openapi: 3.1.0 info: title: MOTIS API description: This is the MOTIS routing API. contact: email: license: name: MIT url: version: v1 externalDocs: description: Find out more about MOTIS url: servers: - url: paths: /api/v1/one-to-many: get: tags: - geocode summary: | Street routing from one to many places or many to one. The order in the response array corresponds to the order of coordinates of the \`many\` parameter in the query. operationId: oneToMany parameters: - name: one in: query required: true description: geo location as latitude;longitude schema: type: string - name: many in: query required: true description: geo locations as latitude;longitude,latitude;longitude,... schema: type: array items: type: string - name: mode in: query required: true description: | routing profile to use (currently supported: \`WALK\`, \`BIKE\`, \`CAR\`) schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Mode' - name: max in: query required: true description: maximum travel time in seconds schema: type: number - name: maxMatchingDistance in: query required: true description: maximum matching distance in meters to match geo coordinates to the street network schema: type: number - name: arriveBy in: query required: true description: | true = many to one false = one to many schema: type: boolean responses: 200: description: | A list of durations. If no path was found, the object is empty. content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Duration' /api/v1/reverse-geocode: get: tags: - geocode summary: Translate coordinates to the closest address(es)/places/stops. operationId: reverseGeocode parameters: - name: place in: query required: true description: latitude, longitude in degrees schema: type: string responses: 200: description: A list of guesses to resolve the coordinates to a location content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Match' /api/v1/geocode: get: tags: - geocode summary: Autocompletion & geocoding that resolves user input addresses including coordinates operationId: geocode parameters: - name: text in: query required: true description: the (potentially partially typed) address to resolve schema: type: string - name: language in: query required: false description: | language tags as used in OpenStreetMap (usually ISO 639-1, or ISO 639-2 if there's no ISO 639-1) schema: type: string responses: 200: description: A list of guesses to resolve the text to a location content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Match' /api/v1/trip: get: tags: - timetable summary: Get a trip as itinerary operationId: trip parameters: - name: tripId in: query schema: type: string required: true description: trip identifier (e.g. from an itinerary leg or stop event) responses: 200: description: the requested trip as itinerary content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Itinerary' /api/v1/stoptimes: get: tags: - timetable summary: Get the next N departures or arrivals of a stop sorted by time operationId: stoptimes parameters: - name: stopId in: query schema: type: string required: true description: stop id of the stop to retrieve departures/arrivals for - name: time in: query required: false description: | Optional. Defaults to the current time. schema: type: string format: date-time - name: arriveBy in: query required: false schema: type: boolean default: false description: | Optional. Default is `false`. - `arriveBy=true`: the parameters `date` and `time` refer to the arrival time - `arriveBy=false`: the parameters `date` and `time` refer to the departure time - name: direction in: query required: false schema: type: string enum: - EARLIER - LATER description: | This parameter will be ignored in case `pageCursor` is set. Optional. Default is - `LATER` for `arriveBy=false` - `EARLIER` for `arriveBy=true` The response will contain the next `n` arrivals / departures in case `EARLIER` is selected and the previous `n` arrivals / departures if `LATER` is selected. - name: mode in: query schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Mode' default: - TRANSIT description: | Optional. Default is all transit modes. Only return arrivals/departures of the given modes. - name: n in: query schema: type: integer required: true description: the number of events - name: radius in: query schema: type: integer required: false description: | Optional. Radius in meters. Default is that only stop times of the parent of the stop itself and all stops with the same name (+ their child stops) are returned. If set, all stops at parent stations and their child stops in the specified radius are returned. - name: pageCursor in: query required: false description: | Use the cursor to go to the next "page" of stop times. Copy the cursor from the last response and keep the original request as is. This will enable you to search for stop times in the next or previous time-window. schema: type: string responses: 200: description: A list of guesses to resolve the text to a location content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - stopTimes - previousPageCursor - nextPageCursor properties: stopTimes: description: list of stop times type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StopTime' previousPageCursor: description: | Use the cursor to get the previous page of results. Insert the cursor into the request and post it to get the previous page. The previous page is a set of stop times BEFORE the first stop time in the result. type: string nextPageCursor: description: | Use the cursor to get the next page of results. Insert the cursor into the request and post it to get the next page. The next page is a set of stop times AFTER the last stop time in this result. type: string /api/v1/plan: get: tags: - routing summary: Computes optimal connections from one place to another. operationId: plan parameters: - name: fromPlace in: query required: true description: \`latitude,longitude,level\` tuple in degrees OR stop id schema: type: string - name: toPlace in: query required: true description: \`latitude,longitude,level\` tuple in degrees OR stop id schema: type: string - name: via in: query required: false description: | List of via stops to visit (only stop IDs, no coordinates allowed for now). Also see the optional parameter `viaMinimumStay` to set a set a minimum stay duration for each via stop. schema: type: array maxItems: 2 items: type: string explode: false - name: viaMinimumStay in: query required: false description: | Optional. If not set, the default is `0,0` - no stay required. For each `via` stop a minimum stay duration in minutes. The value `0` signals that it's allowed to stay in the same trip. This enables via stays without counting a transfer and can lead to better connections with less transfers. Transfer connections can still be found with `viaMinimumStay=0`. schema: default: [ 0, 0 ] type: array maxItems: 2 items: type: integer explode: false - name: time in: query required: false description: | Optional. Defaults to the current time. Departure time ($arriveBy=false) / arrival date ($arriveBy=true), schema: type: string format: date-time - name: maxTransfers in: query required: false description: | The maximum number of allowed transfers. If not provided, the routing uses the server-side default value which is hardcoded and very high to cover all use cases. *Warning*: Use with care. Setting this too low can lead to optimal (e.g. the fastest) journeys not being found. If this value is too low to reach the destination at all, it can lead to slow routing performance. schema: type: integer - name: maxTravelTime in: query required: false description: | The maximum travel time in minutes. If not provided, the routing to uses the value hardcoded in the server which is usually quite high. *Warning*: Use with care. Setting this too low can lead to optimal (e.g. the least transfers) journeys not being found. If this value is too low to reach the destination at all, it can lead to slow routing performance. schema: type: integer - name: minTransferTime in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is 0 minutes. Minimum transfer time for each transfer in minutes. schema: type: integer default: 0 - name: additionalTransferTime in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is 0 minutes. Additional transfer time reserved for each transfer in minutes. schema: type: integer default: 0 - name: transferTimeFactor in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is 1.0 Factor to multiply minimum required transfer times with. Values smaller than 1.0 are not supported. schema: type: number default: 1.0 - name: maxMatchingDistance in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is 25 meters. Maximum matching distance in meters to match geo coordinates to the street network. schema: type: number default: 25 - name: pedestrianProfile in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is `FOOT`. Accessibility profile to use for pedestrian routing in transfers between transit connections, on the first mile, and last mile. schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PedestrianProfile' default: FOOT - name: useRoutedTransfers in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is `false`. Whether to use transfers routed on OpenStreetMap data. schema: type: boolean default: false - name: detailedTransfers in: query required: true description: | - true: Compute transfer polylines and step instructions. - false: Only return basic information (start time, end time, duration) for transfers. schema: type: boolean default: true - name: transitModes in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is `TRANSIT` which allows all transit modes (no restriction). Allowed modes for the transit part. If empty, no transit connections will be computed. For example, this can be used to allow only `METRO,SUBWAY,TRAM`. schema: default: - TRANSIT type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Mode' explode: false - name: directModes in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is `WALK` which will compute walking routes as direct connections. Modes used for direction connections from start to destination without using transit. Results will be returned on the `direct` key. Note: Direct connections will only be returned on the first call. For paging calls, they can be omitted. Note: Transit connections that are slower than the fastest direct connection will not show up. This is being used as a cut-off during transit routing to speed up the search. To prevent this, it's possible to send two separate requests (one with only `transitModes` and one with only `directModes`). Only non-transit modes such as `WALK`, `BIKE`, `CAR`, `BIKE_SHARING`, etc. can be used. schema: default: - WALK type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Mode' explode: false - name: preTransitModes in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is `WALK`. Only applies if the `from` place is a coordinate (not a transit stop). Does