#!/usr/bin/env perl # # This file is part of moses. Its use is licensed under the GNU Lesser General # Public License version 2.1 or, at your option, any later version. # $Id$ use warnings; use strict; my $lowercase = 0; if ($ARGV[0] eq "-lc") { $lowercase = 1; shift; } my $stem = $ARGV[0]; if (!defined $stem) { print STDERR "usage: multi-bleu.pl [-lc] reference < hypothesis\n"; print STDERR "Reads the references from reference or reference0, reference1, ...\n"; exit(1); } $stem .= ".ref" if !-e $stem && !-e $stem."0" && -e $stem.".ref0"; my @REF; my $ref=0; while(-e "$stem$ref") { &add_to_ref("$stem$ref",\@REF); $ref++; } &add_to_ref($stem,\@REF) if -e $stem; die("ERROR: could not find reference file $stem") unless scalar @REF; # add additional references explicitly specified on the command line shift; foreach my $stem (@ARGV) { &add_to_ref($stem,\@REF) if -e $stem; } sub add_to_ref { my ($file,$REF) = @_; my $s=0; if ($file =~ /.gz$/) { open(REF,"gzip -dc $file|") or die "Can't read $file"; } else { open(REF,$file) or die "Can't read $file"; } while() { chomp; push @{$$REF[$s++]}, $_; } close(REF); } my(@CORRECT,@TOTAL,$length_translation,$length_reference); my $s=0; while() { chomp; $_ = lc if $lowercase; my @WORD = split; my %REF_NGRAM = (); my $length_translation_this_sentence = scalar(@WORD); my ($closest_diff,$closest_length) = (9999,9999); foreach my $reference (@{$REF[$s]}) { # print "$s $_ <=> $reference\n"; $reference = lc($reference) if $lowercase; my @WORD = split(' ',$reference); my $length = scalar(@WORD); my $diff = abs($length_translation_this_sentence-$length); if ($diff < $closest_diff) { $closest_diff = $diff; $closest_length = $length; # print STDERR "$s: closest diff ".abs($length_translation_this_sentence-$length)." = abs($length_translation_this_sentence-$length), setting len: $closest_length\n"; } elsif ($diff == $closest_diff) { $closest_length = $length if $length < $closest_length; # from two references with the same closeness to me # take the *shorter* into account, not the "first" one. } for(my $n=1;$n<=4;$n++) { my %REF_NGRAM_N = (); for(my $start=0;$start<=$#WORD-($n-1);$start++) { my $ngram = "$n"; for(my $w=0;$w<$n;$w++) { $ngram .= " ".$WORD[$start+$w]; } $REF_NGRAM_N{$ngram}++; } foreach my $ngram (keys %REF_NGRAM_N) { if (!defined($REF_NGRAM{$ngram}) || $REF_NGRAM{$ngram} < $REF_NGRAM_N{$ngram}) { $REF_NGRAM{$ngram} = $REF_NGRAM_N{$ngram}; # print "$i: REF_NGRAM{$ngram} = $REF_NGRAM{$ngram}
\n"; } } } } $length_translation += $length_translation_this_sentence; $length_reference += $closest_length; for(my $n=1;$n<=4;$n++) { my %T_NGRAM = (); for(my $start=0;$start<=$#WORD-($n-1);$start++) { my $ngram = "$n"; for(my $w=0;$w<$n;$w++) { $ngram .= " ".$WORD[$start+$w]; } $T_NGRAM{$ngram}++; } foreach my $ngram (keys %T_NGRAM) { $ngram =~ /^(\d+) /; my $n = $1; # my $corr = 0; # print "$i e $ngram $T_NGRAM{$ngram}
\n"; $TOTAL[$n] += $T_NGRAM{$ngram}; if (defined($REF_NGRAM{$ngram})) { if ($REF_NGRAM{$ngram} >= $T_NGRAM{$ngram}) { $CORRECT[$n] += $T_NGRAM{$ngram}; # $corr = $T_NGRAM{$ngram}; # print "$i e correct1 $T_NGRAM{$ngram}
\n"; } else { $CORRECT[$n] += $REF_NGRAM{$ngram}; # $corr = $REF_NGRAM{$ngram}; # print "$i e correct2 $REF_NGRAM{$ngram}
\n"; } } # $REF_NGRAM{$ngram} = 0 if !defined $REF_NGRAM{$ngram}; # print STDERR "$ngram: {$s, $REF_NGRAM{$ngram}, $T_NGRAM{$ngram}, $corr}\n" } } $s++; } my $brevity_penalty = 1; my $bleu = 0; my @bleu=(); for(my $n=1;$n<=4;$n++) { if (defined ($TOTAL[$n])){ $bleu[$n]=($TOTAL[$n])?$CORRECT[$n]/$TOTAL[$n]:0; # print STDERR "CORRECT[$n]:$CORRECT[$n] TOTAL[$n]:$TOTAL[$n]\n"; }else{ $bleu[$n]=0; } } if ($length_reference==0){ printf "BLEU = 0, 0/0/0/0 (BP=0, ratio=0, hyp_len=0, ref_len=0)\n"; exit(1); } if ($length_translation<$length_reference) { $brevity_penalty = exp(1-$length_reference/$length_translation); } $bleu = $brevity_penalty * exp((my_log( $bleu[1] ) + my_log( $bleu[2] ) + my_log( $bleu[3] ) + my_log( $bleu[4] ) ) / 4) ; printf "BLEU = %.2f, %.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f (BP=%.3f, ratio=%.3f, hyp_len=%d, ref_len=%d)\n", 100*$bleu, 100*$bleu[1], 100*$bleu[2], 100*$bleu[3], 100*$bleu[4], $brevity_penalty, $length_translation / $length_reference, $length_translation, $length_reference; print STDERR "It is not advisable to publish scores from multi-bleu.perl. The scores depend on your tokenizer, which is unlikely to be reproducible from your paper or consistent across research groups. Instead you should detokenize then use mteval-v14.pl, which has a standard tokenization. Scores from multi-bleu.perl can still be used for internal purposes when you have a consistent tokenizer.\n"; sub my_log { return -9999999999 unless $_[0]; return log($_[0]); }