% -*- mode: slang; mode: fold; -*- %{{{ Description, license, etc % tabcomplete.sl -- a word or "snippet" completion function with an % additional possible help, mini help and apropos interface. % % Version 2025/02/02 % % Author : Morten Bo Johansen % License: http://www.fsf.org/copyleft/gpl.html % % Thanks to John E. Davis for some substantial speed increases in % hashing completion files, as well as some other improvements and % corrections % % *** INSTALLATION *** % % Copy this file to a directory in your jed library path, usually % /usr/share/jed/lib or /usr/local/share/jed/lib % Add this line to your ~/.jedrc: % % autoload ("init_tabcomplete", "tabcomplete"); % % For the rest, please read the supplied README.tabcomplete % % *** BEGIN CUSTOMIZATION *** % %}}} %{{{ Custom variables % Use the help interface or not custom_variable ("Tabcomplete_Use_Help", 1); % Set this to '0' to avoid having the help line shown in the % minibuffer upon final completion. custom_variable ("Show_Help_Upon_Completion", 0); % The completion key. Default is TAB custom_variable ("Completion_Key", "\t"); % What characters may constitute a word custom_variable ("Wordchars", "\\w"); % What other characters may constitute a word? custom_variable ("Extended_Wordchars", ""); % Insert completion word itself or not custom_variable ("Insert_Completion_Word", 1); % The delimiter for expanding newlines in aliases and syntaxes custom_variable ("Newl_Delim", "\\n"); % The completion interface: 0 = at editing point or 1 = with menu custom_variable ("Use_Completion_Menu", 0); % Should there be a space between function name and opening paranthesis? % E.g. strtok () vs. strtok(). Looping or conditional keywords will % always have a space. custom_variable ("Sep_Fun_Par_With_Space", 1); % If set to '1', completion will be enabled at the minibuffer's % S-Lang> cli prompt custom_variable ("SLang_Completion_In_Minibuffer", 0); % Limit completion candidates to words of sizes greater than or % equal to value. custom_variable ("Minimum_Completion_Word_Size", 2); %}}} %{{{ Autoloads and evalfiles % In Debian, require.sl is in a separate package, slsh, which the user % may not have installed, so use evalfile () instead. ifnot (is_defined ("Key_F1")) () = evalfile ("keydefs"); %}}} %{{{ Variables private variable Loop_Cond_Kws = ["loop","forever","while","define","if","ifnot","!if", "do","foreach","for","_for","switch"], Completions_File = "", mini_hlpfun = NULL, hlpfun = NULL, F = NULL; public variable Words; %}}} %{{{ Private functions private define tabcomplete_fit_window() { variable win_nlines, endline_pos, nlines_diff; win_nlines = window_info('r'); eob(); bskip_white(); endline_pos = what_line(); nlines_diff = win_nlines-endline_pos; otherwindow(); loop(nlines_diff) enlargewin(); otherwindow; bob(); } % contributed by Guenter Milde, fixed by cpbotha@debian.org private define indent_region_or_line () { ifnot (is_visible_mark) indent_line; else { check_region (1); % make sure the mark comes first variable End_Line = what_line - 1; exchange_point_and_mark(); % now point is at start of region do { indent_line; } while (what_line <= End_Line and down_1); pop_spot(); pop_mark_0(); } } % What mode are we in private define detect_mode () { return (strlow (what_mode (), pop ())); } % Return the word under or before the cursor. private define get_word () { variable wchars = Wordchars + Extended_Wordchars; if (blocal_var_exists("Wordchars") && blocal_var_exists("Extended_Wordchars")) wchars = get_blocal_var ("Extended_Wordchars") + get_blocal_var ("Wordchars"); push_spot (); bskip_chars (wchars); push_mark (); skip_chars (wchars); strtrim (bufsubstr ()); pop_spot (); } % Return a keypress as a string define get_keystr (delay) { variable s = char (getkey()); while (input_pending (delay)) s += char (getkey ()); return s; } % Use a string delimiter instead of a character delimiter to chop up a % string - from a JED post on jed-users private define strchop2 (str, delim) { variable list = {}; variable len = strbytelen (delim); variable i0 = 1, i; while (i = is_substrbytes (str, delim, i0), i != 0) { list_append (list, substrbytes (str, i0, i-i0)); i0 = i + len; } list_append (list, substrbytes (str, i0, -1)); return list_to_array (list); } % Like fgetslines () but also strips newline characters (JED). private define read_file_lines (file) { file = expand_filename(file); variable st = stat_file (file); if (st == NULL) return NULL; variable bytes; () = fread_bytes (&bytes, st.st_size, fopen (file, "r")); return strtok (bytes, "\n"); } % Return if a line matches a regular expression private define re_line_match (pat, trim) { push_spot (); variable line = line_as_string (); if (trim) line = strtrim (line); string_match (line, pat, 1); pop_spot (); } % Count the number of case insensitive occurrences of a string. private define count_strings(str, expr) { variable len, matches_n = 0, pos = 1; while (string_match(str, "\\C$expr"$, pos)) { (pos, len) = string_match_nth(0); pos += len + 1; matches_n++; } return matches_n; } % Balance the left and right delimiters, [ ] ( ) { }, by inserting or % deleting ']', ')' or '}' before the editing point. private define align_delims () { variable rval, delim; ifnot (isspace(what_char()) || eobp()) return; forever { push_spot(); go_left_1(); delim = what_char(); ifnot (any(delim == [')','}',']'])) return pop_spot(); rval = find_matching_delimiter(delim); pop_spot(); if (rval == 1) insert_char(delim); else return call("backward_delete_char_untabify"); flush("right and left delimiters balanced"); } } % Delete buffers with a name that matches an expression private define kill_buffers_by_expr (expr) { variable buffers = [buffer_list (), pop]; buffers = buffers[where (array_map (Int_Type, &is_substr, buffers, expr))]; if (length (buffers)) array_map (Void_Type, &delbuf, buffers); } % Get the remaining part of a word where "stub" forms its beginning private define get_completion (str, stub) { return str[[strbytelen (stub):]]; } %% Produce the hash of words to complete from. %% Note: Words contains all of the words defined in the input files %% F contains only those words with non-empty values. %% But, F has been defined such that F[ANYTHING] will produce %% an array. private define make_completions_hash (Completions_File) { % In slang_mode, if no completions file, then generate one if ((0 == file_status (Completions_File)) && ("slang" == detect_mode ())) { variable funs = _apropos ("Global", ".", 15); Words = funs[array_sort (funs)]; () = write_string_to_file (strjoin (Words, "\n"), Completions_File); } variable include_files, inc_lines, lines, include_file, i = 0, j; if ((F == NULL) || length (F)) % purge a possibly existing hash F = Assoc_Type[Array_Type, String_Type[0]]; flush ("hashing $Completions_File ..."$); lines = read_file_lines (Completions_File); if (lines == NULL) throw OpenError, "could not open completions file, $Completions_File"$; include_files = lines [where (0 == strncmp ("#INC", lines, 4), &i)]; % include other files lines = lines[i]; % don't include #INC lines variable lines_list = {lines}; foreach include_file (include_files) { include_file = strtok (include_file)[1]; include_file = strtrim (include_file, "\""); lines = read_file_lines (include_file); if (lines == NULL) { flush ("Could not open \"$include_file\""$); sleep (2); continue; } i = where (strncmp (lines, "#", 1)); if (length (i) != length (lines)) lines = lines [i]; list_append (lines_list, lines); } lines = [__push_list(lines_list)]; foreach i (where (is_substr (lines, "::"), &j)) { variable line_array = strtrim (strchop2 (lines[i], "::")); variable key = line_array[0]; F[key] = line_array[[1:]]; lines[i] = key; } Words = lines; flush ("completing from $Completions_File ..."$); } % Return the language_COUNTRY or language part of some locale environment variables private define get_locale () { variable locale = ""; variable locale_values = array_map (String_Type, &getenv, ["LC_MESSAGES","LC_ALL","LANG"]); locale_values = locale_values[where (strlen (locale_values) >= 2)]; % filter out "C" if (length (locale_values)) { foreach (locale_values) { variable locale_value = (); try { if (strlen (locale_value[[0:4]]) == 5) % e.g. "de_AT" locale = locale_value[[0:4]]; else if (strlen (locale_value[[0:1]]) == 2) % e,g. "de" locale = locale_value[[0:1]]; else continue; } catch IndexError; } } return locale; } private