not apply to direct connections (see `directModes`). A list of modes that are allowed to be used from the `from` coordinate to the first transit stop. Example: `WALK,BIKE_SHARING`. schema: default: - WALK type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Mode' explode: false - name: postTransitModes in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is `WALK`. Only applies if the `to` place is a coordinate (not a transit stop). Does not apply to direct connections (see `directModes`). A list of modes that are allowed to be used from the last transit stop to the `to` coordinate. Example: `WALK,BIKE_SHARING`. schema: default: - WALK type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Mode' explode: false - name: directRentalFormFactors in: query required: false description: | Experimental. Expect unannounced breaking changes (without version bumps). Optional. Only applies to direct connections. A list of vehicle type form factors that are allowed to be used for direct connections. If empty (the default), all form factors are allowed. Example: `BICYCLE,SCOOTER_STANDING`. schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RentalFormFactor' explode: false - name: preTransitRentalFormFactors in: query required: false description: | Experimental. Expect unannounced breaking changes (without version bumps). Optional. Only applies if the `from` place is a coordinate (not a transit stop). Does not apply to direct connections (see `directRentalFormFactors`). A list of vehicle type form factors that are allowed to be used from the `from` coordinate to the first transit stop. If empty (the default), all form factors are allowed. Example: `BICYCLE,SCOOTER_STANDING`. schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RentalFormFactor' explode: false - name: postTransitRentalFormFactors in: query required: false description: | Experimental. Expect unannounced breaking changes (without version bumps). Optional. Only applies if the `to` place is a coordinate (not a transit stop). Does not apply to direct connections (see `directRentalFormFactors`). A list of vehicle type form factors that are allowed to be used from the last transit stop to the `to` coordinate. If empty (the default), all form factors are allowed. Example: `BICYCLE,SCOOTER_STANDING`. schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RentalFormFactor' explode: false - name: directRentalPropulsionTypes in: query required: false description: | Experimental. Expect unannounced breaking changes (without version bumps). Optional. Only applies to direct connections. A list of vehicle type form factors that are allowed to be used for direct connections. If empty (the default), all propulsion types are allowed. Example: `HUMAN,ELECTRIC,ELECTRIC_ASSIST`. schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RentalPropulsionType' explode: false - name: preTransitRentalPropulsionTypes in: query required: false description: | Experimental. Expect unannounced breaking changes (without version bumps). Optional. Only applies if the `from` place is a coordinate (not a transit stop). Does not apply to direct connections (see `directRentalPropulsionTypes`). A list of vehicle propulsion types that are allowed to be used from the `from` coordinate to the first transit stop. If empty (the default), all propulsion types are allowed. Example: `HUMAN,ELECTRIC,ELECTRIC_ASSIST`. schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RentalPropulsionType' explode: false - name: postTransitRentalPropulsionTypes in: query required: false description: | Experimental. Expect unannounced breaking changes (without version bumps). Optional. Only applies if the `to` place is a coordinate (not a transit stop). Does not apply to direct connections (see `directRentalPropulsionTypes`). A list of vehicle propulsion types that are allowed to be used from the last transit stop to the `to` coordinate. If empty (the default), all propulsion types are allowed. Example: `HUMAN,ELECTRIC,ELECTRIC_ASSIST`. schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RentalPropulsionType' explode: false - name: directRentalProviders in: query required: false description: | Experimental. Expect unannounced breaking changes (without version bumps). Optional. Only applies to direct connections. A list of rental providers that are allowed to be used for direct connections. If empty (the default), all providers are allowed. schema: type: array items: type: string - name: preTransitRentalProviders in: query required: false description: | Experimental. Expect unannounced breaking changes (without version bumps). Optional. Only applies if the `from` place is a coordinate (not a transit stop). Does not apply to direct connections (see `directRentalProviders`). A list of rental providers that are allowed to be used from the `from` coordinate to the first transit stop. If empty (the default), all providers are allowed. schema: type: array items: type: string - name: postTransitRentalProviders in: query required: false description: | Experimental. Expect unannounced breaking changes (without version bumps). Optional. Only applies if the `to` place is a coordinate (not a transit stop). Does not apply to direct connections (see `directRentalProviders`). A list of rental providers that are allowed to be used from the last transit stop to the `to` coordinate. If empty (the default), all providers are allowed. schema: type: array items: type: string - name: numItineraries in: query