䤆: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 涉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 步 (bù) step, pace; walk, stroll 鈌: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 㲓: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 愖: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 薙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 雉 (zhì) pheasant; crenellated wall 咣: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 礦: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 鶩: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䠰: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吅 (xuān) / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 河: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 鄶: 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㮽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category 恀: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 蓃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 反: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 硐: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 鳓: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 勒 (lēi) strangle, tighten 䝚: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 毝: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 遠: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 袁 (yuán) robe; surname 㫧: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 彪: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 菭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 治 (zhì) govern, regulate, administer 勷: 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 睺: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 鯽: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 䚄: 录 (lù) copy, write down, record / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 瀋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 審 (shěn) examine, investigate; judge 辊: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 㼕: 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 应: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 蠛: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 蔑 (miè) disdain, disregard; slight 圥: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 皤: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 䖮: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 漵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 躴: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 㸿: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 㓁 (wǎng) a net; net-like, radical 122 嶾: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蝅: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 噏: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 翕 (xī) agree 痎: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 齕: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 䓘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 咎 (jiù) fault, defect; error, mistake 湟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 跞: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 乐 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 㵩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 峨: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 虯: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 啹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 瓸: 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 鹿: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 贈: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 上: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 犍: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 㞏: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 之 (zhī) marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase; it, him her, them; go to 昚: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 誝: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 侟: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 存 (cún) exist, live, be; survive; remain 縪: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 䌬: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 枯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 阺: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 嬼: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 羿: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 䃁: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 獌: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 韏: 龹 / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 㑎: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 壑: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 譜: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 普 (pǔ) universal, general, widespread 䱞: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 奈 (nài) but, how; bear, stand, endure 烡: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 㗣: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 摮: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 手 (shǒu) hand 裱: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 表 (biǎo) show, express, manifest, display 籾: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 䆀: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 欇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 钎: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 妐: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 茗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 名 (míng) name, rank, title, position 䐙: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 熠: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 鬧: 鬥 (dòu) struggle, fight, compete, contend / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 尩: 尣 (wāng) lame; the first form is Radical 43 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 覰: 虘 (cuó) / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䪲: 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 琹: 玨 (jué) two pieces of jade joined together / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㤻: 卵 (luǎn) egg; ovum; roe; spawn / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 拂: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 豉: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 克: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 竒: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 㿔: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 楛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 苦 (kǔ) bitter; hardship, suffering 鋢: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 埤: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 腫: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 䉭: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 龱 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 濴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 滎 (xíng) county in Henan; rising and dashing of waves 饻: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 婽: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 掁: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 萄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 匋 (táo) pottery 圎: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 貟 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 箑: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 疌 (jié) 鰔: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 䪛: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 漞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 覓 (mì) seek; search 鎡: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year 㸨: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 披: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 蜮: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 嘸: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 窻: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 鼾: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 䗅: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 湈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 某 (mǒu) certain thing or person 鋋: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 㥒: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 巕: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 虘: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 兢: 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration 痥: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 鹨: 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䓯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 毒 (dú) poison, venom; poisonous 楲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 威 (wēi) pomp, power; powerful; dominate 践: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 戋 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 㡼: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 峿: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 昃: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 仄 (zè) slanting, oblique; oblique tones 膂: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 傌: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 縓: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 馒: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 䤝: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 卬 (áng) lofty; high; raise; high-priced 梜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 阣: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 㮦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 索 (suǒ) large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated 愭: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 耆 (qí) man of sixty; aged, old 肬: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 厶: ㇛ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 礽: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 颼: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 䡇: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 毆: 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 配: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 㫐: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 恗: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 菖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 勠: 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 硧: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 鯦: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 咎 (jiù) fault, defect; error, mistake 䭱: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 櫰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 褱 (huái) to carry in the bosom or the sleeve; to wrap, to conceal 遷: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 㗺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 䨿 (zá) bad; evil; wicked; vice; wickedness 茀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 䀂: 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 撅: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it 鬐: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 耆 (qí) man of sixty; aged, old 堒: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 粕: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 䆗: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 叫 (jiào) cry, shout; hail, greet, call 瀢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 遺 (yí) lose; articles lost; omit 钥: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 㔤: 審 (shěn) examine, investigate; judge / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 妧: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 蠲: 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 䴴: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 熷: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 㚹: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 敄: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 觇: 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 仉: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 几 (jǐ) small table 絔: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䉖: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 軨 (líng) wooden cross-piece on front inside of carriage box 曙: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 署 (shǔ) public office 镤: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 菐 (pú) a thicket 婦: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 帚 (zhǒu) broom, broomstick 绩: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 责 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 䏫: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 牶: 龹 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 雹: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 㝸: 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 皃 (mào) countenance, appearance 寻: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 誆: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise 侈: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 甏: 彭 (péng) name of ancient country; surname / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 㨑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 㚇 (zōng) draw the feet up; to refuse to advance, to summarize; to gather; to collect, name of an old country, (same as U+9350 鍐) a headstall; ornament on a bridle; (Cant.) to jump up 枘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 内 (nèi) inside 负: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 刡: 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 羨: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 㳄 (xián) (a variant of 涎) spittle, saliva 㲪: 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 樱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 婴 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 鞸: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 咺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 艁: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 䝃: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation 泊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright ㇌: 驑: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 畱 (liú) to detain; to entertain to keep; to put by 当: ⺌|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 蓚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 㣊 䧜: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 督: 叔 (shū) father's younger brother / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 㑥: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 易 (yì) change; easy 鳪: 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 懬: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 龷 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 轳: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 卢 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 䱵: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 秼: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 㻾: 雍 (yōng) harmony, union; harmonious / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 䴆: 菐 (pú) a thicket / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 榉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 举 (jǔ) raise, lift up; recommend 阌: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 受 (shòu) receive, accept, get; bear, stand 㢓: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 攖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 膙: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic 㐠: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 傣: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 泰 (tài) great, exalted, superior; big 紦: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 馩: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 䰰: 需 (xū) need, require, must / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 梳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 锶: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 㾽: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 摀: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 胃: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 埍: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 籐: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 滕 (téng) an ancient state in Shandong province; water bursting forth 飓: 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write 䍚: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 濝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 綦 (qí) dark grey. variegated. superlative 鑠: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 㻧: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 桀 (jié) chicken roost; ancient emperor 孪: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 蟭: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 囷: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 獺: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 賴 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 䊄: 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 琋: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 變: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 㬕: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 媔: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 谛: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 匥: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 犤: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 罷 (bà) cease, finish, stop; give up 䆮: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 浸 (jìn) soak, immerse, dip, percolate 欵: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 誴: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 㨿: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 几 (jǐ) small table 妾: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 荅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 剏: 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 燎: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 魕: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 䃘: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 堅 (jiān) hard, strong, firm; resolute 機: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 觞: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇎ / ㇒ 㥩: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 壨: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 良: 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 兹: 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 烸: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 每 (měi) every, each 驿: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 褈: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 䨊: 雥 (zá) / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 皍: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 戚: 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 尗 (shū) younger of brothers; father's younger brother younger brother of a husband 躝: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 䮟: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 灾 (zāi) calamity, disaster, catastrophe / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 稪: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 䜬: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 掯: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 肯 (kěn) willing; consent to, permit 鈺: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 弼: 弜 (jiàng) / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 箿: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 䓁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 睌: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 鏏: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 彗 (huì) broomstick; comet 峑: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 轜: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 需 (xū) need, require, must 䡞: 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 瓡: 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 ㇣: 恮: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 賱: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 䧳: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 硾: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 䖀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 囂 (xiāo) be noisy; treat with contempt 漇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 徙 (xǐ) move one's abode, shift, migrate 邎: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 䌛 (yáo) (same as 繇 徭 陶 謠 由 猶 悠 籀) entourage; aides; attendants, compulsory labor service, to make pottery or earthenware, happy, ballad; folk song, rumor, through; via; by way of, like; similar to, still; yet, far, sad, soft; slow, to deduce (interchangeable 搖 遙 傜) 嶐: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 隆 (lóng) prosperous, plentiful, abundant 蜗: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 呙 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 䀙: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 切 (qiè) cut, mince, slice, carve 疠: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 万 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 㚢: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 鼧: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 它 (tā) it; other 堩: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 恒 (héng) constant, regular, persistent 趰: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 亲: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 朩 (děng) kwukyel: rank, grade; wait; equal; 'etc.' 瀹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure 㴻: 浢 (dòu) / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 曂: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 衉: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 啋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 绒: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 㯔: 毳 (cuì) fine hair or fur on animals / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 浛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 離: 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 古: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 蕫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 䙭: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 毴: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 㓶: 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 鵻: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 幽: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 极: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 耄: 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 㚋: 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 匎: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 羑: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late 頔: 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 些: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 二 (èr) two; twice 欞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 靈 (líng) spirit, soul; spiritual world 鞡: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 拉 (lā) pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen 㨨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 暫: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 茮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 尗 (shū) younger of brothers; father's younger brother younger brother of a husband 券: 龹 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 纻: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 㝉 (zhù) (same as 宁) space between the throne and the retiring room behind it, to store up; to save up, peaceful, used as a term of comparison 鬾: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 䇅: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 橈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 雋: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇅ / ㇆ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 㵒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 費 (fèi) expenses, expenditures, fee 姕: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 艘: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 啢: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 燥: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 驨: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 巂 (guī) place name 䃯: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 浲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夆 (féng) resist 觵: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 㱼: 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 壿: 墫 (zūn) cup 戃: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 黨 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 薂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 㔍: 算 (suàn) count, calculate, figure; plan / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 和: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 稓: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 鶒: 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䴝: 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock / 最 (zuì) most, extremely, exceedingly 沜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 鈣: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 丐 (gài) beggar; beg; give 㾦: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 攭: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 蠡 (lí) wood-boring insect; bore into wood 蒬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冤 (yuān) grievance, injustice, wrong 㐷: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 垶: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 紽: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 它 (tā) it; other 鲼: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 贲 (bēn) forge ahead; energetic; surname 䱇: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 濆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 镍: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 臬 (niè) law, rule; door post 㻐: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 摗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 欶 (shuò) to suck in 蟖: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 㝡: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 因: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 籧: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 遽 (jù) suddenly, unexpectedly; at once 佱: 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 滰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 竟 (jìng) finally, after all, at last 鑷: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 蜀: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 䐂: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 悅: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 兌 (duì) cash; exchange, barter; weight 鼐: 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely / 鼎 (dǐng) large, three-legged bronze caldron 尒: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 碕: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 䖗: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 琢: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 豖 (chù) a shackled pig 邥: 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 嶧: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 睪 (yì) spy on 谲: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 䤴: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 函 (hán) correspondence; a case; a box 疷: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 慄: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 栗 (lì) chestnut tree, chestnuts; surname 跇: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 䫉: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / ㇒ / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 祔: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 䙖: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 崩 (bēng) rupture, split apart, collapse 拙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 酤: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 幦: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 竩: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 宜 (yí) suitable, right, fitting, proper 䟫: 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather / 龰 癶: 刁 (diāo) tricky, sly, crafty, cunning 鋹: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 忻: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 躆: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 豦 (jù) a wild boar; to fight 䮈: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 焏: 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action / 叹 (tàn) sigh, admire / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 㸑: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 焚 (fén) burn 掘: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 褟: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 嘡: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 箨: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 择 (zé) select, choose, pick out 㢪: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 渱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 虹 (hóng) rainbow 鎸: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 隽 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 傺: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 祭 (jì) sacrifice to, worship 虁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夔 (kuí) one-legged monster; walrus 䍃: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 棊: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㗌: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 室 (shì) room, home, house, chamber 鹑: 享 (xiǎng) enjoy / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 孓: 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action / ㇏ 胚: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 獣: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 飪: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 旬: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 譳: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 需 (xū) need, require, must 䡵: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 緼: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 㫾: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 䄆: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 斉: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 二 (èr) two; twice 騌: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 㒓: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 椖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 房 (fáng) house, building; room 趙: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 㠠: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 岣: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 句 (jù) sentence 焦: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 閩: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 䀰: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 撳: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 欽 (qīn) respect, admire; respectful 餶: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 桀: 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 賃: 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 寍: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 灐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鎣 (yíng) polish 铓: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 芒 (máng) Miscanthus sinensis 佚: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 揝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 昝 (zǎn) a dual pronoun, I, you and me, we two 顠: 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 坪: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 语: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 嫷: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname 罺: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 鏽: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently 亄: 壹 (yī) number one / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 砋: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 螊: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 㜕: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 嚔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 龰 耛: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 弥: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 纤: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 䶮: 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial 朵: 几 (jǐ) small table / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 蚴: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 㘿: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 圼 (niè) 喾: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 轅: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 袁 (yuán) robe; surname 幏: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 家 (jiā) house, home, residence; family 緎: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 靕: 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 䳘: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 晟: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 藞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 磊 (lěi) pile of rocks or stones; great 㕩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 哨: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 蹯: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 嵹: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic 糸: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 陿: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 匧 (qiè) a trunk; a portfolio 蔈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 䘊: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 窍: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 巧 (qiǎo) skillful, ingenious, clever 㾏: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 渚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 芝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 之 (zhī) marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase; it, him her, them; go to 䞟: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 瘪: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 仑 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 䬬: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 澯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 粲 (càn) polish; bright, radiant; smiling 鸺: 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 匼: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 瞿: 䀠 (jù) a Chinese family name, the timid look of a bird; (of birds) to look around, nervous (same as 瞿) shocked or scared / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 䣁: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 筌: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 㱎: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 氺 (shui) / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 僑: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 荜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 毕 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 䑞: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to 磡: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 勘 (kān) investigate; compare; collate 㷣: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 汮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 匀 (yún) equal 胱: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 䗳: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 瑾: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 䦀: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 指: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 鲎: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 冐: 冃 (mào) / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 謗: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 䰙: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 禠: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 㪢: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 錧: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 官 (guān) official, public servant 吩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 膰: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 䊲: 粟 (sù) unhusked millet; grain / 產 (chǎn) give birth, bring forth, produce 簹: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 櫂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 葉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 奋: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 狒: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 㟔: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 慛: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 髢: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 忤: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch 襫: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 奭 (shì) red; anger; ire; surname 䩭: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 柴: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㣶: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 酻: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 剽: 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 殁: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 谄: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 㪋: 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 弎: 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 三 (sān) three 玑: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 几 (jǐ) small table 鐔: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 䊛: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 殺 (shā) kill, slaughter, murder; hurt; to pare off, reduce, clip 朞: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 鮡: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 㘨: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 內 (nèi) inside, interior; domestic 檫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 察 (chá) examine, investigate; notice 輮: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 常: 龸 / 吊 (diào) condole, mourn, pity; hang 犻: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 巿 (fú) revolve, make circuit, turn 霾: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 貍 (lí) a fox-like animal 晈: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 髋: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 宽 (kuān) broad, wide; spacious, vast 嗕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse 蹘: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 奢: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 緥: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care 陨: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 员 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 䳯: 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 慲: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 藵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 哿: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 渃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 覂: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 㤍: 巧 (qiǎo) skillful, ingenious, clever / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 墌: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 瘓: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 奐 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 醒: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 䄝: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 舂 (chōng) grind in mortar 悜: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 鸣: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 椭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 陏 (duò) 袬: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 㠷: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 家: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 焽: 明 (míng) bright, light, brilliant; clear / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 邼: 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䁇: 宓 (mì) quiet, silent; in good health / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 揆: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 饍: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 桗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 朶 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 诖: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 㭡: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 卤 (lǔ) salt 嫠: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 灧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 艷 (yàn) beautiful, sexy, voluptuous 鏦: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 䍱: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 拰: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow 顷: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㷺: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 謀: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 某 (mǒu) certain thing or person 䠂: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 沅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 錐: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 倒: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 到 (dào) go to, arrive, been to 璕: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 䦗: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 砢: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 鲥: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 时 (shí) time, season; era, age, period 㴤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 柱 (zhù) pillar, post; support; lean on 冧: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 耲: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 褱 (huái) to carry in the bosom or the sleeve; to wrap, to conceal 䔴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 祟 (suì) evil spirit; evil influence / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 禷: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 類 (lèi) class, group, kind, category 㺹: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 弁 (biàn) conical cap worn during Zhou dynasty 浄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 臇: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 雋 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 䛉: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 畔: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 半 (bàn) half 䩖: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 滙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 龨 鵤: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 剦: 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 盩: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䯫: 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 究: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 九 (jiǔ) nine 黹: 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 㡀 (bì) ragged clothing, ragged; old and wear out 㽸: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 叻: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 芆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 䞈: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 紏: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 澘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 蔟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 族 (zú) a family clan, ethnic group, tribe 娡: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 志 (zhì) purpose, will, determination; annals 瞨: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 菐 (pú) a thicket 㒪: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 戱: 虛 (xū) false, worthless; empty, hollow / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 龸: ⺌|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 岺: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 詁: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 佃: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 擊: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 手 (shǒu) hand 㧌: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 鉑: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 坓: 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 賚: 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䇜: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 罣: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 㱥: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 铪: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 槬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 瓠 (hù) bottle gourd; calabash; pot ⻮: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 蝳: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 毒 (dú) poison, venom; poisonous 䑵: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 冐 (mào) risk, brave, dare 燼: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 盡 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 㛾: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 䔆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 狸 (lí) fox 憉: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 彭 (péng) name of ancient country; surname 鸌: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 洖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 覙: 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㰠: 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 墣: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 菐 (pú) a thicket 甦: 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 醩: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 䐰: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 悳: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / ㇗ / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鴶: 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㞽: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 戉 (yuè) a battle-axe, a halberd 汀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 裃: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 忍: 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 瑐: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 郓: 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 ⻗: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 䭚: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 柝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 斥 (chì) to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach 鱠: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 㛧: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 岩 (yán) cliff; rocks; mountain 卪: 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 迭: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 廷: 廴 (yǐn) go; KangXi radical 54 / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 筺: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 匤 (qū) 韽: 酓 (yǎn) / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 䪄: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 簋: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 莊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 壯 (zhuàng) big, large; robust; name of tribe 劔: 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous / 刄 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 萛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 嬥: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 窤: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 䦮: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 挵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 芴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 冾: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 譅: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 歰 (sè) (Cant.) 歰氣 to argue, wrangle, disagree 婏: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 秎: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 鍕: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 䣘: 堂 (táng) hall; government office / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 扟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 臞: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 瞿 (qú) surname 僨: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 詯: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from 她: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 磸: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 奠 (diàn) pay respect; settle 鉿: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 脈: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 䈊: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 纍: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 㮏: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 樚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 蚝: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䎟: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 爪: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / ㇏ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 伬: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 殯: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 騺: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 圼: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 玿: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 䳁: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 罌: 賏 (yīng) pearls or shells strung together / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 鯏: 穌 (sū) revive, to rise again; collect / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㡎: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 哑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 亚 (yà) Asia; second 蝜: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 負 (fù) load, burden; carry, bear 䁞: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 糡: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 竟 (jìng) finally, after all, at last 㧣: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 桮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 否 (fǒu) not, no, negative; final particle 蓱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 洴 (píng) sound 䇳: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 㦮 (qián) (abbreviated form of 錢) money; cash, a unit of weight, a Chinese family name 灾: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 䶀: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 朇: 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 颎: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 喐: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 郁 (yù) sweet smelling, rich in aroma; (Cant.) to move, hit 輗: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 䠙: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 綠: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 彔 (lù) to carve wood 㺢: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 霧: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 務 (wù) affairs, business; must, should 倩: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 薰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 熏 (xūn) smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure 䚲: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 砹: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 艾 (ài) artemisia, mugwort; translit. 㔻: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 滂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 聉: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 嵋: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 盒: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 敛: 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 黢: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 寤: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 赫: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare 乭: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 援: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 爰 (yuán) lead on to; therefore, then 㳶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 乳 (rǔ) breast, nipples; milk, suckle 镻: 镸 (cháng) long / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 噽: 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 澁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 歮 (sè) 蠄: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 禽 (qín) birds, fowl; surname;; capture 㺋: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 嬎: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 瞑: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 途: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 䚛: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 挞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 达 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery 龡: 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 溫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 謮: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 娸: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 皻: 虘 (cuó) / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 錾: 斩 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 䧅: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 扈: 户 (hù) door; family / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 黋: 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 㕒: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 凕: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 詘: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 嵢: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 秥: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 鉨: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 䣯: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 敲: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 臵: 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 㑼: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 略 (lüè) approximately, roughly; outline 僿: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 塞 (sāi) stop up, block, seal, cork; pass, frontier; fortress 樃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 朗 (lǎng) clear, bright; distinct 趂: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 㴍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 承 (chéng) inherit, receive; succeed 岌: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 爓: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 閻 (yán) village gate; surname 閒: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䔝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 撜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 騣: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 㞦: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 几 (jǐ) small table 洭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise 責: 龶 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㰷: 死 (sǐ) die; dead; death / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 徶: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered 甽: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 钼: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic ⻀: 卝 (kuàng) hair style; ore 䑇: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 質 (zhì) matter, material, substance 柆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 鵍: 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㛐: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 汗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 迖: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 㽡: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 廠: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 敞 (chǎng) roomy, spacious, open, broad 瑧: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 韦: 三 (sān) three / ㇆ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 䝱: 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 曰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 鱷: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 噩 (è) bad, ill-omened, unlucky 㧺: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 輀: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 䰂: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 梅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 每 (měi) every, each 霐: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 泓 (hóng) clear, deep pool of water 吒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 炕: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 䶗: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 簢: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 閔 (mǐn) mourn, grieve; urge on, incite 颥: 需 (xū) need, require, must / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㤤: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 喧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 萲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 䄴: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 綷: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 㪹: 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 楄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 藇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 䋉: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 煔: 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 乖: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 北 (běi) north; northern; northward 櫙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 蓲 (qiū) 饤: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 噦: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 歲 (suì) year; age; harvest 狩: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 守 (shǒu) defend, protect, guard, conserve 俫: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 来 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 繶: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 髹: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 㭸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 埻: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 蚆: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 䎈: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 礏: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 業 (yè) profession, business, trade 㘑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 隷 (lì) be subservient to; servant 殘: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 脟: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 寽 (lǜ) a handful; a pinch 帡: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 玨: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 昱: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 鮸: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 墺: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 蹁: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 䭃: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 惊: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 京 (jīng) capital city 㷌: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 陑: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 卓: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 裚: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 䗜: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 筣: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit 㡥: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 㥯 (yǐn) careful; compassionate; to take an interest in; prudent; cautious, worried and grieved 郪: 妻 (qī) wife / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 淬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 荳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 䁵: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 痼: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 㒃: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 貳 (èr) number two 夆: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 綉: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 舌: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 焖: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 闷 (mèn) gloomy, depressed, melancholy 閙: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 䒣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冄 (rǎn) tender; weak; gradually alternating 椦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 劵 (juàn) certificate, ticket; title deeds 趩: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 堰: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 匽 (yǎn) to hide, to secrete, to repress; to bend 粳: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 脶: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 呙 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 灀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 霜 (shuāng) frost; crystallized; candied 铃: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 㽊: 燮 (xiè) harmonize, blend; adjust / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 䏍: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 桐: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 賓: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 坚: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 篝: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 聠: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 佪: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 鏭: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 悉 (xī) know, learn about, comprehend 㹴: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 䋷: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 杺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 诽: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 㜅: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 畜 (chù) livestock, domestic animals 嚄: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 怋: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 龊: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 五: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 頛: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㶞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 曩 (nǎng) in ancient times, of old, former 䜥: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 暤: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 皋 (gāo) the high land along a river 㘯: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 單: 吅 (xuān) / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 缵: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 赞 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 麴: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 匊 (jū) handful 靅: 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province / 費 (fèi) expenses, expenditures, fee 㳈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 䙏: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 旎: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 轕: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 葛 (gé) edible bean; surname 㕙: 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 哘: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 繟: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 鷞: 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䳨: 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 陯: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 㯲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 禁 (jìn) restrict, prohibit, forbid 䕹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 擸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 巤 (liè) a mane; bristles, as on a hog; dorsal fins 蹿: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 窜 (cuàn) run away; revise, edit; expel 鴈: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 帊: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 抍: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 升 (shēng) arise, go up; hoist; advance 瘚: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 欮 (jué) to hiccough; to dig out to expand 骝: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 㬜: 臸 (zhī) / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 徟: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 渪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 匬: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 瞯: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 㢱: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 厼 (ěr) kwukyel 蘺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 離 (lí) leave, depart; go away; separate 䬼: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 澿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 禁 (jìn) restrict, prohibit, forbid 僁: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 悉 (xī) know, learn about, comprehend 捌: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 别 (bié) separate, other; do not 蟏: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 萧 (xiāo) common artemisia; dejected 䣑: 厘 (lí) thousandth part of tael / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 魜: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 属: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 惡: 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 瑮: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 栗 (lì) chestnut tree, chestnuts; surname 飱: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 㥰: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 巳: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 汾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 冀: 北 (běi) north; northern; northward / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 笇: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 卞 (biàn) to be impatient, in a hurry; excitable 㰉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 臻 (zhēn) reach, arrive; utmost, superior 蒎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 派 (pài) school of thought, sect, branch 䦐: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 手 (shǒu) hand 錗: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 吙: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 憠: 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 謧: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 䰩: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 馰: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 媲: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 搹: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 狂: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 㟄: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 鱉: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 䅋: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 奂 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 櫒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 蔡 (cài) surname; species of tortoise 祛: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 㩝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 豪 (háo) brave, heroic, chivalrous 苢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for 䟤: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 酫: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 剭: 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 翴: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 襻: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 攀 (pān) climb; pull; hang on to 䩽: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 玁: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 吅 (xuān) / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 鐄: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 䜎: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 殑: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration 谔: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 㘘: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 媛: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 爰 (yuán) lead on to; therefore, then 缞: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 衰 (shuāi) decline, falter, decrease; weaken 莡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 犫: 讎 (chóu) enemy, rival, opponent / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 霮: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 湛 (zhàn) deep; profound; clear; tranquil, placid 㶵: 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 䘸: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 夜 (yè) night, dark; in night; by night 檻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 輾: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 展 (zhǎn) open, unfold; stretch, extend 嗅: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 臭 (chòu) smell, stink, emit foul odor 繈: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 強 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic 苋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 陘: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 㳟: 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 氺 (shui) 䅢: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 胄 (zhòu) helmet, headpiece; descendant 日: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 蹨: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 然 (rán) yes, certainly; pledge, promise 哯: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 祲: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 鷵: 屠 (tú) butcher, slaughter, massacre / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䳿: 然 (rán) yes, certainly; pledge, promise / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 瘃: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 豖 (chù) a shackled pig 醂: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 䂌: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 渓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 覒: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 夝: 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 碜: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 蘣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 黈 (tǒu) yellow; augment, increase 焭: 炏 (kài) / 冗 (rǒng) excessive; superfluous 邬: 乌 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䎶: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 椽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 袼: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 塇: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 篆: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 腍: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 灗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 蟺 (shàn) earthworm 鏖: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 䋠: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 桧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting 详: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 孱: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 孨 (zhuǎn) 竰: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 厘 (lí) thousandth part of tael 職: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 錀: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 倂: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 幷 (bìng) combine 璅: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 㦇: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 謐: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䠒: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 沕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 冗: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 几 (jǐ) small table 怢: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 蒥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 䦧: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 頲: 廷 (tíng) court / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 崴: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 威 (wēi) pomp, power; powerful; dominate 憷: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 楚 (chǔ) name of feudal state; clear 畄: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 駇: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 㩆: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 就 (jiù) just, simply; to come, go to; to approach, near 廉: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 浔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 寻 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 剖: 咅 (pǒu) to spit out / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 盙: 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 㯛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 蕤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 甤 (ruí) drooping leaves; fringe soft, delicate 䩦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 滩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 难 (nán) difficult, arduous, hard; unable 叫: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 扶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 蛹: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 䯻: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 骆: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 很: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 攏: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 瞘: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 㒚: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㥯 (yǐn) careful; compassionate; to take an interest in; prudent; cautious, worried and grieved 鴟: 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䈡: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 澨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 筮 (shì) divination with stalks of plants; divining rod 稱: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 爯 (chēng) 㼳: 省 (shěng) province; save, economize / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 螸: 欲 (yù) desire, want, long for; intend / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 䒺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 鉁: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 坃: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 糊: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 詑: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 它 (tā) it; other 体: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 铚: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 姜: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 杣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 質: 斦 (yín) / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 燬: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 毁 (huǐ) destroy 㛮: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 灾 (zāi) calamity, disaster, catastrophe / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 齳: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 屵: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 槼: 規 (guī) rules, regulations, customs, law / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 崆: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 禉: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 蘌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 禦 (yù) defend, resist, hold out against 甖: 賏 (yīng) pearls or shells strung together / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 醙: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 䂣: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 洦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 覩: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㞭: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 尰: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 碳: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 炭 (tàn) charcoal; coal; carbon 蔶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 瑀: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 郃: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㭊: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 䟍: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 臱 (mián) 汐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 裓: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 㛗: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 博: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 翝: 宏 (hóng) wide, spacious, great, vast / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 葠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 侵 (qīn) invade, encroach upon, raid ⻧: 卤 (lǔ) salt 䭪: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 量 (liàng) measure, quantity, capacity 韭: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 㩴: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 瞿 (qú) surname 䛷: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 捺: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 奈 (nài) but, how; bear, stand, endure 追: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 劄: 答 (dá) answer, reply; return; assent to / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 搋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 鮊: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 䪔: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 鰛: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 㦞: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / ㇆ / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 吋 (cùn) English inch (unlike U+5BF8 寸, which can be either the English or the Chinese inch) / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䌥: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 㥯 (yǐn) careful; compassionate; to take an interest in; prudent; cautious, worried and grieved 护: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 户 (hù) door; family 冮: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 笵: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 氾 (fàn) overflow, flood, inundate 骴: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 䦾: 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 鍅: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 法 (fǎ) law, rule, regulation, statute; France, French 㣈: 㣇 (yì) a kind of beast with long hair, other name for pig, fox, wild cat, raccoon 䉏: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain 懎: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated 譕: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 僘: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 敞 (chǎng) roomy, spacious, open, broad 穟: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 駞: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 䣨: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 七 (qī) seven / ㇒ 鉯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 以 (yǐ) by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to 㿲: 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 䅹: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 惸: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 㝁 (xuān) (same as 嬛) lonely; solitary, exquisite; fine, to worship with reverence 詿: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 餈: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 娊: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 暍: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 爚: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure 麝: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 射 (shè) shoot, eject, issue forth, emit 㼜: 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 実: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 横: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 圬: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 环: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 㲱: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 龱 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 舺: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 似: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 以 (yǐ) by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to 殿: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 品: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 杌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 菏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 河 (hé) river; stream; yellow river 䳑: 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 齜: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 塞: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 擡: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 臺 (tái) tower, lookout; stage, platform 灮: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 鳱: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㵰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 姳: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 名 (míng) name, rank, title, position 桾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 喀: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 客 (kè) guest, traveller; customer 缇: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 㠉: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 肎: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䶐: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 霗: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 泠 (líng) nice and cool, mild and comfortable 候: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 斠: 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 輧: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 幷 (bìng) combine 䠩: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 歳 (suì) year; age; harvest 㔫: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 鶰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 鵙 (jú) shrike; Lanius species (various) 庲: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 怹: 他 (tā) other, another; he, she, it / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 盂: 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 顉: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䕋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 塘 (táng) pond; tank; dike, embankment 滒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 哥 (gē) elder brother 絛: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 㹝: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 蛢: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 䏤: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 镫: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 噭: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 篴: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 逐 (zhú) chase, expel; one by one 赻: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 乽: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 瞁: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 狊 (jú) 逄: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 䌎: 略 (lüè) approximately, roughly; outline / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 澑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 畱 (liú) to detain; to entertain to keep; to put by 蠔: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 豪 (háo) brave, heroic, chivalrous 庛: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 笞: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 螡: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 䖵 (kūn) insects 皫: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 麃 (páo) till, plow 錮: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 㦵: 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 䈸: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 斛 (hú) dry measure equal to some five or ten dou (U+6597 舒) 溻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 謾: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 㕂: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 凅: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 穈: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 蛋: 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 䧕: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 鉘: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 弗 (fú) not, negative 㣟: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 䕢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 磋 (cuō) polish, buff; scrutinize 懥: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 疐 (zhì) fall, stumble, falter; hindered 詨: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 㑬: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 姑 (gū) father's sister; husband's mother 僯: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 絲: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 駵: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 丣 (yǒu) ancient form of the tenth of the twelve Terrestrial Branches, U+9149 酉 䣿: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 盂 (yú) basin; cup 爃: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 榮 (róng) glory, honor; flourish, prosper 閂: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 䒌: 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 樓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 趒: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 㞖: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 朿 (cì) stab 崝: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 粜: 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 舣: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 义 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 甭: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 钬: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 䞶: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 易 (yì) change; easy 洽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 貼: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 㛀: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 刍 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 屇: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 翆: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 卆 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 蕍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 渝 (yú) change; chongqing ⻐: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 瑗: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 爰 (yuán) lead on to; therefore, then 韖: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 䛠: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 汧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 迦: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 影: 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 绰: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 葷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 需: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 吂: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 炅: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 㶇: 沐 (mù) bathe, cleanse, wash, shampoo / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 輐: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 䰒: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 梕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 忍 (rěn) endure, bear, suffer; forbear 喗: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 搢: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 晋 (jìn) advance, increase; promote 肥: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 䶧: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 鰲: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 头: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / ⺀ 斷: 㡭 (jì) (standard, ancient form of U+7E7C 繼) to continue; to carry on, to follow; to inherit; to succeed to / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 煄: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 鷇: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㹆: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 嫉: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 疾 (jí) illness, disease, sickness; to hate 楔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 噖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 琴 (qín) Chinese lute or guitar 狙: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 㿛: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 腤: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 书: ㇆ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 櫩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 閻 (yán) village gate; surname 埫: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 晶: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 苹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 俻: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 备 (bèi) prepare, ready, perfect 㘁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 睪 (yì) spy on 麆: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 守: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 意: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 玘: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 餟: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 䘡: 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 殨: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 縱: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 㬳: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch 莸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 犹 (yóu) like, similar to, just like, as 䂺: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 陁: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 千: ㇒ / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 磊: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 蹑: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 聂 (niè) whisper; surname 䭓: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 郚: 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 巜: ㇛ 捣: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 岛 (dǎo) island 裪: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 匋 (táo) pottery 痬: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 易 (yì) change; easy 魳: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 塵: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 淼: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 㲃: 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 㫐 (yǎo) distant and indistinguishable / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 儆: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 敬 (jìng) respect, honor; respectfully 疉: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 彑 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 訌: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 礖: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 鶙: 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䲣: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 愦: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 薩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隡 (sa) 㮭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 龴 / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 倰: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 璳: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 褶: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 础: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 鳃: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 㝊: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 䯍: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 恐: 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蓓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 倍 (bèi) times, fold, multiple times 㫗: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 彚: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 珝: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 衠: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 䝪: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot 鯭: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 孟 (mèng) first in series; great, eminent 㙴: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 䫷: 噩 (è) bad, ill-omened, unlucky / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 潺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 孱 (càn) weak, unfit, frail, feeble 菽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 叔 (shū) father's younger brother 㼅: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 庄: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 栋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 东 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 鞊: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 䚔: 㝉 (zhù) (same as 宁) space between the throne and the retiring room behind it, to store up; to save up, peaceful, used as a term of comparison / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 逛: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 狂 (kuáng) insane, mad; violent; wild 㖞: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 呙 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 伥: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 长 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 溤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 㸯: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 嶮: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 眵: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 隴: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 䖾: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 齅: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 臭 (chòu) smell, stink, emit foul odor 㓈: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 乏: ㇒ / 之 (zhī) marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase; it, him her, them; go to 淎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 奉 (fèng) offer; receive; serve; respect 蝕: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㵙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 峘: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 癟: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 闞: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 䓨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 鹯: 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䵹: 知 (zhī) know, perceive, comprehend / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 泸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 卢 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 虿: 万 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 锈: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 嘊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 崖 (yá) cliff, precipice; precipitous 檍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 縚: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 銝: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 垟: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 昪: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 嬬: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 羯: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 踺: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 䌼: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 枿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 壁: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 歌: 哥 (gē) elder brother / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 迏: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 䃑: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category 鍜: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 叚 (jiǎ) false 呞: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 棡: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 岡 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 籮: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 郱: 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 嗳: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 爱 (ài) love, be fond of, like 摾: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic 妀: 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 猇: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 㐉: 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 貎: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 䆐: 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 鬗: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 尙: 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 榠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 茧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 䐩: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 㤫: 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 醰: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 劲: 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 氹: 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 竂: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 㿄: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 殹 (yì) an echo 鑉: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 蓋 (gài) cover, hide, protect 䥋: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 亨 (hēng) smoothly, progressing, no trouble / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 拒: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 煛: 䀠 (jù) a Chinese family name, the timid look of a bird; (of birds) to look around, nervous (same as 瞿) shocked or scared / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 諢: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 俤: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 饫: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 婭: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 矴: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 腻: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 贰 (èr) number two 䉽: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 半 (bàn) half 箁: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 鰄: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 威 (wēi) pomp, power; powerful; dominate 伎: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 掑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 萔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 招 (zhāo) beckon, summon; recruit, levy 㸘: 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 力: ㇆ / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 眞: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / ㇗ / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 计: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 窫: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 鼮: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 廷 (tíng) court 㖵: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write 丸: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 抻: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 蜾: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 㥂: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 㝵 (dé) (ancient form of U+5F97 得) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 礙) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint 巅: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 颠 (diān) top, peak, summit; upset 癈: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 請: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 䗕: 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 鹘: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㓟: 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䥢: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 淥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 彔 (lù) to carve wood 虨: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 㡬: 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 峯: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 夆 (féng) resist 煲: 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 闵: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 䓿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 龴 / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 縃: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 馂: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 䢌: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 易: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 膒: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 㮖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 儝: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 榮 (róng) glory, honor; flourish, prosper 炜: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 踣: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 礭: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 颬: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 䮶: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 集 (jí) assemble, collect together 愽: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 肼: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 㫀: 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 假: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 叚 (jiǎ) false 珆: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 襍: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 集 (jí) assemble, collect together 硗: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 鯖: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 䫠: 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 / 否 (fǒu) not, no, negative; final particle / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 恧: 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 菦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 近 (jìn) near, close; approach; intimate 危: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress 狰: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 衷: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 鬀: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 堂: 龸 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 粅: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 茐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 匆 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 䀒: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 撕: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 妗: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 栢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 貥: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 䆧: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 進: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 唴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ⺶ / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 榷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition ⺹: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 組: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 采: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 囉: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 敔: 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 婖: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young / 㣺 (variant of 心) the heart, the moral nature, the mind, the affections, intention, the radical on left side of the character 给: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 赤: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇚ / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 䉦: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 䙴 to soar as a bird, (ancient form of U+9077 遷) to move, to change 曩: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 寫: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 舄 (xì) a shoe; the sole of a shoe; magpie 橶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 戟 (jǐ) halberd with crescent blade 軹: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 䏻: 䏍 (yuàn) (same as 肙 蜎) a small worm; larvae of mosquitoes, empty, to twist; to surround / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 㨁: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 銆: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 垈: 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 洏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 羘: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 㲚: 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 锟: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 䨡: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 函 (hán) correspondence; a case; a box 枨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 长 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 爱: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 友 (yǒu) friend, companion; fraternity 㜳: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 褱 (huái) to carry in the bosom or the sleeve; to wrap, to conceal 辸: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 䲺: 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 驁: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 彃: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 瓊: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 夐 (xiòng) long, faraway; pre-eminent 艑: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 䝓: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 龱 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 鳚: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 尉 (wèi) officer, military rank 凜: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 稟 (bǐng) report to, petition 潣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 閔 (mǐn) mourn, grieve; urge on, incite 蓪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 通 (tōng) pass through, common, communicate 秬: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 㻮: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 靳: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 呵: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 懼: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 瞿 (qú) surname 㢃: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 唆: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 熉: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 踌: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 紖: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 香: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䢣: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 攦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 膩: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 貳 (èr) number two 㾭: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 吰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 炳: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 贶: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 籀: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 㨨 (chōu) (the large seal; a type of Chinese calligraphy) to draw out; to sprout; to rid; to whip, to build, to thresh; to hull or unhusk, to beat; to pound; (Cant.) to shake down 飃: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 俍: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 摐: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 胓: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 㻗: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 孚: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 矝: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 豠: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 䍪: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 价: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 歺: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 蟽: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 達 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent 㬅: 冃 (mào) / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 媄: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 美 (měi) beautiful, pretty; pleasing 氋: 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 鎊: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 䊔: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 鐛: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions 䬥: 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 檤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 道 (dào) path, road, street; method, way 㨯: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 郭 (guō) outer part (of a city); surname 妮: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 猵: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 銴: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 䆾: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 魅: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 䩏: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 槎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 荕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 肋 (lē) ribs; chest 㥙: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 忠 (zhōng) loyalty, devotion, fidelity 壘: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 牟: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 釞: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 䃨: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic 驯: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 㟲: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 䥹: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 齧 (niè) bite, gnaw; wear down, erode 棸: 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 艿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 鄈: 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 刊: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 溍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 晋 (jìn) advance, increase; promote 稚: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 隝: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㜜: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 原: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 截: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 弬: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇉ / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 箯: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 便 (biàn) convenience, ease; expedient 㒱: 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 診: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 䜼: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 掿: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 峁: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 潌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 窒 (zhì) stop up, obstruct 诏: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 䓑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 汧 (qiān) name of a river in Shangdong; marsh; float 靜: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young / 爭 (zhēng) to dispute, fight, contend, strive 偞: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 泡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 确: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 铱: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 㕰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 凳: 癶 (bō) legs; KangXi radical 105 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 几 (jǐ) small table 恾: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 芒 (máng) Miscanthus sinensis 嶀: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 雩 (yú) offer sacrifice for rain 眇: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 袎: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 䖐: 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 鼗: 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion / 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike 堙: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 垔 (yīn) to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound 涠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 围 (wéi) surround, encircle, corral ⺢: ㇚ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 蜧: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 戾 (lì) perverse, recalcitrant, rebellious 䀩: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 㴫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 郡 (jùn) administrative division 閰: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 嚲: 享 (xiǎng) enjoy / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 根: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 绂: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 㯄: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 遉: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 䵋: 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 曒: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 畛: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 㙝: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 脅 (xié) ribs; armpits; flank; threaten 転: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 䯤: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 鵫: 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 幭: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 蔑 (miè) disdain, disregard; slight 珴: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 蕻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 镸 (cháng) long / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 䙽: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 羁: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 頄: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 ⺋: 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 䬎: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 枑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 互 (hù) mutually, reciprocally 耔: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 㨘: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 省 (shěng) province; save, economize 嚛: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 猞: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 舍 (shě) house, dwelling; dwell, reside 辡: 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 纫: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 鬮: 鬥 (dòu) struggle, fight, compete, contend / 龜 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 䨸: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 㥯 (yǐn) careful; compassionate; to take an interest in; prudent; cautious, worried and grieved 暻: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions 茾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 㵂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 姅: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 半 (bàn) half 版: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 軋: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 䇕: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 需 (xū) need, require, must 驘: 吂 (máng) / 䏎 (féng) milk; breasts, the young of animals, birds / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 䵢: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 槥: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 彗 (huì) broomstick; comet 艨: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 㱬: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 壯: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier 畲: 佘 (shé) surname / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 釵: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 䃿: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 稃: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 鶂: 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䲌: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 款 (kuǎn) item, article; clause; fund 戓: 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 薒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 粲 (càn) polish; bright, radiant; smiling 㾖: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 唝: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 贡 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 璜: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 訣: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 紭: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 弘 (hóng) enlarge, expand; liberal, great 鲬: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 侶: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 攽: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 蒼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 㻀: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 呇: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 矆: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 赍: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 籗: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 仠: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 摧: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 蟦: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 坱: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 盰: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 豷: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 壹 (yī) number one 鼀: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 専: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 碅: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 囷 (qūn) round-shaped storage bin for grain 㖇: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 蜐: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 劫 (jié) take by force, coerce; disaster 䐒: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 奓 (zhā) extravagant 悕: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 嶗: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 氢: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 袥: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 䖧: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 鐲: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 儴: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 涷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 祄: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 闇: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 㙆: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 宏 (hóng) wide, spacious, great, vast 勉: 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 慔: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 幖: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 站: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 㟛: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 拑 (qián) to clamp, tie down or pin down 襤: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 䙦: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 萝 (luó) type of creeping plant; turnip 择: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 快: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 湶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 諹: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 䟻: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 㸁: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 隆: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 厈: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 椏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 箘: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 囷 (qūn) round-shaped storage bin for grain 㢚: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 鄟: 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 両: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 推: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 瘱: 㾜 (qiè) weak breath of a sick man / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 许: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch 䢺: 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 鹁: 孛 (bèi) comet / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 孃: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 烊: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 虑: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䍓: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 飚: 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 焱 (yàn) flames 嗜: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 耆 (qí) man of sixty; aged, old 正: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 胪: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 卢 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 緬: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 㫮: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 鍳: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 偵: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 旼: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 椆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 䶉: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 随: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 迶 (yòu) 㠐: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 䄖: 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 訜: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 璣: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 夦: 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 栰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 伐 (fá) cut down, subjugate, attack 䲳: 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 閹: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 㜺: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 䁀: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 襆: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 菐 (pú) a thicket 珍: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 塐: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally 杚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 䯝: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 铣: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 㙤: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 罪: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 衰: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 狷: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 坺: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 犮 (bá) to pull up 脁: ⺼ / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 暄: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 個: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 㖎: 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 餑: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 孛 (bèi) comet 纔: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty 螚: 能 (néng) to be able; can, permitted to; ability / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 眥: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 嚤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 摩 (mó) rub, scour, grind; friction 耫: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 龪: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 斮: 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 伵: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 四 (sì) four 㒸: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 頻: 步 (bù) step, pace; walk, stroll / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 綾: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 蛄: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 癏: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 嗎: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 黔: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 擘: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 手 (shǒu) hand 也: 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / ㇆ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 靥: 厌 (yàn) dislike, detest, reject; satiate / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 糨: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic 藮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 樵 (qiáo) woodcutter; firewood; gather wood 畹: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 哸: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 鷾: 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 醋: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 渊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 劍: 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 蔘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 䘚: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 澟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 稟 (bǐng) report to, petition 鴨: 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 帪: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 芭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 挬: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 孛 (bèi) comet 䞯: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 骽: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 笼: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 徿: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 㰾: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 惁: 析 (xī) split wood; break apart; divide / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蹊: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 卌: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 磑: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 㷓: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 迟: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 汞: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 僡: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 荬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 买 (mǎi) buy, purchase; bribe, persuade 䑮: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 朵 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 淳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 魼: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 屾: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 憀: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 蘅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 衡 (héng) measure, weigh, judge, consider 䬇: 兑 (duì) cash; exchange / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 禐: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 㪒: 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 鸕: 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 搙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse 貞: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 冠: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 㝴 (wán) (same as 刓) a round off; to trim 簩: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 檲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 團 (tuán) sphere, ball, circle; mass, lump 錷: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 軋 (yà) crush by weight; grind 吹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 臀: 殿 (diàn) hall; palace; temple / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䋂: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination 煋: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 駐: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 嫒: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 爱 (ài) love, be fond of, like 葙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 相 (xiāng) mutual, reciprocal, each other 䥛: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 矤: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 㣦: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 鱩: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 雷 (léi) thunder 扭: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 諲: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 俴: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 穽: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 㽿: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 䎁: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 袇: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) 眎: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 宑: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 檛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 過 (guò) pass, pass through, go across 伞: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 㖥: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 鐤: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 鼎 (dǐng) large, three-legged bronze caldron 䊫: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 罪 (zuì) crime, sin, vice; evil; hardship 讱: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 瘸: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 媻: 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 旅: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 么: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 㓏: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 靎: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 鵭 (qín) a small bird with black neck 緕: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 斉 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 諛: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 臾 (yú) moment, instant, short while 煢: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 嗥: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 皋 (gāo) the high land along a river 擯: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 䥲: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 歐 (ōu) used in transliterating non-Chinese words such as Europe, ohm; surname 㟹: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 聊 (liáo) somewhat, slightly, at least 陸: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 坴 (lù) a clod of earth; land 糿: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 䘃: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 墨 (mò) ink; writing 載: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 炌: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 帓: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 椝: 规 (guī) rules, regulations, customs, law / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䢜: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 醢: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 右 (yòu) right; west; right-wing / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 㠧: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 靡 (mí) divide, disperse, scatter 䄭: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 踳: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 玶: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 夽: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 桇: 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䯆: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 郌: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 㭑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 䁗: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 襝: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 狠: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 塧: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 㷪: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 隽 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 歱: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 䫰: 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 鏶: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 集 (jí) assemble, collect together 㩻: 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 螃: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 怂: 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䒅: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 眷 (juàn) take interest in, care for 龓: 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 砒: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 岕: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 㴔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 急 (jí) quick, quickly; urgent, pressing 憗: 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 錠: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 倢: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 疌 (jié) 禧: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 㺩: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 貵: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 洴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 冷: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 聂: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 双 (shuāng) set of two, pair, couple; both 䕄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 氶 (zhěng) name of a river in Shandong / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 滉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 晃 (huǎng) bright, dazzling; to sway, shake 顒: 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 嵔: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 臗: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 萈 (huán) 扖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 䛙: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 駧: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 穦: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 廩: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 稟 (bǐng) report to, petition 㽨: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 揫: 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year / 手 (shǒu) hand 赴: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 剶: 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 篻: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 㣽: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 澈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 逍: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 唏: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 芖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 䞘: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 爡: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 蠆 (chài) a kind of scorpion; a sting in the tail 㜣: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 然 (rán) yes, certainly; pledge, promise 骦: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 霜 (shuāng) frost; crystallized; candied 徨: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 蔯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 陳 (chén) exhibit, display; plead; surname 䨱: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / ㇒ / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 璺: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 㦼: 舂 (chōng) grind in mortar / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 鴿: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 权: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 迈: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 万 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 䳊: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 罓: ⺱ 㱕: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 槜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 隽 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented ⻞: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 鉡: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 半 (bàn) half 坣: 龸 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 䇬: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 汵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 铺: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 姼: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 洆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 丞 (chéng) assist, aid, rescue 䦉: 镸 (cháng) long / 四 (sì) four 銏: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 册 (cè) book, volume, register, list 㰐: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 隨 (suí) follow, listen to, submit; to accompany; subsequently, then 䔖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 陵 (líng) hill, mound; mausoleum 踜: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 炣: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 崦: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 氰: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 䢳: 几 (jǐ) small table / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 醹: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 需 (xū) need, require, must 䑀: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop ⻇: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 仌 (bīng) 赆: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 尽 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 矍: 瞿 (qú) surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 屐: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 捚: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 保: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 呆 (dāi) dull; dull-minded, simple, stupid 郣: 孛 (bèi) comet / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 筪: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 匣 (xiá) small box, case, coffer 豰: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 盷: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 匀 (yún) equal 卺: 丞 (chéng) assist, aid, rescue / 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 蔁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 抄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 吋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 鴑: 奴 (nú) slave, servant / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 窔: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 莚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 猥: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 劤: 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 萫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense 鮪: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 憮: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 䬵: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 鰻: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 禾: ㇒ / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 苄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 卞 (biàn) to be impatient, in a hurry; excitable 牏: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 凎: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 體: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 惘: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 罔 (wǎng) net; deceive; libel; negative 䩟: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 㟢: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 鍥: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 磨: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 臮: 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 煹: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 僸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 禁 (jìn) restrict, prohibit, forbid 駾: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 開: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 樊: 棥 (fán) a railing; a fence an enclosed place / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 嚍: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 盡 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 㜌: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 脘: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 䈚: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 怠 (dài) idle, remiss, negligent; neglect 殟: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 㒡: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 䍃 (yóu) a vase, a pitcher, earthenware / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 館: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 娪: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 蚭: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 本: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 䎯: ㇒ / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 麽: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 么 (me) interrogative particle; repetition of a tune small; tender 缼: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 宿: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 佰 (bǎi) hundred 㠾: 夘 (mǎo) 4th of Earth Branches; period from 5-7 a.m. / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 擁: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 雍 (yōng) harmony, union; harmonious 詊: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 半 (bàn) half 坌: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 糑: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 弱 (ruò) weak; fragile, delicate 㧓: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 诟: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 桞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 邜 (wan) 員: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㕠: 准 (zhǔn) approve, allow, permit; in accord / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 蝬: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 䁮: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 槳: 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 齼: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 楚 (chǔ) name of feudal state; clear 塾: 孰 (shú) who? which? what? which one? / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 斀: 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 舅: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 男 (nán) male, man; son; baron; surname 伇: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 綐: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 㺒: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 騕: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity 怙: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 袞: 六 (liù) number six / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 喠: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 砩: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 溲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 霷: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 暘 (yáng) rising sun; sunshine 倹: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㑒 藀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 熒 (yíng) shine, shimmer; shining, dazzling 䛂: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 升 (shēng) arise, go up; hoist; advance 畋: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 㙍: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 鷐: 晨 (chén) early morning, daybreak / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 廒: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 聙: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 䵛: 黍 (shǔ) glutinous millet; KangXi radical number 202 / 堅 (jiān) hard, strong, firm; resolute 珤: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 㳦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 戒 (jiè) warn, caution, admonish 顩: 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 晭: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 軲: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 䯴: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 繽: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 㭿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 昂 (áng) rise, raise; proud, bold; upright 䞁: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 妟 (yàn) 貇: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 猎: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 徑: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 溛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 窊 (wā) pit, vault; store in pit; (Cant.) 手窊, the arm 䬞: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / ㇆ / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 吋 (cùn) English inch (unlike U+5BF8 寸, which can be either the English or the Chinese inch) 逤: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated 䚫: 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 辱: 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 爸: 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 庻: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 懅: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 豦 (jù) a wild boar; to fight 䩈: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 每 (měi) every, each 鍎: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 秕: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 軛: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress 畢: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 凥: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 几 (jǐ) small table 惯: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 贯 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 䵲: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 鉸: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 磿: 厤 (lì) to calculate; the calendar / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 䈃: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 沼 (zhǎo) lake, fishpond, swamps 謉: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 璌: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 寅 (yín) to respect, reverence; respectfully; 3rd terrestrial branch 娓: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern 洝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 䲜: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 関: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 关 (guān) frontier pass; close; relation 㰧: 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䔭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 甯 (níng) peaceful ⺰: ㇛ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 訳: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 瞶: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 崽: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 汇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 俆: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 铌: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 㽑: 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 䑗: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 赝: 雁 (yàn) wild goose / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 盠: 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 屧: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 㧪: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 潱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 壹 (yī) number one 仰: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 卬 (áng) lofty; high; raise; high-priced 韶: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 㹻: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 莃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 搂: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 䂅: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 蠻 (mán) barbarians; barbarous, savage 鮓: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 簒: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 么 (me) interrogative particle; repetition of a tune small; tender 墕: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 焉 (yān) thereupon, then; how? why? where? 㤔: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 斗: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / ⺀ 霠: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 吢: 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 綧: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 㪩: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 袵: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow 椴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 段 (duàn) section, piece, division 喷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 贲 (bēn) forge ahead; energetic; surname 㘶: 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 葂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 勉 (miǎn) endeavor, make effort; urge 䅄: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor 櫉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 㕑 (chú) (non-classical of 報) a kitchen, a sideboard with cupboard and drawers 㟋: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 鱒: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 奔: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 卉 (huì) general term for plants; myriads 藗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 遬 (sù) 晖: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 䋙: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 鷧: 壹 (yī) number one / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 繦: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic 嫩: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 敕 (chì) an imperial order or decree 㭨: 枒 (yā) the coconut tree; rim / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 柫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 弗 (fú) not, negative 襴: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 噶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 葛 (gé) edible bean; surname 翻: 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㳽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 弥 (mí) extensive, full; fill; complete 殈: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 鐍: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 儏: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 粲 (càn) polish; bright, radiant; smiling 蚖: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 䎘: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 瘡: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 麦: 龶 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 宨: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 脯: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 丱: 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 為: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / ㇆ / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 㶼: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 餿: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 捃: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 诈: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 䣊: 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 筓: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 幵 (jiān) even level. to raise in both hands 㡕: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 淜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 陡: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave 卣: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 囙 (yīn) 䗬: 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 桵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 㕷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 郺: 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over / 邕 (yōng) former or literary name for Nanning (in Guangxi) 巼: 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 七 (qī) seven 愆: 衍 (yǎn) overflow, spill over, spread out / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䖉: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 麏: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 䤖: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 暴 (bào) violent, brutal, tyrannical 舜: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to 粣: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 册 (cè) book, volume, register, list 儦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 麃 (páo) till, plow 怰: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 䒳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 朵 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 鶹: 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㼺: 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 䡀: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 腆: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 篍: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 偐: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 彦 (yàn) elegant 潚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently 䏝: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 专 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 鳣: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 㹤: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 睪: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 聰: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 竷: 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 㐄 (kuà) / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 彺: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 褁: 果 (guǒ) fruit; result / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 溄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 堋: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 㶎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 鄑: 晋 (jìn) advance, increase; promote / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 皔: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 辚: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 缥: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 庤: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 蠫: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 / 䖵 (kūn) insects 鞪: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 涮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 刷 (shuā) brush; clean with brush, scrub 䜵: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 㲸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 逻: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 罗 (luō) net for catching birds; gauze 疾: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 軄: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 繏: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 巎: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 夒 (náo) 雔: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 泘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 䙟: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 圍 (wéi) surround, encircle, corral 㯢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 齥: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 瓨: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 跮: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 絹: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 峸: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 闾: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 馋: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade / ⺀ 昊: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial 媍: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 負 (fù) load, burden; carry, bear 㬌: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 贘: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 賞 (shǎng) reward, grant, bestow; appreciate 业: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 枟: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 㢡: 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 锨: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 欣 (xīn) happy, joyous, delighted 嘪: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 買 (mǎi) buy, purchase; bribe, persuade 読: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 売 (mài) sell; [NOT casing, shell, husk] 欬: 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 侯: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 銽: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 猼: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 垿: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 序 (xù) series, serial order, sequence 㐾: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 棁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 虊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 欒 (luán) name of tree; a part of cornice 孌: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 烑: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 㗓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 蟟: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 摞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 壡: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 圣 (shèng) holy, sacred 㥠: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 譬: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 䱮: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 旳: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 鍼: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 呾: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 榀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity 踅: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 䌇: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 索 (suǒ) large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated 熐: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 阕: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 氙: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 蒞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 涖 (lì) river in Hebei province; creek 妠: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 内 (nèi) inside 琩: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 抲: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 鬷: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 尹: ⺕ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 觀: 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䫂: 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 祋: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 㩍: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 策 (cè) scheme, plan; to whip; urge 釐: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 厘 (lí) thousandth part of tael 勒: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 豙: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 䅛: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 翤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 鑩: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 噩 (è) bad, ill-omened, unlucky 橭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 辜 (gū) crime, criminal offense 苲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 䟴: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 牽: 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 㝿: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 䮁: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 弁 (biàn) conical cap worn during Zhou dynasty 肇: 户 (hù) door; family / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 缎: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 段 (duàn) section, piece, division 厑: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 七 (qī) seven 抛: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 九 (jiǔ) nine / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䜞: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 㶥: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 鰤: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 師 (shī) teacher, master, specialist; multitude, troops 䪫: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 莱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 来 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 縸: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 劻: 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 淅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 析 (xī) split wood; break apart; divide 䙈: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 㳏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 史 (shǐ) history, chronicle, annals 齎: 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 痕: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 苛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 祢: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 工: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丄 (shàng) above 泯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 䅲: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 耆 (qí) man of sixty; aged, old 㿹: 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 鹸: 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock / 㑒 瓿: 咅 (pǒu) to spit out / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 七: 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 蜉: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 碌: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 嘓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 國 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 愝: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 匽 (yǎn) to hide, to secrete, to repress; to bend 䂜: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 馢: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 䤭: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 蘳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 黊 (huà) 箶: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 儽: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 纍 (léi) bind, wind about; link, join 恇: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise 䏆: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 飌: 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 䡗: 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 腝: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 章: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 偧: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 奓 (zhā) extravagant 㗪: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 捱: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 厓 (yá) precipice, shore, bank; surname 䋰: 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 鯶: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 较: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 栂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 䲅: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 規 (guī) rules, regulations, customs, law 鞓: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 瀒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 咕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 㔔: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / ㇣ 榗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 晋 (jìn) advance, increase; promote ⺙: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 鬠: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 堢: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care 熧: 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 㚩: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 冄 (rǎn) tender; weak; gradually alternating 蒵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 攴: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 妷: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 㨶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 衂: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 䵄: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 曉: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 㯋: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 遒: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 啔: 户 (hù) door; family / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 觗: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 橖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 棠 (táng) crab apple tree; wild plums 仙: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 釧: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 牦: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 囩: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 㝨: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 毫: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 蕴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 缊 (yūn) tangled hemp, raveled silk; vague, confused 婶: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 审 (shěn) examine, investigate; judge 珻: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 每 (měi) every, each 枈: 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 頍: 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 崏: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 誖: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 孛 (bèi) comet 侘: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 稡: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 㼣: 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 銦: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 垨: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 守 (shǒu) defend, protect, guard, conserve 贯: 毌 (guàn) old form of 貫; component in 贯,貫,實, etc.; not to be confused with 毋 / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䈱: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 粺: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 锿: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 哀 (āi) sad, mournful, pitiful; pity 潃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 蟈: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 國 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 䓊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 睓: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 㑕: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 岁 (suì) year; age; harvest 懜: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 夢 (mèng) dream; visionary; wishful 驡: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 彣: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 䧬: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 摵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad 㥷: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 㤲 (qiè) to think; to contemplate; to consider, to pant because of fear 鳺: 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 凼: 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 攆: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 輦 (niǎn) a hand-cart; to transport by carriage 䆉: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 罷 (bà) cease, finish, stop; give up 骏: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 㐐: 奴 (nú) slave, servant / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 䴖: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 蘜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鞠 (jū) bow, bend; rear, raise, nourish 碣: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 唦: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated 搰: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 䂳: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 馹: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㬺: 幐 (téng) 䱀: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 蕆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 翍: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 呐: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 内 (nèi) inside 歚: 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䟝: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 飣: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 㩤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 敷 (fū) spread, diffuse; apply, paint 獪: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 葰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 俊 (jùn) talented, capable; handsome 绷: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 孺: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 需 (xū) need, require, must 贁: 賏 (yīng) pearls or shells strung together / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 檄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 尋: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 㦎: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 畫 (huà) delineate, painting, picture, drawing; draw 锑: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 犔: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 氣 (qì) air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit 讚: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 笥: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 媤: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 谫: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 剪 (jiǎn) scissors; cut, divide, separate 鎪: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 榮: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䌵: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to 㢸: 弜 (jiàng) / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 鐻: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 豦 (jù) a wild boar; to fight 熾: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 諄: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 穏: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 悲 (bēi) sorrow, grief; sorry, sad / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 姎: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 鋔: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 棘: 朿 (cì) stab 䉟: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 㨦 (sǒng) (abbreviated form) to hold; to grasp, to detain, to uphold, to push, to stand upright 㿢: 明 (míng) bright, light, brilliant; clear / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 魥: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 烨: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 华 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 觮: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 祹: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 匋 (táo) pottery 壸: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 亚 (yà) Asia; second 釾: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 鶋: 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 戊: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 庍: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 㼌: 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 褘: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 䨚: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 忽 (hū) suddenly, abruptly; neglect 掟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 㲡: 柰 (nài) crab-apple tree; endure, bear / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 鄨: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 刪: 冊 (cè) book, volume / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 躭: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 漬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 䮯: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 隽: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 眼: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 县: 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 況: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 艊: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 帛 (bó) silks, fabrics; wealth, property 彌: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 瓑: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history ㇓: 菟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 恞: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 峡: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 㵠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 窟 (kū) hole, cave; cellar; underground 转: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 专 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 䡮: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 懳: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 慧 (huì) bright, intelligent; intelligence 靼: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 偾: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 贲 (bēn) forge ahead; energetic; surname 涀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive ⺂: ㇖ 訅: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 九 (jiǔ) nine 䜇: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 衮 (gǔn) ceremonial dress worn by the emperor 疐: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot 㚒: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 鈕: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 栙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 肞: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 嶠: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 瀩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 頽 (tuí) ruined 暲: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 鼷: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 堹: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 跀: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 仂: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 絋: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 広 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 㹍: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 六 (liù) number six / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 闐: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 囒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 蘭 (lán) orchid; elegant, graceful 衙: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 䕛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 䛟 (jiá) (same as 唊) wild statements; deliberate lies 篤: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 㓦: 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 適: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 湭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 蛲: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 䏴: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 白: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / ㇒ 侁: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 蒇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 笎: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 垑: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 暛: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 䌞: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 㦥: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 頤: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 享: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 螱: 尉 (wèi) officer, military rank / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 稸: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 畜 (chù) livestock, domestic animals 嚻: 㗊 (jí) public opinion; clamour; noise, (ancient form of 雷); thunder, an organic compound (porphin); (porphyrins) / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 槅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 䉈: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 㣏: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 魎: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 燕: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 北 (běi) north; northern; northward / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 蛛: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 絢: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 姥: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 棯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 䕲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 廪 (lǐn) granary; stockpile 㯹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 驸: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 烿: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 彤 (tóng) red, vermilion; name of ancient 䨃: 晏 (yàn) peaceful, quiet; clear; late in the day / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 茉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 粌: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 刓: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 攝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 䒜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 鶢: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㐧: 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 䴭: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only 舳: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 羶: ⺶ / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 唽: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 析 (xī) split wood; break apart; divide 摇: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 䟆: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 鳌: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 㝑: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 䱗: 歺 (è) vicious, depraved, bad / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 蕝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 絶 (jué) cut 绠: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 呧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 東: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䛰: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 㙻: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 㢆 (chán) (same as 廛) living space for one family in ancient times, a store; a shop, a hundred mu (equal to 733.50 square yards) cultivated land / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 讃: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 賛 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 氂: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䢅: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 﨎: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 鎓: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 琒: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 夆 (féng) resist 傕: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition 涗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 兌 (duì) cash; exchange, barter; weight 鼠: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 尢: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 疧: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 肵: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 愴: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 嶷: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 㸶: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 豂: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 䥄: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 厝 (cuò) cut or engrave; a grave or tombstone 拉: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 㿋: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 鑒: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 兔: 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 跗: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 湖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 䫙: 桒 (sāng) / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 闧: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 遠 (yuǎn) distant, remote, far; profound 癦: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 墨 (mò) ink; writing 勩: 貰 (shì) borrow; pardon; loan / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 濫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 腴: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 臾 (yú) moment, instant, short while 并: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 矻: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 㓽: 崇 (chóng) esteem, honor, revere, venerate / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 授: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 受 (shòu) receive, accept, get; bear, stand 鰍: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 夏: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 躖: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 䮘: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 縡: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 宰 (zǎi) to slaughter; to rule 㬣: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 對 (duì) correct, right; facing, opposed 隦: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 厨: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 褯: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 席 (xí) seat; mat; take seat; banquet 䘱: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 確: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition 㖼: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 某 (mǒu) certain thing or person 鄿: 蕇 (diǎn) / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 歃: 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 菈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 拉 (lā) pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen 䃊: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 獓: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 旜: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 鹡: 脊 (jí) spine, backbone; ridge / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 季: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 恵: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㵷: 辡 (biàn) recrimination; wrangling / 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 飺: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 嗼: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 礆: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 嶉: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 唯 (wéi) only; yes 蚏: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 儖: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 㮝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 郤 (xì) crack, opening; surname 騜: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 撣: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 䤦: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 伐 (fá) cut down, subjugate, attack 砰: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 岳: 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 薹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 臺 (tái) tower, lookout; stage, platform 偀: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 㫇: 於 (yú) in, at, on; interjection alas! / ㇖ 饆: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 揍: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 䡐: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 它 (tā) it; other 睚: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 厓 (yá) precipice, shore, bank; surname 寝: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丬 (qiáng) half of tree trunk; rad. no. 90 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 蓣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 预 (yù) prepare, arrange; in advance 潪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 智 (zhì) wisdom, knowledge, intelligence 㧱: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 手 (shǒu) hand 顰: 頻 (pín) frequently, again and again / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 拷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 考 (kǎo) examine, test; investigate 䝺: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 鄁: 背 (bèi) back; back side; behind; betray / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 的: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 䀋: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 褑: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 溔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid 鞚: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 㸟: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 朥: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 䚤: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 逫: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 辪: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 疮: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 張: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 蠻: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 涾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 雄: 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㵉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 晏: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 䗎: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 垔 (yīn) to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound 軔: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 瓘: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 幟: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 蝥: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 注: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 问: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 㱳: 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative / 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked 敹: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䓸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㚣 (xiáo) (ancient form of U+59E3 姣 U+5B0C 嬌) handsome; pretty, cunning, meretricious allurements, to insult; to disgrace, licentious; profligate; lewd; (Cant.) amorous, in love with / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 跾: 攸 (yōu) distant, far; adverbial prefix / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 膋: 炏 (kài) / 肎 (kěn) 縊: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 䊍: 䄪 (diǎo) hanging down of the ears of the grains, something to hang or be hanged or hung / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 锘: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 嘚: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 得 (dé) obtain, get, gain, acquire 羟: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 质: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 个: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 銭: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 㦮 (qián) (abbreviated form of 錢) money; cash, a unit of weight, a Chinese family name 猬: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 垯: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 达 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery 㐮: 六 (liù) number six / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 誽: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 欼: 叕 (zhuó) to connect / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 便: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 烁: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 乐 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 㗃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid 鹊: 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䍌: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 棑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 籞: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 禦 (yù) defend, resist, hold out against 䃡: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 鍬: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 呮: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 緳: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 絜 (jié) a marking line; ascertain, assess; measure 㻵: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 孱 (càn) weak, unfit, frail, feeble 譼: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 䱾: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 熀: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 晃 (huǎng) bright, dazzling; to sway, shake 阅: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 嬇: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 榐: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 展 (zhǎn) open, unfold; stretch, extend 踕: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 疌 (jié) 琙: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 㤛: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow 鲞: 龹 / 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 䆠: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official 氩: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 亚 (yà) Asia; second 窲: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 料 (liào) consider, conjecture; materials, ingredients 㾴: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 査 (zhā) investigate, examine, seek into 茷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 伐 (fá) cut down, subjugate, attack 䐹: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 釀: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 勂: 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 態: 能 (néng) to be able; can, permitted to; ability / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 觐: 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䫒: 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 鑙: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 稽 (jī) examine, investigate; delay 奛: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 明 (míng) bright, light, brilliant; clear 柤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 豩: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 牭: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 四 (sì) four 㝯: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 吞 (tūn) swallow; absorb, annex, engulf / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 髲: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 忴: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 橽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 達 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent 厁: 斜 (xié) slanting, sloping, inclined / ㇆ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 颇: 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㸈: 雔 (chóu) / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 朎: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 䮑: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 窛: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 弞: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 萤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 劫: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 鮱: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 㤲: 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 昸: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 䪻: 弁 (biàn) conical cap worn during Zhou dynasty / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 病: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 幈: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 屏 (píng) folding screen, shield 蝎: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 淕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 坴 (lù) a clod of earth; land 髛: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 尻 (kāo) end of spine; buttocks, sacrum 㡜: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 慢: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 䗥: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 瓯: 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 奲: 奢 (shē) extravagant, wasteful; exaggerate / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 虸: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 泿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 嘃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 㮆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 鼉: 吅 (xuān) / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 悌: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 专: 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 龴 礝: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 墜: 隊 (duì) team, group; army unit / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 膢: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 儭: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 親 (qīn) relatives, parents; intimate 㪰: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 鸳: 夗 (yuàn) to turn over when asleep / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 掶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 庚 (gēng) 7th heavenly stem 䤽: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 氺 (shui) 硇: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull 密: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 背: 北 (běi) north; northern; northward / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 偗: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 省 (shěng) province; save, economize 㗚: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 栗 (lì) chestnut tree, chestnuts; surname 饝: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 磨 (mó) grind; polish; rub; wear out; a millstone 拠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 几 (jǐ) small table 䡧: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 筱: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 攸 (yōu) distant, far; adverbial prefix 嫰: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 欶 (shuò) to suck in 菶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 奉 (fèng) offer; receive; serve; respect 鞃: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 弘 (hóng) enlarge, expand; liberal, great 瀂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 魯 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 咅: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 㔄: 粟 (sù) unhusked millet; grain / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 输: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 栒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 䲕: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 普 (pǔ) universal, general, widespread 熗: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 㚙: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 茠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 䀢: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 榧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 匪 (fěi) bandits, robbers, gangsters ⺩: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 鲵: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 紴: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 䆷: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 遂: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 㒸 (suì) (same as U+9042 遂) to obey; to comply with; to follow the wishes of another, (an ancient form of U+6B72 歲) a year, age, the harvest 啄: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 豖 (chù) a shackled pig 绉: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 刍 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 衒: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 䵔: 黍 (shǔ) glutinous millet; KangXi radical number 202 / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 釗: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 牖: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 户 (hù) door; family / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 囙: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 㝘: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 觧: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 橦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 仩: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up 珫: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 充 (chōng) fill, be full, supply 鵴: 匊 (jū) handful / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䉶: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 雙 (shuāng) set of two, pair, couple; both 毻: 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 羈: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 䩻 (bà) (same as U+9738 霸) to be chief, to rule by might rather than by right, a tyrant; a usurper; the strong the fierce ones 㲊: 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 耍: 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 䔏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 造 (zào) construct, build, make, begin; prepare 銖: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 垘: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 伏 (fú) crouch, crawl, lie hidden, conceal 戡: 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 誦: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 侨: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 乔 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 锯: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 娱: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 撺: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 窜 (cuàn) run away; revise, edit; expel 贿: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 睃: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 㑅: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up 峊: 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 潓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 秜: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 㻞: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 艡: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 䝣: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 渠 (qú) ditch, canal, channel, gutter 凬: 几 (jǐ) small table / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 籵: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 蓺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 埶 (yì) art 䧼: 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㐀: 卝 (kuàng) hair style; ore / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 紆: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 妉: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 芏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 唖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 亜 (yà) Asia; second 㾝: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 鸜: 瞿 (qú) surname / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 患: 串 (chuàn) string; relatives; conspire / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䴦: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 簰: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 牌 (pái) signboard, placard 墳: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 膹: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 呀: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 㻇: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 鵆: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 柍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 䱐: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 獚: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 忝: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 㣺 (variant of 心) the heart, the moral nature, the mind, the affections, intention, the radical on left side of the character 胣: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 歪: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 㷱: 䏻 (néng) (same as 能) can; to be able to, capability; talent, energy / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 鱰: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 署 (shǔ) public office 曷: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 匃 (gài) beggar; beg; give 䍺: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 患 (huàn) suffer, worry about; suffering 锁: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / ⺌|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 犄: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 䐋: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 忩 (cōng) same as 怱 U+6031, hastily, in haste, hurriedly 贑: 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section / 貢 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 檔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 鎚: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 㨟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 挥: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 䊤: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 鐫: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 雋 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 讪: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 熮: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 嬵: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 綿 (mián) cotton wad; wool; soft, downy 谻: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 丮 (jǐ) catch 榾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 鋄: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 灭 (miè) extinguish; wipe out, exterminate / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 㥉: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 扏: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 九 (jiǔ) nine 䇎: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 諔: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 叔 (shū) father's younger brother 烘: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 婟: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 荥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 棨: 户 (hù) door; family / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 釮: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only 㡳: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 慹: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䃸: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 㦰 (jiān) to break off (relations); to sever, to exterminate; to annihilate; to wipe out, to pierce; to stab; to irritate; to hurt, to hold weapons, agricultural implements; far tools, sharp will; eager intention; determination / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 觾: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 燕 (yàn) swallow (bird); comfort, enjoy 薋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 資 (zī) property; wealth; capital 稊: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 䚍: 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 鄘: 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 刚: 冈 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 箟: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 褨: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 䨪: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 埋 (mái) bury, secrete, conceal 隭: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 眬: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 厯: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 躽: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 匽 (yǎn) to hide, to secrete, to repress; to bend 漼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 䮿: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 瓁: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate ㇃: 驊: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 䝌: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 泑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 鯟: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 硞: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 䓡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 知 (zhī) know, perceive, comprehend 靬: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 偮: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 秳: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 㫵: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 轼: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 式 (shì) style, system, formula, rule 䡾: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 疀: 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity / 疌 (jié) 㚂: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 囊 (náng) bag, purse, sack; put in bag 鈅: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 弇: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 涐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we ⺒: 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 訕: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 瀙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 親 (qīn) relatives, parents; intimate 㴛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 颞: 聂 (niè) whisper; surname / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䖠: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 栩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 纲: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 冈 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 㮴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 蜷: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 䀹: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 闀: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 巷 (xiàng) alley, lane 囂: 㗊 (jí) public opinion; clamour; noise, (ancient form of 雷); thunder, an organic compound (porphin); (porphyrins) / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 敋: 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 跐: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 仒: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / ⺀ 㓖: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 遙: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 嵛: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 揤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 衩: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 癭: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 黲: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 寴: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 親 (qīn) relatives, parents; intimate 湽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 垁: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 鲇: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 㨈: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 斉 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 挎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 侑: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 纛: 龶 / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female / 縣 (xiàn) county, district, subdivision 嬞: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 董 (dǒng) direct, supervise; surname 耤: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 嚫: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 親 (qīn) relatives, parents; intimate 龱: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 㴲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 戸: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 亻: ㇒ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 燅: 坴 (lù) a clod of earth; land / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 婈: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 荎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 槕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 桌 (zhuō) table, desk, stand 黛: 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 㱜: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 龰 敢: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䇥: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 烯: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 嵲: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 臬 (niè) law, rule; door post 艸: 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 棿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 刃: 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 㾆: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 鬉: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 撌: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 䨓: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 㐗: 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 紝: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 岜: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 薢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain 唭: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 㺰: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 騳: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 架: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䴽: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 㝁: 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 籇: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 豪 (háo) brave, heroic, chivalrous 忆: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 蓌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夎 (cuò) 呗: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency ㇚: 鵝: 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 曠: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 䱧: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 㙫: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 集 (jí) assemble, collect together 罱: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 廰: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 聴 (tīng) hear, listen; understand; obey 蟶: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 聖 (shèng) holy, sacred; sage 鎃: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 琂: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 傅: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 讓: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 氒: 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 䢕: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 戌 (xū) 11th terrestrial branch 疗: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action 蜠: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 囷 (qūn) round-shaped storage bin for grain 䐢: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 涧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 间 (jiān) midpoint, space; place, locality 颵: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 礴: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 薄 (báo) thin, slight, weak; poor, stingy 䖷: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 鑂: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 熏 (xūn) smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure 兄: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 竉: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 豒: 豐 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 䥔: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 粟 (sù) unhusked millet; grain 闗: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 癖: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 務: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 务 (wù) affairs, business; must, should 跧: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 湦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 䫩: 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 矫: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 乔 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 㓭: 曷 (hé) why? what? where? / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 饴: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 䙶: 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 农 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 濻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 隤 (tuí) to fall in ruins; to collapse 箈: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 治 (zhì) govern, regulate, administer 㢊: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 萍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 泙 (píng) roar 䄏: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 隖: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 厘: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 昡: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 躦: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 䮨: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 宰 (zǎi) to slaughter; to rule 㖬: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 关 (guān) frontier pass; close; relation / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 鄯: 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 帱: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 悺: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 褿: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 獃: 豈 (qǐ) how? what? / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 鯈: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 壊: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 歓: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 緜: 帛 (bó) silks, fabrics; wealth, property / 系 (xì) system; line, link, connection 㫞: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 虡: 虚 (xū) false / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 䍣: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 雷 (léi) thunder 嗬: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 荷 (hé) lotus, water lily, holland 硵: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 卤 (lǔ) salt 胺: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 㠀: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 焆: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 喉: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 躏: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 蔺 (lìn) rush used for making mats; surnam 外: 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 鈜: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 沣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 䄦: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action 瀰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 彌 (mí) extensive, full; fill; complete 咳: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 趹: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 塀: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 屏 (píng) folding screen, shield 酆: 豐 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 母: ㇗ / ㇆ / ⺀ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 䁐: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 罚: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 叝: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 賣: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 杪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 遰: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 櫷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 龜 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 佺: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 餁: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow 纄: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 莑 (péng) 䠋: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 脑: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad 暔: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 龚: 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 㘟: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 漥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 窐 (guī) 交: 六 (liù) number six / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 頫: 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 螪: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 商 (shāng) commerce, business, trade 綮: 户 (hù) door; family / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 圵: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up 耻: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 斾: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 黄: 龷 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 㕉: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 湏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 蛔: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 糘: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 家 (jiā) house, home, residence; family 噟: 䧹 (yīng) (same as U+9DF9 鷹) hawk; eagle; falcon / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 轥: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 藺 (lìn) rush used in making mats; surname 擨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 歋 (yè) 鷮: 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㑳: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 浹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 䳸: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 藾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 賴 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 見: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 瘊: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 䪍: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 鴘: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 帚: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 瞟: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 蔨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 圈 (quān) to circle; a circle; corral 䘪: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 充 (chōng) fill, be full, supply 骭: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 第: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 弔 (diào) condole, mourn, pity; hang / ㇒ 徯: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 㰮: 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 芽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 挼: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 䞿: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave 磁: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year 㷃: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 陊: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 䭌: 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 惑: 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 韟: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 皋 (gāo) the high land along a river 瑞: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 䣡: 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 魬: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 屮: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 痳: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 㛵: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 荼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 䑾: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 禀: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 㪂: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 鸅: 睪 (yì) spy on / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 匇: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 憐: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 蘕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 縫 (fèng) sew, mend 簙: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 博 (bó) gamble, play games; wide, broad 钞: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 䦠: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 搩: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 桀 (jié) chicken roost; ancient emperor 犲: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only 㞴: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 謷: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 䰹: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 駀: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 嫂: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 楋: 梀 (sù) / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 臐: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 熏 (xūn) smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure 䋒: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 㣖: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 鱙: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 兛: 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 濤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 葩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 皅 (pā) 穭: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 魯 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 㽯: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 鋲: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 兵 (bīng) soldier, troops 埴: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 扽: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 宁: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 邇: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 㘈: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 漎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 䎑: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 犛: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 圞: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 欒 (luán) name of tree; a part of cornice 谤: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 媫: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / ⺕ / 龰 鎱: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 袁 (yuán) robe; surname 游: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 斿 (yóu) to swim; to move or rove freely 䊻: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 緅: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 噈: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 就 (jiù) just, simply; to come, go to; to approach, near 轎: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 旕: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 仒 (bīng) kwukyel / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 鋛: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 串 (chuàn) string; relatives; conspire 楢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 糯: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 需 (xū) need, require, must 兲: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 蹸: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 擿: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 六 (liù) number six / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 布: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 霉: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 每 (měi) every, each 梌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 䘓: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 㠗: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 焝: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 傜: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 覢: 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 夭: ㇒ / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 阳: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 殶: 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 䄽: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 㭁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 灇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 叢 (cóng) bush, shrub; thicket; collection 叆: 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds / 爱 (ài) love, be fond of, like 裌: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 塗: 涂 (tú) surname; name of certain rivers / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㷚: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 酝: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 櫠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 廢 (fèi) abrogate, terminate, discard 䁧: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 㩫: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 質 (zhì) matter, material, substance 獱: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 勰: 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 诶: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 龃: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 砂: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 岅: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 㴄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 螓: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 怒: 奴 (nú) slave, servant / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䒕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 禗: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 㺙: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 謠: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 䠢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 憧: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 钵: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 甴: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 䦷: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 顂: 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 嵄: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 美 (měi) beautiful, pretty; pleasing 盉: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 聒: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 䕔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 銜 (xián) bit; hold in mouth, bite; gag 駗: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 穖: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 廙: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 㽘: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 臧: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official 扦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 䛩: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 篫: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 㧬 (gǒng) to raise; to fold the hands on the breast, to bow, to salute, a method (to pile or to raise up) of painting; (Cant.) to push from behind 㣭: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 㚇 (zōng) draw the feet up; to refuse to advance, to summarize; to gather; to collect, name of an old country, (same as U+9350 鍐) a headstall; ornament on a bridle; (Cant.) to jump up 镴: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 巤 (liè) a mane; bristles, as on a hog; dorsal fins 䩶: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 揻: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 威 (wēi) pomp, power; powerful; dominate 瞈: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 㒊: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 歰 (sè) (Cant.) 