['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'ico'], 'spaces_to_replace_tab' => ' ', 'ignore' => ['.', '..', '.git', '.svn', '.netrc', '.ssh'], 'add_ignore' => null, // add array with additional filenames to ignore 'secure_dir' => '.', // Only display files below this directory 'base_dir' => '.', // Which directory to start look in, defaults to current working directory of the actual script. 'query_dir' => isset($_GET['dir']) ? strip_tags(trim($_GET['dir'])) : null, // Selected directory as ?dir=xxx 'query_file' => isset($_GET['file']) ? strip_tags(trim($_GET['file'])) : null, // Selected directory as ?dir=xxx 'query_path' => isset($_GET['path']) ? strip_tags(trim($_GET['path'])) : null, // Selected directory as ?dir=xxx ]; // Add more files to ignore if (isset($options['add_ignore'])) { $default['ignore'] = array_merge($default['ignore'], $options['add_ignore']); } $this->options = $options = array_merge($default, $options); //Backwards compatible with source.php query arguments for ?dir=xxx&file=xxx if (!isset($this->options['query_path'])) { $this->options['query_path'] = trim($this->options['query_dir'] . '/' . $this->options['query_file'], '/'); } $this->validImageExtensions = $options['image_extensions']; $this->spaces = $options['spaces_to_replace_tab']; $this->ignore = $options['ignore']; $this->secureDir = realpath($options['secure_dir']); $this->baseDir = realpath($options['base_dir']); $this->queryPath = $options['query_path']; $this->suggestedPath = $this->baseDir . '/' . $this->queryPath; $this->realPath = realpath($this->suggestedPath); $this->pathinfo = pathinfo($this->realPath); $this->path = null; // Ensure that extension is always set if (!isset($this->pathinfo['extension'])) { $this->pathinfo['extension'] = null; } if (is_dir($this->realPath)) { $this->file = null; $this->extension = null; $this->dir = $this->realPath; $this->path = trim($this->queryPath, '/'); } else if (is_link($this->suggestedPath)) { $this->pathinfo = pathinfo($this->suggestedPath); $this->file = $this->pathinfo['basename']; $this->extension = strtolower($this->pathinfo['extension']); $this->dir = $this->pathinfo['dirname']; $this->path = trim(dirname($this->queryPath), '/'); } else if (is_readable($this->realPath)) { $this->file = basename($this->realPath); $this->extension = strtolower($this->pathinfo['extension']); $this->dir = dirname($this->realPath); $this->path = trim(dirname($this->queryPath), '/'); } else { $this->file = null; $this->extension = null; $this->dir = null; } if ($this->path == '.') { $this->path = null; } $this->breadcrumb = empty($this->path) ? [] : explode('/', $this->path); // Check that dir lies below securedir $this->message = null; $msg = "

WARNING: The path you have selected is not a valid path or restricted due to security constraints.

"; if (substr_compare($this->secureDir, $this->dir, 0, strlen($this->secureDir))) { $this->file = null; $this->extension = null; $this->dir = null; $this->message = $msg; } // Check that all parts of the path is valid items foreach ($this->breadcrumb as $val) { if (in_array($val, $this->ignore)) { $this->file = null; $this->extension = null; $this->dir = null; $this->message = $msg; break; } } } /** * List the sourcecode. */ public function view() { return $this->getBreadcrumbFromPath() . $this->message . $this->readCurrentDir() . $this->getFileContent(); } /** * Create a breadcrumb of the current dir and path. */ public function getBreadcrumbFromPath() { $html = "\n"; return $html; } /** * Read all files of the current directory. */ public function readCurrentDir() { if (!$this->dir) { return; } $html = "\n"; return $html; } /** * Get the details such as encoding and line endings from the file. */ public function detectFileDetails() { $this->encoding = null; // Detect character encoding if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) { if ($res = mb_detect_encoding($this->content, "auto, ISO-8859-1", true)) { $this->encoding = $res; } } // Is it BOM? if (substr($this->content, 0, 3) == chr(0xEF) . chr(0xBB) . chr(0xBF)) { $this->encoding .= " BOM"; } // Checking style of line-endings $this->lineendings = null; if (isset($this->encoding)) { $lines = explode("\n", $this->content); $len = strlen($lines[0]); if (substr($lines[0], $len-1, 1) == "\r") { $this->lineendings = " Windows (CRLF) "; } else { $this->lineendings = " Unix (LF) "; } } } /** * Remove passwords from known files from all files starting with config*. */ public function filterPasswords() { $pattern = [ '/(\'|")(DB_PASSWORD|DB_USER)(.+)/', '/\$(password|passwd|pwd|pw|user|username)(\s*=\s*)(\'|")(.+)/i', //'/(\'|")(password|passwd|pwd|pw)(\'|")\s*=>\s*(.+)/i', '/(\'|")(password|passwd|pwd|pw|user|username)(\'|")(\s*=>\s*)(\'|")(.+)([\'|"].*)/i', '/(\[[\'|"])(password|passwd|pwd|pw|user|username)([\'|"]\])(\s*=\s*)(\'|")(.+)([\'|"].*)/i', ]; $message = "Intentionally removed by CSource"; $replace = [ '\1\2\1, "' . $message . '");', '$\1\2\3' . $message . '\3;', '\1\2\3\4\5' . $message . '\7', '\1\2\3\4\5' . $message . '\7', ]; $this->content = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $this->content); } /** * Get the content of the file and format it. * * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExitExpression) */ public function getFileContent() { if (!isset($this->file)) { return; } $this->content = file_get_contents($this->realPath); $this->detectFileDetails(); $this->filterPasswords(); // Display svg-image or enable link to display svg-image. $linkToDisplaySvg = ""; if ($this->extension == 'svg') { if (isset($_GET['displaysvg'])) { header("Content-type: image/svg+xml"); echo $this->content; exit; } else { $linkToDisplaySvg = "Display as SVG"; } } // Display image if a valid image file if (in_array($this->extension, $this->validImageExtensions)) { $baseDir = !empty($this->options['base_dir']) ? rtrim($this->options['base_dir'], '/') . '/' : null; $this->content = "
[image not found]
"; } else { // Display file content and format for a syntax $this->content = str_replace('\t', $this->spaces, $this->content); $this->content = highlight_string($this->content, true); $i=0; $rownums = ""; $text = ""; $content = explode('
', $this->content); foreach ($content as $row) { $i++; $rownums .= "{$i}
"; $text .= $row . '
'; } $this->content = <<< EOD
{$i} lines {$this->encoding} {$this->lineendings} {$linkToDisplaySvg}
EOD; } return "


{$this->content}"; } } /** * Do it. */ $source = new CSource(); $content = $source->view(); ?> View sourceode

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The following files exists in this folder. Click to view.