# -= ml_puppet.py =- # __ by Morgan Loomis # ____ ___ / / http://morganloomis.com # / __ `__ \/ / Revision 26 # / / / / / / / 2023-04-22 # /_/ /_/ /_/_/ _________ # /_________/ # # ______________ # - -/__ License __/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Copyright 2018-2023 Morgan Loomis # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of # this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in # the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, # copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the # Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR # COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER # IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN # CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # ___________________ # - -/__ Installation __/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Copy this file into your maya scripts directory, for example: # C:/Documents and Settings/user/My Documents/maya/scripts/ml_puppet.py # # Run the tool in a python shell or shelf button by importing the module, # and then calling the primary function: # # import ml_puppet # ml_puppet.main() # # # __________________ # - -/__ Description __/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Support tools for puppets. # # ____________ # - -/__ Usage __/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Launch the UI to see the options available. Press a button to make a selection # or run a command. Right click buttons to create a hotkey for that option. All # options are selection-sensitive, so for example if you have two puppets # referenced into a scene, and select any part of one of them and run # select_controls, it will select all the controls for that puppet only. With # nothing selected it will select all controls in the scene. For Fk/Ik switching, # select any part of the appendage you want to switch. So for an arm, you can select # the ik hand control, the fk shoulder, the pole vector, and either way it will # know to do the switch for that arm. # # # ___________________ # - -/__ Requirements __/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # This script requires the ml_utilities module, which can be downloaded here: # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/morganloomis/ml_tools/master/ml_utilities.py # # __________ # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /_ Enjoy! _/- - - __author__ = 'Morgan Loomis' __license__ = 'MIT' __category__ = 'None' __revision__ = 24 import maya.cmds as mc import maya.mel as mm from functools import partial import math, re, warnings, os try: import ml_utilities as utl utl.upToDateCheck(35) except ImportError: result = mc.confirmDialog( title='Module Not Found', message='This tool requires the ml_utilities module. Once downloaded you will need to restart Maya.', button=['Download Module','Cancel'], defaultButton='Cancel', cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel' ) if result == 'Download Module': mc.showHelp('http://morganloomis.com/tool/ml_utilities/',absolute=True) ml_convertRotationOrder = None try: import ml_convertRotationOrder except ImportError: pass ml_resetChannels = None try: import ml_resetChannels except ImportError: pass ml_copyAnim = None try: import ml_copyAnim except ImportError: pass ml_match = None try: import ml_match except ImportError: pass ml_snap = None try: import ml_snap except ImportError: pass poseCapture = None try: from leap import poseCapture except ImportError: pass PUP_ID_PREFIX = 'pupID_' CONTROL_ATTR = PUP_ID_PREFIX+'control' PUPPET_ATTR = PUP_ID_PREFIX+'puppet' APPENDAGE_ATTR = 'puppeteer_appendage' JOINT_WORLD_MATRIX_ATTR = 'skinCluster_worldMatrix' def main(): initPuppetContextMenu() filter_graphEditor() # ==================================================================================== # TAGS # ==================================================================================== def get_tagged_nodes_below(node, tag): nodes = [] allKids = mc.listRelatives(node, ad=True, pa=True) for kid in allKids: if mc.attributeQuery(tag, exists=True, node=kid): nodes.append(kid) return nodes def get_tagged_nodes_above(node, tag): nodes = [] antecedents = mc.listRelatives(node, ad=True, pa=True, parent=True) for each in antecedents: if mc.attributeQuery(tag, exists=True, node=each): nodes.append(each) return nodes def getTag(node, tag): ntAttr = PUP_ID_PREFIX+tag if mc.attributeQuery(ntAttr, exists=True, node=node): return mc.getAttr(node+'.'