歰氣 to argue, wrangle, disagree 蠍: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 歇 (xiē) rest, stop, lodge 䴏: 燕 (yàn) swallow (bird); comfort, enjoy / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 骖: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 徘: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 模: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 芦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 户 (hù) door; family 䞨: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 㦬: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 鴯: 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 刱: 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 刅 (chuāng) to create, to make to invent; to begin 沺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 蔿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 罃: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 㱅: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 韈: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 蔑 (miè) disdain, disregard; slight 哊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 杓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 燜: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 悶 (mèn) gloomy, depressed, melancholy 㛞: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 弄 (nòng) do, play or fiddle with; alley 詡: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 佣: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 姬: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 瑵: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 賺: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 䇼: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 㰀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 氺 (shui) 甆: 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 冉: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 誏: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 崖: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 厓 (yá) precipice, shore, bank; surname 㞝: 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 阜: 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 梣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 岑 (cén) steep, precipitous; peak 䔦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 梅 (méi) plums; prunes; surname 琰: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 傳: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 覹: 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive / 微 (wēi) small, prefix micro-, trifling 局: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / ㇆ / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 㛇: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 庄 (zhuāng) village, hamlet; villa, manor 镆: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 濍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 葱 (cōng) scallions, leeks, green onions 䑐: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 尓 (ěr) you; that 筚: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 毕 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 埝: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 裣: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 捪: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 㗱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 集 (jí) assemble, collect together 鑰: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure 滷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock 䭺: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 鴁: 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 窄: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 䰋: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 晏 (yàn) peaceful, quiet; clear; late in the day 蔑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 抔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 鮚: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 欥: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䪤: 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 鰫: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 莪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 禮: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 匵: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 萻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 憾: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 感 (gǎn) feel, perceive, emotion 髄: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 迶 (yòu) 橏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 䧎: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 苔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 磘: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 剟: 叕 (zhuó) to connect / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 譥: 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 惨: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 駮: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 楹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 盈 (yíng) fill; full, overflowing; surplus 䣸: 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 臾: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 趋: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 刍 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 爊: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 麃 (páo) till, plow 亍: 二 (èr) two; twice / ㇚ 餘: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 娚: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 男 (nán) male, man; son; baron; surname 玟: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 脨: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 䈪: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 麭: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 缬: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 颉 (jié) fly upward, soar; contest 宯: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 㠮: 普 (pǔ) universal, general, widespread / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 蚽: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 朼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 䎿: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 糁: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 㧃: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 鉊: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 佌: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 擑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 戢 (jí) to put away; to cease; store up 鏟: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 産 (chǎn) give birth 灞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 霸 (bà) rule by might rather than right 䳡: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 齬: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 塮: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 射 (shè) shoot, eject, issue forth, emit 燳: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 照 (zhào) shine, illumine, reflect 蝼: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 䁾: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 綀: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 㺂: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 騅: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 圇: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 斐: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 舕: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 砙: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 㔛: 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 邞: 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䶠: 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united / 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 怩: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 皲: 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 輷: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 訇 (hōng) the sound of a crash 䠹: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 鷀: 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 廂: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 相 (xiāng) mutual, reciprocal, each other 测: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 则 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 藐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 貌 (mào) countenance, appearance 䛒: 巧 (qiǎo) skillful, ingenious, clever / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 㳖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 顙: 桑 (sāng) mulberry tree; surname / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 啛: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 妻 (qī) wife 毤: 兊 (duì) / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 聩: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 繭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㭯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 雲: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 叴: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 晽: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 征: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 钇: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 欎: 棥 (fán) a railing; a fence an enclosed place / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 䞑: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 皛: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 匞: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 蠤: 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain / 䖵 (kūn) insects 庫: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 鞱: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 㔲: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 九 (jiǔ) nine 樸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 䚻: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 秅: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 剈: 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 譎: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 㕣 (yǎn) a marsh at the foot of the hills, (interchangeable 湢 沇) name of a river 懕: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 雛: 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㑜: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 浢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 䧥: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 磯: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 啲: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 的 (de) possessive, adjectival suffix 詸: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 惿: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 娃: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 㞆: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 錉: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 沌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 䈓: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 㰗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 蹙 (cù) urgent, suddenly; grieve, lament 甝: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 咜: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 它 (tā) it; other 趢: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 崭: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 斩 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 㚰: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 鈳: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 澶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 䔽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 渴 (kě) thirsty, parched; yearn, pine 㽁: 厤 (lì) to calculate; the calendar / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 瑇: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 毒 (dú) poison, venom; poisonous 埆: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 賌: 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 屗: 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 㧚: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 镝: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 滠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 聂 (niè) whisper; surname 䑧: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 㹫: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 睱: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 叚 (jiǎ) false 困: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 迶: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 鮃: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 簂: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 國 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 墅: 野 (yě) open country, field; wilderness / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㤄: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 巿 (fú) revolve, make circuit, turn 莓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 每 (měi) every, each 搒: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 䂕: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 綗: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 冏 (jiǒng) (archaic form of U+70AF 炯) light, bright 㪙: 果 (guǒ) fruit; result / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 輠: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 䰢: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 斧: 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 邵: 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 焴: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 鱂: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general 奄: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 电 (diàn) electricity; electric; lightning 狉: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 葒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 紅 (hóng) red, vermillion; blush, flush 䅔: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 鷗: 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 繖: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 散 (sàn) scatter, disperse, break up 嫙: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 旋 (xuán) revolve, move in orbit; return 㭘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 藧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 緩 (huǎn) slow, leisurely; to postpone, delay 晦: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 每 (měi) every, each 䋩: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 翫: 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 㳭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 呆 (dāi) dull; dull-minded, simple, stupid 酴: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 乶: 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 査: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 玈: 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 谍: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 䤏: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 手 (shǒu) hand 麖: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 京 (jīng) capital city 官: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for 渡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 度 (dù) degree, system; manner; to consider 蚦: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 冄 (rǎn) tender; weak; gradually alternating 䎨: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 㶬: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 餯: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 嘱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 属 (shǔ) class, category, type; belong to 梺: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 脿: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 表 (biǎo) show, express, manifest, display 筃: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 㡅: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 鏈: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 僊: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 捓: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 邪 (xié) wrong, evil, depraved, vicious, perverse, heterodox 痜: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 秃 (tū) bald 蹡: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general 䭣: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 巬: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 几 (jǐ) small table / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 灵: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 裺: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 䗼: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 䀀: 氾 (fàn) overflow, flood, inundate / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 撃: 軗 (shū) / 手 (shǒu) hand 茂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem 堐: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 厓 (yá) precipice, shore, bank; surname 粓: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 鬒: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 䮝: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 躟: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 瀠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 縈 (yíng) entangle, entwine, coil 㤦: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 吏 (lì) government official, magistrate 掭: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 忝 (tiǎn) disgraced; ashamed; self-deprecating 般: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 场: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / ㇎ / ㇒ 箽: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 騼: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 䫇: 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 / 冄 (rǎn) tender; weak; gradually alternating / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 跉: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 潊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 敍 (xù) express, state, relate, narrate 㡐: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 拗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 腖: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 噤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 禁 (jìn) restrict, prohibit, forbid 竧: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 饦: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 䧱: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 賳: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 哉 (zāi) final exclamatory particle 湴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 並 (bìng) equal to; side by side; also, what is more; both 㝺: 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 肀: ⺺ 朅: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 喎: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 颐: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 缕: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 丟: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 涞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 来 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 鄡: 梟 (xiāo) an owl; thus, something evil / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㚤: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 是: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 龰 咸: 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 鞺: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 縿: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 䵉: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 泈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 運: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 㗎: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 架 (jià) rack, stand, prop; prop up 教: 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 叢: 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 雤: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 絩: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 䱳: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 厘 (lí) thousandth part of tael 毲: 叕 (zhuó) to connect / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 轵: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 㓸: 吅 (xuān) / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 蠆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 匌: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 瞏: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 袁 (yuán) robe; surname 覛: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 欜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 囊 (náng) bag, purse, sack; put in bag 傡: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 竝 (bìng) to combine, annex; also, what's more 㸪: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 䐮: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 梱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 锸: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 㾿: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 朗 (lǎng) clear, bright; distinct 尾: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䗃: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 鋍: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 孛 (bèi) comet 瑎: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 巓: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 顚 (diān) top, peak, summit; upset 虚: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 兠: 北 (běi) north; northern; northward / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 痣: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 志 (zhì) purpose, will, determination; annals 鹪: 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 蟯: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 楰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 臾 (yú) moment, instant, short while 仵: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch 㱾: 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 䊂: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 朿 (cì) stab 氉: 喿 (zào) chirping of birds / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 鎌: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 媒: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 某 (mǒu) certain thing or person 䤛: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 犢: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 阥: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 愫: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally 蒮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition 侴: 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㐹: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 礻: 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 鲾: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 柄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 譇: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 奢 (shē) extravagant, wasteful; exaggerate 前: 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 刖 (yuè) cutting off feet as form of punishment 㫒: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 翔: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 䃖: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 橝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 釠: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 几 (jǐ) small table 壦: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 䝯: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 烶: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 廷 (tíng) court 鑹: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 竄 (cuàn) run away; revise, edit; expel 彿: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 丈: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 犋: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write 贊: 兟 (shēn) to advance / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㮑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 肗: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 昘: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 喥: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 度 (dù) degree, system; manner; to consider 颧: 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 縨: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 晃 (huǎng) bright, dazzling; to sway, shake 䤲: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare 涵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 谴: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 遣 (qiǎn) send, dispatch; send off, exile 㪻: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 菁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 慂: 涌 (yǒng) surge up, bubble up, gush forth / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 哏: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 鯑: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 祒: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 䡜: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 圥 (lù) mushroom / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 泟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 轞: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 㗥: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 郭 (guō) outer part (of a city); surname 苫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 恬: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 培: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 髻: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 硼: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 䮆: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 㔻 (same as 丕) great; distinguished 躈: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 焍: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 㸓: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䀗: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 掖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 夜 (yè) night, dark; in night; by night 蜙: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 松 (sōng) pine tree; fir tree 堧: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 箦: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 责 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 鼩: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 句 (jù) sentence 䪰: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 覲: 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 瀷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 翼 (yì) wings; fins on fish; shelter 㤽: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 䍁: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 拀: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 虃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 瀸 (jiān) 孑: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 竐: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 鹓: 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䗚: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 補: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 獡: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / ㇉ / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 㡧: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 䆸 (zhēng) spacious; capacious, sound (of the house), a picture (on silk) scroll 䉫: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 䄪 (diǎo) hanging down of the ears of the grains, something to hang or be hanged or hung / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 氺 (shui) 巪: 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief / ㇕ 腭: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 婻: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 痺: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 饽: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 孛 (bèi) comet 䔄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 䍃 (yóu) a vase, a pitcher, earthenware 榇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亲 (qīn) relatives, parents; intimate the hazel nut or filbert tree a thorny tree 阎: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 㲕: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 崔: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 䚙: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 鞣: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 甤: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 庩: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 謰: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 制: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 皹: 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 蓅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 流 (liú) flow, circulate, drift; class 橆: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 卌 (xì) forty, fortieth / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 友: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 鳕: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 雪 (xuě) snow; wipe away shame, avenge 㵔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 奢 (shē) extravagant, wasteful; exaggerate 䝘: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 毛: ㇒ / 二 (èr) two; twice / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 遢: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㻩: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 彨: 丽 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 䃭: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 感 (gǎn) feel, perceive, emotion 釷: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 睸: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 壽: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / ㇖ / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 吋 (cùn) English inch (unlike U+5BF8 寸, which can be either the English or the Chinese inch) 戁: 難 (nán) difficult, arduous, hard; unable / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 薄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 溥 (pǔ) big, great, vast, wide; widespread 䲊: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname 㔏: 磊 (lěi) pile of rocks or stones; great / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 稑: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 坴 (lù) a clod of earth; land 鶔: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 樢 (niǎo) 撚: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 然 (rán) yes, certainly; pledge, promise 蠝: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 圣: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㾨: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 粪: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 䆬: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 漳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 銶: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 妼: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 䑅: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 燌: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 镏: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 展: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 龷 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 蟘: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 貸 (dài) lend; borrow; pardon 仞: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 㝣: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 瑥: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 曮: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 話: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 具: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 㧼: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 绾: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 䐀: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 悃: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 蜂: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 夆 (féng) resist 尐: 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / ㇝ 碓: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 鼒: 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only / 鼎 (dǐng) large, three-legged bronze caldron 依: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 誟: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 琠: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 㴦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 呂 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 枭: ㇆ / ㇉ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 蘬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 歸 (guī) return; return to, revert to 区: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 羽: 习 (xí) practice; flapping wings 鸼: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 仇: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 九 (jiǔ) nine 觉: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 歊: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 㱐: 㱏 (zhèng) (ancient form of 正) the right side, proper, pure, honest and virtuous, original, exactly / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 曗: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 業 (yè) profession, business, trade 蕖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 渠 (qú) ditch, canal, channel, gutter 剤: 斉 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 继: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / ㇗ / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 鵦: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 裳: 龸 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 橴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 紫 (zǐ) purple, violet; amethyst; surname 蒀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 挅: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 朶 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 㐋: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 冎: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / ㇆ / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 鲐: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 笕: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䨟: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 洼 (wā) hollow; pit; depression; swamp 榞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 锡: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 易 (yì) change; easy 戯: 虚 (xū) false / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 傸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing 鎺: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 祖 (zǔ) ancestor, forefather; grandfather 稿: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 䥉: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 寃 (yuān) grievance, injustice, wrong 棈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 鑋: 輕 (qīng) light; easy, simple; gentle / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money ㇎: 慙: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 埢: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 鋤: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 助 (zhù) help, aid, assist 祩: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 䡳: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 濲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 譵: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 對 (duì) correct, right; facing, opposed 谆: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 㚍: 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 圌: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 玏: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 趛: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 漜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 埜 (yě) open country, field; wilderness 咡: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 㨪: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 晃 (huǎng) bright, dazzling; to sway, shake 䀮: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 巟 (huāng) a watery waste; to reach 沱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 它 (tā) it; other 鄸: 夢 (mèng) dream; visionary; wishful / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㮿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 堾: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 䇃: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 雍: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㝌: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late 灎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 姓: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 艚: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 㓡: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 啠: 斦 (yín) / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 燣: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 稟 (bǐng) report to, petition 驪: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 華: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 浰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit 䫵: 臱 (mián) / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 鯿: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 㡾: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 䚂: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 栉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 节 (jié) knot, node, joint; section 鞌: 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 庒: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 圡 (tǔ) 䴛: 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 㖠: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 奈 (nài) but, how; bear, stand, endure 皢: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 鈥: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 攫: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 矍 (jué) look about in fright or alarm 肮: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 䮴: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 紻: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 颾: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 揄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 轇: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 噍: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 㻒: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 囷 (qūn) round-shaped storage bin for grain 篔: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 䓖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 穷 (qióng) poor, destitute, impoverished 湝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 闠: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 峦: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 䍯: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 瓶: 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 遹: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 孿: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 䨈: 㝉 (zhù) (same as 宁) space between the throne and the retiring room behind it, to store up; to save up, peaceful, used as a term of comparison / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 皋: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 夲 (tāo) advance quickly; to go back and forth; origin, source 褊: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 㾑: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 蒗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 浪 (làng) wave; wasteful, reckless 战: 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 冥: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 昗 (zè) 鲧: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 系 (xì) system; line, link, connection 稨: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 䴲: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 榵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 茸 (rōng) soft, downy; buds, sprouts 蠴: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 薯 (shǔ) yam, tuber, potato 㺻: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 丄 (shàng) above / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 蟁: 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens / 䖵 (kūn) insects 敂: 句 (jù) sentence / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 像: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 象 (xiàng) elephant; ivory; figure, image 絒: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 州 (zhōu) administrative division, state 䱜: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 棟: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 譞: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 蛫: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 摬: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 竟 (jìng) finally, after all, at last 叹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 黻: 黹 (zhǐ) embroidery, needlework; radical / 犮 (bá) to pull up 籼: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 來: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 誈: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 甍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 㨓: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 窂 (láo) 䐗: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 枖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 茙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 尧: ㇂ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇒ / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 羦: ⺶ / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 鬩: 鬥 (dòu) struggle, fight, compete, contend / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 亰: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 趲: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 琷: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / ⺶ / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 㴽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 悉 (xī) know, learn about, comprehend 䝁: 炏 (kài) / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 曀: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 壹 (yī) number one 艃: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 彑: ㇗ / ㇕ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 绐: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 驓: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 䇚: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 仆 (pū) fall forward; lie prostrate, prone; servant 賜: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 易 (yì) change; easy 睡: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 㱧: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 䙫: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 冀 (jì) hope for; wish; Hebei province 姪: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 蕭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently ⻰: 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 幻: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / ㇆ 燺: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 槀 (gǎo) draft, manuscript 鵽: 叕 (zhuó) to connect / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䄄: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 涇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 鈎: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 勾 (gōu) hook, join, connect; entice 㢕: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 夔: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 夒 (náo) 䊙: 研 (yán) grind, rub; study, research / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 鎣: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 㐢: 浮 (fú) to float, drift, waft; to exceed; superfluous / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 焤: 府 (fǔ) prefecture; prefect; government / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 媩: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 輰: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 㖷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 嘶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 犹: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 胅: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 湆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 埋: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 飕: 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 㥔: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 䍘: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 濛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 鑢: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 慮 (lǜ) be concerned, worry about 㫩: 卉 (huì) general term for plants; myriads / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 孨: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 䓭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 剎 (shā) temple 闷: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㙶: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 獸: 嘼 (chù) / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 峽: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 昁: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 巿 (fú) revolve, make circuit, turn 膄: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 䢊: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 縑: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 馔: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 悚: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 谝: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 匣: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 㮨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 碪: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 䖬: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 欳: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 隶: ⺺ / 氺 (shui) 嶼: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 䁅: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 孟 (mèng) first in series; great, eminent 痌: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 酏: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 塕: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 菘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 松 (sōng) pine tree; fir tree 䫞: 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 灥: 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 鯨: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 京 (jīng) capital city 拮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 蹱: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 啷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 郎 (láng) gentleman, young man; husband 㷼: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 北 (běi) north; northern; northward / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 竾: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 䠀: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 沃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 謂: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 倐: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 璓: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 錒: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 阿 (ā) prefix for people's names; used in transliteration 䎝: 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 蚟: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 砠: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 殭: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 訬: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 强: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 虽 (suī) although, even if 玽: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 句 (jù) sentence 鈼: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 䋇: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 藉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 耤 (jí) plough 杊: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 櫗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 蔑 (miè) disdain, disregard; slight 襖: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 幤: 敞 (chǎng) roomy, spacious, open, broad / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 狧: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 酦: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 发 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out; hair 䇱: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 蓳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 晴: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 㽺: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 袀: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 匀 (yún) equal 漅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 㠋: 嵓 (yán) / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 嶎: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 尉 (wèi) officer, military rank 邐: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 眕: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 䘟: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 弔 (diào) condole, mourn, pity; hang 斞: 臾 (yú) moment, instant, short while / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 餡: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 㺤: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 㦰 (jiān) to break off (relations); to sever, to exterminate; to annihilate; to wipe out, to pierce; to stab; to irritate; to hurt, to hold weapons, agricultural implements; far tools, sharp will; eager intention; determination / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 港: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 巷 (xiàng) alley, lane 岸: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 厈 (hǎn) 龺: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 瘿: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 婴 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 䕉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 擈: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 業 (yè) profession, business, trade 顋: 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㷎: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 浙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 寢: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 黤: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 畩: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 䑳: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 揲: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 蝵: 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㳸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 花 (huā) flower; blossoms 耆: 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㪍: 孛 (bèi) comet / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 嬌: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 羏: ⺶ / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 膛: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 挜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 亚 (yà) Asia; second 墡: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 㘪: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䰮: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 悱: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 鴸: 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㞿: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 吾: 五 (wǔ) five; surname / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 髍: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame 㭌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 籎: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 嗓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 桑 (sāng) mulberry tree; surname 蹚: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 㣡: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 仲 (zhòng) middle brother; go between, mediator; surname 奠: 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 緣: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 陪: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 迯: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 外 (wài) out, outside, external; foreign 慰: 尉 (wèi) officer, military rank / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䛵: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 受 (shòu) receive, accept, get; bear, stand 響: 鄉 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 㑾: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 䚻 (yáo) (ancient form of 謠) to sing, a ballad, rumour; slander; a false report, from, to follow, to undertake; to attend to 䪂: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 棘 (jí) jujube tree; thorns, brambles 搉: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition 鮌: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 劒: 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 䄛: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 㦠: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 窢: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 鸥: 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 椫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 貮: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䞴: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 㰹: 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 焻: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 钾: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 濄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 過 (guò) pass, pass through, go across 荇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 婍: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 矔: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 䣖: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 扝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 駠: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 僦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 就 (jiù) just, simply; to come, go to; to approach, near 佯: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 磶: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 舄 (xì) a shoe; the sole of a shoe; magpie 鱹: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 坿: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 䘈: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 窋: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 蔊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 焊 (hàn) weld, solder 袗: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 渘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 嶥: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it 邧: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 瘨: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 䄲: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 内 (nèi) inside 斵: 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 萴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 則 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 证: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 楂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 查 (chá) investigate, examine, seek into 峏: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 鏑: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 煒: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 䁜: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 晃 (huǎng) bright, dazzling; to sway, shake 擟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 蝞: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 㷥: 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / ㇖ / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 諫: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 桬: 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 忹: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 鋻: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 灼: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 䎆: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 蚈: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 礍: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 葛 (gé) edible bean; surname 㘓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 䠗: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 臭 (chòu) smell, stink, emit foul odor 殖: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 輙: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 倧: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 玦: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 霩: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 郭 (guō) outer part (of a city); surname 䊰: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 諸 (zhū) several, various 膲: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 砷: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 䭁: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 櫀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 綦 (qí) dark grey. variegated. superlative 蹃: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 卑: 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 狐: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 陓: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 胜: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 筡: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 䩫: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 嗪: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 襭: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 頡 (xié) fly upward, soar; contest; to rob 剻: 崩 (bēng) rupture, split apart, collapse / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 緺: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 酽: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 严 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 䴄: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 憇: 甜 (tián) sweet, sweetness / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鸎: 賏 (yīng) pearls or shells strung together / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㒕: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 雍 (yōng) harmony, union; harmonious 唔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 亙: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ⺀ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 龣: 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 㠢: 嵬 (wéi) high; rugged, rocky, precipitous / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 紤: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 嚩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 縛 (fù) to tie 茰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 㦷: 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 娶: 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 纹: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 賅: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 扆: 户 (hù) door; family / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 寋: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 铕: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 㕔: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 聽 (tīng) hear, listen; understand; obey ⻙: 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 佘: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 換: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 奐 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 顢: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㛩: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 坨: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 它 (tā) it; other 䣭: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 駷: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 㩶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 罸: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 討 (tǎo) to discuss; ask for, beg; demand; dun; marry 僽: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 愁 (chóu) anxiety; to worry about, be anxious 樁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 舂 (chōng) grind in mortar 趄: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 䒊: 兮 (xī) exclamatory particle / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 㴏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 爑: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 蕉 (jiāo) banana; plantain 閔: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 沚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 耝: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 弣: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 㞨: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 璪: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 䦬: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 朳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 骶: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 冼: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 䱅: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 秌: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 鵏: 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 呕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 还: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 䛞: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 㽣: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 籥: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure 韨: 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 滮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 彪 (biāo) tiger; tiger stripes; tiger-like 艱: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 奷: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 盾: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 䰀: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 梃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 廷 (tíng) court 輂: 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 吐: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 炓: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 霒: 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 䞝: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 芟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 簠: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 盙 (fǔ) a basket, square outside and round inside, used to hold boiled grain in State worship 㔦: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 澭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 雍 (yōng) harmony, union; harmonious 踬: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 质 (zhì) matter, material, substance 嬺: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 慝 (tè) do evil in secret; evil, vice 瞽: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 阼: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 䛇: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 臉: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 捊: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 㑐: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尗 (shū) younger of brothers; father's younger brother younger brother of a husband 滗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 笔 (bǐ) writing brush; write; stroke 赖: 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 负 (fù) load, burden; carry, bear 婤: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 盧: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 镦: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 䗱: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 菐 (pú) a thicket 胳: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 扴: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 㭺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 貀: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 欅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 擧 (jǔ) raise, lift up; recommend 㰋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 頻 (pín) frequently, again and again 妎: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 钐: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 猕: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 弥 (mí) extensive, full; fill; complete 䈟: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 則 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 憞: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 鴡: 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㪤: 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 樯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 啬 (sè) miserly, thrifty; stingy 墸: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 著 (zhe) manifest; (Cant.) to wear 鮺: ⺶ / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 爿: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 䅉: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 亚 (yà) Asia; second 惈: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 鱋: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 虚 (xū) false 㧎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 楙: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 忢: 五 (wǔ) five; surname / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 髤: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 煩: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䁳: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 柲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 荵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 忍 (rěn) endure, bear, suffer; forbear 㣸: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 㽔 萆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 㺍: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 宾 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 弌: 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 箏: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 爭 (zhēng) to dispute, fight, contend, strive 薛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 朜: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 岡: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 䠮: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 駦 (téng) to mount, to ascend; to move, to turn out 撱: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname 餸: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 送 (sòng) see off, send off; dispatch, give 倾: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 顷 (qǐng) a moment; a measure of area equal to 100 mu or 6.7 hectares; to lean 䧃: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 黍: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 氽 (tǔn) to float; to deep fry; (Cant.) to turn inside-out 㽌: 霤 (liù) drip; rain-water catcher / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 硎: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 刑 (xíng) punishment, penalty; law 凓: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 栗 (lì) chestnut tree, chestnuts; surname 詚: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 㳡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 过 (guò) pass, pass through, go across 嵠: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 秣: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 鉪: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 误: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 数: 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䋵: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 鏿: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 棠 (táng) crab apple tree; wild plums 亂: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 龴 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 怉: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 龌: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 / 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter 嚒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 麼 (me) interrogative final particle; insignificant, small, tiny 䔛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 頃 (qǐng) a moment; a measure of area equal to 100 mu or 6.7 hectares; to lean 㶠: 溤 (mǎ) / 睪 (yì) spy on 红: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 騥: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 洫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 袮: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 尓 (ěr) you; that 䎴: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 㠹: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 画: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 邾: 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 ⻂: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 毄: 軎 (wèi) a brass parts for a cart in ancient China / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 蝇: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 黾 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 幍: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 㛒: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 珔: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 存 (cún) exist, live, be; survive; remain 䳖: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 晝: 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 鷠: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 哦: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 䭯: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 糶: 粜 (tiào) sell grains / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 项: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 卿: 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 䈈: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 肥 (féi) fat, plump, obese; fertile 纋: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 憂 (yōu) sad, grieved; grief, melancholy 脊: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 㞑: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 貗: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 樘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 妥: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 钧: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 匀 (yún) equal 爨: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage ⺫: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 䔲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 憵: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 耴: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 㚻: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 迁: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 浂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 关 (guān) frontier pass; close; relation 壏: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 韑: 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 畒: 亩 (mǔ) Chinese land measure; fields / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 䑜: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 惟: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 荞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 乔 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 㧥: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 軫: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 汬: 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 对: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 電: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 电 (diàn) electricity; electric; lightning 瑼: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 䞆: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 芈: 卝 (kuàng) hair style; ore / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 納: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 内 (nèi) inside 䰗: 鬥 (dòu) struggle, fight, compete, contend / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 电 (diàn) electricity; electric; lightning 澖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 閑 (xián) fence, barrier; defend; idle time 謙: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 吧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 瞦: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 錩: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 䚰: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 薲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 簷: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 㔽: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 佁: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 滀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 畜 (chù) livestock, domestic animals 詃: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 坑: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 盐: 圤 (pǔ) / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 鉓: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 䧚: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 蓜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 配 (pèi) match, pair; equal; blend 罡: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 㑧: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 李 (lǐ) plum; judge; surname 乫: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 凪: 几 (jǐ) small table / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 赭: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 噻: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 塞 (sāi) stop up, block, seal, cork; pass, frontier; fortress 秺: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 镽: 镸 (cháng) long / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 䤄: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 文: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 騎: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 儔: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 䪙: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 鮣: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 印 (yìn) print, seal, stamp, chop, mark 㰢: 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 礤: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 蔡 (cài) surname; species of tortoise 助: 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 蜰: 肥 (féi) fat, plump, obese; fertile / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㶷: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 帶: 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 窹: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 装: 壮 (zhuàng) big, large; robust; name of tribe / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 晆: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 忋: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 郕: 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䭘: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions 柛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 鱢: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 卨: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 䳭: 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 鷷: 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㹶: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 廷 (tíng) court 筸: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 哽: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 渁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 沝 (zhuǐ) 覄: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 伏 (fú) crouch, crawl, lie hidden, conceal 䂊: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 象 (xiàng) elephant; ivory; figure, image 㤏: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 瘑: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 醔: 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 梚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 萝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罗 (luō) net for catching birds; gauze 嬣: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 炪: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 䶬: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 挳: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 麶: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 喼: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 急 (jí) quick, quickly; urgent, pressing 䡅: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 緌: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 饏: 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 偕: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 诘: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 䋞: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 网 (wǎng) net; network; KangXi radical 122 㭣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 问 (wèn) ask about, inquire after 硥: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 尨 (máng) shaggy haired dog; variegated 鏨: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 櫮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 噩 (è) bad, ill-omened, unlucky 虱: 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem / 䖝 (chóng) (corrupted form of 虫 蟲) insects; worms 嵷: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 㗼: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 狾: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 倀: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 璃: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 錂: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 㶉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䠐: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 狊 (jú) 沓: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 謒: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 宝: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 麟: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 怠: 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 玭: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 鈬: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 㲳: 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 䜺: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 殽: 肴 (yáo) cooked or prepared meat / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 証: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 嫇: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 鷉: 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 罊: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 狗: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 句 (jù) sentence 酖: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 㯝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 路 (lù) road, path, street; journey 䙤: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 迥 (jiǒng) distant, far; separated; different / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 櫧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 諸 (zhū) several, various 襦: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 姱: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 鳳: 几 (jǐ) small table / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 繴: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 邀: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 眅: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 䖎: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 袐: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 漕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 帟: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 綞: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 脡: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 廷 (tíng) court 瘯: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 族 (zú) a family clan, ethnic group, tribe 㼵: 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 䒸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 螺: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 渿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 柰 (nài) crab-apple tree; endure, bear 嵉: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 亭 (tíng) pavilion; erect 糈: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 聋: 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 留: 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 㹟: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 䏢: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 蛤: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 浩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 屳: 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 篲: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 彗 (huì) broomstick; comet 齵: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 順: 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䌌: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 枏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 冄 (rǎn) tender; weak; gradually alternating 馛: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 犮 (bá) to pull up 㘚: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 闞 (kàn) glance, peep; roar, growl 笜: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 䂡: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name 㞯: 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 吮: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 碱: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 蔸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 兜 (dōu) pouch 䰾: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 嗃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 苍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 摎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 陚: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 武 (wǔ) military; martial, warlike 䅠: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 旣: 皀 (jí) kernel, seed; enjoy, feast [?] / 旡 (jì) choke on something eaten 蹪: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 韯: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 㑮: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 祰: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 廵: 廴 (yǐn) go; KangXi radical 54 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 迿: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 劂: 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㬇: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 奂 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 簉: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 造 (zào) construct, build, make, begin; prepare 莌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 䪒: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 夛: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 抢: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 蘥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure 焫: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 芮 (ruì) tiny, small; water's edge 钮: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 徴: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 椻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 匽 (yǎn) to hide, to secrete, to repress; to bend 貾: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 矄: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 熏 (xūn) smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure 魇: 厌 (yàn) dislike, detest, reject; satiate / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 䉍: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 悶 (mèn) gloomy, depressed, melancholy 濔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 僖: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 㥛: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters / 叹 (tàn) sigh, admire / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 穝: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 最 (zuì) most, extremely, exceedingly 臠: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 䣦: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 坯: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 㿴: 耷 (dā) ears hanging down / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 惶: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 葹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 施 (shī) grant, bestow; give; act; name 使: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 吏 (lì) government official, magistrate 师: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 抋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鴊: 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 邗: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 瘘: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 㼞: 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 䖥: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 袧: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 句 (jù) sentence 渨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 夲: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 綵: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 鰴: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 鏁: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 煂: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 㹈: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 䓏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 否 (fǒu) not, no, negative; final particle 译: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 楒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 塜: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 冡 (méng) 糟: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 齞: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 鋫: 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 灬: 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 㥲: 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䟹: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 諻: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 桼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 氺 (shui) 㘃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 惹 (rě) irritate, vex, offend, incite 宆: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 麈: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 愍: 敃 (mǐn) strong; robust; vigorous / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 倗: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 玖: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late 霙: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 㢜: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 䠧: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 屠 (tú) butcher, slaughter, massacre 殦: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 輩: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 媰: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 馲: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 怷: 朮 (shù) skill, art; method; trick, device / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 十: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 狀: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 陃: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 㯆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 䭑: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 櫐: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 蹓: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 嗚: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 飜: 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat / 飛 (fēi) fly; go quickly; dart; high 捡: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 剫: 度 (dù) degree, system; manner; to consider / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 酭: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 㫰: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 䩻: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 旺: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 襽: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 蘭 (lán) orchid; elegant, graceful 㒅: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 袲 (chǐ) 唄: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 禇: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 蘎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 肥 (féi) fat, plump, obese; fertile 䴔: 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 嚙: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 螣: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 䖭 (juàn) grub (a kind of larva), second for spider, a variety of spider; octopus; a long-legged spider 攤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 難 (nán) difficult, arduous, hard; unable 亩: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 鬰: 棥 (fán) a railing; a fence an enclosed place / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 鬯 (chàng) sacrificial wine; unhindered / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 䈶: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 暹: 進 (jìn) advance, make progress, enter / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 铅: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 几 (jǐ) small table / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 㕄: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 穆: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 㣎 (mù) fine (material, etc.) and delicate (workmanship, etc.) decorative design or pattern 䏋: ⺺ / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 賕: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 㛙: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 坘: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 互 (hù) mutually, reciprocally 篛: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 弱 (ruò) weak; fragile, delicate 聢: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix ⻩: 龷 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 佨: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 僭: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 朁 (cǎn) if, supposing, nevertheless 臷: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 杸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 䣽: 知 (zhī) know, perceive, comprehend / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 爁: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 閄: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 岊: 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 樑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 梁 (liáng) bridge; beam; rafters; surname 趔: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify 㞘: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 璚: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 頝: 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䜣: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 沪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 户 (hù) door; family 冬: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / ⺀ 㨱: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 䚻 (yáo) (ancient form of 謠) to sing, a ballad, rumour; slander; a false report, from, to follow, to undertake; to attend to 缳: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 芶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 勾 (gōu) hook, join, connect; entice 䦼: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 呅: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 㳊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 懌: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 睪 (yì) spy on 蕏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 猪 (zhū) pig, hog, wild boar 䱕: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 每 (měi) every, each 韘: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 廞: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 欽 (qīn) respect, admire; respectful 摥: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 迨: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 目: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 二 (èr) two; twice 驱: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 䅷: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 滾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 袞 (gǔn) ceremonial dress worn by the emperor 吀: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 炃: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 霂: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 沐 (mù) bathe, cleanse, wash, shampoo 㦉: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 壹 (yī) number one 䰐: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 梓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 輒: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 耴 (yì) 㔖: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / ㇆ 徝: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 骟: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 扇 (shàn) fan; door panel 搠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 朔 (shuò) first day of lunar month; the north 瞭: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 阬: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 㢳: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 䌺: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 澽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 豦 (jù) a wild boar; to fight 踼: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 㑀: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 廇: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 駉: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 筊: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 盗: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 镖: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 㿝: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 䉤: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 滧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 效 (xiào) result, effect; effectiveness 赦: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 己: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 飳: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 穴: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 钀: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 獻 (xiàn) offer, present; show, display 猅: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 䆎: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 㦰 (jiān) to break off (relations); to sever, to exterminate; to annihilate; to wipe out, to pierce; to stab; to irritate; to hurt, to hold weapons, agricultural implements; far tools, sharp will; eager intention; determination / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 貐: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 欕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 娟: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 禞: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 蔡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 祭 (jì) sacrifice to, worship 爯: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 㬵: 胶 (jiāo) glue, gum, resin, rubber; sound; shin bone 䂸: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 莺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 樿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 奉: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 磈: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 葋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 朐 (qú) warm 煙: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㩟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䟢: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 苤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 楩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 便 (biàn) convenience, ease; expedient 塳: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 翲: 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 魵: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 鰆: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 䜌: 絲 (sī) silk; fine thread; wire; strings / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 掏: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 匋 (táo) pottery 鶛: 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 缜: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 䒡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 倮: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 粱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 刅 (chuāng) to create, to make to invent; to begin / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 脸: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 䠾: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 閃 (shǎn) flash; avoid, dodge, evade 凃: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 蛍: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 恎: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 䧓: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 鉚: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 䕠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 廢 (fèi) abrogate, terminate, discard 懣: 滿 (mǎn) fill; full, satisfied / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 詪: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 鏯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing 絰: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 嫵: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 诿: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 嚂: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 㼇: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 嶲 (xī) a name of an old town in Sichuan; cuckoo; revolution of a wheel 砉: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 螌: 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 互: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 彑 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 崛: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 暢: 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 舥: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 甫: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 邮: 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 宴: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 妟 (yàn) 活: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 袾: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 㛂: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 珄: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 齇: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 虘 (cuó) 䙍: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 飛 (fēi) fly; go quickly; dart; high ⻒: 镸 (cháng) long 比: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 哖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 年 (nián) year; new-years; person's age 㵛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 繝: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 藠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 皛 (xiǎo) 䳦: 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 卯: 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 㯴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 擶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 箭 (jiàn) arrow; type of bamboo 聹: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 䭿: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 㞁: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 娈: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 暋: 敃 (mǐn) strong; robust; vigorous / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 養: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 钗: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 爘: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 餐 (cān) eat, dine; meal; food 㬞: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 䆥: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 貧: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 樨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 犀 (xī) rhinoceros; sharp, well-tempered 㚫: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 崲: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 禵: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 題 (tí) forehead; title, headline; theme 頴: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 ⺻: ⺺ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 韁: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 畂: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late 㩈: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 窘 (jiǒng) embarrassed; hard-pressed 䃏: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 近: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 浒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 许 (xǔ) allow, permit; promise; betroth 屜: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 磟: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 魞: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 雫: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 瑬: 流 (liú) flow, circulate, drift; class / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 㵲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 舞 (wǔ) dance, posture, prance; brandish 䏹: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 軻: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 汼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 徆: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 骈: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 攍: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 嬴 (yíng) to win; to have a surplus; surname 吗: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 瞖: 殹 (yì) an echo / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 錙: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 㲜: 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䰧: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 澦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 預 (yù) prepare, arrange; in advance 謩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 旲 (tái) / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 㔭: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 庰: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 鶲: 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 搷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 坁: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 盀: 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 鉃: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 㿆: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 佑: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 右 (yòu) right; west; right-wing 滐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 桀 (jié) chicken roost; ancient emperor 詓: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 㑗: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 凚: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 禁 (jìn) restrict, prohibit, forbid 鳜: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it 条: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 朩 (děng) kwukyel: rank, grade; wait; equal; 'etc.' 噫: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 䧪: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 镭: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 雷 (léi) thunder 㻰: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 彗 (huì) broomstick; comet 乻: 於 (yú) in, at, on; interjection alas! / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 懺: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 韱 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 赽: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 億: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 綇: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 舎: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䤔: 漸 (jiàn) gradually / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 劙: 蠡 (lí) wood-boring insect; bore into wood / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 莣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 忘 (wàng) forget; neglect; miss, omit 愤: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 贲 (bēn) forge ahead; energetic; surname 䪩: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 鼰: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䘶: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 函 (hán) correspondence; a case; a box 抹: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 郅: 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 繆: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 䟋: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 裕: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 単: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 翛: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 葢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 盇 (hé) why not? would it not be better to? 䭨: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 哭: 吅 (xuān) / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 藷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 諸 (zhū) several, various 捸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 䳽: 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 瘁: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 醄: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 匋 (táo) pottery 墊: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 渑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 黾 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 覔: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 炚: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 鰝: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 䌣: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 管 (guǎn) pipe, tube, duct; woodwind music 梪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 喬: 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 㸱: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 笳: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 蚶: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 偅: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 㣊: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 旌: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 腏: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 䡕: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 丞 (chéng) assist, aid, rescue 鏘: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general 嫞: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 恥: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 诨: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 㗬: 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 狮: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 师 (shī) teacher, master, specialist 鹱: 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 䕷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 麼 (me) interrogative final particle; insignificant, small, tiny 櫾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 繇 (yáo) reason, cause 堀: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 粃: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 鬂: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 兵 (bīng) soldier, troops 㖉: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 企 (qǐ) plan a project; stand on tiptoe 䀐: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 撓: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 茒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 邜 (wan) 㤖: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 厝: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 隟: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 栠: 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 箭: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 騬: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 乘 (chéng) ride, ascend; avail oneself of; numerary adjunct for vehicles 㒳: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 伺: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 掽: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 並 (bìng) equal to; side by side; also, what is more; both 舼: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 㡀: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 勇: 龴 / 男 (nán) male, man; son; baron; surname 闉: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 睊: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 竗: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 饖: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 歲 (suì) year; age; harvest 乤: 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 拧: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 腦: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull 凱: 豈 (qǐ) how? what? / 几 (jǐ) small table 铳: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 充 (chōng) fill, be full, supply 癴: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 手 (shǒu) hand 颀: 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 缅: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 䶎: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 肐: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 朕: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 关 (guān) frontier pass; close; relation 嘟: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 都 (dōu) metropolis, capital; all, the whole; elegant, refined 疞: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 褡: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 荅 (dā) answer: small bean; thick ⺤: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet 縯: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 寅 (yín) to respect, reverence; respectfully; 3rd terrestrial branch 㜵: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 褭 (niǎo) 䲸: 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 辺: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 昿: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 広 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 啉: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 瓈: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 黎 (lí) surname; numerous, many; black 衋: 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon / 皕 (bì) / 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 絙: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 㙟: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 朗 (lǎng) clear, bright; distinct 䯢: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 軤: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 敩: 学 (xué) learning, knowledge; school / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 味: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 珲: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 靵: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 逆: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 屰 (nì) disobedient 䬌: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 澏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 嵒 (yán) cliff; soar 醛: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 荃 (quán) aromatic herb; fine cloth 㸚: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 猜: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 䢡: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 㾯: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 尮: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 朶 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 炱: 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 贸: 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䐾: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 睪 (yì) spy on 巃: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 諍: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 汎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 䗓: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 鹚: 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䥠: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 淣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 虪: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 儵 (shū) 㱮: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 煰: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity 囵: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 仑 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 蟿: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 媂: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 琉: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 讌: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 燕 (yàn) swallow (bird); comfort, enjoy 䊒: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 儛: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 舞 (wǔ) dance, posture, prance; brandish 檢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 踥: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 妾 (qiè) concubine 礫: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 鲮: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 垴: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad 愻: 孫 (sūn) grandchild, descendent; surname / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蒾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 迷 (mí) bewitch, charm, infatuate 㫂: 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 翄: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 鍇: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 䩍: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 柔: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 壖: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 需 (xū) need, require, must 牝: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 觠: 龹 / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 䃦: 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 彯: 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 㟴: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 棶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 豹: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 䝿: 臾 (yú) moment, instant, short while / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㮁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 肴 (yáo) cooked or prepared meat 嘈: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 檋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 輂 (jú) 锊: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 寽 (lǜ) a handful; a pinch 颗: 果 (guǒ) fruit; result / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 縘: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 㜞: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 䶥: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 肧: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 昨: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 㪫: 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 儲: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 諸 (zhū) several, various 疵: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 鐴: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 鯁: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 祂: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 㙈: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 䳏: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 菑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 慒: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 停: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 亭 (tíng) pavilion; erect 瓟: 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 非: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 三 (sān) three 髫: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 硬: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 俹: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 苻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 恼: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad 㸃: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 历: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 隈: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 植: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 堗: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 突 (tū) suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly 箖: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 鼙: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 䀧: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 掦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 易 (yì) change; easy 蜩: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 㤭: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 乔 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 劰: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 醲: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 样: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 孁: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 竀: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 鹃: 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䍑: 网 (wǎng) net; network; KangXi radical 122 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 拐: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 另 (lìng) another, separate, other 虓: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 㡗: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 巚: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 獻 (xiàn) offer, present; show, display 郜: 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 歡: 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 婫: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 䗪: 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 饭: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 䉻: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 淺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 腽: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 㲅: 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 崄: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 熇: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 踎: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 否 (fǒu) not, no, negative; final particle 䔔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 竟 (jìng) finally, after all, at last 庙: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 辣: 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 洤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 䚩: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 錰: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 杰 (jié) hero; heroic, outstanding 䨶: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 鼎 (dǐng) large, three-legged bronze caldron 溹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 索 (suǒ) large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated 鳅: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 㵄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 牆: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated 䯋: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 蓕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 桂 (guì) cassia or cinnamon 㻙: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 彘: 彑 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 珛: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 衢: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 瞿 (qú) surname 䝨: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 壭: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / ㇆ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 觷: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 潸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䃽: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 稁: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 鶄: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 咊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 我: 手 (shǒu) hand / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 薔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated 㾘: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 粚: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 逝: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 伣: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 撪: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 軬 (fàn) 妬: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 眳: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 名 (míng) name, rank, title, position 誶: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 䆼: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 居: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 㓊: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 槌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 赏: 龸 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䑕: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 回: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald 汥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 蟨: 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㧬: 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 手 (shǒu) hand 绮: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 鉱: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 広 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 䥷: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 㔍 (chuā) a hinged shear or long knife for cutting fodder; sheet-iron; etc., to cut up; to mince 曾: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 尀: 叵 (pǒ) cannot, be unable do, improbable; thereupon / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 碃: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 鼂: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 䐐: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 悓: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 蜒: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 㴖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 垝: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 銟: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 氠: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 羭: ⺶ / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 鸬: 卢 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䬺: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 枽: 卋 (shì) same as 世 U+4E16, generation; world; era / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 蘼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 靡 (mí) divide, disperse, scatter 㱀: 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 囇: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 釉: 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 獊: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 绗: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 鵖: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㟝: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 䩤: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 曧: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 融 (róng) melt, fuse; blend, harmonize 蕦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 須 (xū) must, have to, necessary; moment; whiskers 嗱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 拿 (ná) take, hold, grasp; bring; with 郳: 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 牴: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 鲀: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 笅: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination 䦎: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 蒐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 挕: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 刟: 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 熞: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 堅 (jiān) hard, strong, firm; resolute 贡: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 稯: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 䢸: 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 论: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 仑 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 房: 户 (hù) door; family / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 光: ⺌|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 烈: 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 豋: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 祙: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 俢: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㣊 諤: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 慩: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 偳: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 矲: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 罷 (bà) cease, finish, stop; give up 鍵: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 鐆: 隊 (duì) team, group; army unit / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money ⺍: ㇒ / ㇏ 伌: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress 殏: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 閛: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 㨚: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 眜: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 䲡: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 㮯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 堮: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 璱: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 瑟 (sè) large stringed musical instrument; dignified, massive; sound of wind 褸: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 䀾: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 姃: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 軍: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 桎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 䇓: 須 (xū) must, have to, necessary; moment; whiskers / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 驚: 敬 (jìng) respect, honor; respectfully / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 䵠: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 槣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 寄 (jì) send, transmit, mail; rely on 艪: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 魯 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 鯯: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 制 (zhì) system; establish; overpower 㡮: 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some / 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 異: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 勵: 厲 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 菿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 到 (dào) go to, arrive, been to 庂: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 㜇: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 恚 (huì) anger, rage 瀉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 寫 (xiě) write; draw, sketch; compose 辌: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 京 (jīng) capital city 䚒: 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 唛: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 麦 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; simplified form of KangXi radical number 199 溢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 訥: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 内 (nèi) inside 紫: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 颮: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 厴: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 攻: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 肾: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 㻂: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 範: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 靇: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 乍: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 二 (èr) two; twice 揔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 峖: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 㕛: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 癝: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 禀 (bǐng) report to, petition 跠: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 䓦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 孯: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 泶: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 衹: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 䍿: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 㾁: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique 刈: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 溋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 盈 (yíng) fill; full, overflowing; surplus 鄊: 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 耶 (yé) used in transliteration 鲗: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 稘: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 䦥: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 蒧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 戨: 哥 (gē) elder brother / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 㺫: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 唲: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 熵: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 商 (shāng) commerce, business, trade 逴: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 終: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 䣏: 供 (gōng) supply, provide for; offer in worship / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 蟑: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 敒: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 呜: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 乌 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 烟: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 鍞: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 黫: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 籬: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 離 (lí) leave, depart; go away; separate 㕲: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䯹: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 蛻: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 兌 (duì) cash; exchange, barter; weight 摼: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 堅 (jiān) hard, strong, firm; resolute 㨃: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 垆: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 卢 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 銈: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 洍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 尗: 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 羖: ⺶ / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 鬙: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 㒜: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 䐧: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 枦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 户 (hù) door; family 茩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 㴭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 窅 (yǎo) far, deep; sunken eyes; sad 嚰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 磨 (mó) grind; polish; rub; wear out; a millstone 閲: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 氷: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 彁: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 哥 (gē) elder brother 绀: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 驃: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 㟆: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 华 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 䝑: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 曐: 晶 (jīng) crystal; clear, bright; radiant / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 艓: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 㱗: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 臭 (chòu) smell, stink, emit foul odor 姚: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 铜: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 潡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 幫: 封 (fēng) letter, envelope; feudal / 帛 (bó) silks, fabrics; wealth, property 䇪: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 鵭: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㛰: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid 䙻: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇉ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 槺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy 蕽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 㢅: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 弄 (nòng) do, play or fiddle with; alley 处: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 疇: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 討: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 䄔: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 媙: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 威 (wēi) pomp, power; powerful; dominate 讣: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 椤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 罗 (luō) net for catching birds; gauze 䊩: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 霰: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 散 (sàn) scatter, disperse, break up 丶: 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 檹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 旖 (yǐ) romantic; tender; charming 飅: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 畱 (liú) to detain; to entertain to keep; to put by 㥄: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 癆: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 俋: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 胕: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 㫙: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 存: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 仔 (zǐ) small thing, child; young animal 矛: 龴 / ㇖ / ㇚ / ㇒ 豢: 龹 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 䍨: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 峭: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 跷: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 歸: 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 帚 (zhǒu) broom, broomstick 䓽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 記 (jì) record; keep in mind, remember 縁: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 馄: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 傊: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 昑: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 膔: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 㮘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 敄 (wù) to put forth effort 碚: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 鐝: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it 䬣: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 悪: 亜 (yà) Asia; second / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 嶬: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 㘱: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 猳: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 躶: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 䖼: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 却 (què) still, but; decline; retreat 塅: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 段 (duàn) section, piece, division 淌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 襏: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 䁕: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid 鯘: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 勞: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 桥: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 乔 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 菨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 妾 (qiè) concubine 㷬: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 竮: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 屏 (píng) folding screen, shield 陱: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 匊 (jū) handful 䵷: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 拾: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 怀: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 䒃: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 造 (zào) construct, build, make, begin; prepare 螅: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 息 (xī) rest, put stop to, end, cease 砐: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 岓: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 龕: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 殝: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 倠: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㒣: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 應 (yīng) should, ought to, must 錢: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 䎭: ㇒ / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 造 (zào) construct, build, make, begin; prepare 蚯: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name 眺: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 宽: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 苋 (xiàn) amaranth 麿: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 櫇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 頗 (pō) lean one side; very, rather 佊: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 鉌: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 䋗: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official 藙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 毅 (yì) resolute, decisive, firm, persist 癤: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 節 (jié) knot, node, joint; section 嫧: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 鷩: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㽪: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 槱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 乴: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 酶: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 每 (měi) every, each 䜅: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 訇: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 疎: ⺪ / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 引: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 㺔: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 渟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亭 (tíng) pavilion; erect 䶞: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 邠: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㜥: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 買 (mǎi) buy, purchase; bribe, persuade 䘯: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 褱: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 氺 (shui) 璸: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 帿: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 㶾: 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 灭 (miè) extinguish; wipe out, exterminate 浉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 师 (shī) teacher, master, specialist 䳈: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 迊: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 㙏: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 䕙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 截 (jié) cut off, stop, obstruct, intersect 衛: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 珢: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 嵩: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 㳨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked 汳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 䯲: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 軴: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 㕹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 貉: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 猌: 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 垏: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 耖: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 䬜: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 炡: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 頦: 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 膫: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 搮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 栗 (lì) chestnut tree, chestnuts; surname 䢱: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 買 (mǎi) buy, purchase; bribe, persuade 馻: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 㬼: 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 簾: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 廉 (lián) upright, honorable, honest 旃: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) 赈: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 呎: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 㣑: 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 緓: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 諝: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 煠: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 嗣: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 䥰: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 蝱 (méng) horsefly, gadfly 滵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 密 (mì) dense, thick, close; intimate 険: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 㑒 蔃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic 抂: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 䰉: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category 㦐: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 贰 (èr) number two 鴓: 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 窒: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 椛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 花 (huā) flower; blossoms 讜: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 黨 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 劢: 万 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 㰩: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䄫: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 踵: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 澴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 夻: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䟄: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 牍: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 卖 (mài) sell; betray; show off 铎: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 忔: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 荗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 惖: 易 (yì) change; easy / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䩝: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 㟤: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 魧: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 磦: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 杯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 觰: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 僶: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 㩽: 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 罿: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 済: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 斉 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 劋: 喿 (zào) chirping of birds / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 醍: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 㜎: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 䘘: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 蔚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 尉 (wèi) officer, military rank 疥: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 帨: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 鴪: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 椲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 䶵: 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 邷: 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㘸: 死 (sǐ) die; dead; death / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 䅂: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 葄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 胙 (zuò) meat offered in sacrifice to one's ancestors 瓏: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 奒: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 㷕: 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 鱔: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 桜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 䳟: 明 (míng) bright, light, brilliant; clear / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 鏡: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 竟 (jìng) finally, after all, at last 䁬: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 蝮: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 矹: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 塼: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 㳿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 齾: 獻 (xiàn) offer, present; show, display / 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 殆: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 儍: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 鐏: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 怗: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 䎖: 曾 (céng) already; sign of past / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 蚘: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 砧: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 宦: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official 麨: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 檰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 綿 (mián) cotton wad; wool; soft, downy 倷: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 奈 (nài) but, how; bear, stand, endure 霹: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 捁: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 䋀: 户 (hù) door; family / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 臂: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 筑: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong 嫐: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 男 (nán) male, man; son; baron; surname / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 駒: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 句 (jù) sentence 旚: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 卡: 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 陣: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 扫: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 緪: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 恆 (héng) constant, regular, persistent 胬: 奴 (nú) slave, servant / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 穻: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 嗺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 飼: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 芁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 几 (jǐ) small table 攄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 慮 (lǜ) be concerned, worry about 䦇: 镸 (cháng) long / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / ㇉ 骑: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 㠒: 㟽 (biǎo) mountain top; summit, pointing mountain / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 純: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 暙: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 踞: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 唤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 奂 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 㦧: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 㬱 (tì) (same as 替) to replace; to substitute; to decay; to decline, (a variant 朁) if, supposing, nevertheless 纩: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 辳: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 父: 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 嚹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 罅 (xià) crack, fissure, split 荀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 䩆: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time ⻉: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 珋: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 魐: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 杘: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䯛: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 铥: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 丢 (diū) discard 㩦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 罨: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 惭: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 斩 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 衲: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 内 (nèi) inside 坸: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 句 (jù) sentence 㯻: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 磽: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 䈁: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 錋: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 沊: 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 娑: 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 䒚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 眣: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 閤: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 岪: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 弗 (fú) not, negative 耭: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 憬: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions 伳: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 㒺: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 亾 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 頽: 秃 (tū) bald / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 禼: 卤 (lǔ) salt / 禸 (róu) rump; KangXi radical 114 摅: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 虑 (lǜ) be concerned, worry about 諆: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 凌: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 㽓: 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 籕: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 榴 (liú) pomegranate 赟: 斌 (bīn) refined, having both appearance / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 滞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 带 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 呥: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 䛮: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 咎 (jiù) fault, defect; error, mistake 煷: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 亮 (liàng) bright, brilliant, radiant, light 韸: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 夆 (féng) resist 廾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 搀: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade / ⺀ 䂃: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 莅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 位 (wèi) throne; position, post; rank, status; seat 簐: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 軟 (ruǎn) soft, flexible, pliable; weak 墓: 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 鮕: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 澝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 甯 (níng) peaceful 吠: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 霢: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 脈 (mài) blood vessels, veins, arteries 䞭: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 芯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 猺: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 徽: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 系 (xì) system; line, link, connection 骿: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 滇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 䭊: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 㟍: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 陌: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 䛗: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 臙: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 燕 (yàn) swallow (bird); comfort, enjoy 牤: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 廧: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated 駩: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 㭪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 深: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 罙 (mí) deep 䩴: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 㛷: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 镶: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 䌅: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 踇: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 每 (měi) every, each 熎: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 嬕: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 睪 (yì) spy on 㪔: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 樟: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 䦞: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 汪 (wāng) vast, extensive, deep; surname 钠: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 内 (nèi) inside 䈯: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 贱: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 戋 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 炸: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 娿: 阿 (ā) prefix for people's names; used in transliteration / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 㦾: 户 (hù) door; family / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 楉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 䣈: 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 诊: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 䅙: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 豛: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 矢: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 奩: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 㣨: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 姑 (gū) father's sister; husband's mother 桳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 夲 (tāo) advance quickly; to go back and forth; origin, source 俲: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 効 (xiào) efficacious, effectiveness; to toil, to serve in the army 諴: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 袉: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 它 (tā) it; other 県: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / ㇗ / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 厏: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 萖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 伜: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 卆 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 璡: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 進 (jìn) advance, make progress, enter 鰦: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year 薫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 怮: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 䲱: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 鶻: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㼼: 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 砾: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 乐 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 懃: 勤 (qín) industrious, diligent, attentive / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 襈: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 偎: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 㳑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 秓: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 軝: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 畠: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 凣: 凢 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 䵰: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 櫵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 蕉 (jiāo) banana; plantain 鉺: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 脃: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 暂: 斩 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䠉: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 官 (guān) official, public servant 㶐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 應 (yīng) should, ought to, must 餓: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 纒: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 黒 (hēi) black; dark; evil / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 洛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 辜: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 嚢: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 㠩: 亾 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 䔫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot / 朿 (cì) stab ⺲: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 訵: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 四 (sì) four 殴: 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 崻: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 待 (dài) treat, entertain, receive; wait 䏄: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 窒 (zhì) stop up, obstruct 㕋: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 癍: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 斑 (bān) mottled, striped, freckle 郎: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 寔: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 蝗: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 擖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 葛 (gé) edible bean; surname 九: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇈ 齧: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 糦: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 捯: 挃 (zhì) (Cant.) to beat / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 跰: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 哶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 卝 (kuàng) hair style; ore / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 㹽: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 筿: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 条 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe 樈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 竟 (jìng) finally, after all, at last 嚋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 閍: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 䈘: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year ⺛: 丅 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down; used to transliterate the Latin letter 'T' / ㇜ / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 脚: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 却 (què) still, but; decline; retreat 熥: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 通 (tōng) pass through, common, communicate 娨: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 餪: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 洲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 州 (zhōu) administrative division, state 䦵: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 钷: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 叵 (pǒ) cannot, be unable do, improbable; thereupon 䕂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address / 匸 (xì) box; KangXi radical 23 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 聄: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 烏: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇉ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 嵒: 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 㧕: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 顔: 彦 (yàn) elegant / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 汜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 䣟: 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 韡: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 㕢: 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 䑬: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 荮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 纣 (zhòu) name of an emperor; saddle part 珹: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 屼: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 㣿: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 魾: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 澆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 唍: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 㒌: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 炏 (kài) / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 几 (jǐ) small table 透: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 搗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 島 (dǎo) island 䞖: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 芘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 簧: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 徦: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 骨: 冎 (guǎ) / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 溰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 吷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 㞶: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 錹: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 肯 (kěn) willing; consent to, permit 杁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 䛀: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 藂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 聚 (jù) assemble, meet together, collect 网: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination 廐: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 旣 (jì) already; de facto; since; then 鷒: 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 懚: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 坡: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 㛠: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 间 (jiān) midpoint, space; place, locality 鉣: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 晫: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 秪: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 蓬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 繻: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 出: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 鳼: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 蚁: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 义 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 愄: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 䶇: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 胄 (zhòu) helmet, headpiece; descendant 麑: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 㰒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 學 (xué) learning, knowledge; school 礔: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 抙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 手 (shǒu) hand 訞: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 儤: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 㳟 㶧: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 内 (nèi) inside 窩: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 讳: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 瘶: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 欶 (shuò) to suck in 効: 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 蝀: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 乆: 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine / ㇏ 矋: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 厲 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 齐: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 捘: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 俛: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 郥: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㹦: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 筨: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 擭: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 豲: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 卸: 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 㿻: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 糽: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 䘁: 截 (jié) cut off, stop, obstruct, intersect / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 霋: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 妻 (qī) wife 梊: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 帑: 奴 (nú) slave, servant / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 䂚: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination 㘡: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 猣: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 醤: 丬 (qiáng) half of tree trunk; rad. no. 90 / 寽 (lǜ) a handful; a pinch / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 墪: 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 萭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 斬: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 䬳: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 半 (bàn) half 鰽: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 綼: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 恅: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 軆: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 嗌: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 㭓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 弁 (biàn) conical cap worn during Zhou dynasty 硕: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 襟: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 禁 (jìn) restrict, prohibit, forbid 櫞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 緣 (yuán) hem, margin; reason, cause; karma, fate 健: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 䋮: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 畷: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 鏸: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 嫾: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 栀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 卮 (zhī) measuring cup; wine container 䲃: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 辅: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 瀐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 韯 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 咓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 鞕: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 掝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 堠: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 㲣: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 鬢: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 䮭: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 躯: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 缺: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 厽: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 隿: 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 拇: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 䝊: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 㯍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general 驌: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently 䫗: 叚 (jiǎ) false / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 跙: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 繤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 勧: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 闩: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 㝪: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 懱: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 蔑 (miè) disdain, disregard; slight 䙴: 䙲 (same as 遷) to move; to remove, to change / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 㫷: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 饶: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 伅: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station ⺄: ㇅ 與: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 綎: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 廷 (tíng) court 圕: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 書 (shū) book, letter, document; writings 㚔: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 星: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 䖞: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 颠: 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㼥: 考 (kǎo) examine, test; investigate / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 丯: 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 脱: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 粸: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 嘿: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 㖾: 吅 (xuān) / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 敉: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䓈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / ㇒ / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 蟊: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 䖵 (kūn) insects 㹏: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 䵙: 黍 (shǔ) glutinous millet; KangXi radical number 202 / 奓 (zhā) extravagant 聛: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 篢: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 貢 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 啩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 卦 (guà) fortune telling; tell fortunes 㓨: 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 摳: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 䏲: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 蛴: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 齐 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 㵹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 蒉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 笌: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 徏: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 步 (bù) step, pace; walk, stroll 蠖: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 䌜: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 碡: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 毒 (dú) poison, venom; poisonous 逦: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 丽 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 覫: 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 氮: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 䂱: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 醻: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 琾: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 界 (jiè) boundary, limit; domain; society; the world 淃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 蕈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 屎: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 痓: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 苝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 北 (běi) north; northern; northward 祠: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 巣: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 䅰: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 恩 (ēn) kindness, mercy, charity 曵: ㇂ / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / ㇒ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 鹺: 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 贃: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 患 (huàn) suffer, worry about; suffering 檂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 䐉: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 锓: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 犒: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 愛: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 莜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 攸 (yōu) distant, far; adverbial prefix 媢: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 冒 (mào) risk, brave, dare 㐩: 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 䤫: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 岑 (cén) steep, precipitous; peak 蘵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 職 (zhí) duty, profession; office, post 枴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 叧 (guǎ) to cut meat off away from bones; ancient torture 儻: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 黨 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 俄: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 㥋: 依 (yī) rely on, be set in; consent, obey a wish / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 積: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 鳎: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 埔: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 譗: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 答 (dá) answer, reply; return; assent to 棖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 䉝: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 㿤: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 鍧: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 訇 (hōng) the sound of a crash 烦: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 潯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 臰: 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 死 (sǐ) die; dead; death 壶: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 睿: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 昈: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 户 (hù) door; family 媋: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 馍: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 㼎: 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 丘: 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 贚: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 綥: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 畀 (bì) to give 嘨: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 粛 (sù) pay respects; reverently 锪: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 忽 (hū) suddenly, abruptly; neglect 愲: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 䖵: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 颷: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 㸸: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 䥂: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 冡 (méng) 豄: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 糏: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 屑 (xiè) bits, scraps, crumbs, fragments 兒: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 㗕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 鑔: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 察 (chá) examine, investigate; notice 恜: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 式 (shì) style, system, formula, rule 䓟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 鯡: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 㥢: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 䡬: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 轮: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 仑 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 翹: 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 偼: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / ⺕ / 龰 㓿: 黍 (shǔ) glutinous millet; KangXi radical number 202 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 靾: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 掆: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 岡 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 复: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 㢌: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 阿 (ā) prefix for people's names; used in transliteration 鰏: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 栗: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䮖: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 躘: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 瀧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 厦: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 夏 (xià) summer; great, grand, big 隨: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 遀 (suí) 抰: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 堷: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 㮶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 鼹: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 晏 (yàn) peaceful, quiet; clear; late in the day 歁: 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䫀: 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 观: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 獑: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 勐: 孟 (mèng) first in series; great, eminent / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 釒: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 淚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 戾 (lì) perverse, recalcitrant, rebellious 孡: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 㫠: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 半 (bàn) half 鹣: 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 橫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 黃 (huáng) yellow; surname 痪: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 奂 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 裬: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 牻: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 尨 (máng) shaggy haired dog; variegated 巺: 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 郼: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 誁: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 洄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 䆇: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 鳯 (fèng) male phoenix; symbol of joy 銑: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 甔: 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 溙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 泰 (tài) great, exalted, superior; big 蘞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 斂 (liǎn) draw back, fold back; collect 崤: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 肴 (yáo) cooked or prepared meat 皩: 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior / 晃 (huǎng) bright, dazzling; to sway, shake 螳: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 稶: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 彧 (yù) refined, cultured, polished 庹: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 譀: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 䉆: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 篋: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 匧 (qiè) a trunk; a portfolio 鍐: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 潘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 䏛: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 匀 (yún) equal 鳥: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇉ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 睨: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 棭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夜 (yè) night, dark; in night; by night 聲: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 彸: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 烽: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 夆 (féng) resist 䨁: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 鬋: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 撊: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 刑: 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䲚: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㨡: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 缣: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 鶤: 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 咪: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 蠭: 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter / 䖵 (kūn) insects 榬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 袁 (yuán) robe; surname 䜳: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 㲺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 逽: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 熼: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 汅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 苆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 切 (qiè) cut, mince, slice, carve 姌: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 㝓: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 瑕: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 叚 (jiǎ) false 蕟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 曞: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 厲 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 履: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 復 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 仮: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 祷: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 图: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 氀: 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䢃: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 讅: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 審 (shěn) examine, investigate; judge 琐: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / ⺌|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 傓: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 扇 (shàn) fan; door panel 鎕: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 枝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 尠: 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 㢣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 句 (jù) sentence / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 鼢: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 侭: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尽 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 誯: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 笺: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 戋 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 垽: 沂 (yí) river in southeast Shandong / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 銿: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 曇: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province 䍊: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 㿍: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain 鹌: 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 仗: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丈 (zhàng) unit of length equal 3.3 meters; gentleman, man, husband 觙: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 穤: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 需 (xū) need, require, must 囧: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 釩: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 旱: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 䉴: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 㻷: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 棘 (jí) jujube tree; thorns, brambles 鵶: 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䬅: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor 蘇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 穌 (sū) revive, to rise again; collect 禎: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 匕: 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / ㇒ 戟: 龺 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 䆞: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 㫐 (yǎo) distant and indistinguishable 鲠: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 㬥: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 䨯: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 陳 (chén) exhibit, display; plead; surname 蔱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 殺 (shā) kill, slaughter, murder; hurt; to pare off, reduce, clip 碸: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 刿: 岁 (suì) year; age; harvest / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 慉: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 畜 (chù) livestock, domestic animals 䃈: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 菊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 匊 (jū) handful 㩏: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 䥙: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 棗 (zǎo) date tree; dates, jujubes; surname / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 葛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 翢: 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 兩: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 恳: 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䟲: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 充 (chōng) fill, be full, supply 苴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 㥹: 粉 (fěn) powder, face powder; plaster / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 肉: 仌 (bīng) / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 缌: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 宏: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 谖: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 爰 (yuán) lead on to; therefore, then 䜜: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 粡: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 鐦: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 開 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 趫: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 栮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 䒱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丞 (chéng) assist, aid, rescue 閻: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 㜼: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 宜 (yí) suitable, right, fitting, proper 瀾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 槃: 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 腈: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 塎: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 㓑: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 燓: 棥 (fán) a railing; a fence an enclosed place / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 蛝: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 絠: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 姣: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 䕰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 燔 (fán) to roast; to burn 拵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 存 (cún) exist, live, be; survive; remain 驺: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 刍 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 褃: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 肯 (kěn) willing; consent to, permit 溂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 剌 (lá) slash, cut in two; contradict 䀉: 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 㖐: 吅 (xuān) / 尹 (yǐn) govern; oversee; director 鄓: 臭 (chòu) smell, stink, emit foul odor / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 皒: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 攛: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 竄 (cuàn) run away; revise, edit; expel 螜: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 庢: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 䴫: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 零 (líng) zero; fragment, fraction 舵: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 它 (tā) it; other 掴: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 国 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 唻: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 䯄: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 呙 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 㵋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 買 (mǎi) buy, purchase; bribe, persuade 繍: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 粛 (sù) pay respects; reverently 风: 几 (jǐ) small table / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 叔: 尗 (shū) younger of brothers; father's younger brother younger brother of a husband / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 轗: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 感 (gǎn) feel, perceive, emotion 泖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 䙝: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 㯤: 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 靧: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 瓦: 匸 (xì) box; KangXi radical 23 / ㇈ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 歯: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 藰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 劉 (liú) surname; kill, destroy 島: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇉ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 㙽: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from 獿: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 夒 (náo) 戈: ㇂ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇒ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 庋: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 鶍: 易 (yì) change; easy / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㬎: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 䨘: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 褚: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 禥: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 基 (jī) foundation, base 刨: 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 鄪: 費 (fèi) expenses, expenditures, fee / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 攲: 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 䆵: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 鲷: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 㨸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 密 (mì) dense, thick, close; intimate 䵂: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 六 (liù) number six / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 衄: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 磏: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 啒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch ㇕: 達: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 垟 (yáng) 摜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 貫 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 䃟: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 㪚 (sàn) (same as 散) to scatter; to disperse; to break up or separate for a time; to dismiss 㵢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 雷 (léi) thunder 䱬: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 譮: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 篹: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 呼: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 鍾: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 枆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 崍: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 㲌: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 頏: 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 気: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 侖: 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 誘: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 﨣: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 琧: 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 垦: 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 銨: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 暰: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 尷: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 㾶: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 鬹: 規 (guī) rules, regulations, customs, law / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 潁: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 什: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 跂: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 睑: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 囐: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 獻 (xiàn) offer, present; show, display 闒: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 槚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 贾 (jiǎ) surname; merchant; buy, trade 彡: ㇒ 㻠: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 突 (tū) suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly 驣: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 駦 (téng) to mount, to ascend; to move, to turn out 湫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 燪: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 葱 (cōng) scallions, leeks, green onions 賬: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 登: 癶 (bō) legs; KangXi radical 105 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 姺: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 铼: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 来 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 躁: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 椄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 妾 (qiè) concubine 䖇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 隑: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 㐒: 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 焔: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 旧 (jiù) old, ancient; former, past 檙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 鼎 (dǐng) large, three-legged bronze caldron 舞: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 卌 (xì) forty, fortieth / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to 夤: 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 寅 (yín) to respect, reverence; respectfully; 3rd terrestrial branch 㖧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 犩: 魏 (wèi) kingdom of Wei; surname / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 莳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 时 (shí) time, season; era, age, period 縶: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 媹: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 轀: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䙆: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 翋: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 靐: 雷 (léi) thunder / 雷 (léi) thunder 歘: 焱 (yàn) flames / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䟛: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 飥: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 㙦: 斜 (xié) slanting, sloping, inclined / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 獨: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 泭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 葲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 學: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 㟻: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 瓽: 龸 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 丁: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇚ 鼋: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 黾 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 悊: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 嘑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 虖 (hū) to cry; to shout; to howl 䢚: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 㸡: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 笣: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 馤: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 傪: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 谭: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 涬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 䌳: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 璽 (xǐ) imperial signet, royal signet 㢺: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 妾 (qiè) concubine 鐽: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 達 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent 疼: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 桅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 蛆: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 巌: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 灕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 離 (lí) leave, depart; go away; separate 腟: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 室 (shì) room, home, house, chamber 拞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name 塥: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 䫮: 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 絷: 执 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 鯸: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 勾: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 瀀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 憂 (yōu) sad, grieved; grief, melancholy 咃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 他 (tā) other, another; he, she, it 鞅: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 㤆: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 栐: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 永 (yǒng) long, perpetual, eternal, forever 䲓: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 辕: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 袁 (yuán) robe; surname 箝: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 拑 (qián) to clamp, tie down or pin down 䀠: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 茢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify 厭: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 猒 (yān) 隯: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 㠰: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 机: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 几 (jǐ) small table 䮽: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 躿: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy 竇: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 彊: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 艌: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 勗: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 助 (zhù) help, aid, assist 闙: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 啓 (qǐ) open; begin, commence; explain 㝚: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 晤: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 䫧: 㚖 (gǎo) (said of truth) to come out to the open; to be known by all, (ancient form 澤) glossy; shining / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 跩: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 秱: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 年: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 㐄 (kuà) 腶: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 段 (duàn) section, piece, division 圅: 龴 / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 㚄: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot 騇: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 舍 (shě) house, dwelling; dwell, reside 斎: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 伕: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those ⺔: 彑 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 縟: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse 嶞: 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 肠: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / ㇎ / ㇒ 嘯: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently 㖮: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 餱: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 撸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 鲁 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 丿: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 絉: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique 峈: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 啙: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 吅 (xuān) 㓘: 夙 (sù) early in morning, dawn; previous / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 顛: 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 揢: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 客 (kè) guest, traveller; customer 䵩: 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 米: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 寲: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 黴: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 鲉: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 㸊: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 挌: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 䞏: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 逖: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 狄 (dí) tribe from northern china; surnam 嬜: 歆 (xīn) like, admire; willingly, gladly; to quicken / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 㾟: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 步 (bù) step, pace; walk, stroll 悡: 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蠦: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 醫: 殹 (yì) an echo / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 琮: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 墱: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 覻: 䖒 (xī) earthenware with the shape of a bean; used in ancient times / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 氾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 痃: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 鵈: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䑎: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 㦰 (jiān) to break off (relations); to sever, to exterminate; to annihilate; to wipe out, to pierce; to stab; to irritate; to hurt, to hold weapons, agricultural implements; far tools, sharp will; eager intention; determination / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 淓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 芳 (fāng) fragrant; virtuous; beautiful 髝: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 㱞: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 慠: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 䗣: 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty / 䖵 (kūn) insects 奰: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 㷳: 雁 (yàn) wild goose / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 绵: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 帛 (bó) silks, fabrics; wealth, property 虺: 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 锃: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 犂: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇒ / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 尉: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 贓: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 臧 (zāng) good, right, generous; command 檒: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 㐙: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 礛: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 鮜: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 䊢: 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 儫: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 豪 (háo) brave, heroic, chivalrous 㪲: 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure / ㇖ 鸵: 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 它 (tā) it; other 羴: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 䤻: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 埄: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 夆 (féng) resist 才: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / ㇒ 蓎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 俔: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 鍗: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 烖: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 婝: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 譧: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 廉 (lián) upright, honorable, honest 棦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 尹 (yǐn) govern; oversee; director 睯: 敃 (mǐn) strong; robust; vigorous / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 駰: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 䃶: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 褱 (huái) to carry in the bosom or the sleeve; to wrap, to conceal 潿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 圍 (wéi) surround, encircle, corral 縈: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 䊋: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 壯 (zhuàng) big, large; robust; name of tribe 膍: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 嘘: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 虚 (xū) false 㪛: 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 锚: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality 斥: 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 丨: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 贪: 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 礲: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 嶵: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 罪 (zuì) crime, sin, vice; evil; hardship 肷: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 兂: 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 㗅: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 鑄: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 擏: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 敬 (jìng) respect, honor; respectfully 䥒: 強 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 豔: 豐 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 硜: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 峟: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 菡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 偬: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 㓯: 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 靮: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 柹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / ㇒ / ㇉ / ㇒ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 䡼: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 霝 (líng) drops of rain; to fall in drops 轾: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 箆: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 䄍: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 萏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 瀗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 厖: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 尨 (máng) shaggy haired dog; variegated 隘: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 㤝: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 充 (chōng) fill, be full, supply 栧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 䮦: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 躨: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 夔 (kuí) one-legged monster; walrus 窰: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 䀷: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 劫 (jié) take by force, coerce; disaster 蜹: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 芮 (ruì) tiny, small; water's edge 獁: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 勀: 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 釂: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 爵 (jué) feudal title or rank 㡇: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 歑: 虖 (hū) to cry; to shout; to howl / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䫐: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 角: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 痚: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 䍡: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 虣: 武 (wǔ) military; martial, warlike / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 牫: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 淪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 郬: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㭱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 匣 (xiá) small box, case, coffer 橻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 䗺: 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer / 䖵 (kūn) insects 裼: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 易 (yì) change; easy 銁: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 甄: 垔 (yīn) to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 妇: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 誑: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 狂 (kuáng) insane, mad; violent; wild 洔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 皙: 析 (xī) split wood; break apart; divide / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 鸞: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䔤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 溩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 龳: 圥 (lù) mushroom / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㴴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / ㇗ / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 戶: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 䚹: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 鍀: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 㝵 (dé) (ancient form of U+5F97 得) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 礙) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint 婆: 波 (bō) waves, breakers; undulations / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 㻉: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 步 (bù) step, pace; walk, stroll 揋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 譐: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 睘: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 寛: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 莧 (xiàn) edible greens; amaranth 蓥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 潨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 乑 (yín) stand side by side 热: 执 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 顲: 炏 (kài) / 㐭 (lǐn) (same as 廩) a granary, to supply (foodstuff), to stockpile / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䝸: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 棽: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 刁: ㇆ / ㇀ 㾈: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 茋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 粊: 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 䨑: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 咚: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 朣: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 薤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 䲪: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 逭: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 熬: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 弳: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 蠽: 雀 (què) sparrow / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 䖵 (kūn) insects 榼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 㝃: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 瑅: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 髆: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 䇌: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 汕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 㧜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 匝 (zā) full circle; encircle 鵟: 狂 (kuáng) insane, mad; violent; wild / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 绞: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 䑥: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 囮: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize 㱵: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 慷: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy 蟸: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 䖵 (kūn) insects 仾: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 互 (hù) mutually, reciprocally 琀: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 傃: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally 鎅: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 界 (jiè) boundary, limit; domain; society; the world 㴆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 氐: 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 䢓: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 宇 (yǔ) house; building, structure; eaves 讕: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 羝: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 䐠: 㬻 (huāng) in between of the flesh, a state of a minority ethnic group in southern China, the moon is dimmed 蜢: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 孟 (mèng) first in series; great, eminent 垭: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 亚 (yà) Asia; second 銯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 㰰: 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 挺: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 廷 (tíng) court 侽: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 男 (nán) male, man; son; baron; surname 調: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 织: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 孊: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 靡 (mí) divide, disperse, scatter 虌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㡀 (bì) ragged clothing, ragged; old and wear out / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 囗: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 釙: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 扤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 仧: 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 觩: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 緱: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 婴: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 蕶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 零 (líng) zero; fragment, fraction 包: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 鸇: 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 憎: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 䬕: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 稟: 㐭 (lǐn) (same as 廩) a granary, to supply (foodstuff), to stockpile / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 妞: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 蒠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 息 (xī) rest, put stop to, end, cease 刯: 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 鴱: 艾 (ài) artemisia, mugwort; translit. / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 悸: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 季 (jì) quarter of year; season; surname 䨿: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 祉: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 壈: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 稟 (bǐng) report to, petition 鯊: 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 兙: 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 鱛: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 柢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 䥩: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 微 (wēi) small, prefix micro-, trifling 硳: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare 忲: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 髴: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 颉: 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㨊: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 朌: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 䎏: 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 鐖: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 弜: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 㮟: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 撡: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 叅 (cān) to counsel, to consult together; to take part in; to intervene 谦: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 閫: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 㜬: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 瀮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 霖 (lín) long spell of rain, copious rain 岱: 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 趻: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 栾: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㓁: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 燃: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 然 (rán) yes, certainly; pledge, promise 饈: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / ⺶ / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 䁎: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 亭 (tíng) pavilion; erect 槓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 貢 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 黝: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 㡞: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 敠: 叕 (zhuó) to connect / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 䇣: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 尒 (ěr) you, your 嵰: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 㧳: 扮 (bàn) dress up; dress up as / 手 (shǒu) hand 竵: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 㐄 (kuà) 艺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 㖀: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 鄃: 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 皂: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 七 (qī) seven 堉: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 褓: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care 溒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 袁 (yuán) robe; surname 紛: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 龜: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 龱 䚢: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 唫: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 㺲: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 騵: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 箴: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 䴻: 䄪 (diǎo) hanging down of the ears of the grains, something to hang or be hanged or hung / 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 叄: 厽 (lěi) / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 三 (sān) three 晍: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 胎: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 䯔: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 靗: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 瓖: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 幝: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 轧: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 泦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尻 (kāo) end of spine; buttocks, sacrum 㙭: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 獯: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 熏 (xūn) smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure 鷰: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 北 (běi) north; northern; northward / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䓶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 剌 (lá) slash, cut in two; contradict 歿: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇆ / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 稈: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 䚋: 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 薍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 亂 (luàn) confusion, state of chaos; create chaos, revolt 刘: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㺛: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 鄚: 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 憥: 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䨨: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 褪: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 退 (tuì) step back, retreat, withdraw 紲: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 妵: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 蒷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 啂: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 乳 (rǔ) breast, nipples; milk, suckle ㇅: 遄: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 惏: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 䵒: 黍 (shǔ) glutinous millet; KangXi radical number 202 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 衔: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 籜: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 擇 (zé) select, choose, pick out 壟: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 蟡: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 呬: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 四 (sì) four 鍮: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 揹: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 背 (bèi) back; back side; behind; betray 䱼: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 展 (zhǎn) open, unfold; stretch, extend 譾: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 翦 (jiǎn) scissors; cut, clip; annhilate 羆: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 熊 (xióng) a bear; brilliant; bright; surname 䔍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 耏: 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 琗: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 垖: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 銘: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 名 (míng) name, rank, title, position 㴝: 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 氧: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 侦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 贞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 誨: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 每 (měi) every, each 纰: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 䐷: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 茹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as 睁: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 囀: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 轉 (zhuǎn) shift, move, turn 闂: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 㱇: 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 潑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 仐: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 跒: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 燚: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 䝡: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 㒼 (mán) average; equivalent; corresponding, to cover something carefully and tightly without a break; (Cant.) blocked 艣: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 虜 (lǔ) to capture, imprison, seize; a prison 癫: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 颠 (diān) top, peak, summit; upset 槪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 旣 (jì) already; de facto; since; then 铬: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 㽱: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 湻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亯 (xiǎng) to receive; to enjoy 䇺: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 購: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 隁: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 匽 (yǎn) to hide, to secrete, to repress; to bend 㐂: 七 (qī) seven 焄: 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 嶇: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 躑: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 鄭 (zhèng) state in today's Henan; surname 椔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 㖗: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 岑 (cén) steep, precipitous; peak 犙: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 騞: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 砉 (huò) 䄤: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 賴 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 檩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 禀 (bǐng) report to, petition 鮳: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 考 (kǎo) examine, test; investigate 㤴: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 昶: 永 (yǒng) long, perpetual, eternal, forever / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䊹: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 靀: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 幆: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 㫉: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 柋: 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 轐: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 菐 (pú) a thicket 㙖: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 獘: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 忛: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 胥: 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 歨: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 龰 㟫: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 瓭: 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 鱲: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 巤 (liè) a mane; bristles, as on a hog; dorsal fins 䍸: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 泽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 嘁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad 㮈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 奈 (nài) but, how; bear, stand, endure 蜋: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 碊: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 丑: 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 二 (èr) two; twice 傚: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 挣: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 膤: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 雪 (xuě) snow; wipe away shame, avenge 䢪: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 鐭: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 疬: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 历 (lì) history; calendar 嬳: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 谽: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 涼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 京 (jīng) capital city 灅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 壘 (lěi) rampart, military wall 黆: 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 䗌: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 桕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 㷜: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 奕 (yì) in sequence, orderly; abundant 饟: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 竞: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 䁥: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 匿 (nì) hide; go into hiding 勮: 豦 (jù) a wild boar; to fight / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 㡵: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 敷: 旉 (fū) to state to, to announce / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 菸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 於 (yú) in, at, on; interjection alas! 䫾: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 砀: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / ㇎ / ㇒ 岃: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 龅: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 怐: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 句 (jù) sentence 䒓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 螕: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 玝: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch 䠠: 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 謢: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 宭: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 麯: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false 漺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing 䎽: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 蚿: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 狇: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 坊: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 詌: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 嫗: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 鷙: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㽚: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 湤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 施 (shī) grant, bestow; give; act; name 䋧: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 藩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 潘 (pān) surname; water in which rice has been rinsed; a river that flows into the Han 燱: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 噴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 襶: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 戴 (dài) wear on top; support 弅: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 㺄: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 鈇: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 涎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 䜕: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 瘟: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 喞: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 卽 (jí) promptly 袠: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 帯: 丗 (shì) thirty, thirtieth / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 㶮: 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 鄱: 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 沸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 䘿: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 畉: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 哈: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 韊: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 蘭 (lán) orchid; elegant, graceful 嵙: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 科 (kē) section, department, science 㳘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 充 (chōng) fill, be full, supply 遛: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 毢: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 䕩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 橑 (lǎo) 瑳: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 史: 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 雴: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 钉: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 㘊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 霅 (zhà) thunder 欌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 藏 (cáng) hide, conceal; hoard, store up 侏: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 頖: 半 (bàn) half / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 匜: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 㞟: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 奠 (diàn) pay respect; settle 梡: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 耦: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 馫: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense 㬬: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 瞿 (qú) surname 簮: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 替 (tì) change, replace, substitute for 傱: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 膻: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 搾: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 窄 (zhǎi) narrow, tight; narrow-minded 㣁: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 甪 (lù) to loose, take off, get rid of 緃: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 龰 镈: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 䱎: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 旓: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 鋝: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 寽 (lǜ) a handful; a pinch 㑞: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 楠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 兰: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 三 (sān) three 㗳: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 答 (dá) answer, reply; return; assent to 盵: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 蹺: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 㦀: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 鴃: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 窂: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 吉: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 蔓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 抒: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 㰙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 難 (nán) difficult, arduous, hard; unable 焛: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 鎜: 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 䪢: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇉ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 夫: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 二 (èr) two; twice 阵: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 瞴: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 䄻: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 忄: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 橍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 閏 (rùn) intercalary; extra, surplus 賎: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 㦮 (qián) (abbreviated form of 錢) money; cash, a unit of weight, a Chinese family name 䟔: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 魗: 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 磖: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 剝: 彔 (lù) to carve wood / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 荧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 惦: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 店 (diàn) shop, store; inn, hotel 㩭: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 學 (xué) learning, knowledge; school 罯: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 釰: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 䣶: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 板: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 瘈: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 䪋: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 遺 (yí) lose; articles lost; omit 覍: 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 帘: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 鴚: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 涥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亨 (hēng) smoothly, progressing, no trouble 䘨: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 蔪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 焲: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 夜 (yè) night, dark; in night; by night 喵: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality 袷: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 奂: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 㷅: 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 鱄: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 泏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 䅒: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 芒 (máng) Miscanthus sinensis 葔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 灜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 贏 (yíng) win; surplus, gain, profit 哟: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 约 (yuē) treaty, agreement, covenant 诡: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 塬: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 㳯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 齮: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 濹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 黒 (hēi) black; dark; evil / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 䁼: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 墨 (mò) ink; writing 蝾: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 荣 (róng) glory, honor; flourish, prosper 玆: 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 䤍: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 䓣 (liǎng) name of a variety of grass 谏: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 砗: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 宖: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 弘 (hóng) enlarge, expand; liberal, great 麘: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense 性: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 䎦: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 蚨: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 犰: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 九 (jiǔ) nine 䠷: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 輹: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 筁: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false 嫀: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 駂: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 捑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 夨 (zè) 䋐: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 戉 (yuè) a battle-axe, a halberd 臒: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 線: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 䭡: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 㥯 (yǐn) careful; compassionate; to take an interest in; prudent; cautious, worried and grieved 蹣: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 穫: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 旪: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 飬: 龹 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 扻: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 胼: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 骁: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 㠂: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 約: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 冇: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 芑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 攔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 㦗: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 禁 (jìn) restrict, prohibit, forbid 纙: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 阞: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䴤: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 暩: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 祭 (jì) sacrifice to, worship 鞳: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 荅 (dā) answer: small bean; thick 㔴: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 樶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 最 (zuì) most, extremely, exceedingly 亹: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 舋 (xìn) split; (Cant.) a mark, trace 魀: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 剆: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㛉: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 毋: ㇗ / ㇆ / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 荐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 存 (cún) exist, live, be; survive; remain 㩖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 罘: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 叛: 半 (bàn) half / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 賥: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 杨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / ㇎ / ㇒ 㯫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 磭: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 脣 (chún) lips 遲: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 犀 (xī) rhinoceros; sharp, well-tempered 佸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 惽: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid 威: 戌 (xū) 11th terrestrial branch / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 㞈: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 謋: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 桀 (jié) chicken roost; ancient emperor 璊: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 䈑: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 岚: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 漣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 趤: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 宕 (dàng) stone quarry; cave dwelling 䒪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 弁 (biàn) conical cap worn during Zhou dynasty 頭: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 禬: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 圳: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 耽: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 憼: 敬 (jìng) respect, honor; respectfully / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㽃: 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 籅: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 鋆: 均 (jūn) equal, even, fair; all, also / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 䧌: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 摕: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone ㇜: 镟: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 旋 (xuán) revolve, move in orbit; return 盞: 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䱥: 制 (zhì) system; establish; overpower / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 廮: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 㑵: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 疾 (jí) illness, disease, sickness; to hate 楷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 迸: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 䛾: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally 簀: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 境: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 竟 (jìng) finally, after all, at last 鮅: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 㔆: 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 搐: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 畜 (chù) livestock, domestic animals 䂓: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 莕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 杏 (xìng) apricot; almond 瞝: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 䰠: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 輢: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 徭: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 骯: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 㐰: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 欺: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䞽: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 索 (suǒ) large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated 芿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 仍 (réng) yet, still, as ever; again; keep -ing, continuing 盇: 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 半: 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 蹌: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 廗: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 駙: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 㭚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 橤: 惢 (suǒ) / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䛧: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / ㇗ / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 臩: 臦 (guàng) / 夰 (gǎo) 痱: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 剴: 豈 (qǐ) how? what? / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 赶: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 嬅: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 㪄: 弗 (fú) not, negative / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 阇: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 榎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夏 (xià) summer; great, grand, big 䌕: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame 爟: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 冞: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 負: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 娯: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 呉 (wú) one of warring states; surname 㦮: ㇂ / 三 (sān) three / ㇒ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 锱: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 梸: 柇 (hé) / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䈿: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 煉: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 僈: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 鏊: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 奙: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 㣘: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 句 (jù) sentence 鑛: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 濢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 翠 (cuì) color green; kingfisher 䅩: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 灳: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 埲: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 奉 (fèng) offer; receive; serve; respect 鋴: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration 邉: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 㕣 (yǎn) a marsh at the foot of the hills, (interchangeable 湢 沇) name of a river 漌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 䮏: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 鰖: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 圜: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 没: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 萦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 鶫: 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㼬: 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 砮: 奴 (nú) slave, servant / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 咱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from 薻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 漅 (cháo) 怾: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 㳁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 仄 (zè) slanting, oblique; oblique tones 秃: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 几 (jǐ) small table 酈: 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䡎: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 户 (hù) door; family 懓: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 愛 (ài) love, be fond of, like 雝: 邕 (yōng) former or literary name for Nanning (in Guangxi) / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 浠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 䧣: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 啰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 罗 (luō) net for catching birds; gauze 狵: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 尨 (máng) shaggy haired dog; variegated 詺: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 名 (míng) name, rank, title, position 㶀: 㳉 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 餃: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 纂: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 倉: 亽 (ji) kwukyel / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 脓: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 农 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 暒: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 㠙: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 豪 (háo) brave, heroic, chivalrous 甛: 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 鞜: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 亢: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 几 (jǐ) small table 崫: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 㚲: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 鈵: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 玴: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 䔻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 寄: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 湍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 裎: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 䏔: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 齗: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 糖: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 噝: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 絲 (sī) silk; fine thread; wire; strings 蝧: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 擦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 察 (chá) examine, investigate; notice 㹭: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 筯: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 助 (zhù) help, aid, assist 闰: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 䳶: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 捿: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 妻 (qī) wife 爈: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 慮 (lǜ) be concerned, worry about 事: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / ⺺ / ㇚ 趍: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 娘: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 㚛: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 餚: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 肴 (yáo) cooked or prepared meat 榥: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 晃 (huǎng) bright, dazzling; to sway, shake 䈨: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 限 (xiàn) boundary, limit, line 脪: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 甲: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 况: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 買: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 嵂: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 律 (lǜ) statute, principle, regulation 㧅: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 顄: 函 (hán) correspondence; a case; a box / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 棏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 㝵 (dé) (ancient form of U+5F97 得) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 礙) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint 䕒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 嘉 (jiā) excellent; joyful; auspicious 联: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 关 (guān) frontier pass; close; relation 瑜: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 僟: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 迡: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 屬: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 氺 (shui) / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 㣯: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 屑 (xiè) bits, scraps, crumbs, fragments 魮: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 毹: 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䑼: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 荾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 瞆: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 䴍: 賏 (yīng) pearls or shells strung together / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 蠏: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain 簗: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 梁 (liáng) bridge; beam; rafters; surname 徖: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 骘: 陟 (zhì) climb, scale, ascend; proceed / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 㔝: 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 搧: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 扇 (shàn) fan; door panel 䞦: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 芨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 皰: 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 䰷: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 謹: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 罁: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 岡 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 廀: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 叜 (sǒu) old man 鷂: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㑇: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 刍 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 村: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 䛐: 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 藒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 䅥 (jié) ripening crops, long grains, husks; chaff; bran (of grain) 秚: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 半 (bàn) half 佡: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 仚 (xiān) to fly ⻠: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇙ 詣: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 繫: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 懪: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 㳟 鳬: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇉ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 几 (jǐ) small table 㝱: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 晻: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 䧺: 右 (yòu) right; west; right-wing / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 蓼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 麁: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 㰂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 審 (shěn) examine, investigate; judge 礄: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 喇: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 剌 (lá) slash, cut in two; contradict 蚑: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 愔: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 㶗: 每 (měi) every, each / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 窙: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 鈞: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 匀 (yún) equal 䤤: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 抩: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 鎳: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 臬 (niè) law, rule; door post 渶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 䪹: 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 齀: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 噆: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 朁 (cǎn) if, supposing, nevertheless 濋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 楚 (chǔ) name of feudal state; clear 蝐: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 冒 (mào) risk, brave, dare 㹖: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 豢 (huàn) domestic animals; feed, raise 筘: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 扣 (kòu) knock, strike, rap, tap; button 埛: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 冏 (jiǒng) (archaic form of U+70AF 炯) light, bright 裥: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 间 (jiān) midpoint, space; place, locality 捨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 舍 (shě) house, dwelling; dwell, reside 㿫: 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 糭: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 鑲: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 䭸: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 擽: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 币: ㇒ / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 輋: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 炊: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䘑: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 永 (yǒng) long, perpetual, eternal, forever 墚: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 梁 (liáng) bridge; beam; rafters; surname 欣: 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 覤: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䂪: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 鰭: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 耆 (qí) man of sixty; aged, old 綬: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 受 (shòu) receive, accept, get; bear, stand 匳: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 落: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 洛 (luò) river in Shanxi province; city 於: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 仒 (bīng) kwukyel 㭃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 硅: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 集: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 恕: 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㗜: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 畜 (chù) livestock, domestic animals 酟: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 狞: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 䡥: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 嫮: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 雩 (yú) offer sacrifice for rain 海: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 每 (měi) every, each 诸: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 䋾: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 奓 (zhā) extravagant 耀: 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 䌂: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter 枅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 㚏: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 預: 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 嬒: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 羕: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 永 (yǒng) long, perpetual, eternal, forever 讝: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 亟: 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action / 叹 (tàn) sigh, admire / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 猢: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 䈬: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 浦 (pǔ) bank of river, shore; surname 暯: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 㖹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 盆 (pén) basin, tub, pot, bowl 霺: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 娼: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 线: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 戋 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 談: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 牌: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 䅖: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 旙: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 㓣: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 除: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 奦: 務 (wù) affairs, business; must, should / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 緩: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 觱: 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 䳳: 祟 (suì) evil spirit; evil influence / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 煶: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 䂀: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 樇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 脩 (xiū) dried meat (used as teachers payment in ancient times) 閎: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 㤑: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 右 (yòu) right; west; right-wing 墐: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 踟: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 知 (zhī) know, perceive, comprehend 儡: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 炠: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 㾪: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 省 (shěng) province; save, economize 椱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 钸: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 布 (bù) cotton cloth, textiles, linen 㠻: ⺹ / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 垺: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 赉: 来 (lái) come, coming; return, returning / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 偋: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 屏 (píng) folding screen, shield 濊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 歲 (suì) year; age; harvest 㻔: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 桛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 鏢: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 㝥: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 囤: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 豳: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 豩 (bīn) 併: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 滴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 㷾: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 䠆: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 沉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 冗 (rǒng) excessive; superfluous 錌: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 岸 (àn) bank, shore; beach, coast 怖: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 布 (bù) cotton cloth, textiles, linen 䦛: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 邡: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 砦: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 㴨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 朕 (zhèn) pronoun 'I' 憫: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 閔 (mǐn) mourn, grieve; urge on, incite 萮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 唸: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 离: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 禸 (róu) rump; KangXi radical 114 㪽: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 昕 (xīn) dawn; early morning; day 鰾: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 藃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 歊 (xiāo) sigh 浈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 贞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 勍: 京 (jīng) capital city / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 鷓: 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䙚: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 櫝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 酠: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 幪: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 䟯: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 軵: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 発: 癶 (bō) legs; KangXi radical 105 / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 㭼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 忿: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 攃: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 蔡 (cài) surname; species of tortoise 节: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / ㇆ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 厌: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 紓: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 骒: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 㸕: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 褛: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 殜: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 嘥: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 徙 (xǐ) move one's abode, shift, migrate 䒮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 渵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality 辴: 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 岾: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 䭇: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 鉍: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 瓎: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 賴 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 㧐: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 双 (shuāng) set of two, pair, couple; both 捗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 步 (bù) step, pace; walk, stroll 胖: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 半 (bàn) half 几: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 筧: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 飦: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 㱩: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 卖 (mài) sell; betray; show off 蝯: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 槰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 呹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 齿: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 踈: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 䴊: 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 熍: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 宫 (gōng) palace 䂗: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 攚: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 營 (yíng) encampment, barracks; manage 閥: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 伐 (fá) cut down, subjugate, attack 㐤: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 墧: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 紪: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 褲: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 庫 (kù) armory, treasury, storehouse 䰴: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 炷: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 䏁: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 宰 (zǎi) to slaughter; to rule 摄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 聂 (niè) whisper; surname 铏: 钘 (xíng) ancient wine vessel / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㝎: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 之 (zhī) marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase; it, him her, them; go to 寑: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 侵 (qīn) invade, encroach upon, raid 籔: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 數 (shù) number; several; count; fate 衜: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 首 (shǒu) head; first; leader, chief; a poem 佞: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 二 (èr) two; twice / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 珡: 玨 (jué) two pieces of jade joined together / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 䋫: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 杮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 巿 (fú) revolve, make circuit, turn 韹: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 㙸: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 僕 (pú) slave, servant, I 嫻: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 閑 (xián) fence, barrier; defend; idle time 罾: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 讆: 衛 (wèi) guard, protect, defend / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 予: 龴 / ㇖ / ㇚ 琏: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 连 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 耗: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䜙: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation 暘: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 頧: 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 弩: 奴 (nú) slave, servant / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 纨: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 誰: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 䦲: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 眹: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 关 (guān) frontier pass; close; relation 荁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 䙃: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 懂: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 董 (dǒng) direct, supervise; surname 魑: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 幓: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 秒: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 藚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 䣜: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 癣: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 鲜 (xiān) fresh; delicious; attractive 艫: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 鷪: 䀠 (jù) a Chinese family name, the timid look of a bird; (of birds) to look around, nervous (same as 瞿) shocked or scared / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䅭: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 惬: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 驻: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 好: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 磼: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 集 (jí) assemble, collect together 抁: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 蔄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 問 (wèn) ask (about), inquire after 嘎: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 戛 (jiá) lance; tap or strike lightly 窑: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 㾓: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 鴔: 乏 (fá) lack; poor / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 蚙: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 渞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 首 (shǒu) head; first; leader, chief; a poem 垣: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 麩: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 䬰: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 澳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 鈶: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 捀: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 夆 (féng) resist 䓅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 沂 (yí) river in southeast Shandong 鏋: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 筐: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise 㡒: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 峕: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 蝘: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 匽 (yǎn) to hide, to secrete, to repress; to bend 偢: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 瓥: 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 䖵 (kūn) insects 㧧: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 齨: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 胭: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 桲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 孛 (bèi) comet 凷: 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 飽: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 䖄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 猋: 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 貊: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 嶔: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 欽 (qīn) respect, admire; respectful 䠝: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 霣: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 疤: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 㪦: 寅 (yín) to respect, reverence; respectfully; 3rd terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 怭: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 膬: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 毳 (cuì) fine hair or fur on animals 劶: 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 砽: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 馼: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 㴿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 頂 (dǐng) top, peak; carry on head; very 葅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 俎 (zǔ) chopping board or block; painted 櫆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 魁 (kuí) chief; leader; best; monstrous 問: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 鱕: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 䟘: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 浟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 攸 (yōu) distant, far; adverbial prefix 軞: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 忨: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 䩱: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 酷: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 矸: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 㓺: 虔 (qián) act with reverence; reverent / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 萀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 䜂: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 㚖 (gǎo) (said of truth) to come out to the open; to be known by all, (ancient form 澤) glossy; shining / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 掅: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 鰐: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 弒: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique / 式 (shì) style, system, formula, rule 箕: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 辝: 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 䪟: 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 眢: 夗 (yuàn) to turn over when asleep / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 䘬: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 抯: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 錺: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 芳 (fāng) fragrant; virtuous; beautiful 帼: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 国 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 窿: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 隆 (lóng) prosperous, plentiful, abundant 軇: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 䧉: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 癌: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 嵒 (yán) cliff; soar 䕖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 懙: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 鉤: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 句 (jù) sentence 嵦: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 秩: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 跱: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 䣳: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 當: 龸 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 䒀: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 渇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 匂 (bi) fragrance, smell 醎: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 㴑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 㡿 (chì) (standard form of 斥) to accuse; to blame, to expel; to drive off; to reject 岐: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 訟: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 唡: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 两 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 璠: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 㮪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 洱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 邸: 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㰻: 壴 (zhù) / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 厺: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 襉: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 呋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 毊: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 㫔: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up 汛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 韢: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 勤: 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 衳: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 䭵: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 櫴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 賴 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 㧾: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 忽 (hū) suddenly, abruptly; neglect 䰆: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 梉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 壯 (zhuàng) big, large; robust; name of tribe 㖋: 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 霌: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 搖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 䶛: 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify / 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 钡: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 簦: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 㤨: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 斫: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 耮: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 儸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 綻: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 㺽: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 頾: 須 (xū) must, have to, necessary; moment; whiskers / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 臃: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 雍 (yōng) harmony, union; harmonious 楈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 囍: 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 駓: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 䉚: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 滝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 竜 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 镠: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 婪: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 䏯: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 志 (zhì) purpose, will, determination; annals 諵: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 牺: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 㽼: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 寿: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 愃: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 蚂: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 垌: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 礓: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 麒: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 㨕: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 盈 (yíng) fill; full, overflowing; surplus 贛: 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 貢 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 澜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 阑 (lán) door screen; railing fence 別: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇆ / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䂮: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 樵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 讴: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 㜷: 彌 (mí) extensive, full; fill; complete / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 墾: 貇 (kūn) to root, gnaw / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 佇: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 降: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 烎: 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 㷐: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 杗: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 蓖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 嗠: 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 罧: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 鳦: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 㡩: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 药: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 约 (yuē) treaty, agreement, covenant 淰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study ⻲: 亀 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 偹: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 备 (bèi) prepare, ready, perfect 魿: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 計: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 䤊: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 疍: 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 䒗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 愚: 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 醥: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 岧: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 礪: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 厲 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 贲: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䠴: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 璷: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 敷 (fū) spread, diffuse; apply, paint 䟁: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 恄: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 郏: 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 忑: 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 硔: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share ⻛: 几 (jǐ) small table / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 豜: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 䭞: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 睪 (yì) spy on 矡: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 矍 (jué) look about in fright or alarm 䛫: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 据: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 鏹: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic 廻: 廴 (yǐn) go; KangXi radical 54 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 签: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 辆: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 两 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 䪈: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 遣 (qiǎn) send, dispatch; send off, exile 瀏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 劉 (liú) surname; kill, destroy 﨓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 苻 (fú) kind of herb; type of grass 萗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 䌙: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 折: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 㖢: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 庛 (cì) 鰧: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 鮝 (xiǎng) dried fish 嬩: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 窨: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 躰: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 䶲: 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually / 龜 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 猹: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 查 (chá) investigate, examine, seek into 蝁: 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 䉃: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general 旂: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 㓌: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 齑: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 婓: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 緒: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 臚: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 䳜: 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 牣: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 虫: 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 駪: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 䕭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 燅 (xián) 擬: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 㟶: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 鹻: 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 嵽: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 糼: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 暁: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 龷 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 脄: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 灰 (huī) ashes; dust; lime, mortar 刎: 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 纑: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 㮓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 餔: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 芙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 樞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 㜠: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 厣: 厌 (yàn) dislike, detest, reject; satiate / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 骩: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 九 (jiǔ) nine 估: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 殳: 几 (jǐ) small table / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 阶: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 杀: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 朩 (děng) kwukyel: rank, grade; wait; equal; 'etc.' 