require("pcre"); require("keydefs"); autoload("add_keywords", "syntax"); % The default number of spaces per indentation level custom_variable ("Julia_Indent_Default", 4); % This may be a single path or two or more space separated paths where % julia library files reside custom_variable ("Julia_Library_Path", "/usr/share/julia"); private variable Version = "0.2.7"; private variable Mode = "julia"; private variable Juliafuncs; private variable Syntax_Table = Mode; private variable Hlp_Hash = Assoc_Type[String_Type, ""]; % These are all highlighted private variable Julia_Reserved_Keywords = ["baremodule", "begin", "break", "catch", "const", "continue", "do", "else", "elseif", "end", "export", "false", "finally", "for", "function", "global", "if", "import", "let", "local", "macro", "module", "quote", "return", "struct", "true", "try", "using", "while", "where", "in", "isa", "foreach"]; % Keywords that begin a block private variable Julia_Block_Beg_Kws = ["begin", "catch", "do", "else", "elseif", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "let", "macro", "quote", "try", "while","struct", "abstract type", "primitive type"]; % Keywords that end a block private variable Julia_Block_End_Kws = ["end", "else", "elseif", "catch", "finally"]; % Keywords where successive lines belonging to them may be indented % one level private variable Julia_Open_Block_Kws = ["const", "import", "export", "using"]; ifnot (keymap_p(Mode)) make_keymap(Mode); definekey("julia_help", Key_F1, Mode); definekey("julia_apropos", Key_F2, Mode); definekey("exec_julia_code_in_line_or_region", Key_F9, Mode); definekey_reserved("julia_indent_buffer", "i", Mode); definekey_reserved("show_version_and_licence_info", "v", Mode); % definekey_reserved("evalfile\(\"/home/mojo/devel/slang/julia/\"\)", "e", Mode); private define julia_get_word() { define_word (get_blocal_var("julia_chars")); push_spot (); bskip_word_chars (); push_mark (); skip_word_chars (); bufsubstr (); pop_spot (); } % Fit window height to text lines private define julia_fit_window() { variable win_nlines, endline_pos, nlines_diff; win_nlines = window_info('r'); eob(); bskip_white(); endline_pos = what_line(); nlines_diff = win_nlines-endline_pos; otherwindow(); loop(nlines_diff) enlargewin(); otherwindow; } % Add keywords to a syntax table for highlighting private define add_kws_to_table(kws, tbl, n) { variable kws_i, i; _for i (1, 48, 1) % 48 is the keyword length limit. { kws_i = kws[where(strlen(kws) == i)]; kws_i = kws_i[array_sort (kws_i)]; kws_i = strtrim(kws_i); kws_i = strjoin(kws_i, ""); ifnot (strlen (kws_i)) continue; () = add_keywords(Syntax_Table, kws_i, i, n); } } % Create a hash of julia function names as keys and their help % descriptions as values. This requires slang version pre2.3.3-59 private define create_hlp_index() { variable st, libdir = "", libdirs = String_Type[0]; variable entries, cmd, fp, key, val, i, fname = "", descr = ""; variable match_chars = get_blocal_var("julia_chars"); if (length(Hlp_Hash)) return; foreach libdir (strtok(Julia_Library_Path)) { st = stat_file (libdir); if (st == NULL) { flush("$libdir does not exist"$); sleep(1); } else libdirs = [libdirs, libdir]; } ifnot (length(libdirs)) throw RunTimeError, "$Julia_Library_Path not valid, no help available"$; else libdirs = strjoin (libdirs, " "); flush("creating help index, this may take a couple of seconds ..."); % The actual extraction of the documentation: This relies on the % function descriptions in the julia programming library files % begin with '"""' followed by a newline, followed by four spaces of % indentation followed by the function name followed by one or more % lines of description and ending with '"""'. The vertical tab % control character, '^K', is the chosen delimiter for splitting. cmd = "find $libdirs -type f -name \"*.jl\" -print0 |"$ + "xargs -0 sed -En '/^\"\"\"/{:a;N;/^\\s{4}\[$match_chars\]+"$ + "\\S/M!D;/\\n\"\"\"/!ba;p;d}'| sed '/^\"\"\"/{N;s//\"\"\"\\n /}' |" + "sed '/^\"\"\"/d'"; fp = popen (cmd, "r"); entries = strjoin (fgetslines (fp), ""); () = pclose(fp); entries = strchop(entries, ' ', 0); % split help entries in two catching subpatterns, one the function % name and the other its description entries = array_map(Array_Type, &pcre_matches, "([$match_chars]+)(.