+ntAttr) return False def getNodeType(node): if mc.attributeQuery('asset_type', node=node, exists=True): return mc.getAttr(node+'.asset_type', asString=True) return getTag(node, 'nodeType') def get_tagged_nodes(tag, namespaceFromNodes=None): allNodes = [] #if something is selected, get it from within that namespace. if not namespaceFromNodes: namespaceFromNodes = mc.ls(sl=True) namespaces = [] if namespaceFromNodes: for each in namespaceFromNodes: namespaces.append(utl.getNamespace(each)) else: namespaces = ['*:',''] for ns in list(set(namespaces)): allNodes.extend(mc.ls(ns+'*.'+tag, o=True)) return allNodes # ==================================================================================== # CONTROLS # ==================================================================================== def is_control(node): return mc.attributeQuery(CONTROL_ATTR, exists=True, node=str(node)) def get_controls(nodes=None): return get_tagged_nodes(CONTROL_ATTR, namespaceFromNodes=nodes) def get_controls_below(node): return get_tagged_nodes_below(node, CONTROL_ATTR) # ==================================================================================== # PUPPET # ==================================================================================== def is_puppet(node): return mc.attributeQuery(PUPPET_ATTR, exists=True, node=str(node)) def get_puppets(node=None): nodes = mc.ls(sl=True) if not nodes: if not node: return get_tagged_nodes(PUPPET_ATTR) nodes = [node] return get_tagged_nodes(PUPPET_ATTR, namespaceFromNodes=nodes) def select_puppets(nodes=None, *args): pups = get_puppets(nodes) if pups: mc.select(pups) def select_controls(nodes=None, *args): ctrls = get_controls(nodes=nodes) if ctrls: mc.select(ctrls) def getWorldSpaceControls(nodes, *args): ctrls = get_controls(nodes=nodes) if not ctrls: return wsCtrls = [] for ctrl in ctrls: if getTag(ctrl, 'baseName') == 'root': wsCtrls.append(ctrl) continue ssData = getSpaceSwitchData(ctrl) if not ssData: continue for attr, value in list(ssData.items()): if value['currentValue'] == 'World': wsCtrls.append(ctrl) break return wsCtrls def selectWorldSpaceControls(nodes, *args): ctrls = getWorldSpaceControls(nodes) if ctrls: mc.select(ctrls) def select_keyed(nodes, *args): if nodes: mc.select(nodes) keySel = utl.KeySelection() if keySel.keyedInHierarchy(): mc.select(keySel.nodes, replace=True) else: mc.select(clear=True) def selectIkControls(nodes, *args): ctrls = get_controls(nodes) if not ctrls: return mc.select( [x for x in ctrls if getTag(x, 'descriptor') == 'ik']) def selectFkControls(nodes, *args): ctrls = get_controls(nodes) if not ctrls: return mc.select( [x for x in ctrls if getTag(x, 'descriptor') == 'fk']) def invertSelection(nodes, *args): ctrls = get_controls(nodes) if not ctrls: return sel = mc.ls(sl=True) if not sel: mc.select(ctrls) else: mc.select([x for x in ctrls if x not in sel]) # ==================================================================================== # APPENDAGES # ==================================================================================== def is_appendage(node): return mc.attributeQuery(APPENDAGE_ATTR, exists=True, node=str(node)) def get_appendage_controls(nodes=None): if not nodes: nodes = mc.ls(sl=True) appendages = get_appendages(nodes) if not appendages: return controls = [] for appendage in appendages: controlsBelow = get_tagged_nodes_below(appendage, CONTROL_ATTR) if controlsBelow: controls.extend(controlsBelow) return controls def select_appendage_controls(nodes=None, *args): ctrls = get_appendage_controls(nodes=nodes) if ctrls: mc.select(ctrls) def get_appendage(node): if mc.attributeQuery(APPENDAGE_ATTR, node=node, exists=True): return node parent = mc.listRelatives(node, parent=True, pa=True) if parent: return