䃅: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 韋: 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 㐄 (kuà) 罐: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 㱒: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 壕: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 豪 (háo) brave, heroic, chivalrous 荘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 壮 (zhuàng) big, large; robust; name of tribe 呢: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 烥: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official 㷧: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 魨: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 蓭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 庵 (ān) Buddhist monastery or nunnery 汲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 嗷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 鳽: 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䆄: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 看: 龵 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 袊: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 㐍: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 妔: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 䰝: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 錣: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 熤: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 翌 (yì) bright; daybreak, dawn; the next day 㺦: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 聯 (lián) connect, join; associate, ally 搭: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 荅 (dā) answer: small bean; thick 薬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 楽 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 嚶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 簽: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 鶼: 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㤿: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 聅: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 滆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 兏: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 顕: 显 (xiǎn) manifest, display; evident, clear / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䏘: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 匹 (pǐ) bolt of cloth; counter for horses 楟: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亭 (tíng) pavilion; erect 諞: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 㙡: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 寨: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 朩 (děng) kwukyel: rank, grade; wait; equal; 'etc.' 乱: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 長: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 珸: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 蠀: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 資 (zī) property; wealth; capital 䬂: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem 澅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 畫 (huà) delineate, painting, picture, drawing; draw 㺏: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 逐: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 匒: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 荅 (dā) answer: small bean; thick 瞕: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 莝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 䚟: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 㝵 (dé) (ancient form of U+5F97 得) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 礙) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint 笢: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 䨬: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 淋 (lín) drip, soak, drench; perfectly 溯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 朔 (shuò) first day of lunar month; the north 㶹: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 汞 (gǒng) element mercury 鼺: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 刼: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 皿: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 苇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 䗉: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 穌: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 䥖: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 奠 (diàn) pay respect; settle 淙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 㳣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 鹤: 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 兦: ㇗ / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 痩: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 臱: 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 䓳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 很 (hěn) very, quite, much 祶: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 䢀: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 戇: 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鶎: 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 傐: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 蘟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隱 (yǐn) hide, conceal; hidden, secret 夡: 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 碠: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 亭 (tíng) pavilion; erect 㞪: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 愱: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 疾 (jí) illness, disease, sickness; to hate 鲸: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 京 (jīng) capital city 徺: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage ⻄: 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 蕉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 塋: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 柊: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 㛔: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 恛: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 鯢: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 㽥: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 廤: 庫 (kù) armory, treasury, storehouse / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 七 (qī) seven 葳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 威 (wēi) pomp, power; powerful; dominate 䝵: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 更: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 㗾: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 靴 (xuē) boots 䀆: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 灭 (miè) extinguish; wipe out, exterminate / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 撉: 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere / 手 (shǒu) hand 㦋: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 奢 (shē) extravagant, wasteful; exaggerate 鬌: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 栖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 䆛: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 吒 (zhā) shout, roar, bellow; scold 颡: 桑 (sāng) mulberry tree; surname / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 瀦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 豬 (zhū) pig, hog 㔨: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 背 (bèi) back; back side; behind; betray 榫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 隼 (sǔn) aquiline (nose); a falcon 谮: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 朁 (cǎn) if, supposing, nevertheless 崸: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 熻: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 翕 (xī) agree 鐾: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 跃: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 效: 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 嫍: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 闓: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 乚: 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 拝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 饠: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 噪: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 俯: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 府 (fǔ) prefecture; prefect; government 蛵: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 繺: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 煞 (shā) malignant deity; baleful, noxious; strike dead 埿: 泥 (ní) mud, mire; earth, clay; plaster / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 洃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 灰 (huī) ashes; dust; lime, mortar 誂: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 完: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 甓: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 銒: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 幵 (jiān) even level. to raise in both hands 㘕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 脛: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 掜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 帥: 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 䲮: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 昵: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 螴: 陳 (chén) exhibit, display; plead; surname / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㬷: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 咾: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 䍇: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 驍: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 糎: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 厘 (lí) thousandth part of tael ㇐: 歗: 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 裖: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 姠: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 獧: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 郦: 丽 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㑩: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 罗 (luō) net for catching birds; gauze 软: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 懰: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 屹: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 靿: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 蘈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 頽 (tuí) ruined 䔊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㻂 (píng) a kind of jade, (non-classical form of 玭) pearls 禍: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 䢗: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false 洚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 鶥: 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㰤: 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 傧: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 宾 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 甪: 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use / ㇒ 脲: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 尿 (niào) urine; urinate 䐴: 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 碷: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 䯁: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 吂 (máng) / 䏎 (féng) milk; breasts, the young of animals, birds / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 汄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 鳏: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 眔 (dà) 㽎: 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 发: ㇗ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 瑔: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 聜: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 䝞: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 篡: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 厺 (qù) to go; depart 䫫: 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 潮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 朝 (cháo) dynasty; morning 㹸: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 皃 (mào) countenance, appearance 勻: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 二 (èr) two; twice 睾: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 莆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 䚈: 垔 (yīn) to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 簏: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 蠗: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 伙: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 溘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 㦢: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 逧: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 圩: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 皨: 皛 (xiǎo) / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 芰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 䆲: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy 缹: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 譁: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 乃: ㇎ / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 槂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 孫 (sūn) grandchild, descendent; surname 㣌: 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 鍑: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 噓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 虛 (xū) false, worthless; empty, hollow 燒: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 跚: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 册 (cè) book, volume, register, list 䃜: 殹 (yì) an echo / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 繣: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 畫 (huà) delineate, painting, picture, drawing; draw 詫: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 闪: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 䥭: 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 棬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 㯶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 鉻: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 兽: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 烼: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 檁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 稟 (bǐng) report to, petition 贄: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 帎: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 犑: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 狊 (jú) 㞓: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 锔: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 局 (jú) bureau, office; circumstance 躙: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 閵 (lìn) 昞: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 㬠: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 煞 (shā) malignant deity; baleful, noxious; strike dead 徣: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 隩: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 䌰: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 枳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 騶: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 歀: 柰 (nài) crab-apple tree; endure, bear / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䳅: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 鯋: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated 獐: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 哕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 岁 (suì) year; age; harvest 轘: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 塢: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 糥: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 靨: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 裭: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 恲: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 姷: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 都: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䶄: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 笋: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 尹 (yǐn) govern; oversee; director 蒊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 七 (qī) seven 㠍: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 集 (jí) assemble, collect together 喔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter 䀝: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 鼣: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 綤: 邵 (shào) surname; various place names / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 栭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 覬: 豈 (qǐ) how? what? / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 媶: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 茸 (rōng) soft, downy; buds, sprouts 瀽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 蹇 (jiǎn) lame, crippled; unlucky 醼: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 燕 (yàn) swallow (bird); comfort, enjoy 㔿: 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 豅: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 拆: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 斥 (chì) to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach 嵏: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 鑕: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 質 (zhì) matter, material, substance 俘: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 敟: 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 蛞: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 㩡: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 磊 (lěi) pile of rocks or stones; great 埨: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 䉱: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / ㇇ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 饷: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 翸: 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㳺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 谀: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 臾 (yú) moment, instant, short while 伂: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 巿 (fú) revolve, make circuit, turn 殅: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 㪏: 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 鐐: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 園: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 袁 (yuán) robe; surname 玕: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 螝: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 䊟: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 㒼 (mán) average; equivalent; corresponding, to cover something carefully and tightly without a break; (Cant.) blocked 缢: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 丬: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 檯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 臺 (tái) tower, lookout; stage, platform 㦹: 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 鬺: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 嘼: 吅 (xuān) / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 犿: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 卞 (biàn) to be impatient, in a hurry; excitable 蛇: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 它 (tā) it; other 䇉: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 繌: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 䵖: 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 氺 (shui) 槙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 㣣: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 驤: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 啦: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 拉 (lā) pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen 燩: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 藱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 瘣 (huì) 䃳: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 龱 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 絶: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 䲀: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 昇: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 升 (shēng) arise, go up; hoist; advance 馎: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 㔑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 咐: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 舟: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / ⺀ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 崡: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 函 (hán) correspondence; a case; a box 粠: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 攱: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 颸: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 㐻: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 内 (nèi) inside 宺: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 腉: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 屋: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 揊: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 摛: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 㭥: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 负 (fù) load, burden; carry, bear 嫤: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 聳: 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 䍵: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 拴: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 䐆: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 悉: 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㶋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 鼌: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 电 (diàn) electricity; electric; lightning 氖: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 䖛: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 索 (suǒ) large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated 鲡: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 丽 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 琦: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 涫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 官 (guān) official, public servant ⺭: 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / ㇇ / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 蠮: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 翳 (yì) shade, screen; to hide, screen 夸: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 疻: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 㚽: 巧 (qiǎo) skillful, ingenious, clever / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 逾: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 觃: 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 慈: 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 廍: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 部 (bù) part, division, section 釓: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 䩚: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 曝: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 㳟 鵠: 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 剪: 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 䯯: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 苵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 空: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 㝼: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 叿: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 椃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 躂: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 達 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent 後: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 焓: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 隒: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 蔛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 斛 (hú) dry measure equal to some five or ten dou (U+6597 舒) 果: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 娥: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 䢮: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 雷 (léi) thunder 戵: 瞿 (qú) surname / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 莴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 呙 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 㼷: 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 傾: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 頃 (qǐng) a moment; a measure of area equal to 100 mu or 6.7 hectares; to lean 䝇: 尣 (wāng) lame; the first form is Radical 43 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 鹍: 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 磎: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 㗐: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 盇 (hé) why not? would it not be better to? 潗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 集 (jí) assemble, collect together 賖: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 巠: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 睧: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 铦: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 譯: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 睪 (yì) spy on 旰: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 塹: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 鍿: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 興: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 䄊: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 志 (zhì) purpose, will, determination; annals 綍: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 孛 (bèi) comet 䲗: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 銜 (xián) bit; hold in mouth, bite; gag 椚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening 馥: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 㠤: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 咧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify 焪: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 穹 (qióng) high and vast; elevated; arched 蔲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䀴: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 粷: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 匊 (jū) handful 俁: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 吳 (wú) one of warring states; surname 桄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 飏: 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / ㇎ / ㇒ 㭎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 冈 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 埑: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 灔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 艶 (yàn) beautiful, sexy, voluptuous 葜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 䍞: 网 (wǎng) net; network; KangXi radical 122 / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 翡: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 仫: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 么 (me) interrogative particle; repetition of a tune small; tender 歮: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 鯹: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 㩸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 囻: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 獾: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 螆: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year 䊈: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 每 (měi) every, each 砏: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 谗: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade / ⺀ 䬙: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 䍃 (yóu) a vase, a pitcher, earthenware 檘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 㶢: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 九 (jiǔ) nine 鐧: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 匩: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 㞷 (huáng) luxuriant; lush; flourishing 犨: 雔 (chóu) / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 蚰: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 䖲: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 笹: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 轁: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 䩃: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 淂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 㝵 (dé) (ancient form of U+5F97 得) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 礙) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint 㳌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 靑: 龶 / 円 (yuán) yen 剓: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇒ / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 痒: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 觚: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 䓜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 泜 (zhī) a river in Hebei province 穣: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 六 (liù) number six / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 蹫: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 釪: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 䵭: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 泬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 㿶: 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 陻: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 啽: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 弇 (yǎn) cover over, hide; narrow-necked 瓼: 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 溁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 荣 (róng) glory, honor; flourish, prosper 褄: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 妻 (qī) wife 娎: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 皑: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 岂 (qǐ) how? what? 鄔: 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 誙: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 戞: 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 㼠: 它 (tā) it; other / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 宣: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 銩: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 丢 (diū) discard 䜰: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 㚖 (gǎo) (said of truth) to come out to the open; to be known by all, (ancient form 澤) glossy; shining / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 掳: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 虏 (lǔ) to capture, imprison, seize; a prison 鸶: 丝 (sī) silk; fine thread; wire; strings / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 潀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 眾 (zhòng) masses, people, multitude, crowd 䣅: 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 睐: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 来 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 㑒: 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 僕: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 菐 (pú) a thicket 識: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 屢: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 磥: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 㗧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 窒 (zhì) stop up, obstruct 鍨: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 賭: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 摲: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 巷: 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 铽: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 忒 (tè) excessive; too; very-usually of objectionable things; to err; to mistake; changeable 䦄: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 缋: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 肊: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 㰍: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 冔: 冃 (mào) / 吁 (xū) interjection 'Alas!'; to sigh ⺖: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 䐝: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 鬣: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 巤 (liè) a mane; bristles, as on a hog; dorsal fins 禤: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㚦: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 丌 (jī) table 氭: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 趬: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 庶: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 琽: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 閼: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 於 (yú) in, at, on; interjection alas! 衅: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 半 (bàn) half 曆: 厤 (lì) to calculate; the calendar / 曰 (yuē) say; KangXi radical 73 奏: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial 違: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 䯘: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 慟: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 動 (dòng) move, happen; movement, action 苞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 㹡: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 叨: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 䙱: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to 鵷: 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 篸: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 㣺: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇒ / ㇏ 退: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 匂: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 瞅: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 蠐: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 䬒: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 灾 (zāi) calamity, disaster, catastrophe / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 澕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 鮝: 龹 / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 㨜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 虔 (qián) act with reverence; reverent 废: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 发 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out; hair 挢: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 乔 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 刬: 戋 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 皯: 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 蜺: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 䨼: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 溿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 畔 (pàn) boundary path dividing fields 髇: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 㥆: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 巉: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty 扌: ㇚ / 二 (èr) two; twice 兖: 六 (liù) number six / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 痙: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 虤: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 䥦: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 遀 (suí) 淩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 駱: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 㡰: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 峳: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攸 (yōu) distant, far; adverbial prefix 慶: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / ㇖ / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 傀: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 稇: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 薎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 伐 (fá) cut down, subjugate, attack 䢐: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 㞚: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 鸟: ㇆ / ㇉ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 䄡: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 悠: 攸 (yōu) distant, far; adverbial prefix / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 礱: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 蒸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 烝 (zhēng) rise, steam; many, numerous 䞺: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 㛄: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 鵉: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䁋: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 翊: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 ⻔: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening 硛: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise 菢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 抱 (bào) embrace, hold in arms, enfold 䛤: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 㗮: 名 (míng) name, rank, title, position / 庚 (gēng) 7th heavenly stem 鱳: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 彵: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 维: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 堆: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 粉: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 茌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 仕 (shì) official; serve government 瀖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 㔘: 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 妛: 㞢 (ancient form of 之) to arrive at; to go to / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 股: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 栦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 州 (zhōu) administrative division, state 熫: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 鐮: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 廉 (lián) upright, honorable, honest 䔸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 猋 (biāo) wind; storm; gale; dog moving; (Cant.) running quickly 榻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 谾: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 闃: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 狊 (jú) 絈: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 㹊: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition 䋍: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 跓: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 噚: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 竝: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 㿟: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 腠: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 乪: 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 埯: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 黵: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 智: 知 (zhī) know, perceive, comprehend / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 俿: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 甃: 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 銂: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 州 (zhōu) administrative division, state 㘅: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 銜 (xián) bit; hold in mouth, bite; gag 䎌: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 洓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 朿 (cì) stab 誒: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 餛: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 箜: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 㲞: 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䘥: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 咮: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 縵: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 龴: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 䲾: 巧 (qiǎo) skillful, ingenious, clever / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 ㇀: 孇: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 雙 (shuāng) set of two, pair, couple; both 艍: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 擎: 敬 (jìng) respect, honor; respectfully / 手 (shǒu) hand 獗: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it 郖: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㑙: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 䇠: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 歧: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 裦: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / ㇒ / ㇗ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 靯: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 称: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 㫲: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 孛 (bèi) comet 䑹: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 灾 (zāi) calamity, disaster, catastrophe / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 轿: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 乔 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 㢇: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 鸈: 業 (yè) profession, business, trade / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 崊: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 憍: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 傗: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 畜 (chù) livestock, domestic animals 甚: 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty / 匹 (pǐ) bolt of cloth; counter for horses 薥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 䢧: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 洪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 㮱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 餲: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 尴: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 监 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 悷: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 戾 (lì) perverse, recalcitrant, rebellious 叁: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 三 (sān) three 瑄: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 蓏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㼌 (yǔ) lot of melons growing but the root is weak and feeble, wearied and worn 䯑: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 汔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 㫛: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 顜: 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 彞: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 握: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter 勫: 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 睮: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 蟹: 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 䫻: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 潾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 鮆: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 㼉: 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 庈: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 搏: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 逗: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 圙: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 皘: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 蠧: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 䖵 (kūn) insects 伩: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 溨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 栽 (zāi) to cultivate, plant; to care for plants 骰: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 㸳: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 妲: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 朹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 九 (jiǔ) nine 鍁: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 欣 (xīn) happy, joyous, delighted 噃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 燂: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 譑: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 乓: 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 槒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 畜 (chù) livestock, domestic animals 闚: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 規 (guī) rules, regulations, customs, law 㥝: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 弭 (mǐ) stop, desist, end, quell 壜: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 曇 (tán) become cloudy, overcast 晣: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 鉫: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 跪: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 六: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 烬: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 尽 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 詻: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 䥽: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 发 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out; hair 棼: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 犁: 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 㞃: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 锄: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 助 (zhù) help, aid, assist 䘎: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 彎 (wān) bend, curve 檑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 雷 (léi) thunder 贔: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 隙: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 縞: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 䞣: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 斥 (chì) to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach 躩: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 矍 (jué) look about in fright or alarm 嬰: 賏 (yīng) pearls or shells strung together / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 羳: ⺶ / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 㲵: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 舶: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 獀: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 哅: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 匈 (xiōng) breast, chest, thorax; clamor; the Hsiung Nu 'Huns' 菋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 味 (wèi) taste, smell, odor; delicacy 歐: 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䳕: 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 ㇗: 靘: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 䁢: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 旋 (xuán) revolve, move in orbit; return 擥: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 手 (shǒu) hand 轨: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 九 (jiǔ) nine 郭: 享 (xiǎng) enjoy / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 硲: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 㵴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 臧 (zāng) good, right, generous; command 䇷: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 别 (bié) separate, other; do not 製: 制 (zhì) system; establish; overpower / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 善: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 挋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official 鲊: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 䶔: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 堝: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 蜣: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 羌 (qiāng) Qiang nationality; surname 斤: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 丅 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down; used to transliterate the Latin letter 'T' 瀭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 輸 (shū) transport, carry, haul 醬: 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 㔯: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䊶: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 栽: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 覼: 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 鑅: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 榮 (róng) glory, honor; flourish, prosper 竆: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 躳 (gōng) body; self 㿈: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 䕏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 豕: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 埘: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 时 (shí) time, season; era, age, period 絟: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 點: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 俨: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 严 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 婱: 弦 (xián) string; hypotenuse, crescent / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 腷: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 柸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 鐀: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 圂: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 玅: 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 谐: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 伒: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 殕: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 龝: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 龜 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 㸜: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 媟: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 朢: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 嘬: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 最 (zuì) most, extremely, exceedingly 犯: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 茺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 充 (chōng) fill, be full, supply 丼: 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 檿: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 黇: 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 㵆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 晧 (hào) daybreak; bright and brilliant 姉: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 巿 (fú) revolve, make circuit, turn 晌: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 啖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 燙: 湯 (tāng) hot water; soup, gravy, broth / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 艤: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 䵦: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 汙 (wū) filthy, dirty, impure, polluted 槩: 旣 (jì) already; de facto; since; then / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 鷱: 臯 (gāo) to praise; to bless high; eminent; (Cant.) a marsh, pool / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㱰: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 宰 (zǎi) to slaughter; to rule 壳: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冗 (rǒng) excessive; superfluous 敶: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 㔁: 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 咀: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 縇: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 膎: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 䲐: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 男 (nán) male, man; son; baron; surname 騟: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 䔡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 撠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 戟 (jǐ) halberd with crescent blade 㐫: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 紱: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 肸: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 䎺: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 制 (zhì) system; establish; overpower 饉: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 䑋: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 篊: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 洪 (hóng) vast, immense; flood, deluge 籛: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 錢 (qián) money, currency, coins 蟢: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 䋤: 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 顳: 聶 (niè) whisper; surname / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 孵: 卵 (luǎn) egg; ovum; roe; spawn / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 竴: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 将: 丬 (qiáng) half of tree trunk; rad. no. 90 / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 捽 (zuó) clutch, grasp; pull up; contradict 碉: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 蜌: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 坒 (bì) to compare; to match; to equal 琖: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 嶛: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 蒡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 氦: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 疫: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 㚭: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 逮: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 䄸: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 涻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 舍 (shě) house, dwelling; dwell, reside ⺽: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 蠾: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to 釃: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 祈: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 㩊: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 䛍: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 弗 (fú) not, negative 觓: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 剚: 事 (shì) affair, matter, business; to serve; accident, incident / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 绝: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 㯟: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 彔 (lù) to carve wood 蕠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 絮 (xù) waste cotton, raw silk or cotton 䩪: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 㝬: 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 可: 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 髵: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 扺: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 䯿: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 焃: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare 隂: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 镸 (cháng) long 䞌: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 椓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 豖 (chù) a shackled pig 躒: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 鴛: 夗 (yuàn) to turn over when asleep / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 羜: ⺶ / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 㢞: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 翼 (yì) wings; fins on fish; shelter 䈥: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 觔 (jīn) catty 傮: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 稵: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year 鮴: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 䢾: 先 (xiān) first, former, previous / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㗀: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 幽 (yōu) quiet, secluded, tranquil; dark 彇: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently 虍: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 七 (qī) seven 惎: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 睗: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 易 (yì) change; easy 铖: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 䗠: 旋 (xuán) revolve, move in orbit; return / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 潧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 賦: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 武 (wǔ) military; martial, warlike 鍯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 緰: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 㻲: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 䁹: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 譿: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 慧 (huì) bright, intelligent; intelligence 㲇: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 騈: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 幷 (bìng) combine 夊: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 斍: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 咗: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper 焚: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 膥: 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 䲧: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 椪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 並 (bìng) equal to; side by side; also, what is more; both 㾱: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 発 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 鴲: 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 場: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 撷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 颉 (jié) fly upward, soar; contest 埁: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 岑 (cén) steep, precipitous; peak 灄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 胏: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / ㇒ / ㇉ / ㇒ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 俑: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 桔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 㻛: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 易 (yì) change; easy 鱜: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 鄉 (xiāng) country; rural; village 孞: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 柡: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 二 (èr) two; twice / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 囫: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 獮: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 菹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 沮 (jǔ) stop, prevent; defeated, dejected 任: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 歾: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 龆: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 㬉: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 媈: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 怏: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 鐗: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 匙: 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 犘: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 谧: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䬩: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 檨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 羡 (xiàn) envy, admire; praise; covet 麰: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low 㨳: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 寄 (jì) send, transmit, mail; rely on 嶲: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 雋 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 挹: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 靁: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 剃: 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 痂: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 轑: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 䩓: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 勾 (gōu) hook, join, connect; entice 淒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 妻 (qī) wife 釚: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 九 (jiǔ) nine 㵝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 峜: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 企 (qǐ) plan a project; stand on tiptoe 扣: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 陫: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 觪: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 啭: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 转 (zhuǎn) shift, move, turn 瓬: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 蹻: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 䵽: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 泼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 发 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out; hair 皁: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 鄄: 垔 (yīn) to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䈎: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 溑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / ⺌|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 褔: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 銙: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 稞: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 䎣: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 以 (yǐ) by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to 誩: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 弰: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 箳: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 屏 (píng) folding screen, shield 㢵: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 蘶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 魏 (wèi) kingdom of Wei; surname 着: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 㑂: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 僅: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 蟋: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 悉 (xī) know, learn about, comprehend 潐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 䣕: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㗗: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 鍘: 鋇 (bèi) barium / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䑢: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 惥: 臾 (yú) moment, instant, short while / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 譨: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 铭: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 名 (míng) name, rank, title, position 籲: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 龥 (yù) beg, appeal for help 㥴: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 䗷: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 賽: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 冄: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 二 (èr) two; twice 朋: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 颊: 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䦔: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 㚖: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 尝: 龸 / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 茣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 憤: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname ⺦: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 琭: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 閬: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 䚶: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial 氽: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 趼: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 遅: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 细: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 㯈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 速 (sù) quick, prompt, speedy 䅏: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern 衕: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 变: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 祟: 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 髞: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 䯨: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 幱: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 蕷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 預 (yù) prepare, arrange; in advance 揸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 查 (chá) investigate, examine, seek into 頀: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 嬂: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 羅: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 維 (wéi) maintain, preserve, safeguard ⺏: 尣 (wāng) lame; the first form is Radical 43 耐: 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 䌒: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 枕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 鎝: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 荅 (dā) answer: small bean; thick 嚟: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 黎 (lí) surname; numerous, many; black 欢: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 娬: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 㱏 (zhèng) (ancient form of 正) the right side, proper, pure, honest and virtuous, original, exactly / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 纯: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 輺: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 䈼: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 密 (mì) dense, thick, close; intimate 暿: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 鋇: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 嗉: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally 橌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 奖: 丬 (qiáng) half of tree trunk; rad. no. 90 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 緙: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 蹤: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 䅦: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality 早: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 釱: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 哳: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 楶: 咨 (zī) inquire, consult, discuss; plan / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㤁: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 墀: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 犀 (xī) rhinoceros; sharp, well-tempered 爇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 熱 (rè) hot; heat; fever; restless; zeal 趎: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 䂐: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 㾚: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 些 (xiē) little, few; rather, somewhat 队: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 䤡: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 梠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 㠫: 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 焱: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 貸: 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 侺: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 岑 (cén) steep, precipitous; peak 㻄: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 镉: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 䡋: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 矊: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 綿 (mián) cotton wad; wool; soft, downy 灛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 闡 (chǎn) explain, clarify, elucidate 询: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 令: 亽 (ji) kwukyel / 龴 㷮: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 鑳: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 蹇 (jiǎn) lame, crippled; unlucky 坵: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name 直: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 倆: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 璉: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 謌: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 哥 (gē) elder brother 砖: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 专 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 㴘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 冒 (mào) risk, brave, dare 军: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 袡: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 怦: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 禫: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 㪭: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 鰮: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䴸: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 憻: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 萾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 盈 (yíng) fill; full, overflowing; surplus 鷃: 晏 (yàn) peaceful, quiet; clear; late in the day / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 畈: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 㙊: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 䫍: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 藓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鲜 (xiān) fresh; delicious; attractive 幚: 邦 (bāng) nation, country, state / 帛 (bó) silks, fabrics; wealth, property 狝: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 㟟: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 巷 (xiàng) alley, lane 襠: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 䙪: 樊 (fán) a railing; a fence an enclosed place / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 㭬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 忯: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 雵: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 湺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care 䟿: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 紃: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 骂: 吅 (xuān) / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 㸅: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 卽 (jí) promptly 䮌: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 攓: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 蹇 (jiǎn) lame, crippled; unlucky 芒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 鄛: 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 玜: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 㒞: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 嶲 (xī) a name of an old town in Sichuan; cuckoo; revolution of a wheel 严: 亚 (yà) Asia; second / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 岮: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 它 (tā) it; other 瘵: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 祭 (jì) sacrifice to, worship 鞴: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 䒾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 㧀: 户 (hù) door; family / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 升: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / ㇒ 詍: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 泎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 筗: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 仲 (zhòng) middle brother; go between, mediator; surname 飖: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 㱙: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 䧠: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 捧: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 奉 (fèng) offer; receive; serve; respect 胦: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 齯: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 燰: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 愛 (ài) love, be fond of, like 䱹: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 蝿: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 电 (diàn) electricity; electric; lightning 阈: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 唊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 榍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 屑 (xiè) bits, scraps, crumbs, fragments 増: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 曽 (cēng) already; sign of past 級: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 趥: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 䂧: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 攪: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 覺 (jué) to wake up from sleep; conscious 鄲: 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 吴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial 梷: 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 寁: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 疌 (jié) 籄: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 賏: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䏑: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 摔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 率 (lǜ) to lead; ratio; rate; limit 遜: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 孫 (sūn) grandchild, descendent; surname 坞: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 乌 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 毡: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 嫫: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 置: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 迹: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise 䋻: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 松: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 鎆: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 㜉: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 邕 (yōng) former or literary name for Nanning (in Guangxi) 嚈: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 厭 (yàn) dislike, detest, reject; satiate 氏: ㇒ / ㇗ / ㇂ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 頗: 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 弙: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 纘: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 耧: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 䜩: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 燕 (yàn) swallow (bird); comfort, enjoy 暨: 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 銰: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 艾 (ài) artemisia, mugwort; translit. 㘳: 北 (běi) north; northern; northward / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 冲: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 漹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 焉 (yān) thereupon, then; how? why? where? 魁: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 幃: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 秂: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 荑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 䙓: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 罢 (bà) cease, finish, stop; give up 懒: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 赖 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 鷚: 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 僜: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 湣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid 驫: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 藪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 數 (shù) number; several; count; fate 奭: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 皕 (bì) 磬: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 艻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䅽: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 惼: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 突: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 㾃: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 它 (tā) it; other 鴄: 匹 (pǐ) bolt of cloth; counter for horses / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 与: 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 抑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 卬 (áng) lofty; high; raise; high-priced 蔔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 匐 (fú) fall prostrate; crawl 麙: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 瘞: 㾜 (qiè) weak breath of a sick man / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 侣: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 蚩: 㞢 (ancient form of 之) to arrive at; to go to / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 匰: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 瞳: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 㒵: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 訶: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 筀: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 㡂: 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 峅: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 诋: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 捐: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 䓕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 远 (yuǎn) distant, remote, far; profound 㧗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 齘: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 䡢: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 泥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 蝨: 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly / 䖵 (kūn) insects 飭: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 灲: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㕴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 几 (jǐ) small table 䧷: 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 能: 䏍 (yuàn) (same as 肙 蜎) a small worm; larvae of mosquitoes, empty, to twist; to surround / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 嶄: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 欋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 瞿 (qú) surname 钊: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䖔: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 㪖: 彔 (lù) to carve wood / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 倝: 龺 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 輣: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 涤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 条 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe 砭: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 馬: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇉ / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 㴯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 脂 (zhī) fat, grease, lard; grease 䪶: 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 怽: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 膼: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 過 (guò) pass, pass through, go across 鱅: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 狆: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 㟈: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 䵏: 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 葕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 衍 (yǎn) overflow, spill over, spread out 忘: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 畟: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 雞: 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 䟨: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 剱: 㑒 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 襷: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 擧 (jǔ) raise, lift up; recommend 濸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 蒼 (cāng) blue; green 鰀: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 异: 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 箅: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 畀 (bì) to give 萐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 疌 (jié) 䜒: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 掕: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 鞝: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 㘜: 讎 (chóu) enemy, rival, opponent / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 功: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 漢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 帬: 尹 (yǐn) govern; oversee; director / 吊 (diào) condole, mourn, pity; hang 窯: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid 謺: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 䘼: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 抿: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 雇: 户 (hù) door; family / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㕆: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 凉: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 京 (jīng) capital city 湌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 嵖: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 查 (chá) investigate, examine, seek into 秙: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 詤: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 㠩 (same as 芒 荒) vast, to reach, dwell, to neglect; to leave completely unattended to 䕦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 嬴 (yíng) to win; to have a surplus; surname 懩: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 養 (yǎng) raise, rear, bring up; support 闱: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 㑰: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 僳: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 浶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 牢 (láo) prison; stable, pen; secure 㴁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 岀: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 瘇: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 覎: 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 䒐: 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 㮚: 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 仌 (bīng) / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 鈟: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 弔 (diào) condole, mourn, pity; hang 䴡: 亚 (yà) Asia; second / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 沠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet 㰫: 先 (xiān) first, former, previous / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 由: 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 袸: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 存 (cún) exist, live, be; survive; remain 䮺: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 㫄: 二 (èr) two; twice / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 酉: 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䱋: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 珊: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 册 (cè) book, volume, register, list 瑛: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 迢: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 䫤: 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㧮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 遳: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 莝 (cuò) to chop straw fine for animals 卵: 卪 (jié) kwukyel 狴: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 坒 (bì) to compare; to match; to equal 吆: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 炉: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 户 (hù) door; family 輌: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 両 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; a tael, ounce 簖: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 断 (duàn) sever, cut off; interrupt 㤘: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 刍 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 喛: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 財: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only 搦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 弱 (ruò) weak; fragile, delicate 綫: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 㺭: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 頮: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䤸: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 斻: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 几 (jǐ) small table 耾: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 駃: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 煈: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 仍: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 臓: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 蔵 (zāng) hide, conceal; hoard, store up 婚: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 盝: 录 (lù) copy, write down, record / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 赠: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 䉪: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 㽬: 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 寯: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 雋 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 鋵: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 秃 (tū) bald 橺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 䏿: 戶 (hù) door; family, household / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 礃: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 掌 (zhǎng) palm of hand, sole of foot, paw 麂: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 几 (jǐ) small table 㨅: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 內 (nèi) inside, interior; domestic 侌: 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 愓: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 蚒: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) 锛: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 奔 (bēn) run fast, flee; rush about; run 瞜: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 䨥: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 墮: 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 爵: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 鎴: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 息 (xī) rest, put stop to, end, cease 䂾: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 㷀: 炏 (kài) / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 均: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 匀 (yún) equal 蹍: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 展 (zhǎn) open, unfold; stretch, extend 棎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 罙 (mí) deep 罗: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 鳖: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 㡙: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 龱 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 杧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 蓦: 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 魯: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 痰: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 㛲: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䡹: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 荿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 㒇: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 鈈: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 儊: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 楚 (chǔ) name of feudal state; clear 涍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 岗: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 冈 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 礚: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 蓋 (gài) cover, hide, protect 覥: 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䒧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 愪: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 㞱: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 锲: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 倴: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 奔 (bēn) run fast, flee; rush about; run 沷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 忁: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 氺 (shui) 硄: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 裏: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 䟑: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure 恔: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 㛛: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 鑜: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 賞 (shǎng) reward, grant, bestow; appreciate 卞: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 濡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 廫: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 膠 (jiāo) glue, gum, resin, rubber 筮: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 巫 (wū) wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman 诹: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 䛻: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 捾: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 鞆: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 劈: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 栏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 兰 (lán) orchid; elegant, graceful 鰗: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 嬙: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated 窘: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 萧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 肃 (sù) pay respects; reverently 䌩: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 抨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 隰: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation 喲: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 約 (yuē) treaty, agreement, covenant 欹: 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 齁: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 句 (jù) sentence 婃: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 緂: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 蝑: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 䉓: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 棵 (kē) numerary adjunct for trees 旒: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 駚: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 㕝: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 哜: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 齐 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 橣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 甯 (níng) peaceful 鹫: 就 (jiù) just, simply; to come, go to; to approach, near / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 自: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 嵭: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 糬: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 署 (shǔ) public office 虻: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 䕽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 擼: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 魯 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 纁: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 熏 (xūn) smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure 㮃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 餄: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 䨎: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 弘 (hóng) enlarge, expand; liberal, great 暑: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 脔: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 骙: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 爞: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 蟲 (chóng) worms; insects 䮣: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 桑 (sāng) mulberry tree; surname 芩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 地: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 玳: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation 踶: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 罀: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 㱂: 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 壅: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 迋: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 材: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only 䃕: 炏 (kài) / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 㷗: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 魘: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 䱢: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 棥: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination 荨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 寻 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 鳭: 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 瑲: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 蓽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 妄: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 漋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 隆 (lóng) prosperous, plentiful, abundant 邊: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 臱 (mián) 䆔: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 㺖: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 吝: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 謣: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 雩 (yú) offer sacrifice for rain 榤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 桀 (jié) chicken roost; ancient emperor 簭: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 巫 (wū) wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman / 㕣 (yǎn) a marsh at the foot of the hills, (interchangeable 湢 沇) name of a river 鶬: 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㤯: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 亶: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 搽: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 茶 (chá) tea 薼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 塵 (chén) dust, dirt, ashes, cinders 顅: 肩 (jiān) shoulders; to shoulder; bear / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 盆: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䥏: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / ㇒ / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 卸 (xiè) lay down; retire from office 聕: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 寘: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 煟: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 鋞: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 䏨: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 噱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 豦 (jù) a wild boar; to fight 起: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 毸: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 蒃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 挂: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 䞅: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 唇 (chún) lips 鲓: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 考 (kǎo) examine, test; investigate 笒: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 徕: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 来 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 溟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 造: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 匢: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 㶩: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 莭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 戬: 晋 (jìn) advance, increase; promote / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 䚯: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 鮽: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 稼: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 家 (jiā) house, home, residence; family 庿: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality 淉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 轊: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 彗 (huì) broomstick; comet 剌: 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㳓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 右 (yòu) right; west; right-wing 苗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 慖: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 國 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 䗙: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 髧: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 祦: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 巩: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 泳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 永 (yǒng) long, perpetual, eternal, forever 蹴: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 就 (jiù) just, simply; to come, go to; to approach, near 其: 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 㯽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 悀: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 蜅: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 䨇: 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 碐: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 鼕: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 趞: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 無: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 卌 (xì) forty, fortieth / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 傠: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 討 (tǎo) to discuss; ask for, beg; demand; dun; marry 蘯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 盪 (dàng) to toss about; to swing; to rock 䤱: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 ⺴: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 瞺: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 鸿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 賈: 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 灋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 廌 (zhì) unicorn / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 俊: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 㽕: 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / ㇆ / ㇉ 蕙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 䡛: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 盤: 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 鵩: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 诲: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 每 (měi) every, each 潵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 散 (sàn) scatter, disperse, break up 仴: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 㹿: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 栆: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / ⺀ 䲉: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 鞏: 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 䀖: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial 榛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 謜: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 堦: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 䆫: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 袱: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 伏 (fú) crouch, crawl, lie hidden, conceal 甸: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 妻: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / ⺺ / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 㘺: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 伐 (fá) cut down, subjugate, attack 䵈: ㇒ / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame 狍: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 㟏: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 鑎: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 晚: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 䫝: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 闣: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 繪: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 柯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 襰: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 賴 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 噺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 新 (xīn) new, recent, fresh, modern 翿: 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 䔃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 祖 (zǔ) ancestor, forefather; grandfather 谉: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 审 (shěn) examine, investigate; judge 玌: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 㒎: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 崓: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 䮜: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 銢: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 二 (èr) two; twice / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 瘥: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 㬧: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 脫: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 兌 (duì) cash; exchange, barter; weight 撮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 最 (zuì) most, extremely, exceedingly 丵: 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 餻: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid 精: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 蟄: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 歇: 曷 (hé) why? what? where? / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 哎: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 艾 (ài) artemisia, mugwort; translit. 䍗: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 詝: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 燠: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 孧: 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 䧰: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 鯀 (gǔn) giant fish; father of the emperor Yu 郶: 咅 (pǒu) to spit out / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 瑹: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 荼 (tú) bitter vegetable 㥻: 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 銋: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow 洊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 存 (cún) exist, live, be; survive; remain 再: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 㰔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 燮 (xiè) harmonize, blend; adjust 悗: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 蘘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 䔚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 脣 (chún) lips 碧: 珀 (pò) amber / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 鸨: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 崪: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 趵: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 水: ㇚ / ㇇ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 傷: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 㼾: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 揁: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 腂: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 䑄: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 篑: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 饒: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 屔: 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 賟: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 潞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 路 (lù) road, path, street; journey 叡: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 㹨: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 拫: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 聬: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 䝮: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 竻: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 顼: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 彾: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 溈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 為 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 鄍: 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 吏: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 㦒: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 詈 (lì) scold, abuse verbally, curse 莖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 朙: 囧 (jiǒng) / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䚘: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 㘣: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 鮦: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 缩: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 宿 (sù) stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation 庨: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 榲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 逷: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 易 (yì) change; easy 圹: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 㢼: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 苀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 晃: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 䇂: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 髐: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 繓: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 最 (zuì) most, extremely, exceedingly 姒: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 以 (yǐ) by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to 棜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 於 (yú) in, at, on; interjection alas! 鍡: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 噣: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 㯦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 棊 (qí) chess; any game similar to chess 慭: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 圥 (lù) mushroom / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䃬: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 嵬 (wéi) high; rugged, rocky, precipitous 闺: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 祽: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 壼: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 䊁: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 覇: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 䩗 (bà) (same as 霸) to rule by might rather than right; a feudal lord 瘎: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 媑: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 㬐: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 晋 (jìn) advance, increase; promote 丞: 氶 (zhěng) name of a river in Shandong / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 瞣: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 患 (huàn) suffer, worry about; suffering 㒥: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 豐 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 锤: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 欰: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 侳: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 隹: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 䍀: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 监 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 擅: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 詆: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 子: 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 糕: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid 诛: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 灢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 囊 (náng) bag, purse, sack; put in bag 哥: 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 㕤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 九 (jiǔ) nine 䡲: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 燷: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 禀 (bǐng) report to, petition 㛹: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 便 (biàn) convenience, ease; expedient 靸: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 舁: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 斄: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 匋: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 騑: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 綔: 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome / 系 (xì) system; line, link, connection 蒚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 栝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 喤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 鲪: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 䀭: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 輳: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 状: 丬 (qiáng) half of tree trunk; rad. no. 90 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 㞸: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 堽: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 罡 (gāng) the name of a certain stars; the god who is supposed to live in them 䫆: 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 里: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 畏: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 㩑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 䨿 (zá) bad; evil; wicked; vice; wickedness 柘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 䵟: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 鑥: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 魯 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 翨: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 㳪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 否 (fǒu) not, no, negative; final particle 蛮: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 橱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 厨 (chú) kitchen; closet; cupboard 埸: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 易 (yì) change; easy 黾: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 电 (diàn) electricity; electric; lightning 肃: ⺺ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 朂: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䎅: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㘌: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 颓: 秃 (tū) bald / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 缒: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 宕: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 檟: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 鐠: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 普 (pǔ) universal, general, widespread 圢: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 㦩: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 㥯 (yǐn) careful; compassionate; to take an interest in; prudent; cautious, worried and grieved 螭: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 昬: 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䊯: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 㔶: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 贛 (gàn) Jiangxi province; places therein 縼: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 旋 (xuán) revolve, move in orbit; return 媿: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 槉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 疾 (jí) illness, disease, sickness; to hate 譊: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 噌: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 㣓: 粲 (càn) polish; bright, radiant; smiling / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 蛗: 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 敖: 龶 / 万 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䇙: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 㑠: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 黧: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇒ / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 給: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 姩: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 年 (nián) year; new-years; person's age 棳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 詴: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 啶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 㿽: 兮 (xī) exclamatory particle / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 撀: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 手 (shǒu) hand 茅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 万: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇆ 粐: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 户 (hù) door; family 鬕: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 覞: 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 甡: 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 咠: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 舯: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 䴱: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 它 (tā) it; other 玺: 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 騿: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 裈: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 瑋: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 䯊: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 㭕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 腙: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 䱛: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 狤: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 饩: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 迲: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 歵: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 䫴: 禁 (jìn) restrict, prohibit, forbid / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㩿: 乞 (qǐ) beg; request / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 氆: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 普 (pǔ) universal, general, widespread 䢉: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 龱 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 鎏: 流 (liú) flow, circulate, drift; class / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 䐖: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 屎 (shǐ) excrement, shit, dung 涛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan ⺝: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 輜: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 尦: 尣 (wāng) lame; the first form is Radical 43 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 䖫: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 貱: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 焸: 昍 (xuān) / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 嶻: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 截 (jié) cut off, stop, obstruct, intersect 䥈: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 莽 (mǎng) thicket, underbrush; poisonous 盍: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 過: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 扚: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 仝: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 釣: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 穪: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 揯: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 恆 (héng) constant, regular, persistent 走: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 龰 剺: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 篿: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 䄃: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 蠉: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 瞌: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 夓: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 侜: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 隢: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 爥: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to 㼧: 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 蔫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 焉 (yān) thereupon, then; how? why? where? 悮: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 䨵: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 鴻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 䲨 (hóng) (same as 鴻) wild swan, a wild goose, vast; profound 碾: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 展 (zhǎn) open, unfold; stretch, extend 菄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 潇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 萧 (xiāo) common artemisia; dejected 僎: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 鯔: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 䝗: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 蹝: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 徙 (xǐ) move one's abode, shift, migrate 痠: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 㛢: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 彧: ㇂ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 银: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 灹: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 㵻: 㳉 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 隋: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 椊: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 喍: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 柴 (chái) firewood, faggots, fuel 㠔: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 撗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 舘: 舍 (shě) house, dwelling; dwell, reside / 官 (guān) official, public servant 䄚: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 㞡: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 㠭 (zhǎn) to open, to stretch; to extend, to unfold; to dilate; to prolong / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 粧: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 庄 (zhuāng) village, hamlet; villa, manor 騨: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 単 (dān) same as 單 U+55AE, single, individual, only; lone 太: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 覵: 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 栴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) 咷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 㬾: 殹 (yì) an echo / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 柁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 它 (tā) it; other 蕂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 勝 (shèng) victory; excel, be better than 䁄: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 㛋: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㣺 (variant of 心) the heart, the moral nature, the mind, the affections, intention, the radical on left side of the character 翑: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 句 (jù) sentence 鵒: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 塔: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 荅 (dā) answer: small bean; thick 裟: 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 歞: 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 埡: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 㩨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 慧 (huì) bright, intelligent; intelligence 曫: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 葬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 死 (sǐ) die; dead; death / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 䍮: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 绻: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 鱼: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 孾: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 檈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 锍: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 倏: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 㶒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 闖 (chuǎng) rush in, burst in, charge in 螖: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 挙: 兴 (xìng) thrive, prosper, flourish / 手 (shǒu) hand 䊘: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 胄 (zhòu) helmet, headpiece; descendant 龦: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 常 (cháng) common, normal, frequent, regular 笩: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation 媨: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 液: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夜 (yè) night, dark; in night; by night 鐷: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 葉 (yè) leaf, petal; page of book; period 匹: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 㲼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 蛀: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 扃: 户 (hù) door; family / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 䗂: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 㕍: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 黐: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 氺 (shui) / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 穓: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 巒: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 泜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 靡: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 剣: 㑒 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㿦: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 敭: 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䓬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 㑷: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 能 (néng) to be able; can, permitted to; ability 釺: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 絽: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 峼: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 䚁: 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 趇: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 爎: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 寮 (liáo) shanty, hut, shack 庑: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 无 (wú) negative, no, not; KangXi radical 71 㼐: 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 䨞: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 玣: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 卞 (biàn) to be impatient, in a hurry; excitable 鄤: 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 漰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 崩 (bēng) rupture, split apart, collapse 䮳: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 銹: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 䝀: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 情: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 蹆: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 退 (tuì) step back, retreat, withdraw 彐: ㇕ / 二 (èr) two; twice 磕: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 进: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 瑢: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 僥: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 䱲: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 痷: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 鍸: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 蘁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 噩 (è) bad, ill-omened, unlucky 憄: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / ㇗ / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul ⺆: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇆ 國: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 鸑: 獄 (yù) prison, jail; case; lawsuit / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 禔: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 肚: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 氝: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 内 (nèi) inside 冤: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 颪: 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 䐭: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 謳: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 皶: 查 (chá) investigate, examine, seek into / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 尽: 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' / ⺀ 仆: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 闌: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 煏: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 㹑: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 贰 (èr) number two 揘: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 䥟: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 揭 (jiē) raise, lift up; surname 遥: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet 篨: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 除 (chú) eliminate, remove, except 㣪: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 爰 (yuán) lead on to; therefore, then 苮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 仙 (xiān) Taoist super-being, transcendent, immortal 湱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 砉 (huò) 司: ㇆ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 髾: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 貃: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 欂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 薄 (báo) thin, slight, weak; poor, stingy 侅: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 㨌: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 手 (shǒu) hand / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 钓: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 猒: 明 (míng) bright, light, brilliant; clear / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 垕: 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 暟: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 頠: 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 嬢: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 六 (liù) number six / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 㖩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 训: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 樬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 亯: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㤶: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 鎽: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 峯 (fēng) peak, summit; hump of camel 爼: 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 嚿: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 舊 (jiù) old, ancient; former, past 旉: 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 蝊: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 婌: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 叔 (shū) father's younger brother 㓓: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 諗: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 楖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 㡠: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 鋧: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 煦: 昫 (xù) warm / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 嗩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ⺌|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 擳: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 節 (jié) knot, node, joint; section 虴: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 奶: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 梀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 輅: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 䈇: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 炐: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 霕: 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 薞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 礡: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 蒪 (pò) 墠: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 踯: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 郑 (zhèng) state in today's Henan; surname 䄱: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 羺: ⺶ / 需 (xū) need, require, must 阿: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 蓈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 郎 (láng) gentleman, young man; husband 硋: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 䟊: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 㝕: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 赙: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 䁛: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 绤: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 镩: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 窜 (cuàn) run away; revise, edit; expel 菲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 杵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch 䛴: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 㙿: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 怆: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 䒉: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 舞 (wǔ) dance, posture, prance; brandish 龏: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 䠖: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 咨 (zī) inquire, consult, discuss; plan 憛: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 茜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 倦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 䦫: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 肱: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 紸: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 冻: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 东 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 㸺: 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 䕈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 牒 (dié) documents, records; dispatch 竍: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 㿏: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 羣 (qún) (same as U+7FA4 群) group, crowd, multitude, mob 鱎: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 湚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 胤 (yìn) heir, successor; progeny, posterity 䋝: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 鷣: 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 癪: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 積 (jī) accumulate, store up, amass 濯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 腰: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 幺: ㇛ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 矿: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 䴃: 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 萉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 肥 (féi) fat, plump, obese; fertile 箌: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 到 (dào) go to, arrive, been to 㲎: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 唓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 䎜: 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 骢: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 縥: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 褫: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 沮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 䘵: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 鄻: 輦 (niǎn) a hand-cart; to transport by carriage / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 璾: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 迄: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 捇: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare 峎: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 韔: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 䭗: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 竟 (jìng) finally, after all, at last 艝: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 雪 (xuě) snow; wipe away shame, avenge 秠: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 㫢: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 卧: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 䇰: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 丞 (chéng) assist, aid, rescue 飶: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 籹: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 骋: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 甹 (pīng) 攊: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 妍: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 㐔: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 梗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 踘: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 匊 (jū) handful 䴚: 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 㮡: 炬 (jù) torch / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 炧: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 阨: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress 唪: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 奉 (fèng) offer; receive; serve; respect 薵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 搴: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 手 (shǒu) hand 墷: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 㜾: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 毁: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 襂: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 䱄: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 㫋: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 珑: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 酒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 呔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 蓟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 杞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 寡: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 㙨: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 櫫: 豬 (zhū) pig, hog / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 衬: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 佮: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 狻: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 遼: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 坾: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 暈: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 餍: 厌 (yàn) dislike, detest, reject; satiate / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 小: ㇚ / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 讖: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 韱 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 漙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 亘: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 㸣: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 鎦: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 眩: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 嚨: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 憲: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 龶 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 頷: 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 弹: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 諀: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 湃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 拜 (bài) do obeisance, bow, kowtow 䧂: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 㥍: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 鋐: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 宏 (hóng) wide, spacious, great, vast 癓: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 微 (wēi) small, prefix micro-, trifling 凒: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 惜: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 魡: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 幣: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 業: 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 䣬: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 㡷: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 鷺: 路 (lù) road, path, street; journey / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 煽: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 扇 (shàn) fan; door panel 僼: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 䪁: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 菐 (pú) a thicket 膇: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 縎: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 劑: 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䘞: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 羣: 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 㲥: 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 鴤: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 挰: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 䞳: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 麹: 麦 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; simplified form of KangXi radical number 199 / 匊 (jū) handful 䭀: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 迅 (xùn) quick, hasty, rapid, sudden 泅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine 艆: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 卐: 卍 (wàn) swastika, one of the auspicious signs recognized (e.g. in Chinese Tathagata Buddhism) as being on the chest of Buddha (and variously seen in statuary on the chest, soles of the feet, or palms of the hands) 瓕: 彌 (mí) extensive, full; fill; complete / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 菛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening 硢: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 峥: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 㵤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 翜 (shà) 䁲: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 買 (mǎi) buy, purchase; bribe, persuade 秷: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 㻹: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 齸: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 訁: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 涄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 甹 (pīng) 嬋: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 鈑: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 疔: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 貚: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 思: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 﨡: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 嶤: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 钪: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 䠭: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 蜳: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 窶: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 㾸: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 倽: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 舍 (shě) house, dwelling; dwell, reside 䋆: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 户 (hù) door; family 駌: 夗 (yuàn) to turn over when asleep / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 絏: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 濘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 䕟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 興 (xìng) thrive, prosper, flourish 鱥: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 歲 (suì) year; age; harvest 矨: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 㓪: 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 軮: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 扱: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 忸: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 雾: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 务 (wù) affairs, business; must, should 袃: 切 (qiè) cut, mince, slice, carve / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 漂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 䮅: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem 㸌: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 邓: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 眒: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 厕: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 则 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 抟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 专 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 鰠: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 弢: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 辭: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 龴 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 測: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 則 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 䪯: 炏 (kài) / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 㴶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition 鞽: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 瘼: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 势: 执 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 應: 䧹 (yīng) (same as U+9DF9 鷹) hawk; eagle; falcon / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 荊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 刑 (xíng) punishment, penalty; law 幌: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 晃 (huǎng) bright, dazzling; to sway, shake 軗: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 浖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 寽 (lǜ) a handful; a pinch 䧙: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㣺 (variant of 心) the heart, the moral nature, the mind, the affections, intention, the radical on left side of the character 㱠: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 雧: 雥 (zá) / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 畦: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 凩: 几 (jǐ) small table / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 想: 相 (xiāng) mutual, reciprocal, each other / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 艴: 弗 (fú) not, negative / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 嵶: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 弱 (ruò) weak; fragile, delicate 㟽: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 沀: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 謅: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 䘇: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 蟲 (chóng) worms; insects 璐: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 路 (lù) road, path, street; journey 錕: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 膞: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 紡: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 岠: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 訯: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 䔱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 揖 (yī) salute, bow; defer to, yield 箺: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 鈿: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 胈: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 籋: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 䏊: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 襙: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 䑛: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 竤: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 宏 (hóng) wide, spacious, great, vast 酩: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 名 (míng) name, rank, title, position 蟲: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 捵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 䋴: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 搆: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 䂉: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 鮏: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 䰖: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 斛: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 蜜: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 否: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䶫: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 蒱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 捕 (bǔ) arrest, catch, seize 礸: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 喻: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 㨺: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 䓣 (liǎng) name of a variety of grass 䅈: 龹 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 绍: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 㯏: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 顎: 咢 (è) sound; drumming / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 橚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently 䛝: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 駣: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 牪: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 毯: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 蕰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 温 (wēn) lukewarm 婺: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 珿: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 䤃: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 耉: ⺹ / ㇉ / ㇒ / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 羌: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 㢎: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 儓: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 臺 (tái) tower, lookout; stage, platform 䞜: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 麢: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 霝 (líng) drops of rain; to fall in drops 稥: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㜧: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 贫: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 梮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 局 (jú) bureau, office; circumstance 䈵: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 锻: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 段 (duàn) section, piece, division 炾: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 评: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 杇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 壎: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 熏 (xūn) smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure 鏔: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 寅 (yín) to respect, reverence; respectfully; 3rd terrestrial branch 佗: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 它 (tā) it; other 虝: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 締: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 㻢: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 施 (shī) grant, bestow; give; act; name 坧: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 䗰: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 貫 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 鳶: 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 硹: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 松 (sōng) pine tree; fir tree 㕻: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 麋: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 愊: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 嶍: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 沗: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 氺 (shui) 記: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 几 (jǐ) small table 䤚: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 㾡: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 却 (què) still, but; decline; retreat 璧: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 鈨: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 優: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 憂 (yōu) sad, grieved; grief, melancholy 膵: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 萃 (cuì) dense, thick, close-set; to collect together 怴: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 戉 (yuè) a battle-axe, a halberd 岷: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 濁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 赂: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 䡄: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 几 (jǐ) small table 㻋: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 矑: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 镒: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 偔: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 胟: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 捞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 劳 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 忡: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 滫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 脩 (xiū) dried meat (used as teachers payment in ancient times) 豬: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 䭮: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 首 (shǒu) head; first; leader, chief; a poem 盻: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 兮 (xī) exclamatory particle 鑼: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 卾: 咢 (è) sound; drumming / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 抈: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 鴍: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 堏: 枋 (fāng) sandalwood; tree used as timber / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㖒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 辖: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill 欙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 纍 (léi) bind, wind about; link, join 䪘: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 㨣: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 鞦: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 猩: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 动: 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 斲: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ㇉ / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 鰷: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 條 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe 嬹: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 興 (xìng) thrive, prosper, flourish 㒼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 軀: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 橃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 㵍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 悶 (mèn) gloomy, depressed, melancholy 雐: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 牓: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 嗒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 荅 (dā) answer: small bean; thick 擜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 献 (xiàn) offer, present; show, display 齡: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 婣: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 㟦: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 浭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 䳬: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㱷: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 集 (jí) assemble, collect together 駺: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 畽: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 哼: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 亨 (hēng) smoothly, progressing, no trouble 亁: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 薇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 微 (wēi) small, prefix micro-, trifling 税: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 嚑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 熏 (xūn) smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure 㜐: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 䈞: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 亯 (xiǎng) to receive; to enjoy 箣: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 刺 (cì) stab; prick, irritate; prod 㢥: 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 餤: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 朰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 䎳: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 骹: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 佀: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for 棅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 秉 (bǐng) grasp, hold; bundle; authority 虆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 纍 (léi) bind, wind about; link, join 坐: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 烕: 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 灭 (miè) extinguish; wipe out, exterminate 蟛: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 彭 (péng) name of ancient country; surname 籢: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 斂 (liǎn) draw back, fold back; collect 壥: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 墨 (mò) ink; writing 㥤: 矜 (jīn) pity, feel sorry for, show sympat / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䑲: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 緷: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 㫹: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 所 (suǒ) place, location; numerary adjunct 魸: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 踁: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 榄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 览 (lǎn) look at, inspect; perceive 弋: ㇂ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 阑: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 熔: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 袚: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 搝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 臭 (chòu) smell, stink, emit foul odor 妤: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 邪: 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䰭: 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 茳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 江 (jiāng) large river; yangzi; surname 纶: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 仑 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 㮸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 送 (sòng) see off, send off; dispatch, give 吽: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 䛆: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 鷌: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 祏: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 㙑: 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 毘: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 䅟: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 顥: 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 珨: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 諮: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 咨 (zī) inquire, consult, discuss; plan 晱: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 寸: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / ㇚ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 鋾: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 匋 (táo) pottery 钃: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to 猂: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 垅: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 貓: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality 欒: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 侕: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 㖙: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 纟: ㇛ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 耠: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 䌢: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 零 (líng) zero; fragment, fraction 鎭: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 眞 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 爬: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 嚯: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 讽: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 樼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 孱 (càn) weak, unfit, frail, feeble 亿: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 㓃: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 託 (tuō) entrust, rely on; commission 緉: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 齊: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 丫 (yā) forked; bifurcation / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 二 (èr) two; twice 䉌: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 鋗: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 煖: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 嗙: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 諧: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 楦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 糳: 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 鹴: 霜 (shuāng) frost; crystallized; candied / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䅶: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse 炀: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / ㇎ / ㇒ 霅: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 娇: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 乔 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 㾊: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 朿 (cì) stab 梐: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 坒 (bì) to compare; to match; to equal 輕: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 㠛: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 鶞: 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 愡: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 䂠: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 阯: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 失: 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / ㇒ 㺴: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 枺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 踿: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 㝅: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 鳈: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 恋: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 忊: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 镙: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 塛: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㷞: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 厚 (hòu) thick; substantial; greatly 曤: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 赩: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 㙯: 圥 (lù) mushroom / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 鯲: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 於 (yú) in, at, on; interjection alas! 罵: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 廴: ㇋ / ㇏ 砆: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 岉: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 㴈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 岳 (yuè) mountain peak; surname 螏: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 疾 (jí) illness, disease, sickness; to hate 倖: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 禛: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 㪝: 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 鬜: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 䠦: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 智 (zhì) wisdom, knowledge, intelligence 冫: 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / ㇀ 颱: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 攸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䦻: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 嵈: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 拍: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 葎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 律 (lǜ) statute, principle, regulation 癚: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 嫝: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy 㭜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 藣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罷 (bà) cease, finish, stop; give up 湪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 矯: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 㣱: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 饰: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 䙺: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 濿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 厲 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 唃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 鰉: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 掌: 龸 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 手 (shǒu) hand 䴓: 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 宜: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 芢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 仁 (rén) humaneness, benevolence, kindness 春: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 鄫: 曾 (céng) already; sign of past / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 璮: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 㦰: 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 帵: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 褻: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 埶 (yì) art 沾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 韄: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 筇: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 邛 (qióng) in distress; a mound 㱉: 菐 (pú) a thicket / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䓎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 灼 (zhuó) burn; broil; cauterize; bright 返: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 南: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 驝: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 槖 (tuó) a sack; a stamping sound 懠: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 䭧: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 麼 (me) interrogative final particle; insignificant, small, tiny 姰: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 胶: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 摹: 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative / 手 (shǒu) hand 㐄: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / ㇗ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 芋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 紊: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 䆍: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 炗: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 阘: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 唚: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 梧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 踨: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 龰 䴪: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 祿 (lù) blessing, happiness, prosperity 㜮: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 鶵: 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 簴: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 虡 (jù) support structure for bell 䂷: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 乖 (guāi) rebel; crafty, shrewd 珁: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 酂: 赞 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 呄: 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 毑: 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 襒: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered 䱔: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 㙘: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity 鳟: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 罞: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 䏡: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 狫: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 遬: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 欶 (shuò) to suck in 坮: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 㷵: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 櫻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 衼: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 佾: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 䏌 (qì) to vibrate; vibration, (same as 佾) a row or file of dancers, esp. referring to those in ancient dances at sacrifices or other rites 纈: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 頡 (xié) fly upward, soar; contest; to rob 脍: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting 䐏: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 鎖: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / ⺌|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 眙: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 嚘: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 憂 (yōu) sad, grieved; grief, melancholy 讦: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 漩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 旋 (xuán) revolve, move in orbit; return 亨: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action 禲: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 厲 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 耷: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 䜹: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 鋀: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 癃: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 隆 (lóng) prosperous, plentiful, abundant 凂: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 諐: 侃 (kǎn) upright and strong; amiable / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 湓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 盆 (pén) basin, tub, pot, bowl 䧒: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 磜: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 祭 (jì) sacrifice to, worship 荡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 汤 (tāng) hot water; soup, gravy, broth 䙣: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 䨿 (zá) bad; evil; wicked; vice; wickedness 煭: 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 僬: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 藺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 閵 (lìn) 楽: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䣼: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 京 (jīng) capital city 劁: 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 馇: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 查 (chá) investigate, examine, seek into 明: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䪑: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 它 (tā) it; other 帞: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 枣: 朿 (cì) stab / ⺀ 蔤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 密 (mì) dense, thick, close; intimate 笰: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 徳: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㠲: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 蚹: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 區: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity 瓅: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 㧇: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 驆: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 䭐: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 恙 (yàng) illness, sickness; indisposition 法: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 鯛: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 恢: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 灰 (huī) ashes; dust; lime, mortar 䓥: 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 草 (cǎo) grass, straw, thatch, herbs 塲: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 懷: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 褱 (huái) to carry in the bosom or the sleeve; to wrap, to conceal 蝸: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 鈁: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 疄: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 㪆: 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 䌋: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 荅 (dā) answer: small bean; thick 訑: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 涔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 岑 (cén) steep, precipitous; peak 钚: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 砝: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 㴟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 厚 (hòu) thick; substantial; greatly 䖤: 夘 (mǎo) 4th of Earth Branches; period from 5-7 a.m. / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 貪: 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 倭: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 鼳: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 狊 (jú) 抶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 䠽: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 嫆: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 臌: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike 敏: 每 (měi) every, each / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 矘: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 黨 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 㓚: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 嵟: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 㕍 (same as 堆) to heap up; to pile, a heap; a pile; a mass; a crowd 葥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 濨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 慈 (cí) kind, charitable, benevolent 雮: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 穱: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 爵 (jué) feudal title or rank 㽳: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 䟸: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 軾: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 式 (shì) style, system, formula, rule 邃: 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 眂: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 厅: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 袓: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 漒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic 䮕: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 窟: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 萠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 䜢: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鞭: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 便 (biàn) convenience, ease; expedient 瘬: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 張 (zhāng) stretch, extend, expand; sheet 劯: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 辽: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action 渼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 美 (měi) beautiful, pretty; pleasing 䪿: 龱 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 秉: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / ⺕ 魊: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 䙌: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 贯 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 雗: 龺 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 畖: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 凙: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 睪 (yì) spy on 軧: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 浦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 䧩: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 㟭: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid 磳: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 驴: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 户 (hù) door; family 䕶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 謢 (zhi) 璀: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 錅: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇒ / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 帇: ⺺ / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 㮊: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 沐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 謕: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 㰛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 馞: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 孛 (bèi) comet 攡: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 離 (lí) leave, depart; go away; separate 䒠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 鈯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 崱: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 則 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 㪴: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 掺: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 訿: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 飈: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 焱 (yàn) flames 摋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 殺 (shā) kill, slaughter, murder; hurt; to pare off, reduce, clip 寊: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 酙: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 屛: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 幷 (bìng) combine 㧞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 叐 (bá) to prick a dog to make him go 拤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 卡 (kǎ) card, punch card; calorie 襩: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 筵: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 嫴: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 辜 (gū) crime, criminal offense 簆: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 寇 (kòu) bandits, thieves; enemy; invade 墉: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 㤈: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 莏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 抄 (chāo) copy, confiscate, seize 吖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丫 (yā) forked; bifurcation 綛: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 忍 (rěn) endure, bear, suffer; forbear 㺝: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 鼜: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 䰦: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 喫: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 鲱: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 愸: 勑 (chì) reward; sincere / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 奈: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 曍: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 臯 (gāo) to praise; to bless high; eminent; (Cant.) a marsh, pool 聎: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 牚: 龸 / 呀 (ya) particle used to express surprise or mild emphasis; (Cant.) slurred form of the number ten 廝: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 㽜: 夘 (mǎo) 4th of Earth Branches; period from 5-7 a.m. / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 臣: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 橪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 然 (rán) yes, certainly; pledge, promise 珯: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 㳱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 阳 (yáng) 'male' principle; light; sun 鵰: 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䉺: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 毿: 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 儃: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 頉: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 枌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 䤓: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 㜗: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 徜: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 蚢: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 戥: 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 锫: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 炮: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 㶰: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 娵: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 贻: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 梾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 来 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 鏄: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 罇: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 㡉: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 弦 (xián) string; hypotenuse, crescent 䃎: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 奓 (zhā) extravagant 诔: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 块: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 鹝: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 无: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 佧: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 卡 (kǎ) card, punch card; calorie 㕫: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 巰: 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 蓶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 唯 (wéi) only; yes 恹: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 厌 (yàn) dislike, detest, reject; satiate 蚋: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 内 (nèi) inside 礊: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 䖍: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 璗: 湯 (tāng) hot water; soup, gravy, broth / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 鈘: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 儚: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夢 (mèng) dream; visionary; wishful 沧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 訨: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 䤪: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 朵 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 馵: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 破: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 䒷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 矁: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 愁 (chóu) anxiety; to worry about, be anxious 镂: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 偄: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 濑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 赖 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 赒: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 䡔: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 食: 亽 (ji) kwukyel / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 筞: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 宋 (sòng) Song dynasty; surname 䟡: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 盫: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 鑬: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 覧 (lǎn) look at, inspect; perceive 卮: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 㧵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 否 (fǒu) not, no, negative; final particle 滻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 産 (chǎn) give birth 豼: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 䭾: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 㖂: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 窈: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 蔍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 䀏: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 鞖: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 猙: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 爭 (zhēng) to dispute, fight, contend, strive 劘: 靡 (mí) divide, disperse, scatter / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 辦: 辡 (biàn) recrimination; wrangling / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 欩: 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䪨: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 㒬: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 網: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 罔 (wǎng) net; deceive; libel; negative 萷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 削 (xuē) scrape off, pare, trim 䌹: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 雀: 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 牃: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 嗂: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 軐: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 橓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 舜 (shùn) legendary ruler 㟖: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 弄 (nòng) do, play or fiddle with; alley 糜: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 蝡: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 䉣: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 舄 (xì) a shoe; the sole of a shoe; magpie 畭: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 哬: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 何 (hé) what, why, where, which, how 臺: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 浽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 䳼: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 嚁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 㜀: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 相 (xiāng) mutual, reciprocal, each other 鶇: 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 戎: 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 云: 二 (èr) two; twice / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 娞: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 掣: 制 (zhì) system; establish; overpower / 手 (shǒu) hand 脤: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 缰: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 害: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 㰲: 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 芹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 址: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 烅: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 㷇: 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over / 灰 (huī) ashes; dust; lime, mortar 鹆: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 佐: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper 棕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 摢: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 虖 (hū) to cry; to shout; to howl 䃥: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 屲: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 旷: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 荸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 孛 (bèi) comet 阁: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 熄: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 息 (xī) rest, put stop to, end, cease 㺆: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䜋: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 踑: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 榔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 郎 (láng) gentleman, young man; husband 邚: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 簝: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 㤟: 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䆤: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 袪: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 吭: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 鬳: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 暶: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 旋 (xuán) revolve, move in orbit; return 䰽: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 㙁: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 每 (měi) every, each 廆: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 藌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 蜜 (mì) honey; sweet; nectar 慏: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 珘: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 奟: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 聥: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 毨: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 鋮: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 繱: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 葱 (cōng) scallions, leeks, green onions 㭳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 䏸: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 諾: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 鲃: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 笂: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 待: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 蒓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 純 (chún) pure, clean, simple 挒: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䞕: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 需 (xū) need, require, must 㶙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 皟: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 蠠: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 䖵 (kūn) insects 䬢: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 鮭: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 稬: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 庯: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 莽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 戼: 戶 (hù) door; family, household 䚿: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 㳃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 卆 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 痉: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 靊: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 豐 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 䩌: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 髗: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 祖: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 巙: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 夔 (kuí) one-legged monster; walrus 苧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 慦: 救 (jiù) save, rescue, relieve; help, aid / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䗩: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad 㯭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 瓳: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 陴: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 䥶: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 碀: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 鼅: 知 (zhī) know, perceive, comprehend / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 切: 七 (qī) seven / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 㞊: 祟 (suì) evil spirit; evil influence / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 悐: 狄 (dí) tribe from northern china; surnam / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蜕: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 閞: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 椡: 桎 (zhì) fetters, shackles, handcuffs / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䢠: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 鸯: 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 儱: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 㚴: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 布 (bù) cotton cloth, textiles, linen 澺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 蘿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 㽅: 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 铈: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 桋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 埊: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 氺 (shui) / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 鵙: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 偛: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 㗞: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 破 (pò) break, ruin, destroy; rout 滤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 虑 (lǜ) be concerned, worry about 蕩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 湯 (tāng) hot water; soup, gravy, broth 㹯: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 鏲: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 牽 (qiān) drag, pull, lead by hand 睵: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 哉 (zāi) final exclamatory particle 围: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 瀆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 咉: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 㔈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 辏: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 堖: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull 熛: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 錜: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 䀦: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 妫: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 为 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 邱: 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 洸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 䆻: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 啈: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 櫍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 質 (zhì) matter, material, substance 豎: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 繚: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 勝: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 劵 (juàn) certificate, ticket; title deeds 跣: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 晪: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 翯: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 酰: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 乺: 所 (suǒ) place, location; numerary adjunct / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 柿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 崃: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 来 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 鐉: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 殌: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 䔓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 許 (xǔ) allow, permit; promise; betroth 㬗: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 然 (rán) yes, certainly; pledge, promise 厜: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 誢: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 渥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter 餫: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 粮: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 嘵: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 脻: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 疌 (jié) 撾: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 過 (guò) pass, pass through, go across 獇: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 羗 (qiāng) tribes in West China; strong; educated; obstinate; a particle 㑉: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夙 (sù) early in morning, dawn; previous 䳎: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 蟔: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 字: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 鉝: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 槠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 诸 (zhū) various, all, these; surname 䍧: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 㥫: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 亯 (xiǎng) to receive; to enjoy 凰: 几 (jǐ) small table / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 裶: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 汹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad 㰄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 賤 (jiàn) mean, low; cheap, worthless 誋: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 忌 (jì) jealous, envious; fear 甊: 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 䦍: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 碗: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 鸘: 霜 (shuāng) frost; crystallized; candied / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 崚: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 悧: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 蘨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 繇 (yáo) reason, cause 䔪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing 㼮: 妻 (qī) wife / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 閵: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 琴: 玨 (jué) two pieces of jade joined together / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 䢷: 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 篁: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 饂: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 屄: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 揑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 腒: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 䑔: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 㹘: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 铟: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 睞: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 䯡: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 竫: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 顬: 需 (xū) need, require, must / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 彮: 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 㗵: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 欻 (chuā) sudden, abrupt, quick 拻: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 灰 (huī) ashes; dust; lime, mortar 聼: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䝾: 武 (wǔ) military; martial, warlike / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㦂: 常 (cháng) common, normal, frequent, regular / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 皈: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 褍: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 䰏: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 截 (jié) cut off, stop, obstruct, intersect 鮖: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 缙: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 晋 (jìn) advance, increase; promote 庘: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 莦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 朩: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 䚨: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 㢬: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 熲: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 蠷: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 瞿 (qú) surname 伹: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 髀: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 繃: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 崩 (bēng) rupture, split apart, collapse 姂: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 苐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 弔 (diào) condole, mourn, pity; hang / ㇒ 晓: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 䇒: 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 㯖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 烜: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 譡: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 乣: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 祭: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 壬: ㇒ / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier 跺: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 朵 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 慽: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad 䃼: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 媁: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 㬀: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 醇: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 渎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 卖 (mài) sell; betray; show off 䊑: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 嘞: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 勒 (lēi) strangle, tighten 澣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 幹 (gàn) trunk of tree or of human body 贤: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 猰: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 垳: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 躹: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 匊 (jū) handful 孀: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 霜 (shuāng) frost; crystallized; candied 糅: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant ㇇: 鉆: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 䍐: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 擕: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 雋 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 鏛: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 常 (cháng) common, normal, frequent, regular 桢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 贞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 䳥: 岺 (líng) mountain ridge, mountain peak / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 偲: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 槷: 埶 (yì) art / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 轸: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 騁: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 甹 (pīng) 綄: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 䬋: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 舑: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 斔: 蚉 (wén) variant of 蚊 U+868A, a mosquito, gnat / 臾 (yú) moment, instant, short while 鲚: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 齐 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 瀝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 㔟: 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䶤: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 蒪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 堭: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 霳: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 隆 (lóng) prosperous, plentiful, abundant 檶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 奩 (lián) lady's vanity case; trousseau 䀽: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 㩁: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 寉 (què) 勆: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 觌: 卖 (mài) sell; betray; show off / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 浏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 刘 (liú) surname; kill, destroy 翘: 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㳚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 啟: 启 (qǐ) open; begin, commence; explain / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 豥: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 柨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 布 (bù) cotton cloth, textiles, linen 黮: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 牱: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 㝳: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 俸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 奉 (fèng) offer; receive; serve; respect 蛾: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 颃: 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 缂: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 宅: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 肓: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 朒: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 䎕: 炏 (kài) / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㦙: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 愚 (yú) stupid, doltish, foolish 犟: 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 谠: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 党 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 伢: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 龭: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 縬: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad 媯: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 為 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 螽: 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month / 䖵 (kūn) insects 昼: 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 䊿: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 㣃: 弜 (jiàng) / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 燉: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 鍊: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 乌: ㇆ / ㇉ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 黗: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 絖: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 姙: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow 蛧: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 网 (wǎng) net; network; KangXi radical 122 敦: 享 (xiǎng) enjoy / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䇩: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 㿭: 斥 (chì) to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 烳: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 鉴: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 䵶: 句 (jù) sentence / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 粀: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 丈 (zhàng) unit of length equal 3.3 meters; gentleman, man, husband 鬅: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 嘇: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 撐: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 牚 (chēng) 茕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 㐛: 佑 (yòu) help, protect, bless / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 醞: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 洡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 䲠: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 騯: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 唱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 殺: 杀 (shā) kill, slaughter, murder; hurt / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 舿: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 㭅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 三 (sān) three 郈: 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 汋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 及: 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely / ㇏ 饙: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 呛: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea ㇞: 櫤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 箭 (jiàn) arrow; type of bamboo 腩: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 㩯: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 敏 (mǐn) fast, quick, clever, smart / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 韲: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 丫 (yā) forked; bifurcation / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 獵: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 巤 (liè) a mane; bristles, as on a hog; dorsal fins 勴: 慮 (lǜ) be concerned, worry about / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 理: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 傉: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse 讏: 衞 (wèi) guard, protect, defend / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 尖: 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 疛: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 㚝: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 佳 (jiā) good, auspicious; beautiful; delightful 霜: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 相 (xiāng) mutual, reciprocal, each other 䐦: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 嶫: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 業 (yè) profession, business, trade 钱: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 戋 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 椸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 施 (shī) grant, bestow; give; act; name 䖻: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 先: ⺧ / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 滍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 㞢 (ancient form of 之) to arrive at; to go to / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 衎: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 穚: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 囝: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 㝜: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 解: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 扪: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening 篯: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 钱 (qián) money, currency, coins 㓱: 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 镰: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 廉 (lián) upright, honorable, honest 䩺: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 揿: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 钦 (qīn) respect, admire; respectful 夃: 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 选: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 澌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 䄓: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 㼗: 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 垜: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 朶 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 躢: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 闒 (tà) upper-story door or window 樥: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 莑 (péng) 鴫: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 碮: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 㖰: 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 刵: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 蔻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 寇 (kòu) bandits, thieves; enemy; invade 悾: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 鯄: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 睇: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 䣎: 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 菔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 服 (fú) clothes; wear, dress 彗: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 陝: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 㚒 (shǎn) concealed the stolen goods in one's dress 淠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 畀 (bì) to give ⻢: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 䝧: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 匀 (yún) equal 㵫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 孴 (nǐ) 嗰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 個 (gè) numerary adjunct, piece; single 賶: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 桹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 㠄: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 躋: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 焊: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 䶍: 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very / 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 粗: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 騘: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 多: 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 撧: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 絶 (jué) cut 舨: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 䄪: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 㬮: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 難 (nán) difficult, arduous, hard; unable 醵: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 豦 (jù) a wild boar; to fight 瀴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 䲷: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 翁: 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 鵂: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 樢 (niǎo) 塄: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local ⻋: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 柑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 蕒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 買 (mǎi) buy, purchase; bribe, persuade 䁔: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 爰 (yuán) lead on to; therefore, then 㩘: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 郟: 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 獞: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 信: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 绫: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 鱬: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 孮: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 曻: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to 葼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 䍾: 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㶂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 犈: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 贍: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 䠏: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 龖: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 笙: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 媘: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 螦: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally 挩: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 兌 (duì) cash; exchange, barter; weight 䊨: 吂 (máng) / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 籾 (ní) unhulled rice 㲬: 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 疲: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 谷: 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䬹: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 黀: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 穃: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 巂: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 㕣 (yǎn) a marsh at the foot of the hills, (interchangeable 湢 沇) name of a river 蛐: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false 打: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 䗒: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 亚 (yà) Asia; second 㿖: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 瓜: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / ㇏ / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 轡: 絲 (sī) silk; fine thread; wire; strings / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䩣: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 絭: 龹 / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 峬: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 觺: 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 敽: 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 䓼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 庁: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 㼀: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 閇: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 樎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 宿 (sù) stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation 䚑: 買 (mǎi) buy, purchase; bribe, persuade / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 刞: 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 殣: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 褤: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 袁 (yuán) robe; surname 眰: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 厳: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 㐲: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 誹: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 彀: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 磅: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 㗇: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 叚 (jiǎ) false 陆: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 击 (jī) strike, hit, beat; attack, fight 䝐: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname 惕: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 易 (yì) change; easy 韛: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 汢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 䣥: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 呲: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 混: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 譸: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 鸁: 吂 (máng) / 䏎 (féng) milk; breasts, the young of animals, birds / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 禄: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 㚆: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 伋: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 蘑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 磨 (mó) grind; polish; rub; wear out; a millstone 憔: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 颚: 咢 (è) sound; drumming / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 琝: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 旻 (mín) heaven 䦤: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 肪: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 尭: 卉 (huì) general term for plants; myriads / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 錳: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 孟 (mèng) first in series; great, eminent 溶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 䐽: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 㒼 (mán) average; equivalent; corresponding, to cover something carefully and tightly without a break; (Cant.) blocked 㹁: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 京 (jīng) capital city 囆: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 蠆 (chài) a kind of scorpion; a sting in the tail 跌: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 楏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 奎 (kuí) stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions 篘: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 㣚: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 兟: 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 补: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 揨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 亭 (tíng) pavilion; erect 髮: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 癱: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 難 (nán) difficult, arduous, hard; unable 䯸: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 次 (cì) order, sequence; next 苾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 褆: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 刌: 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 皏: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 㾕: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 䖙: 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 樜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 钣: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 嶩: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 蠰: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 儶: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 巂 (guī) place name 疹: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 㺿: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䓃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 楆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity 鏍: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 峓: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 蝚: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 偠: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 瓣: 辡 (biàn) recrimination; wrangling / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 㷩: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 齪: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 䏭: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 桰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 鋷: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 寽: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 愁: 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蚄: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 侊: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 礑: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 麔: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 咎 (jiù) fault, defect; error, mistake 䠛: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 䍃 (yóu) a vase, a pitcher, earthenware 枚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 霥: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 冡 (méng) 怫: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 羪: ⺶ / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 薮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 数 (shù) number; several, count; fate 亴: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 九 (jiǔ) nine 砻: 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 鶾: 龺 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䝅: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 曄: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 陏: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 录: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 氺 (shui) 绔: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 蓘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 衮 (gǔn) ceremonial dress worn by the emperor 睥: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 鳨: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䙯: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 蹙 (cù) urgent, suddenly; grieve, lament 旮: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 镹: 镸 (cháng) long / 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late 广: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 緾: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 厘 (lí) thousandth part of tael 䴈: 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 熋: 能 (néng) to be able; can, permitted to; ability / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 踊: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 攘: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 䪝: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 辟: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 㠦: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 豐 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 紨: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 抭: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 宂 (rǒng) scattered, mixed affairs; duties; occupation business 茬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 在 (zài) be at, in, on; consist in, rest 㦻: 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 嘺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 窽: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 欵 (kuǎn) to treat well; to detain 鬼: 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 胁: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 办 (bàn) manage, do, handle; deal with 湊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 奏 (zòu) memorialize emperor; report 埏: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 飑: 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 䭜: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 濟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 豞: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 句 (jù) sentence 捬: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 府 (fǔ) prefecture; prefect; government 䣱: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 句 (jù) sentence 跳: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 㙺: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 匱 (guì) to lack 筼: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 员 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 膀: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 昅: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 咎: 处 (chù) place, locale; department / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 馐: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 羞 (xiū) disgrace, shame; ashamed; shy 㴓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 縕: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䌗: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 萙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 枕 (zhěn) pillow 沞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 嬧: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 盡 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 鰩: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 䦰: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 亀 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 課: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 猷: 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 懀: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 䱉: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 酋: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 㓎: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 秐: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 摙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 勢: 埶 (yì) art / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 韤: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 蔑 (miè) disdain, disregard; slight 㭧: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 籩: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 邊 (biān) edge, margin, side, border 䅫: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 亰 (jīng) capital city 艭: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 雙 (shuāng) set of two, pair, couple; both 櫲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 豫 (yù) relaxed, comfortable, at ease 奻: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 驽: 奴 (nú) slave, servant / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 䐄: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 梇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 霎: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 妾 (qiè) concubine 尔: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 誛: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 厡: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 琤: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 㴪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 臬 (niè) law, rule; door post 䜮: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 牢 (láo) prison; stable, pen; secure 殱: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 韯 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 阸: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 戹 (è) In difficulty, distressed 弾: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 単 (dān) same as 單 U+55AE, single, individual, only; lone 藅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罰 (fá) penalty, fine; punish, penalize 勋: 员 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 睎: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 鷕: 唯 (wéi) only; yes / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㱔: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 䙘: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad 櫛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 節 (jié) knot, node, joint; section 酢: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 幨: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 蓯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 癸: 癶 (bō) legs; KangXi radical 105 / 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial 鳿: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㽾: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 䆂: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 廉 (lián) upright, honorable, honest 漉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 邌: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 黎 (lí) surname; numerous, many; black 㐏: 五 (wǔ) five; surname / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 妒: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 户 (hù) door; family 褝: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 単 (dān) same as 單 U+55AE, single, individual, only; lone 嘣: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 崩 (bēng) rupture, split apart, collapse 熢: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 㺨: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 䂬: 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 渳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 弭 (mǐ) stop, desist, end, quell 鎶: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 哥 (gē) elder brother 㜹: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 瞿 (qú) surname 墼: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 衇: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 免: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 烌: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 㧒: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 䏖: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 楝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 鋠: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 㙣: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 張 (zhāng) stretch, extend, expand; sheet 實: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 貫 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 譱: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 誩 (jìng) to quarrel; to wrangle 偷: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 珶: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 㣼: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 䌀: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 科 (kē) section, department, science 枃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 匀 (yún) equal 耂: ⺹ 㪑: 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 嬐: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 羓: ⺶ / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 頒: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 膗: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 猠: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 咥: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 馧: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 䠲: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 沵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 贴: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 恂: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 䧇: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 軉: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 寶 (bǎo) treasure, jewel; precious, rare 㭐: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 硒: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 懗: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 赫 (hè) bright, radiant, glowing 艖: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 㓥: 当 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 啤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 秧: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 驦: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 霜 (shuāng) frost; crystallized; candied 菫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 浴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 囹: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 鯻: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䪆: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 辈: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 瀍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 廛 (chán) a store, shop; ground alloted to a retainer 﨑: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 竒 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 抖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 䴟: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 鈡: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 㖤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 函 (hán) correspondence; a case; a box 窦: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 卖 (mài) sell; betray; show off 支: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 垸: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 钺: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 戉 (yuè) a battle-axe, a halberd 㠽: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 紿: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 䉁: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 聆 (líng) listen, hear 蝃: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 濈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 戢 (jí) to put away; to cease; store up 婑: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 齓: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 䓚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / ㇒ / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 觜: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 牡: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 峪: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 佳: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 豵: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 㟸: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 㚖 (gǎo) (said of truth) to come out to the open; to be known by all, (ancient form 澤) glossy; shining / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 瓺: 镸 (cháng) long / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 贆: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 猋 (biāo) wind; storm; gale; dog moving; (Cant.) running quickly 嘌: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 犏: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 㮕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 䆙: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 渜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 那: ㇆ / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㜢: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 妩: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 无 (wú) negative, no, not; KangXi radical 71 谰: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 阑 (lán) door screen; railing fence 唶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 熹: 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 㪿: 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 䃃: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 浆: 丬 (qiáng) half of tree trunk; rad. no. 90 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 韍: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 㙌: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 肃 (sù) pay respects; reverently 壓: 厭 (yàn) dislike, detest, reject; satiate / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 荚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 呠: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 烣: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 灰 (huī) ashes; dust; lime, mortar 㧩: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 魪: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 䟭: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 汰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 雷: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 㕶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 五 (wǔ) five; surname 忽: 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 攁: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 養 (yǎng) raise, rear, bring up; support 芄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 䮊: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 紑: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 骔: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 䰛: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 掚: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 㒠: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 韰 (xiè) 錥: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 搫: 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category / 手 (shǒu) hand 箪: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 膮: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 䪴: 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 簻: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 過 (guò) pass, pass through, go across 馾: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 䍅: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 拄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 鉏: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 孕: 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 竔: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 升 (shēng) arise, go up; hoist; advance 胘: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 䧞: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 獥: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 飨: 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 䉯: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 賢 (xián) virtuous, worthy, good; able 懮: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 憂 (yōu) sad, grieved; grief, melancholy 酹: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 寽 (lǜ) a handful; a pinch 婿: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 秾: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 农 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 䤈: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 㿽 (xī) a small bowl; a small basin 疋: ㇖ / 龰 訊: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 愘: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 客 (kè) guest, traveller; customer 亝: 厽 (lěi) / 二 (èr) two; twice 讟: 誩 (jìng) to quarrel; to wrangle / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 㰦: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 礨: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 暭: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 皐 (gāo) the high land along a river 蜬: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 函 (hán) correspondence; a case; a box 㶻: 夆 (féng) resist / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 刺: 朿 (cì) stab / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 纽: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 鼼: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 蓁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 橊: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 畱 (liú) to detain; to entertain to keep; to put by 叏: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 鳑: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near ⻝: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 作: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 毟: 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 衞: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 杬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 䳱: 務 (wù) affairs, business; must, should / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 觳: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 罼: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 薀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 溫 (wēn) lukewarm, warm; tepid, mild 戅: 贑 (gàn) Jiangxi province / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 傎: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 鶐: 述 (shù) narrate, state, express / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㤓: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 稕: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 䜗: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 感 (gǎn) feel, perceive, emotion 耙: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 梞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 忌 (jì) jealous, envious; fear 弧: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 頩: 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䶰: 龜 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 躲: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 朵 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 眷: 龹 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 旀: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 厼 (ěr) kwukyel 䡉: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 镋: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 党 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 緐: 每 (měi) every, each / 系 (xì) system; line, link, connection 恙: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 团: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only 鏤: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 㽧: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year 硩: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 䕫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 虭: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 滲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 嵻: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy 鹽: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䀄: 宓 (mì) quiet, silent; in good health / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 沇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 㖍: 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 錎: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 堔: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 罙 (mí) deep 躛: 衞 (wèi) guard, protect, defend / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 垡: 伐 (fá) cut down, subjugate, attack / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 瀤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 褱 (huái) to carry in the bosom or the sleeve; to wrap, to conceal 﨨: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 㤪: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 怨 (yuàn) hatred, enmity, resentment 䌮: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 霜 (shuāng) frost; crystallized; candied 澱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 殿 (diàn) hall; palace; temple 㒷: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 鈸: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 犮 (bá) to pull up 嬾: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 賴 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 臅: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 囋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 獎: 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 駕: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 㡔: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 䉘: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 棕 (zōng) hemp palm; palm tree 滛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 㟡: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 镢: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it 婨: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 胯: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 䧵: 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 牸: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 字 (zì) letter, character, word 飿: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 㭾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 䖂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 手 (shǒu) hand 欉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 叢 (cóng) bush, shrub; thicket; collection 钌: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action 嶒: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 贝: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 刣: 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 疢: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 㪨: 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 䒬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 樳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 鞶: 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 岼: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 豇: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 啍: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 瓌: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 褱 (huái) to carry in the bosom or the sleeve; to wrap, to conceal 㷒: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 䟖: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 浝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尨 (máng) shaggy haired dog; variegated 雠: 雔 (chóu) / 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 忦: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 轱: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 呷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 矶: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 几 (jǐ) small table 㳼: 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 䜀: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 掃: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 帚 (zhǒu) broom, broomstick 萂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 和 (hé) harmony, peace; peaceful, calm 㺑: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 弐: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 二 (èr) two; twice 箓: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 鰒: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 薗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 園 (yuán) garden; park, orchard 眠: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 傥: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 党 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 鶧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鴦 (yāng) female mandarin duck (Aix galericulata) 䰲: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 梵: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 褴: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 监 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 摂: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 諉: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 㽐: 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 籒: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 㩅 (ancient form of U+62BD 抽) to draw out; to pull out; to take out, to sprout; to put forth shoots, to rid; to take away; to whip; (Cant.) to shake down 旗: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 虖: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 兤: 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 緧: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 鹦: 婴 (yīng) baby, infant; bother / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 蟫: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 楴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 勹: ㇆ / ㇒ 了: ㇇ / ㇚ 讈: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 㜋: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 琍: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 暖: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 爰 (yuán) lead on to; therefore, then 䤟: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 几 (jǐ) small table 阡: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 约: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 愯: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 厸: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 邺: 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㰽: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 妟 (yàn) / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 礿: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 䙁: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 荃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact ⻆: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 毈: 卵 (luǎn) egg; ovum; roe; spawn / 段 (duàn) section, piece, division 幑: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 币 (bì) currency, coins, legal tender 魓: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 䃚: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 族 (zú) a family clan, ethnic group, tribe 跜: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 癡: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 壪: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 彎 (wān) bend, curve 䭳: 魏 (wèi) kingdom of Wei; surname / 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense 衵: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 烺: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 脆: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 娌: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 纏: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 廛 (chán) a store, shop; ground alloted to a retainer 㞕: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 䏌 (qì) to vibrate; vibration, (same as 佾) a row or file of dancers, esp. referring to those in ancient dances at sacrifices or other rites 䶙: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 戜: 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 鲣: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 坚 (jiān) hard, strong, firm; resolute 㬢: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 喩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 兪 (yú) surname; consent ⺯: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 耰: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 憂 (yōu) sad, grieved; grief, melancholy 夶: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 綹: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 咎 (jiù) fault, defect; error, mistake 㚿: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 䳃: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 夘 (mǎo) 4th of Earth Branches; period from 5-7 a.m. 