required: false description: | The minimum number of itineraries to compute. This is only relevant if `timetableView=true`. The default value is 5. schema: type: integer default: 5 - name: pageCursor in: query required: false description: | Use the cursor to go to the next "page" of itineraries. Copy the cursor from the last response and keep the original request as is. This will enable you to search for itineraries in the next or previous time-window. schema: type: string - name: timetableView in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is `true`. Search for the best trip options within a time window. If true two itineraries are considered optimal if one is better on arrival time (earliest wins) and the other is better on departure time (latest wins). In combination with arriveBy this parameter cover the following use cases: `timetable=false` = waiting for the first transit departure/arrival is considered travel time: - `arriveBy=true`: event (e.g. a meeting) starts at 10:00 am, compute the best journeys that arrive by that time (maximizes departure time) - `arriveBy=false`: event (e.g. a meeting) ends at 11:00 am, compute the best journeys that depart after that time `timetable=true` = optimize "later departure" + "earlier arrival" and give all options over a time window: - `arriveBy=true`: the time window around `date` and `time` refers to the arrival time window - `arriveBy=false`: the time window around `date` and `time` refers to the departure time window schema: type: boolean default: true - name: arriveBy in: query required: false schema: type: boolean default: false description: | Optional. Default is `false`. - `arriveBy=true`: the parameters `date` and `time` refer to the arrival time - `arriveBy=false`: the parameters `date` and `time` refer to the departure time - name: searchWindow in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is 2 hours which is `7200`. The length of the search-window in seconds. Default value two hours. - `arriveBy=true`: number of seconds between the earliest departure time and latest departure time - `arriveBy=false`: number of seconds between the earliest arrival time and the latest arrival time schema: type: integer default: 7200 minimum: 0 - name: requireBikeTransport in: query required: false schema: type: boolean default: false description: | Optional. Default is `false`. If set to `true`, all used transit trips are required to allow bike carriage. - name: maxPreTransitTime in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is 15min which is `900`. Maximum time in seconds for the first street leg. schema: type: integer default: 900 minimum: 0 - name: maxPostTransitTime in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is 15min which is `900`. Maximum time in seconds for the last street leg. schema: type: integer default: 900 minimum: 0 - name: maxDirectTime in: query required: false description: | Optional. Default is 30min which is `1800`. Maximum time in seconds for direct connections. schema: type: integer default: 1800 minimum: 0 - name: fastestDirectFactor in: query required: false description: | Optional. Experimental. Default is `1.0`. Factor with which the duration of the fastest direct connection is multiplied. Values > 1.0 allow connections that are slower than the fastest direct connection to be found. schema: type: number default: 1.0 minimum: 0 - name: timeout in: query required: false description: Optional. Query timeout in seconds. schema: type: integer minimum: 0 - name: passengers in: query required: false description: Optional. Experimental. Number of passengers (e.g. for ODM or price calculation) schema: type: integer minimum: 1 - name: luggage in: query required: false description: | Optional. Experimental. Number of luggage pieces; base unit: airline cabin luggage (e.g. for ODM or price calculation) schema: type: integer minimum: 1 - name: withFares in: query required: false description: Optional. Experimental. If set to true, the response will contain fare information. schema: type: boolean default: false responses: '200': description: routing result content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - requestParameters - debugOutput - date - from - to - direct - itineraries - previousPageCursor - nextPageCursor properties: requestParameters: description: "the routing query" type: object additionalProperties: type: string debugOutput: description: "debug statistics" type: object additionalProperties: type: integer from: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Place' to: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Place' direct: description: | Direct trips by `WALK`, `BIKE`, `CAR`, etc. without time-dependency. The starting time (`arriveBy=false`) / arrival time (`arriveBy=true`) is always the queried `time` parameter (set to \"now\" if not set). But all `direct` connections are meant to be independent of absolute times. type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Itinerary' itineraries: description: list of itineraries type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Itinerary' previousPageCursor: description: | Use the cursor to get the previous page of results. Insert the cursor into the request and post it to get the previous page. The previous page is a set of itineraries departing BEFORE the first itinerary in the result for a depart after search. When using the default sort order the previous set of itineraries is inserted before the current result. type: string nextPageCursor: description: | Use the cursor to get the next page of results. Insert the cursor into the request and post it to get the next page. The next page is a set of itineraries departing AFTER the last itinerary in this result. type: string /api/v1/map/trips: get: tags: - map operationId: trips summary: | Given a area frame (box defined by top right and bottom left corner) and a time frame, it returns all trips and their respective shapes that operate in this area + time frame. Trips are filtered by zoom level. On low zoom levels, only long distance trains will be shown while on high zoom levels, also metros, buses and trams will be returned. parameters: - name: zoom in: query required: true description: current zoom level schema: type: number - name: min in: query required: true description: latitude,longitude pair of the lower right coordinate schema: type: string - name: max in: query required: true description: latitude,longitude pair of the upper left coordinate schema: type: string - name: startTime in: query required: true description: start of the time window schema: type: string format: date-time - name: endTime in: query required: true description: end if the time window schema: type: string format: date-time responses: '200': description: a list of trips content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TripSegment' /api/v1/map/initial: get: tags: - map operationId: initial summary: initial location to view the map at after loading based on where public transport should be visible responses: '200': description: latitude, longitude and zoom level to set the map to content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - lat - lon - zoom properties: lat: description: latitude type: number lon: description: longitude type: number zoom: description: zoom level type: number /api/v1/map/stops: get: tags: - map summary: Get all stops for a map section operationId: stops parameters: - name: min in: query required: true description: latitude,longitude pair of the lower right coordinate schema: type: string - name: max in: query required: true description: latitude,longitude pair of the upper left coordinate schema: type: string responses: '200': description: array of stop places in the selected map section content: application/json: schema: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Place' /api/v1/map/levels: get: tags: - map summary: Get all available levels for a map section operationId: levels parameters: - name: min in: query required: true description: latitude,longitude pair of the lower right coordinate schema: type: string - name: max in: query required: true description: latitude,longitude pair of the upper left coordinate schema: type: string responses: '200': description: array of available levels content: application/json: schema: type: array items: type: number /api/debug/footpaths: get: tags: - debug summary: Prints all footpaths of a timetable location (track, bus stop, etc.) operationId: footpaths parameters: - name: id in: query required: true description: location id schema: type: string responses: '200': description: list of outgoing footpaths of this location content: application/json: schema: type: object required: - place - footpaths properties: place: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Place' footpaths: description: all outgoing footpaths of this location type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Footpath' components: schemas: Duration: description: Object containing duration if a path was found or none if no path was found type: object properties: duration: type: number description: duration in seconds if a path was found, otherwise missing Area: description: Administrative area type: object required: - name - adminLevel - matched properties: name: type: string description: Name of the area adminLevel: type: number description: | [OpenStreetMap `admin_level`]( of the area matched: type: boolean description: Whether this area was matched by the input text default: type: boolean description: Whether this area should be displayed as default area (area with admin level closest 7) Token: description: Matched token range (from index, length) type: array minItems: 2 maxItems: 2 items: type: number Match: description: GeoCoding match type: object required: - type - name - id - lat - lon - tokens - areas - score properties: type: description: location type type: string enum: - ADDRESS - PLACE - STOP tokens: description: list of non-overlapping tokens that were matched type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Token' name: description: name of the location (transit stop / PoI / address) type: string id: description: unique ID of the location type: string lat: description: latitude type: number lon: description: longitude type: number level: description: | level according to OpenStreetMap (at the moment only for public transport) type: number street: description: street name type: string houseNumber: description: house number type: string zip: description: zip code type: string areas: description: list of areas type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Area' score: description: score according to the internal scoring system (the scoring algorithm might change in the future) type: number PedestrianProfile: description: Different accessibility profiles for pedestrians. type: string enum: - FOOT - WHEELCHAIR Mode: description: | # Street modes - `WALK` - `BIKE` - `RENTAL` Experimental. Expect