# Changelog ## V 0.10.2 ##### Fixes - es6 linker fix ## V 0.10.1 ##### Fixes - serverDir fix ## V 0.10.0 ##### Changes - changed launch interface - hotcode plugin included to package - io.input changed to Promise if POST ##### Improvements - included client scripts auto-linkler ##### Fixes - added reserve watch-registrator - fixed proxy post - server error message format is fixed ## V 0.8.3 ##### Fixes - fixed module/cache update bug if using some IDE ## V 0.8.2 ##### Fixes - fixed io modificator detection ## V 0.8.1 ##### Improvements - io object is single now ##### Fixes - fixed io header functions - fixed error with error handler ## V 0.8.0 ##### Changes - new launch and config api - `watchedFiles` and `publicAccess` replaced with `fileSystem` object - `isPage` renamed to `includeMedullaCode` - setting `watch` replaced with `watchForChanges` - `logging.separatedTypes` default value changed to `true` - changed request/response api - added log setting flags - added console command `cache-update` for manually cache updating - dashboard url changed to `medulla-dashboard` ##### Improvements - optimized indexing of dynamic-required modules - client js has been adapted for es5 browsers ## V 0.7.2 ##### Changes - now `watchIgnore` is also applied to required modules - medulla files excluded from watching - dashboard url changed to `medulla_dashboard` - now imbedded webSocket may be used not only with 'localhost' ##### Fixes - fixed the protect of dashboard password ## V 0.7.1 ##### Improvements - dashboard updated ## V 0.7.0 ##### Improvements - added dashboard with simple password protection - added parsing for urls from `watched Files` or `publicAccess` (`mysite/myfile.js?foo=bar` will work now) ## V 0.6.9 ##### Improvements - reduced workload when processing watchedFiles ##### Fixes - added handling error with `type:cached` files from `watched Files` which not exist on disk - fixed incorrect `watched Files` template nametest - now concrete files in `watched Files` is templates, it fix error with handling adding the files ## V 0.6.8 ##### Fixes - added handling error with `type:file` files from `watched Files` which not exist on disk ## V 0.6.7 ##### Improvements - added warning for `watched Files` missing files - added common variables storage - now `watchIgnore` apply to folders and when files adding to index - now `watchedFiles` handles adding/removing files and folders - added support "one-line" hosts notation: `"Home-pc, debian": {logging: {level: 'warning'}}` ##### Fixes - fixed incorrect default `watchIgnore` functions - fixed incorrect file remove handling when used some IDE/OS - now arrays in medulla settings is merging (when merged default/host/platform settings) ## V 0.5.3 ##### Changes - plugins api: `settings` argument moved to `io` argument ##### Fixes - fixed bug with incorrect handling "`~`" symbol in templates of `publicAccess` ## V 0.5.2 ##### Fixes - removing watched files from disk now is handled ## V 0.5.1 ##### Improvements - added "as" information to "index add" info - to plugins API added method `toClient` ## V 0.5.0 ##### Changes - plugins API is fully changed ## V 0.4.0 ##### Changes - **(!)** watchedFiles / publicAccess: `src` and `url` are reversed (src param removed, url param added) ##### Improvements - modified plugins api, added `cacheModificator` - `image/x-icon` added to standart mimeTypes ##### Fixes - isPage added for modules and cache updates ## V 0.3.7 ##### Changes - log files format is updated: `traces-YEAR-MM-DD.log` ##### Improvements - new `logging.level: 'warning'` - added logging for `console.warn()` method - labels for log records and console output (e.g. `[ERROR]*`) ##### Fixes - page 404 is has been corrected - module without `exports.onRequest` is now handled correctly ## V 0.3.6 ##### Improvements - added reference to `medulla-hotcode` plugin ## v 0.3.5 ##### Improvements - to `watchedFiles` added variable ext (`?`) ##### Fixes - templates in `watchedFiles` resolved more correctly ## v 0.3.4 ##### Changes - `logging.enabled` replaced with `logging.level` ##### Improvements - added `logging.separatedTypes` setting - `appModel: export.onRequest` now is optional ##### Fixes - fixed logging settings - platforms/hosts settings merging now is recursive ## v 0.3.3 ##### Improvements - added `platforms` settings ##### Fixes - the numbering of months in the names of the logfiles has changed, now from 1 to 12 ## v 0.3.2 ##### Improvements - added async logging to file ## v 0.3.1 ##### Fixes - corrected path determination in `medulla.require()` ## v 0.3.0 ##### Changes - setting `devMode:true` is actual - `includePlugins` proxy-flag changed to `isPage` - `fileIndex` renamed to `watchedFiles` - setting `watchFiles` removed, now `type:'file'` will be watched by server anyway - `serverDir` default value now is `process.cwd()` - extra `mimeTypes` removed from settings, and added to main module ##### Improvements - added `isPage` prop for watched files index - added `publicAccess` - list of access rules to files ##### Fixes - fixed error handling - fixed incorrect url combining, `serverDir` and `serverApp` now will be combining using path.resolve - fixed incorrect medulla.require path combining - fixed no-mimeType error ## v 0.2.7 ##### Changes - mimeType is firstly determined by src file extension, if not, then by url ##### Improvements - added optional possibility to use function `serverApp:(export)=>{...}` instead of path to main module (but not recommended) - added fileIndex templates with recursive search `'*.png': {src:/mydir/~*png}` ##### Fixes - fixed incorrect current dir detection in fileIndex templates ## v 0.2.6 ##### Changes - special settings have been moved from main module to server settings (entry point file) - mimeType setting changed from file to object and now extend base types from mimeType.json file ## v 0.2.4 ##### Fixes - fixed incorrect detecting a changes in the params of the fileIndex items ## v 0.2.2 ##### Changes - setting `devMode:true` replaced with launch parameter `-dev` ##### Improvements - added console commands: - `version` - show current module version - `stop` - shutdown server ## v 0.2.1 ##### Fixes - handler function set as local