慆: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 鯍: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 㩌: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 費 (fèi) expenses, expenditures, fee 哓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 轚: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 塠: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 糣: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 朁 (cǎn) if, supposing, nevertheless 㗩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 靪: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 䯭: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 恰: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 髷: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false 㥶: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 叽: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 几 (jǐ) small table 椁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 躄: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 䞊: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 焑: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 隔: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 䀛: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 澚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 㢠: 廴 (yǐn) go; KangXi radical 54 / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 鼥: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 栫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 存 (cún) exist, live, be; survive; remain 瞪: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 趮: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 䚴: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 瀻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 戴 (dài) wear on top; support 閾: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 佅: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 滄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 鹏: 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 坕: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 盔: 灰 (huī) ashes; dust; lime, mortar / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 賘: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 庒 (zhuang) 䗞: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 䖵 (kūn) insects 罥: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 铨: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 乯: 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 淮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 鵹: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇒ / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 噿: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 翠 (cuì) color green; kingfisher 痾: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 阿 (ā) prefix for people's names; used in transliteration 䔈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 貢 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 禋: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 蘊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 縕 (yūn) tangled hemp, raveled silk; vague, confused 洘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 考 (kǎo) examine, test; investigate 䊝: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 悉 (xī) know, learn about, comprehend 螟: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 用: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 檭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 銀 (yín) silver; cash, money, wealth 謬: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 帺: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 犽: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 錼: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 奈 (nài) but, how; bear, stand, endure 裁: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 晊: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 忏: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 郑: 关 (guān) frontier pass; close; relation / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䍜: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 柟: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 葞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 弭 (mǐ) stop, desist, end, quell 歬: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 䃱: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 韯 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 藳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 稾 (gǎo) draft, manuscript, rough copy 㹺: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 獼: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 彌 (mí) extensive, full; fill; complete 覀: 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 清: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 岎: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 醐: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 㔓: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 瘕: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 䬗: 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 谙: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 撞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 匧: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 鐩: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 䆰: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 芲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 仑 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 笷: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 槀: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䑉: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 嬴 (yíng) to win; to have a surplus; surname 饋: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 㳎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 弁 (biàn) conical cap worn during Zhou dynasty 燐: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 汙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 嫢: 規 (guī) rules, regulations, customs, law / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 瑩: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 䥫: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 截 (jié) cut off, stop, obstruct, intersect 詭: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 拲: 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 手 (shǒu) hand 养: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 鉽: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 式 (shì) style, system, formula, rule 䰄: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 悇: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 㦍: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 㖾 (è) (same as 咢) to beat a drum; to startle, to argue; to debate; to dispute, (interchangeable 愕) to be surprised; to be amazed; to marvel, (interchangeable 鍔) the blade or edge of a sword, beams of a house 鼎: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 吔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 芛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 尹 (yǐn) govern; oversee; director 审: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 簤: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 買 (mǎi) buy, purchase; bribe, persuade 㔪: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock 伮: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 奴 (nú) slave, servant 掱: 手 (shǒu) hand 㢷: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 岁 (suì) year; age; harvest 鸸: 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 圾: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 跅: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 斥 (chì) to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach 嫋: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 弱 (ruò) weak; fragile, delicate 罎: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 曇 (tán) become cloudy, overcast 闕: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 欮 (jué) to hiccough; to dig out to expand 㑔: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 乘: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 北 (běi) north; northern; northward 招: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 㯡: 桼 (qī) the varnish tree; lacquer, varnish, paint / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 饢: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 囊 (náng) bag, purse, sack; put in bag 器: 㗊 (jí) public opinion; clamour; noise, (ancient form of 雷); thunder, an organic compound (porphin); (porphyrins) / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 賯: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 㝁 (xuān) (same as 嬛) lonely; solitary, exquisite; fine, to worship with reverence 䗵: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 繸: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 铿: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 坚 (jiān) hard, strong, firm; resolute 㝾: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper 䦂: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 扇 (shàn) fan; door panel 有: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 颌: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㰏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 冒: 冃 (mào) / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic ⺘: 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇚ 脝: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 亨 (hēng) smoothly, progressing, no trouble 帣: 龹 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 禢: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㚨: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 䢬: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to 昳: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 鮶: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 㼹: 荒 (huāng) wasteland, desert; uncultivated / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 傼: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 聇: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 奍: 龹 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 磌: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine ㇒: 䯖: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 慝: 匿 (nì) hide; go into hiding / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 髠: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 几 (jǐ) small table 㹣: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 另: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 荱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern 塷: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock 篶: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 焉 (yān) thereupon, then; how? why? where? 䬀: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 澃: 須 (xū) must, have to, necessary; moment; whiskers / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 蠂: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 葉 (yè) leaf, petal; page of book; period 匐: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 瞓: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 訓 (xùn) teach, instruct; exegesis 递: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 覗: 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 笠: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 岥: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 醧: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 䀲: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 每 (měi) every, each 撵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 辇 (niǎn) hand-cart; transport by carriage 蔴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame 桂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 䇇: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 蛉: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 灒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 槗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 右 (yòu) right; west; right-wing / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 詖: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 㳥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 弄 (nòng) do, play or fiddle with; alley 嵤: 炏 (kài) / 冚 (kǎn) (Cant.) cover, lid 燧: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 鉦: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 诫: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 戒 (jiè) warn, caution, admonish 整: 敕 (chì) an imperial order or decree / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 廹: 廴 (yǐn) go; KangXi radical 54 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 鏻: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 䊆: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 螈: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 㬋: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 砍: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 檖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 䔟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 移 (yí) change place, shift; move about 騡: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 㶤: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 犦: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 㳟 洯: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 徸: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 鲺: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 虱 (shī) louse; bug; parasite 甿: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 䩁: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 毳 (cuì) fine hair or fur on animals 轃: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 柈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 半 (bàn) half 剑: 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 靓: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䳚: 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 臜: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 赞 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 穡: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated 哪: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 那 (nà) that, that one, those 䝳: 歺 (è) vicious, depraved, bad / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 葵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 㿸: 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 糺: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 蔆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 淩 (líng) pass over, cross, traverse 希: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 布 (bù) cotton cloth, textiles, linen 窏: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 汙 (wū) filthy, dirty, impure, polluted 䦙: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 昜: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 颣: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㼢: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 冩: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 舄 (xì) a shoe; the sole of a shoe; magpie 萰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 崶: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 封 (fēng) letter, envelope; feudal 禹: 䖝 (chóng) (corrupted form of 虫 蟲) insects; worms / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 䣃: 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 敆: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 㹌: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 僓: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 譚: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 屠: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 磣: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 鍪: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 俭: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 摰: 埶 (yì) art / 手 (shǒu) hand 黷: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 㵶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 截 (jié) cut off, stop, obstruct, intersect 埽: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 帚 (zhǒu) broom, broomstick 洁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 誄: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 䎊: 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 甑: 曾 (céng) already; sign of past / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 銔: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 㔻 (same as 丕) great; distinguished 䐛: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 耷 (dā) ears hanging down 殚: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 㲠: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 鬥: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 氫: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 玪: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 覮: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䊴: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 琻: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 醾: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 糜 (mí) rice gruel, congee; mashed 䭅: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 櫄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 熏 (xūn) smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure 驏: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 孱 (càn) weak, unfit, frail, feeble 单: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 狔: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 裘: 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 䇞: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 筥: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 部: 咅 (pǒu) to spit out / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䩯: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters / 叹 (tàn) sigh, admire / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 槮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 饹: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 剿: 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 燾: 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 䄈: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 綋: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 宏 (hóng) wide, spacious, great, vast 舊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 椘: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 之 (zhī) marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase; it, him her, them; go to 䚝: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 莟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 㐦: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 手 (shǒu) hand / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 焨: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 冐 (mào) risk, brave, dare 溭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 畟 (cè) plough 輬: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 京 (jīng) capital city 㖻: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 娺: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 皽: 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 霼: 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province / 氣 (qì) air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit 賁: 卉 (huì) general term for plants; myriads / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 扊: 户 (hù) door; family / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 寏: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 奐 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 铑: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 䝜: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 揟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 聞: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 潬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 䓱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 柴 (chái) firewood, faggots, fuel 至: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㩺: 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 睼: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 趀: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / ㇒ / ㇉ / ㇒ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 樅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 墎: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 郭 (guō) outer part (of a city); surname 閐: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 爕: 炏 (kài) / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 众: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 蠙: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 悞: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 吳 (wú) one of warring states; surname 圧: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 逩: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 奔 (bēn) run fast, flee; rush about; run 䖰: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 蚲: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 缷: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 淀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 䁉: 戶 (hù) door; family, household / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 鵋: 忌 (jì) jealous, envious; fear / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㣎: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 痐: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 桙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low 廢: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 鯤: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 㝧: 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 灩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 豔 (yàn) plump, voluptuous, beautiful 䵫: 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 蹭: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 曲: 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 啻: 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 陽: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 䠄: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 撇: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered 㶍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鮮 (xiān) fresh, new, delicious; rare, few 鬎: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 剌 (lá) slash, cut in two; contradict 倔: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 蚛: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 御: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 卸 (xiè) lay down; retire from office 砤: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 䬮: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 以 (yǐ) by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to 枱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 㲷: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 騸: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 扇 (shàn) fan; door panel 匾: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 觅: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 廋: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 筎: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as 釕: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action 䩘: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 曛: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 熏 (xūn) smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure 㿡: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 鵢: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 剨: 砉 (huò) / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 裯: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 䇵: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 沂 (yí) river in southeast Shandong 穸: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 郿: 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䶂: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 按: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 鲌: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 㠏: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 喒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 昝 (zǎn) a dual pronoun, I, you and me, we two 蔝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 眯 (mī) be blinded 娣: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 綢: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 䲬: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 戳: 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 龶: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 㬹: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 咼: 冎 (guǎ) / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 葇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 嵍: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 糌: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 昝 (zǎn) a dual pronoun, I, you and me, we two 㗒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 哀 (āi) sad, mournful, pitiful; pity 俖: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 否 (fǒu) not, no, negative; final particle 敝: 㡀 (bì) ragged clothing, ragged; old and wear out / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 黠: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 㩣: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 翬 (huī) pheasant; variegated; to fly 埦: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 蝱: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 䖵 (kūn) insects 屷: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 翶: 皐 (gāo) the high land along a river / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㓼: 桼 (qī) the varnish tree; lacquer, varnish, paint / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 ⺁: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇒ 伀: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 殃: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 谂: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 㚑: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 圐: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 玓: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 鐒: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 趗: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 缠: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 㢆 (chán) (same as 廛) living space for one family in ancient times, a store; a shop, a hundred mu (equal to 733.50 square yards) cultivated land 墥: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 閧: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 䐲: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 悵: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 脴: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 否 (fǒu) not, no, negative; final particle 求: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 氺 (shui) 䗇: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 苉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 匹 (pǐ) bolt of cloth; counter for horses 㝐: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 瑒: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 淗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 匊 (jū) handful 蹖: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 舂 (chōng) grind in mortar 㣥: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 侍 (shì) serve, attend upon; attendant, servant; samurai 奤: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 痧: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated 陦: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 迫: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 慴: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 嫹: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 韻: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 䚆: 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 莈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 没 (méi) not, have not, none; drown, sink 㼋: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 簍: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 準: 淮 (huái) river in Anhui province / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 䄟: 毳 (cuì) fine hair or fur on animals / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 鸡: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㦤: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 皦: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 椯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 宸: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 颺: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 㐽: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 焿: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 庚 (gēng) 7th heavenly stem 乁: ㇕ 譃: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 虚 (xū) false 揈: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 訇 (hōng) the sound of a crash 噑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 皐 (gāo) the high land along a river 鍓: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 䣚: 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 藜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 黎 (lí) surname; numerous, many; black 繡: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently 僪: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 䍳: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 聵: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 㯸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 磺: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 㞅: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 餆: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 䈌: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 沮 (jǔ) stop, prevent; defeated, dejected 暏: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 喙: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 稜: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 蒣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 徐 (xú) slowly, quietly, calmly; composed, dignified 䶩: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 㚯: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 頰: 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䄶: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 弗 (fú) not, negative 方: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇆ ⺿: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 哃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 祆: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial 菍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 䳓: 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㗙: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 靚: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䁠: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 擣: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 轪: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 叭: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 硰: 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 苷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 䯽: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 焁: 吹 (chuī) blow; puff; brag, boast / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 隄: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 㨇: 波 (bō) waves, breakers; undulations / 手 (shǒu) hand 徊: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 椑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 躔: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 廛 (chán) a store, shop; ground alloted to a retainer 堛: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 瞚: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 寅 (yín) to respect, reverence; respectfully; 3rd terrestrial branch 蜥: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 析 (xī) split wood; break apart; divide 瀫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 縠 (hú) crepe 澪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 零 (líng) zero; fragment, fraction 閮: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 廷 (tíng) court 㤱: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 庴: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 栻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 式 (shì) style, system, formula, rule 趾: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 坅: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 盄: 弔 (diào) condole, mourn, pity; hang / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 㿊: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 虏: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 何: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 滔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 铘: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 邪 (xié) wrong, evil, depraved, vicious, perverse, heterodox 㡛: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 州: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 来: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 賨: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 噯: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 愛 (ài) love, be fond of, like 痮: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 㻴: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 蕹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 雍 (yōng) harmony, union; harmonious 乿: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 淾: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 㲉: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 卵 (luǎn) egg; ovum; roe; spawn / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 崈: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 憋: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鸊: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 甘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 二 (èr) two; twice 媝: 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 龟: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 电 (diàn) electricity; electric; lightning 洨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 犭: ㇁ / ㇒ 錬: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 䘺: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 檽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 需 (xū) need, require, must 謼: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 虖 (hū) to cry; to shout; to howl 郁: 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㵈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 姑 (gū) father's sister; husband's mother 繊: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 䟏: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 裑: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 㫝: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 孜: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 翟: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 鱞: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 獬: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain 壱: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 鷳: 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 歼: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 醀: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㔃: 絶 (jué) cut / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 瘅: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 䒎: 莽 (mǎng) thicket, underbrush; poisonous / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 覐: 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination 渕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 关 (guān) frontier pass; close; relation / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 北: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 鐙: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 㮜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 匨 (zāng) 粞: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 䬧: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 谩: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 妰: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 骲: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 㸵: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 挷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 邦 (bāng) nation, country, state 燀: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 屉: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 腋: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 夜 (yè) night, dark; in night; by night 槐: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 瑙: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull 䋢: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 蟤: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 汩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 曰 (yuē) say; KangXi radical 73 八: ㇒ 鉭: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 㧰: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 乐 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 竲: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 䥻: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 无 (wú) negative, no, not; KangXi radical 71 詽: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 幵 (jiān) even level. to raise in both hands 各: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 碇: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 蜎: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 䰔: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 盤 (pán) tray, plate, dish; examine 骛: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 㔚: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䎡: 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 搤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 圮: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 箱: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 相 (xiāng) mutual, reciprocal, each other 蘸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 醮 (jiào) religious service; Daoist or Buddhist ceremony 伾: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 闅: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 㑄: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 䋋: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 李: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 跕: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 噘: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it 竛: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 腢: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 乨: 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 铯: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 㝮: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 祟 (suì) evil spirit; evil influence / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 巵: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 晸: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 政 (zhèng) government, political affairs 賿: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 冂: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 缉: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 肌: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 几 (jǐ) small table 䦒: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 㚘: 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 餝: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 芳 (fāng) fragrant; virtuous; beautiful 䘣: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 憢: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage ⺨: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 催: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 縳: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 莶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 䢼: 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 ㇂: 顇: 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䅍: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 廷 (tíng) court 惌: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 怨 (yuàn) hatred, enmity, resentment 取: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 祝: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 苠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 䯦: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 魱: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 互 (hù) mutually, reciprocally 䁷: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 揶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 耶 (yé) used in transliteration 匀: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 瞃: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 适: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 䬐: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 澓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 復 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 蠒: 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 醗: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 発 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 㸞: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 挠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 䒥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 覧: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㾳: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 姿 (zī) one's manner, carriage, bearing 堲: 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 粵: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 鴴: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 灂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 爵 (jué) feudal title or rank 姇: 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 黉: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 桒: 卉 (huì) general term for plants; myriads / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 燗: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 鉖: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 䕤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鄲 (dān) county in Hebei province 槧: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 試: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 式 (shì) style, system, formula, rule 鏫: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 梨 (lí) pear; opera; cut, slash 㡲: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 絴: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 䛹: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 读: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 卖 (mài) sell; betray; show off 媆: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 龈: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 怍: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 犖: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 崟: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 舡: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 檦: 標 (biāo) a mark, symbol, label, sign; standard / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 甯: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 䞸: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 蒺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 疾 (jí) illness, disease, sickness; to hate 洿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 剁: 朵 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 靃: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 雔 (chóu) 㫆: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 尒 (ěr) you, your 翈: 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 䩑: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 轓: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 哚: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 朵 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 駜: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 㵟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 微 (wēi) small, prefix micro-, trifling 扡: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 䳪: 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 彳: ㇒ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 鱵: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 箴 (zhēn) needle, probe; admon 擺: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 罷 (bà) cease, finish, stop; give up 鴆: 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䘌: 匿 (nì) hide; go into hiding / 䖵 (kūn) insects 抏: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 写: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 縜: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 肣: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 䦩: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 鰰: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 神 (shén) spirit, god, supernatural being 䔶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 提 (tí) hold in hand; lift in hand 憹: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 僃: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 絆: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 半 (bàn) half 蟍: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 梨 (lí) pear; opera; cut, slash 䣓: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 ㇙: 鍚: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 䑠: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action 惣: 物 (wù) thing, substance, creature / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 譪: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 葛 (gé) edible bean; surname 埭: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 籰: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 矍 (jué) look about in fright or alarm 蛷: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 俽: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 欣 (xīn) happy, joyous, delighted 甁: 幷 (bìng) combine / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 銄: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 㸇: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 賛 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 宊: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 洑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 伏 (fú) crouch, crawl, lie hidden, conceal 誔: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 廷 (tíng) court 尛: 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 玚: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / ㇎ / ㇒ 茥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 琫: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 奉 (fèng) offer; receive; serve; respect 殪: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 壹 (yī) number one 醮: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 㴱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 媴: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 袁 (yuán) robe; surname 氻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 覾: 審 (shěn) examine, investigate; judge / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 卅: 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 狄: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 㯊: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 焉 (yān) thereupon, then; how? why? where? 艏: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 首 (shǒu) head; first; leader, chief; a poem 䭕: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 櫔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 厲 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 郘: 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㱛: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked 姞: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 捥: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 裨: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 副: 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 燮: 炏 (kài) / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 㫴: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 腹: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 䩿: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 槾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 㢉: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 秅 (chá) 夈: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 斋: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 騊: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 匋 (táo) pottery 㐖: 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 焘: 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 庝: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 鮟: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 椨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 府 (fǔ) prefecture; prefect; government 㖫: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 皭: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 爵 (jué) feudal title or rank 霬: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 䈺: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 終 (zhōng) end; finally, in the end 溽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse 輼: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 铁: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 㥈: 帖 (tiē) invitation card; notice / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 穊: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then 䏏: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 賑: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 㻝: 㻋 (là) (abbreviated form) (interchangeable 瓬) a kind of jade; a kind of red colored precious stone / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 彜: 彑 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 篟: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 倩 (qiàn) beautiful, lovely; son-in-law 類: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 睬: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 峱: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 駳: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 潼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 門: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 爅: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 墨 (mò) ink; writing 䂎: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 趐: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 樕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 欶 (shuò) to suck in 圗: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 囬 (huí) to return to or from 這: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 㾜: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 碞: 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 伧: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 蠩: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 諸 (zhū) several, various 嶰: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain 麲: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㨵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 剪 (jiǎn) scissors; cut, divide, separate 朷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 痀: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 句 (jù) sentence 塉: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 脊 (jí) spine, backbone; ridge 蕋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 歮 (sè) 淐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 㝗: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 灙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 黨 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 䛢: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 禿 (tū) bald, bare, stripped 菤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 桩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 庄 (zhuāng) village, hamlet; villa, manor 啫: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 陭: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 㷰: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 绲: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 䵻: 鼎 (dǐng) large, three-legged bronze caldron / 彗 (huì) broomstick; comet 蹽: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 倄: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 肴 (yáo) cooked or prepared meat 粇: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 茎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 䠔: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 麛: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 弭 (mǐ) stop, desist, end, quell 䞡: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 怤: 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 匮: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 羱: ⺶ / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 舸: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 䬾: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 釅: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 䛋: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem 捎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 觕: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 剘: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 绛: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 蕢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 䩨: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 郯: 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 姵: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 几 (jǐ) small table / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 扸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 裿: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 喂: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 笉: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 匀 (yún) equal 蒌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 䶒: 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 鴝: 句 (jù) sentence / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䈣: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 政 (zhèng) government, political affairs 斢: 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 咬: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 稳: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 急 (jí) quick, quickly; urgent, pressing 螶: 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief / 䖵 (kūn) insects 䲼: 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㗂: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 省 (shěng) province; save, economize 鱇: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy 䕍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 擌: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 筴 (cè) type of grass used in divination; to divine; pincers 埖: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 花 (huā) flower; blossoms 絝: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 蛠: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor 俦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 㓬: 券 (quàn) certificate, ticket; title deeds / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 齱: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 䑷: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 肩 (jiān) shoulders; to shoulder; bear 柶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 四 (sì) four 㚁: 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 圀: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 玃: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 矍 (jué) look about in fright or alarm 鐂: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 畱 (liú) to detain; to entertain to keep; to put by ⺑: 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 几 (jǐ) small table 伐: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 殓: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 谒: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 閗: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 㨞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally 朠: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 䂥: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 趧: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 㮳: 枂 (wò) / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial 尲: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 碵: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 餴: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 奔 (bēn) run fast, flee; rush about; run 㝀: 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 瑂: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 巇: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 戲 (xì) theatrical play, show 髉: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition 汒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 痗: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 每 (měi) every, each 陖: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 䅤: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 淧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宓 (mì) quiet, silent; in good health 蹦: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 崩 (bēng) rupture, split apart, collapse 韫: 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 㱲: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 祴: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 䋹: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 迻: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 庆: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 鮈: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 句 (jù) sentence 損: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 皖: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 够: 句 (jù) sentence / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 蘡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 溦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 几 (jǐ) small table 㐭: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 焯: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 䎸: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 肺: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 巿 (fú) revolve, make circuit, turn 椿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 噁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 惡 (è) evil, wicked, bad, foul 鍃: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 忽 (hū) suddenly, abruptly; neglect 㻆: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 䏍 (yuàn) (same as 肙 蜎) a small worm; larvae of mosquitoes, empty, to twist; to surround 篈: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 封 (fēng) letter, envelope; feudal 乑: 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 譓: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 僚: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 鷜: 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㥟: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 晡: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 䣪: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 孳: 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 页: 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 惺: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 㾅: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇉ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 鄆: 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䨌: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 溏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 嶙: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 爜: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 叢 (cóng) bush, shrub; thicket; collection 貣: 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䖩: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 㺯: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 逰: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 䤶: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 涹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 峃: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 煆: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 叚 (jiǎ) false 词: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 䓓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 㷙: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 齚: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 䡠: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 泣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 蝪: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 寭: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 灰: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 諷: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 䏽: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 礁: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 麄: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 垊: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 愑: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 勈 (yǒng) 蚔: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 倛: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 羚: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 輥: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 砫: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 枪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 鶮: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 嚴: 吅 (xuān) / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 总: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 薾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 彅: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 剪 (jiǎn) scissors; cut, divide, separate 组: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 㟊: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 蹏: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 䝕: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 曔: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 敬 (jìng) respect, honor; respectfully 鳘: 敏 (mǐn) fast, quick, clever, smart / 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 嗞: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year 潥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 粟 (sù) unhusked millet; grain 蓨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 脩 (xiū) dried meat (used as teachers payment in ancient times) 幯: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 節 (jié) knot, node, joint; section 緮: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 㛴: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 龱 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 赹: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 匀 (yún) equal 䙿: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 旾: 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㒉: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 棠 (táng) crab apple tree; wild plums 唈: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 榋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 阊: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 㠖: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 紘: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 劝: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 鞟: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 攨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 㦫: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 窭: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 鬬: 鬥 (dòu) struggle, fight, compete, contend / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ㇉ / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 为: 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / ⺀ 抽: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 茼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 飁: 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 㕈: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 癊: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 陰 (yīn) 'female' principle; dark; secret 俏: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 胑: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 卜: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 矟: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 鑞: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 巤 (liè) a mane; bristles, as on a hog; dorsal fins 筬: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 僱: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 雇 (gù) employ, to hire 闳: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 捼: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 馀: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 㴃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 戶 (hù) door; family, household / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 縅: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 威 (wēi) pomp, power; powerful; dominate 䲎: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 膐: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 昕: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 嬗: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 鰙: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 璞: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 菐 (pú) a thicket 䌧: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / ㇆ / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 吋 (cùn) English inch (unlike U+5BF8 寸, which can be either the English or the Chinese inch) 萩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 冰: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 銲: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 㘵: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 布 (bù) cotton cloth, textiles, linen 欷: 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 秀: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 呉: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ㇉ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 襋: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 棘 (jí) jujube tree; thorns, brambles 懐: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 㭗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 籙: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 録 (lù) copy 䫢: 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 迤: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 摩: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 手 (shǒu) hand 奫: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 淵 (yuān) gulf, abyss, deep 驭: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 狲: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 孙 (sūn) grandchild, descendent; surname 䅻: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 艽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 九 (jiǔ) nine 射: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 炇: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 輎: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 䐔: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 銛: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 㴚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 䮡: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 氤: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 弮: 龹 / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 玱: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 踸: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 䜾: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 鷅: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 樢 (niǎo) 㱄: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䫋: 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 潎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered 藕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 耦 (ǒu) plow side by side; team of two 幘: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 狛: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 襢: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 䙨: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 鳯: 几 (jǐ) small table / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㽮: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 嗵: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 通 (tōng) pass through, common, communicate 湸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亮 (liàng) bright, brilliant, radiant, light 蓿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 宿 (sù) stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation 如: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 眉: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 袌: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 䆒: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 㺘: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 鄝: 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 丣: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 榢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 家 (jiā) house, home, residence; family 墬: 䧘 (zhuàn) a low wall on the road side, a wall, the space enclosed by a constellation / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 瘳: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 讶: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 䂼: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 㧂: 户 (hù) door; family / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 遇: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 䥍: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 棌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 寖: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 浸 (jìn) soak, immerse, dip, percolate 煝: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 諠: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 䏦: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 㣬: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 鍱: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 䡷: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 毶: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 㪁: 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 嬀: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 羃: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 幕 (mù) curtain, screen, tent 頂: 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䌐: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 枓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 耒: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 馗: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 首 (shǒu) head; first; leader, chief; a poem 㘞: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 欠: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 䲥: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 膧: ⺼ / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 㞳: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 倲: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 璵: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 锴: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 㭀: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 筮 (shì) divination with stalks of plants; divining rod 硂: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 凇: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 松 (sōng) pine tree; fir tree 雉: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 恒: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 秗: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 驖: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 㕵 (guó) 䵤: 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 懧: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 艦: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 鯫: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 畴: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 仹: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 菻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 劆: 廉 (lián) upright, honorable, honest / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 鞈: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 栍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 窖: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 唟: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 七 (qī) seven 訡: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 抦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 㠭: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 累: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 侸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 貺: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 政: 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 婁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 齃: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 矈: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 䉑: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 蝓: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 峚: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 圶 (qià) 釜: 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 㕟: 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 橡: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 象 (xiàng) elephant; ivory; figure, image 䓪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 易 (yì) change; easy 坳: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 鑵: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 泺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 乐 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 㮅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 锆: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 丌: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 檏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 業 (yè) profession, business, trade 妙: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 瘜: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 息 (xī) rest, put stop to, end, cease 袣: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 䆩: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 㪯: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 鐰: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 䴶: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 夆 (féng) resist 榹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 壃: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 畆: 亩 (mǔ) Chinese land measure; fields / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 迍: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 䃓: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 㧙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 魚: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 䱠: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 棣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 荪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 孙 (sūn) grandchild, descendent; surname 忭: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 卞 (biàn) to be impatient, in a hurry; excitable 瑰: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 軷: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 犮 (bá) to pull up 䟽: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 紁: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 骄: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 乔 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 㘇: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 榮 (róng) glory, honor; flourish, prosper 厊: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 攑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 舉 (jǔ) raise, lift up; recommend 芔: 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 君: 尹 (yǐn) govern; oversee; director / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 箚: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 㓣 (qià) to sink into; to pierce, (ancient form of 割) to cut; to hack; to reap 謥: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 簫: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently 措: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 馮: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 㔱: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 臾 (yú) moment, instant, short while 労: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 搻: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 手 (shǒu) hand 膾: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 孅: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 韱 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 竄: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 詏: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 䍕: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 拔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 飘: 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket / 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 㑛: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 凞: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 熈 (xī) bright, splendid, glorious 步: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 胨: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 东 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 婯: 丽 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 秮: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 襹: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 䉿: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 懾: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 儈: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 涋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宊 (tū) 鈊: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㰖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 礘: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation 嚝: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 鎟: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 桑 (sāng) mulberry tree; surname 愨: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㶫: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 纭: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 鼬: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 䨺: 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province 暽: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 蜼: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 鳁: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 牊: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 䯏: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 蓑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 衰 (shuāi) decline, falter, decrease; weaken 㛝: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 坜: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 历 (lì) history; calendar 珟: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 夙 (sù) early in morning, dawn; previous 遞: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 罬: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 哱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 孛 (bèi) comet 釳: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 杼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 鶀: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 㤃: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 稅: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 兌 (duì) cash; exchange, barter; weight 䢎: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 薐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 稜 (léng) corner, edge, angle; square block 戕: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 弗: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 頙: 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㞜: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / ㇒ / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 炞: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 卞 (biàn) to be impatient, in a hurry; excitable 䜧: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 耩: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 喰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 隲: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 漷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 郭 (guō) outer part (of a city); surname 緀: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 妻 (qī) wife 偉: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 赋: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 武 (wǔ) military; martial, warlike 旐: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 㽗: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 硙: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 岂 (qǐ) how? what? 仢: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 诤: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 恩: 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 嵫: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year 鹭: 路 (lù) road, path, street; journey / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㗰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 盲: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 䕻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 虽: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 堄: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 璇: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 旋 (xuán) revolve, move in orbit; return 謎: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 迷 (mí) bewitch, charm, infatuate 䀔: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 際: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 祭 (jì) sacrifice to, worship 㤚: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 価: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 栤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 冰 (bīng) ice; ice-cold 嬮: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 瞱: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 訸: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 䌾: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 駅: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 㡄: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 介: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 歎: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 臕: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 麃 (páo) till, plow 婘: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 盛: 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 赢: 吂 (máng) / 䏎 (féng) milk; breasts, the young of animals, birds / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䉨: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 六 (liù) number six / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 飯: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 㭮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked 凵: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 橸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 晶 (jīng) crystal; clear, bright; radiant 胿: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 嶂: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 猉: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 貌: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 皃 (mào) countenance, appearance 䖒: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 㪘: 㑒 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 锝: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 㝵 (dé) (ancient form of U+5F97 得) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 礙) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint 䨣: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 涢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 员 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 岬: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 爳: 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action 辶: 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / ㇆ / ㇝ 䒼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false 㷂: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 鑇: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 䵍: 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 泌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 忖: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 畝: 亩 (mǔ) Chinese land measure; fields / 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late 軠: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 䟦: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 叐 (bá) to prick a dog to make him go 㳬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot 靱: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 刄 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 䱷: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 濶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 䦚 (kuà) wide open of the door, (non-classical form of 闊) broad; wide; width 㺁: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 龱 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 开: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 箃: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 鰂: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䜐: 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 掓: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 叔 (shū) father's younger brother 萒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 兖 (yǎn) establish; one of nine empire divisions 鶗: 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 漠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 䢥: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 薧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 死 (sǐ) die; dead; death 吲: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 炵: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 鄴: 業 (yè) profession, business, trade / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㽀: 奠 (diàn) pay respect; settle / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 籂: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 飾 (shì) decorate, ornament, adorn; to deceive 嗇: 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 鋉: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 摒: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 屏 (píng) folding screen, shield 緗: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 相 (xiāng) mutual, reciprocal, each other 鹖: 曷 (hé) why? what? where? / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䥤: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 雹 (báo) hail 旧: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 虦: 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 㑲: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 煴: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 䫹: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 蟻: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 嚆: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 蒿 (hāo) mugwort, artemisia; give off 鎈: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 氍: 瞿 (qú) surname / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 纖: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 韱 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 償: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 龸 / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 踡: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 暦: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㰭: 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 礯: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 縈 (yíng) entangle, entwine, coil 䮸: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 袺: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 愿: 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 幁: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 魃: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 犮 (bá) to pull up 㛆: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 朶 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 珈: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 䙑: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 衰 (shuāi) decline, falter, decrease; weaken 荓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 壚: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 關: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 丱 (guàn) child's hairstyle bound in two tufts; ore 湡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 䃪: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 即: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 遵: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 棺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 官 (guān) official, public servant 趉: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 爌: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 嚏: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 疐 (zhì) fall, stumble, falter; hindered 㬒: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 莽 (mǎng) thicket, underbrush; poisonous 脖: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 孛 (bèi) comet 料: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 䨜: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance ⺟: 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 餦: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 綩: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 貳: 弍 (èr) number two / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 然: 肰 (rán) / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 喹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 奎 (kuí) stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions 㨼: 略 (lüè) approximately, roughly; outline / 手 (shǒu) hand 聀: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 擃: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 䥆: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 顐: 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 糓: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 话: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 灠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 覽 (lǎn) look at, inspect; perceive 哣: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 㥦: 匧 (qiè) a trunk; a portfolio / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 揭: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 䡰: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 靺: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 篽: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 御 (yù) drive, ride; chariot; manage 䄁: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 逋: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 澊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 夑: 炏 (kài) / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 㢐: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 栛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor 䞚: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 隤: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 䀫: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 循: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 輵: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 溴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 臭 (chòu) smell, stink, emit foul odor 堻: 津 (jīn) ferry; saliva; ford / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㞺: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 杅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 䛄: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 夘 (mǎo) 4th of Earth Branches; period from 5-7 a.m. 闎: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 罕: ⺳ / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 廔: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 蹟: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 淞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 松 (sōng) pine tree; fir tree 坥: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 㛤: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 丽 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 景: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 京 (jīng) capital city 䗮: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing 铸: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 繿: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 巾: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 洈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 冋: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 銍: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 䔘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 蘚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鮮 (xiān) fresh, new, delicious; rare, few 檝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 戢 (jí) to put away; to cease; store up 崨: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 疌 (jié) 鸪: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䊭: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / ㇆ / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 吋 (cùn) English inch (unlike U+5BF8 寸, which can be either the English or the Chinese inch) 螯: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㔸: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 瘺: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 屚 (lòu) 媽: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 乊: ㇒ / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 鍌: 洗 (xǐ) wash, rinse; clean, purify / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 矏: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 臱 (mián) 歜: 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 俟: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 郡: 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㹪: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 册 (cè) book, volume, register, list 䍬: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 葮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 段 (duàn) section, piece, division 棱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 孼: 辥 (xuē) variety of marsh grass / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 㿿: 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 鱾: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 䘅: 能 (néng) to be able; can, permitted to; ability / 䖵 (kūn) insects 謇: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 璎: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 婴 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 帕: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 挗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 䲞: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 醠: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 盎 (àng) cup; pot; bowl; abundant 㘥: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 䍃 (yóu) a vase, a pitcher, earthenware / 系 (xì) system; line, link, connection 笧: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 册 (cè) book, volume, register, list 榰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 耆 (qí) man of sixty; aged, old 匷: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 瞿 (qú) surname 鐹: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 過 (guò) pass, pass through, go across 㲾: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 䇀: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 苂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 汉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 姐: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 髒: 冎 (guǎ) / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 死 (sǐ) die; dead; death / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 䑙: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 冄 (rǎn) tender; weak; gradually alternating 襛: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer ㇠: 狢: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 屩: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 呑 (tūn) swallow; absorb / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 慫: 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䫲: 感 (gǎn) feel, perceive, emotion / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 迴: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 㑹: 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 祻: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 莁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 巫 (wū) wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman 搄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 恒 (héng) constant, regular, persistent 䢇: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 鮑: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 簔: 簑 (suō) a coat raincoat 輞: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 罔 (wǎng) net; deceive; libel; negative 玡: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 吤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 㢧: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 芫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 朮: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 䮱: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 骻: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 缾: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 蹈: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 狋: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 坎: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 㯑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 張 (zhāng) stretch, extend, expand; sheet 晘: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 䫛: 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 闥: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 達 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent 繨: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 達 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent 襲: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 淵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 噸: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 頓 (dùn) pause, stop; bow, kowtow; arrange 㫻: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 蘃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 歮 (sè) / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 憂: 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 伉: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name ⺈: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 鸓: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 禒: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 袜: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 瘣: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 冢: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 豖 (chù) a shackled pig 㼩: 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 脭: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 悬: 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 丳: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 餽: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 碼: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 识: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 煍: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 僌: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 㹓: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 聗: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 揖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 䥝: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 麀 (yōu) female deer; roe, doe 顧: 雇 (gù) employ, to hire / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 篦: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 諰: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 灷: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 叶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 㥽: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 挀: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 䞃: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 致 (zhì) send, deliver, present; cause 蒅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 染 (rǎn) dye; be contagious; infect 㘎: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 阚 (hǎn) glance, peep; roar, growl 笐: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 従: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 龰 鲕: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 匠: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 㞣: 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 逢: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 夆 (féng) resist 璥: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 敬 (jìng) respect, honor; respectfully 栲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 考 (kǎo) examine, test; investigate 䲵: 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 醷: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 䁂: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 蕄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 悶 (mèn) gloomy, depressed, melancholy 槇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 眞 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 塒: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 時 (shí) time, season; era, age, period 㳕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 兰 (lán) orchid; elegant, graceful 鵔: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 䇗: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 蛙: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 畤: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 姧: 奻 (nuán) / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 黩: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 卖 (mài) sell; betray; show off 䵴: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 鉶: 鈃 (xíng) ancient wine vessel / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 盹: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 檆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 煔 (shǎn) 倍: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 锏: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 间 (jiān) midpoint, space; place, locality 㶔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 奰 (bì) anger 䊖: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 螘: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 洟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 媦: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 龨: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 䔯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 酤 (gū) to deal in spirits 許: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch 瞸: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 葉 (yè) leaf, petal; page of book; period 崿: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 扁: 户 (hù) door; family / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 俈: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 賊: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 㕏: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 㪷 (dǒu) 穑: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 啬 (sè) miserly, thrifty; stingy 據: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 豦 (jù) a wild boar; to fight 剡: 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 靣: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 㿨: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 糪: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 臬: 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 潳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 屠 (tú) butcher, slaughter, massacre 哺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 駼: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 覉: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 䩭 (same as 羈) halter; to restrain 瘌: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 剌 (lá) slash, cut in two; contradict 劏: 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㼒: 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 蔖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 虘 (cuó) 憙: 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 东: 七 (qī) seven / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 鴦: 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 禩: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 袳: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 甶: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / ㇒ 冹: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 㸼: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 夆 (féng) resist 葀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 括 (kuò) include, embrace, enclose 惃: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 䵆: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 鱐: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently 磓: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 违: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 瑠: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 僣: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 替 (tì) change, replace, substitute for 㵦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 遀 (suí) 柭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 犮 (bá) to pull up 䱰: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 鍺: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 翽: 歲 (suì) year; age; harvest / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 䔁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 鐋: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 湯 (tāng) hot water; soup, gravy, broth 殊: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 崑: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 㲐: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 氛: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 䎚: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 慧 (huì) bright, intelligent; intelligence 㔡: 龱 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 銤: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 䐫: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 宪: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 謵: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 檴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 尻: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 九 (jiǔ) nine 捅: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 䋄: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 冈 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 㑋: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false 野: 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 筕: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 嫔: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 宾 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 詟: 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 槞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 竜 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 卥: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / ㇒ / ㇏ 扯: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 䇮: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow 郸: 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 穿: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 姾: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 椈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 匊 (jū) handful 喋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 隍: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 䄘: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 舚: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 溝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 夨: ㇉ / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 騪: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 䚭: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吅 (xuān) / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 莯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 沐 (mù) bathe, cleanse, wash, shampoo 爺: 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 / 耶 (yé) used in transliteration 庽: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 鮿: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 耴 (yì) 䩊: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 㛍: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 靌: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 寳 (bǎo) treasure, jewel; precious, rare 珏: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 潜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 替 (tì) change, replace, substitute for 䯟: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 铡: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 则 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 㩪: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 䋶 (xǔ) to stumble; to trip the front feet of a beast, a kind of brocade from Shu 䝬: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 聮: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 泱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 彼: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 㯿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 龱 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 顾: 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䈅: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 輇: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 㞌: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 炎: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 娕: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 朗: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䢞: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 閠: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 缧: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 涰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 圷: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 逹: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 㢾: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 垔 (yīn) to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound 䗀: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 蛂: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 桉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 巐: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 髜 (qiǎo) 黒: 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 䁙: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 晏 (yàn) peaceful, quiet; clear; late in the day 赛: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㗠: 始 (shǐ) begin, start; then, only then / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 盢: 畎 (quǎn) a drain between fields, irrigation; to flow / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 塩: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 敫: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 仲: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 说: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 絻: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 螁: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 退 (tuì) step back, retreat, withdraw 怄: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 䲇: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 速 (sù) quick, prompt, speedy 龑: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial 研: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 謞: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 瞡: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 規 (guī) rules, regulations, customs, law 値: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / ㇗ 㲧: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 蚫: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 挮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 侱: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 麻: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 笾: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 边 (biān) edge, margin, side, border 詈: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 盋: 犮 (bá) to pull up / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 华: 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 㿑: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 托: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 仛: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 釥: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 穨: 秃 (tū) bald / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 赲: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 槵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 患 (huàn) suffer, worry about; suffering 剸: 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㻻: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 舃: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 斂: 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䬉: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare 験: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 㑒 綒: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 貜: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 矍 (jué) look about in fright or alarm 爣: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 黨 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 喢: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 㬩: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 慧 (huì) bright, intelligent; intelligence 蔭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 陰 (yīn) 'female' principle; dark; secret 撬: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 毳 (cuì) fine hair or fur on animals 䨳: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 覞 (yào) 鴽: 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 粼: 粦 (lín) phosphorus / 巜 (kuài) 迆: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 畍: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 哌: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 㩓: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 手 (shǒu) hand 著: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 柖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 䵝: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 鱧: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 翦: 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 軰: 北 (běi) north; northern; northward / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 瑷: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 爱 (ài) love, be fond of, like 埶: 坴 (lù) a clod of earth; land / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 㵽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 最: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 䎃: 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 肅: ⺺ / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 缐: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 宓: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 颕: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 圠: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 鐢: 棥 (fán) a railing; a fence an enclosed place / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 炥: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 弗 (fú) not, negative 氲: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 䢵: 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 閷: 杀 (shā) kill, slaughter, murder; hurt / 閃 (shǎn) flash; avoid, dodge, evade 䑂: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 腄: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 淇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 屒: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 㣕: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 饔: 雍 (yōng) harmony, union; harmonious / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 䗗: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 苙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 㑢: 佉 (qū) surname; name of a divine being; transliteration of Sanskrit 'kh' / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 煤: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 某 (mǒu) certain thing or person 巧: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 髩: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 丏 (miǎn) parapet; invisible 䥴: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 嶲 (xī) a name of an old town in Sichuan; cuckoo; revolution of a wheel 㗷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 赛 (sài) compete, contend; contest, race 陶: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 匋 (táo) pottery 狹: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 溆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 叙 (xù) express, state, relate, narrate 名: 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 鄏: 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㦔: 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䚖: 靈 (líng) spirit, soul; spiritual world / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 莘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 椟: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 卖 (mài) sell; betray; show off 度: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 鮨: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 䄯: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 踱: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 度 (dù) degree, system; manner; to consider 㚶: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for 玸: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 夿: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 晁: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 䯈: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 裊: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇉ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 繑: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 惚: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 忽 (hū) suddenly, abruptly; neglect 噡: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 鍣: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 苕 (sháo) rush plant 㯨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 粟 (sù) unhusked millet; grain 磪: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 藬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隤 (tuí) to fall in ruins; to collapse 歳: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 僺: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 鷼: 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 薉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 歲 (suì) year; age; harvest 稌: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 序: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 褖: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 涙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 戻 (tì) perverse 䈜: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 侵 (qīn) invade, encroach upon, raid 鄦: 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 疩: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 卆 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 蒳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 納 (nà) admit, take, receive, accept 礶: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 嶹: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 血: 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 泃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 句 (jù) sentence 䅆: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 次 (cì) order, sequence; next 遐: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 瓓: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 菝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 拔 (bá) uproot, pull out 硠: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 峣: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 毭: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䁰: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 項 (xiàng) neck, nape of neck; sum; funds 齺: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 珽: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 廷 (tíng) court 䤁: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 頋: 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 枊: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 卬 (áng) lofty; high; raise; high-priced 儑: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation 怛: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 侚: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 㤡: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify 麤: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 䠫: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 垪: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 蜵: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 暴: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 倻: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 耶 (yé) used in transliteration 㾺: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 潅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 仄: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 㡋: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 鷎: 皋 (gāo) the high land along a river / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 睕: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 囔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 囊 (náng) bag, purse, sack; put in bag 號: 号 (hào) mark, sign; symbol; number / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 旞: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 彥: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 㻤: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 句 (jù) sentence 湯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 鳸: 户 (hù) door; family / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 癿: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 嗾: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 族 (zú) a family clan, ethnic group, tribe 攈: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 麇 (jūn) general name for the hornless deer; to collect to band together 妋: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 骍: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 䴘: 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 踚: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 抝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 幻 (huàn) illusion, fantasy, mirage 唨: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 阻 (zǔ) impede, hinder, obstruct; oppose 阪: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 䪭: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 辯: 辡 (biàn) recrimination; wrangling / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 㴸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 閃 (shǎn) flash; avoid, dodge, evade 縺: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 劽: 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 鞿: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 䙊: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 带 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 㫍: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 魌: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 翏: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 捜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 䟟: 斥 (chì) to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 飡: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 㙪: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 壹 (yī) number one 䭬: 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from 豮: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 贲 (bēn) forge ahead; energetic; surname 惱: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull 卼: 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 㟿: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 莽 (mǎng) thicket, underbrush; poisonous 鑾: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 丅: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 茇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 㮌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 粎: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 嘕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 焉 (yān) thereupon, then; how? why? where? 欗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 蘭 (lán) orchid; elegant, graceful 䒞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 馠: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 㸥: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 㲋 (chuò) a kind of animals (like rabbit, it is blue colored and much bigger) / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 猧: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 憰: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 嬷: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 麽 (mó) interrogative final particle; insignificant, small, tiny 鰹: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 堅 (jiān) hard, strong, firm; resolute 㒾: 冃 (mào) / 施 (shī) grant, bestow; give; act; name 䧀: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 諂: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 摉: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 凐: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 垔 (yīn) to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound 鋒: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 夆 (féng) resist 䱙: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 叔 (shū) father's younger brother 腛: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter 㧠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 厼 (ěr) kwukyel 竢: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 呩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 楫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 䋲: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 黾 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 蟴: 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㱹: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 煻: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 讁: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 適 (shì) match, comfortable; just 氄: 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䂇: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 鎑: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 琔: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 蜞: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 管: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 尤: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 誫: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 漮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy 䎱: ㇒ / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 罷 (bà) cease, finish, stop; give up 銻: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 眾: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 虈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 嚻 (xiāo) be noisy; treat with contempt 立: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds 彎: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 湘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 相 (xiāng) mutual, reciprocal, each other 䋛: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 鷥: 絲 (sī) silk; fine thread; wire; strings / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 癨: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 腲: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 旵: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 幸: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 踃: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 概: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then 䜉: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 桼 (qī) the varnish tree; lacquer, varnish, paint 阓: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 熒: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 肜: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 縣: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 系 (xì) system; line, link, connection 妢: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 㜩: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 褭: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 梬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 甹 (pīng) 䘳: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 鄽: 廛 (chán) a store, shop; ground alloted to a retainer / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 炼: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 七 (qī) seven / ㇆ / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 菆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 祍: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 壌: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 六 (liù) number six / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 㙓: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 街: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 毖: 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 䅝: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 遧: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 珦: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 苰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 弘 (hóng) enlarge, expand; liberal, great 硷: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 寶: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 珤 (bǎo) treasure, jewel; precious, rare / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 欀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 侃: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 貅: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 㸎: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 猐: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / ⺶ / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 垓: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 钕: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 嬠: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 㾣: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 頢: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 粥: 弜 (jiàng) / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 怲: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 䒵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 好 (hǎo) good, excellent, fine; well 馷: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 巿 (fú) revolve, make circuit, turn 䡂: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 资: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 懇: 貇 (kūn) to root, gnaw / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 偒: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 㓕: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 灭 (miè) extinguish; wipe out, exterminate 镔: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 宾 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 䧗: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 軙: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 㡢: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 冃 (mào) / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 万 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 絤: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 凧: 几 (jǐ) small table / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 雩: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 䕴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 穛 (zhuō) 㧷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 吞 (tūn) swallow; absorb, annex, engulf 驶: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 史 (shǐ) history, chronicle, annals 绹: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 匋 (táo) pottery 抆: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 堍: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 鴏: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation 㖔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 吞 (tūn) swallow; absorb, annex, engulf 䪖: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 辘: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 攟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 麕 (jūn) muntjac deer, hornless river deer 劦: 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 鞨: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 䴯: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 舱: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 㪶: 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 羸: 吂 (máng) / 䏎 (féng) milk; breasts, the young of animals, birds / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 唿: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 忽 (hū) suddenly, abruptly; neglect 橁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 筍 (sǔn) bamboo shoot; joint; tendon 䟈: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 戓 (gē) / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 蓊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 㵏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 牑: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 泚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 婡: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 齣: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 句 (jù) sentence 㟨: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 瓪: 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 觬: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 杳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 峺: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 釼: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 刄 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 膉: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 縌: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 逆 (nì) disobey, rebel; rebel, traitor 媏: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 㜒: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 舁 (yú) carry on one's shoulder 贖: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 榙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 荅 (dā) answer: small bean; thick 䘜: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 锦: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 帛 (bó) silks, fabrics; wealth, property 熩: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 扈 (hù) escort, retinue; insolent 肳: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 紶: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 妹: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 㘼: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 考 (kǎo) examine, test; investigate 豀: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 棃: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇒ / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䕆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 榆 (yú) elm tree 鑐: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 需 (xū) need, require, must 烓: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 蟝: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 渠 (qú) ditch, canal, channel, gutter 籠: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 壣: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 聯 (lián) connect, join; associate, ally 㕦: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 濭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 蓋 (gài) cover, hide, protect 䑰: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 步 (bù) step, pace; walk, stroll 魺: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 矽: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 䴁: 寓 (yù) residence; lodge; dwell / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 鰋: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 匽 (yǎn) to hide, to secrete, to repress; to bend 掊: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 唑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 㒐: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 搛: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 䮚: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 㴡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense 骤: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 聚 (jù) assemble, meet together, collect 䰫: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 厪: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 茵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 抴: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 吻: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 㮺: 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 歅: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䫄: 兑 (duì) cash; exchange / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㱋: 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 駎: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 獕: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 勔: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 艟: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 懞: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 孥: 奴 (nú) slave, servant / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 㫤: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 永 (yǒng) long, perpetual, eternal, forever 橯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 䧮: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 飸: 号 (hào) mark, sign; symbol; number / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 牿: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 凾: 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action / 叹 (tàn) sigh, admire 愈: 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 嶋: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 麍: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 䤘: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 㦰 (jiān) to break off (relations); to sever, to exterminate; to annihilate; to wipe out, to pierce; to stab; to irritate; to hurt, to hold weapons, agricultural implements; far tools, sharp will; eager intention; determination / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 訚: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 暝: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 儨: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 質 (zhì) matter, material, substance 鈪: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress 亭: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 讯: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 㤸: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare 稺: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 嚽: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 贅 (zhuì) unnecessary, superfluous 鎿: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 拿 (ná) take, hold, grasp; bring; with 䉊: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 㻍: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 齌: 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 篏: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 杜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 䏟: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 鳡: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 感 (gǎn) feel, perceive, emotion 佬: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 衮: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 擱: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 閣 (gé) chamber, pavilion; cabinet 坼: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 斥 (chì) to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach 遾: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 筮 (shì) divination with stalks of plants; divining rod 䨅: 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 蜇: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㾌: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 碎: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 刕: 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 漗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 䂞: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 鶠: 匽 (yǎn) to hide, to secrete, to repress; to bend / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㨥: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 內 (nèi) inside, interior; domestic 眧: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 新: 亲 (qīn) relatives, parents; intimate the hazel nut or filbert tree a thorny tree / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 強: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 頹: 禿 (tū) bald, bare, stripped / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 軂: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 恉: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 嗐: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill 雒: 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 䡙: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 蕛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 稊 (tí) darnels, tares 㷠: 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to 绢: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 偩: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 負 (fù) load, burden; carry, bear 浫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 罕 (hǎn) rare, scarce; surname 䛲: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 帛 (bó) silks, fabrics; wealth, property 菴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 㡹: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 畻: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 龹 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 辁: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 栄: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䒇: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 富 (fù) abundant, ample; rich, wealthy 鞑: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 达 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery 瀔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 穀 (gǔ) corn, grain, cereal; lucky 茞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official 羡: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 次 (cì) order, sequence; next 堤: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 㒧: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 身: 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 欮: 屰 (nì) disobedient / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䞱: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 隻: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 猾: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 艈: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 绋: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 孎: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to 㟑: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 孛 (bèi) comet 橘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 䛛: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 駥: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 牨: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name ⻫: 斉 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 蕲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 懵: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 瞢 (méng) eyesight obscured; to feel ashamed 婸: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 㛻: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 奎 (kuí) stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions 訃: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 涂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 䌉: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 罡 (gāng) the name of a certain stars; the god who is supposed to live in them 鈓: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 疒: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 蒜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 祘 (suàn) to calculate 稣: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 嶢: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 购: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 勾 (gōu) hook, join, connect; entice 沬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 䈳: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 冃 (mào) / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 锽: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 璼: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 蟆: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 絍: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow 峌: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 豗: 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 濖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 署 (shǔ) public office 䕝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 鑧: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 萈 (huán) 矦: 厃 (wěi) to look upward / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 蛰: 执 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 籷: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 忶: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 㕽: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 以 (yǐ) by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to 漀: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 䮃: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 袅: ㇆ / ㇉ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 㨎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 眐: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 厓: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 邕: 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 张: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 长 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 㮣: 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 鰢: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 碥: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 搲: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 窊 (wā) pit, vault; store in pit; (Cant.) 手窊, the arm 䂵: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 贡 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 鶷: 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䱂: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 襄: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 吅 (xuān) / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 旇: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 呒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 无 (wú) negative, no, not; KangXi radical 71 酔: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 卆 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 諙: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 㱢: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 祤: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 嗧: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 鋩: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 芒 (máng) Miscanthus sinensis 䅴: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 索 (suǒ) large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated 㷷: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 鹶: 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 竹: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇚ 暆: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 施 (shī) grant, bestow; give; act; name 對: 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 餏: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 亖: 二 (èr) two; twice 讘: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 感: 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 嚦: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 鎨: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 隼 (sǔn) aquiline (nose); a falcon 䤯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 形 (xíng) form, shape, appearance 蘱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 類 (lèi) class, group, kind, category 㺶: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 箸: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 儿: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 湁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 拾 (shí) pick up, collect, tidy up; accounting form of the numeral ten 䏈: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 絲 (sī) silk; fine thread; wire; strings 胊: ⺼ / 句 (jù) sentence 㥏: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 癑: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 棚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 幡: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 魣: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 烪: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 关 (guān) frontier pass; close; relation 跬: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 捳: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 岳 (yuè) mountain peak; surname 壺: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / ㇉ / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 闼: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 达 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery 鶉: 享 (xiǎng) enjoy / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 戌: 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 䚏: 粦 (lín) phosphorus / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 鄖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 郥 (bèi) 疙: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 娜: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 那 (nà) that, that one, those 㺟: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 褦: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 能 (néng) to be able; can, permitted to; ability 涩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 鲳: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 愶: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 脅 (xié) ribs; armpits; flank; threaten 䖹: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 遀: 迌 (tù) / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper 瓃: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 奆: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 㷉: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 衐: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 泓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 弘 (hóng) enlarge, expand; liberal, great 鯝: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 恠: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 在 (zài) be at, in, on; consist in, rest 䓣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 班: 玨 (jué) two pieces of jade joined together / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 塰: 海 (hǎi) sea, ocean; maritime / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㳳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration 蝺: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 毽: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 儁: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 雋 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 耋: 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 羊: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 䤑: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 砛: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 垚: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 蚤: 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 倫: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 侪: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 齐 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 鼵: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 突 (tū) suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly 纴: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 䠻: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 穹 (qióng) high and vast; elevated; arched 睅: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 囄: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 離 (lí) leave, depart; go away; separate 藎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 盡 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 潕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 仔: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 鹟: 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 緞: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 段 (duàn) section, piece, division 䝥: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 癯: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 瞿 (qú) surname 嗮: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 晒 (shài) dry in sun, expose to sun 㽵: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 蓸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 湿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 显 (xiǎn) manifest, display; evident, clear 㠆: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 紈: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 䆋: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 芍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 唘: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 㦛: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 阚: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 窝: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 呙 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 䴨: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 踪: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 劭: 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 鞯: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 荐 (jiàn) repeat, reoccur; recommend 昺: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 䪽: 号 (hào) mark, sign; symbol; number / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 辿: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 幊: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 貢 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 荌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 柏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 㙚: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 筜: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 当 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 忟: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 胡: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 卬: ㇒ / ㇗ / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 㟯: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 客 (kè) guest, traveller; customer 鑮: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 薄 (báo) thin, slight, weak; poor, stingy 磱: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 䭼: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 亓 (qí) (archaic form) his, her, its, their; that 豾: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 嘅: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then 鬇: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 撎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 壹 (yī) number one 丕: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 猗: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 岞: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 膠: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 欧: 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 㒮: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 禰: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 䌷: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 萹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 净: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 鋂: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 每 (měi) every, each 㭇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 籉: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 臺 (tái) tower, lookout; stage, platform 䧐: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 諒: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 京 (jīng) capital city 呙: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 内 (nèi) inside 饛: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 拢: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 䱩: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 煫: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 㒸 (suì) (same as U+9042 遂) to obey; to comply with; to follow the wishes of another, (an ancient form of U+6B72 歲) a year, age, the harvest 嫲: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame 楻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 鎁: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 耶 (yé) used in transliteration 琄: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 墇: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 㴊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 讑: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure 气: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 鼞: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 採: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 䐤: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 銫: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 眮: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 宱: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 作 (zuò) make; work; compose, write; act, perform 㰴: 咅 (pǒu) to spit out / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 誻: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 漾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 羕 (yàng) 鹈: 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 拋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䝎: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 癘: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 萬 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 嫛: 殹 (yì) an echo / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 㽞: 吅 (xuān) / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 藥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 湨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 狊 (jú) 饲: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 緵: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 䙸: 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 阃: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 熂: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 氣 (qì) air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit 弉: 壯 (zhuàng) big, large; robust; name of tribe / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 㺈: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 㞢 (ancient form of 之) to arrive at; to go to / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 踓: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 榒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 弱 (ruò) weak; fragile, delicate 㜙: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 颜: 彦 (yàn) elegant / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 昣: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 䆢: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 抉 (jué) choose, select; gouge, pluck out 鄭: 奠 (diàn) pay respect; settle / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 炬: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 帳: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 㦲: 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 褽: 尉 (wèi) officer, military rank / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 梼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 㙃: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 兵 (bīng) soldier, troops 鯆: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 慍: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䃌: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 垔 (yīn) to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound 遗: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 珖: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 奝: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 㣜: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 刑 (xíng) punishment, penalty; law 衧: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 毦: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 髰: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 恷: 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䏶: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 坒 (bì) to compare; to match; to equal 猀: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated 垃: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 钅: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 二 (èr) two; twice 欐: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 侓: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 貕: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 䌠: 㰹 (xiān) (same as 欦) to laugh; to smile, greed; avarice, to cry, to shout, overbear; arrogant / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 耢: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 劳 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 撥: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 㬰: 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 砲: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 岵: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 膷: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 鄉 (xiāng) country; rural; village 偂: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 㓅: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 镄: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 费 (fèi) expenses, expenditures, fee 秇: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 䡒: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 赔: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 凗: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 雙: 雔 (chóu) / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 敤: 果 (guǒ) fruit; result / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 䧧: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 軩: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 嵴: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 脊 (jí) spine, backbone; ridge 艶: 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 曹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㖄: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 州 (zhōu) administrative division, state 窆: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 䀍: 贛 (gàn) Jiangxi province; places therein / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 蔏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 商 (shāng) commerce, business, trade 劖: 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 鞘: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 㠝: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 賛 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 紟: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 䪦: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 辨: 辡 (biàn) recrimination; wrangling / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 唯: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 騱: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 枸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 句 (jù) sentence 䴿: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 冡 (méng) 牁: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 忈: 二 (èr) two; twice / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鳊: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 橑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 㟘: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 瓚: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 䉡: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 蝣: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 斿 (yóu) to swim; to move or rove freely 泪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 釬: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 㩱: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 罳: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䓺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 美 (měi) beautiful, pretty; pleasing 觼: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 夐 (xiòng) long, faraway; pre-eminent 㜂: 封 (fēng) letter, envelope; feudal / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 馉: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 昌: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䊏: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 锖: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 熙: 巸 (yí) / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 帜: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 㪟: 亯 (xiǎng) to receive; to enjoy / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 账: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 长 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 榩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 虔 (qián) act with reverence; reverent 㘬: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 勾 (gōu) hook, join, connect; entice 颳: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 收: 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䆹: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 鑀: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 愛 (ài) love, be fond of, like 烃: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 嵆: 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 㧉: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 豐: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 棓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 㕖: 厽 (lěi) / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 摠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 䃣: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 短: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 屰: 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 㣳: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 荺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 均 (jūn) equal, even, fair; all, also 濽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 賛 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 唁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 㒀: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 六 (liù) number six / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 萋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 妻 (qī) wife 箊: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 於 (yú) in, at, on; interjection alas! 䴑: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 宜 (yí) suitable, right, fitting, proper / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 簛: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 厚: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 﨟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 芤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 孔 (kǒng) opening, hole, orifice; great 含: 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䮪: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 桀 (jié) chicken roost; ancient emperor 鬵: 兓 (jīn) / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 窴: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 䰻: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 獅: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 師 (shī) teacher, master, specialist; multitude, troops 勄: 每 (měi) every, each / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 臎: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 翠 (cuì) color green; kingfisher 歕: 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䫔: 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 驟: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 聚 (jù) assemble, meet together, collect 秞: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 䍥: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 牯: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 凮: 几 (jǐ) small table / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 㭵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 甸 (diān) suburbs of capital; govern; crops 胸: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 匈 (xiōng) breast, chest, thorax; clamor; the Hsiung Nu 'Huns' 橿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 䧾: 舍 (shě) house, dwelling; dwell, reside / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㰆: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 棐 (fěi) species of yew 礈: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 䖋: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 蚍: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 儘: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 盡 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 㶛: 汸 (fāng) / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 鈚: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 纝: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 纍 (léi) bind, wind about; link, join 䤨: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 訪: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 嚭: 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing / 否 (fǒu) not, no, negative; final particle 鎯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 郎 (láng) gentleman, young man; husband 戺: 户 (hù) door; family / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 亽: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 访: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 婊: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 表 (biǎo) show, express, manifest, display 蝌: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 科 (kē) section, department, science 描: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality 罜: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 察: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 祭 (jì) sacrifice to, worship 蓡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 浸 (jìn) soak, immerse, dip, percolate 坬: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 遮: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 糱: 辥 (xuē) variety of marsh grass / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 佼: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 衾: 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 刅: 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 鼇: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 悎: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 䨕: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 汙 (wū) filthy, dirty, impure, polluted 眗: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 句 (jù) sentence 增: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 薠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 煩 (fán) bother, vex, trouble; troublesome 漧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 乾 (gān) dry; first hexagram; warming principle of the sun, penetrating and fertilizing, heavenly generative principle (male) 綰: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 䜷: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 耹: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 嗀: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 雂: 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㽇: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 硉: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 軒: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 偙: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 鵛: 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 曢: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 寮 (liáo) shanty, hut, shack 䡩: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 畫: 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 廲: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 鯴: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 虱 (shī) louse; bug; parasite 浻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 冏 (jiǒng) (archaic form of U+70AF 炯) light, bright 鞁: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 瀄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 節 (jié) knot, node, joint; section 岇: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 卬 (áng) lofty; high; raise; high-priced 㤊: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination 辑: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 栔: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㒗: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 䑓 (tái) (same as 臺) a lookout, a tower, a terrace, a platform, a stage 鬞: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 枡: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 升 (shēng) arise, go up; hoist; advance 䀤: 外 (wài) out, outside, external; foreign / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 隫: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 献: 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 徱: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 㠴: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 躻: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 款: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 㟁: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 厈 (hǎn) 驈: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 曋: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 䍎: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 廌 (zhì) unicorn 牘: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 廛: 㢆 (chán) (same as 廛) living space for one family in ancient times, a store; a shop, a hundred mu (equal to 733.50 square yards) cultivated land / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㭞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 劣 (liè) bad, inferior; slightly 臥: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 橨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 㛫: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 易 (yì) change; easy 鵲: 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 秵: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 䉸: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 辯 (biàn) dispute, argue, debate, discuss 鈃: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 疂: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冝 (yí) suitable, right, fitting, proper 嬉: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 㪈: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 訓: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 涒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 鲜: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 戣: 癶 (bō) legs; KangXi radical 105 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 䖢: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 锭: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 璬: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 娳: 姀 (hé) / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㶲: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 贽: 执 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 沼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 敍: 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 䓌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 志 (zhì) purpose, will, determination; annals 鑗: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 黎 (lí) surname; numerous, many; black 矖: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 嵝: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 㳜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 豧: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 濦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㕭: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 黰: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 摷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 䟶: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 眀: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 厃: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 邅: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 漐: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 䮓: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 袕: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 䜠: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 質 (zhì) matter, material, substance 萢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 泡 (pào) bubbles, suds; blister; soak 悥: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㼰: 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 簲: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 脾 (pí) spleen, pancreas; disposition 墵: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province 薷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 呂: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 酄: 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 緇: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 䱒: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 襔: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 嗗: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 鋙: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 慤: 殻 (qiào) casing, shell, husk, hull, skin / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 諩: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 並 (bìng) equal to; side by side; also, what is more; both 奴: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 虶: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 拹: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor 纆: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 墨 (mò) ink; writing 䐍: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 壴 (zhù) 脏: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 庄 (zhuāng) village, hamlet; villa, manor 嚖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 慧 (huì) bright, intelligent; intelligence 鎘: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 㰝: 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 礟: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 駁 (bó) varicolored, variegated; mixed; contradict, argue; suddenly 亦: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇚ / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 讨: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 儯: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 駦 (téng) to mount, to ascend; to move, to turn out 鸱: 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 掸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 䤿: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 挈 (qiè) assist, help, lead by hand 癁: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 復 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 寈: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 飊: 焱 (yàn) flames / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 湑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 烚: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 䙡: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 貫 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 荣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 棪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 闬: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 㹱: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 筳: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 廷 (tíng) court 䃺: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 靡 (mí) divide, disperse, scatter 跼: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 局 (jú) bureau, office; circumstance 㬂: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 閉: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only 樌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 貫 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 亏: 二 (èr) two; twice / ㇉ 餖: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 継: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / ㇗ / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 刜: 弗 (fú) not, negative / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㚟: 㲋 (chuò) a kind of animals (like rabbit, it is blue colored and much bigger) / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 脦: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 忒 (tè) excessive; too; very-usually of objectionable things; to err; to mistake; changeable 斩: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 㨬: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 钳: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 椶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 顀: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 糃: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 兆: 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 㗉: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 聐: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 擓: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 匯 (huì) a concourse; to flow together, gather together; (same as U+6ED9 滙) to remit money 㥖: 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) / 忩 (cōng) same as 怱 U+6031, hastily, in haste, hurriedly 鏝: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 桠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亚 (yà) Asia; second 䳣: 㢤 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 篭: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 竜 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 偰: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 㓳: 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 轺: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 揽: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 览 (lǎn) look at, inspect; perceive 夁: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 䍛 (gù) a kind of tool used to get fish 㢀: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 朿 (cì) stab 蠋: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 瞊: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 䄑: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 瀛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 嬴 (yíng) to win; to have a surplus; surname 徚: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 躤: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 藉 (jí) mat, pad; rely on; pretext 堫: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 䞪: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 匠 (jiàng) craftsman, artisan; workman 霵: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 戢 (jí) to put away; to cease; store up 皴: 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 䀻: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 甹 (pīng) 罅: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 虖 (hū) to cry; to shout; to howl 廄: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 跎: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 它 (tā) it; other 杕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 䛔: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 陟: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 步 (bù) step, pace; walk, stroll 痞: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 否 (fǒu) not, no, negative; final particle 佥: 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone ⻤: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 繯: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 差: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 㝵: 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 賸: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 龹 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 晿: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 曰 (yuē) say; KangXi radical 73 䗾: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation 甈: 臬 (niè) law, rule; door post / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 䦋: 镸 (cháng) long / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 認: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 忍 (rěn) endure, bear, suffer; forbear 崘: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 鸚: 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 犝: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 䔨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 蘪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 麋 (mí) elk; surname 媭: 须 (xū) must, have to, necessary / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 龯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem 渺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 眇 (miǎo) blind in one eye; minute, minuscule 䊽: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 螿: 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 噊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 譌: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 濏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 瑟 (sè) large stringed musical instrument; dignified, massive; sound of wind 㹚: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 炏 (kài) / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 呂 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 獜: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 域: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 裡: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 孬: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 好 (hǎo) good, excellent, fine; well 㿯: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 鱮: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 烱: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 冏 (jiǒng) (archaic form of U+70AF 炯) light, bright 䍼: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 葾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 怨 (yuàn) hatred, enmity, resentment 帅: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 錇: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 沎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize 䘕: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 笗: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 咞: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 覠: 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 挧: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㲮: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 答 (dá) answer, reply; return; assent to 熰: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 䬷: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 谹: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 姀: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 髂: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 客 (kè) guest, traveller; customer 瑉: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid 䇐: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 苒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 屙: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 阿 (ā) prefix for people's names; used in transliteration 酛: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 櫢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 數 (shù) number; several; count; fate 䑩: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 祫: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 勲: 動 (dòng) move, happen; movement, action / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 韴: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 慻: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 眷 (juàn) take interest in, care for 鮁: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 簄: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 扈 (hù) escort, retinue; insolent 傇: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 茸 (rōng) soft, downy; buds, sprouts 㔊: 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 莑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夆 (féng) resist 搔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 㢗: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 霞: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 殡: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 宾 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 䰤: 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 骫: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 缮: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 厱: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 㐴: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 芻: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 朾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 㯁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 陪 (péi) accompany, be with, keep company 陈: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 东 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 櫋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 臱 (mián) 低: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 繘: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 勛: 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 㝞: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 跥: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 朶 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 晨: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 㫫: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 亚 (yà) Asia; second 酲: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 痵: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 季 (jì) quarter of year; season; surname 乸: 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 鸃: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 禂: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 圉: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 㚈: 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 蘓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 憒: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 㼙: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 邜: 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 渣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 查 (chá) investigate, examine, seek into 䦢: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 法 (fǎ) law, rule, regulation, statute; France, French 餭: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 碬: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 嘳: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 脽: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 悼: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 㹃: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 鏆: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 貫 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 楍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䣌: 底 (dǐ) bottom, underneath, underside / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 顗: 豈 (qǐ) how? what? / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 篖: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 兝: 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 聧: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 揦: 捒 (shù) / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㥭: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 泰 (tài) great, exalted, superior; big 鋰: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 桷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 䯶: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 笀: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 徃: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 鲅: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 挐: 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as / 手 (shǒu) hand 䞓: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 蒕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䬠: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 飛 (fēi) fly; go quickly; dart; high 蠢: 春 (chūn) spring; wanton / 䖵 (kūn) insects 沥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 历 (lì) history; calendar 瀲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 斂 (liǎn) draw back, fold back; collect 咵: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 覷: 虚 (xū) false / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 塂: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 㳅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 鵄: 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 燇: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 䁒: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 蕔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 報 (bào) report, tell, announce 姗: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 册 (cè) book, volume, register, list 黙: 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 浤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宏 (hóng) wide, spacious, great, vast 䇧: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 㐁 (tiàn) to lick; to taste, a mat, bamboo bark 蛩: 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 啴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 詶: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 州 (zhōu) administrative division, state 滹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 虖 (hū) to cry; to shout; to howl 㶄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 犆: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 䠍: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 叚 (jiǎ) false 贏: 吂 (máng) / 䏎 (féng) milk; breasts, the young of animals, birds / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 媖: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 龘: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 生: 龶 / ㇒ 䊦: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 壹 (yī) number one 螨: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 两 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 崯: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 鈱: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 澸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 感 (gǎn) feel, perceive, emotion 䔿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 穁: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 茸 (rōng) soft, downy; buds, sprouts 埈: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 铊: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 它 (tā) it; other 扑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 㿘: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 炏 (kài) / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 呂 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 糚: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 莊 (zhuāng) village, hamlet; villa; surname 䩡: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 轣: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 擪: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 手 (shǒu) hand 駬: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 睳: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 奎 (kuí) stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions 䳺: 酓 (yǎn) / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 臼: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 㼂: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 醉: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 渌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 䪏: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 内 (nèi) inside 鴖: 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 禙: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 背 (bèi) back; back side; behind; betray 嘜: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 蔦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 憩: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㸬: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 邳: 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 洶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 匈 (xiōng) breast, chest, thorax; clamor; the Hsiung Nu 'Huns' 䦹: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 鱀: 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 磃: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 商: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 冏 (jiǒng) (archaic form of U+70AF 炯) light, bright ㇉: 葐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 盆 (pén) basin, tub, pot, bowl 惓: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 㵖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 韝: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 池: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 䣣: 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 翭: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 呰: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 譺: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 柽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 圣 (shèng) holy, sacred 崁: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 坎 (kǎn) pit, hole; snare, trap; crisis 㲀: 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 谋: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 某 (mǒu) certain thing or person 玊: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 䔑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 斜 (xié) slanting, sloping, inclined 琛: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 罙 (mí) deep 定: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 龰 誤: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 尫: 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 䎪: ㇒ / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 㝵 (dé) (ancient form of U+5F97 得) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 礙) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint 錵: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 花 (huā) flower; blossoms 犴: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 䐻: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 辜 (gū) crime, criminal offense 筅: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 嫄: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 觎: 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 捕: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 䋔: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 鉟: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 燞: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 䭥: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 穯: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 吅 (xuān) / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 姮: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 裸: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 承: 氶 (zhěng) name of a river in Shandong / 三 (sān) three 䇾: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 㐆: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / ㇆ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 焈: 戺 (shì) stone boarder; steps / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 䶋: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 躍: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 夘: 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 㖛: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 騚: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 皝: 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 䄨: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 航: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 庭: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 廷 (tíng) court 鮯: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 樺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 䚽: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 莿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 刺 (cì) stab; prick, irritate; prod 削: 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 ⻍: ⺀ / ㇆ / ㇝ 轌: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 雪 (xuě) snow; wipe away shame, avenge 每: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 㩚: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 睜: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 爭 (zhēng) to dispute, fight, contend, strive 叟: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 賡: 庚 (gēng) 7th heavenly stem / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 彬: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 㯯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 顮: 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 瓱: 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䝼: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 聾: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 娅: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 亚 (yà) Asia; second 震: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 梎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 皀 (jí) kernel, seed; enjoy, feast [?] 䈕: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 缗: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid 傞: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 趠: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 朧: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 㢮: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 疰: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 伷: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 蠹: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 䖵 (kūn) insects 巀: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 雀 (què) sparrow / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 黂: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 㝇: 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 灉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 雝 (yōng) marsh; pool; harmonious 䗐: 施 (shī) grant, bestow; give; act; name / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 蛒: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 塙: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 镛: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 滢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 莹 (yíng) luster of gems; bright, lustrous 䁩: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 絫: 厽 (lěi) / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 囲: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 鏴: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 路 (lù) road, path, street; journey 敻: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 龁: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 砄: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 咇: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 螑: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 臭 (chòu) smell, stink, emit foul odor 怔: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 㲗: 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 錞: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 澡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 䠤: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 麫: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 丐 (gài) beggar; beg; give 笮: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 垱: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 当 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 蚻: 札 (zhá) letter, note; correspondence / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 挾: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 㿁: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 㚖 (gǎo) (said of truth) to come out to the open; to be known by all, (ancient form 澤) glossy; shining / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 鉈: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 它 (tā) it; other 滋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year 䭎: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 穘: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 四: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 觥: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 扨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 㻫: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 镲: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 察 (chá) examine, investigate; notice 燵: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 達 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent 䩸: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 騃: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 綂: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 匉: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 舓: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 易 (yì) change; easy 斒: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 㬙: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 钜: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 樣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 羕 (yàng) 䶢: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 鴭: 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 粬: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false 刳: 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㖲: 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 蔽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered 撼: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 感 (gǎn) feel, perceive, emotion 㩃: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 宑 (jǐng) / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / ⺀ 韆: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 遷 (qiān) move, shift, change; transfer 浍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting 䳌: 䏍 (yuàn) (same as 肙 蜎) a small worm; larvae of mosquitoes, empty, to twist; to surround / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 鱗: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 翖: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 啝: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 和 (hé) harmony, peace; peaceful, calm 㓜: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 葧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 勃 (bó) suddenly, sudden, quick 柦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 㵭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 煮 (zhǔ) cook 雰: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 汷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 俶: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 叔 (shū) father's younger brother 缀: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 它: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 颅: 卢 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 朐: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 句 (jù) sentence 䎓: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 肕: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 传: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 专 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 谢: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 射 (shè) shoot, eject, issue forth, emit 梥: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㜰: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 琲: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 債: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 趷: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 层: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 㣅: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 饄: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 症: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 䑒: 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 腔: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 巗: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 髙: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 楤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 䗧: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy 苩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 兴: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 蹶: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it 櫹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 蕭 (xiāo) common artemisia; sighing of wind; mournful; dejected 㦄: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 皆: 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 䰍: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 氺 (shui) 褏: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / ㇒ / ㇗ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 庖: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 鮘: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation 㐝: 拘 (jū) restrain, seize, detain / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 焟: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 䚦: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 莨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 夯: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 阱: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit ⺶: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 殸: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 䄿: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 繁: 敏 (mǐn) fast, quick, clever, smart / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 又: ㇇ / ㇏ 郊: 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 晑: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 㯘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 款 (kuǎn) item, article; clause; fund 磚: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 乡: ㇛ / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 譣: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 惪: 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鷬: 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㙱: 號 (hào) mark, sign; symbol; number / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 獳: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 䣺: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 藼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 憲 (xiàn) constitution, statute, law 憁: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 蘄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 唎: 咊 (hé) harmony; peace; conciliation; to be on good terms with; kindly; mild / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 禑: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 鸔: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 㳟 䢛: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 洞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 醡: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 窄 (zhǎi) narrow, tight; narrow-minded 㰨: 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 悫: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 几 (jǐ) small table / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蔮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 國 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 吸: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 碻: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 鴾: 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䟅: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave 汈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 刁 (diāo) tricky, sly, crafty, cunning 郋: 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㭒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for 忕: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 葘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated ⻟: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 卢: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 知: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 鱨: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 龸 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䛯: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 歲: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 迵: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 㩼: 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 廿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 搃: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 总 (zǒng) collect; overall, altogether 莂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 别 (bié) separate, other; do not 劌: 歲 (suì) year; age; harvest / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 簓: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 彫 (diāo) carve, decorate; emaciated 鮒: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 䬝: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 檜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 鐣: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 掌 (zhǎng) palm of hand, sole of foot, paw 㦦: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 䦧 (qié) (same as 鬩) to quarrel; to conflict, contention; animosity; resentment; recriminations 挭: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 芬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 冶: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 笽: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 骼: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 䩇: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 槆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 荀 (xún) surname; ancient state; plant 鍍: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 度 (dù) degree, system; manner; to consider 㣐: 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 扗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 臖: 興 (xìng) thrive, prosper, flourish / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 僠: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 穧: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 駦: 龹 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 䥱: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 寫 (xiě) write; draw, sketch; compose 棰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 鉷: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 㟺: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 脀: 丞 (chéng) assist, aid, rescue / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䈂: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 暅: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 恒 (héng) constant, regular, persistent 餐: 歺 (è) vicious, depraved, bad / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 娒: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 每 (měi) every, each 纕: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 䎗: 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 爢: 靡 (mí) divide, disperse, scatter / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 隥: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 㜤: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 宧: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 訲: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 伴: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 半 (bàn) half 玷: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 㒹: 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 杄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 诇: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 䳉: 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 罔: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 䁖: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 擙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 奧 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 靤: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 塦: 陣 (zhèn) column, row or file of troops / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 糩: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 䇫: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 灶: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 铹: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 劳 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 㕸: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 姻: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 袆: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 䶈: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 眏: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 㠑: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 罪 (zuì) crime, sin, vice; evil; hardship 斘: 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 輟: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 倡: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 綨: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 㺪: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 栱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 閸: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 嚺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 聁: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 䕃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隂 (yīn) shady, secret, dark; mysterious; cold; the negative of female principle in nature 滊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 氣 (qì) air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit 顑: 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 嵓: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity 蛚: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䯜: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 易 (yì) change; easy 畣: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 㙥: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 黪: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 揬: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 突 (tū) suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly 赳: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 乵: 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 篼: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 兜 (dōu) pouch 㳾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 䬆: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit 澉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 逌: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 卣 (yǒu) wine pot 㺓: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 挖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 穵 (wā) deep hollow;, gouge, dig out 螙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 䖵 (kūn) insects 嚣: 㗊 (jí) public opinion; clamour; noise, (ancient form of 雷); thunder, an organic compound (porphin); (porphyrins) / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 符: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 龩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 靳 (jìn) strap on a horse's breast 䨰: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 㴖 (luò) ( same as 濼) name of a stream in Shandong Province southwest of Jinan, ( same as 泊) lakes, a hot spring; a mineral spring 溳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 錶: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 表 (biǎo) show, express, manifest, display 㦽: 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 所: 戶 (hù) door; family, household / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 蛃: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 凍: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 穐: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 亀 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 黓: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 䕚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 匱 (guì) to lack 槝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 島 (dǎo) island 鉠: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 㣧: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 嵪: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 臭: 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 僷: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 葉 (yè) leaf, petal; page of book; period 畺: 三 (sān) three / 畕 (jiāng) 駽: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 䒄: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 爋: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 越: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 戉 (yuè) a battle-axe, a halberd 㴕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 䒩 (hé) name of a variety of grass, (same as 莫) not 岔: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 訛: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize 唥: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冷 (lěng) cold, cool; lonely 璤: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 䞮: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 洵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 貴: 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㰿: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 徾: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 蕅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 湡 (yú) ⻈: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 呏: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 升 (shēng) arise, go up; hoist; advance 矎: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 夐 (xiòng) long, faraway; pre-eminent 鵕: 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䛘: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow 江: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 连: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 㽩: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 廨: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain 葯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 約 (yuē) treaty, agreement, covenant 坹: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 相: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 鱿: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 輈: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 䰊: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 炍: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 㖏: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 圼 (niè) 搚: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 脅 (xié) ribs; armpits; flank; threaten 袝: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 䶟: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 簪: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 朁 (cǎn) if, supposing, nevertheless 䄬: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 斯: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 鐺: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 夼: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 綿: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 帛 (bó) silks, fabrics; wealth, property 䋁: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 煌: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 闏: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 㙎: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 威 (wēi) pomp, power; powerful; dominate 嫑: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity 襜: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 乞: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 狡: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 㟣: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 松 (sōng) pine tree; fir tree 普: 並 (bìng) equal to; side by side; also, what is more; both / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 諱: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 俳: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 繾: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 遣 (qiǎn) send, dispatch; send off, exile 䎀: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 戉 (yuè) a battle-axe, a halberd 椇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write 階: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 宐: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 脗: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䘙: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 㐄 (kuà) / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 玠: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 餧: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 帩: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 记: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 䢲: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 䀠 (jù) a Chinese family name, the timid look of a bird; (of birds) to look around, nervous (same as 瞿) shocked or scared / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 瘹: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 釣 (diào) fish; fishhook; tempt, lure 㬻: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 荒 (huāng) wasteland, desert; uncultivated 惂: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 蹉: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 卋: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth 磒: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 㷔: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 旧 (jiù) old, ancient; former, past 歛: 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 郢: 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 嗤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 蚩 (chī) worm; ignorant, rustic; laugh 荫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 阴 (yīn) 'female' principle; dark; secret 䁭: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 猋 (biāo) wind; storm; gale; dog moving; (Cant.) running quickly 淴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 忽 (hū) suddenly, abruptly; neglect 魻: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 塽: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing 斁: 睪 (yì) spy on / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 舄: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 㒋: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 儎: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 載 (zài) load; carry; transport, convey 綑: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 騔: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 䲛: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 椞: 析 (xī) split wood; break apart; divide / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 閡: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 㠨: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 棥 (fán) a railing; a fence an enclosed place / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 撫: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 脮: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 倸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 粻: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 餾: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 䏅: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 案: 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 铋: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 㽒: 男 (nán) male, man; son; baron; surname / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 寕: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 聘: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 甹 (pīng) 坢: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 半 (bàn) half 珥: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 顨: 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 / 丌 (jī) table 䋯: 戶 (hù) door; family, household / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 潲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 稍 (shāo) little, slightly; rather 诵: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 㹼: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 嫿: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 畫 (huà) delineate, painting, picture, drawing; draw 怃: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 无 (wú) negative, no, not; KangXi radical 71 螂: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 郎 (láng) gentleman, young man; husband 㜍: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 嚌: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 砓: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 龒: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 伝: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 溜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 連: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 㶦: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 札: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 蚬: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㘷: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 艾 (ài) artemisia, mugwort; translit. 