unannounced breaking changes (without version bumps). - `CAR` - `CAR_PARKING` - `ODM` # Transit modes - `TRANSIT`: translates to `RAIL,SUBWAY,TRAM,BUS,FERRY,AIRPLANE,COACH` - `TRAM`: trams - `SUBWAY`: subway trains - `FERRY`: ferries - `AIRPLANE`: airline flights - `BUS`: short distance buses (does not include `COACH`) - `COACH`: long distance buses (does not include `BUS`) - `RAIL`: translates to `HIGHSPEED_RAIL,LONG_DISTANCE_RAIL,NIGHT_RAIL,REGIONAL_RAIL,REGIONAL_FAST_RAIL` - `METRO`: metro trains - `HIGHSPEED_RAIL`: long distance high speed trains (e.g. TGV) - `LONG_DISTANCE`: long distance inter city trains - `NIGHT_RAIL`: long distance night trains - `REGIONAL_FAST_RAIL`: regional express routes that skip low traffic stops to be faster - `REGIONAL_RAIL`: regional train type: string enum: # === Street === - WALK - BIKE - RENTAL - CAR - CAR_PARKING - ODM # === Transit === - TRANSIT - TRAM - SUBWAY - FERRY - AIRPLANE - METRO - BUS - COACH - RAIL - HIGHSPEED_RAIL - LONG_DISTANCE - NIGHT_RAIL - REGIONAL_FAST_RAIL - REGIONAL_RAIL - OTHER VertexType: type: string description: | - `NORMAL` - latitude / longitude coordinate or address - `BIKESHARE` - bike sharing station - `TRANSIT` - transit stop enum: - NORMAL - BIKESHARE - TRANSIT Place: type: object required: - name - lat - lon - level properties: name: description: name of the transit stop / PoI / address type: string stopId: description: The ID of the stop. This is often something that users don't care about. type: string lat: description: latitude type: number lon: description: longitude type: number level: description: level according to OpenStreetMap type: number arrival: description: arrival time type: string format: date-time departure: description: departure time type: string format: date-time scheduledArrival: description: scheduled arrival time type: string format: date-time scheduledDeparture: description: scheduled departure time type: string format: date-time scheduledTrack: description: scheduled track from the static schedule timetable dataset type: string track: description: | The current track/platform information, updated with real-time updates if available. Can be missing if neither real-time updates nor the schedule timetable contains track information. type: string vertexType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/VertexType' StopTime: description: departure or arrival event at a stop type: object required: - place - mode - realTime - headsign - agencyId - agencyName - agencyUrl - tripId - routeShortName - source properties: place: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Place' description: information about the stop place and time mode: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Mode' description: Transport mode for this leg realTime: description: Whether there is real-time data about this leg type: boolean headsign: description: | For transit legs, the headsign of the bus or train being used. For non-transit legs, null type: string agencyId: type: string agencyName: type: string agencyUrl: type: string routeColor: type: string routeTextColor: type: string tripId: type: string routeShortName: type: string source: description: Filename and line number where this trip is from type: string TripInfo: description: trip id and name type: object required: - tripId - routeShortName properties: tripId: description: trip ID (dataset trip id prefixed with the dataset tag) type: string routeShortName: description: trip display name type: string TripSegment: description: trip segment between two stops to show a trip on a map type: object required: - trips - mode - distance - from - to - departure - arrival - scheduledArrival - scheduledDeparture - realTime - polyline properties: trips: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TripInfo' routeColor: type: string mode: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Mode' description: Transport mode for this leg distance: type: number description: distance in meters from: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Place' to: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Place' departure: description: departure time type: string format: date-time arrival: description: arrival time type: string format: date-time scheduledDeparture: description: scheduled departure time type: string format: date-time scheduledArrival: description: scheduled arrival time type: string format: date-time realTime: description: Whether there is real-time data about this leg type: boolean polyline: description: Google polyline encoded coordinate sequence (with precision 7) where the trip travels on this segment. type: string Direction: type: string enum: - DEPART - HARD_LEFT - LEFT - SLIGHTLY_LEFT - CONTINUE - SLIGHTLY_RIGHT - RIGHT - HARD_RIGHT - CIRCLE_CLOCKWISE - CIRCLE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE - STAIRS - ELEVATOR - UTURN_LEFT - UTURN_RIGHT EncodedPolyline: type: object required: - points - length properties: points: description: The encoded points of the polyline using the Google polyline encoding with precision 7. type: string length: description: The number of points in the string type: integer StepInstruction: type: object required: - fromLevel - toLevel - polyline - relativeDirection - distance - streetName - exit - stayOn - area properties: relativeDirection: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Direction' distance: description: The distance in meters that this step takes. type: number fromLevel: description: level where this segment starts, based on OpenStreetMap data type: number toLevel: description: level where this segment starts, based on OpenStreetMap data type: number osmWay: description: OpenStreetMap way index type: integer polyline: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EncodedPolyline' streetName: description: The name of the street. type: string exit: description: | Not implemented! When exiting a highway or traffic circle, the exit name/number. type: string stayOn: description: | Not implemented! Indicates whether or not a street changes direction at an intersection. type: boolean area: description: | Not implemented! This step is on an open area, such as a plaza or train platform, and thus the directions should say something like "cross" type: boolean RentalFormFactor: type: string enum: - BICYCLE - CARGO_BICYCLE - CAR - MOPED - SCOOTER_STANDING - SCOOTER_SEATED - OTHER RentalPropulsionType: type: string enum: - HUMAN - ELECTRIC_ASSIST - ELECTRIC - COMBUSTION - COMBUSTION_DIESEL - HYBRID - PLUG_IN_HYBRID - HYDROGEN_FUEL_CELL RentalReturnConstraint: type: string enum: - NONE - ANY_STATION - ROUNDTRIP_STATION Rental: description: Vehicle rental type: object required: - systemId properties: systemId: type: string description: Vehicle share system ID systemName: type: string description: Vehicle share system name url: type: string description: URL of the vehicle share system stationName: type: string description: Name of the station fromStationName: type: string description: Name of the station where the vehicle is picked up (empty for free floating vehicles) toStationName: type: string description: Name of the station where the vehicle is returned (empty for free floating vehicles) rentalUriAndroid: type: string description: Rental URI for Android (deep link to the specific station or vehicle) rentalUriIOS: type: string description: Rental URI for iOS (deep link to the specific station or vehicle) rentalUriWeb: type: string description: Rental URI for web (deep link to the specific station or vehicle) formFactor: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RentalFormFactor' propulsionType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RentalPropulsionType' returnConstraint: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RentalReturnConstraint' Leg: type: object required: - mode - startTime - endTime - scheduledStartTime - scheduledEndTime - realTime - duration - from - to - legGeometry properties: mode: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Mode' description: Transport mode for this leg from: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Place' to: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Place' duration: description: | Leg duration in seconds If leg is footpath: The footpath duration is derived from the default footpath duration using the query parameters `transferTimeFactor` and `additionalTransferTime` as follows: `leg.duration = defaultDuration * transferTimeFactor + additionalTransferTime.` In case the defaultDuration is needed, it can be calculated by `defaultDuration = (leg.duration - additionalTransferTime) / transferTimeFactor`. Note that the default values are `transferTimeFactor = 1` and `additionalTransferTime = 0` in case they are not explicitly provided in the query. type: integer startTime: type: string format: date-time description: leg departure time endTime: type: string format: date-time description: leg arrival time scheduledStartTime: type: string format: date-time description: scheduled leg departure time scheduledEndTime: type: string format: date-time description: scheduled leg arrival time realTime: description: Whether there is real-time data about this leg type: boolean distance: description: For non-transit legs the distance traveled while traversing this leg in meters. type: number interlineWithPreviousLeg: description: For transit legs, if the rider should stay on the vehicle as it changes route names. type: boolean headsign: description: | For transit legs, the headsign of the bus or train being used. For non-transit legs, null type: string routeColor: type: string routeTextColor: type: string routeType: type: string agencyName: type: string agencyUrl: type: string agencyId: type: string tripId: type: string routeShortName: type: string source: description: Filename and line number where this trip is from type: string intermediateStops: description: | For transit legs, intermediate stops between the Place where the leg originates and the Place where the leg ends. For non-transit legs, null. type: array items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Place" legGeometry: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EncodedPolyline' steps: description: | A series of turn by turn instructions used for walking, biking and driving. type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StepInstruction' rental: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Rental' fareTransferIndex: type: integer description: | Index into `Itinerary.fareTransfers` array to identify which fare transfer this leg belongs to effectiveFareLegIndex: type: integer description: | Index into the `Itinerary.fareTransfers[fareTransferIndex].effectiveFareLegProducts` array to identify which effective fare leg this itinerary leg belongs to RiderCategory: type: object required: - riderCategoryName - isDefaultFareCategory properties: riderCategoryName: description: Rider category