*)"$, entries; options=PCRE_DOTALL); _for i (0, length (entries)-1, 1) { try { fname = entries[i][1]; descr = entries[i][2]; if (assoc_key_exists (Hlp_Hash, fname)) % if item is documented more than once descr = Hlp_Hash[fname] + "\n" + descr; Hlp_Hash[fname] = descr; fname = ""; descr = ""; } catch IndexError; } Juliafuncs = assoc_get_keys(Hlp_Hash); Juliafuncs = Juliafuncs[array_sort(Juliafuncs)]; } % Get all the column positions of a substring in a line. private define get_substr_positions(str, substr) { variable pos = 1, offset = 1, pos_arr = Int_Type[0]; while (pos = string_match (str, substr, offset), pos != 0) { offset = pos + strlen(substr); pos_arr = [pos_arr, pos]; } if (length(pos_arr)) return pos_arr; else return Int_Type[0]; } % Has word these characters on either side? private define is_within_chars(str, word, beg_ch, end_ch) { variable pos_beg_char = get_substr_positions(str, beg_ch); variable pos_end_char = get_substr_positions(str, end_ch); variable pos_word = get_substr_positions(str, word); if (length(pos_beg_char) and length(pos_end_char)) { pos_beg_char = pos_beg_char[where(pos_beg_char < pos_word[0])]; pos_end_char = pos_end_char[where(pos_end_char > pos_word[0]+strlen(word)-1)]; if (length(pos_beg_char) and length(pos_end_char)) return 1; } return 0; } % Are we inside a triple quote text block? private define is_inside_triple_quote_block() { variable i = 0; push_spot(); while (bsearch("\"\"\"")) i++; pop_spot(); if (i mod 2) return 1; % odd number of """ lines above (or below) editing point == inside return 0; } private define julia_setup_syntax() { variable bg; (, bg) = get_color("normal"); % get the current background color set_color("keyword", "red", bg); set_color("operator", "yellow", bg); create_syntax_table(Syntax_Table); define_syntax("#", "", '%', Syntax_Table); define_syntax("([{", ")]}", '(', Syntax_Table); define_syntax('"', '"', Syntax_Table); define_syntax('`', '"', Syntax_Table); define_syntax('\'', '\'', Syntax_Table); define_syntax('\\', '\\', Syntax_Table); define_syntax(get_blocal_var("julia_chars"), 'w', Syntax_Table); % words % define_syntax("-+0-9a-fA-F.xX", '0', Syntax_Table); % Numbers define_syntax(",;:.", ',', Syntax_Table); % define_syntax ('#', '#', Syntax_Table); define_syntax("-+/&*=<>|!~^", '+', Syntax_Table); use_syntax_table(Syntax_Table); } % Attempt to find the correct indentation to the contextual left % parenthesis or brace of the remainder of a code line after a line % break. It only tries to find positions on the current line and will % fail in nested syntaxes with a mix of braces and parenthesises. private define get_line_break_indent_pos() { variable mypos = what_column(); variable str; if ((eolp()) || (bolp())) return 0; push_spot(); str = line_as_string(); pop_spot(); ifnot ((is_substr(str, "{")) && (is_substr(str, "}")) || (is_substr(str, "(")) && (is_substr(str, ")"))) { return 0; } variable lb_pos = get_substr_positions(str, "{"); % integer array of column positions variable lb_pos_bf_mypos = lb_pos[where (lb_pos < mypos)]; variable lp_pos = get_substr_positions(str, "("); variable lp_pos_bf_mypos = lp_pos[where (lp_pos < mypos)]; variable rb_pos = get_substr_positions(str, "}"); variable rb_pos_af_mypos = rb_pos[where (rb_pos > mypos)]; variable rp_pos = get_substr_positions(str, ")"); variable rp_pos_af_mypos = rp_pos[where (rp_pos > mypos)]; if ((length (lp_pos_bf_mypos)) && (length (rp_pos_af_mypos))) { variable lp_rp_diff_n = length(lp_pos_bf_mypos) - length(rp_pos_af_mypos); if (lp_rp_diff_n <= 0) return lp_pos_bf_mypos[0]; if (lp_rp_diff_n == 1) return lp_pos_bf_mypos[-1]; if (lp_rp_diff_n > 1) return lp_pos_bf_mypos[length (lp_pos_bf_mypos)-lp_rp_diff_n]; } if ((length (lb_pos_bf_mypos)) && (length (rb_pos_af_mypos))) { variable lb_rb_diff_n = length(lb_pos_bf_mypos) - length(rb_pos_af_mypos); if (lb_rb_diff_n == 0) return lp_pos_bf_mypos[0]; if (lb_rb_diff_n == 1) return lp_pos_bf_mypos[-1]; if (lb_rb_diff_n > 1) return lp_pos_bf_mypos[length (lp_pos_bf_mypos)-lp_rp_diff_n]; } return 0; } private define break_and_indent_codeline() { variable indentation = get_line_break_indent_pos(); insert ("\n"); trim; insert_spaces(indentation); } private variable All_Block_Kws = String_Type[0]; All_Block_Kws = [All_Block_Kws, Julia_Block_Beg_Kws, Julia_Block_End_Kws, Julia_Open_Block_Kws]; All_Block_Kws = array_map (String_Type, &strcat, "\\b", All_Block_Kws, "\\b"); % whole words All_Block_Kws = strjoin (All_Block_Kws, "|"); % OR'ed regexp of all keywords % repeat captured kw substrings. Skip kw if prefixed with any of ".:@[ private variable Pat = "(? 1) && (kws[-1] == "end") || % one line blocks, "function ... end" (is_within_chars(line, kw, "\"", "\"")) || % omit kws within double quoted strings (is_within_chars(line, kw, "\\[", "\\]")) || % omit kws within brackets (is_within_chars(line, kw, "(", ")"))) % omit kws within parenthesises kw = NULL; } else kw = NULL; return kw, kws; } % Pop up a list of function names to complete from private define complete_func_name_popup(word) { variable match_funcs, func = ""; match_funcs = Juliafuncs[where(array_map (Int_Type, &string_match, Juliafuncs, "^$word"$, 1))]; if (length(match_funcs)) { ungetkey('\t'); func = read_string_with_completion("?", "", strjoin (match_funcs, ",")); } return func; } % Get the next or previous, at most, 15 keywords relative to the % editing point and add them to a list of lists, containing the % keyword and its column and line positions. The first word may or may % not be a keyword, the next preceding words must be keywords. private define get_kws_cols_linenos(dir) { variable kws_cols = {}, kws, kw, col, lineno; variable search_fun = &fsearch(), move = &down(); EXIT_BLOCK { pop_spot(); } if (dir < 0) { search_fun = &bsearch(); move = &up(); } push_spot(); bol_skip_white(); col = what_column(); lineno = what_line(); (kw, kws) = julia_get_kw(); list_append(kws_cols, {kw, col, lineno}); ifnot (@move(1)) return kws_cols; do { if (length(kws_cols) == 15) break; bol_skip_white(); col = what_column(); lineno = what_line(); if (looking_at("\"\"\"")) () = @search_fun("\"\"\""); % skip triple quoted text blocks if (looking_at("\"")) continue; if (looking_at("#")) continue; % skip comment lines (kw, kws) = julia_get_kw(); if ((length (kws) == 2) && (any(kws[0] == Julia_Block_Beg_Kws)) && (any(kws[1] == Julia_Block_Beg_Kws))) col += Julia_Indent_Default; ifnot (kw == NULL) list_append(kws_cols, {kw, col, lineno}); } while (@move(1)); return kws_cols; } % Determine the column position to indent to private define get_indentation() { variable kws_cols, i = 0; variable this_word = "", prev_kw = "", this_word_col = 0, prev_kw_col = 0; variable prev_kw_open_block = ""; kws_cols = get_kws_cols_linenos(-1); if (is_inside_triple_quote_block) { if (looking_at("\"\"\"")) return 0; else return Julia_Indent_Default; } this_word = kws_cols[0][0]; this_word_col = kws_cols[0][1]-1; _for i (1, length(kws_cols)-1, 1) { if (any(kws_cols[i][0] == Julia_Block_Beg_Kws) or