営: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 缽: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 麼: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 乇: ㇒ / 七 (qī) seven 淆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 肴 (yáo) cooked or prepared meat 靍: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 䳡 (yàn) (same as 鵻) a kind of bird in ancient books; a wood-pigeon; a hawk 㳐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 札 (zhá) letter, note; correspondence 晗: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 藖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 賢 (xián) virtuous, worthy, good; able 㕡: 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 哠: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 繧: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province 鷦: 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䵱: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 泰: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 氺 (shui) 陷: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 蔀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 部 (bù) part, division, section 䘂: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 韯 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 抅: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 勾 (gōu) hook, join, connect; entice 鴐: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 帒: 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 窕: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 䞗: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only 瘢: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category 銥: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 徧: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 踲: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 䬴: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 瞷: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 捄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 过: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 䣉: 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 答: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 䑖: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 惙: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 鍤: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 屦: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 磩: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad 䗫: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame 瑶: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 郹: 狊 (jú) / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 巻: 龹 / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 貆: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 䦈: 镸 (cháng) long / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper 猏: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 肩 (jiān) shoulders; to shoulder; bear 㰑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 橤 (ruǐ) stamen 憘: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 謟: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 吡: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 禨: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 㪪: 䨿 (zá) bad; evil; wicked; vice; wickedness / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 氱: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 醸: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 六 (liù) number six / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 劺: 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 葁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 姜 (jiāng) surname; ginger 䅃: 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 櫊: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 閣 (gé) chamber, pavilion; cabinet 㟌: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 鱑: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 奓: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 苚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 俜: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 甹 (pīng) 煣: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 髪: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 友 (yǒu) friend, companion; fraternity 柬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 襳: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 韱 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 䩵: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 翼: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 㣾: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 伆: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 殉: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 鐌: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 象 (xiàng) elephant; ivory; figure, image 㪓: 乖 (guāi) rebel; crafty, shrewd / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 朖: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 莙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 㘠: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 劣: 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 缦: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 鮩: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 丰: 三 (sān) three / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 檳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 霶: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 滂 (pāng) torrential; voluminous 㶽: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 呙 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 晀: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 苃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 友 (yǒu) friend, companion; fraternity 嗍: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 朔 (shuò) first day of lunar month; the north 繐: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 髓: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 遀 (suí) 䅚: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 淝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 肥 (féi) fat, plump, obese; fertile 陠: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 㳧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 奪: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 藭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 窮 (qióng) poor, destitute, impoverished 哷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 寽 (lǜ) a handful; a pinch 煺: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 退 (tuì) step back, retreat, withdraw 鷽: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䂄: 䂂 (qú) to gaze at in terror, a surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 瘋: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 覊: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 䩻 (bà) (same as U+9738 霸) to be chief, to rule by might rather than by right, a tyrant; a usurper; the strong the fierce ones 㤕: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 墔: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 踛: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 坴 (lù) a clod of earth; land 儥: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 買 (mǎi) buy, purchase; bribe, persuade 炤: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 䎮: ㇒ / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 六 (liù) number six / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 椵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 叚 (jiǎ) false 袴: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 㠿: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 宾: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 兵 (bīng) soldier, troops 腅: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 偏: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 珎: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 饕: 號 (hào) mark, sign; symbol; number / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 䋘: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 桟: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 㦮 (qián) (abbreviated form of 錢) money; cash, a unit of weight, a Chinese family name 诞: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 㭩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 嫨: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 聯: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 丱 (guàn) child's hairstyle bound in two tufts; ore 卹: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 狸: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 顿: 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 謈: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 䠊: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 璍: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 怚: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 貝: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 䦟: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 砪: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 䔬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 憯: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 朁 (cǎn) if, supposing, nevertheless ⺱: 冈 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 逺: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / ㇛ / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 崼: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 禿: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 䛁: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 冄 (rǎn) tender; weak; gradually alternating 界: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 量: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 廑: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 赜: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 责 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 䩞: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 盡: ⺻ / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 扮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 軱: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 䯳: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 穾: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 䞀: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 洇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 銎: 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 徐: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 蔗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 䈙: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 紂 (zhòu) name of an emperor; saddle part 瞠: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 㒢: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure 鴧: 宂 (rǒng) scattered, mixed affairs; duties; occupation business / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 娩: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 辰: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 䲲: 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 爹: 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 㼻: 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 擂: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 雷 (léi) thunder 詉: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 奴 (nú) slave, servant 坋: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 糒: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 㧔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem 潛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 朁 (cǎn) if, supposing, nevertheless 铢: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 凤: 几 (jǐ) small table / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 蝫: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 䑭: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 江 (jiāng) large river; yangzi; surname 槴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 扈 (hù) escort, retinue; insolent 㛶: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 炭 (tàn) charcoal; coal; carbon 齻: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 屽: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 榁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 室 (shì) room, home, house, chamber 踄: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 步 (bù) step, pace; walk, stroll 㢋: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 侈 (chǐ) luxurious, extravagant 崎: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 熑: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 阔: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 活 (huó) live, exist, survive; lively 䂛: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 攞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 馡: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 㐨: 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 梫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 贮: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 㝉 (zhù) (same as 宁) space between the throne and the retiring room behind it, to store up; to save up, peaceful, used as a term of comparison 尸: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 炻: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 锾: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 爰 (yuán) lead on to; therefore, then 俅: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 摈: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 宾 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 飋: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 瑟 (sè) large stringed musical instrument; dignified, massive; sound of wind 埕: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 豘: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 孢: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 翥: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 鑨: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 仯: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 捲: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 蟵: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 厨 (chú) kitchen; closet; cupboard 囿: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 氃: 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 讂: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 夐 (xiòng) long, faraway; pre-eminent 㬍: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 媌: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality 琓: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 鎒: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse 䌝: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 禁 (jìn) restrict, prohibit, forbid 抜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 友 (yǒu) friend, companion; fraternity 鰣: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 時 (shí) time, season; era, age, period 欭: 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 説: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 㨷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 妶: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 猽: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 銼: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 䉇: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 懆: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 魍: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 罔 (wǎng) net; deceive; libel; negative 橗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 萌 (méng) bud, sprout 觖: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 㥡: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 壠: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 牧: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 釦: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald 䅱: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 惰: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 驷: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 四 (sì) four 㿺: 暴 (bào) violent, brutal, tyrannical / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 褀: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 䨂: 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 溅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 贱 (jiàn) mean, low; cheap, worthless 鄐: 畜 (chù) livestock, domestic animals / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 划: 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 皕: 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 䮗: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 岸 (àn) bank, shore; beach, coast 稢: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 麥: 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 㼤: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 厧: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 舲: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 䜴: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 箷: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 施 (shī) grant, bestow; give; act; name 㲹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 几 (jǐ) small table 潄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 敕 (chì) an imperial order or decree 菇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 姑 (gū) father's sister; husband's mother 䓉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 邪 (xié) wrong, evil, depraved, vicious, perverse, heterodox 睔: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 䡖: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 泙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 齤: 龹 / 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 偦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 瓩: 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 䧫: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 豪 (háo) brave, heroic, chivalrous 硶: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 岑 (cén) steep, precipitous; peak 鳹: 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㵸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 吅 (xuān) / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 击: 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 肆: 镸 (cháng) long / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 䖈: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 缏: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 便 (biàn) convenience, ease; expedient 涘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 蜟: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 堡: 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 疨: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 㚪: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 怱: 匆 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鶸: 弱 (ruò) weak; fragile, delicate / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 庺: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 枀 (sōng) 衁: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 䵃: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 曊: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 費 (fèi) expenses, expenditures, fee 㯌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 逐 (zhú) chase, expel; one by one 遑: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 啓: 户 (hù) door; family / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 軚: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 䏜: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 絣: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 㹥: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 雪: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 毬: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 蕳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 䙵: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 珼: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㓾: 犀 (xī) rhinoceros; sharp, well-tempered / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 ⺃: 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 䌆: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 枉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 頌: 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㚓: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 欖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 覽 (lǎn) look at, inspect; perceive 辙: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 㨠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 庣: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 猦: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 鞩: 鞘 (qiào) scabbard, sheath / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䈰: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 捎 (shāo) to select; to take; to carry 暳: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 彗 (huì) broomstick; comet 鬶: 规 (guī) rules, regulations, customs, law / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 橀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 軃: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 姍: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 冊 (cè) book, volume 牐: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 雓: 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 䵚: 黍 (shǔ) glutinous millet; KangXi radical number 202 / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 懝: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 驠: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 燕 (yàn) swallow (bird); comfort, enjoy 啪: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 拍 (pāi) clap, tap, beat; beat or rhythm 觭: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 壷: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 絺: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 釽: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet 䲄: 䱕 (móu) labrus, moving fish / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 程: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 薊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 魝 (jié) 㔕: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 咔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 卡 (kǎ) card, punch card; calorie 舛: 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 㐄 (kuà) 崥: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 粤: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 侮: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 每 (měi) every, each 攵: 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 蒴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 朔 (shuò) first day of lunar month; the north 㐿: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 手 (shǒu) hand 垾: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 赅: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 屏: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 翎: 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 镕: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 付: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 摟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 蟞: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㝩: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy 囨: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 豯: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 役: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 绸: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 鑿: 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 蜈: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 䐊: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 碍: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 㝵 (dé) (ancient form of U+5F97 得) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 礙) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint 㶏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 㥯 (yǐn) careful; compassionate; to take an interest in; prudent; cautious, worried and grieved 氚: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 肝: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 䖟: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 琪: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 䤬: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated 涯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 厓 (yá) precipice, shore, bank; surname 鰺: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 儼: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 疿: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 䫁: 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 祌: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 鷏: 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㹎: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 勑: 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 腜: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 某 (mǒu) certain thing or person 䙞: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 竡: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 㿣: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 湮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 垔 (yīn) to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound 英: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 䟳: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 百: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 䮀: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 愇: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 麎: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 厐: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 褗: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 匽 (yǎn) to hide, to secrete, to repress; to bend 丙: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 内 (nèi) inside 箠: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 㢢: 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 鄧: 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 嘩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 莰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 坎 (kǎn) pit, hole; snare, trap; crisis 䂲: 劫 (jié) take by force, coerce; disaster / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 縹: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 棂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 灵 (líng) spirit, soul; spiritual world 虉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鷊 (yì) pheasant 孋: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 烒: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 式 (shì) style, system, formula, rule 㗔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 虔 (qián) act with reverence; reverent 捛: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 飢: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 几 (jǐ) small table 巤: 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 龱 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 譫: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 䡭: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 羞 (xiū) disgrace, shame; ashamed; shy 旴: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 㫶: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 鍻: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 偽: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 為 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 涁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 杉 (shān) various species of pine and fir 訄: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 㲋: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 夎: 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 疑: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 龴 / 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot 鈔: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 䒛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 幻 (huàn) illusion, fantasy, mirage 愞: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 鶡: 曷 (hé) why? what? where? / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 沫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 褮: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 堸: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 璻: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 翠 (cuì) color green; kingfisher 鄾: 憂 (yōu) sad, grieved; grief, melancholy / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䯅: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 聂 (niè) whisper; surname 恈: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low 鳋: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 㝒: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 叕: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 衘: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 形: 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 篥: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 遨: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 䫯: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 䫑 (yī) good; nice; fine; (same as U+4ACF 䫏; standard form of U+9B4C 魌) ugly, physical or moral deformity, the mask wearing by one who is driven away spirits 杲: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 菵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罔 (wǎng) net; deceive; libel; negative 㙼: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 勿: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇒ 栃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 万 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 辂: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 㼍: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 庌: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 﨏: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 㕣 (yǎn) a marsh at the foot of the hills, (interchangeable 湢 沇) name of a river 瀓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 鞒: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 乔 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 䜝: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / ㇗ / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 暜: 竝 (bìng) to combine, annex; also, what's more / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 頣: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㖦: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 漭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 莽 (mǎng) thicket, underbrush; poisonous 躬: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 㸷: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 嶶: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 微 (wēi) small, prefix micro-, trifling 眽: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 隼: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 䙇: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 旆: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 巿 (fú) revolve, make circuit, turn 齍: 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 㓐: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 坴 (lù) a clod of earth; land 湗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 封 (fēng) letter, envelope; feudal 跖: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 㵡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 雹 (báo) hail 峠: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 癧: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 闦: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 䕱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 頭 (tóu) head; top; chief, first; boss 擰: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 鹷: 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 㯺: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 贀: 殹 (yì) an echo / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 丂: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇉ 檅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 歲 (suì) year; age; harvest 锐: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 嘒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 彗 (huì) broomstick; comet 犕: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 侗: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 縢: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 絭 (juàn) 骥: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 冀 (jì) hope for; wish; Hebei province 㬤: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation 垧: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 蘲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 壘 (lěi) rampart, military wall 䌴: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 吂 (máng) / 䏎 (féng) milk; breasts, the young of animals, birds / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 羷: ⺶ / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 㢹: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 歄: 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 蟇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 旲 (tái) / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 䃉: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid 獔: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 皐 (gāo) the high land along a river 䱖: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 丣 (yǒu) ancient form of the tenth of the twelve Terrestrial Branches, U+9149 酉 棙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 戾 (lì) perverse, recalcitrant, rebellious 魤: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize 呦: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 烩: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting 籶: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 几 (jǐ) small table 飹: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 㥸: 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 嗻: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 蒆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 䆈: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 遲 (chí) late, tardy; slow; delay 笏: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 㐑: 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 榘: 矩 (jǔ) carpenter's square, ruler, rule / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 茟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 尡: 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 熨: 尉 (wèi) officer, military rank / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 搱: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 馸: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 媺: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 几 (jǐ) small table 豁: 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 䥃: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition 拊: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 㿌: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 鑑: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 兓: 旡 (jì) choke on something eaten 諚: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 䟜: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 内 (nèi) inside 祣: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 㩥: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 韯 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 鋪: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 濬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 腳: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 卻 (què) still, but; decline; retreat 䉵: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 矼: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 䜆: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 掉: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 鰌: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 漖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 教 (jiào) teach, class 讙: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 㸠: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 媣: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 染 (rǎn) dye; be contagious; infect 眦: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 鎩: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 殺 (shā) kill, slaughter, murder; hurt; to pare off, reduce, clip 䘰: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 抳: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 鼶: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 㖽: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 湀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 諃: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 巍: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 魏 (wèi) kingdom of Wei; surname 癐: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 鋓: 鉌 (hé) the bells on the cart in ancient China / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䥚: 几 (jǐ) small table / 䀠 (jù) a Chinese family name, the timid look of a bird; (of birds) to look around, nervous (same as 瞿) shocked or scared / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 旝: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 鹠: 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㓧: 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 兪: 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 巜 (kuài) 跭: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 峷: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 祺: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 闽: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 䢄: 辝 (cí) / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 縋: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 膊: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 傔: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 蘛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 夥: 果 (guǒ) fruit; result / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 碤: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 䮮: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 愵: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 弱 (ruò) weak; fragile, delicate 肴: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 厾: 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 襅: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 塏: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 篎: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 眇 (miǎo) blind in one eye; minute, minuscule 酕: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䫘: 曷 (hé) why? what? where? / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 恟: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 匈 (xiōng) breast, chest, thorax; clamor; the Hsiung Nu 'Huns' 菞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇒ 勨: 象 (xiàng) elephant; ivory; figure, image / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 衯: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 孹: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 竸: 竟 (jìng) finally, after all, at last 避: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 茈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 䀊: 漻 (liáo) / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 粍: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 㦏: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 栚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 关 (guān) frontier pass; close; relation 蒝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 䆟: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 瀪: 敏 (mǐn) fast, quick, clever, smart / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 䴬: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 榯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 時 (shí) time, season; era, age, period 頺: 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 唼: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 妾 (qiè) concubine 熿: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 仁: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 二 (èr) two; twice 経: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 圣 (shèng) holy, sacred 駏: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 㩎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 囑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to 蕜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 悲 (bēi) sorrow, grief; sorry, sad 䉞: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 感 (gǎn) feel, perceive, emotion 绡: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 㯣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 橮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 貿 (mào) trade, barter; mixed; rashly 蛱: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 䏳: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 牾: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 侀: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 刑 (xíng) punishment, penalty; law 攇: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 骎: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 垐: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 贗: 鴈 (yàn) wild goose / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䨙: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 羠: ⺶ / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 㲢: 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 锧: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 质 (zhì) matter, material, substance 利: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 螰: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 䒲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 奼 (chà) beautiful, colorful; girl 稹: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 㜻: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 戀 (liàn) love; long for, yearn for; love 泂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 艉: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern 彋: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 瓒: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 赞 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid ㇔: 杛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 鳢: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 姤: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 轫: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 䱭: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 懴: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 韯 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 㻶: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 靻: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 命: 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 叩 (kòu) knock, ask; kowtow, bow 熁: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 脅 (xié) ribs; armpits; flank; threaten 阄: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 龟 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 䔎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 速 (sù) quick, prompt, speedy 榑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 踔: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 㐘: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 墛: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 尉 (wèi) officer, military rank 紞: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 膡: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 眷 (juàn) take interest in, care for 炫: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 键: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 㾵: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 計 (jì) plan, plot; strategem; scheme 䐸: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 畫 (huà) delineate, painting, picture, drawing; draw 梻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 佛 (fú) Buddha; of Buddhism; merciful person; Buddhist image; the dead (Jap.) 贾: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 埅: 防 (fáng) defend; prevent; embankment / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 籈: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 胋: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 俕: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 宋 (sòng) Song dynasty; surname 鑘: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 㻟: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䍢: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 查: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 豨: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 囯: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 筲: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 仿: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 球: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 鎂: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 美 (měi) beautiful, pretty; pleasing 䊌: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 庇 (bì) cover, shield, shelter, protect 氓: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 讒: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty 嬝: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 裊 (niǎo) curling upwards; wavering gently 窜: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 串 (chuàn) string; relatives; conspire 萣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 猭: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 銬: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 考 (kǎo) examine, test; investigate 䆶: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 欽: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 誼: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 宜 (yí) suitable, right, fitting, proper 婇: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 秆: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 荍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 收 (shōu) gather together, collect; harvest 牗: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 釖: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 䃠: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 旋 (xuán) revolve, move in orbit; return 橧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 触: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 奱: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 磰: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 艷: 豐 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 鄀: 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 刂: ㇚ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 皅: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 㮇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 忝 (tiǎn) disgraced; ashamed; self-deprecating 褐: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 䨒: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 溕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 冡 (méng) 厗: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 戢: 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 蚥: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 䮧: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 騲: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 草 (cǎo) grass, straw, thatch, herbs 弴: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 掷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 郑 (zhèng) state in today's Henan; surname 睄: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 鯇: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 㡆: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 巟 (huāng) a watery waste; to reach 峉: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 潔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 絜 (jié) a marking line; ascertain, assess; measure 偖: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 瓙: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 燾 (dào) shine, illuminate; cover, envelope 㧛: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 手 (shǒu) hand 蝤: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 䡦: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 桑 (sāng) mulberry tree; surname 泩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 凫: ㇆ / ㇉ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 几 (jǐ) small table 恶: 亚 (yà) Asia; second / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蓹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 御 (yù) drive, ride; chariot; manage 䧻: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 领: 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 嶈: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general 朏: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 疘: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 㚚: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 名 (míng) name, rank, title, position 鼟: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 䀡: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 涨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 张 (zhāng) stretch, extend, expand; sheet ⺪: ㇖ / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 砱: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 㴳: 江 (jiāng) large river; yangzi; surname / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 薸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 䚺: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 遁: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 啃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 肯 (kěn) willing; consent to, permit 绊: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 半 (bàn) half 衑: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 䵓: 黍 (shǔ) glutinous millet; KangXi radical number 202 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 雚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吅 (xuān) / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 寜: 寍 (níng) used as a term of comparison:-rather; it is better; would that / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 散: 龷 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 軪: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 珬: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 戌 (xū) 11th terrestrial branch 㓮: 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 鵳: 肩 (jiān) shoulders; to shoulder; bear / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 幵: 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 毼: 曷 (hé) why? what? where? / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 㚃: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 嬆: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 翕 (xī) agree 羉: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage 而: 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 ⺓: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 猖: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 鞙: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 䚣: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 欦: 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 辩: 辡 (biàn) recrimination; wrangling / 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 娰: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 似 (shì) resemble, similar to; as if, seem 纳: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 内 (nèi) inside 茶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 朩 (děng) kwukyel: rank, grade; wait; equal; 'etc.' 牀: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 雃: 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㵊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 冃 (mào) / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 䇍: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 橐: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 䂞 (zhè) (same as 柘) a thorny tree about 15 feet high, the leaves are used for feeding silkworms before the mulberry leaves are ready or when they are scarce, bark contains a yellow dye (interchangeable 蔗) the sugar cane 軓: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 啚: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 秝: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 艠: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 䵪: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 釭: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 㱴: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 䃷: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 嬴 (yíng) to win; to have a surplus; surname 敺: 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 觽: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 嶲 (xī) a name of an old town in Sichuan; cuckoo; revolution of a wheel 㔅: 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 咄: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 戋: ㇂ / 二 (èr) two; twice / ㇒ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 鶊: 庚 (gēng) 7th heavenly stem / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䲔: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 騛: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 飛 (fēi) fly; go quickly; dart; high 㾞: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 䔥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 粛 (sù) pay respects; reverently 撤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 㐯: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note / 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense 垮: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 紵: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 鲴: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 侾: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 镅: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 㻈: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 䑏: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吅 (xuān) / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 柎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 赕: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 㝙: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 囘: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 籟: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 賴 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 仨: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 三 (sān) three 鑯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 韱 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 㧲: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 宋 (sòng) Song dynasty; surname 䝹: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 書: 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 豿: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 句 (jù) sentence 鼈: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 尊: 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 悍: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 琚: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 额: 客 (kè) guest, traveller; customer / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㤜: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 嶟: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 氪: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration 儬: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 靚 (jìng) make up face; ornament; quiet; (Cant.) pretty 疯: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 㪱: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 奂 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 萺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冒 (mào) risk, brave, dare 䤼: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 涿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 豖 (chù) a shackled pig 勁: 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 慌: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 荒 (huāng) wasteland, desert; uncultivated 藏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 臧 (zāng) good, right, generous; command 䫑: 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 饜: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 幞: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 菐 (pú) a thicket 拡: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 広 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 癮: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 隱 (yǐn) hide, conceal; hidden, secret 髱: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 㭰: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 朿 (cì) stab 忳: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 湾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 弯 (wān) bend, curve 厀: 桼 (qī) the varnish tree; lacquer, varnish, paint / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 礇: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 㸉: 炏 (kài) / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 蚎: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䮐: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 鄗: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 嘙: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 婆 (pó) old woman; grandmother 掠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 京 (jīng) capital city 褧: 耿 (gěng) bright, shining; have guts / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 丩: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇙ 鮰: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 墲: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 昹: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 永 (yǒng) long, perpetual, eternal, forever 烂: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 兰 (lán) orchid; elegant, graceful 㗄: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 鹉: 武 (wǔ) military; martial, warlike / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䍋: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 棒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 奉 (fèng) offer; receive; serve; respect 筛: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 师 (shī) teacher, master, specialist 㡝: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 胢: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 䗤: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 鍫: 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 偭: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 練: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 譻: 賏 (yīng) pearls or shells strung together / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 䡽: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 疁: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 鈄: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 䄎: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 涑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 訔: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 岛: ㇆ / ㇉ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 礞: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 薡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鼎 (dǐng) large, three-legged bronze caldron 璫: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 鄮: 貿 (mào) trade, barter; mixed; rashly / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㮵: 枋 (fāng) sandalwood; tree used as timber / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) 䀸: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 治: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 褾: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 㝂: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 叅: 厽 (lěi) / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㣺 (variant of 心) the heart, the moral nature, the mind, the affections, intention, the radical on left side of the character 硈: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 蓋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 䯕: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 廷 (tíng) court 遘: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 㫟: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䝢: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 揥: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 表: 龶 / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 㙬: 猌 (yìn) / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 勯: 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 署: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 鯵: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 䫿: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 瀃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 賜 (cì) give, bestow favors; appoint 鞂: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 䚌: 㚖 (gǎo) (said of truth) to come out to the open; to be known by all, (ancient form 澤) glossy; shining / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 栓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 辒: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 㖖: 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 弝: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 纜: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 覽 (lǎn) look at, inspect; perceive 耣: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 眭: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 隬: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 䖶: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 漽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 犀 (xī) rhinoceros; sharp, well-tempered 躼: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 㓀: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 幇: 封 (fēng) letter, envelope; feudal / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 緆: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 易 (yì) change; easy 蝍: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 癗: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 雷 (léi) thunder 闖: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 䓠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 湧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 勈 (yǒng) 跦: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 嵱: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 糰: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 團 (tuán) sphere, ball, circle; mass, lump 虷: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 销: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 嘂: 㗊 (jí) public opinion; clamour; noise, (ancient form of 雷); thunder, an organic compound (porphin); (porphyrins) / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 犅: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 岡 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 㾇: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 贐: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 盡 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 丒: 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 檕: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 垗: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 昢: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 芥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 侧: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 则 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 鸲: 句 (jù) sentence / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 嬴: 吂 (máng) / 䏎 (féng) milk; breasts, the young of animals, birds / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 枷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 獄: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 㱆: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 壉: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 豦 (jù) a wild boar; to fight 歔: 虚 (xū) false / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 呖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 历 (lì) history; calendar 烙: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 㷛: 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 荤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 䱦: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 棩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 嗫: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 聂 (niè) whisper; surname 摶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 胹: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 㐁: 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 鲆: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 妈: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 挏: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 熘: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 鬟: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 䐡: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 丫 (yā) forked; bifurcation / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 榨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 窄 (zhǎi) narrow, tight; narrow-minded 簱: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 㤳: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 否 (fǒu) not, no, negative; final particle 膸: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 遀 (suí) 䊺: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 互 (hù) mutually, reciprocally 鑁: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 元: 二 (èr) two; twice / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 竊: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 豑: 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 䥓: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 基 (jī) foundation, base 鋚: 攸 (yōu) distant, far; adverbial prefix / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 応: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 慣: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 貫 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 諪: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 亭 (tíng) pavilion; erect 矬: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 饳: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 婵: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 濼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 弆: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 箉: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 拐 (guǎi) kidnap, abduct; turn 萌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 明 (míng) bright, light, brilliant; clear 眖: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 鎙: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 朔 (shuò) first day of lunar month; the north 䊣: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 漦: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 让: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up 㖭: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 忝 (tiǎn) disgraced; ashamed; self-deprecating 帰: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 帚 (zhǒu) broom, broomstick 窳: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 㼌 (yǔ) lot of melons growing but the root is weak and feeble, wearied and worn 蜶: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 癀: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 鋃: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 㥊: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 䗍: 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 湐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 柏 (bǎi) cypress, cedar 諓: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 㓗: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 党: 龸 / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 緝: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 虠: 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 䥪: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation 闭: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only 㡴: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 䓷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 洐 (xíng) 慺: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 跽: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 忌 (jì) jealous, envious; fear 傄: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 眘 (shèn) 昋: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 馊: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 䢔: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 鸛: 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㮞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 咨 (zī) inquire, consult, discuss; plan 䄥: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 靈 (líng) spirit, soul; spiritual world 悤: 囱 (cōng) chimney / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 厮: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 礵: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 霜 (shuāng) frost; crystallized; candied 颴: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot 䮾: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 酅: 巂 (guī) place name / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㫈: 於 (yú) in, at, on; interjection alas! / ㇣ 䁏: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity 揎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 襕: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 阑 (lán) door screen; railing fence 勘: 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 硟: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 鯞: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 帚 (zhǒu) broom, broomstick 䫨: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 遯: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 豚 (tún) small pig, suckling pig; suffle 㷲: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 動 (dòng) move, happen; movement, action 䍹: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 臭 (chòu) smell, stink, emit foul odor 拸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 衿: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 鬈: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 堊: 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 撍: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 朁 (cǎn) if, supposing, nevertheless 瀚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 翰 (hàn) writing brush, pen, pencil 鲝: ⺶ / 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 㴜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 妟: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 株: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 唬: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 熯: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 㺱: 仍 (réng) yet, still, as ever; again; keep -ing, continuing / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 耺: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 䴼: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 榿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 囁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 敌: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 臏: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 仑: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 鵜: 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 婞: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 曡: 晶 (jīng) crystal; clear, bright; radiant / 冝 (yí) suitable, right, fitting, proper 牮: 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 黱: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 龹 / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 㽰: 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance / 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot 寳: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 珎 (zhēn) precious, valuable, rare / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 橾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 垀: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 紇: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 㨉: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid 芎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 侐: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 锗: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 则: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 枠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 卆 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 货: 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䨩: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 㜫: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 微 (wēi) small, prefix micro-, trifling 龰: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 岲: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 戹: 户 (hù) door; family / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 瓂: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 蓋 (gài) cover, hide, protect ㇄: 驉: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 虚 (xū) false 䝋: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 泒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 罛: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 㱝: 死 (sǐ) die; dead; death / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 蓢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 朗 (lǎng) clear, bright; distinct 䇤: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 靫: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 呭: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 秴: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 轻: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 䱽: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 禁: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 鸄: 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䴎: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 憑: 馮 (féng) surname; gallop; by dint of / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蘔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 穎 (yǐng) rice tassel; sharp point; clever 㰘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 傛: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 甞: 龸 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 覡: 巫 (wū) wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 碫: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 段 (duàn) section, piece, division 鴮: 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㞵: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 䰸: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 悻: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 蔾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 棃 (lí) a pear 㭂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 必: 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 瑈: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 裋: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 䟕: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 鱘: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 㛟: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 奂 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 䭢: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 濥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夤 (yín) distant place; remote; deep 葨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 㩬: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 戯 (hū) theatrical play, show 廯: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 鮮 (xiān) fresh, new, delicious; rare, few 獲: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 韵: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 匀 (yún) equal 䛿: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 簃: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 移 (yí) change place, shift; move about 鮂: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine 䪌: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 㲋 (chuò) a kind of animals (like rabbit, it is blue colored and much bigger) / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 搓: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 莒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 㦖: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 悶 (mèn) gloomy, depressed, melancholy 匝: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 犜: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 谣: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 笭: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 骬: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 䦶: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 挽: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 芼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 㣀: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 則: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 燆: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 譍: 䧹 (yīng) (same as U+9DF9 鷹) hawk; eagle; falcon / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 穗: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 駖: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 䣠: 替 (tì) change, replace, substitute for / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 执: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 臦: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official 共: 龷 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 烰: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 詷: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 餀: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 艾 (ài) artemisia, mugwort; translit. 娂: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 纅: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 脐: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 齐 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 䈒: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 暕: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 宗: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 樢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 躥: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 竄 (cuàn) run away; revise, edit; expel 䎧: ㇒ / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 鈲: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 圴: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 殷: 㐆 (yǐn) (corrupted form) to follow, to trust to; to put confidence in; to depend on, to turn around; to turn the body, (interchangeable 隱) / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 罄: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 鏇: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 旋 (xuán) revolve, move in orbit; return 哉: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 杔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 塖: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 乘 (chéng) ride, ascend; avail oneself of; numerary adjunct for vehicles 糙: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 造 (zào) construct, build, make, begin; prepare ㇛: 轤: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 䁦: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 擩: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 姫: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official 桶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 賹: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 䇻: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern 㠁: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 邆: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 喈: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 漏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 屚 (lòu) 綘: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 夆 (féng) resist 㺚: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 霟: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 洪 (hóng) vast, immense; flood, deluge 䠡: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 斨: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 瀱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 罽 (jì) a kind of woolen fabric 㔳: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 飢 (jī) hunger, starving; hungry; a famine 趸: 万 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 人: ㇒ 顁: 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 嵃: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 彦 (yàn) elegant 益: 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 聑: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 䕓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 黚: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 叜: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 浣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 蛪: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 篬: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 㳮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尿 (niào) urine; urinate 镳: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 麃 (páo) till, plow 噵: 道 (dào) path, road, street; method, way / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 揼: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 泵 (bèng) pump 㺃: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 句 (jù) sentence 匆: 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 瞉: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 蠌: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 睪 (yì) spy on 笖: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 以 (yǐ) by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to 龙: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 亣: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 挦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 寻 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 螩: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 條 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe 㦭: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 靈 (líng) spirit, soul; spiritual world 到: 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 皳: 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 謶: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 穀: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 黃: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 㕊: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 䧍: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 扐: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 蛓: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㣗: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 户 (hù) door; family 嵚: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 钦 (qīn) respect, admire; respectful 燝: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions 詠: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 永 (yǒng) long, perpetual, eternal, forever 䕪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 澤 (zé) marsh, swamp; grace, brilliance; damp, moist; fertile 駭: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 㑴: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / ⺕ / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 䣷: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 浺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 忡 (chōng) a sad, uneasy countenance 臽: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 㴅: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 岄: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 樋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 通 (tōng) pass through, common, communicate 閊: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 䒔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 鈛: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 㞞: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 䴥: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 沤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 㰯: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 微: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 几 (jǐ) small table 电: 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 钴: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 䞾: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 鵅: 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㛈: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 考 (kǎo) examine, test; investigate 䱏: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 濎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鼎 (dǐng) large, three-legged bronze caldron 蕕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 猶 (yóu) like, similar to, just like, as 㽙: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 廘: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 瑟: 玨 (jué) two pieces of jade joined together / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 韞: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 䛨: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 鱯: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 佹: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 滸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 許 (xǔ) allow, permit; promise; betroth 葿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 霈: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 沛 (pèi) abundant, full, copious; sudden 吊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 梍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 皂 (zào) soap; black; menial servant 簚: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 邝: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 喟: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 搪: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 夬: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 綯: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 匋 (táo) pottery 谺: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 䄼: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 㐁 (tiàn) to lick; to taste, a mat, bamboo bark 斿: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 嫁: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 家 (jiā) house, home, residence; family 楌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 彦 (yàn) elegant 跏: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 䋑: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 酜: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 噞: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 櫡: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 箸 (zhù) chopsticks 繮: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 鋱: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 忒 (tè) excessive; too; very-usually of objectionable things; to err; to mistake; changeable 埳: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 晾: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 京 (jīng) capital city 宀: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 焇: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 㘉: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 躎: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 䎐: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 餗: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 帙: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 殠: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 臭 (chòu) smell, stink, emit foul odor 脧: ⺼ / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 䘩: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 㬫: 燕 (yàn) swallow (bird); comfort, enjoy / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 鎰: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 傲: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 渹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 訇 (hōng) the sound of a crash 磂: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 㷄: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 陉: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 䭋: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care 惒: 和 (hé) harmony, peace; peaceful, calm / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 獛: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 菐 (pú) a thicket 裢: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 连 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 魫: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 塭: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 痴: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 知 (zhī) know, perceive, comprehend 荻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 狄 (dí) tribe from northern china; surnam 䁽: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 龱 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 綁: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 邦 (bāng) nation, country, state 騄: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 䤎: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 斑: 玨 (jué) two pieces of jade joined together / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 舔: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 忝 (tiǎn) disgraced; ashamed; self-deprecating 㠘: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 咛: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 焞: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 趡: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 粫: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 餮: 殄 (tiǎn) to end; to exterminate / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 䠸: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 撻: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 達 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent 脾: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 㽂: 翕 (xī) agree / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 寅: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 灈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 瞿 (qú) surname 賋: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 䏕: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 願: 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 佢: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 毥: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 聨: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 㹬: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 吏 (lì) government official, magistrate 嫯: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 睲: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 鏵: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 䋿: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 砃: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) 龂: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 二: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 怓: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 奴 (nú) slave, servant 螒: 龺 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㶖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 圝: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage 皜: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 蠣: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 厲 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 缭: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 麬: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 朽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 蚼: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 句 (jù) sentence 㳀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 噇: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 痆: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 轍: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 繗: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 鷖: 殹 (yì) an echo / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䳠: 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 晧: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 藦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 摩 (mó) rub, scour, grind; friction 啱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 岩 (yán) cliff; rocks; mountain 瓰: 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 蹷: 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 鴀: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 市: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 窅: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 㞇: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 蔐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 䘒: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 投: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 得: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 㝵 (dé) (ancient form of U+5F97 得) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 礙) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint 渢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 誥: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 䞧: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 防: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 匴: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 澷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 筄: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 韇: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 㑆: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 僉: 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 捔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 屖: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 竍 (shi) decaliter 磙: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 衮 (gǔn) ceremonial dress worn by the emperor 㗛: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 笑 (xiào) smile, laugh, giggle; snicker 譤: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 䑦: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 句 (jù) sentence 惩: 征 (zhēng) invade, attack, conquer / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 巫: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 汶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 裹: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 䗻: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 㰁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 磊 (lěi) pile of rocks or stones; great 钆: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 冈: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 欏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 禘: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 㪚: 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 錟: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 䰡: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 憨: 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 琱: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 覸: 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䪺: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 鱁: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 逐 (zhú) chase, expel; one by one 奃: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 狊: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 葑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 封 (fēng) letter, envelope; feudal 䅓: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 句 (jù) sentence / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 髚: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 埜: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 楣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 苪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 翬: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 㣮: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 酳: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 創: 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 柼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 㪃: 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 圆: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 员 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 玉: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 谌: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 编: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 鮙: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 䪣: 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near / 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 朦: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 莩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 㶭: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 嘰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 犳: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 輶: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 繀: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 髃: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 晐: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 苓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 㳗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 义 (yì) right conduct, righteousness / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 奚: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 痝: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 尨 (máng) shaggy haired dog; variegated 蹠: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 䅪: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 鷭: 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䳷: 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 楺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 藽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㤅: 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 墄: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad 渋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 醊: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 䂔: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 阛: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 䤥: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 梤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 岎 (fén) 㠯: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 宮: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 焵: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 岡 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 邴: 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䎾: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 饅: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 䡏: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 弘 (hóng) enlarge, expand; liberal, great 毎: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇗ / ㇆ / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 腕: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 㭙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 嫘: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 灟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to 鏞: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 䋨: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 顯: 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㗲: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 畫 (huà) delineate, painting, picture, drawing; draw 䭹: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 卬 (áng) lofty; high; raise; high-priced 櫸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 舉 (jǔ) raise, lift up; recommend 聿: ⺺ / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 錈: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 倊: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 忩 (cōng) same as 怱 U+6031, hastily, in haste, hurriedly 沍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 互 (hù) mutually, reciprocally 砚: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 钝: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 㔜: 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 冟: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 皀 (jí) kernel, seed; enjoy, feast [?] 怪: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 圣 (shèng) holy, sacred 崬: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 禯: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 㚱: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name 蠺: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 䖵 (kūn) insects 䔼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 歰 (sè) (Cant.) 歰氣 to argue, wrangle, disagree 憿: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 廁: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 則 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 浌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 伐 (fá) cut down, subjugate, attack 觏: 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䛑: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 镜: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 竟 (jìng) finally, after all, at last 剞: 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 满: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 两 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 穮: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 麃 (páo) till, plow 雱: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 㝰: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 臱 (mián) 右: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 找: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 往: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 甇: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 誎: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 䞐: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 鴗: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 娙: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 澠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 蔧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 彗 (huì) broomstick; comet 䈩: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 剑 (jiàn) sword, dagger, saber 㼫: 果 (guǒ) fruit; result / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 鞰: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 咲: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 关 (guān) frontier pass; close; relation 樹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 尌 (shù) standing (something) up 糂: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 㧄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 鉉: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 佋: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 擒: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 禽 (qín) birds, fowl; surname;; capture 睛: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 㑝: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 弄 (nòng) do, play or fiddle with; alley 賢: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䧤: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 菐 (pú) a thicket 齫: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 屭: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 贔 (bì) strong 燴: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 蝻: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 䑽: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 冃 (mào) / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 䆁: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 睪 (yì) spy on 誇: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 甎: 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 妑: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 梛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 那 (nà) that, that one, those 䴞: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 㞥: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 阤: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 䂫: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 覱: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 琸: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 墻: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated 柅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 䱈: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 㛏: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 镎: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 拿 (ná) take, hold, grasp; bring; with 翕: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 裛: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 獢: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 埥: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 曯: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to 䭲: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 㗹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鑸: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 壘 (lěi) rampart, military wall 绿: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 䐃: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 囷 (qūn) round-shaped storage bin for grain 贉: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 犌: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 尓: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 欝: 棥 (fán) a railing; a fence an enclosed place / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 䪜: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 鎢: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 㨧: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 畚 (běn) straw basket, hamper 䌭: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 谳: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 献 (xiàn) offer, present; show, display 熶: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 最 (zuì) most, extremely, exceedingly 嬽: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / ㇉ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 橇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 毳 (cuì) fine hair or fur on animals 䧆: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 鋌: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 廷 (tíng) court 㥑: 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䉗: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 揖 (yī) salute, bow; defer to, yield 譝: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 烠: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 婧: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 㿪: 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 楱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 䣰: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 釶: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 㡻: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 薃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 滈 (hào) 戂: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 靡 (mí) divide, disperse, scatter 䚅: 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 鶓: 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 稒: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 底: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 㼔: 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 掗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 鄠: 雩 (yú) offer sacrifice for rain / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 刢: 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 箧: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 㲩: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 躵: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 忍 (rěn) endure, bear, suffer; forbear 漴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 崇 (chóng) esteem, honor, revere, venerate 厷: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 艂: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 夆 (féng) resist 䝄: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 雙 (shuāng) set of two, pair, couple; both 泉: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice ㇋: 驒: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 彔: 彑 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 氺 (shui) 菗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 抽 (chōu) draw out, pull out; sprout 恖: 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䓙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 乖 (guāi) rebel; crafty, shrewd 鯧: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 硦: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 峩: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 㵨: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 懫: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 質 (zhì) matter, material, substance 轴: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 偶: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 移: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 㫽: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 彔 (lù) to carve wood 消: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like ⺊: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 鈍: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 圏: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 巻 (juàn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 肖: ⺌|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䖘: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 瀡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 隨 (suí) follow, listen to, submit; to accompany; subsequently, then 㔣: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 颦: 频 (pín) frequently, again and again / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 嶨: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 蜯: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 奉 (fèng) offer; receive; serve; respect 䠱: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to 皺: 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 㮼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 扇 (shàn) fan; door panel 鼿: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 敃: 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 跈: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 今: 亽 (ji) kwukyel / ㇇ 絓: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 㹕: 頑 (wán) obstinate, stubborn; recalcitrant / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 毜: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 遡: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 朔 (shuò) first day of lunar month; the north 啣: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 卸 (xiè) lay down; retire from office 䏬: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low 湵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 羑 (yǒu) a guide to goodness 雺: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 导: 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 欆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 雙 (shuāng) set of two, pair, couple; both 侉: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 钏: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 㨐: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care 䌖: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 集 (jí) assemble, collect together 蠜: 棥 (fán) a railing; a fence an enclosed place / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 皣: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 嬦: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 樰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 雪 (xuě) snow; wipe away shame, avenge 亳: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 鞹: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 郭 (guō) outer part (of a city); surname 㔺: 卉 (huì) general term for plants; myriads / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 䉀: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 譆: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 燍: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 婐: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 敚: 兑 (duì) cash; exchange / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䧝: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 㞢 (ancient form of 之) to arrive at; to go to / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 難: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㑤: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality 絪: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 詰: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 烷: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 啺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 茁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 撄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 婴 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 刋: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㞎: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 鬑: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 粔: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 薚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 甥: 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth / 男 (nán) male, man; son; baron; surname 咤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 舫: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 鶪: 狊 (jú) / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 枮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 䴵: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 㚸: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 騻: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing 羾: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 蓄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 畜 (chù) livestock, domestic animals 瑏: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 穿 (chuān) penetrate, pierce, drill; wear 城: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 鳔: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 曘: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 需 (xū) need, require, must 䱟: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit ㇢: 镥: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 鲁 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 绨: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 蟮: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 睹: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 囸: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 鎋: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill 氊: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 傍: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 蜘: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 知 (zhī) know, perceive, comprehend 䐚: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 涟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 连 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 鼨: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 尪: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 肭: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 内 (nèi) inside 愬: 朔 (shuò) first day of lunar month; the north / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䖯: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 颽: 豈 (qǐ) how? what? / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 礼: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 嶿: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 需 (xū) need, require, must 㸾: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 忍 (rěn) endure, bear, suffer; forbear 拁: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 豊: 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 兌: 㕣 (yǎn) a marsh at the foot of the hills, (interchangeable 湢 沇) name of a river / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 竑: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 㿓: 㾜 (qiè) weak breath of a sick man / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 跟: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 湞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 勡: 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 腬: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 䙮: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吅 (xuān) / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 濳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 㬱 (tì) (same as 替) to replace; to substitute; to decay; to decline, (a variant 朁) if, supposing, nevertheless 饼: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 幾: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 掀: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 欣 (xīn) happy, joyous, delighted 萅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 旾 (chūn) 䤇: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 灾 (zāi) calamity, disaster, catastrophe 箐: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 㢒: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 鰕: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 昙: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 躞: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 燮 (xiè) harmonize, blend; adjust 厠: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 則 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 縩: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 祭 (jì) sacrifice to, worship 梲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 兌 (duì) cash; exchange, barter; weight 鄷: 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 嘹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 菀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 䃂: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 獋: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 臯 (gāo) to praise; to bless high; eminent; (Cant.) a marsh, pool 鯐: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave 壒: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 蓋 (gài) cover, hide, protect 虙: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 䭛: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 痤: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 㫦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 鹩: 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 恭: 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 㣺 (variant of 心) the heart, the moral nature, the mind, the affections, intention, the radical on left side of the character 裲: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 硽: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 㵿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 皛 (xiǎo) 䖁: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 躇: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 著 (zhe) manifest; (Cant.) to wear 焎: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 嶑: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 象 (xiàng) elephant; ivory; figure, image 沛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 巿 (fú) revolve, make circuit, turn 䤞: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 鈤: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䒫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation 趱: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 赞 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 瀸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 韱 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 岻: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 揅: 研 (yán) grind, rub; study, research / 手 (shǒu) hand 䡈: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination 酎: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 篕: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 賛: 㚘 (bàn) (interchangeable 伴) a partner; a companion, (same as 赫) bright; luminous, glorious (same as 扶) to support; to prop up; to help / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 睢: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 句: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 拯: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丞 (chéng) assist, aid, rescue 佲: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 名 (míng) name, rank, title, position 選: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 竿: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 䀃: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 褉: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 皌: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 堓: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 岸 (àn) bank, shore; beach, coast 漝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 亜: 二 (èr) two; twice / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 鞢: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 㸧: 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 䜭: 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 蠳: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 疶: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 弽: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 湇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 雌: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㵑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 賀 (hè) congratulate; send present 䙗: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 六 (liù) number six / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 轝: 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 瓠: 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 幧: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 㯪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 零 (líng) zero; fragment, fraction 浱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 䳰: 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 闶: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 㱻: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 吂 (máng) / 䏎 (féng) milk; breasts, the young of animals, birds / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 膃: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 昂: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 卬 (áng) lofty; high; raise; high-priced 䊅: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 名 (míng) name, rank, title, position 馓: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 散 (sàn) scatter, disperse, break up 縒: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 媕: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 弇 (yǎn) cover over, hide; narrow-necked 㬔: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 林: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 锠: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 嘢: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 野 (yě) open country, field; wilderness 羧: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 㢩: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 誵: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 肴 (yáo) cooked or prepared meat 欴: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 垷: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㐶: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 虂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 露 (lù) dew; bare, open, exposed 䍄: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 棉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 帛 (bó) silks, fabrics; wealth, property 㗋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 鹒: 庚 (gēng) 7th heavenly stem / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 孔: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 蟗: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 摖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 祭 (jì) sacrifice to, worship 䃙: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 籦: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 鍾 (zhōng) cup, glass, goblet; surname 壩: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 霸 (bà) rule by might rather than right 㥨: 娃 (wá) baby; doll; pretty girl / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 旫: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 譴: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 遣 (qiǎn) send, dispatch; send off, exile 呶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 奴 (nú) slave, servant 緻: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 致 (zhì) send, deliver, present; cause 㻽: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 雋 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 榈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 闾 (lǘ) village of twenty-five families 阍: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 匏: 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 蒖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 䆘: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 琡: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 叔 (shū) father's younger brother 鲦: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 条 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe 妨: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 茯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 伏 (fú) crouch, crawl, lie hidden, conceal 䰱: 靈 (líng) spirit, soul; spiritual world / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 犺: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 㾼: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 退 (tuì) step back, retreat, withdraw 鬿: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 慃: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 览: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䫊: 否 (fǒu) not, no, negative; final particle / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 祓: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 㩕: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 零 (líng) zero; fragment, fraction 濜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 盡 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 鑡: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 兣: 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration / 厘 (lí) thousandth part of tael 䟬: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name 橵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 散 (sàn) scatter, disperse, break up 㝷: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 鋺: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 忼: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 漆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 桼 (qī) the varnish tree; lacquer, varnish, paint 䮉: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 邏: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 㸐: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 䜖: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 谜: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 迷 (mí) bewitch, charm, infatuate 犣: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 巤 (liè) a mane; bristles, as on a hog; dorsal fins 弦: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 渰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 弇 (yǎn) cover over, hide; narrow-necked 䪳: 尹 (yǐn) govern; oversee; director / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 鎹: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 送 (sòng) see off, send off; dispatch, give 䙀: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 轆: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 痍: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 幐: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 帣 (juǎn) bag 慚: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 鋣: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 邪 (xié) wrong, evil, depraved, vicious, perverse, heterodox 祪: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 蹰: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 厨 (chú) kitchen; closet; cupboard 瓷: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 兺: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 七 (qī) seven 蜁: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot 悄: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 嘋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 教 (jiào) teach, class 鼑: 鼎 (dǐng) large, three-legged bronze caldron / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 碔: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 武 (wǔ) military; martial, warlike 膚: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 焥: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 傤: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 载 (zài) load; carry; transport, convey 蘫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 濫 (làn) flood, overflow; excessive 馪: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 掮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 肩 (jiān) shoulders; to shoulder; bear 䤵: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 鸻: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 箾: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 削 (xuē) scrape off, pare, trim 胄: 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 灏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 颢 (hào) luminous; white, hoary 収: 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 飔: 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 拘: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 句 (jù) sentence 䡟: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 㗢: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 動 (dòng) move, happen; movement, action 酥: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 竨: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 菮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 庚 (gēng) 7th heavenly stem 獹: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 勸: 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 鯾: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 便 (biàn) convenience, ease; expedient 鞋: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 栊: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 咍: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 㔌: 聚 (jù) assemble, meet together, collect / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 茘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 刕 (lí) 䀚: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 卬 (áng) lofty; high; raise; high-priced 榟: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 宰 (zǎi) to slaughter; to rule 㚡: 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 鬨: 鬥 (dòu) struggle, fight, compete, contend / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 堪: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 蒭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 攬: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 覽 (lǎn) look at, inspect; perceive 䆯: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 鲽: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 紼: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 妿: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 㨾: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 羕 (yàng) 曁: 旣 (jì) already; de facto; since; then / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 衊: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 蔑 (miè) disdain, disregard; slight 啌: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 绑: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 邦 (bāng) nation, country, state 㯓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 翕 (xī) agree 觟: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 橞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 囡: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 㝠: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 昗 (zè) 蕬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 絲 (sī) silk; fine thread; wire; strings 䉮: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 閵 (lìn) 毳: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 鵼: 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 婾: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 兪 (yú) surname; consent 枀: 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 者: ⺹ / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䴇: 零 (líng) zero; fragment, fraction / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 羐: 卝 (kuàng) hair style; ore / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late 㲒: 句 (jù) sentence / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 頕: 卢 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 戙: 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 語: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 垠: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 稩: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 沲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 锷: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 刹: 杀 (shā) kill, slaughter, murder; hurt / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 蟀: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 率 (lǜ) to lead; ratio; rate; limit 䓂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 睋: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 㑍: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 峒: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 艙: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 佛: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 弗 (fú) not, negative 燤: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 萬 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 㻦: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 驩: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 摭: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 賲: 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䧴: 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 籽: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 㥿: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䦁: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 邦 (bāng) nation, country, state 芇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 紎: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 冑: 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 冃 (mào) 悛: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 䔞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 率 (lǜ) to lead; ratio; rate; limit 㾥: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 叔 (shū) father's younger brother 鸤: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䢫: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname 膱: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 簸: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 傻: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 濅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 䑈: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 㻏: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 灵 (líng) spirit, soul; spiritual world 鵎: 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 矕: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 胛: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 筢: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 把 (bǎ) hold, take; guard; regard as 忥: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 滯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 䍲: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 㷹: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 鱸: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 盿: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 䰃: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 亚 (yà) Asia; second 蔉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 袞 (gǔn) ceremonial dress worn by the emperor 窌: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 吓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 挝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 过 (guò) pass, pass through, go across 䊜: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 鮢: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 䬭: 叨 (dāo) talkative; quarrelous / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 萳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 禶: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 匽: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 妟 (yàn) 扇: 户 (hù) door; family / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 䇆: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 髌: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 宾 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 䩗: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 荝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 则 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 磠: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock 剧: 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㟪: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 慱: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 䃰: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 駶: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 局 (jú) bureau, office; circumstance 趃: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 樂: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 亅: ㇚ 間: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 爒: 炙 (zhì) roast, broil; toast; cauterize / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 嚕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 魯 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 㜔: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 竞 (jìng) contend, vie, compete 殗: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 餠: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 幷 (bìng) combine 娢: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 玧: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 㒩: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 蠡 (lí) wood-boring insect; bore into wood 蚵: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 朴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 宷: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 㠶: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 凢 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 詂: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 佄: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 擉: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 㧋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 鉒: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 坔: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 诗: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 桖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 䳙: 甹 (pīng) / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 鏧: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 灦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 顯 (xiǎn) manifest, display; evident, clear 哩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 㕨: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 槫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 蝴: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 塶: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 燻: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 熏 (xūn) smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure 斈: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 騍: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 式: 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 袖: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 䶘: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 砡: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 㴣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 邦: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 喨: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冗 (rǒng) excessive; superfluous 輯: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 䀱: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 纺: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 霿: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 浃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 藈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 睽 (kuí) staring 䛊: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 畓: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 㙕: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 揜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 弇 (yǎn) cover over, hide; narrow-necked 顡: 豙 (yì) / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 嵣: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 䯬: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 晵: 户 (hù) door; family / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㭷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 男 (nán) male, man; son; baron; surname 黺: 黹 (zhǐ) embroidery, needlework; radical / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 叼: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 刁 (diāo) tricky, sly, crafty, cunning 挆: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 朵 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 䞉: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 龹 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 鲏: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 䬖: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 耜: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for 纣: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 匦: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 轨 (guǐ) track, rut, path 戰: 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 䚳: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 龹: 半 (bàn) half / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 㴺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 䩀: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 荆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 刑 (xíng) punishment, penalty; law 种: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 剐: 呙 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 浚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 䇝: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 黣: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 每 (měi) every, each 㱤: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 析 (xī) split wood; break apart; divide 番: 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 艰: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 磷: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 嵺: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 謁: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 沄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 娋: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 㾎: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 凹 (āo) concave, hollow, depressed; a pass, valley 錑: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 戾 (lì) perverse, recalcitrant, rebellious 璔: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 趚: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 紥: 扎 (zhā) pull up; pierce; struggle free / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 岤: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 訫: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 閪: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 澮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 䔵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 閑 (xián) fence, barrier; defend; idle time 㺸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 鈻: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for 瞾: 䀠 (jù) a Chinese family name, the timid look of a bird; (of birds) to look around, nervous (same as 瞿) shocked or scared / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 賄: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 籏: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 旗 (qí) banner, flag, streamer 忎: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 铔: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 亚 (yà) Asia; second 滘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / ⺳ / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䑟: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 㧢: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 鵥: 判 (pàn) judge; discriminate; conclude / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 盨: 須 (xū) must, have to, necessary; moment; whiskers / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 迮: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 罹: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 惟 (wéi) but, however, nevertheless; only 廸: 廴 (yǐn) go; KangXi radical 54 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 韾: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 鮋: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 搊: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 墍: 旣 (jì) already; de facto; since; then / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㤌: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 輘: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 䰚: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 斟: 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 㪡: 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 霨: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 尉 (wèi) officer, military rank 吪: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize 袭: 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 椬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 宜 (yí) suitable, right, fitting, proper 䶯: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 龜 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 邽: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 焼: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 龷 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 喿: 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㘾: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 宇 (yǔ) house; building, structure; eaves 櫁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 蜜 (mì) honey; sweet; nectar 葊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 弇 (yǎn) cover over, hide; narrow-necked 奌: 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 狑: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 㟓: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 藟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 晞: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 嫡: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 㭠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 襬: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 罷 (bà) cease, finish, stop; give up 乮: 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 柳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 酼: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 噾: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 窨 (xūn) a cellar, a store-room 殀: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 谅: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 京 (jīng) capital city 䄇: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 玐: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 鐕: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 朁 (cǎn) if, supposing, nevertheless 渙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 奐 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 蚞: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 宠: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 瘩: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 荅 (dā) answer: small bean; thick 悲: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 餷: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 查 (chá) investigate, examine, seek into 帹: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 妾 (qiè) concubine 诀: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 䣂: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 筋: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 肋 (lē) ribs; chest 㡍: 㚖 (gǎo) (said of truth) to come out to the open; to be known by all, (ancient form 澤) glossy; shining / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 鏐: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 僒: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 窘 (jiǒng) embarrassed; hard-pressed 蹙: 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 䍛: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 緤: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 险: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 桭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 胲: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 䗴: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 筳 (tíng) feast 災: 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 㕿: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䶁: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 蚇: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 礎: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 楚 (chǔ) name of feudal state; clear 喑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 撛: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 䄞: 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 㮥: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 畚 (běn) straw basket, hamper 騤: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 䲫: 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 薱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 對 (duì) correct, right; facing, opposed 砸: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 匝 (zā) full circle; encircle 咻: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 毅: 豙 (yì) / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 䁈: 戶 (hù) door; family, household / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 㫏: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity 饎: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 珕: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor 蓛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 敇 (cè) 罢: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 寥: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 櫯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 穌 (sū) revive, to rise again; collect 䝲: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 尽 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 㧹: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 㝵 (dé) (ancient form of U+5F97 得) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 礙) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint 顸: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 狿: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 䠃: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 脉: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 永 (yǒng) long, perpetual, eternal, forever 續: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 倓: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 朝: 龺 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䚜: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 龢: 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 㘧: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 伭: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 耳: 㔿 (zòu) a tally, like fitting the two halves of a tally, to petition the emperor that ..., to play music; to beat time / 二 (èr) two; twice 綶: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 圽: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 晇: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 䗆: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 黌: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 㕑: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 尌 (shù) standing (something) up 乗: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 龷 蝝: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 糠: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy 噧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 萬 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 敱: 豈 (qǐ) how? what? / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 䓰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 垔 (yīn) to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound 鷶: 買 (mǎi) buy, purchase; bribe, persuade / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㑻: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 密 (mì) dense, thick, close; intimate 覃: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 渂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 旻 (mín) heaven 䪅: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 醓: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 瘒: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 劕: 質 (zhì) matter, material, substance / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 澗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 鴠: 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 帢: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 瞧: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 芵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 挴: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 每 (měi) every, each 德: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㰶: 咎 (jiù) fault, defect; error, mistake / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 蹂: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 䭄: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 事 (shì) affair, matter, business; to serve; accident, incident 惉: 沾 (zhān) moisten, wet, soak; touch / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㷋: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 陒: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 協: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor 迗: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial 汖: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 䣙: 崩 (bēng) rupture, split apart, collapse / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 韧: 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 瑦: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 僩: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 淫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 㸒 (yín) to absurd pursuit or desire; to wish wildly; to desire to long for (usually more than one's rightful share), to knit; to weave ⻭: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 荴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 扶 (fú) support, help; protect; hold on 屶: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 痻: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 㛽: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 宩 (shǐ) 憈: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 虚 (xū) false 鸍: 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 嬏: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 貖: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 䦘: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 簡: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 㤣: 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 钦: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 冨: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 謯: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 虘 (cuó) 䐱: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 六 (liù) number six / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 窺: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 規 (guī) rules, regulations, customs, law 㞼: ㇖ / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 錿: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 楃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter 臈: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 葛 (gé) edible bean; surname 䋊: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 煓: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 柜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 鱡: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 賊 (zéi) thief, traitor 奣: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 明 (míng) bright, light, brilliant; clear 俬: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 私 (sī) private, personal; secret 扵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 仒 (bīng) kwukyel 㽷: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 髺: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 埼: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 朆: 曾 (céng) already; sign of past / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 䎉: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 颏: 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㘐: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 駮 (bó) a kind of fierce animal; join; argue; transfer; piebald horse, variegated 伖: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 友 (yǒu) friend, companion; fraternity 萜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 帖 (tiē) invitation card; notice 窣: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 圦: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 昰: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 䊳: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 靡 (mí) divide, disperse, scatter 鮹: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 㤺: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 巟 (huāng) a watery waste; to reach 乀: ㇝ 蝆: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 羋 (mǐ) bleat of sheep; surname 緍: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 噐: 㗊 (jí) public opinion; clamour; noise, (ancient form of 雷); thunder, an organic compound (porphin); (porphyrins) / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 楚: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot 䗝: 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 髣: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 㡤: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 煪: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 虰: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 糷: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 蘭 (lán) orchid; elegant, graceful 奺: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late 輁: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 梄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 帋: 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 㮎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 盃 (bēi) glass, cup 霑: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 沾 (zhān) moisten, wet, soak; touch 炔: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 覚: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 礥: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 賢 (xián) virtuous, worthy, good; able 墤: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 踫: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 並 (bìng) equal to; side by side; also, what is more; both 醪: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 殮: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 䄵: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 㐄 (kuà) 㪸: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 阻: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 玾: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 裄: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 硏: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 寎: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 郔: 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 櫘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 慧 (huì) bright, intelligent; intelligence 䁟: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 㷢: 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 饥: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 几 (jǐ) small table 狨: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 诮: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 筹: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 嫸: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 鏾: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 散 (sàn) scatter, disperse, break up 龋: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 怊: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 岍: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 㴌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 姑 (gū) father's sister; husband's mother 謘: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 䠚: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 窊 (wā) pit, vault; store in pit; (Cant.) 手窊, the arm 憟: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 粟 (sù) unhusked millet; grain 㺡: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 錨: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality 倪: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 貭: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 洬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夙 (sù) early in morning, dawn; previous 䦯: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 钽: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 甼: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 冿: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 滁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 除 (chú) eliminate, remove, except 聊: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 嵌: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 监: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 臟: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 藏 (cáng) hide, conceal; hoard, store up 扞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 廡: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 㽠: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 赬: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 䩮: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 揳: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 镼: 镸 (cháng) long / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 剾: 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 澀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 歰 (sè) (Cant.) 歰氣 to argue, wrangle, disagree 蠅: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 䔇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 瞐: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 㒒: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 逕: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 標: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 芞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 徠: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 爩: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 鬱 (yù) luxuriant; dense, thick; moody 撲: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 菐 (pú) a thicket 鴷: 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 娹: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 弦 (xián) string; hypotenuse, crescent 迀: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 䳂: 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 罋: 雍 (yōng) harmony, union; harmonious / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 㱍: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 韐: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 哒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 达 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery ⻖: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇌ 詙: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 犮 (bá) to pull up 䝛: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 秤: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 㛦: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 鉩: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 尒 (ěr) you, your 汭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 内 (nèi) inside 蓲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 䇴: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 瑽: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 冁: 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone / 展 (zhǎn) open, unfold; stretch, extend 骇: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 㰈: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 攎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 䦑: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 碛: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 责 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 崞: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 蘤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 傫: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 馱: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 㬲: 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 搸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 䢻: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 矅: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 屈: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 蕎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 濕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation 飛: 升 (shēng) arise, go up; hoist; advance / 飞 (fēi) fly; go quickly; dart; high 㩜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 换: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 奂 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 䟥: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 盯: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 孲: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 葸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 滿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 吃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 㦆: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 鴉: 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 抌: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 䰓: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 臱 (mián) 笝: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 㘝 (niè) to take in; to absorb, (non-classical form of 罱) a kind of spring fishing net; a kind of small net with a handle used to catch fishes or birds 媜: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 莢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 匭: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 軌 (guǐ) track, rut, path 㢰: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 鰳: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 勒 (lēi) strangle, tighten 憶: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 䬽: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 穇: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 姆: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 苌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 长 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 剗: 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㟚: 枝 (zhī) branches, limbs; branch off / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 魝: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 惠: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䩧: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 祱: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 声: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 臶: 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very / 存 (cún) exist, live, be; survive; remain 閃: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 爂: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 嚅: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 需 (xū) need, require, must 㜄: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 趓: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 朵 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 樒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 密 (mì) dense, thick, close; intimate 井: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 二 (èr) two; twice 玗: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 㒙: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 綿 (mián) cotton wad; wool; soft, downy 脠: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 䈢: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 枲 (xǐ) male nettle-hemp 殧: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 就 (jiù) just, simply; to come, go to; to approach, near 麵: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 缴: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 䎷: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 鉂: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 史 (shǐ) history, chronicle, annals 坄: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 糉: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 詒: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 佔: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 鏗: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 堅 (jiān) hard, strong, firm; resolute 灖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 靡 (mí) divide, disperse, scatter 哙: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting 㕘: 厽 (lěi) / 尒 (ěr) you, your 诧: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 桦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 华 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 䳩: 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 燫: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 廉 (lián) upright, honorable, honest 齴: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 彦 (yàn) elegant 䁶: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 槻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 規 (guī) rules, regulations, customs, law 綈: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 㺊: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 恙 (yàng) illness, sickness; indisposition 舍: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䜏: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname 邖: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 喘: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 怡: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 袦: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 䶨: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 霯: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 報: 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 暺: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 輿: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 畃: 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 㙅: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 呆 (dāi) dull; dull-minded, simple, stupid 鷈: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 廊: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 郎 (láng) gentleman, young man; husband 浓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 农 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 篜: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 烝 (zhēng) rise, steam; many, numerous 㳞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 仲 (zhòng) middle brother; go between, mediator; surname 聡: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 忩 (cōng) same as 怱 U+6031, hastily, in haste, hurriedly 䕣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / ㇇ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 召: 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 繵: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 蛺: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 䯼: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 狄 (dí) tribe from northern china; surnam 笆: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 徉: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 蒏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 化: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 㦝: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / ㇒ / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 皃 (mào) countenance, appearance / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 頜: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 暣: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 氣 (qì) air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit 䬦: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 稰: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 庳: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 螹: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 剀: 岂 (qǐ) how? what? / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㣇: 彑 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / ㇒ / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 魆: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 戉 (yuè) a battle-axe, a halberd 懍: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 稟 (bǐng) report to, petition 䩐: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 畚: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 姝: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 蛣: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 浪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 㯱: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 驰: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 惷: 春 (chūn) spring; wanton / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䕺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 錁: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 璄: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 竟 (jìng) finally, after all, at last 䈋: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 謑: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 沔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 丏 (miǎn) parapet; invisible 閚: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 㰟: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 攥: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 纂 (zuǎn) edit, compile; topknot, chignon 䒤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 鈫: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 趪: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 瞮: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 崵: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 註: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 澾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 達 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent 铄: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 乐 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 㽉: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 摏: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 舂 (chōng) grind in mortar 䟎: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 賛 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 賔: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 盘: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 屟: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 蕥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 雅 (yǎ) elegant, graceful, refined 滨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宾 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 韮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 㹳: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 杹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize 䛸: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 店 (diàn) shop, store; inn, hotel 迾: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify 莋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 作 (zuò) make; work; compose, write; act, perform 簊: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 基 (jī) foundation, base 䂍: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 暴 (bào) violent, brutal, tyrannical 霘: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 洞 (dòng) cave, grotto; ravine; hole 吚: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 尹 (yǐn) govern; oversee; director 綟: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 戾 (lì) perverse, recalcitrant, rebellious 輨: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 官 (guān) official, public servant 䰪: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 邭: 句 (jù) sentence / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 焬: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 易 (yì) change; easy 喯: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 奔 (bēn) run fast, flee; rush about; run 㘮: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 袽: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as 椼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 衍 (yǎn) overflow, spill over, spread out 狁: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 㟃: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 鱊: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 䅌: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 櫑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 鷟: 族 (zú) a family clan, ethnic group, tribe / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 繞: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 䋡: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 酬: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 州 (zhōu) administrative division, state 噮: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 翳: 殹 (yì) an echo / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㳵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 季 (jì) quarter of year; season; surname 襼: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 藝 (yì) art; talent, ability; craft 乾: 龺 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 玀: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 鐅: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 备: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 殐: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 谕: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 瘙: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 㬛: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 翕 (xī) agree 麞: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 䎠: 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 温: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 碲: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 㶴: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 脷: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䘹: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 鏀: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock 僂: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 捋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 寽 (lǜ) a handful; a pinch 诐: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 䣒: 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 陙: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 孛: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 旤: 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth / 旡 (jì) choke on something eaten 蹩: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 灭: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 㕯: 内 (nèi) inside / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 飲: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 巴: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 桽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 喁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 麇: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 㠈: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 閏 (rùn) intercalary; extra, surplus 愎: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 䶑: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 粛: ⺺ / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 夞: 外 (wài) out, outside, external; foreign / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 七 (qī) seven 舤: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 咫: 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 鶱: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㼲: 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 怸: 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䲻: 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 珅: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 塈: 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 腎: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 毕: 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 鳛: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 㹜: 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 杢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 䏥: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 狯: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting 彲: 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 聸: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 櫿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 營 (yíng) encampment, barracks; manage 倃: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 咎 (jiù) fault, defect; error, mistake 㶆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 諸 (zhū) several, various 餉: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 暌: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 䠓: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 㘗: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 瞿 (qú) surname 缝: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 府: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 螢: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 圭: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㲰: 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 頳: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 斶: 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 伽: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 㕁: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 繇: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 系 (xì) system; line, link, connection 巆: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 營 (yíng) encampment, barracks; manage 蛌: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 噗: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 菐 (pú) a thicket 齝: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 擠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 乧: 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 㑫: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 統: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 充 (chōng) fill, be full, supply 峰: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 夆 (féng) resist 藶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 醃: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 瘂: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 劅: 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 覓: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 渒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 䪕: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 瞗: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 蔠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 終 (zhōng) end; finally, in the end 䘢: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 澧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 骵: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 笴: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 䞷: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 陂: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 卄: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 磉: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 桑 (sāng) mulberry tree; surname 蹒: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 两 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 䭔: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 韗: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 瑖: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 段 (duàn) section, piece, division 僙: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 迧: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 汦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 䣩: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 痫: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 闲 (xián) fence, guard; defend; idle time 㛭: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 魴: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 䑶: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 添: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 忝 (tiǎn) disgraced; ashamed; self-deprecating 禈: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 㪊: 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 蘍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 勳 (xūn) meritorious deed; merits; rank 䌏: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 密 (mì) dense, thick, close; intimate 钖: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / ㇎ / ㇒ 冘: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 搡: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 桑 (sāng) mulberry tree; surname 貦: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 䦨: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 㞬: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 錯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 就: 京 (jīng) capital city / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 抺: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 謿: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 朝 (cháo) dynasty; morning 煃: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 奎 (kuí) stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions 駈: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name 嫊: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally 楓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 翜: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 㣞: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 兊 (duì) 葡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 匍 (pú) crawl; lie prostrate 䅣: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 埬: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 穵: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 苺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 俼: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 㘀: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 䊆 (jiù) cooked, dry rice flour, (same as 糗) cured dried grain; parched wheat or rice 缆: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 览 (lǎn) look at, inspect; perceive 安: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 肏: 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 圖: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 啚 (bǐ) low, mean 㶝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 應 (yīng) should, ought to, must 鰜: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 抣: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 匀 (yún) equal 伦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 仑 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 縰: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 徙 (xǐ) move one's abode, shift, migrate 媳: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 息 (xī) rest, put stop to, end, cease 莹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 噀: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 㳇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 齆: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 邕 (yōng) former or literary name for Nanning (in Guangxi) 旍: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 乐: ㇒ / ㇗ / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 煚: 昛 (jù) / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 川: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 苣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 楪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 㿱: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 鹰: 䧹 (yīng) (same as U+9DF9 鷹) hawk; eagle; falcon / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 擷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 頡 (xié) fly upward, soar; contest; to rob 䅺: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 霁: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 齐 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 炄: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 䘋: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 㦰 (jiān) to break off (relations); to sever, to exterminate; to annihilate; to wipe out, to pierce; to stab; to irritate; to hurt, to hold weapons, agricultural implements; far tools, sharp will; eager intention; determination / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 輑: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 梔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 巵 (zhī) measuring cup; wine container 醚: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 迷 (mí) bewitch, charm, infatuate 㠟: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 氺 (shui) 愥: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 䂤: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 阫: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 親: 亲 (qīn) relatives, parents; intimate the hazel nut or filbert tree a thorny tree / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 玮: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 夵: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 踻: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 殾: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 郄: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㭉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 恏: 好 (hǎo) good, excellent, fine; well / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䏎: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 裔: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 冏 (jiǒng) (archaic form of U+70AF 炯) light, bright 狘: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 戉 (yuè) a battle-axe, a halberd 塟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㘸 (zàng) (same as 葬) to bury, (ancient form of 坐) to sit, a seat 腥: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 櫨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 鏮: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy 㩳: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 雙 (shuāng) set of two, pair, couple; both 捹: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 奔 (bēn) run fast, flee; rush about; run 䋸: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 课: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 螋: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 砊: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 䒍: 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 錘: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 倚: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 禟: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 謨: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 䠪: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / ㇗ / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 钭: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 甬: 龴 / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 冯: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 貽: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 洼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 䦿: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 盁: 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 顊: 阜 (fù) mound; abundant, ample, numerous / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䕌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 稚 (zhì) young, immature; childhood 滑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 駟: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 四 (sì) four 穞: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 鲁 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 䛡: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 镬: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 剮: 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 篳: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 㣵: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 赼: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䩾: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 瞀: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 㒂: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 著 (zhe) manifest; (Cant.) to wear 逅: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 崇: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 澐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province 蠕: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 爙: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 㼛: 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 骞: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 䞠: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 権: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 粲: 歺 (è) vicious, depraved, bad / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 㦴: 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 蔷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 啬 (sè) miserly, thrifty; stingy 䈹: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 宿 (sù) stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation 韀: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 廌 (zhì) unicorn 哂: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 杋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 运: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 䳒: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㛖: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 鉙: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 彛: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 懤: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan ⻦: 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 詩: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 瑭: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 鳲: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 姴: 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 汽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 妁: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 銇: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 㐈: 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 洎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from 䆑: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 炛: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize 唞: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 抖 (dǒu) tremble, shake, rouse; give shake 踤: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 墫: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 醱: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 永: ㇆ / ㇇ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 䂻: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 翅: 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 呈: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname ⻏: ⻖ 赎: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 卖 (mài) sell; betray; show off 柕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 郛: 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 止: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 丄 (shàng) above 俥: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 绯: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 卲: 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 豸: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 替: 㚘 (bàn) (interchangeable 伴) a partner; a companion, (same as 赫) bright; luminous, glorious (same as 扶) to support; to prop up; to help / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 尃: 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 锉: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 檌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 罪 (zuì) crime, sin, vice; evil; hardship 䐓: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㨗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 猝: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 劜: 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 订: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 嬭: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 鐳: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 雷 (léi) thunder 榶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 䌽: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 㥁: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / ㇗ / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 片: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丄 (shàng) above / ㇕ 准: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 諌: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 婗: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 㿚: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 維 (wéi) maintain, preserve, safeguard 鍝: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 棠: 龸 / 呆 (dāi) dull; dull-minded, simple, stupid 䉧: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 劉 (liú) surname; kill, destroy 㡫: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 煱: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 僰: 棘 (jí) jujube tree; thorns, brambles / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 觶: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 鶃: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 稂: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 庅: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 么 (me) interrogative particle; repetition of a tune small; tender 㼄: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 薓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 戒: 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 䚕: 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 算: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 㲙: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 褠: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 䨢: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 控: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 隵: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 戲 (xì) theatrical play, show 眴: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 䮷: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 驂: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 彄: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 瓉: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 艒: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 冒 (mào) risk, brave, dare 䝔: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吅 (xuān) / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 鯗: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 硖: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 峙: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 㵘: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 菧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 底 (dǐ) bottom, underneath, underside 恦: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 䓩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 枝 (zhī) branches, limbs; branch off 秫: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique 㫭: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 靴: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize 䡶: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 懻: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 冀 (jì) hope for; wish; Hebei province 疈: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 㚊: 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 訍: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 伏: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 颖: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 嶘: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 棧 (zhàn) warehouse; tavern, inn 校: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 肦: ⺼ / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 䖨: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 㮬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 鼯: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 倱: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 溺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 弱 (ruò) weak; fragile, delicate 蜿: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 絃: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 㹅: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 闈: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 囊: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 吅 (xuān) / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 敓: 兌 (duì) cash; exchange, barter; weight / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 珜: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 㓞: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 衡: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 䵣: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 寬: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 癵: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 軺: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 䏼: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 㨀: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 猆: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 垉: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 貏: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 嬖: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 逜: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 溣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 倫 (lún) normal human relationships 䌦: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 爰: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 嚳: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 边: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 婀: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 阿 (ā) prefix for people's names; used in transliteration 鍆: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening 槍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 䉐: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 軲 (gū) a wheel; to revolve 絚: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 亙 (gèn) extend across, through; from 凝: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 軣: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 敪: 叕 (zhuó) to connect / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 鉰: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 棷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 䵺: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 鼎 (dǐng) large, three-legged bronze caldron 鬁: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit 粄: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 䨋: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 茑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 撔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions 鶚: 咢 (è) sound; drumming / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㐟: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 津: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 䲤: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 酒 (jiǔ) wine, spirits, liquor, alcoholic beverage 騫: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 薪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 新 (xīn) new, recent, fresh, modern 羮: 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 唵: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble ⺸: 卝 (kuàng) hair style; ore / 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 舻: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 卢 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 枾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 鳄: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 㝉: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 汏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 俎: 仌 (bīng) / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 蓔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid 绘: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting 呟: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 赥: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 曨: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 㙳: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 感 (gǎn) feel, perceive, emotion 潹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 森 (sēn) forest; luxuriant vegetation 仸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 蟾: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 讋: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 琊: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 邪 (xié) wrong, evil, depraved, vicious, perverse, heterodox 䢍: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 鼘: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 尚: ⺌|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 疟: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / ⺕ 蜨: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 疌 (jié) 䐪: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 隽 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 颭: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 礬: 棥 (fán) a railing; a fence an enclosed place / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 嶯: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 戢 (jí) to put away; to cease; store up 㸮: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 肽: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 愼: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 眞 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 䖿: 䄪 (diǎo) hanging down of the ears of the grains, something to hang or be hanged or hung / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 竁: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 毳 (cuì) fine hair or fur on animals 㿃: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 鑊: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 䥌: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 昍 (xuān) / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 拑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 闟: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 翕 (xī) agree 癞: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 赖 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 䫡: 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 饬: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 幮: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 廚 (chú) kitchen; closet; cupboard 石: 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 㓵: 咢 (è) sound; drumming / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 腼: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 䙾: 它 (tā) it; other / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 简: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 间 (jiān) midpoint, space; place, locality 㢂: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 鰅: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 儇: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 掐: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 萕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 斉 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 縙: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 茸 (rōng) soft, downy; buds, sprouts 隞: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 䮠: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 昩: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 炲: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 㖴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 褷: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 徙 (xǐ) move one's abode, shift, migrate 丹: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 鯀: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 系 (xì) system; line, link, connection 壂: 殿 (diàn) hall; palace; temple / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 歋: 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 菐: 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 䃒: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 㫖: 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 鹙: 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 卛: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 淤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 於 (yú) in, at, on; interjection alas! 虩: ⺌|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 硭: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 芒 (máng) Miscanthus sinensis 㵯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鳯 (fèng) male phoenix; symbol of joy 郲: 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 嗴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 羗 (qiāng) tribes in West China; strong; educated; obstinate; a particle 恽: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 嶁: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 隇: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 威 (wēi) pomp, power; powerful; dominate 椎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 䖑: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 璛: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently 儞: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 訤: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination 岫: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 閱: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 兌 (duì) cash; exchange, barter; weight 㜲: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 嬴 (yíng) to win; to have a surplus; surname 核: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 䒻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 篅: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 偈: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 襎: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 揕: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 铛: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 当 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 㙜: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 潢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 䯥: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation 端: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 坲: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 弗 (fú) not, negative 衸: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 拿: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 手 (shǒu) hand 堃: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㖆: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false 鄉: 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 郎 (láng) gentleman, young man; husband 溌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 発 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 䀓: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 㸗: 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 眝: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 嚜: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 墨 (mò) ink; writing 辢: 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 弭: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 㒰: 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 逳: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 涶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 䜽: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 㵁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 癇: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 嗆: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 軌: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 九 (jiǔ) nine 幗: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 國 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 㯚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 答 (dá) answer, reply; return; assent to 靝: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young / 氣 (qì) air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit 泠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 䙧: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 㱫: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 畱: 丣 (yǒu) ancient form of the tenth of the twelve Terrestrial Branches, U+9149 酉 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 哰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 牢 (láo) prison; stable, pen; secure 跶: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 达 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery 馃: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 縂: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 总 (zǒng) collect; overall, altogether 媅: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 㬄: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 旲 (tái) 膓: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 昒: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 䊕: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 羗: ⺶ / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 㢙: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 勤 (qín) industrious, diligent, attentive 贠: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 丢: 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 枧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 銵: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 猴: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 侷: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 局 (jú) bureau, office; circumstance 鹂: 丽 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 孄: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 烉: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 虒: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 䍔: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 籖: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 韯 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 壙: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 㥘: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 刼 (jié) to plunder; to rob openly 蟧: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 摦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 瓠 (hù) bottle gourd; calabash; pot 䃩: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 緫: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 㻭: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 率 (lǜ) to lead; ratio; rate; limit 鍴: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 䱶: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 朗 (lǎng) clear, bright; distinct 旻: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 熈: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 踍: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 䬏: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 鲖: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 妘: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 氡: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 蒦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 䆨: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 昊 (hào) summer time; sky; heaven 㾬: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 鬯: 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 吱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 檺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 豪 (háo) brave, heroic, chivalrous 茿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong 祃: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 㩅: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 畱 (liú) to detain; to entertain to keep; to put by 釈: 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 勊: 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 慓: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 矜: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 象: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 䥣: 毀 (huǐ) destroy, ruin, injure; slander / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 忬: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 牵: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 諺: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 彦 (yàn) elegant 䟼: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 武 (wǔ) military; martial, warlike 㸀: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 㙜 (chí) (ancient and corrupted form of U+81FA 臺) a lookout, a tower, a terrace, a platform, a stage 眆: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 厉: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 万 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 袏: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper 弖: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 㖝: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 鐜: 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 檣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated 䜦: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 瘰: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 劳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 讹: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize 幀: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 㓇: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 靆: 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province / 逮 (dǎi) seize, catch; reach, arrive 淍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 䙐: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 祚: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 嗝: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 諣: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 慪: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 㟱: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid 陰: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 侌 (yīn) 泷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 䥺: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 鼁: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 碄: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 下: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 蜑: 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 悔: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 每 (měi) every, each 馚: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 椥: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 知 (zhī) know, perceive, comprehend 䢤: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 秫 (shú) glutinous variety of millet 鸫: 东 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 膪: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 啻 (chì) only, merely; just like; stop at 箮: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 儵: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 蘻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 繫 (xì) attach, connect, unite, fasten 掾: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 飄: 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 桏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 邛 (qióng) in distress; a mound 䯎: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 胔: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 竘: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 句 (jù) sentence 偟: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 襥: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 拨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 发 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out; hair 鯮: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 歹: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 䫸: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 菾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 忝 (tiǎn) disgraced; ashamed; self-deprecating 辋: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 罔 (wǎng) net; deceive; libel; negative 瀊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 盤 (pán) tray, plate, dish; examine 䲍: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 鮝 (xiǎng) dried fish 鬘: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 堚: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 熟: 孰 (shú) who? which? what? which one? / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 ⺡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 茨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 次 (cì) order, sequence; next 䀪: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 鲭: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 紬: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 妯: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 㨮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 蒽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 恩 (ēn) kindness, mercy, charity 攼: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䆿: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 臬 (niè) law, rule; door post 绁: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 㯃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 桼 (qī) the varnish tree; lacquer, varnish, paint 遊: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 斿 (yóu) to swim; to move or rove freely 䵌: 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 曑: 晶 (jīng) crystal; clear, bright; radiant / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 釟: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 牞: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 仡: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 鵬: 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 婮: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 珳: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 彣 (wén) 蕼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 肆 (sì) indulge; excess; numeral four; particle meaning now, therefore; shop 䉾: 北 (běi) north; northern; northward / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 羀: 网 (wǎng) net; network; KangXi radical 122 / 畱 (liú) to detain; to entertain to keep; to put by 㲂: 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 項: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 唇: 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 析: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 耕: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 稙: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 㜛: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 軟 (ruǎn) soft, flexible, pliable; weak 銞: 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 侠: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 戩: 晉 (jìn) advance, increase; promote / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 璲: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 贷: 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䨹: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 峂: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 潋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 敛 (liǎn) draw back, fold back; collect 蟐: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 常 (cháng) common, normal, frequent, regular 䓒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 甸 (diān) suburbs of capital; govern; crops 㻖: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 驙: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 坛: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 槤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 艩: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 籭: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 㥯: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 铲: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 产 (chǎn) give birth, bring forth, produce 凴: 馮 (féng) surname; gallop; by dint of / 几 (jǐ) small table 摽: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 䰈: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 炋: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 輊: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 㦑: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 芗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village 搘: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 耆 (qí) man of sixty; aged, old 垥: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 骧: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 簨: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 䬲: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 句 (jù) sentence 澵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 新 (xīn) new, recent, fresh, modern 踴: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 勇 (yǒng) brave, courageous, fierce 㢻: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 臁: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 廉 (lián) upright, honorable, honest 捂: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 囏: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 駑: 奴 (nú) slave, servant / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 筒: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 䩜: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 滟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 艳 (yàn) beautiful, sexy, voluptuous 赞: 兟 (shēn) to advance / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㟥: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 胫: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 扬: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / ㇎ / ㇒ 嗹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 飻: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 穼: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䦆: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 䀠 (jù) a Chinese family name, the timid look of a bird; (of birds) to look around, nervous (same as 瞿) shocked or scared / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 貈: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 猍: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 㰓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䈗: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 憖: 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蔙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 旋 (xuán) revolve, move in orbit; return 娧: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 禦: 御 (yù) drive, ride; chariot; manage / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 鴩: 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䢰: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 讲: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 爷: 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 / ㇆ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 㬽: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 䅁: 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 惀: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 葃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 昨 (zuó) yesterday; in former times, past 契: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 磐: 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 鱓: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 䟚: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 亓 (qí) (archaic form) his, her, its, their; that 諜: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 煡: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 㩧: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 暴 (bào) violent, brutal, tyrannical 䁫: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 忪: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 荭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 红 (hóng) red, vermillion; blush, flush 塻: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 矺: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 魽: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 䜄: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 犀 (xī) rhinoceros; sharp, well-tempered 殇: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇎ / ㇒ 鐎: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 㺕: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 弔: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 䒙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up 閣: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 眤: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 岩: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 褰: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 倶: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write 璹: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 蛅: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 框: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise 凋: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 黕: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 㽔: 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 䕘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 領 (lǐng) neck; collar; lead, guide 槛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 监 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 鉢: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 㳩: 江 (jiāng) large river; yangzi; surname / 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) 嵨: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 䋭: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 鏷: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 菐 (pú) a thicket 畸: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 嫽: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 态: 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 螄: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 師 (shī) teacher, master, specialist; multitude, troops 亊: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ⺕ / ㇚ / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 㜏: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 砑: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 龔: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 暚: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 訝: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 唣: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 皂 (zào) soap; black; menial servant 㶨: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 纪: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 䎬: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 罢 (bà) cease, finish, stop; give up 洳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as 邶: 北 (běi) north; northern; northward / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 宼: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 䙅: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity ⻊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 珌: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 靏: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 鶴 (hè) crane; Grus species (various) 幕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 旲 (tái) / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 藘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 慮 (lǜ) be concerned, worry about 䳞: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㕣: 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 癥: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 鷨: 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 擮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 截 (jié) cut off, stop, obstruct, intersect 衱: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 卷: 龹 / 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 㯼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 糾: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 䈀: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 暃: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 脂: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 娐: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 纓: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 餒: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 䦝: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare 貟: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 爠: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 瞿 (qú) surname 㬦: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 憭: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 耬: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear ⺳: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 唺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 禽: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 頼: 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䣇: 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 迉: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 浊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㩐: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 等 (děng) rank, grade; wait; equal; 'etc.' 惗: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 荖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 呤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 磧: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 魦: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 䯱: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 軳: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 汴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 卞 (biàn) to be impatient, in a hurry; excitable 㕺: 吅 (xuān) / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 芀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 攅: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 賛 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 垎: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 骐: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 紕: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 䰟: 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 澞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 虞 (yú) concerned about, anxious, worried 錡: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 㒤: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 搯: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 嚸: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 點 (diǎn) dot, speck, spot; point, degree 閺: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 旻 (mín) heaven 簿: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 溥 (pǔ) big, great, vast, wide; widespread 佉: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 滈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 鉋: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 㟎: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 杙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 凢: 几 (jǐ) small table / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 铤: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 廷 (tíng) court 罩: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 乳: 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 槲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 斛 (hú) dry measure equal to some five or ten dou (U+6597 舒) 赵: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 㛸: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 壴 (zhù) 訆: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 儌: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 疏: ⺪ / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 讛: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 藝 (yì) art; talent, ability; craft 検: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 㑒 务: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 㰪: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䘮: 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 檱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 箕 (jī) sieve; dust pan, garbage bag 霸: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 䩗 (bà) (same as 霸) to rule by might rather than right; a feudal lord 㶿: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 孛 (bèi) comet 帾: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 䟃: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 郍: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 癎: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 忓: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 葚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 占: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 矣: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 鱪: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 暑 (shǔ) hot 藯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 慰 (wèi) comfort, console, calm 歰: 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 䳵: 勑 (chì) reward; sincere / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 鷿: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㹾: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 咎 (jiù) fault, defect; error, mistake 䂂: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 渉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 歩 (bù) step 醌: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 墒: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 商 (shāng) commerce, business, trade 䬛: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 炢: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique 鐥: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 挫: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 蚮: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation 䶴: 炊 (chuī) cook; meal / 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure 㘹: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 笻: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 卭 (qióng) high. to raise 麾: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 旄: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 襇: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 偍: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 㣒: 曾 (céng) already; sign of past / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 緔: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 䋖: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 桝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to 鏠: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 嫦: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 常 (cháng) common, normal, frequent, regular 䕯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 瓢 (piáo) ladle made from dried gourd 狶: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 陹: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 升 (shēng) arise, go up; hoist; advance / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 嵿: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 頂 (dǐng) top, peak; carry on head; very 䠈: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 璋: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 謊: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 荒 (huāng) wasteland, desert; uncultivated 㶑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 蚗: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 怘: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 厥: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 欮 (jué) to hiccough; to dig out to expand 麧: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 砨: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 戹 (è) In difficulty, distressed 伲: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 段: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 訴: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 斥 (chì) to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach 㲻: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 藁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 槀 (gǎo) draft, manuscript 杂: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 朩 (děng) kwukyel: rank, grade; wait; equal; 'etc.' 