get_appendage(parent[0]) return None def get_appendages(nodes): return list(set([get_appendage(x) for x in nodes])) def select_appendage(nodes=None, *args): apps = get_appendages(nodes=nodes) if apps: mc.select(apps) def getDagMenuScript(): result = mm.eval('whatIs createSelectMenuItems') filename = None if 'found in: ' in result: filename = result.split('found in: ')[-1] if os.path.isfile(filename): return filename mm.eval('source dagMenuProc.mel') result = mm.eval('whatIs dagMenuProc') if not 'found in: ' in result: return None filename = result.split('found in: ')[-1] return filename def defer_initPuppetContextMenu(): #cmd = 'import ml_puppet;ml_puppet.initPuppetContextMenu()' mc.evalDeferred('initPuppetContextMenu()') def initPuppetContextMenu(): #get the file name filename = getDagMenuScript() if not filename: raise RuntimeError('Unable to initialize Puppet Context Menu.') #globalize a proc which would otherwise fail mm.eval('''global proc optionalDagMenuProc( string $parent, string $item ) { string $object[] = `listRelatives -path -s $item`; string $shape = ""; int $gotVisible = 0; if( size($object) < 1 ) return; for( $i=0; $i 1: append = 's' mc.menuItem(label='Reset Control'+append, command=ml_resetChannels.resetPuppetControl) mc.menuItem(divider=True) #rotate order if ml_convertRotationOrder and mc.getAttr(node+'.rotateOrder', channelBox=True): roo = mc.getAttr(node+'.rotateOrder') #rotOrders = ('xyz') mc.menuItem(label='Convert Rotate Order...', command=partial(convertRotateOrderUI, nodes)) mc.menuItem(divider=True) if poseCapture and appendage and 'hand' in appendage: mc.menuItem(label='Ultraleap Pose Capture') mc.menuItem(label='Ultraleap Animation Capture') mc.menuItem(divider=True) #== from here out, populate by code nodes =============================== # codeNodes = [] # for a in [node, appendage]: # connected = mc.listConnections(a+'.message', source=False) or [] # for b in connected: # if mc.attributeQuery('puppeteer_data_code', node=b, exists=True): # codeNodes.append(b) # for codeNode in codeNodes: # #eval menu command # pass #== generic matching =============================== # includes fk/ik and space switching if not ml_match: return systems = ml_match.get_systems(nodes) if not systems: return driverAttrs = [] #need to combine systems that have the same driver names and ranges into one menu item menu = {} for system in systems: driverNode, driverAttr = system.driver.split('.',1) if not mc.attributeQuery(driverAttr, node=driverNode, maxExists=True): print('Max value required for menu') continue min = mc.attributeQuery(driverAttr, node=driverNode, min=True)[0] max = mc.attributeQuery(driverAttr, node=driverNode, max=True)[0] valueList = mc.attributeQuery(driverAttr, node=driverNode, listEnum=True) if valueList: valueList = valueList[0].split(':') else: valueList = list(range(int(min), int(max+1))) #special case for fk/ik readability if len(valueList) == 2 and driverAttr in ['fk_ik', 'fkIk']: valueList = ['FK', 'IK'] menuData = tuple([driverAttr]+valueList) if not menuData in menu: menu[menuData] = [] menu[menuData].append(system) labels = [x[0] for x in menu.keys()] labelsUnique = len(labels) == len(set(labels)) for menuData in menu.keys(): #figure the label based on the number of unique things selected #two identical labels can have different value lists, so they need to prefixed. #prefix labels unless there's only 1 entry, or if all the labels are already unique label = menuData[0] systems = menu[menuData] if len(labels) > 1 and not labelsUnique: systemDrivers = [x.driver.split('.')