any(kws_cols[i][0] == Julia_Block_End_Kws)) { prev_kw = kws_cols[i][0]; prev_kw_col = kws_cols[i][1]-1; break; } if (any(kws_cols[i][0] == Julia_Open_Block_Kws)) { prev_kw_open_block = kws_cols[i][0]; prev_kw_col = kws_cols[i][1]-1; continue; } } variable indent_after_prev_kw = prev_kw_col + Julia_Indent_Default; variable dedent_from_prev_kw = prev_kw_col - Julia_Indent_Default; variable align_indent_to_prev_kw = prev_kw_col; if ((any(this_word == Julia_Block_Beg_Kws) && (0 == strlen(prev_kw)))) return 0; % align indetation of end block kws to previous kw, unless that % being 'end' in which case dedent one level. if (any(this_word == Julia_Block_End_Kws)) { if (prev_kw == "end") return dedent_from_prev_kw; else return align_indent_to_prev_kw; } % otherwise always align to 'end' keyword if (any(this_word != "end") and prev_kw == "end") return align_indent_to_prev_kw; % 'export', 'import' etc. flush left plus one or more lines % belonging to them. if ((this_word == NULL) && (strlen(prev_kw_open_block)) && (prev_kw_col == 0)) return Julia_Indent_Default; if (any (prev_kw == Julia_Block_Beg_Kws)) return indent_after_prev_kw; return NULL; } private define julia_indent_line() { variable indentation = get_indentation(); if (indentation == NULL) return skip_white(); bol(); trim(); insert_spaces(indentation); } define julia_newline_and_indent() { ifnot (eolp()) { bskip_white(); if(bolp()) { insert("\n"); julia_indent_line(); go_up_1(); return julia_indent_line; } else return break_and_indent_codeline(); } julia_indent_line(); eol(); insert("\n"); julia_indent_line(); } define julia_indent_region_or_line() { variable reg_endline, i = 1; ifnot (is_visible_mark()) return julia_indent_line(); check_region(0); reg_endline = what_line(); pop_mark_1(); do { flush (sprintf ("indenting buffer ... (%d%%)", (i*100)/reg_endline)); if (eolp() and bolp()) continue; julia_indent_line(); i++; } while (down(1) and what_line != reg_endline); flush("indent region done"); } define julia_indent_buffer() { variable i = 1, nlines; push_spot(); eob(); nlines = what_line(); pop_spot(); push_spot_bob(); do { flush (sprintf ("indenting buffer ... (%d%%)", (i*100)/nlines)); if (eolp() and bolp()) continue; julia_indent_line; i++; } while (down_1); pop_spot; flush("indent buffer done"); } % Scroll upwards between keyword levels in functions define scroll_func_levels_backward() { variable kws_lines_cols = get_kws_cols_linenos(-1); try variable prev_kw_lineno = kws_lines_cols[1][2]; catch IndexError: return; % we've run out of previous keywords goto_line(prev_kw_lineno); bol_skip_white(); } % Scroll downwards between keyword levels in functions define scroll_func_levels_forward() { variable kws_lines_cols = get_kws_cols_linenos(1); try variable next_kw_lineno = kws_lines_cols[1][2]; catch IndexError: return; goto_line(next_kw_lineno); bol_skip_white(); } variable hlpwords = String_Type[0]; variable i = 0; define julia_help(); define cycle_help_history_backward() { if (i <= 0) i = length(hlpwords); julia_help(hlpwords[i-1]); i--; } define cycle_help_history_forward() { if (i >= length(hlpwords)-1) { flush("end of history"); i = 0; } julia_help(hlpwords[i+1]); i++; } variable hlpword; variable hlpbuf = "*Help*"; variable oldbuf = ""; define show_help(item) % item is String_Type { if (buffer_visible (hlpbuf)) { delbuf(hlpbuf); sw2buf(oldbuf); onewindow (); } oldbuf = pop2buf_whatbuf(hlpbuf); define_blocal_var ("julia_chars", "-a-zA-Z0-9_\:.|~&@!