勏: 咅 (pǒu) to spit out / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 鷑: 笠 (lì) bamboo hat; bamboo covering / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 罒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 乜: 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / ㇆ 櫟: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 襞: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 蓫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 逐 (zhú) chase, expel; one by one 晬: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 凹: 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 鳻: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 繼: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 㡭 (jì) (standard, ancient form of U+7E7C 繼) to continue; to carry on, to follow; to inherit; to succeed to 䶆: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 袈: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 眍: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 㠓: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 䘗: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 斖: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 舋 (xìn) split; (Cant.) a mark, trace 脙: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech ⺜: 冃 (mào) 帧: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 贞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 綦: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 餩: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 䲰: 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 農: 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 瘷: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 敕 (chì) an imperial order or decree 㼽: 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 䕁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 棐 (fěi) species of yew 擀: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 幹 (gàn) trunk of tree or of human body 聃: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 嵑: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 糐: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 顓: 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䏚: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 軜: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 内 (nèi) inside 畡: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 㹧: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 䑫: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 寪: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 蝭: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 屻: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 珺: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 齽: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 禁 (jìn) restrict, prohibit, forbid 䌄: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 㪅 (same as 更) to change, to alter 澇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 逎: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 㪕: 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 嬔: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 䂙: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 醣: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 㘢: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 猤: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 癶 (bō) legs; KangXi radical 105 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 墩: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 贰: 弍 (èr) number two / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㞷: 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 吶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 內 (nèi) inside, interior; domestic 点: 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 苅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 刈 (yì) cut off, reap, mow; sickle 汆: 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 嗋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 脅 (xié) ribs; armpits; flank; threaten 髕: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 㭔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 䅘: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 淛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 制 (zhì) system; establish; overpower 院: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 㣩: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 奨: 丬 (qiáng) half of tree trunk; rad. no. 90 / 寽 (lǜ) a handful; a pinch / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 䛭: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 韷: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 㑶: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 氣 (qì) air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit 煸: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 廽: 廴 (yǐn) go; KangXi radical 54 / 囬 (huí) to return to or from 搁: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 阁 (gé) chamber, pavilion; cabinet 莄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 䪊: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 簑: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 衰 (shuāi) decline, falter, decrease; weaken 鮔: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 抚: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 无 (wú) negative, no, not; KangXi radical 71 踝: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 儣: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 㦨: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 窪: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 洼 (wā) hollow; pit; depression; swamp 䞬: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 椳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 钶: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 徼: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 䉅: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out 矌: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 鍏: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 婕: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 疌 (jié) 臘: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 巤 (liè) a mane; bristles, as on a hog; dorsal fins 䣞: 㖾 (è) (same as 咢) to beat a drum; to startle, to argue; to debate; to dispute, (interchangeable 愕) to be surprised; to be amazed; to marvel, (interchangeable 鍔) the blade or edge of a sword, beams of a house / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 牥: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 駨: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 惮: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 豱: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 坷: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 㿼: 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 磾: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 䘀: 阜 (fù) mound; abundant, ample, numerous / 䖵 (kūn) insects 抃: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 卞 (biàn) to be impatient, in a hurry; excitable 蔂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 帐: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 长 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 窓: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鴒: 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䶝: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 袟: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 瘠: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 脊 (jí) spine, backbone; ridge 㼦: 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 断: ㇗ / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 萬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 儺: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 難 (nán) difficult, arduous, hard; unable 綽: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 鰼: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 䳇: 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 诉: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 斥 (chì) to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach 楊: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 㹐: 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 擗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 蝖: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 偤: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 糧: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 量 (liàng) measure, quantity, capacity 齦: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 俱: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write 諳: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 桴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 蚀: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 愅: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 㘋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 賢 (xián) virtuous, worthy, good; able 厎: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 麐: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 吝 (lìn) stingy, miserly, parsimonious 礕: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 䠟: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 殞: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 霡: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 脉 (mài) blood vessels, veins, arteries 怯: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 劸: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 醺: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 熏 (xūn) smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure 砿: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 広 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 䭉: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 櫈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 凳 (dèng) bench; stool 陋: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / ㇗ / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 捙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 嗢: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 郤: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 筩: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 䩳: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 灾 (zāi) calamity, disaster, catastrophe / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 淲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 襵: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 踆: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 㒍: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 厽 (lěi) / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 唌: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 熏: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 辛: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 洜: 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 嚡: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 鞋 (xié) shoes, footwear in general 㠪: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up 䈮: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 竘 (qǔ) 溱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 錸: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 㦿: 户 (hù) door; family / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 娾: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 厓 (yá) precipice, shore, bank; surname 䏃: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 铍: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 㕌: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 㝵 (dé) (ancient form of U+5F97 得) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 礙) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint 牎: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 寓: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 聚: 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select / 乑 (yín) stand side by side 㛡: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 坠: 队 (duì) team, group; army unit / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 珣: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 顪: 歲 (suì) year; age; harvest / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 臯: 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 潰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 䣵: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 駿: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 㩾: 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 䒂: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general 樉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing 閌: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 岒: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 伛: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 㞠: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 璢: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 畱 (liú) to detain; to entertain to keep; to put by 逥: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 囬 (huí) to return to or from 末: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 芮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 内 (nèi) inside 䦴: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 睪 (yì) spy on 缻: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 骾: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 懄: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 勤 (qín) industrious, diligent, attentive 赇: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 呍: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 㳒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 厺 (qù) to go; depart 秔: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 䛖: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 汝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 韠: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 廦: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 䅯: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 盶: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 鉹: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 奿: 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 䐈: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 碋: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 岢 (kě) 蜊: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit 誗: 訸 (hé) / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 氘: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 徥: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 銧: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 琨: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 䌲: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 枵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 号 (hào) mark, sign; symbol; number 蘴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 豐 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 见: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 歂: 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 廏: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 皀 (jí) kernel, seed; enjoy, feast [?] / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 金: 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 獒: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 䉜: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 雉 (zhì) pheasant; crenellated wall 曟: 晶 (jīng) crystal; clear, bright; radiant / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 蕞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 最 (zuì) most, extremely, exceedingly 㿥: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition 裫: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 橬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 朁 (cǎn) if, supposing, nevertheless 巹: 氶 (zhěng) name of a river in Shandong / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 郻: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / ㇗ / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 牼: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 䆆: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 蒈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 笍: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 内 (nèi) inside 㐓: 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 䨗: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 榖: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 贙: 虤 (yán) / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 刧: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 熦: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 雀 (què) sparrow 锩: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 䂰: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit 莲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 连 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 稷: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 畟 (cè) plough 䥁: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 龴 / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 检: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 豃: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 兑: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 烐: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 鑓: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 遣 (qiǎn) send, dispatch; send off, exile 俚: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 苜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 祡: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 䡫: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 埪: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 譭: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 毁 (huǐ) destroy 偻: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 翺: 臯 (gāo) to praise; to bless high; eminent; (Cant.) a marsh, pool / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 鍽: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard ⺅: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 伄: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 弔 (diào) condole, mourn, pity; hang 掇: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 鰎: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 㚕: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 弗 (fú) not, negative 圔: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 䲙: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 鶣: 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㨢: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 能 (néng) to be able; can, permitted to; ability 缤: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 宾 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 咩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 脰: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 㮷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 堶: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 粹: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 軅: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 雁 (yàn) wild goose 恆: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 亙 (gèn) extend across, through; from 始: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 雕: 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㝔: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 䵘: 黍 (shǔ) glutinous millet; KangXi radical number 202 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 懛: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 臺 (tái) tower, lookout; stage, platform 驢: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 㓩: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 啨: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 䫭: 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 鯷: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 㡶: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 絸: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 勽: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 栁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夘 (mǎo) 4th of Earth Branches; period from 5-7 a.m. 辄: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 耴 (yì) 䚊: 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㼏: 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 瀑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 暴 (bào) violent, brutal, tyrannical 鞔: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 溚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 荅 (dā) answer: small bean; thick 舝: 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 㐄 (kuà) 崣: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 㖨: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 彔 (lù) to carve wood 皪: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 䮬: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 攳: 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch / 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 颶: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write 厼: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 久: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇏ 篌: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 齏: 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 噕: 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 跘: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 半 (bàn) half 䓞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 戶 (hù) door; family, household / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 㵣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 歇 (xiē) rest, stop, lodge 繥: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 门: 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇆ 泮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 半 (bàn) half 聱: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 孷: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 瓾: 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 䨀: 籴 (dí) purchase grains; store grain / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 溃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 褂: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 卦 (guà) fortune telling; tell fortunes 刐: 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 皓: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 鄒: 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䆝: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 蒟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 竘 (qǔ) 稠: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 榭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 射 (shè) shoot, eject, issue forth, emit 蠬: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 崺: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 施 (shī) grant, bestow; give; act; name 熽: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently 逼: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 䃇: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 帛 (bó) silks, fabrics; wealth, property 蟉: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 敊: 尗 (shū) younger of brothers; father's younger brother younger brother of a husband / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 棗: 朿 (cì) stab 譖: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 朁 (cǎn) if, supposing, nevertheless 層: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 烧: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 鍦: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 施 (shī) grant, bestow; give; act; name 䏱: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 局 (jú) bureau, office; circumstance 蛳: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 师 (shī) teacher, master, specialist 摴: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 雩 (yú) offer sacrifice for rain 㵺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 誀: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 洅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 再 (zài) again, twice, re- 㨋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 徎: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 銐: 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 甕: 雍 (yōng) harmony, union; harmonious / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 䐟: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 枞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 鬡: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 㲤: 衰 (shuāi) decline, falter, decrease; weaken / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 氯: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 庸: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / ⺺ / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 鶺: 脊 (jí) spine, backbone; ridge / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 琿: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 䝉: 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 曈: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 驋: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 㿎: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 潙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 姢: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 䏍 (yuàn) (same as 肙 蜎) a small worm; larvae of mosquitoes, empty, to twist; to surround 鳤: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 管 (guǎn) pipe, tube, duct; woodwind music 睩: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 䙳: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 懲: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蕵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 㻸: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 舆: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 㢍: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 夌: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 綏: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 莛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 廷 (tíng) court 愜: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 匧 (qiè) a trunk; a portfolio 媡: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 㐪: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 丮: 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 抱: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 鼸: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 㖿: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 耶 (yé) used in transliteration 嘾: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 促: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 飍: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 䬕 (xiāng) sound of the wind, degenerate social customs and practices 㥌: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 繎: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 然 (rán) yes, certainly; pledge, promise 埓: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / ㇒ / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 豚: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 㫡: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 孠: 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 翣: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 妾 (qiè) concubine 鑪: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 路: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 捰: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 䓵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity 闿: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 岂 (qǐ) how? what? 㙾: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 學 (xué) learning, knowledge; school 䢂: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 昉: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 馌: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 傒: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 䌛: 䚻 (yáo) (ancient form of 謠) to sing, a ballad, rumour; slander; a false report, from, to follow, to undertake; to attend to / 系 (xì) system; line, link, connection 㮠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 荣 (róng) glory, honor; flourish, prosper 碢: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 鰥: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 眔 (dà) 欫: 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 躮: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 䖴: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 㸹: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 猻: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 孫 (sūn) grandchild, descendent; surname 难: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 淄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 腇: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 塍: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 龹 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 痔: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 䫖: 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 恝: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鯠: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 勦: 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䵯: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 競: 竞 (jìng) contend, vie, compete 鹹: 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 啿: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 䀈: 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 粋: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 卆 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 茊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name 㖑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 戒 (jiè) warn, caution, admonish 躗: 衛 (wèi) guard, protect, defend / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 栘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 宥: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 﨤: ⻍ / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 隧: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 瀨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 賴 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 䜲: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 龱 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 掵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 命 (mìng) life; destiny, fate, luck; an order, instruction 舴: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 㒻: 冃 (mào) / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 跁: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 潂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 並 (bìng) equal to; side by side; also, what is more; both 嫏: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 郎 (láng) gentleman, young man; husband 闑: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 臬 (niè) law, rule; door post 睒: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 䙜: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 拟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 以 (yǐ) by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to 腞: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 㯥: 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 賫: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 湬: 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 姹: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 铻: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 發: 癶 (bō) legs; KangXi radical 105 / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 䖆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 釀 (niàng) brew, ferment 肈: 户 (hù) door; family / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 缍: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 丗: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 涖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 位 (wèi) throne; position, post; rank, status; seat 褙: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 背 (bèi) back; back side; behind; betray 嘧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 密 (mì) dense, thick, close; intimate 疦: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 鄩: 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䒰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise 螲: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 窒 (zhì) stop up, obstruct 縷: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 㜽: 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 䵁: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general 泀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 衃: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 啑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 疌 (jié) 瓐: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 道: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 首 (shǒu) head; first; leader, chief; a poem 䯚: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 蛜: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 伊 (yī) third person pronoun; he, she, this, that 絡: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 㙧: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 畱 (liú) to detain; to entertain to keep; to put by 䱫: 剌 (lá) slash, cut in two; contradict / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 只: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 轭: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress 呻: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 篺: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 捭 (bǎi) to open; to spread out 靽: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 半 (bàn) half 䬄: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 戌 (xū) 11th terrestrial branch 枇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 頎: 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 匔: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 躳 (gōng) body; self 䢙: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 馣: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 㸢: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 甪 (lù) to loose, take off, get rid of 笤: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 傩: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 难 (nán) difficult, arduous, hard; unable 蔰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 扈 (hù) escort, retinue; insolent 㾷: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 尶: 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 碹: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 諅: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 摆: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 罢 (bà) cease, finish, stop; give up 巋: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 歸 (guī) return; return to, revert to 鋕: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 志 (zhì) purpose, will, determination; annals 䥘: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 㫺 (same as 昔) bygone; of old; formerly; ancient, at night, the end 旛: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 鹢: 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 全: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 仭: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 刄 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 㱶: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 彭 (péng) name of ancient country; surname 祸: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 呙 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 国: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 氁: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 讄: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 䊊: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern 㬏: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 琑: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 鎔: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 檚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 楚 (chǔ) name of feudal state; clear 蘝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 歛 (hān) draw back, fold back; collect 夣: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 犪: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 夔 (kuí) one-legged monster; walrus 侬: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 农 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 愳: 䀠 (jù) a Chinese family name, the timid look of a bird; (of birds) to look around, nervous (same as 瞿) shocked or scared / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鲶: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 垼: 役 (yì) service; a servant, laborer; to serve / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 䩅: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 翌: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 魏: 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 剕: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 觘: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 䃞: 孰 (shú) who? which? what? which one? / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 㥣: 奎 (kuí) stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 穥: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 釨: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 森: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 葱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 彷: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 㟼: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 烾: 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 一: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 檃: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 贂: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 嘐: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 犓: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 锒: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 䖝: ㇒ / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 肟: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 縠: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 系 (xì) system; line, link, connection 㜦: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 涭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 受 (shòu) receive, accept, get; bear, stand 谬: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 夺: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 疽: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 鐼: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 䓇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare 菉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 慊: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 㙐: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 泗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 四 (sì) four 轖: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated 塤: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 瓧: 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 靦: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䟱: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 朿 (cì) stab 苳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 恴: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㥺: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 躀: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 貫 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 椅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 㸋: 炙 (zhì) roast, broil; toast; cauterize / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 宎: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 隐: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 急 (jí) quick, quickly; urgent, pressing 焕: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 奂 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 䀟: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 弗 (fú) not, negative 掞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 鼡: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 几 (jǐ) small table / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 㢤: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 万 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 栯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 媸: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 蚩 (chī) worm; ignorant, rustic; laugh 馺: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 瀿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 繁 (fán) complicated, complex, difficult 䍉: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 拈: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 鹋: 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㯎: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 歙: 翕 (xī) agree / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 巢: 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 飤: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 獩: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 歲 (suì) year; age; harvest 䉳: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 鮮 (xiān) fresh, new, delicious; rare, few 旲: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 腵: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 㫸: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 蘆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 㲍: 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 崌: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 福: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 螛: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill 攜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 巂 (guī) place name 庡: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 䨮: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 彗 (huì) broomstick; comet 暱: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 匿 (nì) hide; go into hiding 鬸: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 刾: 来 (lái) come, coming; return, returning / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䯃: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 鳍: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 耆 (qí) man of sixty; aged, old 㵌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / ㇒ / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 穎: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 叓: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 衚: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 㻡: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 彠: 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 篣: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 遪: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 觯: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 杰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 䃵: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 褭 (niǎo) 釿: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 䲂: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 旋 (xuán) revolve, move in orbit; return 戉: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 鶌: 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 咒: 吅 (xuān) / 几 (jǐ) small table 䜛: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 㾠: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 狂 (kuáng) insane, mad; violent; wild 粢: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 頥: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 漫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 誮: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 花 (huā) flower; blossoms 䆴: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 亀 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 㨹: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 彗 (huì) broomstick; comet 眻: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 銾: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 汞 (gǒng) element mercury 槄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 蕇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 屍: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 死 (sǐ) die; dead; death 㓒: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 七 (qī) seven / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㣺 (variant of 心) the heart, the moral nature, the mind, the affections, intention, the radical on left side of the character 燔: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 他: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 摝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 囦: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 䥯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 罷 (bà) cease, finish, stop; give up 绶: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 受 (shòu) receive, accept, get; bear, stand 驹: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 句 (jù) sentence 兿: 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 执 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 專: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 悋: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 吝 (lìn) stingy, miserly, parsimonious 鼊: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 銗: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 琘: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 㴞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 旧 (jiù) old, ancient; former, past 䞥: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 誧: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 氨: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 嬲: 男 (nán) male, man; son; baron; surname / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 羵: ⺶ / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 鸴: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 釁: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 獂: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 㱈: 禁 (jìn) restrict, prohibit, forbid / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䛏: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 觑: 虚 (xū) false / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 歒: 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 婜: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 统: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 充 (chōng) fill, be full, supply 鵞: 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 郫: 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 牬: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / ㇒ / ㇉ / ㇒ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 㭲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 䗹: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 慈 (cí) kind, charitable, benevolent 裻: 叔 (shū) father's younger brother / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 橼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 缘 (yuán) hem, margin; reason, cause; fate 㐃: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 妆: 丬 (qiáng) half of tree trunk; rad. no. 90 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 鲈: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 卢 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 挍: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 列: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 熖: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 错: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 㪜: 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䨧: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 竛 (líng) 榦: 龺 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 贩: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 墰: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 鮲: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 伏 (fú) crouch, crawl, lie hidden, conceal 户: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 允: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 烀: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 鑃: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 㧆: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 䥑: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 棐: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 豓: 豐 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 盇 (hé) why not? would it not be better to? 埚: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 呙 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 髜: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 昇 (shēng) rise, ascent; peaceful; peace 慡: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing 偫: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 待 (dài) treat, entertain, receive; wait 俪: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丽 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 鍭: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 㣰: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 悉 (xī) know, learn about, comprehend 䡻: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 臱 (mián) 柺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 另 (lìng) another, separate, other 譽: 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 㚅: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 圄: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 箇: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 萎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission ⺕: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 伔: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 冗 (rǒng) excessive; superfluous 咙: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 薣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike 朤: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䲩: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 餰: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 衍 (yǎn) overflow, spill over, spread out 䀶: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 撹: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 覚 (jué) to wake up from sleep; conscious 雅: 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㝄: 享 (xiǎng) enjoy / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 硆: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 䇋: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 軕: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 㓙: 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 啘: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 秛: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 艢: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated 䵨: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 勭: 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 菷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 帚 (zhǒu) broom, broomstick 數: 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䫽: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 瀁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 養 (yǎng) raise, rear, bring up; support 鞄: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 床: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 树: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 对 (duì) correct, right; facing, opposed 辔: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 㖘: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 皚: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 騝: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 䔣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 犁 (lí) plow 溪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 厬: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 咎 (jiù) fault, defect; error, mistake 㠱: 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 紳: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 肶: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 䮼: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 㷠 (lín) A will-o'-the-wisp; a flitting light 噅: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 㻊: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 揌: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 蝏: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 亭 (tíng) pavilion; erect 乕: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 闘: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 峞: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 晥: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 跨: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 瓮: 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 顱: 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䍷: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 泾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 刀: ㇆ / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 皃: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 鄂: 咢 (è) sound; drumming / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㾉: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 䨐: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 溓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 褒: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care 妝: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 鲟: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 寻 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 戠: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 熭: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 灵 (líng) spirit, soul; spiritual world 逬: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 幷 (bìng) combine 㺳: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 䔺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname 榽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 蠼: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 矍 (jué) look about in fright or alarm 壇: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 絊: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 烗: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 鍖: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 㧝: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 手 (shǒu) hand 䑤: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 棧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 警: 敬 (jìng) respect, honor; respectfully / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 寱: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 臬 (niè) law, rule; door post 黳: 殹 (yì) an echo / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 籴: 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 銀: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 甅: 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl / 厘 (lí) thousandth part of tael 䞎: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 誐: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 洕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 䏌 (qì) to vibrate; vibration, (same as 佾) a row or file of dancers, esp. referring to those in ancient dances at sacrifices or other rites 尟: 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 羞: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 茡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 字 (zì) letter, character, word 琯: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 官 (guān) official, public servant 㴵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䚸: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 薺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 氿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 九 (jiǔ) nine 彉: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 终: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 艋: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 孟 (mèng) first in series; great, eminent 睙: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 戾 (lì) perverse, recalcitrant, rebellious 㱟: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 䇢: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 蓤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 凌 (líng) pure; virtuous; insult; maltreat 潩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 平: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 秲: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 鵵: 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 騆: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 䄌: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 斏: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 鮛: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 尗 (shū) younger of brothers; father's younger brother younger brother of a husband 㐚: 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 礜: 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 䊡: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 㖯: 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 嘮: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 窱: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 條 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe 蜸: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 举: 兴 (xìng) thrive, prosper, flourish / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 埃: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 胍: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 晎: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 俓: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 鑚: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 賛 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 䍠: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 柣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 豪: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 闯: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 㙮: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 答 (dá) answer, reply; return; assent to 筰: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 作 (zuò) make; work; compose, write; act, perform 峵: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 宏 (hóng) wide, spacious, great, vast 跿: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave 傂: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 㤇: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 縉: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 晋 (jìn) advance, increase; promote 膌: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 脊 (jí) spine, backbone; ridge 䢒: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 嬛: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 悢: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 营: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 猫: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality 隮: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 嶴: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 㞭 (dài) name of an island 欻: 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 躾: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 美 (měi) beautiful, pretty; pleasing 痄: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 饇: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 䁍: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 淔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 勖: 冒 (mào) risk, brave, dare / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 㭛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 硝: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 菠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 波 (bō) waves, breakers; undulations 䫦: 盍 (hé) what? why not? / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 啯: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 国 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 㷴: 厤 (lì) to calculate; the calendar / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 拶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 虹: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 䵿: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 㖁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 堈: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 岡 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 撋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 閏 (rùn) intercalary; extra, surplus 鬊: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 隗: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 瀘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 㤞: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 䎥: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 躧: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 栨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 次 (cì) order, sequence; next 㒫: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 弲: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 箵: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 省 (shěng) province; save, economize 騴: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 晏 (yàn) peaceful, quiet; clear; late in the day 闁: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening 睂: ㇉ / 仌 (bīng) / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 㡈: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 奂 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 䋏: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 跑: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 潒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 象 (xiàng) elephant; ivory; figure, image 幜: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions 竟: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 饞: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty 铫: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 癬: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 鮮 (xiān) fresh, new, delicious; rare, few 㽲: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 䇹: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 賻: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 湼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 嶆: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 颈: 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 服: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 嘗: 龸 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 疖: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / ㇆ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 鄙: 啚 (bǐ) low, mean / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㺜: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 丧: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 润: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 闰 (rùn) intercalary; extra, surplus 褩: 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 㜭: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 岰: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 龲: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 庫 (kù) armory, treasury, storehouse 昷: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 啁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 瓀: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 需 (xū) need, require, must 遃: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 彦 (yàn) elegant 㷆: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 阜 (fù) mound; abundant, ample, numerous 䵑: 黍 (shǔ) glutinous millet; KangXi radical number 202 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 泐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 阞 (lè) vein 術: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique 㙗: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 叚: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 黜: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 敡: 易 (yì) change; easy / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 呫: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 䯪: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 靭: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 㳰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 弃 (qì) reject, abandon, discard 䱻: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 揺: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 载: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 匄: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 羇: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 䩭 (same as 羈) halter; to restrain 耎: 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 䬔: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 備: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 膣: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 窒 (zhì) stop up, obstruct 挤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 齐 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 䢩: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 鴰: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䐶: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 悹: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鋅: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 籆: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 䗋: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 某 (mǒu) certain thing or person 諕: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 兘: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 緛: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 虢: 寽 (lǜ) a handful; a pinch / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 䥨: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 閭 (lǘ) village of twenty-five families 园: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 蟷: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 慸: 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 份: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 琁: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot 鎄: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 哀 (āi) sad, mournful, pitiful; pity 媊: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 民: 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / ㇂ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 讔: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 隱 (yǐn) hide, conceal; hidden, secret 犚: 尉 (wèi) officer, military rank / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 鸝: 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䄣: 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 檪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 楽 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 垬: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 㰱: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 礳: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 磨 (mó) grind; polish; rub; wear out; a millstone 蒶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 紛 (fēn) in disorder, scattered, tangled 侼: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 孛 (bèi) comet 剅: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㫊: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 柌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 荏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow 䩕: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 卬 (áng) lofty; high; raise; high-priced 釘: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 壞: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 褱 (huái) to carry in the bosom or the sleeve; to wrap, to conceal 扥: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 七 (qī) seven / ㇒ 觨: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 汞 (gǒng) element mercury 㟬: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 烮: 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 鱱: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 厲 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 䝷: 知 (zhī) know, perceive, comprehend / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 棾: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 冗 (rǒng) excessive; superfluous 嘀: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 犃: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 锂: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 㮉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 侠 (xiá) chivalrous person; knight-errant 丐: 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down / ㇉ 檓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 毁 (huǐ) destroy 贒: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 忠 (zhōng) loyalty, devotion, fidelity / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㜖: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 嶝: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 颟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 两 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 映: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 疭: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 鐬: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 歲 (suì) year; age; harvest 㪳: 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure / ㇣ 䄺: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 涽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 谼: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 㙀: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 究 (jiū) examine, investigate 峇: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 鯉: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 祊: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 瓗: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 巂 (guī) place name 靖: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 㷝: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 突 (tū) suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly 䁤: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 六 (liù) number six / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 泧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 戉 (yuè) a battle-axe, a halberd 车: 七 (qī) seven / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 忱: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 髳: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 硴: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 花 (huā) flower; blossoms 隀: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 焅: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 䎎: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 躐: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 巤 (liè) a mane; bristles, as on a hog; dorsal fins 椕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 堟: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 箞: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 蜡: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 瀯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 營 (yíng) encampment, barracks; manage 㤵: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䊸: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 膺: 䧹 (yīng) (same as U+9DF9 鷹) hawk; eagle; falcon / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 栿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 伏 (fú) crouch, crawl, lie hidden, conceal 孉: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 竈: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 虋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 釁 (xìn) smear with blood in sacrifice; rift, quarrel 獙: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered 㡟: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 䗢: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 造 (zào) construct, build, make, begin; prepare 胤: 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 歩: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 婳: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 画 (huà) a painting, picture, drawing; to draw 緲: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 眇 (miǎo) blind in one eye; minute, minuscule 饵: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 鸆: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 細 (xì) fine, tiny; slender, thin / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䔌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㚖 (gǎo) (said of truth) to come out to the open; to be known by all, (ancient form 澤) glossy; shining / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 憏: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 祭 (jì) sacrifice to, worship 龛: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 紜: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 䚡: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 刮: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 纱: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 茸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 䨾: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 參: 厽 (lěi) / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 蓍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 耆 (qí) man of sixty; aged, old 扎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 䯓: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 遚: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 䝠: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 揣: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 衪: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 釯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 罰: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 䚯 (tǎo) (ancient form of 討) to quell (uprising, rebellion, etc.) to punish (another nation, etc.) by force fo arms, sound; voice; tone 壵: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier 觿: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 巂 (guī) place name 咂: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 匝 (zā) full circle; encircle 㴇: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 稉: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 薌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鄉 (xiāng) country; rural; village 䲒: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain 弛: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 撢: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 耥: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 眫: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 半 (bàn) half 銮: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 妴: 夗 (yuàn) to turn over when asleep / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 漻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 誾: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 㓂: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 燄: 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 鵇: 年 (nián) year; new-years; person's age / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䑍: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 槔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 皋 (gāo) the high land along a river 囖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 籮 (luó) bamboo basket 㽛: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 句 (jù) sentence 籝: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 嬴 (yíng) to win; to have a surplus; surname 蟠: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 仦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 兯: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / ㇆ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 㧴: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 曶: 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 艹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 䥿: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 万 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 㦁: 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 合: 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 梋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 霊: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 骗: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 簘: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 粛 (sù) pay respects; reverently 㔞: 乖 (guāi) rebel; crafty, shrewd / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 侥: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 芧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 搨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㢫: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 匲: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity 瞵: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 阴: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 駁: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination 筂: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 池 (chí) pool, pond; moat; cistern 㑈: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 东 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 仏: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 臑: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 捒: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 剜: 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 盟: 明 (míng) bright, light, brilliant; clear / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 镞: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 族 (zú) a family clan, ethnic group, tribe 飫: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 穬: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 胻: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 扼: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress 㰃: 棉 (mián) cotton; cotton padded / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 円: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 丄 (shàng) above 针: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 欍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 舊 (jiù) old, ancient; former, past 娗: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 廷 (tíng) court 禖: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 某 (mǒu) certain thing or person 鴙: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䈧: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 憦: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 蔩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 寅 (yín) to respect, reverence; respectfully; 3rd terrestrial branch 㬭: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 傰: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 崩 (bēng) rupture, split apart, collapse 鎲: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 党 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 樷: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 奁: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 磀: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 逆 (nì) disobey, rebel; rebel, traitor 鱃: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / ⺶ / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch ㇆: 䅑: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 惐: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 葓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 洪 (hóng) vast, immense; flood, deluge 㩗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 隽 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 忚: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 鋜: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 楡: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 兪 (yú) surname; consent 填: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 䟪: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 魭: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 䁻: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 濺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 賤 (jiàn) mean, low; cheap, worthless 荽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 㺅: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 弄: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 率: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 谎: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 荒 (huāng) wasteland, desert; uncultivated 䜔: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 遀 (suí) 岙: 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 趣: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 漤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 婪 (lán) covet; covetous, avaricious 䒩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 鄰: 粦 (lín) phosphorus / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䠶: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 油: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 黅: 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 㽄: 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 灆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 藍 (lán) blue; indigo plant; surname 䧋: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 蛕: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 㳙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 嵘: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 荣 (róng) glory, honor; flourish, prosper 燛: 臦 (guàng) / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 詢: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 䕨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 龹 / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 嫭: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 虖 (hū) to cry; to shout; to howl 请: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 浸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 䋽: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 封 (fēng) letter, envelope; feudal 码: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 龄: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 嚊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 怑: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 半 (bàn) half 螔: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 㶘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 纚: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 鈝: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 䴣: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 暪: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 宬: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 申: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 袶: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 䎼: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 幅: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 㛊: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 朵 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 毌: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 轏: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 孱 (càn) weak, unfit, frail, feeble 䙕: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 鷘: 敕 (chì) an imperial order or decree / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 哞: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low 湥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 突 (tū) suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly 藨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 麃 (páo) till, plow 㯬: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 糮: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 遱: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 䭷: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 擾: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 憂 (yōu) sad, grieved; grief, melancholy 娀: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 纃: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 餂: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 㞉: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 䈐: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 恢 (huī) restore; big, great, immense, vast 暓: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 脒: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 㬖: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 戶 (hù) door; family, household / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 冝: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 钟: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 樠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 禭: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 頬: 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㚳: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 䴺: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 憽: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 葱 (cōng) scallions, leeks, green onions 耼: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 冄 (rǎn) tender; weak; gradually alternating 㩀: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 匆 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 僇: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 韉: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 薦 (jiàn) offer, present; recommend 畊: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 磗: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 魖: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 虚 (xū) false ㇝: 䱤: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 惧: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write 荦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 叱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 雳: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 历 (lì) history; calendar 瑴: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 骀: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 紅: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 侎: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 芐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 攕: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 韱 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 吟: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 瞞: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 謡: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 簯: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 棋 (qí) chess; any game similar to chess 㔵: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 亸: 享 (xiǎng) enjoy / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 趺: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 搿: 龵 / 拿 (ná) take, hold, grasp; bring; with 坉: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 盈: 夃 (gǔ) / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 詋: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 罙: ⺳ / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㑟: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 兵 (bīng) soldier, troops 䧢: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 賤: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 杩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 噳: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 虞 (yú) concerned about, anxious, worried 燲: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 䝱 (xié) to trouble; to worry; to vex; to annoy 镵: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty 鈆: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 䤌: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 涏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 廷 (tíng) court 鎛: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 㰚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 離 (lí) leave, depart; go away; separate 焜: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 䪡: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇉ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 㶯: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 帮: 邦 (bāng) nation, country, state / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 犱: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 輸: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 䘾: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 心: 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / ㇃ 裍: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 湎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 䟓: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 鱚: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 䭠: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 廉 (lián) upright, honorable, honest 濣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 斡 (wò) revolve, rotate, turn 葪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㓩 (xuān) horned hair 鷯: 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㹮: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 獰: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 哵: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 另 (lìng) another, separate, other / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 藿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 墂: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 瘉: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 覌: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䂒: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 匛: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late 梢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 谥: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 笫: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / ㇒ / ㇉ / ㇒ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 麮: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 喴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 威 (wēi) pomp, power; powerful; dominate 挻: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 蚾: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 㣂: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 緄: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 酇: 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䡍: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 旔: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 嫖: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 灝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 顥 (hào) luminous; white, hoary 诠: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 䋦: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 每 (měi) every, each 嵯: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 㗴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 櫶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蹹: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 翕 (xī) agree 䕿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㶁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 倈: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 沋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 錊: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 麗: 丽 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 砘: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 䮥: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 蚧: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 怨: 夗 (yuàn) to turn over when asleep / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㲫: 菐 (pú) a thicket / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 圲: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 玵: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 鈴: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 鷁: 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 罂: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 䫏: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 藑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夐 (xiòng) long, faraway; pre-eminent 杒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 噜: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 鲁 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 狟: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 酞: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 鳫: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 繬: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated 㝲: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 䧹: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 倠 (suī) 蓻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out 晼: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 㠃: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 六 (liù) number six / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 喆: 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 邈: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 貌 (mào) countenance, appearance 漍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 國 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 帗: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 綖: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 餙: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 㚜: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 䘧: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 斦: 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 脩: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 㼭: 坫 (diàn) a stand on which to replace goblets after drinking / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 咰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 鞲: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 渷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 兗 (yǎn) establish; one of nine empire divisions 嵁: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 糀: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 花 (huā) flower; blossoms 顃: 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㗆: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 䕑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 綏 (suī) soothe, appease, pacify; carriage harness 擐: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 聓: 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 㹗: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / ㇆ / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 吋 (cùn) English inch (unlike U+5BF8 寸, which can be either the English or the Chinese inch) 寚: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 雜: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 朩 (děng) kwukyel: rank, grade; wait; equal; 'etc.' / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 浡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 孛 (bèi) comet 屫: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 呑 (tūn) swallow; absorb / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 䏪: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 齭: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 所 (suǒ) place, location; numerary adjunct 㓰: 画 (huà) a painting, picture, drawing; to draw / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䑻: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 斿 (yóu) to swim; to move or rove freely 毺: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 蝽: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 㪅: 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 嬄: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 壹 (yī) number one 瞇: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 迷 (mí) bewitch, charm, infatuate 蠎: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 莾 (mǎng) 䌔: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 墙: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 啬 (sè) miserly, thrifty; stingy 覣: 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 欤: 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䂩: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 锰: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 孟 (mèng) first in series; great, eminent 䰶: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 梹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 兵 (bīng) soldier, troops 髅: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 㭄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 瑆: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 苕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 㣙: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 奘: 壯 (zhuàng) big, large; robust; name of tribe / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 痛: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 蹢: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 䅨: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense 廭: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 積 (jī) accumulate, store up, amass 迷: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 楸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 䛽: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 簁: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 徙 (xǐ) move one's abode, shift, migrate 鮄: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 劊: 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 搑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 茸 (rōng) soft, downy; buds, sprouts 莔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 囧 (jiǒng) 㦘: 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 窚: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 阝: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇌ 䤣: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 抪: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 布 (bù) cotton cloth, textiles, linen 徬: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 㐱: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 焳: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 貶: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 䞼: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 婅: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 匊 (jū) handful 濌: 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 譏: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 䉕: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 駘: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 僞: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 橥: 猪 (zhū) pig, hog, wild boar / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 臨: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity 㿬: 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 磮: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 崙 (lún) Kunlun mountains in Jiangsu 鑱: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty 佷: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 惾: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 帀: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 窃: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 切 (qiè) cut, mince, slice, carve 鴂: 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䘐: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 刅 (chuāng) to create, to make to invent; to begin 抓: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet 蔒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 焄 (xūn) rising flames or fumes; aroma 㼖: 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 / 蠡 (lí) wood-boring insect; bore into wood 喝: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 邟: 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 渠: 洰 (jù) / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 維: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 鰬: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 虔 (qián) act with reverence; reverent 䤺: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 斫 (zhuó) cut, chop, lop off 施: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 萼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 㹀: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 孛 (bèi) comet 哇: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 鏉: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 欶 (shuò) to suck in 煊: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 糗: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 臭 (chòu) smell, stink, emit foul odor 齖: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 㗝: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid 䡤: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 擧: 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 手 (shǒu) hand 蝦: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 埱: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 叔 (shū) father's younger brother 鋳: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 灴: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 麀: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 礅: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 䮎: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 蚐: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 匀 (yún) equal 愕: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 借: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 玞: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 輡: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 砯: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 氷 (bīng) ice, frost, icicles; cold 䪸: 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 覺: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 怿: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 卉: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 狈: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 蹋: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 筙: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 裤: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 库 (kù) armory, treasury, storehouse 捩: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 戾 (lì) perverse, recalcitrant, rebellious 剳: 荅 (dā) answer: small bean; thick / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 痲: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 酵: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 阆: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 䴌: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 榏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 鞛: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 㠚: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 對 (duì) correct, right; facing, opposed 甜: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 亡: 匸 (xì) box; KangXi radical 23 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 㦯: 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 娮: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 皱: 刍 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 謸: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 䈾: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 梢 (shāo) pointed tip of something long like a branch; rudder 寃: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 賍: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 庄 (zhuāng) village, hamlet; villa, manor 橎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 䏓: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 顚: 眞 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 ⻡: 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from 你: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 毣: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 聪: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 总 (zǒng) collect; overall, altogether 駯: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 㩮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 手 (shǒu) hand 睰: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 僵: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 臿: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 岂: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 㔇: 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 爉: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 巤 (liè) a mane; bristles, as on a hog; dorsal fins 趌: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 䒒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 刁 (diāo) tricky, sly, crafty, cunning 圛: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 睪 (yì) spy on 沢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 蠥: 辥 (xuē) variety of marsh grass / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 缫: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 骮: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 冴: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 朻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 芾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 巿 (fú) revolve, make circuit, turn 㳂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 秄: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 镇: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 䱍: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 懔: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 禀 (bǐng) report to, petition 廖: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 㝛: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㐁 (tiàn) to lick; to taste, a mat, bamboo bark 瑝: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 迠: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 䛦: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 奯: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 歲 (suì) year; age; harvest 滶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 詹: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 䅿: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 氈: 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 傋: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 鎍: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 索 (suǒ) large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated 㔎: 辥 (xuē) variety of marsh grass / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 䐘: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 爰 (yuán) lead on to; therefore, then 蜚: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 瞥: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 尨: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 鼪: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 欲: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 侵: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 銷: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 㐸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䍂: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 虄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 盏: 戋 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 孒: 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 㿕: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 鹔: 肃 (sù) pay respects; reverently / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 橜: 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 仟: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 釡: 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 䉬: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 廢 (fèi) abrogate, terminate, discard 蕮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 舄 (xì) a shoe; the sole of a shoe; magpie 痹: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 畀 (bì) to give 婼: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 㻿: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 鵾: 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 榆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 匍: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 阏: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 於 (yú) in, at, on; interjection alas! 戗: 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 䆖: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 蒘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 挐 (ná) drag 稧: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 妦: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 鲨: 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated / 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 械: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 戒 (jiè) warn, caution, admonish 刷: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 锹: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 慁: 圂 (hùn) pig-sty; privy / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䃀: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 妻 (qī) wife 菂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 的 (de) possessive, adjectival suffix 祑: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 壐: 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 鯒: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 柚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 兡: 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 鑣: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 麃 (páo) till, plow 恫: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 翪: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 苬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine 硻: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 基: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 髼: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 夆 (féng) resist 肁: 户 (hù) door; family / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 朄: 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 䮇: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 频: 步 (bù) step, pace; walk, stroll / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㨒: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 奎 (kuí) stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions 缔: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 撙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 谞: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 圤: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 㮧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 粩: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 足: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 龰 瀶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 臨 (lín) draw near, approach; descend 咹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 腀: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 䡆: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 燋: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 饐: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 壹 (yī) number one 敘: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䧛: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 雥: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㡦: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 㝉 (zhù) (same as 宁) space between the throne and the retiring room behind it, to store up; to save up, peaceful, used as a term of comparison / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 絨: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 拭: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 式 (shì) style, system, formula, rule 該: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 啸: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 肃 (sù) pay respects; reverently 㧻: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 竽: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 䀁: 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 鄋: 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 溊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 堑: 斩 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 䚚: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 産: 产 (chǎn) give birth, bring forth, produce / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 鞤: 封 (fēng) letter, envelope; feudal / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 庪: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 技 (jì) skill, ability, talent, ingenuity 舭: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 掬: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 匊 (jū) handful 䴳: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 㚺: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 孕 (yùn) be pregnant, pregnancy 騽: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 箼: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter 晅: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 裆: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 当 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 双: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 㵓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 寔 (shí) real, true, solid, honest 繕: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 轟: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 泞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 噥: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 䓮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 獷: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 闸: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 峾: 沂 (yí) river in southeast Shandong / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 戀: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䚃: 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 囙 (yīn) / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 薅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 媷 (rù) 稐: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 库: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 鶕: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 榝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 殺 (shā) kill, slaughter, murder; hurt; to pare off, reduce, clip 删: 册 (cè) book, volume, register, list / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㚣: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 鄢: 焉 (yān) thereupon, then; how? why? where? / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䆭: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 軒 (xuān) carriage; high; wide; balcony; surname of the Yellow Emperor 蒯: 萠 (méng) bud, sprout / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 町: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 妽: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 鲿: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 尝 (cháng) taste; experience, experiment 棇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 忩 (cōng) same as 怱 U+6031, hastily, in haste, hurriedly 䵊: 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname ㇍: 遌: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 䃗: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 剶 (chuān) 蟙: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 瑤: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 壧: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 㵪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 羨 (xiàn) envy, admire; praise; covet 毱: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 匊 (jū) handful 䱴: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 恒 (héng) constant, regular, persistent 鍶: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 䔅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 哥 (gē) elder brother 蠇: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 萬 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 瞎: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill 崕: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 厓 (yá) precipice, shore, bank; surname 㲔: 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 氟: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 侞: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as 銠: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 㔥: 罷 (bà) cease, finish, stop; give up / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䐯: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 謱: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 皸: 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 尿: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 㾾: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 潉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 崑 (kūn) Kunlun mountains in Jiang Su province. 仈: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 跊: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 㑏: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 守 (shǒu) defend, protect, guard, conserve 䝙: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 詛: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 燢: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 彩: 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 㻨: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 㕚 (zhǎo) (ancient form of 爪) claws of birds or animals, feet, to scratch, to claw, to grasp / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 湳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 䧲: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 賴: 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 負 (fù) load, burden; carry, bear 㝹: 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 躉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 焌: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 喏: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 舖: 舍 (shě) house, dwelling; dwell, reside / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 䤜: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 七 (qī) seven / ㇒ 犡: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 厲 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 騦: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 莫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 旲 (tái) 昮: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 功 (gōng) achievement, merit, good result 䪱: 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 鮻: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 㤼: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 劫 (jié) take by force, coerce; disaster 績: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 柃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 轈: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 噎: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 壹 (yī) number one 㫑: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 翓: 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 裝: 壯 (zhuàng) big, large; robust; name of tribe / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 獠: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 埣: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 䭰: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 泵: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 鑺: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 瞿 (qú) surname 蜃: 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 悂: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 坒 (bì) to compare; to match; to equal 三: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 二 (èr) two; twice 㮐: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 省 (shěng) province; save, economize 鼓: 壴 (zhù) / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 碒: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 欛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 霸 (bà) rule by might rather than right 覜: 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 傢: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 家 (jiā) house, home, residence; family 㸩: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 䌫: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 㐄 (kuà) / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 谵: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 涴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 嬻: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 䗄: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 斧 (fǔ) axe, hatchet; chop, hew 灍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 闕 (què) watch tower; palace 雎: 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 巔: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 顛 (diān) top, peak, summit; upset 腗: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 畁 (qí) to give to; to confer on 拖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 䡝: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 㗤: 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 饧: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / ㇎ / ㇒ 竦: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 敯: 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 诰: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 勶: 徹 (chè) penetrate, pervade; penetrating / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 㡽: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 絿: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 栈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 戋 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 咋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 鞍: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 﨔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 挙 (jǔ) raise, lift up; recommend 䀘: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 茚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 印 (yìn) print, seal, stamp, chop, mark 玥: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 堨: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 鬪: 鬥 (dòu) struggle, fight, compete, contend / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 漲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 張 (zhāng) stretch, extend, expand; sheet 䮵: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 隷: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 䝂: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 艄: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 狏: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 归: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 㯕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 驔: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 湜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 䫟: 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 闡: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 㝢: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 䙬: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 腮: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 燹: 豩 (bīn) / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 幼: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 㫿: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 饾: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 涆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 旰 (gàn) sunset, dusk; evening 圍: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 㚌: 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 鈏: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 昗: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 六 (liù) number six 䖖: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 肘: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 縧: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 條 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe 嶦: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 風: 几 (jǐ) small table / 䖝 (chóng) (corrupted form of 虫 蟲) insects; worms 沰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 嘷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 臯 (gāo) to praise; to bless high; eminent; (Cant.) a marsh, pool 㖶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 垔 (yīn) to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound 鄹: 聚 (jù) assemble, meet together, collect / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 敁: 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 䓀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 蟂: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 梟 (xiāo) an owl; thus, something evil 絑: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 峐: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 揚: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 啡: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 㓠: 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 遣: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for 摫: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 規 (guī) rules, regulations, customs, law 篪: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 蛬: 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 类: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 叺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 黼: 黹 (zhǐ) embroidery, needlework; radical / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 蒁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 述 (shù) narrate, state, express 挄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 侇: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 鲑: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 㸒: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 笔: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 悙: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 亨 (hēng) smoothly, progressing, no trouble 蠞: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 匤: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 㾧: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 碩: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 観: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 琶: 玨 (jué) two pieces of jade joined together / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 傹: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 竟 (jìng) finally, after all, at last 蕀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 棘 (jí) jujube tree; thorns, brambles 䱆: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 孕 (yùn) be pregnant, pregnancy 痋: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 鵐: 巫 (wū) wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 慘: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 鋥: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 㱦: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 票: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 曭: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 黨 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 蹲: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 典: 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 㷻: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 绽: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 䐁: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 锋: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 夆 (féng) resist 檊: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 幹 (gàn) trunk of tree or of human body 少: 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 䊚: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 㐡: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 焣: 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 鎤: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 晃 (huǎng) bright, dazzling; to sway, shake 媪: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 蘭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 枬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) 䤳: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 夜 (yè) night, dark; in night; by night 鸽: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 羼: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 羴 (shān) rank odour of sheep or goats 扅: 户 (hù) door; family / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 賆: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 埌: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 㥓: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 穕: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 集 (jí) assemble, collect together 譟: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 棞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 囷 (qūn) round-shaped storage bin for grain 剥: 录 (lù) copy, write down, record / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䃮: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 睷: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 釸: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 壾: 壴 (zhù) / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 昀: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 匀 (yún) equal 䊃: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 膅: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 縐: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 媓: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 馕: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 囊 (náng) bag, purse, sack; put in bag 涝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 劳 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 嘠: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 戞 (jiá) lance; tap or strike lightly 锢: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 䖭: 龹 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 肯: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 焺: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 昇 (shēng) rise, ascent; peaceful; peace 嶽: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 獄 (yù) prison, jail; case; lawsuit 颿: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 泇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 䥊: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 㗍: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense 鑌: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 䓗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 忩 (cōng) same as 怱 U+6031, hastily, in haste, hurriedly 菙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 灤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 欒 (luán) name of tree; a part of cornice 峧: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 鯩: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 㥪: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 濱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 䡴: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 㓷: 臬 (niè) law, rule; door post / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 靶: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 䄅: 龹 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 谇: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 玎: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 夕: 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 㢔: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 栟: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 䮞: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 隠: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 悲 (bēi) sorrow, grief; sorry, sad / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䀯: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 輱: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 犸: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 堿: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 㮾: 朗 (lǎng) clear, bright; distinct / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 歉: 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䫈: 岑 (cén) steep, precipitous; peak / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 觊: 岂 (qǐ) how? what? / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䍙: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 每 (měi) every, each 蹛: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 痢: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit 孩: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 㫨: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 橳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 勝 (shèng) victory; excel, be better than 裴: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 誉: 兴 (xìng) thrive, prosper, flourish / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 甌: 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 冏: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 㕣 (yǎn) a marsh at the foot of the hills, (interchangeable 湢 沇) name of a river 蘖: 薛 (xuē) kind of marsh grass; feudal state / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䴜: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 皡: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 皐 (gāo) the high land along a river 鸦: 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 螫: 赦 (shè) forgive, remit, pardon / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 戮: 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 亱: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 但 (dàn) only; but, however, yet, still 龻: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage 㴼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宿 (sù) stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation 稾: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 揃: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 譈: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 剎: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㻑: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 季 (jì) quarter of year; season; surname 篓: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 賝: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 罙 (mí) deep 睠: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 口: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald 佰: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 棵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 遺: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 范: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 氾 (fàn) overflow, flood, inundate 撂: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 畧 (lüè) approximately, roughly; outline 䨉: 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㾐: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify 鬓: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 宾 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 粒: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 漛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 龹 / 氺 (shui) 趜: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 匊 (jū) handful 咢: 吅 (xuān) / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 㨩: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 庭 (tíng) courtyard; spacious hall or yard 䜫: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 蠵: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 巂 (guī) place name 榴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 弻: 弜 (jiàng) / 㐁 (tiàn) to lick; to taste, a mat, bamboo bark 䇄: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 㝋: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action 瑍: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 奐 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 鋎: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 委: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 蕗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 路 (lù) road, path, street; journey 曖: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 愛 (ài) love, be fond of, like 䱝: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 鵧: 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 绦: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 条 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe 慯: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 述: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique 囶: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㱽: 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 祿: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 彔 (lù) to carve wood 搈: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 墋: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 鮍: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 㴎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 奈 (nài) but, how; bear, stand, endure 䰘: 鬥 (dòu) struggle, fight, compete, contend / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 輚: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 羥: ⺶ / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 吨: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 霪: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 淫 (yín) obscene, licentious, lewd 挲: 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated / 手 (shǒu) hand 䞵: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 骷: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 㰸: 㑒 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䭂: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 蹄: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 经: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 卒: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 㟕: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 呌 (jiào) to call; to summon 陔: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 扜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 䛟: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 駡: 吅 (xuān) / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 㭢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 刑 (xíng) punishment, penalty; law 䩬: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 ⻯: 竜 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 赮: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 叚 (jiǎ) false 緹: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 剼: 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㛿: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 带 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 镾: 镸 (cháng) long / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 憆: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 嬍: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 㪌: 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 鸏: 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 樗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 雩 (yú) offer sacrifice for rain 䦖: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 貘: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 爧: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 靈 (líng) spirit, soul; spiritual world 冦: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 钨: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 乌 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 悰: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 娷: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 㦶: 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 鴹: ⺶ / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 楁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 客 (kè) guest, traveller; customer 䣀: 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 诂: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 煑: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 僐: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 鏒: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 濚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 榮 (róng) glory, honor; flourish, prosper 奡: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 夰 (gǎo) 㣠: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 鱣: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 桫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated 矪: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 諬: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 灻: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 忺: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 鋼: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 岡 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 袁: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 漄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 崖 (yá) cliff, precipice; precipitous 䎇: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 邑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 眔: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 氺 (shui) 沙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 萞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 弤: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 璩: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 豦 (jù) a wild boar; to fight 薳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 遠 (yuǎn) distant, remote, far; profound 砶: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 岹: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 襀: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 䁆: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 秋: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 酐: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 浘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern 䇛: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 黥: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 京 (jīng) capital city 畨: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 櫭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 暨 (jì) and; attain, reach; confines 色: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 嵸: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 狽: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䠁: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 亝 (qí) even, regular, uniform all alike; to arrange 餋: 龹 / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 暊: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 們: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening 亚: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 㠡: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 褭 (niǎo) 紣: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 卆 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 龤: 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 嚪: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 閻 (yán) village gate; surname 設: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 殬: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 睪 (yì) spy on 䔳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 然 (rán) yes, certainly; pledge, promise 㺺: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 鈽: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 布 (bù) cotton cloth, textiles, linen 玼: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 湅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 胆: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 富: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 㕓: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 癕: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 雍 (yōng) harmony, union; harmonious 蝟: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 擞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 数 (shù) number; several, count; fate 幥: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 掌 (zhǎng) palm of hand, sole of foot, paw 䳮: 脉 (mài) blood vessels, veins, arteries / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 筷: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 快 (kuài) rapid, quick, speedy, fast; soon 鷸: 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 哾: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 樀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 亃: 粦 (lín) phosphorus / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 超: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 爐: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 嚓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 察 (chá) examine, investigate; notice 閕: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 憝: 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 娠: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 㺣: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 餢: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 䦭: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense 貯: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 紺: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 冽: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify 钿: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 惇: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 䕊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 㧍: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 題: 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䣗: 㚖 (gǎo) (said of truth) to come out to the open; to be known by all, (ancient form 澤) glossy; shining / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 这: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 籤: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 韱 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 僧: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 韩: 龺 / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 㕪: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 揱: 削 (xuē) scrape off, pare, trim / 手 (shǒu) hand 䑴: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 㣷: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 魶: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 内 (nèi) inside 䴅: 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 耇: ⺹ / 句 (jù) sentence 美: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 唕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 皁 (zào) black; police runners, from the black clothes formerly worn by them 㒔: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 搟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 軒 (xuān) carriage; high; wide; balcony; surname of the Yellow Emperor 䞞: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 弗 (fú) not, negative 骠: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 㴥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 峭 (qiào) steep, precipitous, rugged 䰯: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 茱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 纸: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 吿: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 㞾: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 杉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 䛈: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 藊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 稨 (biǎn) 㱏: 二 (èr) two; twice / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 余: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant ⻘: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 艛: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 秢: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 坩: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 㛨: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 晳: 析 (xī) split wood; break apart; divide / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䇲: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 蓴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 㽹: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 蚉: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 礌: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 雷 (léi) thunder 嶏: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 配 (pèi) match, pair; equal; blend 訖: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 䄜: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 窡: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 鈦: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 讫: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 渮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 苛 (kē) small, petty; harsh, rigorous 䊱: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 㦰 (jiān) to break off (relations); to sever, to exterminate; to annihilate; to wipe out, to pierce; to stab; to irritate; to hurt, to hold weapons, agricultural implements; far tools, sharp will; eager intention; determination / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 鎻: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 瘾: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 隐 (yǐn) hide, conceal; hidden, secret 濃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 蝈: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 国 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 幎: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 矓: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 胝: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 筠: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 均 (jūn) equal, even, fair; all, also 忣: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 䍰: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 擵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 摩 (mó) rub, scour, grind; friction 鱺: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 較: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 梂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 䘉: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 蟲 (chóng) worms; insects 霓: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 炒: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 挛: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 手 (shǒu) hand 膜: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 墢: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 㘩: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 䬫: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 萵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 斴: 粦 (lín) phosphorus / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 医: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 㭋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 硍: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 黎: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇒ / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 氺 (shui) 嗔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 襗: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 睪 (yì) spy on 櫖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 慮 (lǜ) be concerned, worry about 䁝: 炏 (kài) / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 㷤: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 酧: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 守 (shǒu) defend, protect, guard, conserve 狦: 㹪 (same as 狦) a fierce dog, a kind of animal (looks like a wolf) 浯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 菰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 孤 (gū) orphan, fatherless; solitary 嫶: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 畿: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 怈: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 岋: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 龍: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 三 (sān) three / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 㤎: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䠘: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 龱 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 謚: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 箥: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 波 (bō) waves, breakers; undulations 倨: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 錪: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 朲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 䎵: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 麷: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 豐 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 㠸: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 佂: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 詄: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 竏: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 坒: 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 鉔: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 匝 (zā) full circle; encircle 晜: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 䋟: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 忌 (jì) jealous, envious; fear 鷡: 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㽢: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 乬: 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 襮: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 㳟 秹: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow 噼: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 酾: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 丽 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 斆: 學 (xué) learning, knowledge; school / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 弍: 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 二 (èr) two; twice 㺌: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 騏: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 渗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 䶖: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 袘: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 瘧: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 虐 (nüè) cruel, harsh, oppressive 喦: 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 邨: 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 撰: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 帷: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㶶: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 农 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 餹: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 流: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 䳀: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 迂: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 畑: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 哐: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise 韒: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 毚: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 嵡: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 㳠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 达 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery 顣: 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 汫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 珪: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 軬: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 瑻: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 貫 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 寺: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 雼: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 貁: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 欄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 䞇: 圥 (lù) mushroom / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 钑: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 㘒: 種 (zhǒng) seed; race; offspring; to plant / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 猔: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 梙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 串 (chuàn) string; relatives; conspire 耞: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 嬤: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 麼 (me) interrogative final particle; insignificant, small, tiny 㞧: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 炩: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 膳: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 簶: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 禄 (lù) blessing, happiness, prosperity 墹: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 赀: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䑆: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 緋: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 镐: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 楘: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䗛: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 髥: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 冄 (rǎn) tender; weak; gradually alternating 㑦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 戶 (hù) door; family, household / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 煨: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 滭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 虲: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 奸: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 㗻: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 迥 (jiǒng) distant, far; separated; different / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 盽: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 䰁: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 鴋: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 把: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 向: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䪚: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 冃 (mào) / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㰡: 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 礣: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 蔑 (miè) disdain, disregard; slight 鮤: 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 努: 奴 (nú) slave, servant / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 踭: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 澬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 資 (zī) property; wealth; capital 䄳: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 㪺: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 䀠 (jù) a Chinese family name, the timid look of a bird; (of birds) to look around, nervous (same as 瞿) shocked or scared / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 阽: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 瞼: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 橅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 蓆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 席 (xí) seat; mat; take seat; banquet 忌: 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 牕: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 荟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting 惞: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 欣 (xīn) happy, joyous, delighted 婥: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 䣮: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 罷: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 能 (néng) to be able; can, permitted to; ability 駸: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 僾: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 愛 (ài) love, be fond of, like 渀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 奔 (bēn) run fast, flee; rush about; run 䪃: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 覅: 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 瘐: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 臾 (yú) moment, instant, short while 劓: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 醕: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 亯 (xiǎng) to receive; to enjoy 斝: 吅 (xuān) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 帠: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 㪣: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 鴢: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䶭: 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 袯: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 发 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out; hair 示: 二 (èr) two; twice / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 喽: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 邿: 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 擇: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 睪 (yì) spy on 䅊: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 㡯 (zhái) (ancient form of 宅) wall of a building, a house, to keep in the house, thriving; flourishing, blazing, (ancient form of 度) legal system; laws and institutions, to think; to consider; to ponder; to contemplate 㷍: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 鱌: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 象 (xiàng) elephant; ivory; figure, image 䳗: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 诙: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 灰 (huī) ashes; dust; lime, mortar 硤: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 哧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare 鏩: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 柱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 䁴: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 㳷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 曶 (hū) 齶: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 䤅: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 萇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 箎: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 儕: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 怟: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 䎞: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / ㇕ 麠: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 㤥: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 䠯: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 蜱: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 窸: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 悉 (xī) know, learn about, comprehend 倿: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 妾 (qiè) concubine 捉: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 䋈: 奴 (nú) slave, servant / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 臊: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 㡏: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 䭙: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 虛: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 丱 (guàn) child's hairstyle bound in two tufts; ore / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 緢: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality 卩: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇆ 扳: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 䗲: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 胴: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 㭹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 弦 (xián) string; hypotenuse, crescent 芉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 紌: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 妏: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 踖: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 䔜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 聃 (dān) ears without rims; a personal name 纡: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 阦: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 辫: 辡 (biàn) recrimination; wrangling / 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 樮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 䙳 (biāo) (same as 熛) spiting flames, flashed fire, to shine off and on, to cover; to hide, to seal, to build 䚱: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 鞻: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 㔼: 推 (tuī) push, expel; push forward / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 爾: 丅 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down; used to transliterate the Latin letter 'T' / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 㸚 (lǐ) scattered or dispersed and clear, to stop, to detain, a connection, lineage ⻁: 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 七 (qī) seven / 几 (jǐ) small table 毃: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 荈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to 婎: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㛑: 歺 (è) vicious, depraved, bad / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 珓: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 蓝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 监 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 罠: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 寣: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 䝰: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 惵: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 顺: 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 謃: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 沂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 䈉: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 妾 (qiè) concubine 㞐: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 錓: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / ⺶ / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 璒: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 望: 肓 (huāng) region between heart and diaphragm / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 薜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 岢: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 伫: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㝉 (zhù) (same as 宁) space between the throne and the retiring room behind it, to store up; to save up, peaceful, used as a term of comparison 耵: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 憴: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 圻: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 䧄: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 㽋: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 籍: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 耤 (jí) plough 髎: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 凔: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 赗: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 冒 (mào) risk, brave, dare 滖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 衰 (shuāi) decline, falter, decrease; weaken 䑝: 吅 (xuān) / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to 㧤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 充 (chōng) fill, be full, supply 镧: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 阑 (lán) door screen; railing fence 盦: 酓 (yǎn) / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 楯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 蟰: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently 延: 廴 (yǐn) go; KangXi radical 54 / ㇒ / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 㑽: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 煿: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 簈: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 屛 (píng) folding screen 䂋: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 㐄 (kuà) / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 莍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 吘: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch 㢛: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 霚: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 敄 (wù) to put forth effort 枥: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 历 (lì) history; calendar 䰨: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 輪: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 笲: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 徵: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 芷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 卂: 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 㟅: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 兇 (xiōng) atrocious, ferocious, brutal 附: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 曏: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 鄉 (xiāng) country; rural; village 䭒: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 息 (xī) rest, put stop to, end, cease 蹔: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 穜: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 廟: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 朝 (cháo) dynasty; morning 臡: 難 (nán) difficult, arduous, hard; unable / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 剬: 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㛯: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 勉 (miǎn) endeavor, make effort; urge 镮: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 旹: 㞢 (ancient form of 之) to arrive at; to go to / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䩼: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 赾: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 禆: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 䌍: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 蘏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 頴 (yǐng) rice tassel; sharp point; clever 爗: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 曅 (yè) bright; flourishing 冖: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 钘: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 㬝: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 樧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 䦦: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 貨: 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 碰: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 並 (bìng) equal to; side by side; also, what is more; both 䈷: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 格 (gé) pattern, standard, form; style 蔹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 敛 (liǎn) draw back, fold back; collect 煁: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 僀: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 鏂: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 㩇: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 畫 (huà) delineate, painting, picture, drawing; draw 楑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 䣐: 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 诒: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 矚: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to 䅡: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 董: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 火: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 濪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 靘 (qìng) 鋬: 扳 (bān) pull; drag; right itself / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 㥱: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 匪 (fěi) bandits, robbers, gangsters 桻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夆 (féng) resist 䟺: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 諼: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 邁: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 萬 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 眄: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 丏 (miǎn) parapet; invisible 宇: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 袑: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 演: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 寅 (yín) to respect, reverence; respectfully; 3rd terrestrial branch 璙: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 鰞: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 䜤: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 沩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 为 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 鶳: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 師 (shī) teacher, master, specialist; multitude, troops 㼴: 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 怶: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 䒹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 酀: 燕 (yàn) swallow (bird); comfort, enjoy / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 塆: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 弯 (wān) bend, curve 㳉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 懋: 楙 (mào) name of plant; lush / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 襐: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 象 (xiàng) elephant; ivory; figure, image 畘: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 姛: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 蛥: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 浨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宋 (sòng) Song dynasty; surname 狭: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 驲: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䕸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 黠 (xiá) sly, cunning, shrewd; artful 櫽: 隱 (yǐn) hide, conceal; hidden, secret / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 倁: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 知 (zhī) know, perceive, comprehend 㶈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 螢 (yíng) glow-worm, luminous insect 脋: 刕 (lí) / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 纊: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 䠑: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 奎 (kuí) stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions 嚚: 㗊 (jí) public opinion; clamour; noise, (ancient form of 雷); thunder, an organic compound (porphin); (porphyrins) / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official 攣: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 手 (shǒu) hand 螤: 蚉 (wén) variant of 蚊 U+868A, a mosquito, gnat / 㬰 (yú) (non-classical form of 臾) a moment; an instant; a little while; a short time 亪: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 乁 (yí) 鈭: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 玬: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) 崳: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 訽: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 句 (jù) sentence 殼: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 几 (jǐ) small table 㕃: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 癅: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 畱 (liú) to detain; to entertain to keep; to put by 飆: 猋 (biāo) wind; storm; gale; dog moving; (Cant.) running quickly / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 䏌: 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 湕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 㯜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 齟: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 糞: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 䙥: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 零 (líng) zero; fragment, fraction 哮: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 㹵: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 捷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 疌 (jié) 藸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 豬 (zhū) pig, hog 䳾: 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 爀: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 赫 (hè) bright, radiant, glowing 嚃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 遝 (tà) mixed, abundant, assorted 閅: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 㬆: 昍 (xuān) / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 樐: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock 亓: 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 趕: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 禝: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 畟 (cè) plough 䈠: 笊 (zhào) ladle, bamboo skimmer / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 友 (yǒu) friend, companion; fraternity 脢: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 每 (měi) every, each 冭: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / ⺀ 钯: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 㨰: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 衮 (gǔn) ceremonial dress worn by the emperor 攺: 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䦽: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 貿: 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 磇: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 嵊: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 乘 (chéng) ride, ascend; avail oneself of; numerary adjunct for vehicles 职: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 僗: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 韙: 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 㕚: 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 摤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing 䣧: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 迩: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 篱: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 屴: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 荶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吟 (yín) sing, hum; recite; type of poetry 唅: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 㒄: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 然 (rán) yes, certainly; pledge, promise 頇: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 枎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 䴕: 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 簟: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 從: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 龰 芠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 启: 户 (hù) door; family / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 㞮: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 鬱: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 鬯 (chàng) sacrificial wine; unhindered / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 暸: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 䰿: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 罉: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 掌 (zhǎng) palm of hand, sole of foot, paw 廈: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 夏 (xià) summer; great, grand, big 鷊: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 坙: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㛘: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 孛 (bèi) comet 驛: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 睪 (yì) spy on 懢: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 佩: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 几 (jǐ) small table / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round ⻨: 麦 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; simplified form of KangXi radical number 199 繳: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 姲: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 鳴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 麉: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 㰊: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 圥 (lù) mushroom / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 愌: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 奐 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 䖏: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 匆 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 鈖: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 夜: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 㶟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 抡: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 仑 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 訦: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 鎫: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 瘮: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 媱: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 讻: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad 渾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 矃: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 齈: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 䙎: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 濓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亷 (lián) upright, honorable, honest 飝: 飛 (fēi) fly; go quickly; dart; high / 飛 (fēi) fly; go quickly; dart; high 㹞: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 捠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 兵 (bīng) soldier, troops 䟣: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique 孰: 享 (xiǎng) enjoy / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 㿳: 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 糵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 葺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 霃: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 沈 (chén) sink, submerge; addicted to; surname 炂: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 帉: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 輓: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 梒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 㘙: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 笛: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 馜: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 䂢: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 匫: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 曶 (hū) 㢲: 弜 (jiàng) / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 鰵: 敏 (mǐn) fast, quick, clever, smart / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 綴: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 䬻: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 㦮 (qián) (abbreviated form of 錢) money; cash, a unit of weight, a Chinese family name 嗄: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 夏 (xià) summer; great, grand, big 恍: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 蛎: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 厉 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 酗: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad 狖: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 塝: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 襧: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 櫦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 慶 (qìng) congratulate, celebrate 畯: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 鯰: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 䋶: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 浿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 砈: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress 䒋: 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 融: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 倘: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 㲛: 知 (zhī) know, perceive, comprehend / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 錚: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 接: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 妾 (qiè) concubine 䠨: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 謪: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 商 (shāng) commerce, business, trade 缲: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 宵: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 蚷: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 坂: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 鉄: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 拏: 奴 (nú) slave, servant / 手 (shǒu) hand 佒: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 詔: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 繜: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 嫟: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 匿 (nì) hide; go into hiding 藡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 適 (shì) match, comfortable; just 噬: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 筮 (shì) divination with stalks of plants; divining rod 酮: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 懹: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 乼: 注 (zhù) concentrate, focus, direct / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 襾: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 綆: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 䜍: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 舏: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 瘗: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 喖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 枯 (kū) dried out, withered, decayed 邘: 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㼝: 夘 (mǎo) 4th of Earth Branches; period from 5-7 a.m. / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 渧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 䶦: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 袨: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 粰: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 䘷: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 脹: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 畁: 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 丌 (jī) table 哀: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 韂: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 㹇: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 浑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 䳐: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 迒: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 珚: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 䕡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 閭 (lǘ) village of twenty-five families 聣: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 瑫: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 毪: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low 雬: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㵱: 漂 (piào) float, drift; tossed about / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 汻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch 䏺: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 夆 (féng) resist 軼: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 钁: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 矍 (jué) look about in fright or alarm 㘂: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 慈 (cí) kind, charitable, benevolent 猄: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 京 (jīng) capital city 徇: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 貑: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 叚 (jiǎ) false 欔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 矍 (jué) look about in fright or alarm 㞗: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 炙: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 頞: 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䌤: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 梩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 馳: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 㬴: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 搶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 䂹: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 炙 (zhì) roast, broil; toast; cauterize 镀: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 度 (dù) degree, system; manner; to consider 屆: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier 㣉: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 旋: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot 赐: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 易 (yì) change; easy 㑖: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 煘: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 巛: ㇛ 若: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 右 (yòu) right; west; right-wing 楨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 㗫: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 刁 (diāo) tricky, sly, crafty, cunning / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 盭: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 鹲: 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䅸: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 滽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 吁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 㦈: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 盖 (gài) cover, hide, protect 蔋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 淑 (shū) good, pure, virtuous, charming 窊: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 䰑: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 劚: 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 愣: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 莤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 䪪: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 阭: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 瞬: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 舜 (shùn) legendary ruler 夳: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 二 (èr) two; twice 踽: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 澼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 牅: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 鳆: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 䟌: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 截 (jié) cut off, stop, obstruct, intersect 橕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 牚 (chēng) 㿜: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure 魟: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 磞: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 崩 (bēng) rupture, split apart, collapse 䉥: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 囪 (cōng) chimney, funnel / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 僮: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 㩵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 杷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 臸: 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 䣾: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 宜 (yí) suitable, right, fitting, proper 瘀: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 於 (yú) in, at, on; interjection alas! 劃: 畫 (huà) delineate, painting, picture, drawing; draw / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 醅: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 㼆: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 瑩 (yíng) lustre of gems; bright, lustrous 渐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 斩 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 䪓: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 覕: 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 綝: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 䘠: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 蔢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 婆 (pó) old woman; grandmother 喭: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 彦 (yàn) elegant 邯: 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㸰: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 它 (tā) it; other 愺: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 草 (cǎo) grass, straw, thatch, herbs 袿: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 糇: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 奊: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 夨 (zè) 葌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 姦 (jiān) adultery, debauchery; debauch 哗: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 华 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 鏙: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 恤: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 䳧: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 诩: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 翱: 皋 (gāo) the high land along a river / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 塴: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 崩 (bēng) rupture, split apart, collapse 蝶: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 儅: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 鰇: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 掎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 䤕: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 砟: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 实: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 头 (tóu) head; top; chief, first; boss 蚠: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 倯: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 松 (sōng) pine tree; fir tree 鼱: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 抸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 䠿: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 等: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 嫈: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 駊: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 卙: 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 鹛: 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 既: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 旡 (jì) choke on something eaten 䭩: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 靡 (mí) divide, disperse, scatter 穳: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 已: 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 飴: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 骉: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 㠊: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 虚 (xū) false 攌: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 圜 (huán) circle, surround; encircle 䆏: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 糞 (fèn) manure, dung, night soil 阖: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 崜: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 㦟: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / ㇒ / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 暡: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 踦: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 鞫: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 訇 (hōng) the sound of a crash 㔬: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 爮: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 庱: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 辻: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 樾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 越 (yuè) exceed, go beyond; the more ... 㛁: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 珃: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 魈: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 䉎: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden ⻑: 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 毓: 每 (měi) every, each / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 鳝: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 㩞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 炏 (kài) / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 杠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 䏣: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 彰: 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 㯳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 句 (jù) sentence / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 磵: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 聺: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 察 (chá) examine, investigate; notice 㞀: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 灰 (huī) ashes; dust; lime, mortar 錃: 波 (bō) waves, breakers; undulations / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 璂: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 基 (jī) foundation, base 娉: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 甹 (pīng) 謓: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 沒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇆ / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 缛: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse 鶜: 茅 (máo) reeds, rushes, grass; surname / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䒢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 卬 (áng) lofty; high; raise; high-priced 圫: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 㲲: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 頵: 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 禴: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure 伻: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 凄: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 妻 (qī) wife 摍: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 宿 (sù) stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation 苎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㝉 (zhù) (same as 宁) space between the throne and the retiring room behind it, to store up; to save up, peaceful, used as a term of comparison 䧔: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 镗: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 盖: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 屝: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 赧: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 滦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 栾 (luán) name of tree; a part of cornice 㑭: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 畀 (bì) to give 煯: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 䛶: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 楿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense 琈: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 䢋: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 丌 (jī) table 讍: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 噩 (è) bad, ill-omened, unlucky 尘: 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 鼚: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 澥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain 䐨: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 蜪: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 匋 (táo) pottery 猲: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 垵: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 誷: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 罔 (wǎng) net; deceive; libel; negative 孂: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 簋 (guǐ) a square basket of bamboo for holding grain used at sacrifices, feast 㿅: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / ㇒ / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 鹄: 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 滏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 釜 (fǔ) cauldron, pot, kettle 䍒: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 虔: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 牜: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 囟: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 觡: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 婬: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 㸒 (yín) to absurd pursuit or desire; to wish wildly; to desire to long for (usually more than one's rightful share), to knit; to weave 㻯: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 鵮: 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 淹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 䉼: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 蕾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 雷 (léi) thunder 熆: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 䬍: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 忽 (hū) suddenly, abruptly; neglect 踏: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 稗: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 妖: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 鲘: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 戧: 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 䆦: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 蒨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 倩 (qiàn) beautiful, lovely; son-in-law 炰: 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 䨷: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 费: 弗 (fú) not, negative / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 祁: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 壀: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 鯂: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 慑: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 聂 (niè) whisper; surname 䃐: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 突 (tū) suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly 菒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 杲 (gǎo) bright sun; brilliant; high 翚: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 䥡: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 牒 (dié) documents, records; dispatch 豣: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 幵 (jiān) even level. to raise in both hands 硫: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 柪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 髬: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 恻: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 则 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 俺: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 苼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 颁: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㨂: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 缄: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 厇: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 肑: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 朔: 屰 (nì) disobedient / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 㮗: 矜 (jīn) pity, feel sorry for, show sympat / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 粙: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 鐞: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 伤: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 撩: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 閳: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 㜴: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 栶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 䲹: 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 饀: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 偆: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 㓉: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 構: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 腐: 府 (fǔ) prefecture; prefect; government / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 㡖: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 絘: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 次 (cì) order, sequence; next 凛: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 禀 (bǐng) report to, petition 軥: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 句 (jù) sentence 敨: 咅 (pǒu) to spit out / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 㧫: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 竭: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 鉲: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 卡 (kǎ) card, punch card; calorie 䵸: 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 拽: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 堁: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 㖈: 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 褋: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 皊: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 䀑: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 庚: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / ⺺ / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 洣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 辤: 受 (shòu) receive, accept, get; bear, stand / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 䚪: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 騭: 陟 (zhì) climb, scale, ascend; proceed / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 箬: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 唳: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 戾 (lì) perverse, recalcitrant, rebellious ⺺: ⺕ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 舽: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 掼: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 贯 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 㵃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 蛇 (shé) snake 繅: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 郆: 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䯌: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 尻 (kāo) end of spine; buttocks, sacrum 晕: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 靟: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 瓞: 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 乥: 乊 (yī) kwukyel / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 峮: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 尹 (yǐn) govern; oversee; director / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald 㙵: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 㙜 (chí) (ancient and corrupted form of U+81FA 臺) a lookout, a tower, a terrace, a platform, a stage 歷: 厤 (lì) to calculate; the calendar / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 跸: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 毕 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 䓾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 娑 (suō) dance, frolic; lounge; saunter 稀: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 広: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 鶅: 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 成: 万 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 䚓: 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 薕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 廉 (lián) upright, honorable, honest 熝: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 䨠: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? ⺣: 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 褢: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 妭: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 鲯: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 洺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 名 (míng) name, rank, title, position 䆽: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 蒿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 烇: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 啊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 阿 (ā) prefix for people's names; used in transliteration 行: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 亍 (chù) to take small steps; Korean place name 壗: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 盡 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 㵚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 汤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / ㇎ / ㇒ 䃧: 隆 (lóng) prosperous, plentiful, abundant / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 蟩: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it 珱: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 呴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 句 (jù) sentence 譶: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 崅: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 㲄: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 逇: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 地 (de) earth; soil, ground; region 澎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 彭 (péng) name of ancient country; surname 䔕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 脯 (pú) dried meat; preserved fruits 琟: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 垞: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 誠: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 尯: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 㾮: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 錱: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 玨 (jué) two pieces of jade joined together 溸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally 䐿: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 睉: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 囈: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 藝 (yì) art; talent, ability; craft 闊: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 活 (huó) live, exist, survive; lively 彙: 彑 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 㻘: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 审 (shěn) examine, investigate; judge 鉛: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 几 (jǐ) small table / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 槢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 䝩: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 癳: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 纍 (léi) bind, wind about; link, join 凲: 几 (jǐ) small table / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 铴: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 汤 (tāng) hot water; soup, gravy, broth 隉: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 㐊: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 椌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 䶏: 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me / 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 騖: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 儜: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 㖟: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 受 (shòu) receive, accept, get; bear, stand 檡: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 睪 (yì) spy on 舦: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 鮫: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 㤬: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 縮: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 宿 (sù) stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation 励: 厉 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 莻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 七 (qī) seven 显: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 㫁: ㇗ / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 翃: 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 靈: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 巫 (wū) wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman 乎: ㇒ / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 染: 氿 (guǐ) spring / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 郝: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㙞: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 臬 (niè) law, rule; door post 歠: 叕 (zhuó) to connect / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 俣: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 印: ㇒ / ㇗ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 㟳: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 栗 (lì) chestnut tree, chestnuts; surname 瓵: 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 豺: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only 㮀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 函 (hán) correspondence; a case; a box 鼃: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 碂: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 嘉: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 蜓: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 廷 (tíng) court 悒: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 㸙: 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 猛: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 孟 (mèng) first in series; great, eminent 醜: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 䢢: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 嬫: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 榮 (róng) glory, honor; flourish, prosper 鐵: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 㕵 (guó) 疴: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 䌻: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 巄: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 桍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 軎: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䗔: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 饗: 鄉 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 竖: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 偝: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 背 (bèi) back; back side; behind; betray 腧: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 拦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 兰 (lán) orchid; elegant, graceful 㡭: ㇗ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 絯: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 鏰: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 崩 (bēng) rupture, split apart, collapse 䫶: 樊 (fán) a railing; a fence an enclosed place / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 敿: 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 瀈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 翬 (huī) pheasant; variegated; to fly 䲋: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 替 (tì) change, replace, substitute for 辍: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 堘: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 龹 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㒛: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 鬚: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 須 (xū) must, have to, necessary; moment; whiskers 殥: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 寅 (yín) to respect, reverence; respectfully; 3rd terrestrial branch 䀨: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 茪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 眲: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 厵: 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 躷: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 彂: 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 矤 (shěn) 㯅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 庳 (bì) a low-built house 驄: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 櫏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 䝒: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 艔: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 度 (dù) degree, system; manner; to consider 癜: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 殿 (diàn) hall; palace; temple 募: 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 跡: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise 幬: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 㫯: 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 饮: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 槹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 皐 (gāo) the high land along a river 䙼: 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 腾: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 龹 / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 疆: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 伍: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 五 (wǔ) five; surname ⺌: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 訏: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 縗: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 衰 (shuāi) decline, falter, decrease; weaken 嶖: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 翕 (xī) agree 题: 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㜝: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 酓 (yǎn) 昧: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 䖦: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 肨: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 環: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 丷: 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 褹: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 埶 (yì) art 絁: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 峀: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 㙇: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 救: 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䓐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 蟒: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 莽 (mǎng) thicket, underbrush; poisonous 篚: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 匪 (fěi) bandits, robbers, gangsters 䵡: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 衣: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 籫: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 揪: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 黬: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 㕱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 摻: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 䯺: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 蛼: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 鲁: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㸂: 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 笄: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 垇: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 凹 (āo) concave, hollow, depressed; a pass, valley 蒑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 殷 (yīn) many, great; abundant, flourishing 挔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 㾗: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 碙: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 岡 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 逞: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 䬤: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 悩: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad 醳: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 睪 (yì) spy on 氶: ㇖ / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 䢹: 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 鵀: 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 呆: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 淋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 蕐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 㱖: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 祘: 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 嗛: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 諥: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 慨: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then 㷫: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 续: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 卖 (mài) sell; betray; show off 陲: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 䥸: 彌 (mí) extensive, full; fill; complete / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 曽: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 封: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 贋: 雁 (yàn) wild goose / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 犊: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 卖 (mài) sell; betray; show off 䐑: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 媚: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 椣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 认: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 䊪: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 鸭: 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 羬: ⺶ / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 儳: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty 蘽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 櫐 (lěi) 枼: 世 (shì) generation; world; era / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㥃: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening 穅: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 康 (kāng) peaceful, quiet; happy, healthy 铆: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 俌: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 払: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 㟜: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 弥 (mí) extensive, full; fill; complete 鍟: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 烞: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 朴 (pǔ) simple, unadorned; sincere; surname; a tree 䩥: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 壮: 丬 (qiáng) half of tree trunk; rad. no. 90 / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier 潷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 筆 (bǐ) writing brush; write; stroke 觸: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 䃾: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 縀: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 媃: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 馅: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 㜆: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 迷 (mí) bewitch, charm, infatuate 昐: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 䊓: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 膕: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 國 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 疝: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 丠: 北 (běi) north; northern; northward / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 财: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only 嶭: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 颯: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 㘰: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 椺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care 䖽: 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 肿: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 瓇: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 憂 (yōu) sad, grieved; grief, melancholy 兊: 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 豌: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 峗: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 鯙: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 㥚: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 臾 (yú) moment, instant, short while 桤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 岂 (qǐ) how? what? 䓧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 亟 (jí) urgently, immediately, extremely 菩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 矱: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 側: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 則 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 轶: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 夅: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 㐄 (kuà) 㢄: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 鐇: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 殎: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 䄕: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 畓 (duō) rice field 瀟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 蕭 (xiāo) common artemisia; sighing of wind; mournful; dejected 厞: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 躠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 堯: 垚 (yáo) mound, roundish mass / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 㮮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 挈 (qiè) assist, help, lead by hand 霱: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 檸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 䀿: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 獉: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 勈: 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 释: 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 孙: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 㫘: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 陛: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 坒 (bì) to compare; to match; to equal 淢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 䍩: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 牳: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 嗲: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 爹 (diē) father, daddy 郴: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 銉: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 洌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify 䦏: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 鸖: 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 唜: 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 七 (qī) seven 溡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 時 (shí) time, season; era, age, period 蘦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 霝 (líng) drops of rain; to fall in drops 龫: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 㴬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 射 (shè) shoot, eject, issue forth, emit 種: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 嚱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 戲 (xì) theatrical play, show 螻: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 戾: 户 (hù) door; family / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 㻁: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 篃: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 鍈: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 䩎: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 揓: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 施 (shī) grant, bestow; give; act; name 铝: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 潠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 䯣: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 坰: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 烵: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 芍 (sháo) peony; water chestnuts 衺: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 㾀: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 鬃: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 粂: 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 刉: 乞 (qǐ) beg; request / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 茓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 撒: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 散 (sàn) scatter, disperse, break up 㨙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 眛: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 閜: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 䲢: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 鲞 (xiǎng) dried fish 弫: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official 㒲: 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 逵: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 坴 (lù) a clod of earth; land 熴: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 崑 (kūn) Kunlun mountains in Jiang Su province. 䜻: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 姄: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 汍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 諎: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 䇔: 吂 (máng) / 䏠 (qì) (ancient form of 汁) meat soup, mixed meat / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 鵗: 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 绖: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 呝: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 戹 (è) In difficulty, distressed 蕧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 復 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 曦: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羲 (xī) ancient emperor; breath, vapor 㱭: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 段 (duàn) section, piece, division 祯: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 贞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 韰: 歺 (è) vicious, depraved, bad / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 件: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 慿: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇉ / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 谈: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 伊: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尹 (yǐn) govern; oversee; director 玍: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 䊗: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 朚: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 明 (míng) bright, light, brilliant; clear 鞥: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 弇 (yǎn) cover over, hide; narrow-necked 㘤: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 淵 (yuān) gulf, abyss, deep 媧: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 缪: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 謲: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 临: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 犷: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 䇁: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 鮮 (xiān) fresh, new, delicious; rare, few 晄: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 雏: 刍 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㕎: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 姑: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 織: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 詜: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 䵞: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 燡: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 睪 (yì) spy on 䃫: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 敮: 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 闹: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 㑸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 壻: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 絾: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 覆: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 復 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 䲈: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame 瘏: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 舗: 舎 (she) house, dwelling; dwell, reside / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 䔙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 釣 (diào) fish; fishhook; tempt, lure 撘: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 答 (dá) answer, reply; return; assent to 騧: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 崩: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 粨: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 袰: 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 䮲: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 甹: 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 腁: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 幷 (bìng) combine 䑃: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 揂: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 饑: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 屓: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 篒: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 蟚: 彭 (péng) name of ancient country; surname / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 䫜: 幽 (yōu) quiet, secluded, tranquil; dark / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 瑣: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / ⺌|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 聫: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 䍭: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 括: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 须: 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 孽: 薛 (xuē) kind of marsh grass; feudal state / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 竼: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 悁: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 蜄: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 后: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 碑: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 㶓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 藏 (cáng) hide, conceal; hoard, store up 鼔: 壴 (zhù) / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 蒙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冡 (méng) 氞: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 喣: 呴 (xǔ) breathe on; yawn; roar / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 鲩: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 䤰: 坎 (kǎn) pit, hole; snare, trap; crisis / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 涳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted ⺵: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 逶: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 慀: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 䛅: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 釋: 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 / 睪 (yì) spy on 祐: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 右 (yòu) right; west; right-wing 㩒: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 禁 (jìn) restrict, prohibit, forbid 廕: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 陰 (yīn) 'female' principle; dark; secret 蕘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 剢: 豖 (chù) a shackled pig / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 盥: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 㯧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 超 (chāo) jump over, leap over; surpass 鵨: 舍 (shě) house, dwelling; dwell, reside / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 苭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 橲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 号: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 髽: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 䞄: 施 (shī) grant, bestow; give; act; name / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 焋: 壯 (zhuàng) big, large; robust; name of tribe / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 躊: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 徔: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 芝 (zhī) sesame; a purplish or brown mushroom thought to have miraculous powers; 'a divine and relicitous plant' (Karlgren) 䨝: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 锣: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 罗 (luō) net for catching birds; gauze 瞤: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 閏 (rùn) intercalary; extra, surplus 㢦: 哥 (gē) elder brother / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 戭: 寅 (yín) to respect, reverence; respectfully; 3rd terrestrial branch / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 莬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 傶: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad 稽: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 鮼: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 㼿: 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 虅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 騰 (téng) fly; gallop; run; prance; rise 棆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 坏: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 鹕: 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䗘: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 潟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 舄 (xì) a shoe; the sole of a shoe; magpie 賞: 龸 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 巨: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 䡱: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 鍷: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 奎 (kuí) stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions 痸: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 制 (zhì) system; establish; overpower 㛺: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 舀: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 䄂: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 斅: 學 (xué) learning, knowledge; school / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 㒏: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 騐: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 夒: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 綕: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 志 (zhì) purpose, will, determination; annals 覝: 㶣 (chán) to burn; to heat, to burn over a wider and wider area; to glow; to shine, light; brightness / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䲟: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 印 (yìn) print, seal, stamp, chop, mark 焢: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 䀬: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 撯: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / ⺶ / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 㞹: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 锺: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 堼: 封 (fēng) letter, envelope; feudal / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 粿: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 裇: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 俉: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 灌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 䍖: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 柙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 㛣: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 员 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 鑤: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 㳟 学: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 翩: 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 诱: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 仳: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 獶: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 憂 (yōu) sad, grieved; grief, melancholy 䊀: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 标: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 鞎: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 㬑: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 郭 (guō) outer part (of a city); surname 媐: 巸 (yí) / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 谟: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 匡: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 犠: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 㶪: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 欱: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 隸: 柰 (nài) crab-apple tree; endure, bear / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 㨻: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 手 (shǒu) hand 喺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 係 (xì) bind, tie up; involve, relation 轉: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 剋: 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 淊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 㳔: 汉 (hàn) Chinese people; Chinese language / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 橛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it 釢: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 㕥: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 哤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 尨 (máng) shaggy haired dog; variegated 蹳: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 䵵: 算 (suàn) count, calculate, figure; plan / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 泴: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 㿾: 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䨆: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 溉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then 鄌: 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 或: 戓 (gē) / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 䮛: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 附 (fù) adhere to, append; rely on near to 銡: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 稦: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 㼨: 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 掫: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 蘮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罽 (jì) a kind of woolen fabric 圸: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 箻: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 律 (lǜ) statute, principle, regulation 㢽: 弜 (jiàng) / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 鸾: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 蟃: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 潈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 働: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 動 (dòng) move, happen; movement, action 䑚: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 棝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 鍠: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 屪: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 寮 (liáo) shanty, hut, shack 䗯: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 進 (jìn) advance, make progress, enter 賵: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 冒 (mào) risk, brave, dare 瑺: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 常 (cháng) common, normal, frequent, regular 㥼: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 焉 (yān) thereupon, then; how? why? where? 