# Norber Theme v1.6 A Theme for [Sublime Text](http://sublimetext.com) editor. Source themes: [Numix Theme](https://github.com/nauzethc/sublime-text-numix), [Material Theme](https://github.com/equinusocio/material-theme). Package Control page: [**Norber Theme**](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Norber%20Theme). ## Changes - Space between tabs - Different colors for active/inactive tabs - Different hover color for sidebar - File icons for sidebar items - Changed document tab is highlighted with the bottom light line ## Install *With Package Control*: - press **Ctrl + Shift + P** - find *Package Control: Install Package* - type: *Norber Theme* *Manually*: - Download a [**release**](https://github.com/mortalis13/Norber-Theme-Sublime/releases) - Unzip the files and name the folder as **NorberTheme** - Find your **Packages** directory using the menu item `Preferences -> Browse Packages...` - Copy the folder **NorberTheme** into the **Packages** directory. - Click on `Preferences -> Settings - User` and add the next line: For **Sublime Text 4**: ``` "theme": "Norber.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "NorberMonokai.sublime-color-scheme", ``` For **Sublime Text 3**: ``` "theme": "Norber.sublime-theme", "color_scheme": "Packages/NorberTheme/NorberMonokai.tmTheme", ``` ## Additional Sublime Settings [Optional] ``` "always_show_minimap_viewport" : true, "show_tab_close_buttons": false, "enable_tab_scrolling": false, "hide_new_tab_button": true, "line_padding_bottom": 1, "line_padding_top": 1, "margin": 0, "highlight_line": true, "font_size": 11, "font_options": [ "subpixel_antialias" ], // Windows "theme_font_options": [ "gdi" ], ``` ## Changelog ### 1.6 - various scheme color changes ### 1.5 - changed console panel margins ### 1.4 - new icons adaptation ### 1.3 - theme adapted for Sublime Text 4 ### 1.2 - theme name without spaces ### 1.1 - color scheme for Sublime Text 4 - hide "FOLDERS" line in the sidebar - dark mode for widgets (console, input fields) - dark title bar - changed selection border color ### 1.0.5 - updated color scheme for Sublime Text b3147 ### 1.0.4 - added panel switcher icon in Status bar - changed colors for quick panel labels - fixed colors for Quick Switch Project dialog ### 1.0.3 - changed cursor color - added styles for Log4j (used for a log4j syntax highlight) ### 1.0.2 - changed style of text fields (search, console, quick panels) + dropdown button style - changed style of status bar (height, font, buttons highlight, buttons separators) ### 1.0.1 - changed fonts for sidebar items and tab labels to **Verdana** for better view - changed sidebar selected row color - added custom color scheme based on Monokai