[0] for x in systems] prefix = ', '.join(systemDrivers) if len(prefix) > 24: prefix = prefix[:20] + '. . .' label = prefix+label mc.menuItem(label=label, subMenu=True) system = systems[0] currentValue = None value = None values = [mc.getAttr(system.system+'.driver') for system in systems] allEqual = values.count(values[0]) == len(values) currentValue = mc.getAttr(system.system+'.driver') # ------------------------------------------- mc.menuItem(label='Switch Current', subMenu=True) for i, each in enumerate(menuData[1:]): if allEqual and i == currentValue: #need to take into account min continue mc.menuItem(label=each, command=partial(do_match_current, system, i)) mc.setParent('..', menu=True) # ------------------------------------------- mc.menuItem(label='Switch Range', subMenu=True) for i, each in enumerate(valueList): mc.menuItem(label=each, command=partial(do_match_range, system, i)) mc.setParent('..', menu=True) mc.setParent('..', menu=True) def do_match_current(system, toValue, *args): system.match_current(toValue) def do_match_range(system, toValue, *args): system.match_range(toValue) def match_fk_range(*args): match_selected(0, range=True) def match_ik_range(*args): match_selected(1, range=True) def match_fk_current(*args): match_selected(0, range=False) def match_ik_current(*args): match_selected(1, range=False) def match_selected(toValue, range=False): sel = mc.ls(sl=True) if not sel: return systems = ml_match.get_systems(sel) for system in systems: if range: system.match_range(toValue) else: system.match_current(toValue) def convertRotateOrderUI(nodes, *args): ''' wrapper ''' if ml_convertRotationOrder: if nodes: mc.select(nodes[-1]) ml_convertRotationOrder.ui() ml_convertRotationOrder.loadTips() def fk_ik_ui(): ''' User interface for arc tracer ''' with utl.MlUi('matching', 'Matching', width=400, height=180, info='''Select systems to match. Any control affected by the fk/ik system will do.''') as win: win.buttonWithPopup(label='Match Current FK', command=match_fk_current, annotation='Match to FK over range.', shelfLabel='fk', shelfIcon='ikEffector') win.buttonWithPopup(label='Match Current IK', command=match_ik_current, annotation='Match to FK over range.', shelfLabel='ik', shelfIcon='ikEffector') win.buttonWithPopup(label='Match Range FK', command=match_fk_range, annotation='Match to FK over range.', shelfLabel='fk', shelfIcon='ikEffector') win.buttonWithPopup(label='Match Range IK', command=match_ik_range, annotation='Match to FK over range.', shelfLabel='ik', shelfIcon='ikEffector') #================= def space_switch(nodes=None, toSpace=None, switchRange=False, bakeOnOnes=False): sel = mc.ls(sl=True) if switchRange: start, end = utl.frameRange() controls = [] attributes = [] locators = [] values = [] for node in nodes: ml_snap.setAttr_preserveTransform(node+'.space', toSpace) if switchRange: utl.matchBake(controls, locators, maintainOffset=True, bakeOnOnes=bakeOnOnes) for ctrl, attr, value in zip(controls, attributes, values): if mc.keyframe(ctrl+'.'+attr, query=True, name=True): mc.cutKey(ctrl+'.'+attr, time=(start,end)) mc.setKeyframe(ctrl+'.'+attr, value=value, time=(start,end)) else: mc.setAttr(ctrl+'.'+attr, value) utl.matchBake(locators, controls) else: for ctrl, attr, value, loc in zip(controls, attributes, values, locators): utl.setAnimValue(ctrl+'.'+attr, value) snap(ctrl, loc) mc.delete(locators) if sel: mc.select(sel) # __________________________________ # == POSE AND ANIM MIRRORING ======= def getMirrorName(node, a='Lf_', b='Rt_'): if a in node: return node.replace(a,b) elif b in node: return node.replace(b,a) return None def getMirrorMap(nodes=None): ''' Returns a map of all paired nodes within a puppet ''' puppets = get_puppets(nodes) puppets = mc.ls(puppets, long=True)[0] allNodes = mc.ls('*.mirrorIndex', o=True, long=True, recursive=True) found = {} pairs = {} for node in allNodes: for puppet in puppets: if not node.startswith(puppet): continue value = mc.getAttr('{}.mirrorIndex'.format(node)) if value in list(found.keys()): pairs[found[value]] = node pairs[node] = found[value] continue found[value] = node return pairs def getMirrorPairs(nodes): ''' Returns a dictionary of paired nodes. Keys are the input nodes, values are the mirrored nodes. ''' nodes = mc.ls(nodes, long=True) #mirrorMap = getMirrorMap(nodes) mirrorPairs = {} #for each in nodes: #if each in mirrorMap: #mirrorPairs[each] = mirrorMap[each] for each in nodes: mirror = getMirrorName(each) if mirror and mc.objExists(mirror): mirrorPairs[each] = mirror return mirrorPairs def getMirrorAxis(node): axis = [] if mc.attributeQuery('mirrorAxis', exists=True, node=node): mirrorAxis = mc.getAttr('{}.mirrorAxis'.format(node)) if