instead. *

Returned arguments descriptor contains argument names mapped to resolved values. * @param {Array} args arguments 'array' * @param {*} var_args arguments specs as a var-args list or array, see method description * @returns {Object} arguments descriptor object * @memberOf Util */ resolveArgs: function (args, var_args) { var result = {}; if (arguments.length > 1) { var specs = Array.isArray(var_args) ? var_args : Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); var preparedSpecs, preparedArgs; var turningPoint; if (isRequired(specs[0]) || !(turningPoint = findTurningPoint(specs, isRequired))) { preparedSpecs = specs; preparedArgs = args; } else { var effectiveArgs = Array.isArray(args) ? args : Array.prototype.slice.call(args); preparedSpecs = prepare(specs, turningPoint); preparedArgs = prepare(effectiveArgs, effectiveArgs.length - (specs.length - turningPoint)); } for (var specIndex = 0, argIndex = 0; specIndex < preparedSpecs.length && argIndex < preparedArgs.length; specIndex++) { var spec = preparedSpecs[specIndex], arg = preparedArgs[argIndex]; if (isRequired(spec)) { result[spec] = arg; argIndex++; } else { var name = typeof spec === 'function' ? spec(arg) : (spec.charAt(0) !== '?' ? spec : spec.substring(1)); if (name || arg === undefined) { result[name] = arg; argIndex++; } } } } return result; }, /** Check if argument can be valid binding subpath. * @param {*} x * @returns {Boolean} * @memberOf Util */ canRepresentSubpath: function (x) { var type = typeof x; return type === 'string' || type === 'number' || Array.isArray(x); }, /** Meta node name. * @type {String} * @memberOf Util */ META_NODE: '__meta__', /** Join two array paths. * @param {Array} path1 array of string and numbers * @param {Array} path2 array of string and numbers * @returns {Array} joined path * @memberOf Util */ joinPaths: function (path1, path2) { return path1.length === 0 ? path2 : (path2.length === 0 ? path1 : path1.concat(path2)); }, /** ES6 Object.assign. * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/assign */ assign: function (target, firstSource) { if (target === undefined || target === null) { throw new TypeError('Cannot convert first argument to object'); } var to = Object(target); var hasPendingException = false; var pendingException; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var nextSource = arguments[i]; if (nextSource === undefined || nextSource === null) continue; var keysArray = Object.keys(Object(nextSource)); for (var nextIndex = 0, len = keysArray.length; nextIndex < len; nextIndex++) { var nextKey = keysArray[nextIndex]; try { var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(nextSource, nextKey); if (desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable) to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey]; } catch (e) { if (!hasPendingException) { hasPendingException = true; pendingException = e; } } } if (hasPendingException) throw pendingException; } return to; } }; },{}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * @name Callback * @namespace * @classdesc Miscellaneous callback util functions. */ var Util = require('../Util'); module.exports = { /** Create callback used to set binding value on an event. * @param {Binding} binding binding * @param {String|Array} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @param {Function} [f] value transformer * @returns {Function} callback * @memberOf Callback */ set: function (binding, subpath, f) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, 'binding', function (x) { return Util.canRepresentSubpath(x) ? 'subpath' : null; }, '?f' ); return function (event) { var value = event.target.value; binding.set(args.subpath, args.f ? args.f(value) : value); }; }, /** Create callback used to delete binding value on an event. * @param {Binding} binding binding * @param {String|String[]} [subpath] subpath as a dot-separated string or an array of strings and numbers * @param {Function} [pred] predicate * @returns {Function} callback * @memberOf Callback */ remove: function (binding, subpath, pred) { var args = Util.resolveArgs( arguments, 'binding', function (x) { return Util.canRepresentSubpath(x) ? 'subpath' : null; }, '?pred' ); return function (event) { var value = event.target.value; if (!args.pred || args.pred(value)) { binding.remove(args.subpath); } }; }, /** Create callback invoked when specified key combination is pressed. * @param {Function} cb callback * @param {String|Array} key key * @param {Boolean} [shiftKey] shift key flag * @param {Boolean} [ctrlKey] ctrl key flag * @returns {Function} callback * @memberOf Callback */ onKey: function (cb, key, shiftKey, ctrlKey) { var effectiveShiftKey = shiftKey || false; var effectiveCtrlKey = ctrlKey || false; return function (event) { var keyMatched = typeof key === 'string' ? event.key === key : Util.find(key, function (k) { return k === event.key; }); if (keyMatched && event.shiftKey === effectiveShiftKey && event.ctrlKey === effectiveCtrlKey) { cb(event); } }; }, /** Create callback invoked when enter key is pressed. * @param {Function} cb callback * @returns {Function} callback * @memberOf Callback */ onEnter: function (cb) { return this.onKey(cb, 'Enter'); }, /** Create callback invoked when escape key is pressed. * @param {Function} cb callback * @returns {Function} callback * @memberOf Callback */ onEscape: function (cb) { return this.onKey(cb, 'Escape'); } }; module.exports['delete'] = module.exports.remove; },{"../Util":7}]},{},[1])(1) });