巿: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 會: 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 肂: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 册: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 缓: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 爰 (yuán) lead on to; therefore, then 颒: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㰕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 講: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 榜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near ⺞: 歺 (è) vicious, depraved, bad 吥: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 䚮: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 氵: ⺀ / ㇀ 趴: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 庾: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 臾 (yú) moment, instant, short while 䥇: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 扇 (shàn) fan; door panel 遍: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 盎: 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 㯐: 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 慗: 敕 (chì) an imperial order or decree / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 苖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 叠: 叒 (ruò) obedient; united / 冝 (yí) suitable, right, fitting, proper 祧: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 髦: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 㹩: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 圣 (shèng) holy, sacred 蕯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隆 (lóng) prosperous, plentiful, abundant 毰: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 噹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 鵿: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 昇 (shēng) rise, ascent; peaceful; peace ⺇: 几 (jǐ) small table 蠈: 賊 (zéi) thief, traitor / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 䬊: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 瞍: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 䚗: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 挚: 执 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 手 (shǒu) hand 鎥: 條 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 座: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 笪: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 輲: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 䨴: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 對 (duì) correct, right; facing, opposed 皷: 壴 (zhù) / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 䗁: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 扄: 户 (hù) door; family / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 鋏: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 巑: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 穔: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 蹜: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 宿 (sù) stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation 䥞: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 痡: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 䓫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 慮: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 釹: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 峻: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 祾: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 趆: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 䢈: 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / ㇗ / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 爏: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 蘗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 檗 (bò) tree 䄙: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 悘: 医 (yī) cure, heal; doctor, medical / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㞢: 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 鸧: 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 天: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 碨: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 貰: 世 (shì) generation; world; era / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 侲: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 焹: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 罔 (wǎng) net; deceive; libel; negative 蕁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 䁃: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 表 (biǎo) show, express, manifest, display 柂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 㛌: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low 鵑: 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 塓: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 習: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 菚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 仜: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 灣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 彎 (wān) bend, curve 葫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 鯪: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 䝭: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 句 (jù) sentence 曬: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 㗶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 鱻: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 彽: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 综: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 撁: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 牽 (qiān) drag, pull, lead by hand 茄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 倎: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 粑: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 㦓: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 然 (rán) yes, certainly; pledge, promise 鬔: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 肙: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 栞: 幵 (jiān) even level. to raise in both hands / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㔠: 曷 (hé) why? what? where? / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 冣: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 颩: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 䴰: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 榳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 庭 (tíng) courtyard; spacious hall or yard 鐶: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 敀: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䋅: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 闋: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 結: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 㹒: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 菐 (pú) a thicket 嫕: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 悘 (yī) 腘: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 国 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 噢: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 狥: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 㿧: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / ㇆ / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 吋 (cùn) English inch (unlike U+5BF8 寸, which can be either the English or the Chinese inch) 饨: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 蛭: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 湲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 執: 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 黽: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 䎄: 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 甋: 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 誊: 龹 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 㘍: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 雀 (què) sparrow / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 宔: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 丝: ㇛ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 鄣: 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 玤: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 㲦: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 昭: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 螬: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 咶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 總: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 㬿: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 艅: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 泆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 协: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 办 (bàn) manage, do, handle; deal with 驕: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 䇘: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 互 (hù) mutually, reciprocally 歟: 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 裞: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 㑡: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 姨: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 䱱: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 靷: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 燸: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 需 (xū) need, require, must 蘀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 擇 (zé) select, choose, pick out 䔂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 宰 (zǎi) to slaughter; to rule 憅: 動 (dòng) move, happen; movement, action / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鸐: 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 崒: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 禕: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 趝: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 䢟: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 放 (fàng) put, release, free, liberate 產: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 䐬: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 悯: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 闵 (mǐn) mourn, grieve; urge on, incite 鄺: 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 尼: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 碿: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 屑 (xiè) bits, scraps, crumbs, fragments 資: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䯉: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 瑌: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 䝖: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet 揙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 遤: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 彦: 产 (chǎn) give birth, bring forth, produce / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 篩: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 師 (shī) teacher, master, specialist; multitude, troops 迱: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 它 (tā) it; other 䫳: 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 睶: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 䚀: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 氇: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 鲁 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 鎎: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 氣 (qì) air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit 㼑: 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 庐: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 户 (hù) door; family 蠟: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 巤 (liè) a mane; bristles, as on a hog; dorsal fins 圡: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 皠: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 㦪: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 燮 (xiè) harmonize, blend; adjust 漱: 涑 (sù) river in Shansi province / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 銸: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 耴 (yì) 㸻: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 冺: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 證: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 噋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 槊: 朔 (shuò) first day of lunar month; the north / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㣔: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 湛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 闢: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 僤: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 詳: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 䥵: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 曉 (xiǎo) dawn, daybreak; clear, explicit 棴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 服 (fú) clothes; wear, dress 㯾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 丆: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 檉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 聖 (shèng) holy, sacred; sage 㞋: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 锌: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 昖: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 供: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 隡: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 産 (chǎn) give birth 縦: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 従 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 㬨: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 赫 (hè) bright, radiant, glowing 枫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 舮: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 户 (hù) door; family 匸: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 羻: ⺶ / 慶 (qìng) congratulate, celebrate 㲽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 騾: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 菃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 洰 (jù) 歈: 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 响: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 鯓: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 䁚: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 泝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 斥 (chì) to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach 靠: ⺧ / 啡 (fēi) morphine; coffee 塪: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 䇯: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 裵: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 灺: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 㵼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 舄 (xì) a shoe; the sole of a shoe; magpie 姿: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 挃: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 蒂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 喌: 吅 (xuān) / 州 (zhōu) administrative division, state 笓: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 鲒: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 㠕: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 隗 (kuí) high; lofty; surname 輛: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 涜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 売 (mài) sell; [NOT casing, shell, husk] 倥: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 䊮: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 栵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 覴: 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㔷: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 媾: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 䵇: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 鑍: 賏 (yīng) pearls or shells strung together / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 狎: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 㿐: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 趍 (chí) 敗: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 蛖: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 尨 (máng) shaggy haired dog; variegated 埠: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 阜 (fù) mound; abundant, ample, numerous 絧: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 黦: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 㩩: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 潁 (yǐng) river in Anhui 腯: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 濰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 維 (wéi) maintain, preserve, safeguard 剹: 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 饿: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 萈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 䜊: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 箍: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 㧜 (liè) (same as U+64F8 擸) to hold, to grasp, to hold the hair; to pull at; (Cant.) to take at a glance 䪗: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 漚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 龥: 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㸤: 辡 (biàn) recrimination; wrangling / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 劧: 手 (shǒu) hand / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 眪: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 茲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 䘴: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 松 (sōng) pine tree; fir tree 窷: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 聊 (liáo) somewhat, slightly, at least 䧁: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 句 (jù) sentence 湄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 黏: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 氺 (shui) / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 㵎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 凑: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 癔: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 艜: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 䕞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 閬 (làng) high door; high gate; high, lofty 秡: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 犮 (bá) to pull up 䣫: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 浮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 鷹: 䧹 (yīng) (same as U+9DF9 鷹) hawk; eagle; falcon / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㱸: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 僻: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 畾: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 膆: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally 䒈: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 縏: 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 託: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 䴙: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 沘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 㮢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 鈧: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 唩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 璨: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 粲 (càn) polish; bright, radiant; smiling 肰: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 䎲: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 紹: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 襁: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic 䱃: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 毂: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 㫌: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 酑: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 呓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 艺 (yì) art; talent, ability; craft 珒: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 迚: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 䋜: 戶 (hù) door; family, household / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 籣: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 衫: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 韪: 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 䭭: 首 (shǒu) head; first; leader, chief; a poem / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 櫬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 親 (qīn) relatives, parents; intimate 㧶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 遻: 逆 (nì) disobey, rebel; rebel, traitor / 吅 (xuān) 卽: 皀 (jí) kernel, seed; enjoy, feast [?] / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 狼: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 梁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 刅 (chuāng) to create, to make to invent; to begin / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 輄: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 導: 道 (dào) path, road, street; method, way / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 炑: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㖓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 霔: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 注 (zhù) concentrate, focus, direct 貙: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 搞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 㤠: 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 嶣: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 钩: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 勾 (gōu) hook, join, connect; entice 䄰: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 斳: 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 頶: 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 楀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 仅: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 駋: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 煐: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 囕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 覽 (lǎn) look at, inspect; perceive 赘: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 婢: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 绥: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 镨: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 普 (pǔ) universal, general, widespread 諭: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 扲: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 寷: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 豐 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 鋽: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 侄: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 礋: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 睪 (yì) spy on 蚊: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 㨍: 封 (fēng) letter, envelope; feudal / 手 (shǒu) hand 垔: 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 䈝: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 鴣: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 群: 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 樭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 基 (jī) foundation, base 讬: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 墶: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 達 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent 爽: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 㸚 (lǐ) scattered or dispersed and clear, to stop, to detain, a connection, lineage 鎼: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 手 (shǒu) hand 㜿: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 蹅: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 查 (chá) investigate, examine, seek into 惆: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 彏: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 矍 (jué) look about in fright or alarm 陕: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 束: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 蓞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 㡡: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 厨 (chú) kitchen; closet; cupboard 嗨: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 海 (hǎi) sea, ocean; maritime 䁱: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 魷: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 緸: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㻺: 厤 (lì) to calculate; the calendar / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 言: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䤂: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 某 (mǒu) certain thing or person 涅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 圼 (niè) 㲏: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 鈐: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 儒: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 需 (xū) need, require, must 疕: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 膝: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 桼 (qī) the varnish tree; lacquer, varnish, paint 䒟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) 礢: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 養 (yǎng) raise, rear, bring up; support 䠬: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 鄧 (dèng) surname 沯: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 㾹: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 柴 (chái) firewood, faggots, fuel 鴺: 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 值: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 璿: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 胇: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 䟉: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 硌: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 䭖: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 濙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 熒 (yíng) shine, shimmer; shining, dazzling 㻣: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 鱤: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 感 (gǎn) feel, perceive, emotion 卦: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 矩: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 菱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 䛳: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 筶: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 䪀: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 官 (guān) official, public servant / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 怇: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 龎: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 劐: 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 萟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 秇 (yì) skill, ability in handicraft a craft, an art, a calling; a trade; an accomplishment 嬡: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 愛 (ài) love, be fond of, like 窠: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 㖪: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 挱: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated 麸: 麦 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; simplified form of KangXi radical number 199 / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 嶺: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 領 (lǐng) neck; collar; lead, guide 蝉: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 婋: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 旊: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 㓔: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 射 (shè) shoot, eject, issue forth, emit 扛: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 駢: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 㵥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 峤: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 乔 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 虳: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 䕵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鴶 (jiá) 擴: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 㟾: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 䈆: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 戶 (hù) door; family, household / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 暉: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 㮋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 郁 (yù) sweet smelling, rich in aroma; (Cant.) to move, hit 餌: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 樖: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 柯 (kē) axe-handle; stalk, bough; surname 䎛: 㖈 骡: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 爦: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 覽 (lǎn) look at, inspect; perceive 㜨: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 犀 (xī) rhinoceros; sharp, well-tempered 殫: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 踮: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 店 (diàn) shop, store; inn, hotel 弸: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 玻: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 阾: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 迃: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 杈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 壍: 漸 (jiàn) gradually / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 韓: 龺 / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 䱚: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 惝: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 魠: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 呪: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 蓵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 捷 (jié) win, victory, triumph 籺: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 嗿: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 貪 (tān) greedy, covet; covetous 漃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 寂 (jì) still, silent, quiet, desolate 袂: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 妌: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 眓: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 戉 (yuè) a battle-axe, a halberd 邒: 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㐕: 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 茛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 憜: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname 尥: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 亮: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 几 (jǐ) small table 搵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 薴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 㤷: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 嚾: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 䅇: 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 額: 客 (kè) guest, traveller; customer / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 绎: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 楗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 論: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 寠: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 照: 昭 (zhāo) bright, luminous; illustrious / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 鋦: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 局 (jú) bureau, office; circumstance 㙩: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 赯: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 揰: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 幹: 龺 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 长: 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 耈: 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced / 句 (jù) sentence 䌊: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 䍃 (yóu) a vase, a pitcher, earthenware 羍: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 亗: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 二 (èr) two; twice 欚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 蠡 (lí) wood-boring insect; bore into wood 鮥: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 㨤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 龨 嚧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 猪: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 蜲: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 䈴: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 纷: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 橄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 髏: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 㥎: 䄪 (diǎo) hanging down of the ears of the grains, something to hang or be hanged or hung / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 嗑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 牔: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 虜: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 男 (nán) male, man; son; baron; surname 䅞: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 㝵 (dé) (ancient form of U+5F97 得) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 礙) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint 緡: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid 䳫: 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 楮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 駹: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 尨 (máng) shaggy haired dog; variegated 㡸: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 哻: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 煾: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 恩 (ēn) kindness, mercy, charity 薆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 愛 (ài) love, be fond of, like 䂈: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 稏: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 踗: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 䤙: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 蠡 (lí) wood-boring insect; bore into wood 梘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㾢: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 阧: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 儩: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 賜 (cì) give, bestow favors; appoint 炨: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 它 (tā) it; other 蒰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category 䞲: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 礹: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 赁: 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䡃: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 濂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 廉 (lián) upright, honorable, honest 㻌: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 镑: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 偓: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter 矒: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 瞢 (méng) eyesight obscured; to feel ashamed 诚: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 䛜: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 龱 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 硣: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 豫: 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give / 象 (xiàng) elephant; ivory; figure, image 鏪: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 佭: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 滬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 扈 (hù) escort, retinue; insolent 㷶: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 甪 (lù) to loose, take off, get rid of / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 鑻: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 攀 (pān) climb; pull; hang on to 坽: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 盼: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 沁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 謄: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 誊 (téng) copy, transcribe 堎: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 璑: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 錔: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 袙: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 怞: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 㴠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 凾 (hán) correspondence; a case; a box 妣: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 邩: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䔰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 富 (fù) abundant, ample; rich, wealthy 憳: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 鰶: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 祭 (jì) sacrifice to, worship 浀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false 䫅: 宋 (sòng) Song dynasty; surname / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 鷋: 荼 (tú) bitter vegetable / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 畐: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 㙒: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 動: 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 襘: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 幢: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 童: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 㟧: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 酨: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 軭: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise 晲: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 忷: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad 雽: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 䮄: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 紋: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 芊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 㸍: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 厔: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 䘝: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 餣: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 箤: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 㒦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 壘 (lěi) rampart, military wall 渭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 辬: 辡 (biàn) recrimination; wrangling / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 岶: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 瘽: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 鞼: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 詅: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 擆: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 著 (zhe) manifest; (Cant.) to wear 孏: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 蘭 (lán) orchid; elegant, graceful 鉕: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 叵 (pǒ) cannot, be unable do, improbable; thereupon 䧘: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 损: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 员 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 胞: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 㱡: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 凨: 几 (jǐ) small table / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 䑱: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 齷: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter 秸: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 㫺: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 踀: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 䴂: 象 (xiàng) elephant; ivory; figure, image / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 榅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 㢏: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 阐: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 唒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 熕: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 貢 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 薝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 䂟: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 索: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 䰬: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 梯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 㮹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 致 (zhì) send, deliver, present; cause 餺: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 吼: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 孔 (kǒng) opening, hole, orifice; great 炿: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) 蓇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 䏉: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation 籌: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 佖: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 毙: 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 死 (sǐ) die; dead; death 㫣: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 电 (diàn) electricity; electric; lightning 顤: 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 坦: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 珩: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 蟱: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 䋳: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 背 (bèi) back; back side; behind; betray 罶: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 亀: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 电 (diàn) electricity; electric; lightning 搇: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 衾 (qīn) coverlet, quilt 鮎: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 㜑: 浦 (pǔ) bank of river, shore; surname / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 嚐: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 龸 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 耟: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 弡: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 纠: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine 朱: 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / ㇒ 骸: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 㘻: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 妺: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 草: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 幋: 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 懊: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 晛: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 鷢: 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㥥: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 壤: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 艳: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 䅵: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid 惴: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 䘆: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 抉: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 㾋: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 鴌: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 渖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 审 (shěn) examine, investigate; judge 䞛: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 丐 (gài) beggar; beg; give 麡: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 瘦: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 澫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 萬 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 訮: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start 嬸: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 審 (shěn) examine, investigate; judge 瞻: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 㒽: 冃 (mào) / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 鈾: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 诃: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 捈: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 峍: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 鏓: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 䡚: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 皃 (mào) countenance, appearance 擝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 盟 (méng) swear; oath, covenant, alliance 齠: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 偪: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 䧯: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 㲋 (chuò) a kind of animals (like rabbit, it is blue colored and much bigger) / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 胵: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 硺: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 豖 (chù) a shackled pig 㕼: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇗ / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 凿: 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 欃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty 貂: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 嶌: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 猓: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 钒: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 蜛: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 斜: 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 堥: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 䪮: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 怵: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique 膴: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 㴷: 洱 (ěr) a lake in Yunnan / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 劾: 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䕇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 廆 (guī) a room; the wall of a house a man's name 鱍: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 竎: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 㟐: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 芒 (máng) Miscanthus sinensis 浗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 軖: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 忠: 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 畧: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 雦: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 襯: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 親 (qīn) relatives, parents; intimate 柰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 婹: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity 酿: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 㪇: 先 (xiān) first, former, previous / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 鰈: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 弊: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 掍: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 劗: 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 眚: 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 螥: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 䪧: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 漪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 猗 (yī) exclamation of admiration 㦱: 二 (èr) two; twice / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 鬲: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 丅 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down; used to transliterate the Latin letter 'T' 帴: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 抷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 凁: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 癄: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 蛏: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 圣 (shèng) holy, sacred 䧑: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 湔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 㣛: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 驜: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 業 (yè) profession, business, trade 嵞: 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus / 屾 (shēn) 懡: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 麽 (mó) interrogative final particle; insignificant, small, tiny 僫: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 惡 (è) evil, wicked, bad, foul 畮: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 每 (měi) every, each 藹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 謁 (yè) visit, pay respects to 䣻: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 浾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare 馆: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 㴉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亝 (qí) even, regular, uniform all alike; to arrange 岈: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 昏: 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 鈗: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 唙: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 狄 (dí) tribe from northern china; surnam 璘: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 訧: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 䴩: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 沨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 颰: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 犮 (bá) to pull up 㰳: 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 宲: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 呆 (dāi) dull; dull-minded, simple, stupid 改: 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 酁: 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 呃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress 珂: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 襑: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 䱓: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 廷 (tíng) court 毒: 龶 / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 韚: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 㭝: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 九 (jiǔ) nine 嫜: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 摣: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 虘 (cuó) 遫: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 敕 (chì) an imperial order or decree 迪: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 卭: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 独: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 衻: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 冄 (rǎn) tender; weak; gradually alternating 䭽: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 櫼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 韱 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 炁: 旡 (jì) choke on something eaten / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 㖃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 霄: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 䐎: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 梑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 狄 (dí) tribe from northern china; surnam 輔: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 钙: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 丐 (gài) beggar; beg; give 簞: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 䖣: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet 販: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 夰: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 綳: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 㺵: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 耶: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 煀: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 囅: 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone / 展 (zhǎn) open, unfold; stretch, extend 臋: 殿 (diàn) hall; palace; temple / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 楐: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 界 (jiè) boundary, limit; domain; society; the world 仕: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier 镘: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 䉢: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated 曥: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 赨: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 鋭: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 穲: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 㽴: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 丈 (zhàng) unit of length equal 3.3 meters; gentleman, man, husband 䏷: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 諽: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 垄: 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 愋: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 麊: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 侔: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low 娝: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 否 (fǒu) not, no, negative; final particle 蔣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general 枤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 爭: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / ⺕ / ㇚ 鎬: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 㜯: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 熙 (xī) bright, splendid, glorious 䂶: 砝 (fá) balance weights / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 樽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 讼: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 际: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 磆: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 㷈: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 䝏: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 蹕: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 嗘: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 罟: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 鳞: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 塱: 朗 (lǎng) clear, bright; distinct / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 荷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 何 (hé) what, why, where, which, how 旸: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / ㇎ / ㇒ 鈀: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 儂: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 疅: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 訐: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 䤒: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 涕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 馝: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 㠜: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 岟: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 愢: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 倬: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 璯: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 蔺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 壁 (bì) partition wall; walls of a house 䠼: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 沿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 几 (jǐ) small table / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 飇: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 猋 (biāo) wind; storm; gale; dog moving; (Cant.) running quickly 㭆: 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 忉: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 恌: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 卖: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 买 (mǎi) buy, purchase; bribe, persuade 矙: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 葤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 紂 (zhòu) name of an emperor; saddle part 䭦: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 溥 (pǔ) big, great, vast, wide; widespread 濩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 鯱: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 㩰: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 廳: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 聽 (tīng) hear, listen; understand; obey 捶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 劀: 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 砇: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 螎: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 䪐: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 㖚: 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 鰟: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 䌡: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 抠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 笱: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 句 (jù) sentence 蚸: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 斥 (chì) to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach 䖺: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㓄: 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 齉: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 囊 (náng) bag, purse, sack; put in bag 䉋: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 媚 (mèi) charming, attractive; flatter 緊: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 穛: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 臢: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 䓤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 忽 (hū) suddenly, abruptly; neglect 㟮: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 突 (tū) suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly 鹳: 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 嵵: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 時 (shí) time, season; era, age, period 糴: 籴 (dí) purchase grains; store grain / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 娆: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 纉: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 賛 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 脌: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 年 (nián) year; new-years; person's age 爖: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 㜘: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 宛: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 夗 (yuàn) to turn over when asleep 芡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 樦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 䇠 (zhù) wrench to adjust the string on stringed instrument 玫: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 阮: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 䜸: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern 殻: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 冗 (rǒng) excessive; superfluous 踾: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 韃: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 達 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent 罈: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 㱊: 㥑 (corrupted form) (standard form of 憂) sad; mournful; grieved; to worry about; concerned over; anxious; apprehensive / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䃍: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 迓: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 呚: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 磝: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 㷟: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 荠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 齐 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 䱪: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 表 (biǎo) show, express, manifest, display 嗯: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 恩 (ēn) kindness, mercy, charity 鳵: 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 摺: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 眃: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 邂: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain 㐅: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 䆌: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 諬 (qǐ) to open to begin to explain to inform a letter 漓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 袒: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 鬛: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 龱 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 禜: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 㺞: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 䐥: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 嚮: 鄉 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 簵: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 輅 (hé) a chariot, carriage; a carriage pull-bar 鶴: 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 亾: ㇗ / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 奇: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 聍: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 曎: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 睪 (yì) spy on 煗: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 鋖: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 㙙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 䏠: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 楧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 諦: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 镯: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 篰: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 部 (bù) part, division, section 㣲: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䙹: 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 赿: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 㺇: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 須: 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 嬊: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 北 (běi) north; northern; northward / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 枍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 兮 (xī) exclamatory particle 嚗: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 㳟 猚: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 莥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 狃 (niǔ) to covet; to be accustomed 产: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 欪: 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 㶱: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 鼲: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 娴: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 闲 (xián) fence, guard; defend; idle time 暷: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 嗁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 虒 (sī) an amphibious beast resembling a tiger with one horn; place name 牄: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 苏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 办 (bàn) manage, do, handle; deal with 橔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 㳛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 㬰 (yú) (non-classical form of 臾) a moment; an instant; a little while; a short time 鹜: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 奞: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 旡: 丅 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down; used to transliterate the Latin letter 'T' / ㇜ / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 哫: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 煮: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 臹: 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 䳻: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 楾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 鶆: 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㤉: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 墈: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 勘 (kān) investigate; compare; collate 戏: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 阗: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 儙: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 遣 (qiǎn) send, dispatch; send off, exile 炘: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 踧: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 叔 (shū) father's younger brother 䤩: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 梨: 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 鲰: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 㠳: 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 徲: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 犀 (xī) rhinoceros; sharp, well-tempered 愹: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 镁: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 美 (měi) beautiful, pretty; pleasing 偃: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 匽 (yǎn) to hide, to secrete, to repress; to bend 矂: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 赑: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䡓: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 濒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 频 (pín) frequently, again and again 鏚: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad 㽝: 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 廜: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 屠 (tú) butcher, slaughter, massacre 恣: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鑫: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 诪: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 寿 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 坭: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 盬: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 豻: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 佽: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 次 (cì) order, sequence; next 滼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 梵 (fàn) Buddhist, Sanskrit 璁: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 錄: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 彔 (lù) to carve wood 䀎: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 沑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 謔: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 虐 (nüè) cruel, harsh, oppressive 邙: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 砞: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 䆣: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 袩: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 崰: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 禳: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 㪵: 半 (bàn) half / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 萶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 畀: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 丌 (jī) table 㙂: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 勅: 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 藋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 浐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 产 (chǎn) give birth, bring forth, produce 䫕: 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㟗: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 酘: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 䙢: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 拥: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 襨: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 對 (duì) correct, right; facing, opposed 雭: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 繲: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain 㭴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 坚 (jiān) hard, strong, firm; resolute 䟷: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 軽: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 圣 (shèng) holy, sacred 厄: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 攋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 賴 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 骊: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 丽 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 䮔: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 㒖: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 帝: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 脣: 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 掤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 瘭: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 鞬: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 䒶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 渽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 哉 (zāi) final exclamatory particle 込: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 鉅: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 糆: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 㧈: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 䍏: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 評: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 凘: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 筟: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 飞: 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 䧨: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 山: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 蝷: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 屰 (nì) disobedient 懸: 縣 (xiàn) county, district, subdivision / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 阀: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 伐 (fá) cut down, subjugate, attack 唂: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 熅: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 踐: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 䴒: 靈 (líng) spirit, soul; spiritual world / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 榕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 鶝: 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㰜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 墟: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 虚 (xū) false 攢: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 听: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 炯: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 脺: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 䰼: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 梿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 连 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 鳇: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 㽆: 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 寉: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 摌: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 坖: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 珙: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 聤: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 亭 (tíng) pavilion; erect 佦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 毩: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 㹰: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 嫳: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 杶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 㜁: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 查 (chá) investigate, examine, seek into 嚀: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 簇: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 族 (zú) a family clan, ethnic group, tribe 莎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated 亐: 二 (èr) two; twice / ㇉ 頟: 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䜡: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 暠: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 㘫: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 缱: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 遣 (qiǎn) send, dispatch; send off, exile 芸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 䆺: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 魉: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 两 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 䙋: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 秊: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 繛: 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 藢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 䃤: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 驳: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination 奵: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 磴: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 帆: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 窉: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 丙 (bǐng) third; 3rd heavenly stem 蔌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 欶 (shuò) to suck in 瘖: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 徛: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 蚡: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 渦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 瞫: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 㒭: 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 鈮: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 䌸: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 专 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 澻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 訾: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 鏃: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 族 (zú) a family clan, ethnic group, tribe 筈: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 㡊: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 䓍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 诓: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise 做: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 故 (gù) ancient, old; reason, because 糝: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 㧟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 汇 (huì) concourse; flow together, gather 蝠: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 䡪: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 扇 (shàn) fan; door panel 㕬: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 凯: 岂 (qǐ) how? what? / 几 (jǐ) small table 飵: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 恺: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 岂 (qǐ) how? what? 䧿: 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 猃: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 钂: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 黨 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 䖌: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 欓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 黨 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 貒: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 鼛: 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike / 咎 (jiù) fault, defect; error, mistake 綜: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 㪞: 冒 (mào) risk, brave, dare / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 䀥: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 乐 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 劮: 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 砵: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 馴: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 䪾: 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 㟀: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 嵇: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 葍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 拎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 畗: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 雖: 虽 (suī) although, even if / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 䟠: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 戉 (yuè) a battle-axe, a halberd 浧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 軦: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 酯: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 翰: 龺 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㳲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 䉹: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 霝 (líng) drops of rain; to fall in drops / 巫 (wū) wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman 西: 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald 鐈: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 圊: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 殍: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 媗: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 缚: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 辥: 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 䊧: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 費 (fèi) expenses, expenditures, fee 未: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 録: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 嘴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 觜 (zī) beak 檷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 姁: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 句 (jù) sentence 繄: 殹 (yì) an echo / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 軏: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 䇑: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 晔: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 华 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 鉜: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 啞: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 槡: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 桑 (sāng) mulberry tree; surname 士: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 絮: 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 跹: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 迁 (qiān) move, shift, change; transfer; relocate a capital city 䃻: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 霸 (bà) rule by might rather than right 敾: 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 醆: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 㔉: 属 (shǔ) class, category, type; belong to / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 咈: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 弗 (fú) not, negative 渏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 騗: 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 崙: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 粘: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 舧: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 䔩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 撨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 邰: 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㐳: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 厲: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 萬 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 洹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 饁: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 屃: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 篂: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 星 (xīng) a star, planet; any point of light 腑: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 府 (fǔ) prefecture; prefect; government 䑓: 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 插: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 勜: 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 汣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late 顫: 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 蟪: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 孭: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 竬: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 聻: 漸 (jiàn) gradually / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 䍽: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 拼: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 碁: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 㶃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 鼄: 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 䰎: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 悑: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 蜔: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 甸 (diān) suburbs of capital; govern; crops 鲙: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting 琞: 明 (míng) bright, light, brilliant; clear / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 䶣: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 蒩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 租 (zū) rent, lease; rental; tax 儰: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 蔿 (wěi) surname; place name 疳: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 㚵: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 蠶: 兓 (jīn) / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 䖵 (kūn) insects 祀: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 㩂: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 斛 (hú) dry measure equal to some five or ten dou (U+6597 舒) 廅: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 觋: 巫 (wū) wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 慐: 貢 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䛕: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 㯗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 閑 (xián) fence, barrier; defend; idle time 鵘: 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䩢: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 滥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 监 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 蕨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it 髭: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 牲: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 㝴: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 䯷: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 苽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 径: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 椋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 京 (jīng) capital city 隊: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 㒸 (suì) (same as U+9042 遂) to obey; to comply with; to follow the wishes of another, (an ancient form of U+6B72 歲) a year, age, the harvest 䞔: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern 㢖: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 初: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 责: 龶 / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 澤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 睪 (yì) spy on 稭: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 鮬: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 㼯: 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 䢶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 戽: 户 (hù) door; family / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 莼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 纯 (chún) pure, clean, simple 鹅: 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 烆: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 㗈: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 勇 (yǒng) brave, courageous, fierce 住: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 處: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 処 (chǔ) place, locale; department 巘: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 獻 (xiàn) offer, present; show, display 睟: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 铞: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 吊 (diào) condole, mourn, pity; hang 䗨: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 偱: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 護: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 淸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 靑 (qīng) blue 騀: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 夂: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / ㇒ 綅: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 舐: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 䄒: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 斕: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 醝: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 咟: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 椢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 国 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 堬: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 粯: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 贺: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䀼: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 撿: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 郇: 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 埉: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 桌: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 孖: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 翙: 岁 (suì) year; age; harvest / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 ⻣: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 豤: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 䍦: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 離 (lí) leave, depart; go away; separate 柩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 匛 (jiù) 鏱: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 図: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / ⺀ / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 歶: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 㬁: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 洽 (qià) to blend with, be in harmony; to penetrate; to cover; a river in Shenxi 媀: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 瀇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 辎: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 䊐: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 㶚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 覇 (bà) rule by might rather than right 鐟: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䬡: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 飛 (fēi) fly; go quickly; dart; high 檠: 敬 (jìng) respect, honor; respectfully / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㨫: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 监 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 猱: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 躸: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 㳄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 靉: 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province / 愛 (ài) love, be fond of, like 䩋: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame 痊: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 牛: 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇒ 觢: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 䳤: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㿮: 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 陳: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 啵: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 波 (bō) waves, breakers; undulations 瓴: 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 分: 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 皉: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 褌: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 稖: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 㼘: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 厛: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 听 (tīng) hear; understand; obey, comply 誡: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 戦: 単 (dān) same as 單 U+55AE, single, individual, only; lone / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 箫: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 肃 (sù) pay respects; reverently 㢭: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 鸮: 号 (hào) mark, sign; symbol; number / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 伸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 掻: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 蘾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 壞 (huài) bad, spoil(ed), ruin, destroy 睈: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 㑊: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise 䣍: 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 蟓: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 象 (xiàng) elephant; ivory; figure, image 屚: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 烝: 丞 (chéng) assist, aid, rescue / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 㗟: 注 (zhù) concentrate, focus, direct / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 譠: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 䑪: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 㥬: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 巯: 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 铵: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 決: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 䗿: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 缃: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 相 (xiāng) mutual, reciprocal, each other 颂: 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㰅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 六 (liù) number six / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 䦌: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 朓: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 肒: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 錛: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 奔 (bēn) run fast, flee; rush about; run 熜: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 㚞: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 䰥: 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 庮: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 琵: 玨 (jué) two pieces of jade joined together / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 閴: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䚾: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 㯀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 旋 (xuán) revolve, move in orbit; return 兇: 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 衍: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 滎: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 祗: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 髖: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 萈 (huán) 㹙: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 䁝 (yíng) deluding and causing disorder (interchangeable 熒) lights shining; sparkling; twinkling; shimmering 䯠: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 慧: 彗 (huì) broomstick; comet / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 苦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 鵯: 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 珰: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 当 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 乹: 龺 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 蕿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 煖 (nuǎn) warm, genial 㚇: 兇 (xiōng) atrocious, ferocious, brutal / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 逈: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 向 (xiàng) toward, direction, trend 匊: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 澍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尌 (shù) standing (something) up 店: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 笚: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 讥: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 几 (jǐ) small table 䚧: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 挪: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 那 (nà) that, that one, those 㖱: 夜 (yè) night, dark; in night; by night / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 露: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 路 (lù) road, path, street; journey 刴: 朶 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 溷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 圂 (hùn) pig-sty; privy 巁: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 厲 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 穄: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 祭 (jì) sacrifice to, worship 諏: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 䗑: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 昱 (yù) bright light, sunlight; dazzling 扔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 㓛: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 陜: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 兞: 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 淡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 峫: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 邪 (xié) wrong, evil, depraved, vicious, perverse, heterodox 祮: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 觹: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 雋 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 䓻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 慾: 欲 (yù) desire, want, long for; intend / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 閆: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 三 (sān) three 傈: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 樏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 鸗: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 夙: 几 (jǐ) small table / 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked 碘: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 蘧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 遽 (jù) suddenly, unexpectedly; at once 䄩: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 您: 你 (nǐ) you, second person pronoun / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 钰: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 垲: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 岂 (qǐ) how? what? 椹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 鵁: 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 塃: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 荒 (huāng) wasteland, desert; uncultivated 翂: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. ⻌: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 蕑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 䁓: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 㚇 (zōng) draw the feet up; to refuse to advance, to summarize; to gather; to collect, name of an old country, (same as U+9350 鍐) a headstall; ornament on a bridle; (Cant.) to jump up 柒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 七 (qī) seven / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 鯚: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 季 (jì) quarter of year; season; surname 㝝: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 囜: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 档: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 当 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 鱫: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 愛 (ài) love, be fond of, like 菪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 宕 (dàng) stone quarry; cave dwelling 彭: 壴 (zhù) / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 绬: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 葻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 䝽: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 厓 (yá) precipice, shore, bank; surname 曼: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 粁: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 㦃: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 鬄: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 易 (yì) change; easy 䠎: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter 撑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 掌 (zhǎng) palm of hand, sole of foot, paw 茔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 颙: 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 瀞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 静 (jìng) quiet, still, motionless; gentle 䦣: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 肩: 户 (hù) door; family / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 唰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 刷 (shuā) brush; clean with brush, scrub 熳: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 谶: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 韱 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 絀: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 㹂: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 嫅: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 跋: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 犮 (bá) to pull up 敐: 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䋕: 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 㿗: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 頹 (tuí) ruined, decayed; disintegrate 饘: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 乢: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 櫥: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 廚 (chú) kitchen; closet; cupboard 腨: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 黭: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 癲: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 顛 (diān) top, peak, summit; upset 俷: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 肥 (féi) fat, plump, obese; fertile 蛽: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 宄: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 九 (jiǔ) nine 洋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 銊: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 戌 (xū) 11th terrestrial branch 䎔: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 㲖: 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 嘝: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 斛 (hú) dry measure equal to some five or ten dou (U+6597 舒) 褣: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 殤: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 縭: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 龬: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 罔 (wǎng) net; deceive; libel; negative 㬯: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 吂 (máng) / 䏎 (féng) milk; breasts, the young of animals, birds / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 䲶: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 昽: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 螼: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 驅: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 瓆: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 質 (zhì) matter, material, substance ㇈: 䭏: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 艕: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 姘: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 獟: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 郞: 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䇨: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 呱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 轷: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 槸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 埶 (yì) art 鸀: 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 崂: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 劳 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 禅: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 单 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 蘐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 諼 (xuān) forget; lie, cheat, deceive 䔒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 陪 (péi) accompany, be with, keep company 憕: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 閝: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 㐜: 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech / 九 (jiǔ) nine 傟: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 洢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 伊 (yī) third person pronoun; he, she, this, that 尬: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 碯: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull 褺: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 䐼: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 悿: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 忝 (tiǎn) disgraced; ashamed; self-deprecating 铇: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 㝆: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 叉: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 汌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 彖: 彑 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 篙: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 衤: 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 䝦: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 眾 (zhòng) masses, people, multitude, crowd 揩: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 韱: 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 㙰: 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 勳: 熏 (xūn) smoke, fog, vapor; smoke, cure / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 潶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 㼁: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 庀: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 琇: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 讎: 雔 (chóu) / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 䚐: 智 (zhì) wisdom, knowledge, intelligence / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㦚: 辡 (biàn) recrimination; wrangling / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 速: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 伡: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 溠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 㸫: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 眱: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 誸: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 弦 (xián) string; hypotenuse, crescent 䦺: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 㣄: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 渠 (qú) ditch, canal, channel, gutter 鍉: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 之: 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / ㇝ 燊: 焱 (yàn) flames / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 癛: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 稟 (bǐng) report to, petition 跢: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 䣤: 䀠 (jù) a Chinese family name, the timid look of a bird; (of birds) to look around, nervous (same as 瞿) shocked or scared / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㯮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 鉳: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 北 (běi) north; northern; northward 兵: 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 烴: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 嘆: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 犉: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 贌: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 菐 (pú) a thicket 縖: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill 㬘: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 垛: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 朵 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 躡: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 昦: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 夰 (gǎo) 羫: ⺶ / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 㲭: 焱 (yàn) flames / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 騮: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 䬸: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 枻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 舾: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 鯃: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 獈: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 䳍: 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 菓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 塚: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 冢 (zhǒng) burial mound, mausoleum; grand 瓝: 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume ㇟: 轠: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 䁪: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 㵬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 盈 (yíng) fill; full, overflowing; surplus 姯: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 郵: 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 桺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丣 (yǒu) ancient form of the tenth of the twelve Terrestrial Branches, U+9149 酉 䇿: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 笃: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 鲂: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 㠅: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 復 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 䶌: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 挓: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 蒒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 師 (shī) teacher, master, specialist; multitude, troops 霛: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 疜: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 䠥: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered 媮: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 瀵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 糞 (fèn) manure, dung, night soil 醴: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 䊾: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㿀: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 班 (bān) class, group, grade; squad; job 啇: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 豍: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 櫎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 絗: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 黖: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 旡 (jì) choke on something eaten 㩙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 塞 (sāi) stop up, block, seal, cork; pass, frontier; fortress 俠: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 敧: 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 蛦: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 饯: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 戋 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 矰: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 㓲: 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䩹: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 腿: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 退 (tuì) step back, retreat, withdraw 邋: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 巤 (liè) a mane; bristles, as on a hog; dorsal fins 漊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 厍: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 㸔: 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 抗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 萘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 奈 (nài) but, how; bear, stand, endure 䜚: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 氺 (shui) 窧: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 鰨: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 弪: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 辵: 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 / 龰 渴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 劷: ⺶ / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 㴾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 㪍 (bó) (same as 勃) suddenly, to change, as the countenance, a kind of animal (interchangeable 悖) perverse; contrary to what is right, to rebel 懁: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 荂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 䙄: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 科: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 魒: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 幔: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 軟: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 浞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 凡: 几 (jǐ) small table / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 㱨: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 惫: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 艬: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty 䕮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 磻: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 驼: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 它 (tā) it; other 嵾: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 沈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 錍: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 嘏: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 叚 (jiǎ) false 㮒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 膖: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 攙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty 䒘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 㐣: 庫 (kù) armory, treasury, storehouse / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 馦: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 紩: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 岨: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 殲: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 韱 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 鈷: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 唹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 於 (yú) in, at, on; interjection alas! 㪼: 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 胀: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 长 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 摃: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 貢 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 䏂: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 飐: 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 籓: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 潘 (pān) surname; water in which rice has been rinsed; a river that flows into the Han 寒: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / ⺀ 櫜: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 处 (chù) place, locale; department / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 酡: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 它 (tā) it; other 呣: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 㧦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 捭: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 䋬: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 忝 (tiǎn) disgraced; ashamed; self-deprecating 韺: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 筽: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 嫼: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 䂁: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 㲋 (chuò) a kind of animals (like rabbit, it is blue colored and much bigger) / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 讇: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 閻 (yán) village gate; surname 琎: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 进 (jìn) advance, make progress, enter 墑: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 㤐: 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䰞: 弜 (jiàng) / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 疣: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 㚥: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 霤: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 椰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 耶 (yé) used in transliteration 䶳: 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 钹: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 䅀: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify 曅: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 衆: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 乑 (yín) stand side by side 奐: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 绕: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 觛: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 牢: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 囥: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 㝤: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 䩲: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 度 (dù) degree, system; manner; to consider 珷: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 武 (wǔ) military; martial, warlike 㓹: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 镸: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 老: ⺹ / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 构: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 勾 (gōu) hook, join, connect; entice 儋: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 頑: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 羔: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 蚚: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 樝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 虘 (cuó) 垤: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 麪: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 丏 (miǎn) parapet; invisible 䈭: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 贳: 世 (shì) generation; world; era / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 炶: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 㖸: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 虐 (nüè) cruel, harsh, oppressive 娽: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 䣆: 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 鏌: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 睏: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 㡑: 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 旘: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 佟: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 陥: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 旧 (jiù) old, ancient; former, past 編: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 㻪: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 隽 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 蓮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 桱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 嗸: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 鳾: 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 蚃: 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 愂: 勃 (bó) suddenly, sudden, quick / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䖅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 霝 (líng) drops of rain; to fall in drops / 巫 (wū) wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman 麓: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 礒: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 嶕: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 沟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 勾 (gōu) hook, join, connect; entice 鈠: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 儢: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 慮 (lǜ) be concerned, worry about 㾩: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 乖 (guāi) rebel; crafty, shrewd 膭: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 怬: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 四 (sì) four 䒯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 馽: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 砼: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 仝 (tóng) together, same; surname 岿: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 归 (guī) return; return to, revert to 濉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 睢 (suī) gaze at, stare at; uninhibited 赊: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 佘 (shé) surname 偌: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 㻓: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 胗: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 捖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 䟙: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 切 (qiè) cut, mince, slice, carve 飧: 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 筦: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 忩: 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 滳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 商 (shāng) commerce, business, trade 豴: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 卶: 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 㧽: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 技: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 蔅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 䠇: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 窐: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 鴕: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 它 (tā) it; other 辞: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 猡: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 罗 (luō) net for catching birds; gauze 加: 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 萯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 負 (fù) load, burden; carry, bear 䬱: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 疺: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 鰿: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 軈: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 應 (yīng) should, ought to, must 牋: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 㵕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 叅 (cān) to counsel, to consult together; to take part in; to intervene 蝙: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 䩛: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 瓤: 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 齩: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 觲: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 浵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 彤 (tóng) red, vermilion; name of ancient 䳴: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 氺 (shui) / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㱿: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 樆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 㐫 (xiōng) (same as 凶) cruel, unfortunate, sad / 禸 (róu) rump; KangXi radical 114 争: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / ⺕ / ㇚ 閏: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 䈖: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 科 (kē) section, department, science 殛: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 亟 (jí) urgently, immediately, extremely 褜: 胞 (bāo) womb, placenta, fetal membrane / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 娦: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 兵 (bīng) soldier, troops 䎫: ㇒ / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 㚇 (zōng) draw the feet up; to refuse to advance, to summarize; to gather; to collect, name of an old country, (same as U+9350 鍐) a headstall; ornament on a bridle; (Cant.) to jump up 誱: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 疌 (jié) 眸: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low 宻: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 㐺: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 佈: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 布 (bù) cotton cloth, textiles, linen 烍: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 㗏: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 歪 (wāi) slant; inclined; askewd, awry 陎: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 摚: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 䣝: 屠 (tú) butcher, slaughter, massacre / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 韣: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 籪: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 斷 (duàn) sever, cut off; interrupt 旯: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 九 (jiǔ) nine 議: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 呺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 号 (hào) mark, sign; symbol; number 緿: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 怠 (dài) idle, remiss, negligent; neglect 䜃: 誰 (shuí) who? whom? whose? anyone? / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 踉: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 熌: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 閃 (shǎn) flash; avoid, dodge, evade 㚎: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 弓: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / ㇉ 䦜: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 邢: 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 琥: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 㤧: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 茫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 汒 (máng) 暮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 旲 (tái) / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䰵: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 鬻: 粥 (zhōu) rice gruel, congee / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 纾: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 藄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 綦 (qí) dark grey. variegated. superlative 楇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 囎: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 贈 (zèng) give present; bestow, confer 鷔: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䅗: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 衝: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 珠: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 奧: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 䯰: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 鋶: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 癹: 癶 (bō) legs; KangXi radical 105 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 㭻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 钋: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 權: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 垍: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from 㨔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 暗: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 耘: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 䌚: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 粟 (sù) unhusked millet; grain 㖡: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 夜 (yè) night, dark; in night; by night 级: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 頨: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 嬪: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 讵: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 樴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 嚷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 㤾: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 旁: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 蝂: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 版 (bǎn) printing blocks; edition 䉄: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 陵 (líng) hill, mound; mausoleum 㓋: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 緑: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 齒: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 婔: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 諟: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 楞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 嗡: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 㡨: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 㦰 (jiān) to break off (relations); to sever, to exterminate; to annihilate; to wipe out, to pierce; to stab; to irritate; to hurt, to hold weapons, agricultural implements; far tools, sharp will; eager intention; determination / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 擫: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 厭 (yàn) dislike, detest, reject; satiate 虬: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 䅮: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 系: ㇒ / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 鹼: 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 奾: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 梈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亨 (hēng) smoothly, progressing, no trouble 霍: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 刏: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㾒: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as 薖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 過 (guò) pass, pass through, go across 愙: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䂘: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 鶦: 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 礩: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 質 (zhì) matter, material, substance 墨: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 澲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 業 (yè) profession, business, trade 阷: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 儹: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 㺼: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 疋 (pǐ) roll, bolt of cloth; foot 蓀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 孫 (sūn) grandchild, descendent; surname 恃: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 䟂: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 㝍: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 鳐: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 硓: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 忒: 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 滜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 皋 (gāo) the high land along a river 镡: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 偣: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 㷦: 耿 (gěng) bright, shining; have guts / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 杭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 䛬: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 匋 (táo) pottery 㙷: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation 鏺: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 發 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 罽: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 廼: 廴 (yǐn) go; KangXi radical 54 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 䒁: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 辇: 㚘 (bàn) (interchangeable 伴) a partner; a companion, (same as 赫) bright; luminous, glorious (same as 扶) to support; to prop up; to help / 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 瀎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 蔑 (miè) disdain, disregard; slight 岑: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 㴐: 泪 (lèi) tears; weep, cry / 丐 (gài) beggar; beg; give 䠞: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad 熣: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 錤: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 洰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 䦳: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 郞 (láng) gentleman 邹: 刍 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䕀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 款 (kuǎn) item, article; clause; fund 担: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 豆: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds 嵐: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 竕: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 跛: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 癢: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 養 (yǎng) raise, rear, bring up; support 勥: 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 乲: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 矷: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 酸: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 萁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 掄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 唋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 鰑: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 箔: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 泊 (pō) anchor vessel; lie at anchor 芚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 渝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 厤: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 秝 (lì) (Cant.) excessively thin 骪: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 䘭: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 褳: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 璶: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 盡 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 帽: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 冒 (mào) risk, brave, dare 䳆: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 韌: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 獏: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 㱑: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 懘: 滯 (zhì) block up, obstruct; stagnant / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䭟: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 鉥: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique 秨: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 㫪: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 旧 (jiù) old, ancient; former, past 胮: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 汱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 凸: 丄 (shàng) above 飾: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 芃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 攂: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 䆅: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 資 (zī) property; wealth; capital 㐌: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 骓: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 紒: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 妕: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 梟: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇉ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 阠: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 唢: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ⺌|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㮩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 息 (xī) rest, put stop to, end, cease 薭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 稗 (bài) darnels, weeds, tares small 搬: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category 䂯: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 庄 (zhuāng) village, hamlet; villa, manor 㜶: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 㲋 (chuò) a kind of animals (like rabbit, it is blue colored and much bigger) / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 鶽: 隼 (sǔn) aquiline (nose); a falcon / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 簼: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 搆 (gòu) pull, drag; reach; implicate 墿: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 睪 (yì) spy on 毉: 殹 (yì) an echo / 巫 (wū) wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman 襊: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 最 (zuì) most, extremely, exceedingly 呌: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 㫓: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 蓗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 徒 (tú) disciple, follower; go on foot 杖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丈 (zhàng) unit of length equal 3.3 meters; gentleman, man, husband 䏙: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 㙠: 殹 (yì) an echo / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 鳧: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 几 (jǐ) small table 罦: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 審: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 櫳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 衴: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 坶: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 㷽: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 暀: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 往 (wǎng) go, depart; past, formerly 脅: 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䰇: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 纐: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 頝 (qiāo) 餕: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 讞: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 獻 (xiàn) offer, present; show, display 眡: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 嚠: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 耯: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 伱: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尒 (ěr) you, your 熺: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 頿: 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 諈: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 癋: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 惡 (è) evil, wicked, bad, foul 䧊: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 㥕: 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 荙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 达 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent; smooth, slippery 乛: ㇖ 烤: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 考 (kǎo) examine, test; investigate 魩: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 跲: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 極: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亟 (jí) urgently, immediately, extremely 䣴: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 兇 (xiōng) atrocious, ferocious, brutal 㡿: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 渆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䪉: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 龱 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 醏: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 䘖: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 澛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鲁 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 贜: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 藏 (cáng) hide, conceal; hoard, store up 带: 卅 (sà) thirty, thirtieth / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 䞫: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 躱: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 朶 (duǒ) cluster of flowers; earlobe 猸: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 徻: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 䭈: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 瓍: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 隨 (suí) follow, listen to, submit; to accompany; subsequently, then ㇏: 鉎: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 恚: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䳝: 咅 (pǒu) to spit out / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 鏣: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 硪: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 懯: 敷 (fū) spread, diffuse; apply, paint / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul ⻱: 龜 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 轰: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 双 (shuāng) set of two, pair, couple; both 偺: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 昝 (zǎn) a dual pronoun, I, you and me, we two 秿: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 䌃: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 削 (xuē) scrape off, pare, trim 訉: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 疌: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / ⺺ / 龰 嬓: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 䶜: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 钢: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 冈 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 瀥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 翯 (hè) glistening plumage; reflection of the sun on water 㴧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 息 (xī) rest, put stop to, end, cease 﨩: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 島 (dǎo) island 蜫: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 抮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 䠵: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 鼻: 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 畀 (bì) to give 窾: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 款 (kuǎn) item, article; clause; fund 臄: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 豦 (jù) a wild boar; to fight 浇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 勎: 坴 (lù) a clod of earth; land / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 駔: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 䕗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 豝: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 矠: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 㓢: 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 嵧: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 俰: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 和 (hé) harmony, peace; peaceful, calm 零: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 特: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 㽻: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 颋: 廷 (tíng) court / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 朊: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 宍: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 六 (liù) number six 㘔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 賽 (sài) compete, contend; contest, race 檗: 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 谘: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 咨 (zī) inquire, consult, discuss; plan 会: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 㦡: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 犧: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 羲 (xī) ancient emperor; breath, vapor 鐨: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 費 (fèi) expenses, expenditures, fee 圪: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 螵: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 昴: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 媷: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse 㔾: 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / ㇆ 槁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 譂: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 乄: ㇢ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 㣋: 丼 (jǐng) bowl of food; well / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 燑: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 鍒: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 噔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 蛟: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 敞: 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 姡: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 㑨: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 棫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 詬: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 䵮: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 烻: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 鉼: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 啾: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 撈: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 鬍: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 帏: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 視: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 洙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 䲘: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 管 (guǎn) pipe, tube, duct; woodwind music 㰣: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 醦: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 甩: 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 咨: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 掲: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 匂 (bi) fragrance, smell 騷: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 崹: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 裀: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 汃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 䯂: 驫 (biāo) horses / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㭍: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 七 (qī) seven / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 郐: 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 瑓: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 叒: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 拜: 龵 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 饡: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 屣: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 徙 (xǐ) move one's abode, shift, migrate 歭: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 䫬: 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㩷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 獽: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 勼: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 九 (jiǔ) nine 䢁: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 莇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 助 (zhù) help, aid, assist 簎: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 措 (cuò) place; collect, arrange; employ 傑: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 桀 (jié) chicken roost; ancient emperor 䐞: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 弱 (ruò) weak; fragile, delicate 綣: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 㺥: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 㲋 (chuò) a kind of animals (like rabbit, it is blue colored and much bigger) / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 鼤: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 愰: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 晃 (huǎng) bright, dazzling; to sway, shake 䖳: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 鲹: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 䥀: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 㞢 (ancient form of 之) to arrive at; to go to / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 滅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 烕 (miè) to destroy; to exterminate to extinguish 聆: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 児: 旧 (jiù) old, ancient; former, past / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 盕: 汎 (fàn) float, drift; afloat; careless / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 臛: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 穢: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 歲 (suì) year; age; harvest 廥: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 㽤: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 䉲: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 彌 (mí) extensive, full; fill; complete 篷: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 㳹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 枉 (wǎng) useless, in vain; bent, crooked 鵸: 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 蠁: 鄉 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 澄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 夋: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 逑: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 瞔: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 躚: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 遷 (qiān) move, shift, change; transfer 戝: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 徤: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 險: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 䨭: 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 蔳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 清 (qīng) clear, pure, clean; peaceful 碶: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 㶸: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor 刽: 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䃆: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 鯌: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 罏: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 淘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 匋 (táo) pottery ⻚: 丅 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down; used to transliterate the Latin letter 'T' / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䝟: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 鹥: 殹 (yì) an echo / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 痨: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 劳 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 㛪: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 賮: ⺻ / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 恱: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 兊 (duì) 巸: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 链: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 连 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 躃: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 椂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 䶅: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 㠌: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 欺 (qī) cheat, double-cross, deceive 隓: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper 焒: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 喕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 撟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 騠: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 夢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 㞩: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 覭: 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 栬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 䲯: 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㬶: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 醽: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 霝 (líng) drops of rain; to fall in drops 瀼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 咿: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 伊 (yī) third person pronoun; he, she, this, that ⻃: 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 柉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 蕊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 惢 (suǒ) 塌: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㛓: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 裗: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 歖: 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 俙: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 㩠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 郧: 员 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 獦: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 葛 (gé) edible bean; surname 埩: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 曳: ㇂ / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / ㇒ 葴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 孶: 玆 (zī) now, here; this; time, year / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 檀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 贅: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䀇: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 犐: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 科 (kē) section, department, science 锕: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 阿 (ā) prefix for people's names; used in transliteration 螞: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 笡: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 媠: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 谯: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 䌱: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 吂 (máng) / 䏎 (féng) milk; breasts, the young of animals, birds / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 綺: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 鐿: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 蛈: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 穋: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 䗊: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 㕕: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 轙: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 䉛: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 糤: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 散 (sàn) scatter, disperse, break up 革: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 臲: 臬 (niè) law, rule; door post / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 敵: 六 (liù) number six / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䓴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 㑿: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 戆: 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䚉: 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 鶏: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䨖: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 掛: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 卦 (guà) fortune telling; tell fortunes 脜: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from 刦: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䮫: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 花: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize 缸: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 去: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 㰺: 叚 (jiǎ) false / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䝈: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 磍: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill 㷏: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 㸚 (lǐ) scattered or dispersed and clear, to stop, to detain, a connection, lineage / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 鹎: 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 汚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亐 (yú) 䃝: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 教 (jiào) teach, class 瑪: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 淯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 荰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 杜 (dù) stop, prevent; restrict; surname 屺: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 痿: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 伃: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 蘉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 侵 (qīn) invade, encroach upon, raid 禌: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year 㺎: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 圓: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 䆜: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 颢: 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 簥: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 謫: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 溮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 師 (shī) teacher, master, specialist; multitude, troops 䐵: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 錻: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 武 (wǔ) military; martial, warlike 皾: 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 跄: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 慇: 殷 (yīn) many, great; abundant, flourishing / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 廎: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 頃 (qǐng) a moment; a measure of area equal to 100 mu or 6.7 hectares; to lean 闔: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 䥗: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 款 (kuǎn) item, article; clause; fund 聝: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 篠: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 條 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe 㣢: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 內: 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 䏰: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 忍 (rěn) endure, bear, suffer; forbear 髶: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 繹: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 睪 (yì) spy on 鲋: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust 挊: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 徍: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 溗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 乘 (chéng) ride, ascend; avail oneself of; numerary adjunct for vehicles 蠘: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 截 (jié) cut off, stop, obstruct, intersect 䬚: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 㶡: 几 (jǐ) small table / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 皧: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 愛 (ài) love, be fond of, like 逨: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 匪: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 莵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 兎 (tù) rabbit, hare 戴: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 康: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 淁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 妾 (qiè) concubine 轂: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 䩄: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㳋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name 痑: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 青: 龶 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 剔: 易 (yì) change; easy / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 苟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 句 (jù) sentence 慞: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 巡: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 泫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 蹬: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 䥮: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 瓻: 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 陼: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 兾: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 異 (yì) different, unusual, strange 悈: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 鼍: 吅 (xuān) / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 电 (diàn) electricity; electric; lightning 娏: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 尨 (máng) shaggy haired dog; variegated 㞒: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from 趖: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 椙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 䢘: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 守 (shǒu) defend, protect, guard, conserve 㠣: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 閦: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 众 (zhòng) multitude, crowd; masses, public 焩: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 储: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 诸 (zhū) various, all, these; surname ⺬: 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 枲: 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 鸷: 执 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 夹: 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 㚼: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 賀: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 桃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 係: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 系 (xì) system; line, link, connection 㽍: 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 铐: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 考 (kǎo) examine, test; investigate 灓: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 埒: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 寽 (lǜ) a handful; a pinch 曜: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 鵡: 武 (wǔ) military; martial, warlike / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 塣: 浧 (yǐng) / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㗦: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 聊 (liáo) somewhat, slightly, at least 潭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 早 (zǎo) early; soon; morning 们: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening 㹷: 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 鯺: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 睽: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 癸 (guǐ) 10th heavenly stem 囼: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 䲁: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 尉 (wèi) officer, military rank 螇: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 砎: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 咑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 打 (dǎ) strike, hit, beat; fight; attack 㔐: 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䀞: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 禣: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 㪥: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 鬤: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 攰: 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䆳: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 逐 (zhú) chase, expel; one by one 颹: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 䵀: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 櫅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 葆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care 啐: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 狕: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 藛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 寫 (xiě) write; draw, sketch; compose 繢: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 嫥: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 㭤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䙲: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 翷: 粦 (lín) phosphorus / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㣹: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 應 (yīng) should, ought to, must 饸: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 谁: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 殄: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 崋: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 鐑: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 結 (jié) knot, tie; join, connect 玔: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 川 (chuān) stream, river; flow; boil 誚: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 昝: 处 (chù) place, locale; department / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 室: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 銪: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 中: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 脳: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad 粶: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 㦸: 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 嘽: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 䓆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 筏: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 伐 (fá) cut down, subjugate, attack 㑑: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from 様: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 䍟: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 㚇 (zōng) draw the feet up; to refuse to advance, to summarize; to gather; to collect, name of an old country, (same as U+9350 鍐) a headstall; ornament on a bridle; (Cant.) to jump up 驥: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 冀 (jì) hope for; wish; Hebei province 燨: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 裮: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 摱: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 姸: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 幵 (jiān) even level. to raise in both hands 郾: 匽 (yǎn) to hide, to secrete, to repress; to bend / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 誃: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 洂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise 䦅: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 善 (shàn) good, virtuous, charitable, kind 㰌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 銓: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 甒: 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 冕: 冃 (mào) / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 悟: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 鸠: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 崢: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 爭 (zhēng) to dispute, fight, contend, strive 趭: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 氬: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 䢯: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 㷠 (lín) A will-o'-the-wisp; a flitting light 㼶: 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 閽: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 琼: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 京 (jīng) capital city 傿: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 焉 (yān) thereupon, then; how? why? where? 揉: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 腊: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 屌: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 吊 (diào) condole, mourn, pity; hang 賗: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 串 (chuàn) string; relatives; conspire 潖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 琶 (pá) guitar-like instrument 䯙: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 㹠: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 铧: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 华 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 睦: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 坴 (lù) a clod of earth; land 叩: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 拳: 龹 / 手 (shǒu) hand 聴: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 彶: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 㗽: 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 郞 (láng) gentleman / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 満: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 両 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; a tael, ounce 褅: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 䐇: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 曶 (hū) 皐: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 鄕: 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 皀 (jí) kernel, seed; enjoy, feast [?] / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 莞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 缡: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 庠: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 蠯: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise / 䖵 (kūn) insects 䜱: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 禺: 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem / 禸 (róu) rump; KangXi radical 114 逿: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 苈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 历 (lì) history; calendar 繋: 軗 (shū) / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 䇊: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 広 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 譙: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed 䙛: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 㕣 (yǎn) a marsh at the foot of the hills, (interchangeable 湢 沇) name of a river 磤: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 殷 (yīn) many, great; abundant, flourishing 鍩: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 藲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 樞 (shū) door hinge; pivot; center of power 慵: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 䃴: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 諸 (zhū) several, various 昆: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 䊉: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 宋 (sòng) Song dynasty; surname 馏: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 世: ㇗ / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth 枛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet 蔜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 嘦: 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply / 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity 侫: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 妄 (wàng) absurd, foolish, reckless; false 蚱: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 笸: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 叵 (pǒ) cannot, be unable do, improbable; thereupon 垻: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㠺: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 䍈: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 糍: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year 㧏: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 驎: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 桚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 䓝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 孟 (mèng) first in series; great, eminent 鯣: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 易 (yì) change; easy 灪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鬱 (yù) luxuriant; dense, thick; moody 槯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname 蝰: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 奎 (kuí) stride of man; one of the twenty-eight lunar mansions 塺: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 燿: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 䬃: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 舉: 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 綌: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 㪎: 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 匓: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 䖜: 虤 (yán) / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 鲢: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 连 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 砥: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 㔧: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 輫: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 檮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 䀵: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 霻: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 豊 (lǐ) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 犾: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 规: 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 敇: 朿 (cì) stab / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 嫎: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 釔: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 䵗: 黍 (shǔ) glutinous millet; KangXi radical number 202 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 葝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 勁 (jìn) strong, unyielding, tough, powerful 翠: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 㳢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 乔 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 啧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 责 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 䟰: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 黶: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 穹: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 㝻: 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 㘄: 㕲 (huá) to gag or bribe; to satisfy one's appetite; name of an old book; (Cant.) to guess, reckon mentally; to bud / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 肋: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 缊: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 䎍: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 犗: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill 鐘: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 圚: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 檧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 葱 (cōng) scallions, leeks, green onions 谨: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 伪: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 为 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 㔮: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 能 (néng) to be able; can, permitted to; ability 龵: 手 (shǒu) hand 縴: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 牽 (qiān) drag, pull, lead by hand 䊷: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only 燁: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 鍂: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 噄: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 絜 (jié) a marking line; ascertain, assess; measure 槑: 呆 (dāi) dull; dull-minded, simple, stupid 譒: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 乔: 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 㑘: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 戒 (jiè) warn, caution, admonish 黟: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 絞: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 䇡: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 烫: 汤 (tāng) hot water; soup, gravy, broth / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 鉬: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 啮: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 㿵: 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 棻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 詼: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 灰 (huī) ashes; dust; lime, mortar 䵾: 付 (fù) give, deliver, pay, hand over; entrust / 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike 粈: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 茍: 卝 (kuàng) hair style; ore / 句 (jù) sentence 䘏: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 醖: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 甙: 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 咘: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 布 (bù) cotton cloth, textiles, linen 覦: 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 洩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 曳 (yè) trail, tow, drag, pull 䲨: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 箲: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 洗 (xǐ) wash, rinse; clean, purify 舷: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 䔹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 郀: 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 瑃: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 参: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 裐: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 汓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 䯒: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate ㇖: 竜: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 电 (diàn) electricity; electric; lightning 腡: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 䑣: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 獭: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 赖 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 勬: 絭 (juàn) / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 蟺: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 歽: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 䫼: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 傁: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 鮇: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 搎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 孫 (sūn) grandchild, descendent; surname 䢑: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 尞: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 斣: 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 蜤: 析 (xī) split wood; break apart; divide / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 礰: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 嶳: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 㨲: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 宋 (sòng) Song dynasty; surname 蒹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 兀: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 盅: 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 㯇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 顆: 果 (guǒ) fruit; result / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䥐: 務 (wù) affairs, business; must, should / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 滕: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 龹 / 氺 (shui) 駛: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 史 (shǐ) history, chronicle, annals 扢: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 䛥: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 婲: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 花 (huā) flower; blossoms 揷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 蕸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 遐 (xiá) afar, distant; old, advanced in 送: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 关 (guān) frontier pass; close; relation 瞄: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 苗 (miáo) sprouts; Miao nationality 㢆: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 䄋: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 蠑: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 榮 (róng) glory, honor; flourish, prosper 澔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 皓 (hào) bright, luminous; clear; hoary 隚: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 稝: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 㼟: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 䞤: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 句 (jù) sentence 躪: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 藺 (lìn) rush used in making mats; surname 刭: 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 鴳: 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 悶: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䨽: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 壆: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 菌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 囷 (qūn) round-shaped storage bin for grain 杏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 痘: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 㛚: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 彟: 寻 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 虥: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 淨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 爭 (zhēng) to dispute, fight, contend, strive ⻪: 黾 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 铮: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 硱: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 㵳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 寥 (liáo) few, scarce; empty, deserted 䗸: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 賾: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 隃: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 焂: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 喅: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 昱 (yù) bright light, sunlight; dazzling 躓: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 質 (zhì) matter, material, substance 椒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 叔 (shū) father's younger brother 䶕: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 㞙: 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 粟: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 舠: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 䄢: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 醭: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 菐 (pú) a thicket 瀬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 頼 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 咯: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 覽: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 格: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 䲿: 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㛃: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 翉: 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 鵊: 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䁌: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl ⻓: 长 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 郗: 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 獖: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 埙: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 员 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 裧: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 武: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 俩: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 两 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 绳: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 黾 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 鱴: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 蔑 (miè) disdain, disregard; slight 䍶: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 犀: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 氺 (shui) / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 锅: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 呙 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 堇: 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 㶊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 頣 (shěn) to view others with raised eyes 檐: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 贕: 卵 (luǎn) egg; ovum; roe; spawn / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 㨛: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 閃 (shǎn) flash; avoid, dodge, evade 龞: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 龜 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 挡: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 当 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 䊠: 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 鐯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 著 (zhe) manifest; (Cant.) to wear 嬱: 漸 (jiàn) gradually / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 㲴: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 斺: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 谿: 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 㕅: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 黈: 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 手: ㇒ / 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 巊: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 静: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 婛: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 京 (jīng) capital city 㿞: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 擤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 轩: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 㑯: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 駲: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 州 (zhōu) administrative division, state 絵: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting 峴: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 稆: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 庉: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 㼈: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 薏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 刖: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 箛: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 孤 (gū) orphan, fatherless; solitary 㢝: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 穌 (sū) revive, to rise again; collect 餜: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 䨦: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 厫: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 骱: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 朸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䮻: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / ㇆ / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 吋 (cùn) English inch (unlike U+5BF8 寸, which can be either the English or the Chinese inch) 彈: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 惍: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 虎: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 几 (jǐ) small table 瑚: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 壝: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 遺 (yí) lose; articles lost; omit 㥜: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 蟣: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 汪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 痯: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 㫱: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare 魰: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 䑺: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 淿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 帛 (bó) silks, fabrics; wealth, property 圃: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 鸉: 楊 (yáng) willow, poplar, aspen; surname / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 憌: 鈞 (jūn) unit of measure equivalent to thirty catties / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 伓: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 妜: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 肢: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 搥: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 追 (zhuī) pursue, chase after; expel 錫: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 易 (yì) change; easy 皮: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇆ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 㮰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 龱 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 尵: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 謻: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 移 (yí) change place, shift; move about 溾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 闄: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity 祇: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 㹉: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 䛎: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 跔: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 句 (jù) sentence 兗: 六 (liù) number six / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 顝: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 揠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 匽 (yǎn) to hide, to secrete, to repress; to bend 䥧: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 寰: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 苶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 尒 (ěr) you, your 晹: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 易 (yì) change; easy 蒋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 将 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general 笊: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet 䞍: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 皗: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 逘: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 匚: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇗ 溧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 蠨: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 蕭 (xiāo) common artemisia; sighing of wind; mournful; dejected 䬪: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 鮵: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 稴: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 䚷: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 兮 (xī) exclamatory particle 痁: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 靂: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 剄: 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 淑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 叔 (shū) father's younger brother 轒: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 䩔: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 髟: 镸 (cháng) long / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 神: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 䗡: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 焉 (yān) thereupon, then; how? why? where? 瓫: 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 陬: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 兮: 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 㯵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 董 (dǒng) direct, supervise; surname 泻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 写 (xiě) write; draw, sketch; compose 蹼: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 菐 (pú) a thicket 䥾: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 写 (xiě) write; draw, sketch; compose 㞂: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 碈: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 蜍: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 䈏: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 閖: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 焙: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 傘: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 趦: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 咨 (zī) inquire, consult, discuss; plan 椩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 庚 (gēng) 7th heavenly stem 䢨: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 㚬: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 匀 (yún) equal 羲: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 蘷: 卝 (kuàng) hair style; ore / 夒 (náo) 䄹: 秂 (rén) / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler ⺼: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 铀: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 灃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 豐 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 埂: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 賐: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 桓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from 俒: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 㗖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 络: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 蕡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 䁣: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 睭: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 囬: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 二 (èr) two; twice 菺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 肩 (jiān) shoulders; to shoulder; bear 潽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 普 (pǔ) universal, general, widespread 仼: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 咁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 㔀: 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 龇: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 怎: 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䲑: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 堞: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 憣: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 茤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 細: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 妳: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 尔 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 㸲: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 肹: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 兮 (xī) exclamatory particle 啀: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 厓 (yá) precipice, shore, bank; surname 狅: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 㿇: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 鱆: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 䵐: 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 櫕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 賛 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 鷛: 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 晢: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䋥: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 干: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 柷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 腸: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 鐁: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 玄: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small 㲆: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 䔋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 紗 (shā) gauze, thin silk; yarn, thread 谑: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 虐 (nüè) cruel, harsh, oppressive 殔: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 銚: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 縝: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 㬟: 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 䎤: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 局 (jú) bureau, office; circumstance 說: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 兌 (duì) cash; exchange, barter; weight 嘭: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 彭 (péng) name of ancient country; surname 餳: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 撶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 丽: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 㑁: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 峆: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 蟌: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 捏: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 圼 (niè) 燘: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 閔 (mǐn) mourn, grieve; urge on, incite 孟: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 艥: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 戢 (jí) to put away; to cease; store up 槨: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 郭 (guō) outer part (of a city); surname 郮: 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 籱: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 靃 (huò) 㥳: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 䇸: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 裾: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 銃: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 充 (chōng) fill, be full, supply 甂: 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 内: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 誓: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 洒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 䦕: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 碟: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 蘠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 牆 (qiáng) wall 䔢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 閭: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 琬: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 傯: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 趽: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 氼: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 䢿: 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 築: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 饊: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 散 (sàn) scatter, disperse, break up 䑌: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 铗: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 睖: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 叙: 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 賧: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 潦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 䯩: 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 㗭: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 悉 (xī) know, learn about, comprehend 竳: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 顴: 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䝶: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 京 (jīng) capital city 皀: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 鄅: 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 將: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 㦊: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 源: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 褕: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 㸛: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 鮞: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 朡: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 䚠: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 逯: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 弱: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 㢴: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 憺: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 蠿: 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 䖵 (kūn) insects 髈: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 晋: 亚 (yà) Asia; second / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 姊: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / ㇒ / ㇉ / ㇒ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 鍙: 洪 (hóng) vast, immense; flood, deluge / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 幛: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 㯞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 絹 (juàn) kind of thick stiff silk 惤: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 弦 (xián) string; hypotenuse, crescent 譩: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 鷲: 就 (jiù) just, simply; to come, go to; to approach, near / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 祵: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 壴: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 縆: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 恒 (héng) constant, regular, persistent 媉: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter 㬈: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 膏: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 嘖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 羛: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 弗 (fú) not, negative 㲝: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 鴜: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 並: 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 垫: 执 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 麱: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 挸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 侻: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 孈: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 巂 (guī) place name 操: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 艎: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 灚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 覺 (jué) to wake up from sleep; conscious 峝: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 㵜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 菣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 臤 (qiān) hard; wise 桪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 寻 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 燯: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 零 (líng) zero; fragment, fraction 㻱: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 齰: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 䁺: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 睪 (yì) spy on 槿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 匃: 勽 (bào) to incubate; to brood; to hatch / ㇗ 騉: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 斌: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 武 (wǔ) military; martial, warlike 䬓: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 㔗: 弗 (fú) not, negative / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 嶜: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 朁 (cǎn) if, supposing, nevertheless 蒢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 除 (chú) eliminate, remove, except 急: 刍 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 霫: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 習 (xí) practice; flapping wings 犮: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 㾰: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 堵: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 輻: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 檾: 炏 (kài) / 冧 (lín) (Cant.) a bud; to bend; phonetic 'num' as in 'number' 釄: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 靡 (mí) divide, disperse, scatter 絇: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 句 (jù) sentence 㩉: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 翕 (xī) agree 䋎: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 觔: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 啗: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 鱝: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 柠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 䵧: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 㝫: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 隆 (lóng) prosperous, plentiful, abundant 忰: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 卆 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 蛶: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 寽 (lǜ) a handful; a pinch 批: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 㸄: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 袋: 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 眊: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䮍: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 窗: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 囱 (cōng) chimney 鰘: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 室 (shì) room, home, house, chamber 弚: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 弔 (diào) condole, mourn, pity; hang 抧: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 萨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 产 (chǎn) give birth, bring forth, produce 䜪: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 九 (jiǔ) nine 㴮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 屑 (xiè) bits, scraps, crumbs, fragments 鞵: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant 瘴: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 䪷: 句 (jù) sentence / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 私: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 魂: 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 幄: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 屋 (wū) house; room; building, shelter 懑: 满 (mǎn) fill; full, satisfied / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 荒: 芒 (máng) Miscanthus sinensis / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 䙔: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 㱘: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 雟: 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 㕣 (yǎn) a marsh at the foot of the hills, (interchangeable 湢 沇) name of a river 畞: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 畂 (liù) 䧡: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 磫: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 马: ㇕ / ㇉ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 嵮: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 㟵: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 罡 (gāng) the name of a certain stars; the god who is supposed to live in them 惻: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 艼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 䕾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 㮂: 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 璈: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 謍: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 丏: 丅 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down; used to transliterate the Latin letter 'T' / ㇜ / ㇆ 首: 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from 紙: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 岘: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 膦: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 攩: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 黨 (dǎng) political party, gang, faction 䒨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 㪬: 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 玲: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 訷: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 䴹: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 飀: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 籃: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 寂: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 叔 (shū) father's younger brother 胐: ⺼ / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 摓: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 䏒: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 㧖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 戶 (hù) door; family, household / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 狜: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 襡: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 䱣: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 筭: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 嫬: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 迺: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 捽: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 䋼: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 盈 (yíng) fill; full, overflowing; surplus 墁: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 㤀: ㇗ / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鎇: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 氎: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 宐 (yí) right, fitting, seemly / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䂑: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then 吞: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 涣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 奂 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant ⺥: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet 輤: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 焰: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 喳: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 查 (chá) investigate, examine, seek into 貹: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 奀: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 绅: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 遆: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 䅐: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 曕: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 釛: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 橢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname 以: 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 割: 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 毷: 冒 (mào) risk, brave, dare / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 赸: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 頁: 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 羄: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 綽 (chuò) graceful, delicate; spacious 䤋: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 耑: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 枔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 麚: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 爝: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 爵 (jué) feudal title or rank 㜟: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 侤: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 考 (kǎo) examine, test; investigate 蚪: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 娭: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 锳: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 梶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern 䈽: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 㡁: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 夸 (kuā) extravagant, luxurious; handsome 僆: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 诌: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 刍 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 潏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 緘: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 㻚: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 坟: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 蹥: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 旨: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 鳮: 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 灱: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 㕳: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad 蓾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock 麃: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 礂: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 嶅: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 蚓: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 愒: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 䖕: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 㾙: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 璟: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions 訠: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 䤢: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 馭: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 砬: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 岯: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 膽: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 怼: 对 (duì) correct, right; facing, opposed / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䒿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 㻃: 曲 (qū) crooked, bent; wrong, false / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 矉: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 镊: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 聂 (niè) whisper; surname 䡌: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 飗: 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 策: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 朿 (cì) stab 忙: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 胧: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 捦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 䟩: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 㧭: 邛 (qióng) in distress; a mound / 手 (shǒu) hand 盳: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish 鑴: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 巂 (guī) place name 䭶: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 丌 (jī) table 窀: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 鴅: 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 倇: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 㖊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ⺕ / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 抐: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 内 (nèi) inside 蔕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 鞞: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 次: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䪠: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇉ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 鰯: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 弱 (ruò) weak; fragile, delicate 匱: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 㒴: 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 涺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 萿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 活 (huó) live, exist, survive; lively 㵅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 貪 (tān) greedy, covet; covetous 雈: 卝 (kuàng) hair style; ore / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 橋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 嗊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 貢 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 齙: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 剛: 岡 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㟞: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 泤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 以 (yǐ) by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to 蝩: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 㱯: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 釲: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 畵: 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon / 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 哴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 爆: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 暴 (bào) violent, brutal, tyrannical 嚉: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 對 (duì) correct, right; facing, opposed 㜈: 務 (wù) affairs, business; must, should / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 趏: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 娖: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 玛: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 鄜: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䈦: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 㚇 (zōng) draw the feet up; to refuse to advance, to summarize; to gather; to collect, name of an old country, (same as U+9350 鍐) a headstall; ornament on a bridle; (Cant.) to jump up 宫: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 銱: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 吊 (diào) condole, mourn, pity; hang 漸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 䎻: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 坈: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 冗 (rǒng) excessive; superfluous 棍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 蹎: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 籚: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 僝: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 孱 (càn) weak, unfit, frail, feeble 迣: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 摪: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general 緯: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 鍰: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 䱺: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 旿: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch 弃: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 阉: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 榌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 飛 (fēi) fly; go quickly; dart; high ⺎: 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 䜓: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 㤗: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 㣺 (variant of 心) the heart, the moral nature, the mind, the affections, intention, the radical on left side of the character 农: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 袢: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 半 (bàn) half 氥: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 鬫: 鬥 (dòu) struggle, fight, compete, contend / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 纮: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 吵: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 茻: 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 暾: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 鷄: 奚 (xī) where? what? how? why?; servant / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 煇: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 㙉: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 从: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 藔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 寮 (liáo) shanty, hut, shack 套: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 镸 (cháng) long 遝: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 眔 (dà) 毠: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䅧: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 㭫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 台: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 諶: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 湹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 厘 (lí) thousandth part of tael 㨄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 貋: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 猊: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 侍: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 纗: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 巂 (guī) place name 領: 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 嬚: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 廉 (lián) upright, honorable, honest 暧: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 爱 (ài) love, be fond of, like 耨: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse 䌪: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 㤮: 狂 (kuáng) insane, mad; violent; wild / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鎵: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 家 (jiā) house, home, residence; family 爴: 國 (guó) nation, country, nation-state / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet 亷: 产 (chǎn) give birth, bring forth, produce / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / ⺕ 緁: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 疌 (jié) 齂: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 婄: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 旑: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 蝒: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 䉔: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 殘 (cán) injure, spoil; oppress; broken 㡘: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 鋟: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 煞: 刍 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 糫: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 鹬: 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 奮: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 擻: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 數 (shù) number; several; count; fate 虼: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 䅾: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㾂: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 炈: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 輍: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 䨏: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 次 (cì) order, sequence; next 鶖: 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 礙: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 墘: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 乾 (gān) dry; first hexagram; warming principle of the sun, penetrating and fertilizing, heavenly generative principle (male) 薦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 廌 (zhì) unicorn 愩: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 貢 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 䂨: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 斥 (chì) to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach 㺬: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 瞲: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 踷: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 䤹: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 灾 (zāi) calamity, disaster, catastrophe / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 鳀: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 硃: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 忂: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 瞿 (qú) surname 蓐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse 恓: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 䟒: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吅 (xuān) / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㷖: 炅 (jiǒng) brilliance / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 盜: 㳄 (xián) (a variant of 涎) spittle, saliva / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 赡: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 䡣: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 罭: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 廬: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 诺: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 杽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 手 (shǒu) hand 䛼: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 岁: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 㴀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 䒦 (fàn) grass floats on water 鞇: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 栎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 乐 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 䒑: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 倞: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 京 (jīng) capital city 榣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 謤: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 田: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 决: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 㘲: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 尻 (kāo) end of spine; buttocks, sacrum 袹: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 嵀: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 柱 (zhù) pillar, post; support; lean on 竅: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 㟇: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 鑆: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 對 (duì) correct, right; facing, opposed 䕐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 福 (fú) happiness, good fortune, blessing 拕: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 它 (tā) it; other 闛: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 湢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 䫥: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 噲: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 濷: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 滿 (mǎn) fill; full, satisfied 襸: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 鰁: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 箄: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 㒆: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 翕 (xī) agree 䴋: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 萑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 掔: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 手 (shǒu) hand 骚: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 瘝: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 眔 (dà) 䮤: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition 芪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 席: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 鄳: 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 沶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 䘽: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 㱁: 祟 (suì) evil spirit; evil influence / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 哆: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 迌: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 歏: 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 秘: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 㫚: 曶 (hū) 卟: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 詥: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 懨: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 厭 (yàn) dislike, detest, reject; satiate 飮: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 瑱: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 䧸: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 胾: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 骃: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 紂: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 妅: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 芓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 攒: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 赞 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 䆕: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 㮙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 炟: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 踠: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 䴢: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 鶭: 紡 (fǎng) spin, reel, weave; reeled pongee / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 簬: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 路 (lù) road, path, street; journey 墯: 惰 (duò) indolent, careless, lazy, idle / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 薽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 搼: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 拳 (quán) fist; various forms of boxing 䂿: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 㫃: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 珉: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 酊: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 䱌: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 鳗: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 罖: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 亽 (ji) kwukyel 寙: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 㼌 (yǔ) lot of melons growing but the root is weak and feeble, wearied and worn 蓧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 條 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe 杦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late 䏩: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 㷭: 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 狳: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 遴: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 佶: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 纀: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 僕 (pú) slave, servant, I 餅: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 吇: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 暐: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 脕: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 㘛: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 龕 (kān) niche, shrine 鎞: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 漡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 亠: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 頯: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 圱: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 榺: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 桊 (juàn) 耿: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 㥅: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 受 (shòu) receive, accept, get; bear, stand 鋈: 沃 (wò) water, irrigate; fertile, rich / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 湋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 凊: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 魙: 漸 (jiàn) gradually / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 噛: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ⻭ 棤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 荩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 尽 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 㡯: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 闲: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 煵: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 僴: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 瘆: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 劉: 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 規: 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 帖: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 瞛: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 㒝: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 锜: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 䘦: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 徫: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 隱: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 欸: 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䞻: 赲 (lì) / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 午: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / ㇒ 泍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 詎: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 硚: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 乔 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 哝: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 农 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 㕜: 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 诣: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 恪: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 积: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 㛱: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 靰: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 䡺: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 慧 (huì) bright, intelligent; intelligence 懿: 壹 (yī) number one / 恣 (zì) indulge oneself, unrestrained 嬃: 須 (xū) must, have to, necessary; moment; whiskers / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 鈉: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 内 (nèi) inside 涌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 䌓: 每 (měi) every, each / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 㴗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity 喜: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 貢: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 栥: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 鼫: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 窮: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 躬 (gōng) body; personally, in person 㞰: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch 倵: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 武 (wǔ) military; martial, warlike 蜻: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 抾: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 駄: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 畇: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 匀 (yún) equal 䫎: 叕 (zhuó) to connect / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 臔: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 賢 (xián) virtuous, worthy, good; able 嵗: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 鑝: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 莑 (péng) 濠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 豪 (háo) brave, heroic, chivalrous 䕧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 骹 (qiāo) (Cant.) a joint 㽫: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 埰: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 軶: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 戹 (è) In difficulty, distressed 橹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 鲁 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 䘄: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 䖵 (kūn) insects 檇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 雋 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 锎: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 逾 (yú) go over, pass over, exceed 帔: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 袛: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 冡: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 二 (èr) two; twice / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 瘤: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 㼪: 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 䔮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 斯 (sī) this, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle 榱: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 衰 (shuāi) decline, falter, decrease; weaken 鐸: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 睪 (yì) spy on 崾: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 蟅: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude 僋: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 貪 (tān) greedy, covet; covetous 畎: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 㹔: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 䑘: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 棛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate ㇡: 鍢: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 屨: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 蛯: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 俵: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 表 (biǎo) show, express, manifest, display 瑸: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 宾 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 黿: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 㵾: 清 (qīng) clear, pure, clean; peaceful / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䎂: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 洉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 銌: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 存 (cún) exist, live, be; survive; remain 㘏: 道 (dào) path, road, street; method, way / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 宒: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 謝: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 射 (shè) shoot, eject, issue forth, emit 吣: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 玢: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 㲨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 䊬: 稞 (kē) grain ready for grinding; grain / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 氳: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 醶: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 㔹: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 媼: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 囚 (qiú) prisoner, convict; confine / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 詇: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 卍: ㇅ / ㇉ 狌: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 㯒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䇖: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 歝: 睪 (yì) spy on / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 郠: 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㑣: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 姦: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 襱: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 剷: 産 (chǎn) give birth / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 燶: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 㫼: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 制 (zhì) system; establish; overpower 䄀: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 斃: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 死 (sǐ) die; dead; death 舂: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 㢑: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 隼 (sǔn) aquiline (nose); a falcon 夐: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 經: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water 騒: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 莗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 焠: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 嚥: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 燕 (yàn) swallow (bird); comfort, enjoy 鮧: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 䨲: 需 (xū) need, require, must / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 溵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 殷 (yīn) many, great; abundant, flourishing 輴: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 扂: 户 (hù) door; family / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 䯇: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 賉: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 㥐: 命 (mìng) life; destiny, fate, luck; an order, instruction / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 穒: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 揗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 聖: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 㛥: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 坤: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 篧: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 隺 (hú) a bird flying high ambition 顦: 焦 (jiāo) burned, scorched; anxious, vexed / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 臫: 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 潴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 猪 (zhū) pig, hog, wild boar 哹: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 駻: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 䢆: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 几 (jǐ) small table / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 趈: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 爍: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 悖: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 孛 (bèi) comet 伟: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 逡: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 㞤: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 碦: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 客 (kè) guest, traveller; customer 术: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 喸: 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 七 (qī) seven 隺: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㨽: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 副 (fù) assist; supplement; assistant 缿: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 䁁: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 京 (jīng) capital city 蕃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 淈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 塑: 朔 (shuò) first day of lunar month; the north / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 鵓: 孛 (bèi) comet / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䛚: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 诜: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 灡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 蘭 (lán) orchid; elegant, graceful 廪: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 禀 (bǐng) report to, petition 䵳: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 蹵: 就 (jiù) just, simply; to come, go to; to approach, near / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 㗸: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 䘖 盺: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 謆: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 扇 (shàn) fan; door panel 倌: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 官 (guān) official, public servant 璏: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 彘 (zhì) swine 㶕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 䞙: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 栜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 朿 (cì) stab 隣: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 復: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 訰: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 匶: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 舊 (jiù) old, ancient; former, past 瞹: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 愛 (ài) love, be fond of, like 㲿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 䛃: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 歆: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 重: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 廓: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 郭 (guō) outer part (of a city); surname 蕚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 剠: 京 (jīng) capital city / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 監: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 㿩: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 鵪: 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䇭: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 橰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 臯 (gāo) to praise; to bless high; eminent; (Cant.) a marsh, pool 郷: 乡 (xiāng) country; rural; village / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 姽: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 持: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 蒄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冠 (guān) cap, crown, headgear 䶊: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 笑: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 鲔: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 䨛: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 析 (xī) split wood; break apart; divide 斚: 厸 (lín) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 锥: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 戫: 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 綪: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 螮: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 䲴: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 稻: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 䕅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 擄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 虜 (lǔ) to capture, imprison, seize; a prison 鑏: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful 嵕: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 糔: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 蛘: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 俞: 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 刖 (yuè) cutting off feet as form of punishment 略: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 黨: 龸 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 䑯: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 柮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 靹: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 内 (nèi) inside 屿: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 翾: 睘 (qióng) round; stare / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 ⺉: 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 伈: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 王: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 谊: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 宜 (yí) suitable, right, fitting, proper 朘: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 䢝: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 趟: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 㨦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 缨: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 婴 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 悭: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 坚 (jiān) hard, strong, firm; resolute 脬: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 㮻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 吺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 碽: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 貢 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 餼: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 氣 (qì) air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit 苁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 汊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 嗏: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 茶 (chá) tea 髑: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 䥜: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 閑 (xián) fence, barrier; defend; idle time 淟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 蹞: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 頃 (qǐng) a moment; a measure of area equal to 100 mu or 6.7 hectares; to lean 慬: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 䫱: 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 迳: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 㑺: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 隽 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 祼: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 莀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 搅: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 觉 (jué) to wake up from sleep; conscious 嚎: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 豪 (háo) brave, heroic, chivalrous 鮐: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 㼓: 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 簕: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 勒 (lēi) strangle, tighten 䄗: 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 蘙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 翳 (yì) shade, screen; to hide, screen 溞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 大: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 鸩: 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䮰: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 六 (liù) number six / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 袲: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 焷: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 揀: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 义: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 鍋: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 咼 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 㛎: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 呂 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 篐: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 匝 (zā) full circle; encircle 晙: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 僢: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 舜 (shùn) legendary ruler 闤: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 㥧: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 繩: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 䍫: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 它 (tā) it; other 聭: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 棲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 妻 (qī) wife 孻: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 盡 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 顽: 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䈄: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 函 (hán) correspondence; a case; a box 溇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 㞍: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 鄎: 息 (xī) rest, put stop to, end, cease / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 娔: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration 貛: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 喡: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 爤: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 蘭 (lán) orchid; elegant, graceful 㬪: 晶 (jīng) crystal; clear, bright; radiant / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 彑 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 䄮: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 涱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 長 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 㚷: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 尒 (ěr) you, your 逸: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 兔 (tù) rabbit, hare 夾: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 菅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 哋: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 地 (de) earth; soil, ground; region 煎: 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 鯕: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 㩔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 殿 (diàn) hall; palace; temple 䁘: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 䍃 (yóu) a vase, a pitcher, earthenware 泛: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 㗡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 亘 (gèn) extend across, through; from / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 面: 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 囬 (huí) to return to or from 塨: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 恭 (gōng) respectful, polite, reverent 苯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 䯵: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 卉 (huì) general term for plants; myriads 灸: 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 髿: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated 㥾: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 匿 (nì) hide; go into hiding 䞂: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 椉: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 隌: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 徒: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave 輝: 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 倣: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 瞢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 㢨: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 䚬: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 栳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 閶: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 昌 (chāng) light of sun; good, proper 庼: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 顷 (qǐng) a moment; a measure of area equal to 100 mu or 6.7 hectares; to lean 蹇: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 坍: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) 盌: 夗 (yuàn) to turn over when asleep / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 㿒: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / ㇆ / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 吋 (cùn) English inch (unlike U+5BF8 寸, which can be either the English or the Chinese inch) 䗖: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 带 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 潝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 翕 (xī) agree 铠: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 岂 (qǐ) how? what? 