mirrorAxis and not hasFlippedParent(node): axis = mirrorAxis.split(',') return axis def selectReplaceMirror(nodes, *args): pairs = getMirrorPairs(nodes) if not pairs: return mc.select(list(pairs.values())) def selectAddMirror(nodes, *args): pairs = getMirrorPairs(nodes) if not pairs: return mc.select(list(pairs.keys())+list(pairs.values())) def copyPose(fromNode, toNode, flip=False): attrs = mc.listAttr(fromNode, keyable=True) if not attrs: return #if attributes are aliased, get the real names for mirroring axis aliases = mc.aliasAttr(fromNode, query=True) if aliases: for alias,real in zip(aliases[::2],aliases[1::2]): if alias in attrs: attrs.remove(alias) attrs.append(real) axis = getMirrorAxis(toNode) for attr in attrs: if attr == 'mirrorAxis': continue if not mc.attributeQuery(attr, node=toNode, exists=True): continue fromPlug = '{}.{}'.format(fromNode, attr) toPlug = '{}.{}'.format(toNode, attr) fromValue = mc.getAttr(fromPlug) toValue = mc.getAttr(toPlug) if attr in axis: fromValue *= -1.0 toValue *= -1.0 try: utl.setAnimValue(toPlug, fromValue) except:pass if flip: try: utl.setAnimValue(fromPlug, toValue) except:pass def mirrorPose(nodes=None, *args): if not nodes: nodes = mc.ls(sl=True) if not nodes: raise RuntimeError('No nodes provided to mirror.') pairs = getMirrorPairs(nodes) done = [] for node, mirror in list(pairs.items()): if node not in done: copyPose(node, mirror) done.append(mirror) def flipPose(nodes=None, *args): if not nodes: nodes = mc.ls(sl=True) if not nodes: raise RuntimeError('No nodes provided to mirror.') nodes = mc.ls(nodes, long=True) flipPairs = getMirrorPairs(nodes) flipSingles = [x for x in nodes if x not in list(flipPairs.keys())] #do the singles: for node in flipSingles: for axis in getMirrorAxis(node): plug = '{}.{}'.format(node,axis) if mc.getAttr(plug, keyable=True): try: utl.setAnimValue(plug, mc.getAttr(plug)*-1.0) except:pass #do the pairs done = [] for node, mirror in list(flipPairs.items()): if node not in done: copyPose(node, mirror, flip=True) done.append(mirror) def copyAnimation(fromNode, toNode): print('copy', fromNode.split('|')[-1], toNode.split('|')[-1]) mc.copyKey(fromNode) mc.pasteKey(toNode, option='replaceCompletely') for axis in getMirrorAxis(toNode): mc.scaleKey(toNode, attribute=axis, valueScale=-1) def swapAnimation(fromNode, toNode): if not mc.keyframe(fromNode, query=True, name=True): mc.cutKey(toNode, clear=True) return attrs = mc.listAttr(fromNode, keyable=True) if not attrs: return for attr in attrs: if not mc.attributeQuery(attr, node=toNode, exists=True): mc.cutKey(fromNode, attribute=attr, clear=True) continue fromPlug = '{}.{}'.format(fromNode, attr) toPlug = '{}.{}'.format(toNode, attr) srcCurve = mc.listConnections(fromPlug, source=True, destination=False, type='animCurve') dstCurve = mc.listConnections(toPlug, source=True, destination=False, type='animCurve') copySrc=None copyDst=None if srcCurve: copySrc = mc.duplicate(srcCurve[0])[0] if dstCurve: copyDst = mc.duplicate(dstCurve[0])[0] if copySrc: try: mc.cutKey(copySrc) mc.pasteKey(toNode, attribute=attr, option='replaceCompletely') except:pass if copyDst: try: mc.cutKey(copyDst) mc.pasteKey(fromNode, attribute=attr, option='replaceCompletely') except:pass for axis in getMirrorAxis(toNode): mc.scaleKey(toNode, attribute=axis, valueScale=-1) mc.scaleKey(fromNode, attribute=axis, valueScale=-1) def mirrorAnimation(nodes=None, *args): if not nodes: nodes = mc.ls(sl=True) if not nodes: raise RuntimeError('No nodes provided to mirror.') pairs = getMirrorPairs(nodes) done = [] for node, mirror in list(pairs.items()): if node not in done: copyAnimation(node, mirror) done.append(mirror) def flipAnimation(nodes, *args): nodes = mc.ls(nodes, long=True) pairs = getMirrorPairs(nodes) flipSingles = [x for x in nodes if x not in list(pairs.keys())] #do the singles: for node in flipSingles: for axis in getMirrorAxis(node): plug = '{}.