variable Completed_Word = ""; % Insert e.g. a keyword and its syntax, also expanding % newline escapes in the syntax, if any. private define insert_and_expand_construct (kw, syntax) { variable exec_fun = 0; strchop (syntax, '\n', 0); syntax = strtrim (); syntax = strjoin (syntax, "\n"); if (MINIBUFFER_ACTIVE) % no newlines in the minibuffer syntax = strreplace (syntax, Newl_Delim, ""); else syntax = strreplace (syntax, Newl_Delim, "\n"); % expand newline delimiter in completions file kw = strtrim (kw); smart_set_mark_cmd (); if (char(syntax[0]) == "&") % "syntax" is instead a function to be executed { syntax = strtrim_beg(syntax, "&"); exec_fun = 1; } if (kw[-1] == '@' or 0 == Insert_Completion_Word) % alias { bdelete_word (); if (exec_fun) eval(syntax); else insert (syntax); } else { if (exec_fun) { pop_mark_0; insert ("$kw "$); return eval(syntax); } if (any(Completed_Word == Loop_Cond_Kws) || 1 == Sep_Fun_Par_With_Space || 0 == is_substr(syntax, "(")) insert ("$kw $syntax"$); else insert (strcat (kw, syntax)); } indent_region_or_line (); % position the cursor at the "@@" place holder" if (is_substr (syntax, "@@")) { () = re_bsearch ("@@"); () = replace_match("", 1); } } private define cmp_fun(a, b) { return strbytelen(a) > strbytelen(b); } % If Use_Completion_Menu = 1, format word candidates for completion in % nicely aligned columns. over at most 20 lines. If there are words % with multibyte characters, the alignment is alas not 100% correct. private define format_and_insert_completion_menu(words_arr) { variable i = 0, remainder = 0, cols = 1, words_n = length(words_arr); variable col_offset, longest_word, pad_n, rows_n = 20; % sort words by size in ascending order. words_arr = words_arr[array_sort(words_arr, &cmp_fun)]; longest_word = words_arr[-1]; % the space offset between columns col_offset = strbytelen(longest_word) + 2; % number of completion candidates > 20 if (words_n > rows_n) { % the remaining number of words after division between total % number of words and number of rows remainder = words_n mod rows_n; % a positive number of remaining words was returned if (remainder > 0) { % number of paddings needed to equal number of rows pad_n = rows_n - remainder; % pad words array with empty strings to make its length suitable % for reshaping. loop (pad_n) words_arr = [words_arr, ""]; } % how many columns do we need? cols = length(words_arr)/rows_n; % create a 2D array with the computed number of columns and 20 rows reshape (words_arr, [rows_n, cols]); % insert words in whole rows with columns aligned under one % another at the designated column offset. _for i (0, rows_n-1, 1) { ifnot (strlen(strtrim(strjoin(words_arr[i, *])))) continue; array_map(Void_Type, &vinsert, "%-${col_offset}s"$, words_arr[i, *]); insert("\n"); } } else % number of completion candidates < 20 insert(strjoin(words_arr, "\n")); } % Sort an array of strings in descending order according to how many % times a particular word or expression occurs within them. private define sort_by_relevancy(str_arr, expr) { variable A = Assoc_Type[Int_Type], values, strs_sorted, i = 0; % populate the hash with strings to be sorted as the keys and its % corresponding number of occurrences of as the values. _for i (0, length(str_arr)-1, 1) A[str_arr[i]] = count_strings(str_arr[i], expr); values = assoc_get_values(A); i = array_sort(values); strs_sorted = assoc_get_keys(A)[i]; array_reverse(strs_sorted); return strs_sorted; } %}}} %{{{ User functions %% Complete the word behind the editing point from words in a file define tabcomplete () { variable completion_words = [""], completions = [""], completed_word = "", aliases = [""], completion = "", keystr = "", syntax = "", stub = "", hlp = "", i = 0; % balance [], (), {} if ((blooking_at(")")) || (blooking_at("]")) || (blooking_at("}"))) return align_delims(); if (looking_at("\",")) return skip_chars("\","); if (looking_at(" =")) return skip_chars(" ="); if (is_visible_mark()) return indent_region_or_line(); stub = strtrim (get_word ()); % "stub" is the word before the editing point to be completed if (strlen(stub)) { ifnot (re_looking_at("[ \t\n,\)]") || eobp()) return indent_region_or_line(); } else return