name as displayed to the rider. type: string isDefaultFareCategory: description: Specifies if this category should be considered the default (i.e. the main category displayed to riders). type: boolean eligibilityUrl: description: URL to a web page providing detailed information about the rider category and/or its eligibility criteria. type: string FareMediaType: type: string enum: [ "NONE", "PAPER_TICKET", "TRANSIT_CARD", "CONTACTLESS_EMV", "MOBILE_APP" ] enumDescriptions: NONE: No fare media involved (e.g., cash payment) PAPER_TICKET: Physical paper ticket TRANSIT_CARD: Physical transit card with stored value CONTACTLESS_EMV: cEMV (contactless payment) MOBILE_APP: Mobile app with virtual transit cards/passes FareMedia: type: object required: - fareMediaType properties: fareMediaName: description: Name of the fare media. Required for transit cards and mobile apps. type: string fareMediaType: description: The type of fare media. $ref: '#/components/schemas/FareMediaType' FareProduct: type: object required: - name - amount - currency properties: name: description: The name of the fare product as displayed to riders. type: string amount: description: The cost of the fare product. May be negative to represent transfer discounts. May be zero to represent a fare product that is free. type: number currency: description: ISO 4217 currency code. The currency of the cost of the fare product. type: string riderCategory: $ref: '#/components/schemas/RiderCategory' media: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FareMedia' FareTransferRule: type: string enum: - A_AB - A_AB_B - AB FareTransfer: type: object description: | The concept is derived from: Terminology: - **Leg**: An itinerary leg as described by the `Leg` type of this API description. - **Effective Fare Leg**: Itinerary legs can be joined together to form one *effective fare leg*. - **Fare Transfer**: A fare transfer groups two or more effective fare legs. - **A** is the first *effective fare leg* of potentially multiple consecutive legs contained in a fare transfer - **B** is any *effective fare leg* following the first *effective fare leg* in this transfer - **AB** are all changes between *effective fare legs* contained in this transfer The fare transfer rule is used to derive the final set of products of the itinerary legs contained in this transfer: - A_AB means that any product from the first effective fare leg combined with the product attached to the transfer itself (AB) which can be empty (= free). Note that all subsequent effective fare leg products need to be ignored in this case. - A_AB_B mean that a product for each effective fare leg needs to be purchased in a addition to the product attached to the transfer itself (AB) which can be empty (= free) - AB only the transfer product itself has to be purchased. Note that all fare products attached to the contained effective fare legs need to be ignored in this case. An itinerary `Leg` references the index of the fare transfer and the index of the effective fare leg in this transfer it belongs to. required: - effectiveFareLegProducts properties: rule: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FareTransferRule' transferProduct: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FareProduct' effectiveFareLegProducts: description: | Lists all valid fare products for the effective fare legs. This is an `array<array<FareProduct>>` where the inner array lists all possible fare products that would cover this effective fare leg. Each "effective fare leg" can have multiple options for adult/child/weekly/monthly/day/one-way tickets etc. You can see the outer array as AND (you need one ticket for each effective fare leg (`A_AB_B`), the first effective fare leg (`A_AB`) or no fare leg at all but only the transfer product (`AB`) and the inner array as OR (you can choose which ticket to buy) type: array items: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FareProduct' Itinerary: type: object required: - duration - startTime - endTime - transfers - legs properties: duration: description: journey duration in seconds type: integer startTime: type: string format: date-time description: journey departure time endTime: type: string format: date-time description: journey arrival time transfers: type: integer description: The number of transfers this trip has. legs: description: Journey legs type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Leg' fareTransfers: description: Fare information type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/FareTransfer' Footpath: description: footpath from one location to another type: object required: - to properties: to: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Place' default: type: number description: | optional; missing if the GTFS did not contain a footpath footpath duration in minutes according to GTFS (+heuristics) foot: type: number description: | optional; missing if no path was found (timetable / osr) footpath duration in minutes for the foot profile footRouted: type: number description: | optional; missing if no path was found with foot routing footpath duration in minutes for the foot profile wheelchair: type: number description: | optional; missing if no path was found with the wheelchair profile footpath duration in minutes for the wheelchair profile wheelchairUsesElevator: type: boolean description: | optional; missing if no path was found with the wheelchair profile true if the wheelchair path uses an elevator