{}'.format(node,axis) mc.scaleKey(plug, attribute=axis, valueScale=-1) done = [] for node, mirror in list(pairs.items()): if node not in done: swapAnimation(node, mirror) done.append(mirror) def hasFlippedParent(node, testRange=3): parent = mc.listRelatives(node, parent=True, pa=True) for null in range(testRange): if not parent: return False if mc.getAttr(parent[0]+'.scaleX') < 0: return True parent = mc.listRelatives(parent[0], parent=True, pa=True) return False def export_animation(namespace=None, fbxFile=None): ''' Export the puppet with the given namespace, to the given filepath. Namespace is required. ''' if not namespace: sel = mc.ls(sl=True) if not len(sel) == 1: raise RuntimeError('select 1 puppet') ns = utl.getNamespace(sel[0]) namespace = ns.strip(':') if not namespace: raise RuntimeError('puppet must have a namespace') if fbxFile: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(fbxFile)): raise RuntimeError('Directory does not exist: {}'.format(fbxFile)) else: filename = mc.fileDialog2(caption='Export Animation', fileFilter='Animation Files (*.fbx)', fileMode=0, dialogStyle=1) fbxFile = filename[0] if not fbxFile.endswith('.fbx'): fbxFile+='.fbx' fbxFile = os.path.normpath(fbxFile).replace('\\', '/') skel = Skeleton(namespace=namespace) skel.init_skeletonNodes() skel.create_skeleton() skel.connect_skeleton() mc.select(skel.roots) try: FBX_export(fbxFile, #animationOnly=True, inputConnections=False, bakeComplexAnimation=True) except Exception as err: raise err finally: mc.delete(skel.roots) def FBX_export(filename, selection=True, **kwargs): ''' FBX command wrapper. ''' #if not 'fileVersion' in kwargs: #kwargs['fileVersion'] = 'FBX202000' if not 'generateLog' in kwargs: kwargs['generateLog'] = False for k,v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, bool): v = str(v).lower() elif isinstance(v, str): v = '"'+v+'"' cmd = 'FBXExport{}{} -v {}'.format(k[0].upper(), k[1:], v) mm.eval(cmd) cmd = 'FBXExport -f "{}"'.format(filename) if selection: cmd+=' -s' print(cmd) mm.eval(cmd) def get_skeleton_nodes(namespace=None): '''Return all skeleton nodes found within a given namespace.''' ns = '' if namespace: ns = '{}:'.format(namespace) return mc.ls(ns+'*.puppeteerDataSkeleton', o=True) class Skeleton(object): ''' Skeleton object represents the skeleton data for a character. It mostly just handles the SkeletonEntry objects, which do most of the heavy lifting. ''' def __init__(self, namespace=None): #entries is a dictionary of skeletonEntries with key being name self._entries = {} self.roots = [] self.namespace = namespace def init_skeletonNodes(self): for skelNode in get_skeleton_nodes(namespace=self.namespace): i=0 while True: if not mc.listConnections('{}.jointChain[{}]'.format(skelNode, i), source=True, destination=False): break entry = SkeletonEntry(skelNode, i) self._entries[entry.name] = entry i+=1 def create_skeleton(self): ''' create a joint hierarchy from initialized skeleton entries ''' for entry in self._entries.values(): entry.create_joint() for entry in self._entries.values(): if not entry.parent: self.roots.append(entry.name) continue entry.joint = mc.parent(entry.joint, entry.parent.name)[0] #create a joint proxy of the blendshape node if self.namespace: blendshapes = mc.ls(self.namespace+':*', type='blendShape') or [] else: blendshapes = mc.ls(type='blendShape') or [] for bs in blendshapes: aliasList = mc.aliasAttr(bs, query=True) mc.select(clear=True) joint = mc.joint(name=bs.split(':')[-1]) joint = mc.parent(joint, self.roots[0])[0] for n in range(0,len(aliasList),2): attr = aliasList[n] mc.addAttr(joint, ln=attr, keyable=True) mc.connectAttr(bs+'.'+attr, joint+'.'+attr) def connect_skeleton(self): ''' Connect joints to skeleton nodes in the scene ''' for entry in self._entries.values(): entry.connect_joint() if mc.attributeQuery('split_scale', node=entry.skeletonNode, exists=True) and mc.getAttr(f'{entry.skeletonNode}.split_scale'): entry.split_scale() def connect_skin(self): for entry in list(self._entries.values()): entry.connect_skin() mc.dgdirty(a=True) class SkeletonEntry(object): ''' Data point representing a joint in a skeleton hierarchy, before and after it is created. ''' def __init__(self, skeletonNode, index): self._name = None self._parent = False self._children = [] self._localMatrix = None self.skeletonNode = skeletonNode self.index = index self.joint = None self.scale = None self.decompose = None @property def plug(self): return '{}.jointChain[{}]'.format(self.skeletonNode, self.index) @property def name(self): ''' Joint name is derived from the node providing the world matrix for the joint, minus suffix. ''' if not self._name: source = mc.listConnections('{}.jointChain[{}]'.format(self.skeletonNode, self.index), source=True, destination=False) if not source: raise RuntimeError('{}.jointChain[{}] has no connection.'