indent_region_or_line(); % get all words where stub forms the beginning of the words completion_words = Words [where (0 == strnbytecmp (stub, Words, strbytelen (stub)))]; % isolate aliases aliases = completion_words[where(array_map(Int_Type, &string_match, completion_words, "@$", 1))]; % only return words of sizes greater than or equal to $Minimum_Completion_Word_Size completion_words = completion_words[where(array_map(Int_Type, &strlen, completion_words) >= Minimum_Completion_Word_Size)]; % aliases should always be included regardless of word size limit. completion_words = [aliases, completion_words]; % include stub as a completion target if it has a syntax attached, % so that syntax can be expanded with space or enter. Otherwise show % first completion right away. With a hash that contains both single % words as completion targets and completion targets with syntaxes % stub will always be a completion target. ifnot (length (F)) completion_words = completion_words [wherenot (completion_words == stub)]; % get all possible completions completions = array_map (String_Type, &get_completion, completion_words, stub); completions = completions[array_sort(completions, &cmp_fun)]; % This pops up a buffer with a menu of all completion candidates if % the custom variable, Use_Completion_Menu = 1 ifnot (MINIBUFFER_ACTIVE) { if (Use_Completion_Menu) { variable completed_words, I, entries, buf = whatbuf, mbuf = "***Completions***"; stub = strtrim (get_word ()); completed_words = array_map (String_Type, &strcat, stub, completions); ifnot (length(completed_words)) return flush("no completion candidates"); I = array_map (String_Type, &string, [0:length (completed_words)-1]); entries = array_map (String_Type, &strcat, I, "|", completed_words); pop2buf (mbuf); format_and_insert_completion_menu(entries); bob (); set_buffer_modified_flag (0); tabcomplete_fit_window(); update_sans_update_hook (1); most_mode (); keystr = get_keystr (10); sw2buf (buf); if (any (keystr == I)) { Completed_Word = completed_words[integer (keystr)]; bdelete_word (); if (length (F[Completed_Word]) > 0) { syntax = F[Completed_Word][0]; insert_and_expand_construct (Completed_Word, syntax); } else insert(Completed_Word); } delbuf (mbuf); sw2buf (buf); return onewindow (); } } % completion at editing point if (length (completions)) { buffer_keystring (Completion_Key); % ungetkey for strings forever { if (i == length (completions)) { if (i == 1) % only one possible completion { del_region (); break; } else { ifnot (MINIBUFFER_ACTIVE) flush ("no more completions"); update_sans_update_hook(0); i = 0; % restart cycle } } keystr = get_keystr (0); if (is_visible_mark()) del_region (); switch (keystr) { case Completion_Key: % cycle through the possible completions { completion = completions[i]; push_visible_mark (); insert (completion); update_sans_update_hook (0); i++; } } { case Key_BS: return; } % backspace breaks cycle and returns to stub { case " " || case "\r" || case "\eOC": break; } % space or enter inserts completion and breaks cycle { return insert (completion + keystr);} % all other keys stops and inserts completion + character pressed } % forever } Completed_Word = strcat (stub, completion); try { if (length (F)) { if (length (F[Completed_Word]) > 0) syntax = F[Completed_Word][0]; if (length (F[Completed_Word]) > 1) hlp = F[Completed_Word][1]; } } catch IndexError; if (strlen(syntax)) { if (re_line_match("array_map", 0) || re_line_match("where", 0)) insert(completion); else insert_and_expand_construct (completion, syntax); } else { if (any(keystr == ["\r","\eOC", Completion_Key])) insert (completion); else insert (completion + keystr); } completion = "", stub = "", i = 0; if (Show_Help_Upon_Completion) { % in slang_mode if "hyperhelp" is installed, use its minibuffer % help message, otherwise show a user specified help line, if any. if ("slang" == detect_mode ()) { ifnot (NULL == mini_hlpfun) { if (is_substr (@mini_hlpfun (completed_word), "Undocumented")) { if (strlen (hlp)) return flush (hlp); } else flush (@mini_hlpfun (completed_word)); } } else { % no help message with minibuffer tabcompletion ifnot (MINIBUFFER_ACTIVE) flush (hlp); } } } define move_down_2_and_indent () { () = down (2); call ("indent_line"); } %% Show the help line in the completions file, if any, for the word %% near the editing point. If in slang mode and hyperhelp from jedmodes %% is installed, its help interface will be used. define show_hlp_for_word_at_point () { variable hlpmsg = "", word = get_word (); ifnot (strlen (word)) word = read_mini ("Search for:", "", ""); % If hyperhelp from jedmodes is present, use its help interface else % use jed's native interface. If function or word is undocumented % instead show user's own help from the completions file if any. if ("slang" == detect_mode ()) return (@hlpfun (word)); % A lot of C-functions have a manual page if ("c" == detect_mode()) { if (0 != run_program("man $word 2>/dev/null"$)) return flush("no help for \"$word\""$); return; } if (assoc_key_exists (F, word)) { if (length (F[word]) > 1) hlpmsg = F[word][1]; if (strlen (hlpmsg) >= window_info ('w')) { kill_buffers_by_expr ("*** Help for "); pop2buf ("*** Help for \"$word\" ***"$); insert_and_expand_construct(word + " ", hlpmsg); tabcomplete_fit_window(); set_buffer_modified_flag (0); most_mode (); bob (); } else { hlpmsg = strreplace(hlpmsg, Newl_Delim, " "); flush (hlpmsg); } } } % Return entries in the completion file that have a search string in % keyword and/or help text. define compl_apropos () { variable values = assoc_get_values (F), kws = String_Type[0], hlp_strs = String_Type[0], matches = String_Type[0], hlp = "", expr = ""; Completions_File = get_blocal_var ("Completions_File"); ifnot (any (array_map (Int_Type, &length, values) > 1)) throw RunTimeError, "$Completions_File contains no help or apropos messages"$; if ("slang" == detect_mode ()) return apropos; else expr = read_mini ("Apropos:", "", ""); variable key, val; foreach key, val (F) { try { hlp = val[1]; hlp = strreplace (hlp, Newl_Delim, "\n"); } catch IndexError: hlp = ""; if (string_match (key, "\\C$expr"$, 1)) kws = [kws, strcat (key, ": ", hlp)]; else if (string_match (hlp, "\\C$expr"$, 1)) hlp_strs = [hlp_strs, strcat (key, ": ", hlp)]; } % Matching of the search string is performed on both the keyword and % the help string (if any). Matches are sorted such that if the % keyword contains the search string, it is listed first. Matches % where the search string is contained in the help string are then % sorted by relevancy, which in this context means by the number of % occurrences of the search string within the help strings. Matching % is case insensitive. hlp_strs = sort_by_relevancy(hlp_strs, expr); matches = [matches, kws, hlp_strs]; ifnot (length (matches)) return flush ("nothing relevant found for \"$expr\""$); matches = strjoin(matches, " \n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"); kill_buffers_by_expr ("*** Apropos"); pop2buf ("*** Apropos \"$str\" ***"$); insert (matches); onewindow; local_setkey ("show_hlp_for_word_at_point", "^M"); set_buffer_modified_flag (0); most_mode (); bob (); flush("Type 'q' to quit"); } % Select a new file with completions define select_completions_file () { ifnot (_NARGS) Completions_File = read_with_completion ("Completions File:", "", "", 'f'); else Completions_File = (); if (0 == file_status (Completions_File)) throw OpenError, "could not open $Completions_File"$; F = Assoc_Type[Array_Type, String_Type[0]]; % purge the old hash init_tabcomplete (Completions_File); Words = get_blocal_var ("Words"); } % Add a word to completions file define append_word_to_completions_file () { variable word = ""; if (markp ()) word = bufsubstr (); else word = get_word (); ifnot (strlen (word)) return; if (length (where (get_blocal_var ("Words") == strlow (word)))) return flush (sprintf ("\"%s\" already exists in %s", word, get_blocal_var ("Completions_File"))); if (get_y_or_n(sprintf("add \"%s\" to %s", word, get_blocal_var ("Completions_File")))) { ifnot (-1 == append_string_to_file (word, get_blocal_var ("Completions_File"))) { Words = [Words, word]; update_sans_update_hook (1); call ("redraw"); flush ("\"$word\" written to $Completions_File"$); } else throw WriteError, "could not append \"$word\"to $Completions_File"$; } } private variable Wordchars_Old = get_word_chars (); % This ensures that characters that define a