ℵ∘∞γ≠≢≥÷∀∃⇒εδ∋φℯπ∉⊈⊊<>^=+*/"); define_word (get_blocal_var("julia_chars")); insert(item); set_buffer_modified_flag(0); julia_fit_window(); most_mode(); bob(); use_syntax_table(Mode); local_setkey("julia_help", "\r"); local_setkey("cycle_help_history_backward", Key_Left); local_setkey("cycle_help_history_forward", Key_Right); } define julia_help() { if (_slang_version < 20303) throw RunTimeError, "This requires slang version pre2.3.3-59 or newer"; ifnot (length (Hlp_Hash)) throw RunTimeError, "Help index is empty. Check the path in Julia_Library_Path"; ifnot (_NARGS) hlpword = julia_get_word(); else hlpword = (); if (strlen(hlpword) > 50) return show_help(hlpword); hlpword = strtrim_beg(hlpword, "!"); ifnot (strlen(hlpword)) hlpword = read_with_completion(strjoin(Juliafuncs, ","), "Function?", "", "", 's'); ifnot (any(hlpword == Juliafuncs)) { ifnot (length(where (array_map(Int_Type, &string_match, Juliafuncs, "^$hlpword"$, 1)))) hlpword = read_with_completion(strjoin(Juliafuncs, ","), "Function?", hlpword, "", 's'); else hlpword = complete_func_name_popup(hlpword); } ifnot (assoc_key_exists(Hlp_Hash, hlpword)) return flush("no help for \"$hlpword\""$); ifnot (buffer_visible(hlpbuf)) { i = 0; hlpwords = String_Type[0]; } ifnot (any(hlpword == hlpwords)) { i++; hlpwords = [hlpwords, hlpword]; } show_help(hlpword + Hlp_Hash[hlpword]); } define julia_apropos() { ifnot (length (Hlp_Hash)) throw RunTimeError, "Help index is empty. Check the path in Julia_Library_Path"; variable str, key, val, keys = String_Type[0]; str = read_mini("Apropos:", "", ""); % list function names with search string first, then functions w/descriptions % that has search string foreach key, val (Hlp_Hash) { if (string_match (key, "\\C$str"$, 1)) keys = [keys, key]; } foreach key, val (Hlp_Hash) { if (string_match (val, "\\C$str"$, 1)) { ifnot (any (key == keys)) keys = [keys, key]; } } ifnot (buffer_visible(hlpbuf)) { i = 0; hlpwords = String_Type[0]; } keys = strjoin(keys, "\n"); hlpwords = [hlpwords, keys]; show_help(keys); } % Show output from executing julia code in line or region in a window define exec_julia_code_in_line_or_region() { variable julia_prg = search_path_for_file (getenv("PATH"), "julia"); variable outfile = "/tmp/jed_exec_julia.jl"; variable errorsfile = "/tmp/exec_julia_errors"; variable str; if (NULL == julia_prg) throw RunTimeError, "julia is not installed"; () = delete_file(outfile); () = delete_file(errorsfile); push_spot(); ifnot (markp()) str = line_as_string(); else str = bufsubstr(); str = strtrim(str); () = write_string_to_file(str, outfile); pop_spot(); pop2buf ("***Output from code execution in $outfile***"$); () = run_shell_cmd("$julia_prg 2>$errorsfile < $outfile"$); if (1 == file_status(errorsfile)) () = insert_file(errorsfile); set_buffer_modified_flag(0); julia_fit_window(); most_mode(); bob(); } define show_version_and_licence_info() { variable license = ["A julia mode for Jed, version: $Version"$, "Copyright (C) 2021-: Morten Bo Johansen ", "License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later ", "This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.", "There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY"]; pop2buf ("***Version and License Information***"); insert (strjoin (license, "\n")); julia_fit_window(); set_buffer_modified_flag(0); most_mode(); bob(); } define julia_mode() { define_blocal_var("julia_chars", "-a-zA-Z0-9_\:.|~&@!ℵ∘∞γ≠≢≥÷∀∃⇒εδφℯπ∋∉⊈⊊<>^=+*/"); define_word(get_blocal_var("julia_chars")); use_keymap (Mode); julia_setup_syntax(); add_kws_to_table(Julia_Reserved_Keywords, Syntax_Table, 0); create_hlp_index(); if (length(Juliafuncs) > 1) add_kws_to_table(Juliafuncs, Syntax_Table, 1); set_comment_info(Mode, "# ", "", 0x01); set_mode(Mode, 4); set_buffer_hook("newline_indent_hook", "julia_newline_and_indent"); set_buffer_hook("indent_hook", "julia_indent_region_or_line"); set_buffer_hook("backward_paragraph_hook", "scroll_func_levels_backward"); set_buffer_hook("forward_paragraph_hook", "scroll_func_levels_forward"); run_mode_hooks("julia_mode_hook"); }