.format(self.skeletonNode, self.index)) name = source[0].rsplit('_',1)[0].rsplit(':',1)[-1] self._name = name.replace('__','_') return self._name @property def parent(self): ''' walk up the parent connection until we find another skeleton node ''' if self._parent is False: if mc.getAttr('{}.hierarchical'.format(self.skeletonNode)) and self.index != 0: self.set_parent(SkeletonEntry(self.skeletonNode, self.index-1)) #trace the parent else: self._parent = None trace = mc.listConnections('{}.parent'.format(self.skeletonNode), source=True, destination=False, plugs=True) while trace: if mc.attributeQuery('puppeteerDataSkeleton', node=trace[0], exists=True): node = trace[0].split('.')[0] index = int(trace[0].split('[')[-1].strip(']')) #found the parent skeleton data node, get the joint it's pointing to self.set_parent(SkeletonEntry(node, index)) break trace = mc.listConnections(trace[0], source=True, destination=False, plugs=True) return self._parent @property def is_leaf(self): ''' This needs more testing, still isn't working for all situations. ''' def _trace_child_connections(plug): plugs = mc.listConnections(plug, source=False, destination=True, plugs=True) or [] for p in plugs: node, attr = p.split('.',1) if attr == 'parent' and mc.attributeQuery('puppeteerDataSkeleton', node=node, exists=True): return True if _trace_child_connections(p): return True #check whether it's hierarchical and not the last index if mc.getAttr('{}.hierarchical'.format(self.skeletonNode)) and self.index < mc.getAttr('{}.jointChain'.format(self.skeletonNode), size=True): return False #check whether it's not plugged into the parent attribute of any other skelnodes, recursively return not _trace_child_connections(self.plug) def set_parent(self, parent): '''''' if not isinstance(parent, SkeletonEntry): raise RuntimeError('Parent should be SkeletonEntry type.') parent.append_child(self) self._parent = parent def append_child(self, child): if not child in self._children: self._children.append(child) def create_joint(self): mc.select(clear=True) self.joint = mc.createNode('joint', name=self.name) mc.setAttr('{}.segmentScaleCompensate'.format(self.joint), 0) @property def localMatrix(self): if not self.joint: self._localMatrix = None return None if not self._localMatrix: #look for it first a = mc.listConnections('{}.translate'.format(self.joint), d=False, type='decomposeMatrix') if a: b = mc.listConnections('{}.inputMatrix'.format(a[0]), type='multMatrix', d=False) if b: j = mc.listConnections('{}.matrixIn[0]'.format(b[0]), type='joint', d=False) if j and j == self.joint: self._localMatrix = b if not self._localMatrix: mc.addAttr(self.joint, ln=JOINT_WORLD_MATRIX_ATTR, dt='matrix', keyable=True) mc.connectAttr(self.plug, '{}.{}'.format(self.joint, JOINT_WORLD_MATRIX_ATTR)) self._localMatrix = mc.createNode('multMatrix', name='{}_localMatrix'.format(self.name)) mc.connectAttr('{}.jointChain[{}]'.format(self.skeletonNode, self.index), '{}.matrixIn[0]'.format(self._localMatrix)) mc.connectAttr('{}.parentInverseMatrix[0]'.format(self.joint), '{}.matrixIn[1]'.format(self._localMatrix)) return self._localMatrix def connect_joint(self): if not self.joint: raise RuntimeError('joint not created yet.') self.decompose = mc.createNode('decomposeMatrix', name='{}_decompose'.format(self.name)) mc.connectAttr('{}.matrixSum'.format(self.localMatrix), '{}.inputMatrix'.format(self.decompose)) mc.connectAttr('{}.outputTranslate'.format(self.decompose), '{}.translate'.format(self.joint)) mc.connectAttr('{}.outputRotate'.format(self.decompose), '{}.rotate'.format(self.joint)) mc.connectAttr('{}.outputScale'.format(self.decompose), '{}.scale'.format(self.joint)) def split_scale(self): ''' If the joint is not a root or leaf, remove scale, and transfer scale to a new leaf joint underneath. ''' if not self.joint: raise RuntimeError('joint not created yet.') if self.is_leaf: return if not self.decompose: self.connect_joint() mc.select(clear=True) self.scale = mc.createNode('joint', name=self.name+'_scale') mc.setAttr('{}.segmentScaleCompensate'.format(self.scale), 0) mc.addAttr(self.scale, ln=JOINT_WORLD_MATRIX_ATTR, dt='matrix', keyable=True) mc.connectAttr(self.plug, '{}.