word is local to the % buffer and that the arrays of words to complete from are also % local to the buffer. private define tabcomplete_switch_buffer_hook (old_buffer) { if (blocal_var_exists ("Completions_File")) Completions_File = get_blocal_var ("Completions_File"); if (blocal_var_exists ("Wordchars") && blocal_var_exists ("Extended_Wordchars")) define_word (get_blocal_var ("Extended_Wordchars") + get_blocal_var ("Wordchars")); else define_word (Wordchars_Old); if (blocal_var_exists ("Words")) Words = get_blocal_var ("Words"); if (blocal_var_exists ("F")) F = get_blocal_var ("F"); } add_to_hook ("_jed_switch_active_buffer_hooks", &tabcomplete_switch_buffer_hook); % Return a key (sequence) bound to the "evaluate_cmd" function. define get_evaluate_cmd_key() { variable n, key; n = which_key("evaluate_cmd"); if (n == 0) return "^X\e"; % the default from emacs.sl loop (n) key = (); return key; } % This is a stand-in for the S-Lang> cli prompt to allow for % SLang/Jed completions at said prompt. define slang_mini_completion() { variable fun; variable words = get_blocal_var ("Words"); % completion target words from calling buffer variable f = get_blocal_var ("F"); % associated fields to completion target words variable buf = whatbuf(); variable wordchars = get_blocal_var("Wordchars") + get_blocal_var("Extended_Wordchars"); variable newl_delim = Newl_Delim; make_completions_hash(expand_filename("~/.tabcomplete_slang")); Wordchars = "-a-zA-Z0-9!#;@_$"; Newl_Delim = "\\n"; undefinekey(Completion_Key, "Mini_Map"); definekey("tabcomplete", Completion_Key, "Mini_Map"); #ifexists mini_isearch definekey ("mini_isearch", "^r","Mini_Map"); #endif try { fun = read_mini("S-Lang>", "", ""); eval(fun); } finally { Words = words; % reset completion target words to those of calling buffer F = f; % ditto with their associated fields Wordchars = wordchars; Newl_Delim = newl_delim; % make sure that alt-x completions work again. undefinekey(Completion_Key, "Mini_Map"); definekey("mini_complete", Completion_Key, "Mini_Map"); } } private variable Completions_Files = String_Type[0]; define init_tabcomplete () { variable locale = get_locale (); ifnot (_NARGS) { % the default completions file Completions_File = expand_filename (sprintf ("~/.tabcomplete_%s", detect_mode)); if (0 == file_status (Completions_File)) { if (strlen (locale)) { Completions_File = expand_filename (sprintf ("~/.tabcomplete_%s", locale)); ifnot (1 == file_status (Completions_File)) Completions_File = expand_filename (sprintf ("~/.tabcomplete_%s", locale[[0:1]])); } } } else Completions_File = (); ifnot (1 == file_status (Completions_File)) throw OpenError, "could not open $Completions_File"$; define_blocal_var ("Completions_File", Completions_File); define_blocal_var ("Wordchars", Wordchars); define_blocal_var ("Extended_Wordchars", Extended_Wordchars); define_word (get_blocal_var ("Extended_Wordchars") + get_blocal_var ("Wordchars")); % show help or mini help from function in hyperhelp from jedmodes #ifexists help->get_mini_help { mini_hlpfun = &help->get_mini_help; hlpfun = &describe_function; } % jed's native help interface #else hlpfun = &help_for_function; #endif % In the same jed session, don't hash again if no change in % completions file when opening a new buffer. ifnot (any (Completions_File == Completions_Files)) make_completions_hash (Completions_File); define_blocal_var ("Words", Words); define_blocal_var ("F", F); Completions_Files = [Completions_Files, Completions_File]; local_unsetkey(Completion_Key); local_setkey("tabcomplete", Completion_Key); local_unsetkey_reserved("c"); local_unsetkey_reserved("w"); local_setkey_reserved("select_completions_file", "c"); local_setkey_reserved("append_word_to_completions_file", "w"); if ("slang" == detect_mode() || "c" == detect_mode()) { local_unsetkey(Key_Shift_Tab); local_setkey("move_down_2_and_indent", Key_Shift_Tab); } if (Tabcomplete_Use_Help) { local_unsetkey(Key_F1); local_unsetkey(Key_F2); local_setkey("show_hlp_for_word_at_point", Key_F1); local_setkey("compl_apropos", Key_F2); } if (SLang_Completion_In_Minibuffer) { local_unsetkey(get_evaluate_cmd_key()); local_setkey("slang_mini_completion", get_evaluate_cmd_key()); } } %}}}