左: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 赱: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / ㇝ / 丷 (ha) kwukyel 噷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 歆 (xīn) like, admire; willingly, gladly; to quicken 痶: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 㻼: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 䔀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 倭 (wō) dwarf; dwarfish, short 憃: 舂 (chōng) grind in mortar / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蘂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 橤 (ruǐ) stamen 㲑: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 崐: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 禓: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 鸒: 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 螗: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 甠: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 劥: 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 龧: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 暑 (shǔ) hot 串: 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 檵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 㡭 (jì) (standard, ancient form of U+7E7C 繼) to continue; to carry on, to follow; to inherit; to succeed to 謴: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 貫 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 時: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 俇: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 狂 (kuáng) insane, mad; violent; wild 裉: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 㵐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 繒: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 柗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 㕣 (yǎn) a marsh at the foot of the hills, (interchangeable 湢 沇) name of a river 葖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 突 (tū) suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly 卤: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 龱 翧: 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 鱦: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 藫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 歴: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 價: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 賈 (jiǎ) surname; merchant; buy, trade 鷻: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 䲆: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 覈: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 㔋: 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 瘍: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 撖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 䬟: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 劉 (liú) surname; kill, destroy 鐡: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 哉 (zāi) final exclamatory particle / 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds 粦: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to 振: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 冸: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 半 (bàn) half 銺: 壯 (zhuàng) big, large; robust; name of tribe / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 㸽: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 笿: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 䑁: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 腃: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 槈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse 屑: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 饓: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 棠 (táng) crab apple tree; wild plums 䋚: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 远: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 瑡: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 師 (shī) teacher, master, specialist; multitude, troops 嫪: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 䥳: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 詵: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 狺: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 輆: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 同: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 炏: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 㦕: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 隆 (lóng) prosperous, plentiful, abundant 䎙: 㝉 (zhù) (same as 宁) space between the throne and the retiring room behind it, to store up; to save up, peaceful, used as a term of comparison / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 氜: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 銣: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as 㔢: 絶 (jué) cut / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 宩: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 踰: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 圶: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 玹: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 㢿: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 䋃: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 潆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 萦 (yíng) entangle, entwine, coil 闍: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 㑌: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise 嫓: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 冈 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 腚: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 噠: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 達 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent 狣: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 㯩: 桑 (sāng) mulberry tree; surname / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 饪: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 䗭: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 患 (huàn) suffer, worry about; suffering 湰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 生 (shēng) life, living, lifetime; birth 铷: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as 㝶: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 巽: 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 朁: 兓 (jīn) / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 肄: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 䦊: 镸 (cháng) long / 尗 (shū) younger of brothers; father's younger brother younger brother of a husband 缑: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 侯 (hóu) marquis, lord; target in archery 颔: 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 丛: 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 憚: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 㚠: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid 鄥: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 昫: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 句 (jù) sentence 禪: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 莮: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 男 (nán) male, man; son; baron; surname 䢴: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 縻: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 鮾: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 䅅: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 惄: 叔 (shū) father's younger brother / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 遏: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 奕: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 磔: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 桀 (jié) chicken roost; ancient emperor 苘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 䯞: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 煥: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 奐 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 髨: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 䁯: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 翕 (xī) agree 揮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 鍹: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 塿: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 篾: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 䬈: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 瞋: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 蠊: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 廉 (lián) upright, honorable, honest 挘: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 劣 (liè) bad, inferior; slightly 䲝: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 覟: 志 (zhì) purpose, will, determination; annals / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㸦: 丅 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down; used to transliterate the Latin letter 'T' / ㇜ / ㇚ / ㇏ 笨: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 播: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 蔬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 疏 (shū) neglect; careless, lax 㾻: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 除 (chú) eliminate, remove, except 债: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 责 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 粽: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 鴼: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 蛁: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 桊: 龹 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 减: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 黑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 䵜: 黍 (shǔ) glutinous millet; KangXi radical number 202 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 槟: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 宾 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 詞: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 司 (sī) take charge of, control, manage; officer 敬: 苟 (gǒu) careless, frivolous; illicit; grammatical particle: if, but, if only; surname; grass name; distinguish DKW 30853 (ji4) / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 仱: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 诳: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 狂 (kuáng) insane, mad; violent; wild 絼: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast 螀: 将 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 怅: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 长 (zhǎng) long; length; excel in; leader 劎: 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 龐: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 㬓: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 砕: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 卆 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 䔗: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 祥 (xiáng) good luck, good omen; happiness 舙: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 檞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain 崧: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 松 (sōng) pine tree; fir tree 騩: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 侰: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 貲: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 男: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 柀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 䩉: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 靋: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 瀝 (lì) trickle, drip; strain; dregs 翐: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect 扙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 丈 (zhàng) unit of length equal 3.3 meters; gentleman, man, husband 哢: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 釤: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 㵧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 穩: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䝫: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 葭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 泲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / ㇒ / ㇉ / ㇒ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 彻: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 切 (qiè) cut, mince, slice, carve 鱽: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 丄: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 抇: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㮍: 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 鴎: 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 嘔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 肛: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 妡: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 縤: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally 㜪: 新 (xīn) new, recent, fresh, modern / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 䴮: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 憱: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 就 (jiù) just, simply; to come, go to; to approach, near 㪷: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 鰸: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 唾: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 迅: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 壋: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 絎: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 韕: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 㙔: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 䱘: 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 惛: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 㧡: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 魢: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 周: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 軯: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 䟵: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 籸: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 雿: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 㕾: 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 䮂: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 攉: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 验: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 佥 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 㸏: 靡 (mí) divide, disperse, scatter / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 厒: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 茝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 尣: 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 箢: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 㒨: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 龱 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 䪬: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 孛 (bèi) comet 搳: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill 馶: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 㴹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 迷 (mí) bewitch, charm, infatuate 劼: 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 艇: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 廷 (tíng) court 孍: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 竌: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 几 (jǐ) small table 䧖: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 捝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 飠: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 㱣: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 処: 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 几 (jǐ) small table 腱: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 婷: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 亭 (tíng) pavilion; erect 秶: 次 (cì) order, sequence; next / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 䤀: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 涃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 訂: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 儐: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 疓: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 鈒: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 讗: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 巂 (guī) place name 礠: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 慈 (cí) kind, charitable, benevolent 庥: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 鎧: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 䈲: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 般 (bān) sort, manner, kind, category 暵: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 蜴: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 易 (yì) change; easy 橂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 奠 (diàn) pay respect; settle 䏇: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 蓉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form 牒: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 毗: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 衖: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 㻥: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 彤: 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 珧: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 遦: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 貫 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 觫: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 杴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 峹: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 釻: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 䂆: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 薈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 會 (huì) to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization 㤋: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 稍: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 梖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䜟: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 韯 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 頡: 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㾤: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 炦: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 犮 (bá) to pull up 漯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 嶸: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 榮 (róng) glory, honor; flourish, prosper 麺: 麦 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; simplified form of KangXi radical number 199 / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 眿: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 永 (yǒng) long, perpetual, eternal, forever 䡁: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 赃: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 庄 (zhuāng) village, hamlet; villa, manor 旈: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated 偑: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 镓: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 家 (jiā) house, home, residence; family 仚: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 菜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 硡: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 宏 (hóng) wide, spacious, great, vast 囪: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / ㇒ / ㇏ 䕳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 彌 (mí) extensive, full; fill; complete 虵: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 㷸: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 三 (sān) three / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 绺: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 咎 (jiù) fault, defect; error, mistake 茆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 堌: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 粏: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 㖕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 侙: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 式 (shì) style, system, formula, rule 怜: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 麣: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 㤢: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 垩: 亚 (yà) Asia; second / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 舰: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 嬶: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 羹: 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid / 美 (měi) beautiful, pretty; pleasing 㒿: 冃 (mào) / 離 (lí) leave, depart; go away; separate 仃: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 捆: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 困 (kùn) to surround, beseige; to be surrounded; difficult 駍: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 㡌: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 囓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 齧 (niè) bite, gnaw; wear down, erode 赚: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 婠: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 官 (guān) official, public servant 绣: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 㟩: 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 镪: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic 䧭: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 扰: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 飷: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 㭶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 函: 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 欁: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 貄: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 䖊: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 猑: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 钔: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening 䈛: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 涚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 㪠: 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 鴥: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 樫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 堅 (jiān) hard, strong, firm; resolute 疪: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 辮: 辡 (biàn) recrimination; wrangling / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 䒴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 爻: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 鞾: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 䵅: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 泄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 鱏: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 啕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 匋 (táo) pottery 瓔: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 軘: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 䟞: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 絥: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 伏 (fú) crouch, crawl, lie hidden, conceal 雨: 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 䱯: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 濮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 僕 (pú) slave, servant, I 齹: 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer / 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 呿: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 矾: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 凡 (fán) all, any, every; ordinary, common 䜈: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 箋: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 萊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 漘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 脣 (chún) lips 䂝: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 薟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 眨: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 梭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 褬: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 桑 (sāng) mulberry tree; surname 尺: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / ㇏ 炽: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 鄼: 賛 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 諁: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 摊: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 难 (nán) difficult, arduous, hard; unable 巏: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 鋑: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 䅜: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 旟: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 與 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 虞: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 楬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 䋱: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 蟳: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / ⺕ / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 㱺: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 煼: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 讀: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 氅: 敞 (chǎng) roomy, spacious, open, broad / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 庎: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 鎐: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 㜓: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 荅 (dā) answer: small bean; thick 琕: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 䤗: 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 踙: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select 暞: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 臬 (niè) law, rule; door post 儧: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 賛 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 阩: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 升 (shēng) arise, go up; hoist; advance 䎰: ㇒ / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 斮 (cuò) cut off 育: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 礷: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 藍 (lán) blue; indigo plant; surname 毀: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 䙉: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia 魋: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㻎: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 玨 (jué) two pieces of jade joined together 珐: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 湙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 奕 (yì) in sequence, orderly; abundant 壢: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 鷤: 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 癩: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 賴 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 䭫: 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent / 首 (shǒu) head; first; leader, chief; a poem 衭: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 惲: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 卻: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 遽: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 豦 (jù) a wild boar; to fight 䨄: 酓 (yǎn) / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 暇: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 叚 (jiǎ) false 㾍: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 餎: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 刔: 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 蒛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 缺 (quē) be short of, lack; gap, deficit 嶡: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it 稤: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 京 (jīng) capital city 䤮: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 步 (bù) step, pace; walk, stroll 斱: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 㺷: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique 頸: 巠 (jīng) streams running underground; flowing water / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 儾: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 囊 (náng) bag, purse, sack; put in bag 诅: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 峋: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 祎: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 鏕: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 䡘: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 甸 (diān) suburbs of capital; govern; crops 擛: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 葉 (yè) leaf, petal; page of book; period 㷡: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 齢: ⻭ / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 偨: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 柴 (chái) firewood, faggots, fuel 諯: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 䏵: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 硸: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 岸 (àn) bank, shore; beach, coast 鋿: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 侂: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㡯 (zhái) (ancient form of 宅) wall of a building, a house, to keep in the house, thriving; flourishing, blazing, (ancient form of 度) legal system; laws and institutions, to think; to consider; to ponder; to contemplate 愉: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 麌: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 㨏: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 炭 (tàn) charcoal; coal; carbon 垒: 厽 (lěi) / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 蜝: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 堣: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 羢: ⺶ / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 京: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 怳: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 鶶: 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㤹: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech 嚼: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 爵 (jué) feudal title or rank 虇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 彍: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 绌: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 㟒: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 杝: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 鳠: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 㡣: 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 三 (sān) three 嗦: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 索 (suǒ) large rope, cable; rules, laws; to demand, to exact; to search, inquire; isolated ⻬: 齐 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 蕱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 稍 (shāo) little, slightly; rather 幷: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 緶: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 便 (biàn) convenience, ease; expedient 㛼: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 䴀: 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 榃: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 踂: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 耴 (yì) 㒑: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 匯 (huì) a concourse; to flow together, gather together; (same as U+6ED9 滙) to remit money 唐: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / ⺺ / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 熓: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 阒: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 狊 (jú) 辗: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 展 (zhǎn) open, unfold; stretch, extend 素: 龶 / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 媥: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 鞧: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 䘲: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 抵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 茴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 湂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 䟇: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 幾 (jǐ) how many? how much?; a few, some 胉: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 㕐: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 舄 (xì) a shoe; the sole of a shoe; magpie 癒: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 愈 (yù) more and more, even more 濗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 幕 (mù) curtain, screen, tent 豖: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 匆 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 㫥: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 名 (míng) name, rank, title, position 孤: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 矧: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 鑦: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 賢 (xián) virtuous, worthy, good; able 跫: 巩 (gǒng) bind; firm, secure, strong / 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough 捴: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 忩 (cōng) same as 怱 U+6031, hastily, in haste, hurriedly 壹: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 闻: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 䒆: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 膈: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 㴋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 肃 (sù) pay respects; reverently 縍: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 沖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 䌟: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 辟 (pì) law, rule; open up, develop 鰡: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 㮤: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 呆 (dāi) dull; dull-minded, simple, stupid 璦: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 愛 (ài) love, be fond of, like 欯: 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 妸: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 骺: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 㘽: 㦳 猿: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 袁 (yuán) robe; surname 䱁: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 本 (běn) root, origin, source; basis 襃: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / ㇒ / ㇗ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 呆 (dāi) dull; dull-minded, simple, stupid 懈: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 解 (jiě) loosen, unfasten, untie; explain 呑: 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 酓: 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 䫚: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 蟜: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 籡: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 撿 (jiǎn) to pick up 勪: 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 䅳: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 艵: 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 㧸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 亨 (hēng) smoothly, progressing, no trouble 竺: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 二 (èr) two; twice 蜆: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 尌: 壴 (zhù) / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 碏: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 䮙: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 搜: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 骣: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 孱 (càn) weak, unfit, frail, feeble 㴢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 仲 (zhòng) middle brother; go between, mediator; surname 厩: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then 蘰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 縵 (màn) plain silk; simple, plain 弶: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 京 (jīng) capital city 箹: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 約 (yuē) treaty, agreement, covenant 䫃: 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 杆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 鷍: 臬 (niè) law, rule; door post / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㱌: 聶 (niè) whisper; surname / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 勓: 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 襚: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 幠: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 竣: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 酪: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 晰: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 析 (xī) split wood; break apart; divide 鳷: 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㽶: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 嗽: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 欶 (shuò) to suck in 漁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 袄: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 䆊: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 冀 (jì) hope for; wish; Hebei province 眑: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 邔: 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䘛: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 榚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid 㺠: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 窳 (yǔ) dirty, useless, weak, powerless; cracked, a flaw 餥: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 渫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 熪: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 移 (yí) change place, shift; move about 议: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 义 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 䂴: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 瘻: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 鎾: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 䥅: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 玨 (jué) two pieces of jade joined together / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 棄: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 丗 (shì) thirty, thirtieth / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 顏: 彥 (yàn) elegant, handsome; learned / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 兕: 凹 (āo) concave, hollow, depressed; a pass, valley / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 烔: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 諘: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 表 (biǎo) show, express, manifest, display 䏞: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 祥: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 鋨: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 䡯: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 毮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 毟 (lie) to pluck, pick, tear 魹: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 偿: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尝 (cháng) taste; experience, experiment 現: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䌈: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 冃 (mào) / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 羋: 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 卝 (kuàng) hair style; ore 耊: ⺹ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 欘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to 䒝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination 膟: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 率 (lǜ) to lead; ratio; rate; limit 㘦: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 猨: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 沭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique 贬: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 㞻: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 号 (hào) mark, sign; symbol; number 堺: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 璽: 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 锼: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 軁: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 恊: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor 姏: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 雑: 杂 (zá) mixed, blended; mix, mingle / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 䕜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 翠 (cuì) color green; kingfisher 懟: 對 (duì) correct, right; facing, opposed / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 艞: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 筄 (yào) 浬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 䛱: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 忠 (zhōng) loyalty, devotion, fidelity 菳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 㡺: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 畼: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 辀: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 栅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 册 (cè) book, volume, register, list 媎: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 鞐: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 瀕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 頻 (pín) frequently, again and again 䴗: 狊 (jú) / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 訙: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 丸 (wán) small round object; pellet, pill 択: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 尺 (chǐ) Chinese measure approx. 'foot' 唧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 鈩: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 户 (hù) door; family 䞰: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare 蒲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 浦 (pǔ) bank of river, shore; surname 紷: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 激: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 䉉: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 觚 (gū) jug, winecup, goblet; square 齋: 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 㫎: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 矐: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 橙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 峢: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 駤: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 㕧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 物: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 佫: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 豭: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 擲: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 鄭 (zhèng) state in today's Henan; surname 坻: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 鑽: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 嘄: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 梟 (xiāo) an owl; thus, something evil 窇: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 蔎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 設 (shè) build; establish; display; particle of hypothesis, supposing 且: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 颛: 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㜚: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 宿 (sù) stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation 䆡: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 昤: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 售: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 禱: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 萸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 臾 (yú) moment, instant, short while 䴾: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 韅: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 㬎 (xiǎn) (an ancient form of 顯) motes in a sunbeam, bright, fibrous, to manifest; to display, to be illustrious, evident, to seem; to appear, cocoons; chrysalis, will not have a pleasant conversation 㙄: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 坒 (bì) to compare; to match; to equal 䃋: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 敎: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 迕: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch 员: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 磛: 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 荢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 宇 (yǔ) house; building, structure; eaves 䱨: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 刺 (cì) stab; prick, irritate; prod 雯: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 㕮: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 念: 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 摸: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 軿: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 厂: ㇕ 紉: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 芌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 䮒: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 㒘: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 竪 (shù) perpendicular, vertical; erect 鬝: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 間 (jiān) interval, space; place, between 䐣: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 探: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 罙 (mí) deep 劬: 句 (jù) sentence / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 簳: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 幹 (gàn) trunk of tree or of human body 膶: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 閏 (rùn) intercalary; extra, surplus 䪼: 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 驇: 埶 (yì) art / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 䍍: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 拌: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 半 (bàn) half 凖: 准 (zhǔn) approve, allow, permit; in accord / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 筝: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 胠: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 䧦: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 饱: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 䉷: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 懶: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 賴 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 儀: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 疃: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 童 (tóng) child, boy, servant boy; virgin 鈂: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 䤐: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 㐄 (kuà) / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 涓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty 訒: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 刃 (rèn) edged tool, cutlery, knife edge 鎗: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 㰞: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 愠: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 䚥: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 弱 (ruò) weak; fragile, delicate 讧: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 㶳: 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 娲: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 呙 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 纵: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 鼴: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 匽 (yǎn) to hide, to secrete, to repress; to bend 牂: 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 寇: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 鳉: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 将 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general 橒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province 珗: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 遖: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 䝤: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 毧: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 衦: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 釫: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 㩲: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吅 (xuān) / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 罴: 罢 (bà) cease, finish, stop; give up / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 䓹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 觻: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 墆: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 鶈: 妻 (qī) wife / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 戍: 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 炖: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 弟: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 弔 (diào) condole, mourn, pity; hang / ㇒ 耡: 耝 (qù) / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 梦: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 眯: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 䖸: 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 蚺: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 漿: 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 偁: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 爯 (chēng) 镃: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year 㣆: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 緈: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 幸 (xìng) luck(ily), favor, fortunately 䡑: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 赓: 庚 (gēng) 7th heavenly stem / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 囚: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 鯜: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 妾 (qiè) concubine 㽟: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 恡: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 仪: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 义 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 嵳: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 鹵: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 曺: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㖅: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 戌 (xū) 11th terrestrial branch 鬆: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 松 (sōng) pine tree; fir tree 䀌: 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon / 皕 (bì) / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 撏: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 垙: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 砜: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 蚣: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 侩: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting 㒯: 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only / 華 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 騰: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 駦 (téng) to mount, to ascend; to move, to turn out 䌶: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 才 (cái) talent, ability; just, only 枹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 囃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 筆: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 臍: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 仓: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 㟙: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 镚: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 崩 (bēng) rupture, split apart, collapse 䉠: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 微 (wēi) small, prefix micro-, trifling 曣: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 燕 (yàn) swallow (bird); comfort, enjoy 赪: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 贞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 凭: 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow / 几 (jǐ) small table 穰: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 胷: 匈 (xiōng) breast, chest, thorax; clamor; the Hsiung Nu 'Huns' / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䧽: 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 猁: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit 钄: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 蘭 (lán) orchid; elegant, graceful 㠇: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 就 (jiù) just, simply; to come, go to; to approach, near 嶊: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 推 (tuī) push, expel; push forward 欑: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 贊 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 貔: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 娛: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 吳 (wú) one of warring states; surname 疚: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late 蔥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 爫: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet 涪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 鞮: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 㬱: 兟 (shēn) to advance / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 岴: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name 樻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 达: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 啅: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 瓄: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 㷊: 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 葏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 津 (jīn) ferry; saliva; ford 䵕: 黍 (shǔ) glutinous millet; KangXi radical number 202 / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 泔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 雘: 丹 (dān) cinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment) / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 㩛: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 圑 (fù) 忞: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 敥: 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 軨: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 呯: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 矮: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 㳴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 蝹: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 䱿: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 濾: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 慮 (lǜ) be concerned, worry about 㺉: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 弈: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 掋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 底 (dǐ) bottom, underneath, underside 鰊: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 眘: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 墝: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 鶟: 突 (tū) suddenly, abruptly, unexpectedly / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 漨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 炭: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 灰 (huī) ashes; dust; lime, mortar 鄬: 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䐺: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 梽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 志 (zhì) purpose, will, determination; annals 褼: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 鋁: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 㽈: 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 籊: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 䗏: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 灾 (zāi) calamity, disaster, catastrophe / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 諑: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 豖 (chù) a shackled pig 㣝: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 奜: 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 緟: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 鹞: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 煬: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 嫱: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 啬 (sè) miserly, thrifty; stingy 楼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 鎀: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 㣊 㜃: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 信 (xìn) trust, believe; letter 琅: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 䚎: 舂 (chōng) grind in mortar / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 讐: 雔 (chóu) / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 氕: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 儗: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 阙: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 欮 (jué) to hiccough; to dig out to expand 㦜: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 纞: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 戀 (liàn) love; long for, yearn for; love 䤧: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 踩: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 宰: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 颲: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify 㰵: 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 愷: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 豈 (qǐ) how? what? 珀: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 幉: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 荋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 毐: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 毋 (wú) do not; not; surname; rad. 80 癙: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 䃢: 碒 (yín) / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 藤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 滕 (téng) an ancient state in Shandong province; water bursting forth 湩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 卫: ㇆ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 遭: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 㯰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 置 (zhì) place, lay out; set aside 磲: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 渠 (qú) ditch, canal, channel, gutter 䭻: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 衽: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 刄: 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / ㇏ 纇: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 脎: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 杀 (shā) kill, slaughter, murder; hurt 䨔: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 鲛: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 䖡: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 戤: 盈 (yíng) fill; full, overflowing; surplus / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 儮: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 綱: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 岡 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 耸: 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 䤾: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 鏅: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 脩 (xiū) dried meat (used as teachers payment in ancient times) 䓋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 汦 (zhǐ) 慎: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 试: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 式 (shì) style, system, formula, rule 偘: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity 糛: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 蝢: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䡨: 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 鋯: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 寵: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 恸: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 动 (dòng) move, happen; movement, action 諿: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 垂: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 礉: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 蚌: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 侒: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 安 (ān) peaceful, tranquil, quiet 鼝: 淵 (yuān) gulf, abyss, deep / 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike 䀣: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 枢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 嚬: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 頻 (pín) frequently, again and again 砳: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 薶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 貍 (lí) a fox-like animal 亼: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 㟂: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 鹇: 闲 (xián) fence, guard; defend; idle time / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䝍: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 曌: 明 (míng) bright, light, brilliant; clear / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 嗖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 罝: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 蓠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 㛬: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 圥 (lù) mushroom / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 鵱: 坴 (lù) a clod of earth; land / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䙷: 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 时: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 㒁: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 圉 (yǔ) stable, corral, enclosure; frontier, border 唀: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 熃: 務 (wù) affairs, business; must, should / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 阂: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 䴐: 寶 (bǎo) treasure, jewel; precious, rare / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 榓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 踒: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 鞗: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 㠞: ㇒ / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 攠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 靡 (mí) divide, disperse, scatter 䊥: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 辧: 辡 (biàn) recrimination; wrangling / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 㦳: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 帲: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 幷 (bìng) combine 窵: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 鬴: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 㕀: 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 療: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 忇: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 飉: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 湒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 矗: 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 鑖: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 蔑 (miè) disdain, disregard; slight 䍤: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 濧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 對 (duì) correct, right; facing, opposed 豦: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 闫: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 三 (sān) three 㹲: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 筴: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 䃹: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 跻: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 齐 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 岆: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 馈: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 贵 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 昍: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 璖: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 渠 (qú) ditch, canal, channel, gutter 嬟: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 萡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 泊 (pō) anchor vessel; lie at anchor 沦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 仑 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 㘭: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 幻 (huàn) illusion, fantasy, mirage 猯: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 䆸: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 芺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 欿: 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 呁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 匀 (yún) equal 酃: 霝 (líng) drops of rain; to fall in drops / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㳆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 秈: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 䱑: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 襓: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 勚: 贳 (shì) borrow; pardon; loan / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 㭟: 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 摡: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then 䫪: 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 女: ㇛ / 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel 驵: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 拺: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 朿 (cì) stab 鼆: 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep / 黽 (miǎn) to strive; to endeavor 䐌: 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 悏: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 厙: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 簜: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 湯 (tāng) hot water; soup, gravy, broth 芣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 䮩: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 鸰: 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䜶: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 掹: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 孟 (mèng) first in series; great, eminent 勃: 孛 (bèi) comet / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 罆: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 貫 (guàn) a string of 1000 coins; to go through 藍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 䫓: 咅 (pǒu) to spit out / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 酚: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 䙠: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 拣: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 七 (qī) seven / ㇆ / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 襪: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 蔑 (miè) disdain, disregard; slight 嗭: 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 七 (qī) seven 繰: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 喿 (zào) chirping of birds 蓷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 推 (tuī) push, expel; push forward 省: 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 還: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 睘 (qióng) round; stare 㰇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 韯 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 妊: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 壬 (rén) 9th heavenly stem 漑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 旣 (jì) already; de facto; since; then 袔: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 帛: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 熚: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 脥: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 瘫: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 难 (nán) difficult, arduous, hard; unable 榪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 鎮: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 㼱: 北 (běi) north; northern; northward / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 墴: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 渻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 省 (shěng) province; save, economize 设: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 充: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 烄: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 㧊: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 聏: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 䥕: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered 棔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 鋘: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 㹛: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 寞: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 慥: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 造 (zào) construct, build, make, begin; prepare 諨: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 偯: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 哀 (āi) sad, mournful, pitiful; pity 珮: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 几 (jǐ) small table / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 㣴: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 荹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 步 (bù) step, pace; walk, stroll 䡿: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 靈 (líng) spirit, soul; spiritual world 毾: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 㪉: 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 嬈: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 枋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 頊: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㘖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 猘: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 制 (zhì) system; establish; overpower 岝: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 馟: 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 欨: 句 (jù) sentence / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 㞫: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 之 (zhī) marks preceding phrase as modifier of following phrase; it, him her, them; go to 璭: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 運 (yùn) luck, fortune; ship, transport 锬: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 䀺: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 沽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 贼: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 雁: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 倠 (suī) 㭈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 硊: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 䇏: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 享 (xiǎng) enjoy 軑: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 㳝: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow 嵜: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 竒 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 租: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 驞: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 畬: 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 廱: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 雝 (yōng) marsh; pool; harmonious 鯳: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 底 (dǐ) bottom, underneath, underside 浼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 免 (miǎn) spare; excuse from; evade 鞀: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 瀅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 瑩 (yíng) lustre of gems; bright, lustrous 䊎: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 辐: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 栕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official 唗: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave 鈙: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 㶜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 屏 (píng) folding screen, shield / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 窞: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 䴧: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 訩: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad 徰: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 鲲: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 㠵: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 攷: 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 矀: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 微 (wēi) small, prefix micro-, trifling 婉: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 蝋: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 鼡 (shǔ) rat, mouse 濐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 暑 (shǔ) hot 㕗: 羑 (yǒu) a guide to goodness / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 牙: 丅 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down; used to transliterate the Latin letter 'T' / ㇜ / ㇚ / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 䓢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 臤: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 橩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 煢 (qióng) alone; no friends or relatives 坫: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 鑭: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 㿰: 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 糲: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 厲 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 佻: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 豽: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 内 (nèi) inside 帄: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 犇: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 贎: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 萬 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 䘔: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 客 (kè) guest, traveller; customer 邛: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㼚: 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 䦡: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 官 (guān) official, public servant 渤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 勃 (bó) suddenly, sudden, quick 崮: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 熱: 埶 (yì) art / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 谸: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 䔾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 揭 (jiē) raise, lift up; surname 㹄: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 䣋: 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 济: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 齐 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 蟕: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 觜 (zī) beak 屘: 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 烛: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 譢: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 䑨: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 黯: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 㵮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 埵: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 汸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 蛿: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 宂: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 几 (jǐ) small table 甉: 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 誌: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 志 (zhì) purpose, will, determination; annals 䎒: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 㲘: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 錝: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 䰣: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 网 (wǎng) net; network; KangXi radical 122 殢: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 媬: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 保 (bǎo) protect, safeguard, defend, care 琳: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 覶: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 龴 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䊼: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 㯂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 鉇: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 㐌 (yí) a tribe of savages in South China 䭍: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 櫌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 憂 (yōu) sad, grieved; grief, melancholy 姖: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 獝: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 裠: 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 䇦: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 㫬: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 酱: 丬 (qiáng) half of tree trunk; rad. no. 90 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 䩷: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 槶: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 國 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 㢁: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 夀: 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 吋 (cùn) English inch (unlike U+5BF8 寸, which can be either the English or the Chinese inch) 綃: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 騂: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 䄐: 祟 (suì) evil spirit; evil influence / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 斓: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 阑 (lán) door screen; railing fence 舒: 舍 (shě) house, dwelling; dwell, reside / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 鮗: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month 㐞: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 椠: 斩 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 亥: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 丩 (jiū) to join or connect the vine / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 莧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㖳: 汝 (rǔ) you / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 刲: 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 皵: 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 霴: 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province / 隶 (lì) subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171 㥀: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 穂: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 恵 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 叇: 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds / 逮 (dǎi) seize, catch; reach, arrive 铉: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 扒: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 篗: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 隻 (zhī) single, one of pair, lone 顖: 恖 (si) / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 ⻥: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 佤: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 揧: 剌 (lá) slash, cut in two; contradict / 手 (shǒu) hand 聦: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 怱 (cōng) hastily, in haste, hurriedly 駫: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 睴: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 䳹: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 臻: 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very / 秦 (qín) feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) 傆: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 原 (yuán) source, origin, beginning 閈: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 樍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 碖: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 土: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 蠡: 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine / 䖵 (kūn) insects 悦: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 兑 (duì) cash; exchange 㨭: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 戶 (hù) door; family, household / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 缯: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 躺: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 朿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 塁: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 鵃: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 痈: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 䁑: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 蕓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province 廚: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 尌 (shù) standing (something) up 鏜: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 㝟: 㝉 (zhù) (same as 宁) space between the throne and the retiring room behind it, to store up; to save up, peaceful, used as a term of comparison / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 桡: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 䛪: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 穹 (qióng) high and vast; elevated; arched 啳: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 陵: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 夌 (líng) to dawdle; the name of the father of the Emperor Yao 滺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 悠 (yōu) long, far, remote, distant; liesurely 㶅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 學 (xué) learning, knowledge; school 錆: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young 䠌: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 沏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 切 (qiè) cut, mince, slice, carve 徙: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 歨 (bù) 瀜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 融 (róng) melt, fuse; blend, harmonize 躣: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 瞿 (qú) surname 䞩: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 㲯: 監 (jiān) supervise, control, direct / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 鈰: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 市 (shì) market, fair; city, town; trade 䬶: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 澹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 廃: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 発 (fā) issue, dispatch, send out, emit 獆: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 皋 (gāo) the high land along a river 觍: 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䛓: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 㿙: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 鵚: 秃 (tū) bald / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䩠: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 廷 (tíng) court 滣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 唇 (chún) lips 蕪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 無 (wú) negative, no, not; lack, have no 姭: 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 牰: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 裷: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 䇽: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend 笁: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 鲄: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 喊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 挑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 蒔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 時 (shí) time, season; era, age, period 创: 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 続: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 売 (mài) sell; [NOT casing, shell, husk] 败: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 稫: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 斪: 句 (jù) sentence / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 龮: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 翼 (yì) wings; fins on fish; shelter 咴: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 灰 (huī) ashes; dust; lime, mortar 戻: 户 (hù) door; family / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 螾: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 寅 (yín) to respect, reverence; respectfully; 3rd terrestrial branch 嵅: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 糄: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 㗊: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 豏: 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 䕕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 漫 (màn) overflow of water; spreading 擔: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 詹 (zhān) surname; talk too much, verbose 默: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 埞: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 浥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 蛨: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 屯: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 屮 (chè) sprout; KangXi radical 45 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 翮: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 㓴: 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 轹: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 乐 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 䑿: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 宿 (sù) stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation 柾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 㚉: 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 圈: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback 残: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 戋 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 鐊: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 陽 (yáng) 'male' principle; light; sun 㨖: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 缘: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 傝: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 閟: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 木: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 㮫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill 碭: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 昜 (yáng) to open out, to expand; bright, glorious 餬: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 䰺: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 悽: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 妻 (qī) wife 脼: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 髁: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 㝈: 䜌 (luán) (ancient form) chaos; distraction; confusion, confused, continuous; uninterruptedto tie together, to manage / 孖 (mā) twins 瑊: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 苑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夗 (yuàn) to turn over when asleep 兜: ㇒ / ㇗ / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 痟: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 陞: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 升 (shēng) arise, go up; hoist; advance / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 祬: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 勱: 萬 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 音: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 慼: 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鮀: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 它 (tā) it; other 㼃: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 龱 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 簅: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 産 (chǎn) give birth 于: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / ㇚ 莐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 沈 (chén) sink, submerge; addicted to; surname 搕: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 夗: 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 㔾 (xiān) (same as U+7B44 筄) last name; KangXi radical 26; a joint, a seal, (ancient form of 節) 鸙: 龠 (yuè) flute; pipe, ancient measure / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 皞: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 皋 (gāo) the high land along a river 䄧: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 蘩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 繁 (fán) complicated, complex, difficult 厰: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 敞 (chǎng) roomy, spacious, open, broad 邲: 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㐵: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 椷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 節: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 噉: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 譋: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm ⻎: ㇋ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / ㇝ 提: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 㥗: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 旻 (mín) heaven 繙: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 䣢: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 跤: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 晩: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 孫: 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch / 系 (xì) system; line, link, connection 顭: 夢 (mèng) dream; visionary; wishful / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 烲: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 䍻: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 聽: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 娄: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 皇: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 褎: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / ㇒ / ㇗ / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 䈔: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 钛: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 太 (tài) very, too, much; big; extreme 㬚: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䶡: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 則 (zé) rule, law, regulation; grades 樤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 條 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe 央: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 疱: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package ⺷: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 蠸: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 䄾: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 戎 (róng) arms, armaments; military affair 鯅: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 㩄: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 崽 (zǎi) a child, a servant; a diminutive 䳋: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 楎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 菕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 塘: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 瓛: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 獻 (xiàn) offer, present; show, display 轢: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 樂 (lè) happy, glad; enjoyable; music 䁨: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 郭 (guō) outer part (of a city); surname 髯: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 㥮: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 叵: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 桸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 希 (xī) rare; hope, expect, strive for 苿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 徂: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 焉: 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 躌: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 舞 (wǔ) dance, posture, prance; brandish 䞒: 赤 (chì) red; communist, 'red'; bare / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 㢘: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 霝: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 䠣: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 澢: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 庬: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 尨 (máng) shaggy haired dog; variegated 瀳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 薦 (jiàn) offer, present; recommend 趶: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 䚼: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 㿂: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 陇: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 位: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 滌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 條 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe 巖: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 嚴 (yán) strict, rigorous, rigid; stern 睝: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇒ / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 賠: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 䗦: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 㻬: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 雩 (yú) offer sacrifice for rain 镱: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 乷: 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 淶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 㲁: 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 崀: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 禃: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 直 (zhí) straight, erect, vertical 鸂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鷄 (jī) chicken 䔐: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 淺 (qiǎn) shallow, not deep; superficial 憓: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 惠 (huì) favor, benefit, confer kindness 蘒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 穐 (qiū) fall, autumn 龗: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 洠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low 䪥: 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 螧: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 耆 (qí) man of sixty; aged, old 嘲: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 朝 (cháo) dynasty; morning 犵: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 錴: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 坴 (lù) a clod of earth; land 㵀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 族 (zú) a family clan, ethnic group, tribe 繂: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 率 (lǜ) to lead; ratio; rate; limit 埇: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 郉: 幵 (jiān) even level. to raise in both hands / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 晒: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 翗: 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 鱖: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 厥 (jué) personal pronoun he, she, it 䭤: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 遣 (qiǎn) send, dispatch; send off, exile 柧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 葦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 鷫: 肅 (sù) pay respects; reverently / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㙲: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 雍 (yōng) harmony, union; harmonious 獴: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 䣹: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 伐 (fá) cut down, subjugate, attack 藻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 澡 (zǎo) wash, bathe 咆: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 醈: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 渍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 责 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 粖: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 匟: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 谡: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 畟 (cè) plough 撦: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 奢 (shē) extravagant, wasteful; exaggerate 㸭: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 笯: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 奴 (nú) slave, servant 䦸: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 誺: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 挿: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 屁: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 饃: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 㓆: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 仑 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 燈: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 䑑: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 菐 (pú) a thicket 腓: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 嫚: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 韜: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 污: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 䋪: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 阿 (ā) prefix for people's names; used in transliteration 关: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial 鉵: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 櫺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 霝 (líng) drops of rain; to fall in drops 㦅: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 帶 (dài) belt, girdle, band, strap, zone 霆: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 廷 (tíng) court 䰌: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 梏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse 宙: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 琜: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 誣: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 巫 (wū) wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman 䎩: ㇒ / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 㢯: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 阰: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 伶: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 殹: 医 (yī) cure, heal; doctor, medical / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 嫃: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 睆: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 跍: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 䋓: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 刍 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 㯙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 饚: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 蓋 (gài) cover, hide, protect 习: ㇆ / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 櫣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 莗 (chē) 腪: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 巭: 功 (gōng) achievement, merit, good result / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 癰: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 雝 (yōng) marsh; pool; harmonious 賷: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 吅 (xuān) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 䗽: 維 (wéi) maintain, preserve, safeguard / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 缁: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 预: 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 㐇: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 冊: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 朑: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 肔: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 嘛: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame 禚: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 羔 (gāo) lamb, kid ⺠: 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 褥: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse 縫: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 憪: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 鮮: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 㜱: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 質 (zhì) matter, material, substance 傴: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 昻: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / ㇆ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 莾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 奔 (bēn) run fast, flee; rush about; run 奅: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 卯 (mǎo) 4th terrestrial branch; period from 5-7 a.m. 磄: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese ㇊: 衏: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 䅕: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 惔: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 高: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 㙛: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 叞: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 楥: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 苨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 塯: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 留 (liú) stop, halt; stay, detain, keep 篮: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 监 (jiān) supervise, control, direct 譹: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 豪 (háo) brave, heroic, chivalrous 䁿: 默 (mò) silent; quiet, still; dark / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 揾: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 匈: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad 澋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 景 (jǐng) scenery, view; conditions 逊: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 孙 (sūn) grandchild, descendent; surname 㸖: 父 (fù) father; KangXi radical 88 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 笘: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 咝: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丝 (sī) silk; fine thread; wire; strings 醟: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 挨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 㾫: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 粭: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 鴬: ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䠺: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 问 (wèn) ask about, inquire after 撽: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 蔼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 谒 (yè) visit, pay respects 黁: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense 灊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鬵 (qín) big iron pot, caldron 䧏: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 夆 (féng) resist 蛑: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low 㓝: 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 啜: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 營: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 鉞: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 戉 (yuè) a battle-axe, a halberd 絬: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 囱: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 鏳: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 敼: 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 龀: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 㬃: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 炱 (tái) soot 砅: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 䪎: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 螐: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 怕: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 崗: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 岡 (gāng) ridge or crest of hill 騙: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 㖜: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 犞: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 喬 (qiáo) tall, lofty; proud, stately 䔧: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 梨 (lí) pear; opera; cut, slash 舩: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 垰: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 钲: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 正 (zhèng) right, proper, correct 洷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 翀: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 剉: 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 轋: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 某: 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㵗: 馮 (féng) surname; gallop; by dint of / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 穙: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 菐 (pú) a thicket 䳢: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 觤: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 扩: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 彫: 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 鱭: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 㟰: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 瓲: 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 䝻: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 葽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity 膁: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 昄: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 䪇: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 馑: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 縔: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 桑 (sāng) mulberry tree; surname 贞: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 熡: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 嘤: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 婴 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 㪧: 翕 (xī) agree / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 肫: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 攮: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 囊 (náng) bag, purse, sack; put in bag 䦱: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 颻: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 紾: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 豈: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 烋: 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 啎: 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 㧑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 为 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 摘: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 䣛: 桼 (qī) the varnish tree; lacquer, varnish, paint / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 韥: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 籨: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 歛 (hān) draw back, fold back; collect 譲: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 六 (liù) number six / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / ㇒ / ㇗ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 濵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 賔 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 呸: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 㣻: 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 萃: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 掂: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 店 (diàn) shop, store; inn, hotel 䴉: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 鰓: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 箒: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 帚 (zhǒu) broom, broomstick 誜: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 琣: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 厢: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 相 (xiāng) mutual, reciprocal, each other 﨧: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 㴩: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 邕 (yōng) former or literary name for Nanning (in Guangxi) 茭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 抬: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 䰳: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 鬽: 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 窼: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 视: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 獍: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 竟 (jìng) finally, after all, at last 勌: 卷 (juǎn) scroll; curl; make a comeback / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 㱓: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 艗: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 懖: 銛 (xiān) sharp, keen-edged; a kind of hoe / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䭝: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 驧: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 鞠 (jū) bow, bend; rear, raise, nourish 秦: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 裰: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 牷: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 凶: 凵 (qiǎn) receptacle; KangXi radical 17 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 㭽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 底 (dǐ) bottom, underneath, underside 愀: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 䖃: 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 蚅: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress 㐎: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 礐: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 嶓: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 麕: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 囷 (qūn) round-shaped storage bin for grain 儠: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 巤 (liè) a mane; bristles, as on a hog; dorsal fins 㖣: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 咅 (pǒu) to spit out 鈢: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 皥: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 臯 (gāo) to praise; to bless high; eminent; (Cant.) a marsh, pool 樲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 貳 (èr) number two 亵: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 执 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out 鎷: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 䉂: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 蝄: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 罔 (wǎng) net; deceive; libel; negative 毇: 䊆 (jiù) cooked, dry rice flour, (same as 糗) cured dried grain; parched wheat or rice / 殳 (shū) name of old weapon; kill; rad. 79 婒: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 㻕: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 齔: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 䏗: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 蓙: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 座 (zuò) seat; stand, base 睤: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 畀 (bì) to give 寧: 寍 (níng) used as a term of comparison:-rather; it is better; would that / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 鳩: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 佴: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 遶: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 瓹: 肙 (yuàn) a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 梆: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 邦 (bāng) nation, country, state 刍: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 霏: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 㾔: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 䂖: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 薘: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 達 (dá) arrive at, reach; intelligent 漟: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 堂 (táng) hall; government office 墦: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 鶨: 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䜯: 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 蠱: 蟲 (chóng) worms; insects / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 疸: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 弿: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 恁: 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 車: 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㝏: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 硑: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more 曚: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 偡: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 甚 (shén) great extent; considerably 镣: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 㷨: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty 绪: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 菬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 沼 (zhǎo) lake, fishpond, swamps 浳: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 固: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 鯼: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 辉: 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only / 军 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 瀌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 麃 (páo) till, plow 咏: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 永 (yǒng) long, perpetual, eternal, forever 㤒: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 夲 (tāo) advance quickly; to go back and forth; origin, source 茖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 枙: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress 䠜: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 鬦: 鬥 (dòu) struggle, fight, compete, contend / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 義: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 躳: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 吕 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 猶: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 垹: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 邦 (bāng) nation, country, state 㠼: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 艀: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 孚 (fú) brood over eggs; have confidence 曃: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 逮 (dǎi) seize, catch; reach, arrive 䭆: 臥 (wò) lie down; crouch / 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 驐: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 结: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 觝: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 牠: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 団: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 㭦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 懭: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 廣 (guǎng) broad, wide, extensive 䩰: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander ⻳: 龟 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 镺: 镸 (cháng) long / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 秽: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 岁 (suì) year; age; harvest 䌁: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 要 (yào) necessary, essential; necessity 鈋: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 化 (huà) change, convert, reform; -ize 涊: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 忍 (rěn) endure, bear, suffer; forbear 嬑: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 㪐: 戾 (lì) perverse, recalcitrant, rebellious / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 樛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 䖚: 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname / 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark 钤: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 䈫: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 納 (nà) admit, take, receive, accept 嶪: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 業 (yè) profession, business, trade 贵: 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 沴: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 娻: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 㖺: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 故: 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䓄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㹞 (yín) (same as 狺) to bark (said of a dog), (same as 齗) gums (of the teeth), (same as 啀) dogs to fight with gnashing and grinning; looks very angry 韎: 韋 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; KangXi radical number 178 / 末 (mò) final, last, end; insignificant 絕: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 巴 (bā) greatly desire, anxiously hope 峔: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 豟: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 戹 (è) In difficulty, distressed 濞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 啥: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 舍 (shě) house, dwelling; dwell, reside 㓤: 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 摯: 執 (zhí) hold in hand; keep; carry out / 手 (shǒu) hand 䟮: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 伏 (fú) crouch, crawl, lie hidden, conceal 雸: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 籿: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 忾: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 漈: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 祭 (jì) sacrifice to, worship 压: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 圡 (tǔ) 邍: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 䜘: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 句 (jù) sentence / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 萚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 择 (zé) select, choose, pick out 條: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 条 (tiáo) clause, condition; string, stripe 弨: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 鰪: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 䂭: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 薯: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 署 (shǔ) public office 㜸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 琺: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 法 (fǎ) law, rule, regulation, statute; France, French 墽: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 敫 (jiǎo) ancient musical instrument 鶿: 兹 (zī) now, here; this; time, year / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䱊: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 酌: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 痏: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 楜: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 鋡: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 含 (hán) hold in mouth; cherish; contain 㱪: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid 䅬: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 虮: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 几 (jǐ) small table 櫱: 辥 (xuē) variety of marsh grass / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 奼: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with 㷿: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 鹾: 卤 (lǔ) salt / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 䐅: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 複: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 复 (fù) return; repeat; repeatedly 皎: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 尕: 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely / 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 愗: 敄 (wù) to put forth effort / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 亞: 二 (èr) two; twice / ㇉ / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 鎠: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 罡 (gāng) the name of a certain stars; the god who is supposed to live in them 㐥: 鋤 (chú) hoe; eradicate / 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 礧: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes 殰: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 儷: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 阹: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 㺾: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 䏀: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 剌 (lá) slash, cut in two; contradict 胂: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 湉: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 恬 (tián) quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful 寐: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 爿 (pán) half of tree trunk; KangXi radical 90 / 未 (wèi) not yet; 8th terrestrial branch 飒: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 䙙: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 犀 (xī) rhinoceros; sharp, well-tempered 譛: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 替 (tì) change, replace, substitute for 烢: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 宅 (zhái) residence, dwelling, home; grave 幩: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 捫: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening 䣲: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 弁 (biàn) conical cap worn during Zhou dynasty 跴: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 㙹: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 筻: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 更 (gèng) more, still further, much more 薁: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 奥 (ào) mysterious, obscure, profound 戄: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 矍 (jué) look about in fright or alarm 亇: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / ㇚ 鶑: 炏 (kài) / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 稔: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 褞: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 昷 (wēn) to feed a prisoner 疡: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / ㇎ / ㇒ 判: 半 (bàn) half / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㺧: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 㗊 (jí) public opinion; clamour; noise, (ancient form of 雷); thunder, an organic compound (porphin); (porphyrins) / 丅 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down; used to transliterate the Latin letter 'T' / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 蒫: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 愮: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 䶱: 冬 (dōng) winter, 11th lunar month / 龜 (guī) turtle or tortoise; cuckold 鲻: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 甾 (zāi) ground that has been under cultivation for one year; evil, calamity 社: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 衈: 血 (xuè) blood; radical number 143 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 瓋: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 適 (shì) match, comfortable; just 兎: 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 㷑: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 垔 (yīn) to restrain; to dam a stream and change its direction; a mound 恘: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 休 (xiū) rest, stop; retire; do not! 䳛: 妟 (yàn) / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 鏥: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 宿 (sù) stop, rest, lodge, stay overnight; constellation 硨: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 轲: 车 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 可 (kě) may, can, -able; possibly 毵: 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 偸: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 兪 (yú) surname; consent 㳻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 考: ⺹ / 丂 (kǎo) obstruction of breath (qi) as it seeks release; variant of other characters 枂: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䤉: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 頓: 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 羒: ⺶ / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 躜: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 赞 (zàn) help, support, assist, aid 瀣: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 韰 (xiè) 垢: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 㤩: 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 蜭: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole 暬: 埶 (yì) art / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 䠳: 身 (shēn) body; trunk, hull; rad. no. 158 / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 鼽: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 九 (jiǔ) nine 纼: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 跆: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address 睍: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 囌: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 蘇 (sū) revive, resurrect; a species of thyme; transliteration of 'Soviet' 㡓: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 軍 (jūn) army, military; soldiers, troops 虗: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name 旖: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 佝: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 句 (jù) sentence ⻜: 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 鹧: 庶 (shù) numerous, various; multitude / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 緦: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 思 (sī) think, consider, ponder; final particle 賰: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 癷: 癶 (bō) legs; KangXi radical 105 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 嗶: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 㽽: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 攀: 棥 (fán) a railing; a fence an enclosed place / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 手 (shǒu) hand 䆃: 道 (dào) path, road, street; method, way / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 芅: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 紐: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 妓: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 骕: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 肃 (sù) pay respects; reverently 唠: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 劳 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 阢: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 犥: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 麃 (páo) till, plow 渲: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 䪵: 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 鞷: 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 / 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 䙂: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 忩 (cōng) same as 怱 U+6031, hastily, in haste, hurriedly 荄: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 濇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 嗇 (sè) miserly, thrifty, stingy; stopped up, constipated 幒: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 悤 (cōng) agitated, restless, hurried 㫕: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 魔: 麻 (má) hemp, jute, flax; sesame / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 䟗: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 胙: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 㙢: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 䓣 (liǎng) name of a variety of grass 獤: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 忧: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 飩: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 䭴: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 㟷: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 鑶: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 藏 (cáng) hide, conceal; hoard, store up 烹: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 沆: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 亢 (kàng) high, proud; violent, excessive; skilled; name 嘍: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 錏: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 亞 (yà) Asia; second; used as a prefix to names 㮔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 䒖: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 卂 (xùn) to fly rapidly 膘: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 欟: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 觀 (guān) see, observe, view; appearance 岦: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 馨: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 香 (xiāng) fragrant, sweet smelling, incense 䌯: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 吅 (xuān) / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 谱: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 普 (pǔ) universal, general, widespread 㒶: 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 熸: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 朁 (cǎn) if, supposing, nevertheless 嬿: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 燕 (yàn) swallow (bird); comfort, enjoy 摁: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 恩 (ēn) kindness, mercy, charity 䧈: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 諊: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 匊 (jū) handful 籑: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 拚: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 弁 (biàn) conical cap worn during Zhou dynasty 呡: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 民 (mín) people, subjects, citizens 酣: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 㧨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 后 (hòu) queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after 竪: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 蟬: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 楳: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 某 (mǒu) certain thing or person 勺: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 讉: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 遺 (yí) lose; articles lost; omit 琌: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 岑 (cén) steep, precipitous; peak 傏: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 唐 (táng) Tang dynasty; Chinese 㴒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 弈 (yì) Chinese chess 蜖: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 囬 (huí) to return to or from 掙: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 爭 (zhēng) to dispute, fight, contend, strive 䰜: 弜 (jiàng) / 鬲 (gé) type of caldron with three hollow legs; name of a state; KangXi radical number 193 鼦: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 箩: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 罗 (luō) net for catching birds; gauze 誳: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 眶: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise 厹: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 㰼: 匧 (qiè) a trunk; a portfolio / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 虀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 韲 (jī) break or smash into pieces, pulverize 拃: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 但: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 鹐: 臽 (xiàn) a pit, a hole / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 竓: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 距: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 癠: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 勣: 責 (zé) one's responsibility, duty / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 㽦: 炏 (kài) / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 旭: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 买: ㇖ / 头 (tóu) head; top; chief, first; boss 酺: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 緽: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 貞 (zhēn) virtuous, chaste, pure; loyal 䜁: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / ㇗ / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 阋: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 兒 (ér) son, child, oneself; final part 榊: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 神 (shén) spirit, god, supernatural being 弑: 杀 (shā) kill, slaughter, murder; hurt / 式 (shì) style, system, formula, rule 㺐: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 減: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 咸 (xián) together; all, completely; united 䆚: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 㜡: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 邤: 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䘫: 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 妪: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 褵: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 梴: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 帻: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 责 (zé) one's responsibility, duty 慅: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 蚤 (zǎo) flea; louse 䃄: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 京 (jīng) capital city 㙋: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 鏎: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 祕: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must 壔: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 衟: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from 毞: 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 入: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 息: 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䏮: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 鋸: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 硿: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 対: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 欈: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 巂 (guī) place name 型: 刑 (xíng) punishment, penalty; law / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 钍: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 䌘: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 耚: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 沝: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 嬨: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 慈 (cí) kind, charitable, benevolent 頪: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 䒭: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 膯: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 瀺: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty 岽: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 东 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 馿: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 户 (hù) door; family 䡊: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 反 (fǎn) reverse, opposite, contrary, anti 㓍: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 充 (chōng) fill, be full, supply 镌: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 隽 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 燏: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 矞 (yù) bore with awl; bright, charming 浜: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 兵 (bīng) soldier, troops 䧟: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 雡: 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 㡪: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 䕬: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 彊 (jiàng) stubborn, uncompromising 艮: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 滱: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 寇 (kòu) bandits, thieves; enemy; invade 嵼: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 産 (chǎn) give birth 㧿: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 驾: 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 䀅: 社 (shè) god of the soil and altars to him; group of families; company, society / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 贇: 斌 (bīn) refined, having both appearance / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㖌: 仇 (chóu) enemy, hate, hatred, enmity / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 犎: 封 (fēng) letter, envelope; feudal / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 堕: 陏 (duò) / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 攗: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 麋 (mí) elk; surname 䪞: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 韭 (jiǔ) scallion, leek; radical 179 鞠: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 匊 (jū) handful 紧: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 澰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 唷: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 鈹: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 㪾: 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 䟀: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 蓂: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 冥 (míng) dark, gloomy, night; deep 橉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 忐: 上 (shàng) top; superior, highest; go up, send up / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鳒: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 䉙: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 雲 (yún) clouds; Yunnan province 轛: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 對 (duì) correct, right; facing, opposed 㟠: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 瓢: 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 婩: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 岸 (àn) bank, shore; beach, coast 杫: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 䳲: 振 (zhèn) raise, excite, arouse action / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 觴: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 罻: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 尉 (wèi) officer, military rank 要: 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 渄: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 䊇: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li 醑: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 胥 (xū) all, together, mutually 瘔: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 苦 (kǔ) bitter; hardship, suffering 蔞: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 婁 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 禡: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 帤: 如 (rú) if, supposing; as if; like, as / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 被: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 洮: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 䆱: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 淡 (dàn) weak, watery; insipid, tasteless 邻: 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 甾: 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 葈: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 枲 (xǐ) male nettle-hemp 磋: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 嵎: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang ㇑: 汘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler 䃛: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 瑨: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 晋 (jìn) advance, increase; promote 荲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 柵: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 冊 (cè) book, volume 屸: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 调: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 殂: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 䔉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 秝 (lì) (Cant.) excessively thin 鐓: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 玒: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 芜: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 无 (wú) negative, no, not; KangXi radical 71 簣: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 客: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 㔩: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 謭: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 剪 (jiǎn) scissors; cut, divide, separate 檬: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 䐳: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 錽: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 灭 (miè) extinguish; wipe out, exterminate / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 犼: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 孔 (kǒng) opening, hole, orifice; great 臆: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 意 (yì) thought, idea, opinion; think 筍: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 嫌: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 㑓: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 友 (yǒu) friend, companion; fraternity 詗: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 槖: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䍝: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 鉧: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 母 (mǔ) mother; female elders; female 燦: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 粲 (càn) polish; bright, radiant; smiling 胰: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 穷: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 姶: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 合 (hé) combine, unite, join; gather 椀: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 䶃: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 躅: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 㰎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 嶲 (xī) a name of an old town in Sichuan; cuckoo; revolution of a wheel 焐: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 喓: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 隕: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 員 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 夠: 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over / 句 (jù) sentence 㶣: 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 騢: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 叚 (jiǎ) false 纥: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 戲: 䖒 (xī) earthenware with the shape of a bean; used in ancient times / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 䚵: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 鮷: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 䩂: 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era ⻅: 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 轄: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 害 (hài) injure, harm; destroy, kill 揇: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 剒: 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㛕: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 靔: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young / 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 䯗: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 坒 (bì) to compare; to match; to equal 賙: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 㩢: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 戍 (shù) defend borders, guard frontiers 罤: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 弟 (dì) young brother; junior; i, me 叧: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 铩: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 杀 (shā) kill, slaughter, murder; hurt 䝴: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㯷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 业 (yè) profession, business; GB radical 111 / 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 顶: 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 糹: 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 悆: 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 娍: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 鼏: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 鼎 (dǐng) large, three-legged bronze caldron 㞔: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 䢖: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 趘: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern 期: 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 傦: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 閨: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 伯: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 耱: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 磨 (mó) grind; polish; rub; wear out; a millstone 㢶: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 百 (bǎi) one hundred; numerous, many 綸: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 圿: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 介 (jiè) forerunner, herald, harbinger; to lie between; sea shell; to wear armor 桁: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 䗈: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 盲 (máng) blind; unperceptive, shortsighted 蛊: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 㽏: 洽 (qià) to blend with, be in harmony; to penetrate; to cover; a river in Shenxi / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 灑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 麗 (lì) beautiful, magnificent, elegant 滚: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 衮 (gǔn) ceremonial dress worn by the emperor 塡: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 眞 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 鵣: 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㗨: 殹 (yì) an echo / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 盪: 湯 (tāng) hot water; soup, gravy, broth / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 诬: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 巫 (wū) wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman 敳: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 建: 廴 (yǐn) go; KangXi radical 54 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 鏼: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 策 (cè) scheme, plan; to whip; urge 螉: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 砌: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 切 (qiè) cut, mince, slice, carve 岏: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 謖: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 畟 (cè) plough 澙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 舃 (xì) a shoe; the sole of a shoe; magpie 䀜: 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic 錦: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 帛 (bó) silks, fabrics; wealth, property 瞩: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 属 (shǔ) class, category, type; belong to 蚳: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 氐 (dī) name of an ancient tribe 笶: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 徹: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 詀: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 滃: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 翁 (wēng) old man; father, father-in-law 䍆: 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 鉐: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 盓: 汙 (wū) filthy, dirty, impure, polluted / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 臝: 吂 (máng) / 䏎 (féng) milk; breasts, the young of animals, birds / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 穠: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 廣: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 槭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 戚 (qī) relative; be related to; sad 䉰: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 骹 (qiāo) (Cant.) a joint 鵺: 夜 (yè) night, dark; in night; by night / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 燽: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 壽 (shòu) old age, long life; lifespan 䬁: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 它 (tā) it; other 騋: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 斊: 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 匑: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 躬 (gōng) body; personally, in person 戛: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 䶚: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㬡: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 零 (líng) zero; fragment, fraction 鲤: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 䨫: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 喪: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 吅 (xuān) / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 蔵: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 戊 (wù) 5th heavenly stem / 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official 撴: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 刻: 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㶺: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 吞 (tūn) swallow; absorb, annex, engulf 浅: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 戋 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 䳄: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㩋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 畕: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 哔: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 毕 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed 葟: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 柞: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 嵥: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 桀 (jié) chicken roost; ancient emperor 㳤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 汯: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round 修: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 黸: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 盧 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 瑿: 殹 (yì) an echo / 玉 (yù) jade, precious stone, gem 埾: 取 (qǔ) take, receive, obtain; select / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 月: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 二 (èr) two; twice 宋: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 颍: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 优: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尤 (yóu) especially, particularly 谚: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 彦 (yàn) elegant 悝: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 在: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 鐪: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 虜 (lǔ) to capture, imprison, seize; a prison 䢭: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 羨 (xiàn) envy, admire; praise; covet 趯: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 㼸: 容 (róng) looks, appearance; figure, form / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 簺: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 塞 (sāi) stop up, block, seal, cork; pass, frontier; fortress 傽: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 閿: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 受 (shòu) receive, accept, get; bear, stand 䑊: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 遺 (yí) lose; articles lost; omit 㣍: 台 (tái) platform; unit; term of address / 彡 (shān) hair; KangXi radical 59 饌: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 総: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 忩 (cōng) same as 怱 U+6031, hastily, in haste, hurriedly 慜: 敏 (mǐn) fast, quick, clever, smart / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䗟: 殹 (yì) an echo / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 髡: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 兀 (wù) to cut off the feet 㑪: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 斉 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 䥬: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 蹮: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 拱: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 兼: 䒑 (cǎo) (non-classical form of 艸) grass; straw; herbs; weeds / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / ⺕ 㗿: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 閜 (xiǎ) 陾: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 䰅: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 脇: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor 㦌: 毳 (cuì) fine hair or fur on animals / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 纎: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 韯 (xiān) wild onions or leeks 吕: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 椗: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 䚞: 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 鮠: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 㰥: 世 (shì) generation; world; era / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 焧: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 忩 (cōng) same as 怱 U+6031, hastily, in haste, hurriedly ⺮: 竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 掰: 龵 / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. / 手 (shǒu) hand 夷: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 鸹: 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 㚾: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 兄 (xiōng) elder brother 䯀: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 聶 (niè) whisper; surname 裂: 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify / 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin 晉: 二 (èr) two; twice / 厸 (lín) / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 叐: 千 (qiān) thousand; many, numerous; very; (Cant.) a cheater, swindler / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 郒: 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 乙: 乙 (yǐ) second; 2nd heavenly stem 荛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 㯠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 磢: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 爽 (shuǎng) happy, cheerful; refreshing 噩: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 㗊 (jí) public opinion; clamour; noise, (ancient form of 雷); thunder, an organic compound (porphin); (porphyrins) 歫: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 䃲: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 盤 (pán) tray, plate, dish; examine 藴: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 緼 (yùn) variant of 縕 U+7E15, tangled hemp, raveled silk; vague, confused 㹹: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 庚 (gēng) 7th heavenly stem 獻: 鬳 (yàn) / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 趁: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 樄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 陳 (chén) exhibit, display; plead; surname 䚇: 省 (shěng) province; save, economize / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 閑: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 爔: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 羲 (xī) ancient emperor; breath, vapor ⺗: ㇚ / ⺍|小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant 脞: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 坐 (zuò) sit; seat; ride, travel by 綡: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 京 (jīng) capital city 娤: 壯 (zhuàng) big, large; robust; name of tribe / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 㚧: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 貫: 毌 (guàn) old form of 貫; component in 贯,貫,實, etc.; not to be confused with 毋 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 椮: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 参 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 䖱: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 匡 (kuāng) correct, restore, revise 钻: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 焾: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 聈: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 糋: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 奎: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 㗑: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 拜 (bài) do obeisance, bow, kowtow 桘: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 䓛: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 屈 (qū) bend, flex; bent, crooked; crouch 鯥: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 坴 (lù) a clod of earth; land 灨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 贛 (gàn) Jiangxi province; places therein 蝲: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 揵: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 建 (jiàn) build, establish, erect, found 塸: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 區 (qū) area, district, region, ward; surname 㓻: 罡 (gāng) the name of a certain stars; the god who is supposed to live in them / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 蠃: 吂 (máng) / 䏎 (féng) milk; breasts, the young of animals, birds / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 澂: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 䄉: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 逓: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 乕 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 瞒: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 两 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 蚜: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 砣: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 它 (tā) it; other 徢: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 疌 (jié) 輭: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 溬: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 羗 (qiāng) tribes in West China; strong; educated; obstinate; a particle 䀳: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale 霽: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 皼: 壹 (yī) number one / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 藆: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 搴 (qiān) extract; seize; pluck up 罍: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 缶 (fǒu) earthen crock or jar; rad. 121 廌: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 蹗: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 淖: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 䝝: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 奇 (qí) strange, unusual, uncanny, occult 陧: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 圼 (niè) 痦: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 蓰: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 徙 (xǐ) move one's abode, shift, migrate 繷: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 巶: 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 㝽: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 洀: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 䦃: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 著 (zhe) manifest; (Cant.) to wear 誅: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname 㠎: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 集 (jí) assemble, collect together 甐: 粦 (lín) phosphorus / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 冓: 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit / 再 (zài) again, twice, re- 銕: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 崠: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 東 (dōng) east, eastern, eastward 㦣: 衛 (wèi) guard, protect, defend / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鸢: 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 窥: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 规 (guī) rules, regulations, customs, law 昲: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 弗 (fú) not, negative 䊵: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 九 (jiǔ) nine 龷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 乂: ㇒ 譄: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 曾 (céng) already; sign of past 柇: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant 噒: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 鍔: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 俗: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 裙: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 君 (jūn) sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince 㹢: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 筤: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 良 (liáng) good, virtuous, respectable 埧: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write 郩: 肴 (yáo) cooked or prepared meat / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 䍴: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 委 (wěi) appoint, send, commission 㿷: 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 鱶: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 養 (yǎng) raise, rear, bring up; support 磹: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 覃 (tán) reach to, spread to; extensive 撆: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 手 (shǒu) hand 帍: 户 (hù) door; family / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 鬏: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 䲖: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / ㇆ / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 吋 (cùn) English inch (unlike U+5BF8 寸, which can be either the English or the Chinese inch) 覘: 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 挟: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 夹 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 咦: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 夷 (yí) ancient barbarian tribes 醨: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 离 (lí) rare beast; strange; elegant 䬯: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 萱: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 㲶: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 鹵 (lǔ) saline soil; natural salt, rock 禸: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 匿: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar 汁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 䇈: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 圣 (shèng) holy, sacred 苊: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 厄 (è) adversity, difficulty, distress 㭏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 瑑: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 彖 (tuàn) a hog; a hedgehog; a porcupine 櫚: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 閭 (lǘ) village of twenty-five families 屡: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 娄 (lóu) surname; a constellation; to wear 饣: ⺈|刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 狪: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 迬: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 主 (zhǔ) master, chief owner; host; lord 慳: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 堅 (jiān) hard, strong, firm; resolute 嫺: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 韼: 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation / 逢 (féng) come upon, happen meet; flatter 莉: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit 簌: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 欶 (shuò) to suck in 墏: 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 㔒: 崔 (cuī) high, lofty, towering; surname / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 輖: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 殙: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 昏 (hūn) dusk, nightfall, twilight, dark 䐜: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 真 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine 霦: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 彬 (bīn) cultivated, well-bred 玩: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 元 (yuán) first; dollar; origin; head 芳: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 缶: 午 (wǔ) noon; 7th terrestrial branch / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 容: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 㐼: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 升 (shēng) arise, go up; hoist; advance 蹀: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 枼 (yè) a table, flat pieces of wood, a slip, a leaf 櫃: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 䝆: 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 限: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 狓: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 藝: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 埶 (yì) art / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 繠: 惢 (suǒ) / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 嫣: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 焉 (yān) thereupon, then; how? why? where? 㝦: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 隽 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 淭: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 㦿 (qiǎn) a window, a small door, (ancient form 戶) a door, a household 䙰: 褵 (lí) bridal veil / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 饺: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 痽: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 企: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain ⺀: 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 鸋: 寧 (níng) repose, serenity, peace; peaceful / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 憊: 備 (bèi) prepare, ready, perfect / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 圑: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 㚐: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 昛: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 䦚: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 舌 (shé) tongue; clapper of bell; KangXi radical 135 㼡: 朱 (zhū) cinnabar, vermilion; surname / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 颤: 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth / 页 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 丫: 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 冪: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 幕 (mù) curtain, screen, tent 脵: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 吴 (wú) name of warring state; surname 悴: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 嘻: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 喜 (xǐ) like, love, enjoy; joyful thing 㦺: 辱 (rǔ) humiliate, insult, abuse / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 楅: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 䣄: 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㹋: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 / 修 (xiū) study; repair; cultivate 鯎: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 煕: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / ㇉ / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 僔: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 聟: 知 (zhī) know, perceive, comprehend / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 揞: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 奥: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 㣤: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 桯: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 䯮: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely 髸: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 灿: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 叾: 了 (le) to finish; particle of completed action / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 挈: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 手 (shǒu) hand 律: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 聿 (yù) writing brush, pencil; thereupon 鲍: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 䬘: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 蠚: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 右 (yòu) right; west; right-wing / 䖵 (kūn) insects 撝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 爲 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 匨: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 壯 (zhuàng) big, large; robust; name of tribe 逪: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 䲭: 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 覯: 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 㬸: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 花 (huā) flower; blossoms 砺: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 厉 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 咽: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 因 (yīn) cause, reason; by; because (of) 醿: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 縻 (mí) halter for ox; tie up, harness 䁊: 䀠 (jù) a Chinese family name, the timid look of a bird; (of birds) to look around, nervous (same as 瞿) shocked or scared / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 㳍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 布 (bù) cotton cloth, textiles, linen 鵌: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 余 (yú) I, my, me; surname; surplus 秏: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 敜: 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䇟: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 黡: 厌 (yàn) dislike, detest, reject; satiate / 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister 䵬: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 詮: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 全 (quán) maintain, keep whole or intact 曱: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 啼: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 鉾: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 牟 (móu) make; seek, get; barley; low 䠅: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 囷 (qūn) round-shaped storage bin for grain 蔇: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 既 (jì) already; de facto; since; then 㶌: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 聯 (lián) connect, join; associate, ally 窎: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 倕: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down 洗: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 先 (xiān) first, former, previous 䊞: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 六 (liù) number six / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 龠: 亼 (jí) to assemble. to gather together / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 㠥: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 壘 (lěi) rampart, military wall 甧: 甡 (shēn) abundant, numerous; crowd / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 枰: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 平 (píng) flat, level, even; peaceful 崷: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 酋 (qiú) chief of tribe, chieftain 騹: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few 俀: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 賂: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 扉: 户 (hù) door; family / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 埐: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 铒: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 䩙: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 蝛: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 威 (wēi) pomp, power; powerful; dominate 㿠: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only 糢: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 剩: 乘 (chéng) ride, ascend; avail oneself of; numerary adjunct for vehicles / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 潫: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 絭 (juàn) 䓲: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 侻 (tuì) 致: 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 㩹: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 睻: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 醁: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 录 (lù) copy, write down, record 瘄: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 昔 (xī) formerly; ancient; in beginning 媇: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 亲 (qīn) relatives, parents; intimate the hazel nut or filbert tree a thorny tree 㼊: 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 覑: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 渔: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 鴞: 号 (hào) mark, sign; symbol; number / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 憡: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 策 (cè) scheme, plan; to whip; urge 䘤: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique 邫: 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 甮: 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use 妱: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 㸴: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 袻: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 而 (ér) and; and then; and yet; but 派: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 ㇁: 鱈: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 雪 (xuě) snow; wipe away shame, avenge 惋: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 䕎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 瑘: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 耶 (yé) used in transliteration 壛: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 閻 (yán) village gate; surname 㵞: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 愁 (chóu) anxiety; to worry about, be anxious 蟥: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname 汨: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 魲: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 户 (hù) door; family 翵: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 䑸: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 鐃: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 堯 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 玂: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 蘄 (qí) variety of artemisia seek 崉: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 沓 (dá) connected, joined; repeated 㲈: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 谓: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 殒: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 员 (yuán) member; personnel, staff member 㔙: 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 骜: 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname / 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 搣: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 烕 (miè) to destroy; to exterminate to extinguish 䎢: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 錭: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 犬: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 尳: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework 㮲: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 謽: 强 (qiáng) strong, powerful, energetic / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 檼: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 㑃: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 幼 (yòu) infant, young child; immature 駆: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 捍: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 䋌: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 巨 (jù) large, great, enormous; chief 鉗: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 甘 (gān) sweetness; sweet, tasty 燖: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 尋 (xún) seek, search, look for; ancient 孝: ⺹ / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 㫜: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 詧: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 槦: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 飰: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 卞 (biàn) to be impatient, in a hurry; excitable 扷: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 䇶: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 角 (jiǎo) horn; angle, corner; point 焀: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 喃: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 南 (nán) south; southern part; southward 隅: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang 椐: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 居 (jū) live, dwell, reside, sit 䶓: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 齊 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length 躕: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 廚 (chú) kitchen; closet; cupboard 䄠: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 亶 (dǎn) sincere; real, true; truth 舢: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 暥: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 晏 (yàn) peaceful, quiet; clear; late in the day 㤰: 作 (zuò) make; work; compose, write; act, perform / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 稲: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 旧 (jiù) old, ancient; former, past 庵: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 获: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 犾 (yín) 剂: 齐 (qí) even, uniform, of equal length / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㛅: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 靄: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 謁 (yè) visit, pay respects to 篇: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 扁 (biǎn) flat; tablet, signboard 䩒: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname ⻕: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 轔: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 粦 (lín) phosphorus 受: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 铙: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 尧 (yáo) a legendary ancient emperor-sage 杤: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 万 (wàn) ten thousand; innumerable 䯧: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 賩: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 宗 (zōng) lineage, ancestry; ancestor, clan 彴: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 聶: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 擹: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 歎 (tàn) sigh, admire 㞄: 尢 (yóu) weak; KangXi radical 43 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 碆: 波 (bō) waves, breakers; undulations / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 䈍: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 盲 (máng) blind; unperceptive, shortsighted 蜏: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 傖: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 倉 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 閘: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 㨝: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 屑 (xiè) bits, scraps, crumbs, fragments 缟: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 高 (gāo) high, tall; lofty, elevated 䢦: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 率 (lǜ) to lead; ratio; rate; limit 趨: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 芻 (chú) mow, cut grass; hay, fodder 圯: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 巳 (sì) the hours from 9 to 11; 6th terrestrial branch 頱: 寽 (lǜ) a handful; a pinch / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 斸: 屬 (shǔ) class, category, type; to belong to / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 伿: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 只 (zhǐ) only, just, simply 灁: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 闎 (quan) 巈: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 鞠 (jū) bow, bend; rear, raise, nourish 黊: 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname / 圭 (guī) jade pointed at top 桑: 叒 (ruò) obedient; united / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㗘: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 盚: 求 (qiú) seek; demand, request; beseech / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 䁡: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 閃 (shǎn) flash; avoid, dodge, evade 蕣: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 舜 (shùn) legendary ruler 滪: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 预 (yù) prepare, arrange; in advance 鏬: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 虖 (hū) to cry; to shout; to howl 㡱: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 久 (jiǔ) long time (ago); time passage, grow late 絳: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 夅 (jiàng) to descend; to come down from heaven. to send down 䛺: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 界 (jiè) boundary, limit; domain; society; the world 诼: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 豖 (chù) a shackled pig 龉: 齿 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; simplified form of the KangXi radical number 211 / 吾 (wú) i, my, our; resist, impede 怌: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 丕 (pī) great, grand, glorious, distinguished 䒏: 曾 (céng) already; sign of past / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 錖: 叔 (shū) father's younger brother / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 瞙: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 堜: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 柬 (jiǎn) letter, invitation; choose 㲟: 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English / 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse 謦: 殸 (qìng) stone chimes / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 澩: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice 麳: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 挶: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 局 (jú) bureau, office; circumstance 䞹: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 皇 (huáng) royal, imperial; ruler, superior 鉀: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 盃: 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 孆: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 嬰 (yīng) baby, infant; bother 㿉: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 詐: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 滓: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 宰 (zǎi) to slaughter; to rule 駝: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 它 (tā) it; other 扠: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 䛣: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 甹 (pīng) 燭: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 蜀 (shǔ) name of an ancient state 婰: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 典 (diǎn) law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture 㻳: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 莉 (lì) white jasmine 蕺: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 戢 (jí) to put away; to cease; store up 槽: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 匁: 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇒ / ㇏ 舋: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 綊: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 夾 (jiā) be wedged or inserted between 䬑: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 稛: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 囷 (qūn) round-shaped storage bin for grain 喚: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 奐 (huàn) be numerous, brilliant 蒤: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 涂 (tú) surname; name of certain rivers 别: 另 (lìng) another, separate, other / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䶪: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 截 (jié) cut off, stop, obstruct, intersect 鴵: 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 粴: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 䨻: 雷 (léi) thunder 畅: 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch / ㇎ / ㇒ 哄: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share 蟎: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 廿 (niàn) twenty, twentieth / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join 浕: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尽 (jǐn) exhaust, use up; deplete 䳔: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 鱟: 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 爻 (yáo) diagrams for divination / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 翞: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 京 (jīng) capital city 䕥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 㸚 (lǐ) scattered or dispersed and clear, to stop, to detain, a connection, lineage 瑯: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 郎 (láng) gentleman, young man; husband 埮: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 㵵: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 聚 (jù) assemble, meet together, collect 蛸: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 汿: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 予 (yǔ) I, me; to give 俾: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 㨆: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 缈: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 眇 (miǎo) blind in one eye; minute, minuscule 䎋: 告 (gào) tell, announce, inform; accuse / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 肍: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 九 (jiǔ) nine 團: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 㮛: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 鐚: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 惡 (è) evil, wicked, bad, foul 碝: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 耎 (ruǎn) weak, pliable, soft, yielding 伨: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 匀 (yún) equal 谪: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 啇 (dì) to stalk; the stem; the foot; the base 傭: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 閯: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 沙 (shā) sand, gravel, pebbles; granulated 携: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 隽 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 䢽: 共 (gòng) together with, all, total; to share / 邑 (yì) area, district, city, state 趿: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 届: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 腌: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 族: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear 㑚: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 那 (nà) that, that one, those 祜: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 古 (gǔ) old, classic, ancient 巟: 亡 (wáng) death, destroyed; lose, perish / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 苡: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 以 (yǐ) by means of; thereby, therefore; consider as; in order to 公: 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 㗯: 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who / 叱 (chì) scold, shout at, bawl out 陮: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 竱: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 專 (zhuān) monopolize, take sole possession 䥼: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never 蹾: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 敦 (dūn) esteem; honest, candid, sincere 吅: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 餇: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 暎: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 英 (yīng) petal, flower, leaf; brave, a hero; England, English 䰕: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 焗: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 局 (jú) bureau, office; circumstance 庞: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 莠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 椧: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 命 (mìng) life; destiny, fate, luck; an order, instruction 㚮: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 几 (jǐ) small table 箰: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 㝁 (xuān) (same as 嬛) lonely; solitary, exquisite; fine, to worship with reverence 䄷: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 蘹: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 懷 (huái) bosom, breast; carry in bosom ⺾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 叀: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 郂: 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 㥇: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 繉: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 眺 (tiào) look at, gaze at, scan, survey 䯐: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 肉 (ròu) flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130 裒: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 噙: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 禽 (qín) birds, fowl; surname;; capture 魛: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 刀 (dāo) knife; old coin; measure 惢: 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 乩: 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 獫: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 売: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 鷴: 閑 (xián) fence, barrier; defend; idle time / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 死: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 閁: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 爄: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 厲 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 庇: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 比 (bǐ) to compare, liken; comparison; than 㬊: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 爰 (yuán) lead on to; therefore, then 趑: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 次 (cì) order, sequence; next 樔: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 巢 (cháo) nest, living quarter in tree 㚗: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 餞: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 戔 (jiān) small, narrow, tiny, little 斡: 龺 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 䈤: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 柑 (gān) tangerine, loose-skinned orange ⺧: 牛 (niú) cow, ox, bull; KangXi radical93 钫: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local 焮: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 欣 (xīn) happy, joyous, delighted 嶱: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 葛 (gé) edible bean; surname 㨴: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 乞 (qǐ) beg; request 費: 弗 (fú) not, negative / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 椾: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 前 (qián) in front, forward; preceding 㗁: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 咢 (è) sound; drumming 顈: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 擋: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 當 (dāng) bear, accept, undertake; just 䅎: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 秀 (xiù) ear of grain; flowering, luxuriant; refined, elegant, graceful 灘: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 難 (nán) difficult, arduous, hard; unable 峛: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify 㥞: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 菥: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 析 (xī) split wood; break apart; divide 桨: 丬 (qiáng) half of tree trunk; rad. no. 90 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 㓫: 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 开 (kāi) open; initiate, begin, start / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 齲: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 篵: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 䁸: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 逃: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 瞂: 盾 (dùn) shield; dutch guilder; Indonesia / 犮 (bá) to pull up 変: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 㢈: 广 (guǎng) wide, extensive, broad; rad. 53 / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 蠓: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 澒: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 項 (xiàng) neck, nape of neck; sum; funds 麜: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 栗 (lì) chestnut tree, chestnuts; surname 怣: 失 (shī) lose; make mistake, neglect / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䞢: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 乍 (zhà) first time, for the first time 霭: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 谒 (yè) visit, pay respects 皬: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 霍 (huò) quickly, suddenly; surname 堳: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 眉 (méi) eyebrows; upper margin of book 㾲: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 敖 (áo) ramble, play about; leisurely; surname 輽: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 畚 (běn) straw basket, hamper 溼: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 鷆: 眞 (zhēn) real, actual, true, genuine / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 杍: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 子 (zi) offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch 䛌: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 陗: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 肖 (xiào) look like, resemble, be like 痖: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 亚 (yà) Asia; second 彝: 彑 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 㻜: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 蹧: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 曹 (cáo) ministry officials; surname 淦: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 㝭: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 惺 (xīng) intelligent, clever, astute 鳰: 入 (rù) enter, come in(to), join / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 晷: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 咎 (jiù) fault, defect; error, mistake 䗶: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 甀: 垂 (chuí) let down; suspend, hand; down / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 冃: 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 二 (èr) two; twice 銅: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 同 (tóng) same, similar; together with 洐: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate 䦓: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 占 (zhàn) divine; observe; versify 誕: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 䔠: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 梢 (shāo) pointed tip of something long like a branch; rudder 蘢: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 报: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 㴰: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 能 (néng) to be able; can, permitted to; ability 縲: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 累 (lèi) tired; implicate, involve; bother 媵: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 龹 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 螷: 庳 (bì) a low-built house / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 噂: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 尊 (zūn) respect, revere, venerate; honor 鍄: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 京 (jīng) capital city 翇: 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 / 犮 (bá) to pull up 乒: 丘 (qiū) hill; elder; empty; a name / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 譔: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 巽 (xùn) 5th of the 8 trigrams; south-east; mild, modest, obedient 埗: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 步 (bù) step, pace; walk, stroll 郙: 甫 (fǔ) begin; man, father; great; a distance of ten li / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 捤: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 手 (shǒu) hand 俧: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 志 (zhì) purpose, will, determination; annals 裩: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 孴: 孨 (zhuǎn) / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 葶: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 亭 (tíng) pavilion; erect 惹: 若 (ruò) if, supposing, assuming; similar / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 粆: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 䘍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 禺 (yú) district; mountain in Zhejiang / 䖵 (kūn) insects 茏: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 龙 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor 咖: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 加 (jiā) add to, increase, augment 醘: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 盍 (hé) what? why not? 㸝: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 笟: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 瓜 (guā) melon, gourd, cucumber; rad. 97 䲦: 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 覨: 咢 (è) sound; drumming / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 匯: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 淮 (huái) river in Anhui province 鰱: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 連 (lián) join, connect; continuous; even 憸: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 䬿: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 尾 (wěi) tail, extremity; end, stern 瑁: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 冒 (mào) risk, brave, dare 姈: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 髊: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 汑: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 乇 (tuō) to depend on, to entrust with ㇘: ㇗ 狚: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 䑡: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 叉 (chā) crotch; fork, prong 腣: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god 櫪: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 韬: 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 / 舀 (yǎo) dip, ladle; ladle 㱱: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 祳: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch 䋺: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 秋 (qiū) autumn, fall; year 迼: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 㔂: 粦 (lín) phosphorus / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 鮉: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 搌: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 展 (zhǎn) open, unfold; stretch, extend 䂏: 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 召 (zhào) imperial decree; summon 霖: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 林 (lín) forest, grove; surname 玙: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 与 (yǔ) and; with; to; for; give, grant 尜: 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 夵 (yǎn) 㢟: 廴 (yǐn) go; KangXi radical 54 / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 輦: 㚘 (bàn) (interchangeable 伴) a partner; a companion, (same as 赫) bright; luminous, glorious (same as 扶) to support; to prop up; to help / 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart 殩: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 粲 (càn) polish; bright, radiant; smiling 㐬: 亠 (tóu) head; KangXi radical 8 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 骳: 骨 (gǔ) bone; skeleton; frame, framework / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 朶: 乃 (nǎi) then; really, indeed; as it turned out, after all; namely / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden 䎹: 釆 (biàn) distinguish; KangXi radical 165 / 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle 陀: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 它 (tā) it; other 狃: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 彆: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 㯉: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 蹐: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 脊 (jí) spine, backbone; ridge 櫓: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 魯 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 㝖: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 鷝: 畢 (bì) end, finish, conclude; completed / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 晠: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 成 (chéng) completed, finished, fixed 䋣: 每 (měi) every, each / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 痭: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 朋 (péng) friend, pal, acquaintance 幰: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 憲 (xiàn) constitution, statute, law 㫳: 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 腺: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 泉 (quán) spring, fountain; wealth, money 淽: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 芷 (zhǐ) angelica, type of iris 圁: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say 㚀: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 七 (qī) seven / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 蘋: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 頻 (pín) frequently, again and again 禊: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 契 (qì) deed, contract, bond; engrave 休: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden ⺐: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute 縛: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 冚: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak 肤: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 嘫: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 然 (rán) yes, certainly; pledge, promise 䦪: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 餵: 飠 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 碴: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 查 (chá) investigate, examine, seek into 主: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 煅: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 段 (duàn) section, piece, division 僄: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 票 (piào) slip of paper or bamboo; ticket 菎: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 昆 (kūn) elder brother; descendants 楕: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 左 (zuǒ) left; east; unorthodox, improper / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 䣔: 小 (xiǎo) small, tiny, insignificant / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 顟: 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 篞: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 涅 (niè) blacken; black mud, slime; tatto 䅥: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 曷 (hé) why? what? where? 灯: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 叮: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 㥵: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 苸: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 乎 (hū) interrogative or exclamatory final particle 桿: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 旱 (hàn) drought; dry; dry land 䯾: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 㸆: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 靠 (kào) lean on, trust, depend on; near 笈: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and 䞋: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 親 (qīn) relatives, parents; intimate 蒍: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 為 (wèi) do, handle, govern, act; be 匘: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 巛 (chuān) river; KangXi radical 47 / 囟 (xìn) top of the head; skull 㾛: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 通: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 粝: 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice / 厉 (lì) whetstone; grind, sharpen; whet 䬨: 食 (shí) eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 / 勼 (jiū) 蠪: 龍 (lóng) dragon; symbolic of emperor / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 咭: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good 醯: 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel / 㐬 (liú) (same as U+65D2 旒, a corrupted form of U+8352 荒) a cup with pendants, a pennant, wild, barren, uncultivated / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 怺: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 永 (yǒng) long, perpetual, eternal, forever 䲽: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 覿: 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 塊: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 蕌: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 晶 (jīng) crystal; clear, bright; radiant 懏: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 雋 (juàn) superior, outstanding, talented 絜: 㓞 (qià) to engrave, (interchangeable with U+5951 契) a written contract or agreement / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 姟: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 蛡: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 啬: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 丷 (ha) kwukyel / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 鉮: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 申 (shēn) to state to a superior, report; extend; 9th terrestrial branch 绱: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 尚 (shàng) still, yet; even; fairly, rather 䵼: 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general / 鼎 (dǐng) large, three-legged bronze caldron 詾: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 匈 (xiōng) breast, chest, thorax; clamor; the Hsiung Nu 'Huns' 倅: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 卒 (zú) soldier; servant; at last, finally 鴇: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 抎: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 云 (yún) say, speak; clouds 䠕: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 柴 (chái) firewood, faggots, fuel 甗: 鬳 (yàn) / 瓦 (wǎ) tile; earthenware pottery; girl 媞: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 螠: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 益 (yì) profit, benefit; advantage 洧: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 有 (yǒu) have, own, possess; exist 羰: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 炭 (tàn) charcoal; coal; carbon 䔷: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 琴 (qín) Chinese lute or guitar 船: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 几 (jǐ) small table / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 埀: 乖 (guāi) rebel; crafty, shrewd / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 铂: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 㵇: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 甜 (tián) sweet, sweetness 穉: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 犀 (xī) rhinoceros; sharp, well-tempered 俐: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit 賒: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 佘 (shé) surname 剙: 并 (bìng) combine, annex; also, what's more / 刅 (chuāng) to create, to make to invent; to begin 齛: 齒 (chǐ) teeth; gears, cogs; age; KangXi radical 211 / 世 (shì) generation; world; era 擢: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 翟 (dí) surname; a kind of pheasant; plumes 䩩: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 宛 (wǎn) seem, as if, crooked 睫: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 疌 (jié) 峲: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 利 (lì) gains, advantage, profit, merit 駴: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 潻: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 氺 (shui) 馁: 饣 (shí) eat, food; radical number 184 / 妥 (tuǒ) satisfactory, appropriate 縄: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 电 (diàn) electricity; electric; lightning 劇: 豦 (jù) a wild boar; to fight / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㜊: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 展 (zhǎn) open, unfold; stretch, extend 膑: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 宾 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 昔: 龷 / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㪗: 咅 (pǒu) to spit out / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 锞: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 果 (guǒ) fruit; result 榡: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 素 (sù) white (silk); plain; vegetarian; formerly; normally 两: 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 从 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 颫: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 紮: 札 (zhá) letter, note; correspondence / 糸 (mì) silk; KangXi radical 120 冱: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 互 (hù) mutually, reciprocally 㘴: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 㕥 (shēn) 肻: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 放: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 㧁: 户 (hù) door; family / 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart 鑈: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 爾 (ěr) you; that, those; final particle 棋: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 其 (qí) his, her, its, their; that 䵎: 黄 (huáng) yellow; surname / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 籘: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 縢 (téng) bind, tie up, restrain; cord 僛: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 欺 (qī) cheat, double-cross, deceive 㕞: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 迥: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 摨: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 犀 (xī) rhinoceros; sharp, well-tempered 㣫: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 重 (zhòng) heavy, weighty; double 鍲: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 昬 (hūn) dusk, dark confused; stupid 矵: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 䱸: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 鰃: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 箂: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 來 (lái) come, coming; return, returning 唉: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 矣 (yǐ) particle of completed action 㒈: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 萓: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 宜 (yí) suitable, right, fitting, proper 排: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 非 (fēi) not, negative, non-; oppose 㴙: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 銜: 行 (xíng) go; walk; move, travel; circulate / 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money 氣: 气 (qì) steam, vapor; KangXi radical 84 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 䮢: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 臿 (chā) to separate the grain from the husk 鬭: 鬥 (dòu) struggle, fight, compete, contend / 斲 (zhuó) cut, chop, hack 窬: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 俞 (yú) surname; consent, approve 吳: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / ㇉ / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 茽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 仲 (zhòng) middle brother; go between, mediator; surname 押: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 甲 (jiǎ) armor, shell; fingernails; 1st heavenly stem 㱃: 酓 (yǎn) / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 釆: ㇒ / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 歍: 烏 (wū) crow, rook, raven; black, dark / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 䫌: 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 驗: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 秖: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 氏 (shì) clan, family; mister 卝: ⺊|卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 艧: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 蒦 (huò) to measure; to calculate 懦: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 需 (xū) need, require, must 㭭: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 别 (bié) separate, other; do not 郰: 耳 (ěr) ear; merely, only; handle / 邓 (dèng) surname 橷: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 兠 (dōu) 䧶: 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 / 六 (liù) number six 礀: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 閒 (xián) liesure; idle; peaceful, tranquil, calm 嶃: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 斬 (zhǎn) cut, chop, sever; behead 麅: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 愐: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 面 (miàn) face; surface; plane; side, dimension 䖓: 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce / 虎 (hǔ) tiger; brave, fierce; surname 蚕: 天 (tiān) sky, heaven; god, celestial / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 䤠: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain 訢: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 斤 (jīn) a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69 溥: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 尃 (fū) to state to, to announce 爲: ⺤|爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / ㇆ / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 嚵: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 毚 (chán) cunning; greedy; crafty 讷: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 内 (nèi) inside 婂: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 帛 (bó) silks, fabrics; wealth, property 㻅: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 会 (huì) assemble, meet together; meeting 齄: 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 / 查 (chá) investigate, examine, seek into 珇: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 且 (qiě) moreover, also (post-subject); about to, will soon (pre-verb) 䉒: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 番 (fān) to take turns; a turn, a time; to repeat 蝔: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 寗: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 必 (bì) surely, most certainly; must / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 鳙: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 庸 (yōng) usual, common, ordinary, mediocre 潤: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 閏 (rùn) intercalary; extra, surplus 䏧: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 多 (duō) much, many; more than, over 蓩: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 務 (wù) affairs, business; must, should 坴: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 衶: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 泹: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 旦 (dàn) dawn; morning; day 㾄: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 炆: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 文 (wén) literature, culture, writing 䨍: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 井 (jǐng) well, mine shaft, pit 輏: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 酉 (yǒu) 10th terrestrial branch; a wine vessel 墖: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 畣 (dá) 鶘: 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 真: 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 具 (jù) tool, implement; draw up, write 䂦: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 㐱 (zhěn) (same as 鬒) bushy, black hair 薨: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 死 (sǐ) die; dead; death 弯: 亦 (yì) also, too; likewise / 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 週: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 涸: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 固 (gù) to become solid, solidify; strength 䜿: 臣 (chén) minister, statesman, official / 丿 (piě) line; KangXi radical 4 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone / 豆 (dòu) beans, peas; bean-shaped 硁: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 龴 / 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer 嗈: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 邕 (yōng) former or literary name for Nanning (in Guangxi) 雊: 句 (jù) sentence / 隹 (zhuī) bird; KangXi radical 172 恑: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 危 (wēi) dangerous, precarious; high 㷘: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 枲 (xǐ) male nettle-hemp 绚: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time 䡡: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 皆 (jiē) all, every, everybody 赣: 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 贡 (gòng) offer tribute; tribute, gifts 曪: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羅 (luó) net for catching birds; gauze 鯬: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / ㇒ / 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 畳: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 冝 (yí) suitable, right, fitting, proper 仺: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 菼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 炎 (yán) flame, blaze; hot 㤂: 及 (jí) extend; reach; come up to; and / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 鞉: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 兆 (zhào) omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion 栌: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 卢 (lú) cottage, hut; surname; black 䲏: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 勞 (láo) labor, toil, do manual work 鬖: 髟 (biāo) hair; KangXi radical 190 / 參 (cān) take part in, intervene; ginseng 羙: 羊 (yáng) sheep, goat; KangXi radical 123 / 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage 倜: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 周 (zhōu) Zhou dynasty; circumference 㒟: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 褭 (niǎo) 茦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 朿 (cì) stab 枩: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 公 (gōng) fair, equitable; public; duke 㠬: 工 (gōng) labor, work; worker, laborer / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 夫 (fū) man, male adult, husband; those 隳: 隋 (suí) Sui dynasty; surname / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 㣺 (variant of 心) the heart, the moral nature, the mind, the affections, intention, the radical on left side of the character 欶: 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 侹: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 廷 (tíng) court 驀: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 旲 (tái) / 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 练: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 七 (qī) seven / ㇆ / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 卆: 九 (jiǔ) nine / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 㟉: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 牢 (láo) prison; stable, pen; secure 艐: 舟 (zhōu) boat, ship; KangXi radical 137 / 凶 (xiōng) culprit; murder; bad, sad / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 曓: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce / 㚐 (tào) (same as 套) a case; a wrapper; a covering; a snare, to encase; to slip over / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 㭖: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 代 (dài) replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation 針: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect 橠: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 袲 (chǐ) 代: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 秭: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / ㇒ / ㇉ / ㇒ / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 剰: 乗 (chéng) ride, ascend; avail oneself of; numerary adjunct for vehicles / 刂 (dāo) knife; radical number 18 㛳: 帝 (dì) supreme ruler, emperor; god / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 赺: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 懽: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 雚 (guàn) a heron; small cup 嬁: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 登 (dēng) rise, mount, board, climb 㪀: 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 訋: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 勺 (sháo) spoon, ladle; unit of volume 疊: 畾 (léi) fields divided by dikes / 冝 (yí) suitable, right, fitting, proper 䌑: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 堅 (jiān) hard, strong, firm; resolute 爛: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 闌 (lán) door screen; railing fence 嶚: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 貤: 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 也 (yě) also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity 娫: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 延 (yán) delay, postpone, defer 䖪: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 锵: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 将 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general 璴: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 楚 (chǔ) name of feudal state; clear 䈻: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 脯 (pú) dried meat; preserved fruits 絅: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 冋 (jiōng) a desert, a border 峄: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 二 (èr) two; twice / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 迎: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 卬 (áng) lofty; high; raise; high-priced 敕: 束 (shù) bind, control, restrain; bale / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 䓔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 孝 (xiào) filial piety, obedience; mourning 鑟: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 矞: 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 / 冏 (jiǒng) (archaic form of U+70AF 炯) light, bright 䵥: 黑 (hēi) black; dark; evil, sinister / 色 (sè) color, tint, hue, shade; form, body; beauty, desire for beauty 籯: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 贏 (yíng) win; surplus, gain, profit 忮: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 支 (zhī) disperse, pay; support; branch 㕵: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname 軸: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 由 (yóu) cause, reason; from 摿: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 音 (yīn) sound, tone, pitch, pronunciation 䟾: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 叕 (zhuó) to connect 眈: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 冘 (yín) to move on; coubtful 䮋: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify 袍: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 包 (bāo) wrap, pack, bundle; package 弘: 弓 (gōng) bow; curved, arched; KangXi radical number 57 / 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 鰚: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 宣 (xuān) declare, announce, proclaim 炝: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 仓 (cāng) granary; berth; sea 䜨: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 患 (huàn) suffer, worry about; suffering 萪: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 科 (kē) section, department, science 墭: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 盛 (shèng) abundant, flourishing; contain; fill 鶯: 炏 (kài) / 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 氺: ㇚ / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 䂽: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 薿: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 疑 (yí) doubt, question, suspect 告: ⺧ / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 襌: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 淏: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 昊 (hào) summer time; sky; heaven 㱚: 歹 (dǎi) bad, vicious, depraved, wicked / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 煜: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 昱 (yù) bright light, sunlight; dazzling 嗟: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 差 (chà) to differ; different, wrong; nearly, almost; an officer 諡: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 㿽 (xī) a small bowl; a small basin 奬: 將 (jiāng) will, going to, future; general / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 㷯: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 孔 (kǒng) opening, hole, orifice; great / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 鹮: 睘 (qióng) round; stare / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 狱: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 犬 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 䅼: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 曼 (màn) long, extended, vast; beautiful 虾: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 下 (xià) under, underneath, below; down; inferior; bring down 尅: 克 (kè) gram; overcome; transliteration / 寸 (cùn) inch; small, tiny; KangXi radical 41 鄇: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 矢 (shǐ) arrow, dart; vow, swear / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 溎: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 桂 (guì) cassia or cinnamon 䐕: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 咠 (qì) to whisper. to blame to slander 礗: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 賓 (bīn) guest, visitor; surname; submit 嚞: 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good / 喆 (zhé) a sage; wise; sagacious 讠: ㇊ / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 愧: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 㺮: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 现: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 见 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 䤷: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 妟 (yàn) 踹: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 耑 (duān) specialized; concentrated 寀: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 采 (cǎi) collect, gather; pick, pluck 飂: 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 癉: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 䏐: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 夬 (guài) parted; fork; certain 胒: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 尼 (ní) Buddhist nun; transliteration 幙: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative 鍛: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 段 (duàn) section, piece, division 棢: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 罔 (wǎng) net; deceive; libel; negative 䙩: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 筫: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 貝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 僲: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 覀 (xī) variant of radical 146 / 舛 (chuǎn) oppose, deviate, be contrary to 间: 门 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 捻: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 念 (niàn) think of, recall, study 鶁: 京 (jīng) capital city / 鳥 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 稄: 禾 (hé) grain still on stalk; rice plant / 夋 (qūn) to dawdle; the emperor Yao's father 嚇: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 赫 (hè) bright, radiant, glowing 薑: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 畺 (jiāng) boundary, border 戔: 戈 (gē) halberd, spear, lance; rad. 62 㺗: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 單 (dān) single, individual, only; lone 鄞: 堇 (jǐn) yellow loam; clay; season; few / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 涡: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 呙 (guō) chat, jaw, gossip, talk; mouth 䨤: 雨 (yǔ) rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173 / 迪 (dí) enlighten, advance; progress 鲫: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 即 (jí) promptly, quickly, immediately 礮: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 駮 (bó) a kind of fierce animal; join; argue; transfer; piebald horse, variegated 喱: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 厘 (lí) thousandth part of tael 蒻: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 弱 (ruò) weak; fragile, delicate 愾: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 氣 (qì) air, gas, steam, vapor; spirit 㷁: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 甬 (yǒng) path; river in Ningbo; Ningbo 遈: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 是 (shì) indeed, yes, right; to be; demonstrative pronoun, this, that 泋: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 十 (shí) ten, tenth; complete; perfect / 廾 (gǒng) two hands; KangXi radical 55 䥎: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 辰 (chén) early morning; 5th terrestrial branch / 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 硘: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 回 (huí) return, turn around; a time 哛: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 七 (qī) seven / 分 (fēn) divide; small unit of time etc. 该: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 亥 (hài) 12th terrestrial branch 恨: 忄 (xin) heart; radical number 61 / 艮 (gěn) seventh of eight diagrams 㳫: 水 (shuǐ) water, liquid, lotion, juice / 臼 (jiù) mortar; bone joint socket 靲: 革 (gé) leather, animal hides; rad. 177 / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 珵: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 呈 (chéng) submit, show; appear; petition 䡸: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition / 皿 (mǐn) shallow container; rad. no. 108 頃: 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 羂: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 絹 (juàn) kind of thick stiff silk 儉: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 耓: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 丁 (dīng) male adult; robust, vigorous; 4th heavenly stem 枒: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 牙 (yá) tooth, molars, teeth; serrated 㤙: 囙 (yīn) / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 障: 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 / 章 (zhāng) composition; chapter, section 栣: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 任 (rèn) trust to, rely on, appoint; to bear, duty, office; allow 侢: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 再 (zài) again, twice, re- 鼭: 鼠 (shǔ) rat, mouse; KangXi radical 208 / 寺 (sì) court, office; temple, monastery 纬: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 韦 (wéi) tanned leather; surname; simplified form of KangXi radical number 178 倳: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 事 (shì) affair, matter, business; to serve; accident, incident 㞲: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 中 (zhōng) central; center, middle; in the midst of; hit (target); attain 蜽: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 兩 (liǎng) two, both, pair, couple; ounce 暼: 敝 (bì) break, destroy; broken, tattered / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime 㡃: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 乚 (yǐn) hidden, mysterious, secret; to conceal; small; minute / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 儿 (ér) son, child; KangXi radical 10 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 闆: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 品 (pǐn) article, product, commodity 潍: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 维 (wéi) maintain, preserve, safeguard 仌: 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else 鹗: 咢 (è) sound; drumming / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 緖: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / ⺹ / 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright 坝: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency 㛜: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 夂 (zhǐ) go; KangXi radical 34 / 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 虧: 雐 (hū) / 亏 (kuī) lose, fail; damage; deficient 旦: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 㽭: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 需 (xū) need, require, must 铰: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 交 (jiāo) mix; intersect; exchange, communicate; deliver 湷: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 春 (chūn) spring; wanton 紀: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 妃: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 己 (jǐ) self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem 骅: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 华 (huá) flowery; illustrious; Chinese 攐: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 褰 (qiān) underclothing; to pick up one's skirts 䆓: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 允 (yǔn) to grant, to allow, to consent 芕: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 夕 (xī) evening, night, dusk; slanted 䴠: 鹿 (lù) deer; surname; KangXi radical 198 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 踢: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 易 (yì) change; easy 檥: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 義 (yì) right conduct, righteousness 㔰: 匚 (fāng) box; KangXi radical 22 / 外 (wài) out, outside, external; foreign 瘲: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 從 (cóng) from, by, since, whence, through 劵: 龹 / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 辷: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 一 (yī) one; a, an; alone 幂: 冖 (mì) cover; KangXi radical 14 / 旲 (tái) / 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 㫅: 方 (fāng) a square, rectangle; a region; local / 人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 亓 (qí) (archaic form) his, her, its, their; that 魄: 白 (bái) white; pure, unblemished; bright / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 矇: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 蒙 (méng) cover; ignorant; suffer; mongolia 䙒: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 畜 (chù) livestock, domestic animals 荔: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 劦 (xié) variant of U+5354 協; cooperate; combined labor 志: 士 (shì) scholar, gentleman; soldier / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 飙: 猋 (biāo) wind; storm; gale; dog moving; (Cant.) running quickly / 风 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 此: 止 (zhǐ) stop, halt, desist; detain / 匕 (bǐ) spoon, ladle; knife, dirk 䟧: 足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 胩: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 卡 (kǎ) card, punch card; calorie 却: 去 (qù) go away, leave, depart / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 豶: 豕 (shǐ) a pig, boar; KangXi radical 152 / 賁 (bì) forge ahead; energetic; surname 棹: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 卓 (zhuō) profound, brilliant, lofty 㮄: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 㫄 (páng) (same as 旁) side, by the side of; nearby 璆: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 翏 (liù) the sound of the wind; to soar 不: 丆 (hǎn) kwukyel / 卜 (bo) fortune telling; prophesy 謏: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 叟 (sǒu) old man; elder 岖: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 区 (qū) area, district, region, ward 馘: 首 (shǒu) head; first; leader, chief; a poem / 或 (huò) or, either, else; perhaps, maybe 㘝: 囗 (wéi) erect, proud; upright; bald / 又 (yòu) and, also, again, in addition 猟: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 鼡 (shǔ) rat, mouse 䒦: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 乏 (fá) lack; poor 膨: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 彭 (péng) name of ancient country; surname 嬯: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 臺 (tái) tower, lookout; stage, platform 鐱: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 僉 (qiān) all, together, unanimous 榸: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 埋 (mái) bury, secrete, conceal 䌿: 纟 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 畐 (fú) to fill; a foll of cloth 籁: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 赖 (lài) rely, depend on; accuse falsely 凈: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 爭 (zhēng) to dispute, fight, contend, strive 鋊: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 谷 (gǔ) valley, gorge, ravine 摑: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 國 (guó) nation, country, nation-state 㧘: 此 (cǐ) this, these; in this case, then / 手 (shǒu) hand 竚: 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set / 宁 (níng) calm, peaceful, serene; healthy 䱡: 魚 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 勹 (bāo) wrap; KangXi radical 20 / 米 (mǐ) hulled or husked uncooked rice 襣: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 鼻 (bí) nose; first; KangXi radical 209 拪: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 西 (xī) west(ern); westward, occident 㑱: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 柔 (róu) soft; gentle, pliant 煳: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 胡 (hú) recklessly, foolishly; wildly 䫺: 厷 (gōng) the fore-arm; most Chinese-English dictionaries give the upper-arm; round / 風 (fēng) wind; air; manners, atmosphere 蟼: 敬 (jìng) respect, honor; respectfully / 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 㴂: 江 (jiāng) large river; yangzi; surname / 冉 (rǎn) tender; weak; proceed gradually 鎉: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 羽 (yǔ) feather, plume; wings; rad. 124 氌: 毛 (máo) hair, fur, feathers; coarse / 魯 (lǔ) foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar 䢏: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 斗 (dòu) Chinese peck; liquid measure 鼖: 卉 (huì) general term for plants; myriads / 鼓 (gǔ) drum; beat, top, strike 箙: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 服 (fú) clothes; wear, dress 吜: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch 蜦: 虫 (chóng) insects, worms; KangXi radical 142 / 侖 (lún) logical reasons, logical order 掩: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 奄 (yǎn) ere long; remain, tarry; feeble 㰬: 旬 (xún) ten-day period; period of time / 欠 (qiàn) owe, lack, be deficient; KangXi radical number 76 銳: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 兌 (duì) cash; exchange, barter; weight 漶: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 患 (huàn) suffer, worry about; suffering 䮹: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 歳 (suì) year; age; harvest 鹀: 巫 (wū) wizard, sorcerer, witch, shaman / 鸟 (niǎo) bird; KangXi radical 196 竃: 穴 (xué) cave, den, hole; KangXi radical 116 / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 电 (diàn) electricity; electric; lightning 坆: 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth / 攵 (pū) rap, tap; radical number 66 虐: 虍 (hū) tiger; KangXi radical 141 / ⺕ 拓: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 㽖: 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated / 力 (lì) power, capability, influence 闝: 門 (mén) gate, door, entrance, opening / 敗 (bài) be defeated, decline, fail 湠: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 炭 (tàn) charcoal; coal; carbon 䫣: 爪 (zhǎo) claw, nail, talon; animal feet / 幺 (yāo) one; tiny, small / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 緭: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 胃 (wèi) stomach; gizzard of fowl 噰: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 雍 (yōng) harmony, union; harmonious 襺: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 繭 (jiǎn) cocoon; callus, blister 旽: 日 (rì) sun; day; daytime / 屯 (tún) village, hamlet; camp; station 弁: 厶 (sī) private, secret; KangXi radical 28 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 㺀: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 忽 (hū) suddenly, abruptly; neglect 踋: ⻊|足 (zú) foot; attain, satisfy, enough / 却 (què) still, but; decline; retreat 熊: 能 (néng) to be able; can, permitted to; ability / 灬 (biāo) fire; radical number 86 䜑: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 惡 (è) evil, wicked, bad, foul 瘛: 疒 (nè) sick; KangXi radical 104 / 恝 (jiá) carefree; indifferent manner; without sorrow 妚: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 不 (bù) no, not; un-; negative prefix 袤: 衣 (yī) clothes, clothing; cover, skin / 矛 (máo) spear, lance; KangXi radical 110 師: 㠯 (yǐ) according to; to use; with, for / 丶 (zhǔ) dot; KangXi radical 3 / 帀 (zā) to go round, to make a circuit, to make a revolution, to turn round 䆪: 光 (guāng) light, brilliant, shine; only / 空 (kōng) empty, hollow, bare, deserted 鄵: 喿 (zào) chirping of birds / 阝 (fù) place; KangXi radical 170 炴: 火 (huǒ) fire, flame; burn; anger, rage / 央 (yāng) center, conclude, run out; beg 䘻: 衤 (yī) clothes; radical number 145 / 育 (yù) produce, give birth to; educate 祅: 礻 (shì) cult; radical number 113 / 夭 (yāo) young, fresh-looking; die young 壄: 楙 (mào) name of plant; lush / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 诎: 讠|言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 出 (chū) go out, send out; stand; produce 慕: 莫 (mò) do not, is not, can not; negative / 㣺 (variant of 心) the heart, the moral nature, the mind, the affections, intention, the radical on left side of the character 䃔: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 呂 (lǚ) surname; a musical note 遟: 辶 (chuò) walk; walking; KangXi radical 162 / 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 珞: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 各 (gè) each, individually, every, all 䥥: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 产 (chǎn) give birth, bring forth, produce / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 彐 (jì) snout; KangXi radical 58 / 丨 (gǔn) (same as U+3021 HANGZHOU NUMERAL ONE 〡) number one; line; KangXi radical 2 / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 硯: 石 (shí) stone, rock, mineral; rad. 112 / 見 (jiàn) see, observe, behold; perceive 寮: 宀 (mián) roof; KangXi radical 40 / 尞 (liào) fuel used for sacrifices 諸: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 恿: 龴 / 用 (yòng) use, employ, apply, operate; use / 心 (xīn) heart; mind, intelligence; soul 䏾: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 丰 (fēng) abundant, lush, bountiful, plenty / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides / 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 㘆: 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate / 吉 (jí) lucky, propitious, good / 冂 (jiōng) wide; KangXi radical 13 / 至 (zhì) reach, arrive; extremely, very 猈: 犭 (quǎn) dog; radical number 94 / 卑 (bēi) humble, low, inferior; despise 例: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 列 (liè) a line; to arrange in order, classify 貍: 豸 (zhì) KangXi radical 153; legless insects; a legendary beast / 里 (lǐ) unit of distance; village; lane 嬘: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 遂 (suì) comply with, follow along; thereupon 㞛: 尸 (shī) corpse; to impersonate the dead; to preside; KangXi radical 44 / ㇒ / 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 頚: 圣 (shèng) holy, sacred / 頁 (yè) page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181 璝: 王 (wáng) king, ruler; royal; surname / 貴 (guì) expensive, costly, valuable 䌨: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 勿 (wù) must not, do not; without, never / 卩 (jié) seal; KangXi radical 26 / 示 (shì) show, manifest; demonstrate 耪: 耒 (lěi) handle of plow; plow; rad. 127 / 旁 (páng) side; by side, close by, near 岭: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 令 (lìng) command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause 馯: 馬 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 干 (gàn) oppose, offend; invade; dried 栺: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 旨 (zhǐ) purpose, aim; excellent 䒽: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 网 (wǎng) net; network; KangXi radical 122 膿: 月 (yuè) moon; month; KangXi radical 74 / 農 (nóng) agriculture, farming; farmer 偊: 亻|人 (rén) man; people; mankind; someone else / 禹 (yǔ) legendary hsia dynasty founder 赌: 贝 (bèi) sea shell; money, currency / 者 (zhě) that which; he who; those who 槏: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 兼 (jiān) unite, combine; connect; and 㡚: 巾 (jīn) kerchief; towel; turban; KangXi radical number 50 / 冓 (gòu) a secluded place; secret cabinet 畜: 玄 (xuán) deep, profound, abstruse; KangXi radical 95 / 田 (tián) field, arable land, cultivated 凟: 冫 (bīng) ice; KangXi radical 15 / 賣 (mài) sell; betray; show off 軡: 車 (chē) cart, vehicle; carry in cart / 今 (jīn) now, today, modern era 嵬: 山 (shān) mountain, hill, peak / 鬼 (guǐ) ghost; spirit of dead; devil 㧯: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 老 (lǎo) old, aged; experienced 驮: 马 (mǎ) horse; surname; KangXi radical 187 / 大 (dà) big, great, vast, large, high 盱: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 于 (yú) in, on, at; go to; surname 䕼: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 難 (nán) difficult, arduous, hard; unable 艾: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 乂 (yì) govern, control, manage; nurture 堅: 臤 (qiān) hard; wise / 土 (tǔ) soil, earth; items made of earth 锇: 钅 (jīn) gold; money; KangXi radical 167 / 我 (wǒ) our, us, i, me, my, we 檎: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 禽 (qín) birds, fowl; surname;; capture 䀕: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 引 (yǐn) to pull, draw out, attract; to stretch 紗: 糹 (sī) silk; KangXi radical 120 / 少 (shǎo) few, less, inadequate 办: 力 (lì) power, capability, influence / 八 (bā) eight; all around, all sides 辠: 自 (zì) self, private, personal; from / 辛 (xīn) bitter; toilsome, laborious; 8th heavenly stem 攧: 扌 (shou) hand; radical number 64 / 顛 (diān) top, peak, summit; upset 㪮: 霝 (líng) drops of rain; to fall in drops / 攴 (pū) rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66 瞰: 目 (mù) eye; look, see; division, topic / 敢 (gǎn) to dare, venture; bold, brave 䴷: 麥 (mài) wheat, barley, oats; KangXi radical number 199 / 完 (wán) complete, finish, settle; whole 訹: 言 (yán) words, speech; speak, say / 术 (shù) art, skill, special feat; method, technique 忀: 彳 (chì) step with left foot; rad. no 60 / 襄 (xiāng) aid, help, assist; undress 鳂: 鱼 (yú) fish; surname; KangXi radical 195 / 畏 (wèi) fear, dread, awe, reverence 㕇: 厂 (chǎng) factory, workshop; radical 27 / 立 (lì) stand; let stand; establish, set 牉: 片 (piàn) slice, splinter, strip; rad. 91 / 半 (bàn) half 䟐: 走 (zǒu) walk, go on foot; run; leave / 歷 (lì) take place, past, history 蓒: 艹 (cao) grass; radical number 140 / 軒 (xuān) carriage; high; wide; balcony; surname of the Yellow Emperor 婙: 女 (nǚ) woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38 / 争 (zhēng) dispute, fight, contend, strive 靛: 青 (qīng) blue, green, black; young / 定 (dìng) decide, settle, fix 波: 氵 (shui) water; radical number 85 / 皮 (pí) skin, hide, fur, feather; outer 䉩: ⺮|竹 (zhú) bamboo; flute; KangXi radical 118 / 樞 (shū) door hinge; pivot; center of power 罫: 罒 (wǎng) Radical 122 / 卦 (guà) fortune telling; tell fortunes 哲: 折 (zhé) break off, snap; bend / 口 (kǒu) mouth; open end; entrance, gate 釴: 金 (jīn) gold; metals in general; money / 弋 (yì) catch, arrest; shoot with bow 杻: 木 (mù) tree; wood, lumber; wooden / 丑 (chǒu) clown, comedian; 2nd terrestrial branch