{}'.format(self.scale, JOINT_WORLD_MATRIX_ATTR)) #parent self.scale = mc.parent(self.scale, self.joint)[0] for a in ['t','r','jo']: for b in 'xyz': mc.setAttr(f'{self.scale}.{a}{b}',0) #transfer scale from parent to this. mc.disconnectAttr('{}.outputScale'.format(self.decompose), '{}.scale'.format(self.joint)) mc.setAttr('{}.scale'.format(self.joint), 1,1,1) mc.connectAttr('{}.outputScale'.format(self.decompose), '{}.scale'.format(self.scale)) def connect_skin(self): #connect to skincluster for skinCon in mc.listConnections(self.plug, source=False, destination=True, type='skinCluster', plugs=True) or []: jnt = self.scale or self.joint mc.connectAttr(jnt+'.worldMatrix[0]', skinCon, force=True) def add_skeleton(includeBlendshapes=False): skel = Skeleton() skel.init_skeletonNodes() joints = skel.create_skeleton() skel.connect_skeleton() skel.connect_skin() def remove_skeleton(): ''' ''' specialJoints = mc.ls('*.'+JOINT_WORLD_MATRIX_ATTR, o=True, type='joint') count = 0 for joint in specialJoints: matrix = mc.listConnections('{}.{}'.format(joint, JOINT_WORLD_MATRIX_ATTR), source=True, destination=False, plugs=True) outputs = mc.listConnections('{}.worldMatrix[0]'.format(joint), source=False, destination=True, plugs=True) or [] for each in outputs: if mc.nodeType(each.split('.')[0]) != 'skinCluster': continue mc.connectAttr(matrix[0], each, force=True) count+=1 #selectively delete special joints that only have special joint children for joint in specialJoints: try: mc.delete(joint) except: pass mc.dgdirty(a=True) return count def filter_graphEditor(): if not mc.outlinerEditor('graphEditor1OutlineEd', q=True, exists=True): mm.eval('GraphEditor;') filter = mc.itemFilter(byName='*.offsetParentMatrix', negate=True) mc.outlinerEditor('graphEditor1OutlineEd', e=True, attrFilter=filter, ignoreHiddenAttribute=True) mm.eval('AEdagNodeCommonRefreshOutliners();') # ______________________ # - -/__ Revision History __/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # # Revision 1: 2013-03-10 : First publish, fkIk switching only. # # Revision 2: 2014-02-24 : Added selection scripts, UI, and updated for latest version of Puppeteer. # # Revision 3: 2014-03-01 : adding category # # Revision 4: 2015-04-27 : First major support for puppet marking menu. # # Revision 5: 2015-04-27 : temp node clean up bug fixed. # # Revision 6: 2015-05-14 : Space switch bake bug fixed. # # Revision 7: 2015-05-18 : Minor bugfixes. # # Revision 8: 2015-06-23 : puppet context menu fix for windows paths # # Revision 9: 2015-11-18 : Updated fk ik switching code for latest puppeteer # # Revision 10: 2016-09-25 : Minor KeyError bug fix. # # Revision 11: 2017-02-08 : zero out pole twist when matching to ik # # Revision 12: 2017-02-21 : fixing stepped tangents on ik switch attribute # # Revision 13: 2017-03-28 : mirroring and visibility sets # # Revision 14: 2017-03-28 : removing hide all sets, maya not allow # # Revision 15: 2017-04-06 : Context menu bug fixes and additional features. # # Revision 16: 2017-04-23 : Space Switch context menu bug fix # # Revision 17: 2017-04-25 : FK IK switching keying update # # Revision 18: 2017-05-24 : search higher for mirrored nodes when matching # # Revision 19: 2017-06-04 : adding puppet settings attributes # # Revision 20: 2017-06-13 : space switch matching bug fix # # Revision 21: 2017-06-29 : full context menu for puppet node # # Revision 22: 2017-06-30 : proper testing for puppet # # Revision 23: 2017-07-07 : space switch and mirroring bugs # # Revision 24: 2018-02-17 : Updating license to MIT.