#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import doorpi.metadata as metadata import os import urllib2 def parse_string(raw_string): for meta_key in dir(metadata): if not meta_key.startswith('__'): raw_string = raw_string.replace('!!%s!!' % meta_key, str(getattr(metadata, meta_key))) return raw_string def create_daemon_file(): print("start to create daemon file now...") print("start download and parse new daemon file:") print("URL: "+metadata.daemon_online_template) print("FILE: "+metadata.daemon_file) with open(metadata.daemon_file, "w") as daemon_file: for line in urllib2.urlopen(metadata.daemon_online_template): daemon_file.write(parse_string(line)) print("download successfully - change chmod to 0755 now") os.chmod(metadata.daemon_file, 0755) print "finished" if __name__ == '__main__': create_daemon_file()