# Recess Lint and Build System for Sublime Text ## Description Adds a build setting to use [Twitter Recess](https://github.com/twitter/recess "Twitter Recess") to compile, clean up, and compress your CSS. ## Installation ### Prerequisites 1. Install [node.js](http://www.nodejs.org) and npm. 2. Run the command `npm install recess -g` to install recess globally. ### Install using Git: Clone the repository in your Sublime Text "Packages" directory: git clone git://github.com/morganestes/sublime-recess.git "Twitter Recess" The "Packages" directory is located at: * OS X: `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/` * Linux: `~/.Sublime Text 3/Packages/` * Windows: `%APPDATA%/Sublime Text 3/Packages/` ### Manual installation: * Download the [latest source zipball](https://github.com/morganestes/sublime-recess/zipball/master) and extract the files to your Sublime Text "Packages" directory, into a new directory named `Twitter Recess`. ## Usage ### Configure Open `Recess.sublime-build` and change the options to fit your needs. I recommend leaving in `--stripColors true` since it displays in the ST3 console window weird without it. ### Run 1. Right-click in the window and select the options from the Recess menu. 2. `Ctrl+Shift+R` on your keyboard for linting, `Ctrl+Shift+Alt+R` for compiling. 3. Use `Ctrl+Shift+P` to open the Command Pallete. Type "Recess" to get the commands to choose from. ## Known Issues See https://github.com/morganestes/sublime-recess/wiki/Known-Issues for the latest info on known/reported issues for ST2 & ST3. ## Changelog ### 0.3.0 - Added ST3 support ### 0.2.2 - Added OS X path ### 0.2.1 - Added Linux path ### 0.2.0 - Added `--compile` and changed the menu to handle multiple options. ### 0.1.0 - Initial release [![Bitdeli Badge](https://d2weczhvl823v0.cloudfront.net/morganestes/sublime-recess/trend.png)](https://bitdeli.com/free "Bitdeli Badge")